Does Kentucky football have a quarterback battle ahead of the 2024 season? | Kentucky Podcast

Intro does Kentucky have more of a quarterback battle than people are really discussing that is going to be the conversation on today's episode of the Wildcats Today podcast I'm your host Andrew fiac riter and editor over at Kentucky Wildcats on SI joined as always by my co-host Carson Nash hit UPA dun cam you're that way and special guest knower of all things ball dressed as if he just left a funeral Big Mike Dirty Mike Michael Collins is here and we're GNA break down little Kentucky football today so fellas here's the question and we'll start with Carson and we then we'll hear from Mike and then I'll uh I'll obviously drop some knowledge on everybody but there's been some serious building hype around Gavin whims hat and am I buying it I don't know and that's going to be the Are we buying the hype conversation today are we buying the hype that we've seen over the last few days few weeks so Carson tell us first are you buying into this hype what are your thoughts on ky's quarterback situation well right now I'm kind of torn okay because those those highlights that they posted from the open practice Gavin looked really good he looked really fast he looked comfortable thrown on the Run uh he was also helped out by his receivers some uh Fred fer made a really nice play on the ball um and he's been a stand out at practice too yeah but uh I really don't know I think I think this team hits it ceiling if Brock can be the best quarterback um but I think if not then Gavin might be a secret weapon we could go to because he brings that speed that most PE most quarterbacks don't have so it's a different weapon that you could use and I wouldn't even be surprised if Bush throws them both in there at sometimes he's been he's been talking about it to the media uh two system two quarterback system would be interesting uh be I don't know if I love that but we can see how it goes Mike thoughts yeah so I really think that it's Brock's job to lose and we're gonna have like this QB battle in the media for the next few weeks until the season starts and then you know Brock's going to start unless something crazy happens and if he plays well then like Carson said we'll be the best we can be if he's playing well now if something were to happen or if he's not playing well we're loaded at the quarterback I mean not like completely loaded but we have good options um Gavin whet he uh his highlights were super exciting to look into and um I mean I'm not too worried about quarterback it's just like we can talk all we want and that's why we're doing this podcast today is we want to talk about well maybe maybe it's not as of a much of a lock for Brock as we think it might be lock for Brock is lit for Brock that was awesome I know that you like wrote that down and you're like I gotta work this in somehow during this Spiel i g you know things like that just come to me I was you know I got the uh roster set up over here and I was just looking at I looked over at Brock and lock had already entered into my mind so I just like lock for Brock it's not necessarily a lock for Brock Andrew already determined his nickname was the red rocket so little it's a little boring and we've already had we' had Andy Dalton the red Brocket oh that is awesome okay that is awesome all right yeah that might be the one the red Brocket I'm gonna put that in an article like right now see if we can that's pretty good yeah I'm your word Smith over here why you have me on every few months yeah we need to get down on tshirt The backup quarterback right now those would sell okay but my thoughts on this I'm not buying it I'm not buying it I think as fans all fans do this of every team in every sport the backup quarterback I mean you know it's I mean the backup quarterback it it we all we all love the backup quarterback you know what I mean everybody loves the backup quarterback especially when you're starter isn't maybe playing great or maybe you see some highlights I think it's just a fan thing I think people love the backup quarterback we've all done it you know mean every fan you at one point in your life has been man this this backup quarterback can play watch out week five you never know we've all said something like that in our lifetime um Gavin whim said is a huge huge addition to this roster I love what he can do with his legs he can move was he great throwing the ball last year at Ruckers no he was not he was he was completion was not great he was kind of he was kind of okay wasn't wasn't awful wasn't great he was okay he's looked great throwing the ball so far which is cool to see he's also a Kentucky kid which we love that um quarterback room is just filled with Kentucky guys we got our goat Bo Allen we've got cutter Bley and now we've got Gavin limat so I mean we're just we're full of Kentucky kids which is awesome yeah you was great at throwing the football last year who Bo Allen at tlon state that qbr disgusting quarterback rating 142. three find another qban they want us doing that yeah yeah good luck challeng you that that's our goat we are we will we always have been and always will be a Bo Allen Podcast remember that but um no I mean here's the deal Brock Vandergriff is a really good quarterback and I'm so serious I want everybody to to check I want them I want us I want us all to check ourselves I want us all to go huh maybe we are getting excited by the backup quarterback we've all done it at one point Brock fander there's been a lot of highlights of great throws from him too you know what I mean we've heard a lot of good things about Brock coach dups has talked to the media and gone up and said great things he's our guy we believe in him we trust him I um I mean here's the deal last year when Devon lirry wasn't great Kentucky didn't have what they have in this quarterback room that's the reality you know there's options now there are genuine options in this room and they're rolling with Brock Vandergriff I think he's going to start um so I think if you want to have this conversation has to be more in week four could we see something happen to me that's the conversation I don't think he beats him out in the next 25 days but I I think Brock Vander Griff me at Georgia he was behind STS and Bennett and then Beck I mean those are great quarterbacks so I mean y'all tell Carson Vandergriff me this this what I don't know what moving off of whims we'll get back to him in a minute on to Vandergriff what about Brock Vander Griff gets y'all excited for this season Mike will let you go first since we let Professor uh Nash go first last time as yeah I've got a few other names for him after this weekend but uh anyway Brock vrff he's exciting because the unknown I mean obviously we've watched his high school highlights and yeah know he comes in at the end of games every now and then for Georgia or did um so for me the exciting part is the unknown I kind of throw that back to the big Z podcast that I was on and we were super excited about because all we had was these highlights and you know he turned out all right and he's gone now but it's the unknown and you can really hype somebody up by that and it can you can hype them up too much or you know you can stand them up to this High expectation that you want them to be at and they end up being that so just that excitement factor for me is the unknown and the hope that he's going to be really good and he's a bigger guy I mean kind of reminds me of will Lis he's not that tall but seems like he could could be that Gunslinger type quarterback it's a great comp you know I'll let you go C but that the Levis is a great comp based on Levis didn't do much at Penn State he he comes over where we all go who's Will Lis who is this this guy and now he's awesome he's getting ready to start for the Titans like this stuff happens so Carson Vandergriff thoughts what gets you excited yeah I mean he was a five star one that gets me excited there's not many of those in the country uh so physically had he had to do something right um I think he has a strong arm uh he's a he's a bigger guy right uh yeah Will Levis is a good comp and we're all thinking that because he was a backup in Georgia Levis was a backup at Penn State they both didn't work out there um but what I really like about Brock is he's mobile so Kentucky last year struggled because our offensive line play wasn't up to par and ly couldn't get out of the pocket because he wasn't mobile but Brock has the ability to lengthen plays instead of just getting sacked on every touch um and that's what excites me uh because he can he can throw in the run and the the balls that he throws are are they're on a zip like they're they're no joke um so that gets me excited he can he can see over the line he's not going to get the ball batted down like lry did all year last year it seems um so yeah and you mix them in in the Run game a little bit too and that opens another pathway for offense and success so uh yeah Brock's got me excited I I I don't think I think you're right Andrew I think four games is right where they'll tell um I think if Brock is playing up to up to speed and the offensive line play is good and everything's going right he'll be our guy if uh we need a little different different setting uh maybe we go Gavin whims um but I think Brock's going to be the guy I'm I'm excited because I think Brock could be really good this year and maybe move on and then whimet learns uh because they both have two years whimet learns under him and then maybe explodes his senior season um and then cutter follows him so I I really like this quarterback room uh it's really exciting stuff I will add one more thing that you kind of reminded me of Carson when you were saying that whimet would learn under Brock U Brock Vandergriff learned under Stetson Bennett who we all know is like 45 years old by now but uh he was an inexperienced college quarterback great game manager right and you see that in the NFL quite often with the Green Bay Packers recently with Aaron Rogers I had to bring it up um but you know that experience uh to show a quarterback that's backing up them um can really prove to do well yeah now I want to ask you a question Carson because I think you said something that was a little bit wild and I when you say Patrick Mahomes that he is mobile okay let me ask are you saying I want to ask I'm Gonna Give You tears of mobile are we talking like the Big Ben like it's hard to sack him but he's not gonna really go anywhere or we talking I would say like a Patrick Mahomes mobile where it's not gonna blow you away it's not gonna blow you away but he can extend plays to make it to where it's harder for the defense to game plan for him and if he's got green grass will take it that's fair I thought you were getting ready to talk me into him being like Josh Allen and or Lamar Jackson I be like okay now come on now no no no no I'm not saying that I'm just saying to extend plays because ly it seem couldn't even extend plays yes that's no yeah no question no question that's a fair that's a fair comp I like that because the escapability if there's green grass will take it but he's not looking to run yeah he's looking to throw but if there's there's grass he's gonna take it so I got a narrative which to me it's wild that this hasn't been discussed and it's almost like it just hit me now Georgia's coming to town you know he was the guy he's a five-star quarterback recruited to Georgia never got the time of day there anybody is anybody is anybody biting this storyline for me this is the year that Stoops finally gets his Georgia dub come on come on he snagged him he snagged him a Georgia quarterback he said Kirby I'm coming I'll never I'm now you are not gonna hear me predict Kentucky to be Georgia that's I probably wouldn't do that either but I do think I'm serious like these are the little things like I can't believe that's not being discussed more than it is I think that it will be it will be though it will be but it should be now I mean after after we beat South Carolina it'll it'll be a bigger story is that week four right South Carolina's week Georgia game's week four isn't it Georgia's week three go Southern Miss South Carolina South Carina then Georgia that's right I mean you're telling me I don't know I'm not I'm not saying kuy's gonna win that game if it was in Athens we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now but it's in Kroger field it'd be a good it' be a good birthday pres for Mr stanc it would be but that's my but do you see what I'm getting like do anybody is anybody Gonna Take debate on this why is this not being discussed More Than This these are the things that you hear after the well I guess it's what is it what are we now all ABC now instead of I don't even want to get into that that just makes me mad but the whole like I mean can you not just see Kentucky somehow winning this football game and this is more this is a this is a hypothetical narrative I'm not saying I think they're going to win but then it just and Brock van Griff takes down Schedule Kirby Smart his old team he played 37 total snaps in seven years and you know what I mean like can't like I can just see that that Nar I can see that like happening like that's just the things that happen in college sports and that would be that'd be the biggest win in Kentucky football history would you say probably the what I'd say so I mean cause you win that game your schedule sets up nicer than it did in ' 07 when they beat LSU at home yeah um which I that's the only one I would compare to it but I I think if you win that game you have a chance to do something you haven't done yeah so so Mike I'm gonna ask you this because you know Carson I broke down the season as a whole what are your thought I like how do you feel top to bottom about this team how do you feel about the schedule what do you think the record is this year um well I I'll start with the negative and then go to the positive okay think at worst we go six and six and that's you know like a lot of injuries and yeah you're just dealing with a whole bunch of BS and all that kind of stuff and at best either nine or three nine and three and then I mean 10 and two is like a miracle as if we're just everybody's clicking I mean we have the receiving 10 and two is if you beat Georgia and like you go I mean I don't know you gotta win a game you gotta win two games no one thinks in the world you're going to win basically right right exactly and that's just like a miracle I think realistically nine and three is the ceiling but you never really know you can get excited and talk about how you could maybe win and then Georgia comes down and beat you by 50 you know that's just Sports and that's how we're we do um I'd say eight and four is my prediction um Vegas Vegas has it at like seven or six and a half or something like that I think it's seven and a half or six and a half they normally do half and a I'm pretty sure it's six and a half because Vegas Vegas favors Vegas favors Louisville over us they they have some games that maybe I would be like eh I don't know about that one yeah I don't I think I think if it's six and a half uh yeah I think it's gonna be over six and we might put some some motion on that there might be some motion but I mean I really think that nine and three is a ceiling because you got Texas Tennessee and Georgia I mean those are all going to be super tough games if if you win one of those we're you still have the chance of Kentucky football pooping one later yeah yeah you lose you lose to South Carolina week two for no reason if that happens uh basketball season's on the Poke train baby come on I mean I'll tell you this though and I'm just GNA keep piling it on you know it's a Tuesday I'm feeling pretty good good can you imagine how Kentucky vs Georgia awesome a Kentucky win over and I once again l i not saying it's gonna happen but how awesome 7:30 kick that I I'll time are you kidding me like that I just can we like let's just talk it into the universe everybody just say Kentucky's gonna beat Georgia just say it to yourself while you're watching right now and let's make this happen because we need this I mean man we need this we deserve this I guess we did go to the colge 409 I think it was like 04 I remember we got a game 194 06 was 066 I thought it was an 09 around there was 09 I feel like it was around there I think maybe it was maybe did Joker beat Georgia once I think we I think we beat him two no it was rich Brooks was rich Brooks so it might have been 0708 Georgia had that period where they were super mid but Kentucky was awful so like made triumphs the awful I think it was 06 because it wasn't it may have been Andre Woodson but it wasn't the Andre Woodson year where we were we beat LSU and Louisville or I think trevard Lindley made a game stealing interception in that game I'm pretty sure yeah we I mean we were all what six or we were young yeah we were young I remember going over myg friend's house watching it they were so mad yeah but I mean I'm trying to think of like so okay let me ask you this give me a percentage a percentage so we're gonna do we all agree Brock fander Griff is the week one starter does anyone have any Mike are you in you you're cool with that okay what would you say the percentage chance not based on injury based on play we see Gavin whims this season Carson go ahead like as the starting quarterback right not like the percentage chance that he takes over at some point in the season I was gonna say they run QB system then you'll see him more than you think um but as as the starting guy I would say 25% yeah I'm cool with that Mike repeat the question sorry I was looking something up so well Georgia and Kentucky it was 2009 and 2006 were the last two okay both right kind of right yeah Ball noers but yeah repeat the question well so what I was saying is what is the percentage chance that not based on injury which means Brock Vandergriff is playing poorly do you think Gavin whims hat takes over as the starting quarterback this year because of poor play out of Brock not injury anything like that what would you say the percentage chance that happening is probably Carson was pretty close I'd say like 20% 25% I mean it would really take some poor play obviously and with with no injury involved it's hard to even tell like what poor play is because even Levis you know Levis was better in his first year but he was dealing with what that foot injury all his second year his second year yeah he was hurt his leg was hurt and they wouldn't let him run so it handicapped him a little bit right um so even like little injuries like that it's hard to tell so I mean if there's no injuries involved I'd say He he'll be the starter no doubt yeah I mean I think I am all in on that right there with you and I think if you're a Kentucky fan and you're answering that question at home you want to say a low number you want to be saying 20% 15% 10% Final Thoughts you don't want to be saying um you don't want to be saying 45% you just don't want that if you are a Kentucky fan and you want to see Kentucky succeed this season you don't want to see another quarterback unless it's obviously in um packages you know what I mean and then and then that makes sense but I think that if you are a fan of Kentucky football you want Brock fander to be the guy week one through week 15 is that how many it would take to go all the way through the 12 team playoff I think it's 16 now there you go but point being that so uh but no I'll let y'all wrap up your thoughts but I mean to wrap up mine I I don't think that Gavin's gonna in any way overtake um Brock over the next two three weeks I don't think it's G to happen I think Brock's the quarterback and I'll tell you this I think Brock's the quarterback the whole season I think he's going to have a really good year I think he is all I've heard about him is that he's the the classic first guy in last guy out I know it's cliche but but I still take away a lot from that when your teammates are saying that about you that means something um I think he's he's a he's a really hard worker and I think he's gonna be ky's quarterback this year and I think he's gonna surprise some people so that that's my final thoughts might give us some final thoughts here on on the quarterback stuff ladies and gentlemen it's officially August y the college football season starts at the end of the month I got that little itch the other day where I was like all right it's it's coming on it's still hot outside but you know leaves are going to start falling soon that brisk morning with college game day is going to start and we're gonna be back to where we want to be watching college football and you heard it here first the red Brocket he is going to be our starter and well as far as we know but um I'm excited about it and I think we're GNA we're going to do well this year Carson yeah uh I agree I think uh yeah I think the red Brocket as Mike love it came up with that's pretty awesome um I think he'll be our starter throughout the whole season um I think I think he'll have a good season and I mean like I said though I think Gavin will play some uh I think they will throw the two QB mix in just to get a little swi show the defense something a little different that maybe they haven't seen before um which is exciting stuff too but I had one more thing for you guys how many players would you guess on the team would make First Team all SEC after this season um defense or offense def both yeah say like all teams or just first team we can do all teams that's fair all teams I'll say uh between three to five cuz you expect uh Deon Walker yeah and Deon Walker Baran Brown will be somewhere in there um and be wild Maxwell Harrison there'll be a wild card in there I'm sure somebody will but I wanted to mention this earlier is like our wide receiver core it's fairly similar to last year I think it's gotten better I think right so that'll help out the quarterback system as well and yeah because they've said in Camp that jamori Macklin and Fred frier have been standouts so ml's a dog he alongside barion and danne that's that gets you excited because you have four weapons they gotta play better this year both of them though both Dane and barion need to play better this year I think more more D than Baron but they gotta I'm ready to watch Baron Brown return another 109 yard kick off come on yeah you need to take the first one of the year to the crib that be oh that would be awesome remember when boom Williams first play a scrimmage that one season Williams I do 75 yards first play that was exciting oh my gosh but I mean no I think that I'm what we need what we need is that first day of like 58 that's what we need 58 degrees we need that I mean it's like I literally I went out my car today and almost passed out it is too damn hot today I I've had enough of this it is awes was that was that your entire outside experience today was you walking out no I did something oh I had to go get silverware from my mom oh yeah that's right I did leave the house today did that um but it is 92 out right now and that's just not going to play coach but all right well special thanks to Big Mike for showing up today yeah we're Mike will be back for some football conversations you know a little bit um and once again I mean hey if you need fantasy football advice he's the last person I'd call he did he did just say it he he made the playoffs over Andrew I made the playoffs too I also made the playoff in the playoffs it was the loser bracket of fifth and sixth place and Andrew sadley came in six does anyone know who won that League all right that's going to do it for today we will see yall next time won twice we've already had enough this you're not winning this year just know that right nowe I no no no no you're not no you're not well I'll be back for a basketball preview yes that maybe football here and there we're gonna have to PR we're gonna have to just convince thousands of Kentucky fans why kck's gonna beat Georgia which we're gonna find a way we're gonna find a way two going into that game Kentucky will get up for Mike Mike what's the okay I do have one last question um okay out of Georgia Texas Old Miss easiest game out of three of those who do you think we have the best chance of beating I'll throw Tennessee in there too why not the tough part about that is like Georgia is the only one at home I'd probably say all Miss just because I would too yeah I think I would pick all Miss as well Tennessee I it's ever win there what you want to know where those teams are ranked in the coaches poll because I have it right here where coach Georgia one Texas four and Miss six so we're really in a great spot Kentucky I think Kentucky has like a top five strength of schedule yeah Tennessee's 15 but how many times has almost been ranked in the top like 12 to start the season and then they finish the season eight and four I mean they're going to be a good team I'm all I'm telling you I'm in not all Miss I really am but but I'm I'm also in on those other teams to where I just I don't think Kentucky's be able to go to Tennessee and win I think Georg is the hardest out of all those games and it's at home that's the funny that is true I think that Tennessee is more beatable is the most beatable of those teams but Kentucky just can't beat him it's like you gotta beat them you gotta prove you can beat him with hypo you gotta prove you can do it right I think 75 84 that's going to be the range and yeah anything more than that America anything less than that I wouldn't say six and six is a disaster but like it's pretty close to what happens if what happens if we don't make a bowl game I don't think that'd be like if you're hanging on to a cliff and somebody just took a sledgehammer and just Wham yeah that's a really good exactly what yeah it would feel that way it would feel that way no question all right well that is going to do it for today's episode of the wild cats Today podcast if you haven't already hit that subscribe button helps the show a ton hit the thumbs up button and the notification bell all that stuff helps a lot really appreciate y'all okay rera dunk gam one more time for Mike before we call it a day like I said appreciate y'all hope everyone has an outstanding rest of their day today and we will see y'all on Thursday right here on the wild cats today po

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