X-Raided on Getting Stabbed in Prison After a Hit Was Put Out on Him by a Corrections Officer

you had an incident in 2010 where you almost got killed in prison they like to say it like I almost got killed well you got stabbed multiple times yeah I did get stabbed yeah uh now this is in the middle of the hope at the end of the you know you see you know there's a light at the end of the tunnel it was a lot going on at that point yeah so what happened was it so from what I understand you were essentially approached to like help put out some music from somebody in prison and you said no or something like give me the what happened I I think even the approach to get music was a redh herent what really happened and then we could talk about this now is that I went on an attorney visit I read the rules and in the rules your attorney can do a deposition and bring a recording device okay and so I'm still on my [ __ ] and this time what I'm motivated by is I wanted to record some songs that represented my current philosophy where your head is currently yeah I felt like I was being the kid with the gun to his head was 16 when he took that picture The Unforgiven x-rated you know I was a different person so I'm like I wanted to make sure I could get some music done so I go out with my lawyer and I'm recording music in the rules they can't listen to your attorney visit but the cop in the room can hear me rapping in there and so he don't know what to do and they don't know the [ __ ] rules they learn the rules by [ __ ] the rules up and getting corrected they don't know the [ __ ] book we know the book better than they do right and so this dude calls his Sergeant like man I don't know what to do but this dude is in there recording he's rapping he's recording raps and the sergeant bust in the room and he picked all the equipment up and he took the [ __ ] rap and he cuss my lawyer out and I'll tell him hey man you making a mistakes SS you making the mistakes SS he's like yeah you get the [ __ ] out of here the [ __ ] you think you're doing take your ass back to your cell I said you know to talk to me like that sir you're making a mistake sge you're making a mistake so I go back and they put me in my cell about 30 minutes later they call me to the program office I walk in the program office and I can see the people standing there now the lawyers are here I can see the higher ups are here and I sit in the chair and the sergeant is standing there looking like he [ __ ] got a canary in his mouth cuz he got checked and this and the captain is there and they got these [ __ ] papers they want me to sign and I'm like yeah what we doing and they they like uh well Mr Brown looks like we have ourselves a pickle uh whatever you may have been doing is not against the rules I was like that's why I was doing it yeah I'm aware I'm aware of that and but what they would like is for me to talk about it outside of that [ __ ] legal visit cuz I'm only protected in that in that legal visit so I'm aware of that so I'm not about to acknowledge nothing that I was doing 100% and they were like well how how many songs did you record and I didn't answer the question and then I finally said it this do you think I'm stupid like do we think I'm stupid I know what's going on here you got checked I told you to to leave me alone I told you you were making a mistake and when I'm done with you you going to be working in the tower outside of the prison by yourself for 8 hours with a pair of binoculars watching tumble weeds when I'm done with you cuz you should have left me the [ __ ] alone so they don't like that they don't like that that's too much power they got to leave this dude the [ __ ] alone and he got a lawyer and he's got he's got some money I'm too protected we can't send me back to the yard and x-rated dies and that's going to be okay like it ain't that kind of circumstance so what what can they do the Son of Sam lawsuit didn't work the Son of Sam Law got struck down by the Califoria Supreme Court this is not against the rules what I just tried to do I don't even have possession of Contraband and you can't even say that you can't even say you heard the tape it's illegal yeah if you say you heard it you're in a Checkmate right right so give me my [ __ ] and I'm then I'm going back to my cell correct and it's like yeah that's what it is so I go back to this cell Sergeant ends up in that Tower you know that version of that Tower and his friends are mad about that so now I got this crop of angry cops who are upset that they just got defeated like right cos and I get warned about that I get I get warned that I there the COS that ain't they ain't [ __ ] with you I there are there's cops who are fans of me and that are hearing the talk and they're like man these dudes are advocating for something to happen to you man be aware of that be aware and I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] like if somebody think I did all that time and I'm standing on that yard that day and don't know that this is going down then they they ain't never did no time so I'm outside because I didn't give a [ __ ] bro I mean I've seen worse than that to me these was kids trying to they was playing they was playing tough they had everybody had an opportunity to go be tough I didn't change my life got my [ __ ] together I'm just dropping me some Rhymes so approaching me about doing anything for them was a we used to do that to people you know what I mean like hey homie what's happening you got my my $5 you get m deodor in that toothpaste I gave you hey man I with and we was going to [ __ ] you up anyway it was going to happen it wasn't no getting out of it so them when them dudes started that whole make an album for me thing or we need two grand or this or that I was like n I'm not giving a [ __ ] soup I don't want I'm not doing nothing I don't want to do and again I'm the biggest [ __ ] on the yard right I didn't start peeling the weight off until I got to board and my lawyer was like you're a black man with all this hair and all these muscles and all this you're terrifying to look at to the people you're about to my lawyer told me to cut my hair my lawyer told me to lose some weight my lawyer told me I'm a smart guy perception is everything and then my health told me to keep it this way you know what I mean now that I'm years old and free but at the time I'm not worried about nobody doing nothing to me and not cuz of no tough [ __ ] I just believe man I believe in something greater than me man they call it God people call it the universe man a abbar is how I feel [ __ ] if if if it's meant for me today let's go I want to know I'm not waking up and thinking this [ __ ] can whoop me you got to come and do it you could taking a life they call it you I'm not giving you [ __ ] and so we was outside and [ __ ] walked up and I see that these you don't have no business coming this direction I'm at a table for Crips and blood you know what I mean it's a pyro from cedar block over here it's a San Diego keyway it's a brother from the bay it's just it's a it's a black table and so I just my instincts is the n got too close I went straight at him and B B B and he he he got dropped and it turns out that that was the person that had that the primary weapon that would have been most harmful m you dropped the biggest threat in yeah and it's it was good because he was the tough one and so now everybody else is thinking now and you supposed to run somebody pulled a knife on you you're supposed to run but Barry and Doney and others I knew that's if you turn your back you done yeah you got to [ __ ] we got to do this and in doing so you can look that man in his eyes Kev you can look him in his eyes and see after this [ __ ] on the ground you can see they made him do it you didn't want to come over do it yeah yeah you don't n we doing this now I'm talking to people we in the same amount of trouble if we stop right now or if we keep going it's up it's this is it and I'm I count it's a couple of them that I wanted to do something to for a while and I wasn't in a position in my life to be able to to start nothing to just jump off I couldn't start nothing but you could defend yourself but I could defend myself and so I got to beat a couple [ __ ] up and I got a couple scratches and scrapes and bruises but ain't nobody damn near kill nothing damn that's a [ __ ] lie and so the reason they think that lie is cuz when I was getting so I'm in the room and they looking they examining and I got a [ __ ] asking me questions and he's and the cops are mad about it the nurses and [ __ ] are angry at this dude and they like hey man excuse me and they're work you know checking out to see if I'm in a mortal danger right now and he's like who did it who did it and so I close my eyes and lean back I swear to God I swear on my mother's life fully fully fully [ __ ] fine other than these scratches and what adrenaline through the roof I don't feel no pain and I lean back and I just just quietly just left just very quietly and they responded like oh my God he's crashing and so they start trying to take care of me I was I'm listening to this whole thing happened and that was how the investigator got ran out the room and so everybody ran with that ex almost died like n whatever cuz if that make people feel better then good for them you and and brother Lynch man obviously you guys are tied together forever forever um Dr Dre and Snoop Dogg of Northern California can you give me an idea of you know because Lynch ended up working with strange right he did uh I don't know if he still is or not but but but he you know he had signed with strange and was that kind of your introduction to Tech and Travis and cuz when you got out did you already have a situation figured out with with strange music so while I was still incarcerated and this will bring us to a couple people we mentioned before I was still incarcerated making music and Brian shafton actually ended up putting out music for me while I was incarcerated so Brian shafton gave me a deal in 201 10 11 2011 okay like I'm coming right off of this [ __ ] and cuz I did get my songs recorded and out so I'm coming right off of this big fight and which was the police sent them [ __ ] at me right so I get out because I put the sergeant in that in the corner of the Earth so I come from that to I get to High Desert which at the time was the the most dangerous yard so I get my reward for not getting in trouble cuz I was attacked right I didn't even got to say [ __ ] it's all this happened on camera right and think about this an attempted murder if we the speculation a trip so anybody that's a Ganga that been through some gangster [ __ ] we just going to do it like this K an attempted murder on a prison yard that'll be like an apartment complex that hasas there's cameras everywhere but these cops have also been on this yard with all of us for S years five years at a time right we know who everybody you know all these guys yeah my name yeah I see you guys every [ __ ] day yeah yeah I know the [ __ ] at my gym now it's only been two years but I know who that is I know Bruce I know Miss Tina hi good misstina hi right right same thing so on camera located weapons they didn't disappear cops identify everybody know all parties involved an attempted murder and there's no there's no court case that shit's crazy no court case Kings County right colinga California there's no court case not one person ended up in court because you have an un Cooper uncooperative victim right victim so if don't matter if you won so I did 9 months locked up for nine months as a result of that for escalating to the point of not being a victim that's what they were trying to do to me so because you defended yourself you no longer became a victim and because you weren't going to necessarily cooperate to the extent they wanted to it didn't become a case I didn't I did I didn't I wasn't enough of a I was I wasn't enough of a victim I defended myself too well so when your choices are to die right or or or or win which is to live it's a literally a life and death thing that happened of everybody they would have maybe yeah I had to get I had to you want me to die out here hey but think about how many how many times that happens in prison where just that kind of [ __ ] just gets swept under the rug and like people don't have Justice and there's family members out here who want to know what happened to their [ __ ] kid and oh I saw a lot of that yeah and it's like it doesn't really matter cuz they look at you as second class [ __ ] citizens at this point and you're never going to get your your true Justice for that family it's a difficult environment to have empathy for right so to get people to realize that if you're too defiant and the cops want you to die because the existence of a Neo out here there's somebody walking around we can't [ __ ] punish right we can't stop him from making music we can't we write him up as a slap on the wrist can't take his money he's going to visits he's he's got his lawyers he's like what the [ __ ] do you do right well we're going to get him we're going to whacking we're going to smut you up accuse you of a bunch of [ __ ] how do he get away with recording that album and people who can't read the rules who can't even really understand or easy to manipulate because if he did yeah how did he get away with that well because there's no rule dumbass it's not against the rules but I'm not explaining that to [ __ ] who come up to me because again I'm a I am a black male who comes from a [ __ ] background I don't got to explain myself to no [ __ ] that ain't from what I'm from I don't owe you no [ __ ] explanation and if I did give you an explanation you want to know how I got it in here you want to know how I did whatever you want what do you want to know that for and who the [ __ ] are you right you know what I mean and I'm big on that I can go find out oh [ __ ] you done told on all your homies like [ __ ] I'm not telling you how public record yeah yeah would have gave somebody some game hey man you want to do your music I respect it I've done that before where I somebody was busing and I see them and I'll be like hey check it out homie and I pull somebody were you ever locked up with any other artist who ended up kind of getting out and doing something well I mean Ras cast was there you know me and uh I remember writing back and forth the Flesh and Bone CH the flesh yeah man stack a good dude and so like me and stack we both you know I started going to uh Islamic Sur services started going to Juma right and doing Ramadan and so so was a flesh and so we both had took shahada which is a part of my story y never really told so like a part of what changed for me was was getting into Islam really really digging into Islam you kind of dug into every religion being in the hole I dug into all of them and land cuz I really did I I did dig into all of them yeah you should but I landed in a place of I kind of like T he I like monotheism I like I like the concept of of this this particular construct so I hung out there I the point of studying all that stuff was to find somewhere to hang out and I just thought you know the earliest oldest philosophy that I could find that was what I wanted to rock with you know what I mean right and so I kind of landed there but yeah we used to be give it you know get a letter to the Imam and you to take it over there and like here man you know it was beautiful to be in touch with everybody like that but like dope ass people the dopest I ever met in prison never got out like there was a there was a cat from Compton there's a cat from Compton [ __ ] was cuz's name there's a cat from Compton who I think was arguably the dopest rapper I ever ran into like I think he was Doper than [ __ ] on the streets like right and that if [ __ ] had heard him and we cuz you know we go back and forth he spit a rhyme everybody that thought they could rap was going to be in my some point I was a battle rapper like you had to be and so yeah I ran into a lot of [ __ ] with a lot of talent but not necessarily you came home and did nothing with it

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