New Old Heads react to Jay-Z performing at a Tom Brady HOF event but not for Hip Hop 50th events

Published: Jun 20, 2024 Duration: 00:15:54 Category: Entertainment

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Intro good old Tom Brady was inducted into the Patriots Hall of Fame we know he's going to be NFL Hall of Fame whatever Hall of Fame y'all want at this point like Brady is who he is but a conversation came up now we've talked about hip hop and its 50th anniversary and the performances and lack thereof and all that and this seemed to resurface because people are having a fit I know lone hates people but Twitter and the universe and whatever you want to call it is having fits that Jay-Z chose to go to the Patriot Stadium stadium for this uh celebration for Brady and perform and he didn't hit not one hip-hop event so you mean perform at one hip-hop event or celebrating the 50th Anniversary there was no he he was at one wasn't he I don't think he performed once I don't think he performed once to my knowledge but I'm not I just mean I thought I remember him being at one with Beyonce or something but maybe he maybe he wasn't I don't know and then like but isn't the person who brought this up Antonio Brown well well if that's the case here's my kind of started with him and thank you okay forget AB like we we can talk about it on face value without AB cuz we know what AB broken clock is right at least twice tce a day right so my thing is even in terms of the actual conversation is this should this even be a thing should this even be relevant at this point Jay can choose to do what he wants we talked about this a while back he has no quote unquote obligation or does he because that's what continues to come up you go rock with Brady have a good time Mr craft everybody celebrating these people are ignoring you in the crowd nobody's really paying attention which I don't agree with cuz Jay's too big of a star for that but that's neither that's neither here or there it's not his crowd thank you so the actual conversation why does this continue to come up why do people still want to bring this up I know Jay's a goat some people say a goat so the responsibility that's tagged on him is going to be a little different but at this point I mean is it just we just beating a dead horse at this point people like to talk man essentially I mean this is social media really called social media so but this didn't bother you when you saw him performing at the Patriots correct um no that's what I'm going for it didn't bother y'all it didn't bother me but in the same token I can understand why it may have bothered some other people okay that's fair you got to realize uh Jay-Z is bigger than hip-hop and rap at this point in time he's he's one of those fortunate individuals or artists that transcended where he started at and now wears many hats uh one of those being being uh the director of NFL music so or I don't know what his exact title is with that he picks the Super Bowl halftime show which means he's rubbing elbows with Brady and and these team ERS and things of that nature you know everybody likes to say uh he's getting it back I'm absolutely positive that uh Tom Brady cut him a really nice check to open up because Tom Brady actually runs out of the tunnel to that song on that Jay-Z performed I think it was PS was he doing PSA yeah like his theme song yeah when Brady runs out of the tunnel every time in uh uh wherever he plays what's it called chette chette Stadium y That's what plays I know that yeah that's what plays whenever he runs out of the tunnel so it was fitting to have Jay-Z there to perform the song now when they show it the crowd I think that's more so of the thing that people were talking about you went out there and performed for people that ain't going to appreciate who you are and what you do right they were like Dearing headlights a couple people were feeling it a majority of them weren't but at the end of the day I mean when you're in these rooms with rich people and things that they do they don't have the same reaction to things as us Common People the average concert go or whatever the people that that blue was looking down over the balcony at you know what I'm saying they don't they don't have the same reaction as uh we would as hip-hop fans because they are people that are privileged to be in the presence of these type of people at all times like they might appreciate it but they're not going to act the same way you know what I'm saying so no I agree what you're saying so Jay I'll come to you and I'll ask you uh maybe it's a different I'll POS it a different way is the obligation question SL conversation tired at this point as it relates to you know hip hop and the ogs and who's responsible for what yes okay I knew you JayZ and Hip Hop going to tell me the truth that's what I'm trying to ask man how do we know what Jay-Z was it Jay-Z even invited anything during all this 50y year um come on man come on man know you know he was inv you know we talked about we talked about this you know during that 50-year situation you know cuz if Jay-Z shows up it becomes JayZ and everybody else is there you know I think it honestly I think unless he was going to do his own concert some sort of Rockefeller reunion or something that was based around specifically his era and his and Jay-Z and Friends I think it was actually kind of responsible for him not to just show up at stuff and and and and yank all the air out of the room and then leave and leave and people you know it's kind of like if anniversary of Thriller and it was like the making of it was a documentary and that part where Michael Jackson did the moonwalk for the first time M that wasn't the end of the show no it wasn't that was the middle of the show and so when they taped it they literally had to tell people to get back in their seats and calm down we still got a uh a show to do and what's really crazy is like you know they asked one of the guys who was at the show they like who performed after that he's like I have no idea it doesn't even matter and so I think to a certain extent look Jay-Z is not obligated to do these things and honestly for certain some of these concerts and some of these reunions and stuff I'm glad he wasn't there yeah because he he he would have sucked all the air out of the room he actually paid homage to hip-hop though people forget about how he set that Library up with Baseline Studios you could actually go visit and see how his accolades and things of that nature now it was only about him but to me that's still a nod to Hip Hop yeah that was that was that was something that year it wasn't a concert but also I'm just look I'm just at a place where like y'all got to stop waiting on people to do things for you and if if he does this for Tom Brady you know what I'm saying like if he played if Tom Brady played his record every time he ran out of the tunnel there are people who know that record and went and probably played that record who have no interest in Jay-Z absolutely you know point and if you can get out in front of front of that and and be a and you know like Jay-Z also did the thing with Alicia Keys this week he pick he can pick the things he wants to do don't be mad that he didn't pick what you want him to do yeah I'm not mad at that Is JayZ Dead that's just I don't know man I think is dead at this point like there's no reason to keep going back and forth about it because the the man's grown at the end day he can do what he wants and I think it's just a hip-hop specific thing where we get these uh requirements or what certain people should do maybe it happens in other genres I don't know I don't know if it's really a hip-hop music thing though I think people sometimes want hip-hop is more than music sometimes you know what I mean and I feel like sometimes we want leaders of specific real I think across the board we we want people that have voice and have power with that are maybe somewhat a part of the community that we're a part of that is typically maybe a little bit more marginalized or maybe doesn't have as loud of a voice to maybe speak up a little bit more uh to help certain things out so I think it's I think it's kind of normal I think it's I don't think it comes from a bad place I think it just comes from of like like don't forget where you came from type of type of vibe maybe or something like that I don't know but I agree with what you guys say as well you know it's like definitely if J shows up I don't I don't think that the the ISM of J and this comes from like a place of like hating Jay-Z I I think they want to see him but I also think they you know we want our leaders to represent us and he is a he is a you know he is a representation fig we want more just like the the the Republican 300 you know School voucher thing we talked about last yeah it's similar you know it's like he we hold him to a higher standard because because he has because he has more power and privilege than people JayZ vs Nas than a lot of other rappers who what I was going to say is they only say that to Jay-Z though Jay-Z is not the top rapper or the only rapper at the top tier or could be on Mount rushian where they haven't said anything to Eminem they haven't said anything to Snoop they haven't said anything to 50 Cent they haven't said anything to any of these other rappers that are at the top of the mountain so to speak n they only Nas exactly they only go to Jay-Z and it's almost like I don't know because of he's married to Beyonce maybe I don't know I think that it's because he's also somebody that who he represents now he's like this wealthy icon status person for almost wealth as well it's not just about just being top of your game in music I think it's also because he is like he's like a representation of capitalism almost I think a lot of this is is deep I think it's deeper than the music in that aspect Eminem stays out of those conversations for the most part Nas is not on that level of icon's not the right word it's the what's the the billionaire status whatever you would want to call that like Mogul like Jay-Z is different in those aspects and even though Nas and Eminem could be classified as you know muls in their own right it's not associated with them like it is with Jay to your point like when you see Jay Jay is a brand he's business he's that's OD the more reason why you shouldn't expect the see at these events though like it might be a one of that may include Jay-Z but I don't see Jay-Z touring with a bunch of other rap artists from state to state city to City not you know what I'm saying I don't I just don't see that happen guess I guess that's all I'm saying is like that's why I think people hold him to a higher stat stature than these even the artists that you mentioned is because he he represents something different and he's a he's in these different rooms it feels like he has access to potentially do things and people want those people to step up and do things and so I think that's probably where a lot of it comes from is all I'm saying proba Ro it's probably the majority of it is rooted in that look let's just keep it real there are some people who feel like oh they're going to be like as soon as them white folks call you're at their that's exactly what this is that's how they feel that's that's that's how you can feel but he has a relationship with Robert Craft when we talking about like you know some of the the reforms they're talking about as far as uh prison and criminal justice I know that Robert Craft is in those rooms you know along with Meek Mill it's a weird combination of people but you know if that's what works a lot if that's if that's going to you know get some work done then that's going to get some work done you know like and like you said you know Jay-Z is tied in very heavy to the NFL like he you know the last three Super Bowls at least you know we saw we saw we start off with Dr Dre then we see you know Rihanna then or em I I might be in the wrong um order and then we see Usher you know yeah that's him he has responsible that's Jay-Z you know for bringing that part of the culture to the Forefront so I mean who does he have relationships with just be honest like you know there are less and less people who are tied into certain things that Jay-Z might see and talk to a regular on a regular basis you know not not that he'll he'll be at the owner's meeting but like he might be Courtside with Robert Craft and Tom Brady before he's right there with you know whoever did the concert at Yankee Stadium it bothers a lot of people that Jay-Z you know at the end of the day he did this for these white folks and he and did he show up for us but he shows up for us in different ways because let's just be honest like the Super Bowl would be up with people and and and uh and and present and the Muppet sing uh the hits you know if it Smith might have played the last three times yeah you know so I don't know honestly I don't know what they're could I don't know what they're going to do for this year's Super Bowl I you know I'm pretty sure there somebody in in Jay-Z or who's like hey could you do something for for everybody else because people people don't really enjoy the uh well the the mass majority don't enjoy the uh halftime shows but I Power comes responsibility mean but you know this is also about Partnerships with apple before it was about Pepsi I mean it's about business it's about money and it's I think that's again I I think a lot of people's sentiments and may maybe not even necessarily mine but definitely mine is like with power comes responsibility and I think and I think he has a certain level of responsibility and I think I think it just it comes with it and I think the criticism is valid in general to to be able to criticize people like this but at the same time you know I also don't care you know you know what I mean that was coming yeah no I mean like if Jay-Z wants to perform with this or over here I don't think it is a reflection of his of his love for hip-hop or like that but but I understand the criticism behind it and I think when you have that much power you know you need to be challenged on stuff I don't know if this is particularly a thing but you know or at least be mindful of the level Would this be a constellation prize of power that you have yeah so so would this be a constellation prize if Jay-Z cuz I mean he does the uh made in America thing every year with that in Philly yeah yeah so he does that um let's say Jay-Z didn't necessarily perform at something but put together like a festival or somewhere he picks out the artist that comes out and perform is that good enough kudos for people or does Jay-Z have to be handson involved with it's never going to be good enough for people that's the part it's always going to be something it never will but I think at the same time I I think it just depends on what it is it depends on what his like is he is he out to to genuinely boost you know the culture that he's a part of and and all that stuff or is he out there to boost Jay-Z you or is he out there uh trying to help his wife put on this next tour for the for the uh Black Road yeah I think M might be doing that I think multiple things are true here so but but I also think that you know it's I think the criticism is okay and I think when you have that much power you have that much wealth I think I think that comes with comes with it Kanye they didn't ask Kanye to do it well yeah well Black Spade then but you know I remember feeling some type of way when remember when everybody was remixing the Black Album and you know it was a just you know it was a whole bunch of great stuff and I just remember shout out to Black Spade I remember we having this conversation when during this era and he was like you know all the remixes that came out and he going he going to jump on with Lincoln Park yeah like I remember him feel I remember him and then when he brought up I felt some because I really don't care for that project um never have I mean I understand why it works but I was just like nah this ain't it yeah I mean yeah it's but it was a business move yeah it's a business move and it's you know it got Jay-Z on a lot of alternative stations it definitely did you know he's doesn't he have a song called black Republican or something like that or him that's on nz's record but yeah he does he's featured on it you know I we tend to overlook certain things because certain people reach certain statuses and you know it's just better get your duckets together if you want to see Jay-Z gonna be a pretty penny right it's GNA cost you you see how much his wife charging

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