LIVE: The PAC-12 Lives: Adding 4 MWC Teams & Week 3 Wrap-Up | GSMC College Football Podcast

[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome in everyone to another edition of the gsmc college football podcast brought to you by the gsmc sports network I your host as always Tommy Bree it is Friday September 13th around here and we have a great show for you today a little bit of a chiller day on the side of review or previewing games this upcoming weekend so let's get you updated on a lot of the news going on we have the Pack 12 it does live we have a couple of teams joining the Pack 12 and a couple coup years and we have to talk about what's going to happen after that after that so we'll get into all of that today in the first segment then we'll get to a week three whip around we'll get to all the games that we haven't gotten to throughout the week just touch on them pretty quickly including the one that happened last night that was a ton of fun and then we'll get into my Best Bets for this upcoming weekend went five and three last week so off to a pretty good start we'll see what how we can uh continue that and then we'll do a little bit of a recruiting update have not done this in quite some time but with the season going on there's been a lot of recruitments here eating up a lot of guys taking visits and I want to make sure that I have that on yall's radar and then we'll finish it up with a little bit of a headline wrap up we had some stuff going on with chirome Moore in Michigan as well as a couple of former Michigan players suing the NCAA as well as Big 10 Network so plenty to get to today but before we jump in I do want to remind you all we get tons of questions and comments throughout the show and the best way for you all to get your question on the screen we can have a fun back and forth here is to use that super chat at the bottom of the chat on the uh Sports Network page page great way for you all to get involved in the show want this to be as interactive as possible so utilize that super chat if you would like and also the gsmc podcast. net page is still up and running if you would like to utilize that so either of those work Super Chat tends to be a little bit easier but if you want to use the website that is up and running as usual but let's go ahead and jump into this oh my good goodness I apologize for the placement of that but let's go jump into this uh Pack 12 News there is so much stuff going on around realignment but the the Pack 12 does live we have gotten the Pack 12 back at least for the time being it sounds like we are getting four teams added to the Pack 12 um Boise State San Diego State Colorado State and Fresno State are going to join the Pack 12 in 2026 it sound this would announced yesterday by the pack 12 and now we got to figure out what comes next but let's get into the details of this real quickly obviously they got to pay for this they're going to have to pay uh the Mountain West I believe around one uh $113 million throughout this contract if they want to get these guys out of their contract just a little bit early it's going to cost something like 14 million per team and then you have a little bit of an extra fee because of how quickly it's happening so they're going to use that little bit of a war chest they've built up from the other 10 teams leaving the Pack 12 to pay this debt uh and it'll be really really interesting to watch all of this unfold and I think one of the big things here is obviously they got the four teams that they needed when you talk about the Mountain West those four teams are comfortably the biggest teams in that conference they're comfortably the best teams in that conference but when you look at the grand scheme of things they still have to get to eight for the NCAA to really recognize them as a conference so we'll have to see how this kind of develops over time but at the end of the day I think uh in the ACCC is someone Anthony that uh is going to have to think about this you know there are a lot of teams that are looking at the door and they're going to have to think about some alternative measures I suppose and we'll talk about kind of a couple of teams that could come into the freight for the Pack 12 if the ACC starts to struggle but as of right now it seems like everything's kind of cooled down on the ACC front so we'll see what happens I think Clemson and Florida State are finding their way out I just think it might take a little bit longer than we once thought but getting into these four teams obviously Boise state is the team that you would want Boise state has been a part of the F fabric of college football for quite some time and has a great athletic department as a whole is going to be a great Edition and likely was the number one on this list if I had to imagine for the Pack 12 and then you had Colorado State another great option gives you a little bit more of a you know Colorado presence which is lovely you have a Pack 12 versus Big 12 rivalry with Colorado so definitely helps that as well so it's going to be a really uh fun addition I think that's a team that definitely adds a lot to this and I think it's one of those that likely might have been on the chopping block if they could get UNLV into the room but it sounds like that's not going or it sounds like that might be a little bit harder to happen at least in the short term but we'll get to that here in a second um and then you got San Diego State this is one of the most consistent products in terms of athletic department in the entirety of the Mountain West they have a solid football program well at least it has been in the past the basketball program obviously is coming off a really remarkable run to the final four and a lot of different things going on around there that this is a absolute no-brainer of a decision frankly and then he have Fresno State one of the most consistent products in the world of college football especially at the G5 level this is a layup as well this is probably the other team that was at the very top of the list so definitely a very good addition I think all four of these teams make a lot of sense in the Pack 12 keeps kind of that Regional feel to the Pack 12 that I very much want to stti stick around and we'll get to that here in a second but there's a lot of different things about these four teams that just add so much to the Pack 12 and add you know keep them back in the conversation which is what we all want at the end of the day to keep that pack 12 after dark going and make sure it's really really fun matchups um so I think um you know Anthony it's a it's definitely out there conspiracy theory there's no doubt about that I think Jim Phillips is one of those guys that has a lot of stuff surrounding him pretty much at all times in college football just because he's bounced around so many different times it'll be interesting to see how that lays out because as of right now if you're picking anyone that is setting their sights on the ACC it would be the Big 10 right they're definitely looking at them as possibly someone that they can kind of rip to Pieces once they uh go you know over the deep end and a lot of these teams end up leaving they would be the ones to jump after UNCC and Virginia and a lot of the other teams so it's one of those things that the Big 10 is definitely the conference that is pushing the hardest against the ACC it feels like right now so who knows I'll leave it at that as of right now it's one of those things that I think at the end of the day the big TW the Big 10 and the SEC is just going to take what's handed to them and if they have to you know push the ACC off the cliff just a little bit to get some of those teams I wouldn't necessarily say that's out of the realm of possibility um but as for the Pack 12 they got to find a couple other teams they have to find a couple of teams that are going to make a difference in this new uh world as they get to eight teams and for me UNLV is where the conversation starts and this kind of adds a interesting conversation to the mix because the reality is UNLV and Nevada are both in the Mountain West and they're kind of tied to each other there's a world where UNLV can join the Pack 12 and they probably would have in this uh iteration of expansion but the reality is if Nevada doesn't go then UNLV pretty much cannot go as of right now now there is still plenty of time to figure that out and I would have to imagine that if they want to figure it out uh hard enough they absolutely will I feel pretty confident about that but the reality is you still have to figure out how to split these two up or you bring both of them along and that kind of brings me to the question of who else is on that group who else is in the UNLV group of things and how do you kind of view this uh group that they could possibly and it's a lot of different teams you know Memphis two lane UTSA are all American teams and I've talked about this before very briefly when we talked about this yesterday but uh I don't think it would be all that easy to get a team out of the American and into the Pack 12 I do think the Pack 12 has that you know emblem has that logo has all of that stuff but it's hard for me to say that teams would be better off in the Pack 12 than they would be in the um AAC so it's one of those things that I wouldn't necessarily think is all that on the table now one of the big time debates in here is what happens with the cfp if the Pack 12 gets more involved maybe they have an agreement on the table they did agree to that cfp very very easily and it's not very kind to them right about now so the question is what if they get to those eight teams and then they're involved in the auto bid system that would be a huge reason for Memphis or tlane or UTSA to find their way over and then from the pack 12's perspective you want to expand a little bit right regionality is pretty much gone in this sport so it's about making as much money as you can and I think UTSA bringing that Texas Market over or you could add Texas State who had had a great game yesterday we'll talk about here in a second but overall I think you want to add different sites you want to add different hubs and I think they could go down to Florida add someone like USF there's a million different possibilities here but the reality is I think as it stands right this second I can't tell you that the American is a worse place to hang out than the Pack 12 uh if the cfp stuff changes then then we're having a real conversation but as of right now I think Memphis 2 Lane and UTSA are plenty happy where they are but then you have K and Stanford the two ACC teams that used to be packed 12 teams and I think this would happen in the case that we were talking about Anthony in the case of possibly these disbanding or the ACC kind of crumbling around itself and those teams just looking for a home I think that's probably the reality where you'd see this cuz it's going to cost way too much money to get them out of their contract right about now so this is kind of like a if K and Stanford are available I expect them to be in the Pack 12 but as of right now I don't expect them to be available until the end of that deal but we'll see what happens obviously definitely a lot of things that could go wrong or could go right in that scenario for uh the Pack 12 and we'll see but overall I think that one's a little bit further on in the future and then you get to the West Coast teams UNLV Air Force Wyoming New Mexico a lot of these teams that would be very good fits I think I would start with UNLV obviously I think think New Mexico would be a great pick I think Air Force would also be a great pick and if they're not getting picked up by the pack 12 I expect them to find another group of five conference relatively quickly honestly a fairly good product and one that is getting better every single year but my picks would be Nevada and UNLV and that's a little bit selfish I won't lie to you because I want this to be a Regional Conference I want this to be that last hope for keeping regionality in the sport so I'd love them to add the two Nevada teams and keep moving forward that way I don't feel necessarily great about both those things happening I think UNLV is a real possibility down the road I think right now Nevada is very far from what the Pack 12 wants but I think Anthony when you talk about uh NDSU and South Dakota State the issue is there's a such a large gap that is really hard to see on the football field obviously just because how good those teams are there's a relatively huge gap between those teams financially and teams like Boise State teams like Fresno State teams like San Diego State so as good as those products are from a athletic department standpoint they're not going to bring in quite enough money from the media standpoint for you to really justify bringing them in so as great as that would be and as frankly as fun as that would be for me I think it's one of those things that is going to be a little bit harder to do if they were to join the FBS and then build up over a couple of years then I think it's a real possibility but as of now I think the finances are just a little bit too far from where the Pack 12 wants to be but overall I mean incredible job by the Pack 12 Mountain West got to figure out what they do from here because there's a real reality where they just you know disintegrate into Oblivion after this because they're losing their four biggest brands and I wouldn't be surprised if a couple other went with them so it's going to be really tough for the Mountain West huge shout out to the Pack 12 and their uh commissioner Teresa ghoul she took over a very tough situation when George klive walked off in did an incredible job of rebuilding this conference putting them in a position to succeed and finally hitting the jackpot adding a couple of teams that are going to be huge hu uh huge uh entities going forward but you got to get two more teams and then you got to find a media deal going to be very very tough to do that but if you can find a media deal that hits around 15 million per school around that number you might just be uh dubbed as a power five program and have more of a power in those cfp discussions so it's one of those things that they got their four teams they've got the ball rolling there is still so much work to go for the Pack 12 they have to figure out you know who they're adding next how they're getting to eight teams then they got to figure out how they're getting a media deal then they got to figure out a lot of other stuff in terms of the playoffs so this is a great start no two ways about that the Pack 12 has obviously gotten a start that they very much needed in this realignment world and they came back from the dead in a lot of ways that I thought they were kind of done and those two schools were just going to look for anything they could at this point that doesn't seem to be the case they're officially on the map again and we'll see what those next two teams are and we'll see if it's enough to give them enough power in those cfp discussions but it's one of those things um Anthony I think that's a a very interesting concept I think there is a conference out there that will take that form I think as many of them are trying to avoid that for as long as possible and that will be a very interesting conversation as the house settlement and everything gets put into place and more and more bills come on the table for these guys but as of right now you have so many great money makers that are outside the Olympic sports space that it's going to be really hard to sell a lot of these big conferences on it now if you go a little bit further down then maybe you'll find someone that's a little bit less inclined to give up that money for football and put more into the Olympic sports and frankly I think that'd be kind of a really cool concept just to see how that would unfold but we'll uh finish it off there for that segment definitely going to be an interesting thing to watch and we'll keep you updated on all of the stuff as you need to know it but let's take our first break here and when we come back we're going to do a little bit of a week three whip around we've gotten to a lot of games this week but haven't quite gotten to all of the ones I want to so we'll touch on all of those right after this so stick with [Music] us everybody in the world blind please Lord give me a [Music] a I feel like I'm my mindbody in the world by please Lord give me a a I want to be the greatest everybody on the face I look around I feel like everybody is the fakest I'm make this every day and I'm impatient hoping one day I blow up from the basement St the top is so bacon I don't need that I think is amazing waiting for my day when I'm playing sold out shows for A Thousand Faces hey give me that Crown getting my way and be put down it Ain your place all this my town if I want that then I'll get it right now I'm losing it the NewsiT I'm lose your a stupid myth you choose to live or choose to dip you choose to fight or lose your grip and lose a gift I feel like I'm losing my mind everybody in the world please Lord give me a [Music] a I feel like I'm Los [Music] my alrighty welcome back everyone we just talked about the Pack 12 adding four teams from the Mountain West a couple of really really good teams in there Boise State Fresno State San Diego State and Colorado State all states over there so it's going to be really interesting to watch that but got to add a couple more teams we will keep you updated as they do cuz sounds like that's going to happen relatively quickly but let's get to a little bit of a week three uh wrapup there are so many different games that we have not gotten a chance to get to and want to make sure that we touch on them before Saturday gets around and I want to start with one that happened actually yesterday Arizona State edges out Texas uh state in this one by three points this one was really fun in the first half it was back and forth we had a 217 lead in Texas State's Direction and then Arizona State came uh roaring back Sam levit played a very pretty first half tied this game at 21-21 going into halftime and then really Arizona State's defense took over they were incredible the rest of this game outscored uh Texas State about 24 to7 was doing the math really quickly there uh toward throughout the rest of this game and they did a really good job on the other side of things they held cam scatter a very talented Arizona State running back 24 carries 62 yards he did get in the end zone twice and showed up when they needed it down the stretch but the reality is if you're keeping that guy to those type of numbers you're likely doing your job defensively so I was really impressed with Texas State I think they're a team that is going to have plenty to say about that group of five bid into the playoff Jordan McLoud had 265 four touchdowns and then an inop a not great timing pick at the very end of the game but overall I think this is one of those that it just came down to the end of the game and the power five team had more at their disposal uh the game ended with a fumble an interception and a turnover on Downs for Texas state so not the way that you wanted to do it but a huge win for Arizona State and they have already tied their win total from last year so huge respect to Kenny Dillingham and getting those boys ready to roll and now they head into conference play and they see if they can Shock the World by being voted the worst team in this conference to being voted the best we'll see what happens with them but obviously a great start in a big time win in Marcos yesterday I wanted to touch on this one very quickly cuz this is insane they played six-minute rolling quarters in the fourth quarter uh for this one because it got so ugly but South Alabama only didn't score on one drive in this game and it was a misfield goal so it could have been 90 to 10 but the reality is this was an absolute beat toown just ridiculous what South Alabama did to them but one of those things that you see early on in the season every now and then I feel like North uh western state has been on the wrong side of this a couple of times this year but a big time win for South Alabama obviously and their first win of the season um let's get into Memphis at Florida State we've talked about this one a little bit throughout the week but this one's going to get really interesting Florida State's favored by six and a half points right now and the reality is this one needs to be a message sender there's no other reality where Florida State can live in if they fall on this game because if they fall on this game there's so many different things that have to happen around that program that are not going to happen overnight that are going to take time like turning more of your attention away from the portal and towards High School recruiting like overhauling a lot of that roster especially with some of the Defenders that are going to be leaving this off season you're going to have a lot to replace in that uh defensive room as well as that offense that frankly you probably want to replace a lot of that offense but the reality is there's going to be so many different things that they're going to have to fix and if you start 0 and three especially with the loss to a G5 team there's going to be a lot of recruits that are looking elsewhere and there are already recruits looking elsewhere that we'll talk about out here in a second or in a couple of segments but overall I think when you look at this game the quarterback Advantage goes to Memphis Seth Hanigan has been nearly perfect throughout this year 42 for 60 469 yards three touchdowns through two games and no ints which is the big- time difference between him and DJ he is not going to put the ball into Harm's Way he's going to make the right decision and then just go about the business he's very comfortable in this offense and it really does show and then Mario Anderson a South Carolina transfer who you might not know about too much but he was huge for that South Carolina offense down the stretch of last season and he's a really good player one of those guys that frankly could be playing on Florida State right about now but decided to go to Memphis and it's one of those things that if I'm looking at this game objectively from a football perspective I'm having a hard time leaning towards Florida State but the reality is they have to win this game and they have to know that they have to know that the going into this game the defense is going to have to play Lights Out the offense is going to have to pick their moments and have to get some somewhat of a run game going I just you have to assume Florida state gets this one done but as of right now I would not touch this game in terms of betting it because I would lean at Memphis if I was just using my football brain but when you bring all of the other stuff into it I feel like it has to be Florida State um but we'll see what happens if it's not Florida State then we're having a very interesting conversation on Monday I can almost promise you that but let's get into Cincinnati at Miami of Ohio cuz this is going to be a really fun matchup this is one that could really help the G5 when it comes to playoff implications cuz this is a Miami of Ohio team that very much has their eyes set on the ma title I think they're the best team in the Mac although what we saw from Northern Illinois a week ago I still think Miami of Ohio is the more solid team and they're coming off a really tough offensive game against Northwestern in week one but then they had a little bit of a buy which was very very weird this early in the season but they're going to be fully ready to go um Brett Gabbert is a very solid quarterback in this offense has done a great job yes blank Gabbert's brother if you're wondering but a very talented oh excuse me a very talented kid and someone that definitely can make some stuff happen I think Cincy is f coming off a really devastating loss to pit that was just terrible in that fourth quarter pit came back from I believe at least 14 down to win that game and they're just looking for a win Brendan sorby has been all right through a couple of games but has not been necessarily what they hoped and they did get Dante Corleone back last week which is absolutely huge great to see him back on the field one of the best defensive tackles in the entire country I think I'd lean Cincinnati here but this one's going to be really close I think Miami of Ohio has every ability to win this game and if they do then we're definitely talking about them in the cfp picture that's for sure and then you got Notre Dame heading over to Purdue this is one of those games that a lot of people have been talking about this one as okay Notre Dame can roll in they can get a quick win and they can go back to business I'm not sure that's going to be that easy I don't think Purdue is all that great of a team necessarily and I don't necessarily think they're going to compete for the Big 10 but you look at that offense it can roll and they also had a buy last week they had a week one game where Hudson card had one incompletion and four touchdowns and then they got to sit and they got to wait for this game and it's one of those things that Notre Dame has to go to their house now so it's it's one of those places that you would assume Notre Dame could get right you would assume that Notre Dame could get in the win column and keep moving on about their year this is not a Purdue team that's going to hand you a lot of stuff and Ryan Walters in his second year seems to be a lot more comfortable in this offense it seems like Hudson card is a lot more comfortable calling this offense from the line so there's a lot of different things going in puru Direction but I think Notre Dame can win I think this one's going to be downright gross if I'm being totally honest with you I think this one's going to be a little bit you know Chippy at times a little bit run heavy for sure but I do think Notre Dame gets it done I just think this one is really really tough for them and one of those that if it goes the wrong direction and their season falls off a cliff very very quickly West Virginia going over to pit is a very interesting one this line opened at five uh minus 5 a half towards West Virginia's Direction so a lot of people going Pit's Direction after that incredible win over ciny I tend to believe they're a little bit overreacting if I'm being honest I do like Eli hly Stein the quarterback came off a really great performance a week ago Canada mfield is someone to watch in this game really talented wide receiver and is going to be a tough cover for just about anyone in the country but this is one of those games that I think West Virginia is still a really good team I think they played not so great football in week one against Penn State but I think they're one of those teams that is going to find themselves throughout the year and I think this is one of those games where a lot of people are overreacting to the week that just happened and I think uh West Virginia is going to respond and get a big time win here if I had to imagine but going to be a tough fight very fun to watch but I'm going to lean West Virginia in this one Indiana going over to UCLA is the first weird Big 10 matchup we get Indiana heading all the way down to LA to play a game and it's going to be just fascinating to watch this unfold cuz we're going to see it a ton of times throughout the year and throughout the next couple of years with UCLA and USC and it's one of those games that you look at it on paper Indiana has the better team they have so many different things going for them in this game and I think UCLA is coming off a bye actually um where they had or because they had a very ugly week one win against Hawaii but overall I think this is an Indiana team that is going to be ready to go I think Curtis RoR is a very solid quarterback for them and Elijah Sarat or as he calls himself Waffle House because he's open 247 I think is going to be a really fun team throughout the year I think Indiana kind of rolls in this one if I'm being honest I don't love this UCLA team and I think they still have tons to figure out before they can really get rolling Colorado Colorado state is one that everyone is going to be locked into a super fun game and one of those that I just cannot wait to see unfold because it's going to get heated I can absolutely promise you that when you look around the country you find all of the teams that just outright hate each other this is one of the ones on the short list because we saw what happened a year ago they do not like each other Tory Horton and Brandon Fowler Bren Fowler and niosi were talking a little Trash earlier on this week about uh how they should have killed uh Colorado last year did not happen so it's going to be a very very fun game uh in Fort Collins this upcoming weekend Colorado obviously has struggled through a couple of weeks has not looked as clean as you want but Colorado state has not looked very clean and Tory Horton is kind of nursing a little bit of an injury if he's not ready to go then it's going to be very interesting to watch this one unfold this is absolutely has to go Colorado's Direction I talked about it yesterday but this is where we learn just so much about what Colorado is under Dion Sanders and I think they got to get it done I do like them in this one I think Colorado state is a little bit more clunky than people have uh kind of want to believe going into this game obviously a lot of Colorado haters in particular but overall I think this is one of those games that Colorado's just got to be able to handle business they're going to be able to score I can almost promise you that but it's going to be really fun to watch this one I'm going to lean Colorado but definitely going to be locked into this one at 7:30 on Saturday and then finally UCF going to TCU this is a really fun game UCF heading over to Fort Worth for their first Big 12 game of the year and this one's going to get really interesting this line has bounced kind of all over the place but it's stayed within one point pretty much the entire time so this is going to be a very very fun game I think it's going to be a little bit back and forth UCF has obviously been eating on the ground with that running back Duo and KJ Jefferson but have missed the mark through the air as KJ Jefferson has done in the past so it's one of those things where they're likely going to have to find a pass game throughout this conference play if they're really going to want to make some noise and it's going to have to start on Saturday likely I think TCU is cruising right along they're playing really solid football and I think Josh Hoover is a lot more comfortable in this offense in year two I think cam cook as well is a lot more comfortable so I think TCU gets this one I think it's going to be really really fun really close game but overall I do like TCU to steal that one in Fort Worth but a lot of really fun games this upcoming weekend I think there's a number that I haven't even touched on that probably will be the game of the week because I don't think I touched on Northern Illinois Notre Dame going into last week so it's going to be really fun to watch this one unfold but let's take our second break here and when we come back we're going to get into my Best Bets for the week we've gotten through all of the games let's get into what I think is going to happen and went 5 and three last week so hopefully we can keep that rolling this week so we'll do that right after this so stick with us looking for your daily fix of sports talk without having to pay for it gsmc Sports network is available on YouTube just search gsmc sports network get your fix of daily Sports talk shows on YouTube absolutely free NFL college football NBA MLB MMA UFC fantasy football and so much more gsmc Sports network has shows running all day long with new sports shows starting every 2 hours just like on your favorite Cable Sports channel except gsmc Sports network is absolutely free just search gsmc Sports Network on YouTube to catch one of your new favorite shows like the gsmc college football podcast Chip Shot football podcast hoops and heels women's sports podcast gsmc basketball podcast and so many more check it out for yourself gsmc Sports Network now available on YouTube absolutely free search gsmc Sports Network on YouTube right now alrighty welcome back everyone we just talked about some of the other games that we hadn't got a chance to get to throughout the week definitely some really fun ones including Colorado State Colorado and UCF heading over to Fort Worth to face off against TCU a a couple of really fun ones to finish off your Saturday there but let's get into to the best bets that I have for today and there are a couple that I feel pretty good about in this bunch and I feel weird about feeling really good about them frankly if I'm being honest but let's get into this a couple of them that I think are going to be really solid and this is one of them this is a game that is very interesting because neither of these teams have looked all that explosive on offense Arizona looked great in the first game but when you're playing New Mexico a lot of things can go right offensively I do think in the second game both these teams looked a little bit clunky they had didn't really necessarily get what they wanted to get going on the offensive side of the ball and I think it's added some questions to this game about how good these teams are which team needs to get it going which team needs to really turn that corner as they head into Big 12 play this is not a big 12 game just a reminder this is an out-of-conference game because everything is out of whack this year so this is an out- of conference game right about now so going to be really interesting to watch this one on full but I think the biggest thing for me here is Kansas state has to use Avery Johnson's legs in the first week Devon dampier who is a downright special athlete but is right up there with Avery Johnson he had over a 100 yards with his legs and I think that's something that Kansas state has not unlocked through thus far throughout this year and they just have to on Saturday there's no world where they're going to be able to compete in the uh Big 12 if they're not able to get that run game going with Avery Johnson involved so I expect that to be a bigger part of the offense and then as for Arizona T Lane had wide receivers running free last week against Kansas State there were so many wide openen receivers that got tons after the catch there's no T-Mac on the two-lane roster there is only one T-Mac in the entire country and he's downright terrifying I think Arizona has every ability to score on this Kansas offense but on this Kansas defense and I think on the other side Kansas is just going to be too multiple I think Arizona has a couple of really good players but the reality is if you can avoid tario Davis and Jacob Manu on that defense you're going to have a lot of success just the reality so I think both these teams kind of find something a little bit on the offensive side of the ball in this game I did pick Kansas State to win this game but it's going to be a really fun one tonight cannot wait for this one but I do think we're going to see some fireworks we're going to see both these offenses that are so much fun put up some points for us on tonight's game I do like Alabama against this pretty big spread and I think this is one of those games that a lot of people are looking at in terms of what Alabama did last week they're saying Alabama came out shaky they let a couple of game on the on the back end looked a little bit shaky at times there were a lot of issues with the way they went about business against USF and no argument here by any means Wisconsin has looked 10 times worse there has been two games this year where they've beaten two very much inferior opponents by 14 points have not scored more than 28 points in both those games I don't think this offense is going to be able to get much of anything going against Kane wix's defense and then I think this is one of those games also that Wisconsin's going to have to hit big plays Tyler van djk has to play a nearly perfect game on Saturday if they're going to have a shot to win and he's going to have to hit shots downfield and that's not necessarily what he do does all that well and it's not it's absolutely not what this offense does well so even when Alabama gives them those openings to go deep I don't think they have the ability to uh to exploit them now in a couple of weeks ug absolutely will have the ability but for right now it feels like Alabama is one of those teams that I think a lot of people are picking against them because of what they saw from them but aren't necessarily addressing what they saw from Wisconsin I think this team is very far from their where they want to be in Madison and I think they take full advantage of that especially jayen milro on the ground I think he's going to have a huge effect on this game and I think it's just one of those that I know 16's a big number I know Alabama heading up North is a very interesting proposition but this Wisconsin team has so many questions on offense that I'm not even sure if they're going to be able to score on this Alabama defense at least not consistently and then on the other side you have so many explosive players that could make that one big play that I just think Alabama's going to be able to pull away late this one or even early in this one and then hold on to a lead I like North Texas to cover the spread against Texas Tech and I think this is one of those games where if Texas Tech can't stop anyone defensively if they're just going to be a team that's going to be able to essentially whatever you want to do on offense you're going to be able to do it against Texas Tech they're not going to be able to blow out any team on their schedule I believe the over under for this game is near 70 so it's not like they're expecting a lot of Defense in this game and I think it's one of those that you have Chandler Morris on the other sideline for North Texas who obviously has bounced around a little bit but he's played power four football he's played Big 12 Football at a very high level and he's one of those guys that has over 700 passing yards through two weeks number two in the country right now he's going to be able to take advantage of this Texas Tech back end and then I think Texas Tech is going to be able to score but the reality is they gave up 51 points to abalene Christian in week one gave up 37 to uh Washington State in week two I don't think it's going to get all that prettier with North Texas I understand North Texas is not necessarily the greatest team in the world they're better than abalene Christian and they can definitely spread the ball out a little bit more often so I think this one is very very close I do think Texas Tech likely gets it done but it's one of those teams right now that I don't know if I can say anything confidently about that Texas Tech Team particularly that defense right about now so I expect a really fun game over there in lck and cannot wait to see this one unfold I do like Boston College plus the points against Missouri this is one that I've seen a lot of people go the other direction on I just don't know what this Missouri team is yet I still have my worries about that defense being able to bounce back the way that they need to after all of the losses they had a year ago they have a lot of really really talented players and they're playing really high level football right about now but I think Thomas casanas can cause just enough problems I don't think it has to be necessarily anything crazy for this Boston College team I don't think they have to score 45 points or 30 points to stay in this like this but I do think they have to at least hit a couple of big plays and I think it's going to be nearly impossible to keep Thomas casos under wraps for the entire four quarters so it's one of those where Missouri's been able to win their games pretty comfortably and frankly I think at the end of the day this one will look relatively comfortable but I do think it's one of those that Missouri could come out a little bit slow maybe Boston colge to that first touchdown on the board and then Missouri's fighting back from a 23o deficit rather than a 16 point so it's going to be really interesting to watch this one unfold I do think Missouri is a really really good team I just think this is the first game where they're really being tested I don't think it's crazy to think they come a little bit slow out of the gates Boston College gets a couple of touchdowns maybe a touchdown in the field goal on the board and then you have a little bit of breathing room in this pick so a lot of people go in the other direction expecting Missouri to blow him out and that is definitely a possibility in this game but I think Boston College is playing really confident football and I would pick the uh the golden eagles in this one at least to cover that spread of 16 I love West Virginia to cover the spread against pit this is one of those games that I think pit is coming off an emotional comeback Victory against Cincinnati so many people are riding high off that performance and are pushing into this pit kind of narrative I just don't think this is all that great of a team and I don't think Cincinnati is all that great of a team frankly so I think this is one of those games where a lot of people are overreacting to the first couple of weeks West Virginia did not look good in the first week there's no doubt about that but I do think they got to make a point in this one I think they want to prove that first of all they can beat a a team in the state of Pennsylvania would be nice but the reality is I do think getting this win would really uh Kickstart them into the Big 12 and I just still think this is a really good team I still think this is a team that has every ability to compete in the Big 12 and I think Garr green is definitely is going into this game knowing that he's going to have to really perform uh this line went from five and a half in West Virginia's favor all the way down to two so I think this is going to be a really fun game but I think people are overreacting to that line a little bit and I think West Virginia it definitely covers that spread of two points I love TCU against U UCF and it's one of those that I feel a little bit nervous about I won't lie with all of the talent on the U uh U UCF side I think this is one of those that is going to be just ridiculous to watch frankly on Saturday night but TCU was a half-point favorite uh when this line open now it's flipped to U uh UCF minus one and it's going to be a really fun game I don't think there's any reality where one of these teams blows the other out but as I'm saying that that's probably what's going to happen frankly but it's going to be a really fun game I think TCU is kind of finding themselves I think last year was obviously not the year that they wanted to have but Josh Hoover is back for his second year cam cook is healthy finally so they're so much more dangerous on that offensive side of the ball than they were a year ago Jack bash is making a ton of plays at wide receiver I think is a really solid team and I think I think U UCF is a solid team I don't think they going to have the pass game to be able to confuse this TCU defense enough I think they're going to have to run the ball and at a certain point TCU is just going to sell out to stop you it's not necessarily going to be easy to stop UCF but I think they can get just enough to get this one done and I do like TCU in this game quite a bit I think TCU gets this one done and uh starts UCF on a very bad note for the Big 12 and maybe gives themselves a little bit of a hope going into the Big 12 schedule this is one I absolutely love I think this is an absolute layup if I'm being totally honest and just as as surely as I'm saying that it's going to be about 10 to 7 on Saturday in this one but this is one of those that I think when you look at what Auburn did a week ago there's so many people worried about that offense so many people worried about what Payton Thorne is the thing is New Mexico gave up 61 points to Arizona in week one and Arizona does have the best receiver of the bunch in T-Mac but Auburn might have the next three when you talk about the Freshman wide receivers Keandre Lambert Smith there's going to be too many guys for New Mexico to keep track of so there's a reality where Auburn hits this by themselves I think they could go absolutely crazy on the offensive side of the ball and let a lot of fans feel a little bit better about Payton Thorne under Center and then on the other side I think Devon dampier is just too hard to keep track of I think this alurn defense is really solid and is going to be able to play good defense but the reality is when you have an athlete on that other side of the ball I think he's going to be able to score enough points I I think this is one of those games that maybe Auburn wins it like 50 to 14 or something like that it's going to be likely a blowout One Direction but I think New Mexico scores enough and I think Auburn just goes to work on this New Mexico defense frankly but really fun game definitely one that if you want to see points I would tune into this one for sure and then finally Colorado State Colorado I think this one goes over this is one I'm a little bit worried about but when I look at both these defenses I think Colorado state is just all over the place especially with speed uh wide receivers like Texas had Colorado has a lot of those speed wide receivers so keeping track of all those guys is going to be incredibly tough for them to do I think shadir Sanders is coming into this one with a little bit more energy than he normally has I think he really wants to win this one especially after the performance he had last week I think it's going to be really tough for that Colorado defense without Shiloh Sanders on that back end to just keep everything intact he's really one of the few relatively solid tacklers in that back into that defense so not having him back there is just going to let these Colorado State wide receivers run essentially free Colorado state has not necessarily been all that clean on offense but there's very few people that are not clean on offense against Colorado so I tend to believe that they're going to be able to get at least enough going to make this one fun I think there is a little bit of a back and forth game and there's a lot of intensity in this one but I think we're going to see plenty of points as well I think it's going to be really fun really up and down and I do think Colorado gets the win but Colorado State's going to hang around I can almost promise you but that'll do it for that segment we'll move on here to uh a little bit of a recruiting update after this break we'll get into all of that there's been so much stuff happening since the season started and just wanted to make sure you guys were fully updated before we went to another little bit of a dark period with recruiting so we'll update you on all of that right after this so stick with us for the best and latest podcasts available anywhere go to the podcast app on your cell phone and type in gsmc to access free content-rich podcasts on health and wellness book reviews Sports entertainment relationships social media movies technology finance and even weird news subscribe and download the gsmc podcast Network's family of shows available everywhere podcasts are found all righty welcome back everyone we just talked about some of my Best Bets for this upcoming weekend I am 5 and three through one week of the well one week of me doing this throughout the season so little bit of a heater right now we'll see if we can keep that going this upcoming weekend but a little bit of a recruiting update I don't know why all my uh lower thirds are messed up apologies for that but recruiting has been going absolutely crazy all over the country but the biggest one of the last little bit was Jamie French the five-star wide receiver committing to Texas very talented kid out of Jacksonville Florida and there were a couple of teams LSU and Miami that were pushing very hard late in this one but Texas was able to shut it down they were able to build out this class even more and they are not slowing down anytime soon theyve been on a absolute heer on the recruiting Trail and if they keep playing the way they are right now on the field then it's going to be incredibly hard to stop this team on the recruiting Trail I can almost promise you that but oh excuse me I apologize a very talented player one of those guys that is almost definitely going to be an immediate contributor for this team just because of the outright speed that he brings to the table but they add another five-star wide receiver to that group along with Kik Lockett and keep moving on a remarkable recruiting heater for the Texas Longhorns another wide receiver that came off the board is Philip Bell III he is committed to Ohio State very fast very talented receiver he adds to a group with Quincy Porter Daisy Jones uh uh bod pen Miller very talented wide receiver group not necessarily the normal wide receiver group for the Buckeyes they usually reel in a couple of five stars in the group but still a very very talented bunch and I think when you have Jeremiah Smith on the roster you feel pretty good about where you are going forward at that wide receiver position so very talented player one of those guys that likely with a lot of those guys moving on this off season is probably going to get a little bit of run early on in his career and cannot wait to see what he can do in that offense um Iowa got a four-star wide receiver teren Smith a very talented kid and one of those guys that Iowa just needs to get more of they need to start stacking these kids as often as possible out of Aurora Illinois so you can stick in that area and still get very very talented wide receivers and then they're going to have to get a couple more in the portal I think this offseason is as as important for them as a program as really anyone they've had in the past you know 10 years really so Iowa has a ton of things that are going to have to change after this off season and I think they've done a good job thus far of kind of slowly getting those changes into place but it's about time to really uh kick up the heat and really get those things moving and adding guys like teren Smith is really going to help that but they're definitely going to have to do a little bit more work on the recruiting Trail and then definitely through the portal at that position in particular to keep this thing move in the way that they want to but very very talented kid definitely a good start to this very to this really solid recruiting class that Iowa was putting together but definitely need more of these guys to come in as quickly as possible if you're Iowa Malachi Goodman a very talented four-star offensive tackle has committed to Penn State 65 315 this kid is ready to play just about tomorrow he's definitely one of those guys that could be an Olu fashanu type player for uh Penn State one of those guys that super long really strong really athletic is going to be ready to roll pretty much immediately but likely we'll get a little bit of time to get his feet under him and get uh ready for the next level but once he's ready he's going to be a terrifying individual definitely one of those guys that I expect to be all over the field for those uh Penn State teams going forward and frankly I'd be a little bit surprised if he was not a high draft pick barring any type of injury throughout his career just because of how talented this kid is and how athletic he is it's going to be really hard for n lgms to overlook him at the offensive tackle position and then you have Matthew outon a very talented fourstar wide receiver also going to Penn State number five wide receiver in the country so another team in Penn State that very much needs this they need to add as many wide receivers as they can Harrison Wallace has come on incredibly this year but they're going to need more guys there's no two ways about that they're going to need to compete with the Ohio States of the world and the organs of the world going forward and the thing they do incredibly well is bring in those really talented skill players Penn State's going to have to follow them in that so it's going to be really interesting to watch that unfold but a great addition with Matthew out in here I think this is a guy that almost definitely will have an impact right away because you're going to lose like likely Julian Fleming and a couple other guys after this year you're going to need guys to fill in and I think some of those guys are going to be younger like Matthew outen Walter matys Jr is someone I want to talk about for a little bit because LSU has been doing incredible incredible work on the defensive line since they brought in Bo Davis this is a kid from Savannah Georg so they're bouncing around all over the place wherever they need to to be able to pull off this Defensive class and they've done a really incredible job I think Blake Baker is doing an awesome job Kevin peoples has to be doing just incredible work on the trail and then whenever you're coming to play for a developer like Bo Davis not very hard to sell to those kids you know what this this guy is about you know that he just put two guys in the NFL that a couple of them or to Andre sweat at least through one week is looking really incredible at the NFL level so you have to feel really confident if you're going to play for Bo Davis and I think it's made all the difference in the recruiting for LSU obviously has not gotten the onfield uh expectations that you would love to have for LSU but I think they're going to be coming along and I think in the recruiting world they're doing a really incredible job thus far Rashad Johnson Jr is a very interesting one he flipped from Georgia to Texas A&M and he's out of Bushnell Florida and this is a very very huge get for A&M this is a guy that was committed to Georgia was committed to T rob a very very good recruiter and Mike ELO was able to sneak him away a very talented player and one of those guys that you look at this A&M back end it's solid going forward it's not necessarily where you'd like it to be I think there's a number of things that they're going to have to fix on that back end and then once Bryce Anderson walks out the door you're going to have a lot of issues on that back end so they're going to have to fill in with as many BigTime safeties as they can and Rashad Johnson is a great addition to this group I think whenever you have someone that t Rob really really wants and you can get him in your class and you're likely doing something right so A&M a huge commitment there and definitely want to keep this guy in the roster for as long as you possibly can myON Charles is someone that has fli from Florida State to Texas fourstar defensive lineman number four defensive lineman in the 2025 class and this is yet another reason that Florida State's got to win this weekend there are more and more guys that are looking other directions in fact we'll talk about another one that decommitted from them not too long ago here in a second but the reality is Florida State needs that High School School recruiting if they're going to move forward as a program if they're going to bounce back as a program they need High School recruiting and if Texas is going to steal all their guys from Florida they're going to have a big time problem on their hands so they got to win this weekend they got to get this thing back on track and we'll talk about a couple of the players that are going to be there this weekend here in a second but another one is Ty Jackson a four-star linebacker committed to USC a couple of days ago USC just keeps pouring into this defense they're doing an incredible job on the field obviously and people are noticing off the field and I promise promise you if people notice that USC has a good defense along with that Lincoln Riley offense it's going to be terrifying for everyone to recruit against this group I think deanon Lin is making all the difference and cannot wait to see what they do with the rest of this class oh excuse me moving on to this 2026 class an edge rusher fourstar xaven Griffin Haynes has committed to North Carolina very very big pickup for North Carolina feels like they keep getting those big time recruits every now and then especially at the edge position feel like they're doing a really really good job there and I think one of the big time questions for UNCC as they move forward is what happens with m brown you know how long is he around and for these 2026 27 uh commitments is he someone that is going to be around for these guys when they come around to play at UNCC and does that play a factor in some of these recruitments going forward another Elite player in 2026 is zalis Hicks he has committed to Texas out of Carolton Georgia top 25 recruit in 2026 in this kid is very very talented and I think this is one of those things that you've really noticed with Texas recently is they're going into Georgia they're going into Florida more often and they're winning a lot of these battles particularly in the State of Florida have done an incredible job there and I think it's one of those teams that's just going to be so hard to beat if they're going to be able to go into those States and beat out teams like Georgia and Florida State and Miami and all of those other teams it's going to be nearly impossible to keep up with Texas on the recruiting tra particularly with the nil money that comes in as well so a ridiculous ridiculous run for them and a lot of it has to do with players out of the state of Texas so really impressive work from Texas but let's get into a couple of scheduled commitments in Intel Jerome miles is the big one coming up on September 18th so next week uh mid next week and this one's really interesting he's down to A&M USC and Utah I think Utah is leading in this one I think they've lit LED in this one for quite some time but USC is pushing really really hard I think they're definitely going to be uh Team that has a real shot here and this is a five-star receiver so playing for Lincoln Riley tends to be a little bit more enticing than playing for Kyle Whittingham but who knows maybe he wants to stay in his home uh State maybe he wants to play for the youths and be a part of kind of changing that uh kind of ideology around Utah but a very talented player one of those guys that whoever gets him is having a very very good time on that Wednesday next week but overall I think I'd lean Utah right now but USC is going to have plenty to say about this one before it's over another Florida State player that has decommitted is Jayvon Hilson this kid is a beast he's the number two defensive end of the class and he decommitted from Florida State a couple of weeks ago I believe last Sunday and a very talented kid he is going to be at Florida Texas A&M this upcoming weekend so Florida's a team to watch here Miami is also a team to watch here it sounds like Texas has a lot of smoke they've gotten a couple of different uh crystal balls for this kid to commit to them and it'll be interesting to see if he can make his way over there it sounds like this one's going to be a little bit more played out than a lot of these other ones so definitely strap in for this one I think we'll see a couple more visits for him from him before we see a commitment but as of right now it seems like Texas is doing a lot of really good work and definitely could pick up yet another commitment from the state of Florida and then we have a couple of guys that are going down to Miami this upcoming weekend and one of them is Michael Carroll the number one interior offensive lineman that is committed to Alabama right about now and I think this is one that Miami is going to have every chance to flip because the reality is you look at that Miami offensive line it's hard to not love that if you're a recruit there are so many talented players particularly young players that have already come along such a long way that it's going to get really interesting I think Miami is pushing for a number of different players right about now and I think they could definitely get their hands especially on a offensive lineman like Michael Carroll and then you have Elijah Griffin coming in a very talented number one defensive lineman in the country if you can get him on the in this class you're going to have a ridiculous class for Miami and things are going to continue to roll down there on Coral Gables I know George is pushing for him very hard so we'll definitely keep you updated there but would be huge for Miami and then you have Michael Terry heading over to Texas this weekend to taking the UTSA game I'm just expecting this guy to commit at really any point uh if I'm being honest I think this is one that Texas likely has had locked up for quite some time but he just wants to make sure all of his eyes are dotted all of his teaser cross before making that commitment but I expect him to be a Texas Longhorn by the end of the month at the very least and then finally we have a couple of guys going down to Florida State for the game this weekend they have to do a good job this weekend and tarvis Alfred is a huge reason for that Ohio State committed linebacker very talented kid at of Vero Beach they need to be able to lock up a couple of these guys and then they have Malik Clark in town and pton Joseph two commits on this roster they got to keep those guys intact they have to win this weekend or you would likely see a lot of these guys that I just talked about uh Malik Clark and pton Johnson I think it's very real that they would be out of that class very quickly so Florida state has a ton to figure out on the recruiting Trail and this weekend's going to be huge for them to do that but let's take our final break here and when we come back we're going to do a little bit of a headline wrap up just all the stuff that we haven't gotten a chance to get through throughout the week with all of the games we had to cover but we'll definitely get into all of that right after this so stick with us [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] alrighty welcome back everyone we just did a little bit of a recruiting update all of the things that have happened since the start of the season it's been a pretty crazy time around the recruiting world so wanted to make sure you guys were fully updated there but let's get to a little bit of a headline wrapup there are so many different things that happened throughout the weekend I want to start with Chiron Moore he has officially signed his contract with Michigan this one took a little bit of time and it's very interesting kind of how this played out overall because it was weird that this came out when it did I think there were a lot of people expecting this to be kind of under the wraps at least for the time being because it came out last week that he didn't have a full contract signed and then they lose a game and then he signed a contract it just feels like a very weird way for Michigan to go about this but overall he does have his contract signed it's going to be five years 5.5 million a year obviously exactly what you would expect for the Michigan head coach I think there's a couple other bonuses in there you know winning the national championship is $1 million a number of different things that can play in to up that uh total but right now now the hard part starts which means keeping that job it's going to be very tough especially with all the different stuff going on around Michigan his job just got a lot tougher and it's going to be really interesting to see how all of this unfold but overall I think great for him obviously getting that contract on the books making sure that he has his money on paper because it was very very interesting circum s is right there for a second I was a little bit worried about shiron Moore there for a second but glad he got his contract I think a lot of fans are going to be very happy about that but could change very quickly if this season does not go the way that they want to so going to be really tough and now it's time to really get to work and keep everything on the tracks for Michigan football but moving forward we have another headline around Michigan but this has to do with dard Robinson and brillan Edwards they're filing a $50 million class action lawsuit against the NCAA and the Big 10 Network essentially but uh about nil earnings and saying they were un unlawfully denied nil earnings throughout their career and they are entitled to that and you're going to see a lot more of this this is just the reality of college sports right now and it's another reality why I kept talking about this uh nil stuff and revenue sharing and all this stuff I always started it with the NCAA should have been doing this 10 years ago and this is the reason why cuz at C at a certain point these guys were going to come for their money and it's going to get more and more uh exponentially higher as these more as more cases come out so it's going to be interesting to watch that there were a couple other guys listed in this case Mike Martin Shan gra Sean krael two all big 10 Defenders uh very very talented players so you got four people to deal with from the Michigan or former Michigan football teams and I think this one of those things that you're just going to have to see a lot of this happen and the NCAA is going to have to pay out a lot of these players and it's going to really hurt them going forward it's one of those reasons that I think the NCAA looks okay right about now I think it could look terrible in a couple of years as more and more of these players get the guts more and more of these players start to sue them and say we want the money that we were entitled to when we were in college so it's going to be really interesting to watch this unfall but the reality is the NCAA should have done this 10 years ago the fact that they didn't is a little bit ridiculous and now the players are coming for their money so I'm not necessarily going to fault dard Robinson or brayan Ed Edwards for doing this it's just going to be one of those things that you're going to have to see happen pretty much across the country around a lot of these programs going forward and the NCAA is GNA have to find a way to deal with it and frankly they may made their bed and now they're laying in it if as far as I'm concerned but moving forward Gino Smith had some very very interesting comments around Jeremiah Smith his cousin he said that Jeremiah Smith could be or will be the best receiver of all time and I know it's biased I know it sounds crazy the reality is I'm not putting anything past Jeremiah right about now he is a terrifyingly good receiver he's one of those guys that you started to hear stuff about in Spring and you started to hear how many crazy plays he was making how awesome he was doing at Spring practice and you're like yeah he's a very great athlete not necessarily surprised he was making plays but it's going to take him time right he's going to probably be the number two number three option and then maybe slow work his way up through a couple of years to become that top guy on this team it took him about two seconds on that field to be the number one receiver he is absolutely ridiculous in a room of receivers that are absolutely ridiculous top to bottom so he's one of those guys that stands out among a bunch of other just absolute athletic freak freaks he is the athletic freak that is absolutely insane and one of those guys that frankly I know that best rde receiver ever is well well in the future for him but the reality is this kid is just incredible he's going to be so much fun to watch in college throughout his career and then into the NFL cannot wait to see this kid unfold and I would say Gino Smith is dead wrong I can't say that right now with how Jeremiah Smith is playing has 11 catches over 200 yards three touchdowns through two games in his career in it's going to get a lot better for our Ohio State fans and for Jeremiah Smith I don't know if he's going to be the best receiver ever like Gino said but the reality is this kid is absolutely different in every sense of the word and I would not necessarily put it past him to be the best receiver of all time so going to be really interesting to watch that if Gino Smith is right then maybe we have to give him some flowers a little bit down the road but for right now I think Jeremiah Smith is fully worried about the Ohio State season and doing well there before he worries about anything else but I wanted to talk about this for a second because I had some beef yesterday and I think a lot of people around the college football world did with this uh thing that happened at Purdue they had a fan that came on the field and he did a little bit of a contest and the contest was you had to kick a field goal from the 10 yard line the 20 yard line and the uh 30 yd line if you hit the first one you got a $100 gift card you hit the second one $150 gift card if you hit all three though you get a 2year lease on a car or $5,000 cash that was the deal that was on place and the kid hit it he hit all three field goals it was incredible the fans went absolutely insane it was an awesome moment and then the company came in and said that he was .007 seconds late on his last kick and that he was not going to get the deal that he had uh been promised at the outset of this and everyone went crazy everyone online said that they had to do Bri by this kid they had to make sure that he got that lease or the $5,000 cash whatever it may be and it sounds like they have kind of been bullied into submission here uh rman Auto Automotive Group seems like they're uh trying to fix the situation they're going to give him the option of the two-year lease or $5,000 cash they're also going to donate 5,000 to the uh Rose Aid Bri Brigade excuse me the student section for the uh Purdue home game so a lot of really really cool things here I think to shows you the power of the internet when you can get a lot of people moving in One Direction and in this case it was getting this kid his car it's very very cool to see this all all this unfold I was ready to get on here and get very angry at these individuals cuz the reality is 007 seconds is nothing you don't need to worry about that he made three incredible kicks and definitely deserves that moment so really happy that this got resolved and glad I did not have to get on here and get mad at anyone today I'm glad this was handled before for that cuz did not necessarily want to get riled up this early on in the morning but let's get into Steve sarkeesian there was a very interesting kind of tale that was told by him early on during this week when he was talking about this upcoming game against UTSA um Texas obviously coming off that huge win against Michigan 31 to2 just absolute domination a huge signature win for this team and definitely a game that can make you a little bit complacent but he's using uh that Notre Dame game from a week ago to kind of keep his team intact uh there are a lot lot of people that going into that uh Notre aame game just said take care of business move forward and that's exactly what I said and that's not what happened they were 20 plus Point favorites and they ended up losing by two points at home so SAR is trying his best to avoid that this upcoming weekend against UTSA and I can promise you UTSA very much wants to do that this upcoming weekend against uh Steve sarkeesian so it's going to be really fun to watch that one unfold I do think Texas is going to be more than fine in this game but it shows you how many different people are going going to utilize this type of idea because you got to make sure your guys are locked in even for these UTSA games that might seem a little bit tedious as you head on to SEC play you lose this one then Texas is in a very different position than they are right now and their cfp odds go just plummeting down uh with a lot of the games they have on that schedule coming forward so I think a lot of people around the country are using this right about now they're saying do not be the Notre Dame take care of your business but UTSA is definitely coming in there trying to be that I of this weekend so definitely something to watch we'll see if Stark's messaging worked for his team but finally a couple of quarterback updates I wanted to get on y'all's uh table Cameron Rising is unlikely to start in game three against Utah State sounds like he has a injured uh finger on his throwing hand we saw that last week when he I believe just ran into a helmet on one of the play or no he got ran out of bounds excuse me but it sounds like is going to be Isaac Wilson Zach Wilson's younger brother starting in his place he went four for n 30 yards last week he's got to be better this upcoming week but it is Utah State makes it a things a little bit easier for this offense and a little bit easier for that kid but it sounds like cam Rising will be back for that Oklahoma State game but it's still something to watch we have to make sure that that's going to be the case because if it's not then Utah season gets a little bit more sketchy by the day so it's going to be one of those that we're watching very very closely he will not be out there on Saturday but he likely will be out there the next Saturday we're just going to have to 100% make sure of that before we get out there but but finally uh Billy Napier has named grah Merz the starter for this Saturday I talked about it when I was previewing the show or this game excuse me I do think that uh gram Merz is the better option of the two I think he's the more confident option especially against a team like A&M that is going to get after him so aggressively but the thing is you're going to want to see DJ lague these fans badly want to see DJ lagway so it's going to be fascinating to see how he handles this I don't really know if there's a right way to handle this frankly if you're Billy Napier but it's an absolute tight rope walk and if you walk out of that A&M game losing and having not necessarily played these guys the amount that the fans want you're officially done at Florida so it's a huge weekend for him obviously and this adds just another little bit of flavor to that thing and then Conor Wegman he has been listed as Co questionable on the injury report for the other team and it sounds like it could be Marcel Reed leading A&M out of the tunnel on Saturday if this is the case then flip my pick to the Gators CU I do not necessarily love this team without Connor Wegman I don't necessarily love this this team with Conor wman but I know that he is a little bit better than the other guys on the roster so I'm a little bit worried about this one I think he'll likely play but as of right now it looks very very questionable to say the least so definitely going to be interesting to watch that one unfold and then finally this is a crazy weekend this is one of those weekends where a lot of people get lulled into a a false sense of security they get comfortable they say there's not too many big games out there just stay vigilant at the end of this weekend we're going to be a quarter of the way through the uh regular season so watch watch all the games take it all in especially tonight UNLV could pull off a shocker against Kansas there's so many Big Time games this upcoming weekend that maybe you're not looking as to Big Time right now they could become crazy in a hurry I can promise you that so stay vigilant stay locked in on college football because there's going to be moments this week that we do not expect I can almost promise you that but that'll do it for this edition of the gsmc college football podcast brought to you by the gsmc sports network your support means a lot to us so please remember to subscribe to the show leave a positive review it does make a huge difference for us also follow us on Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Instagram all the social pages for all the content and updates you could possibly need we have really incredible people doing awesome work across every single sport you could want so if you're not if you're only a college football guy that's more than fine but if you want to expand your horizons get over to all the other stuff we have on this page and we totally have you covered in the World of Sports but thank you once again for listening and I will see you guys on Monday enjoy some games this weekend [Music] m

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