Caleb Plant on fighting Ryan Garcia, TROLLING Berlanga, Canelo a friend & ring return!

hey what's up everybody how's it going Marcos Vegas for fight up TV being joined with Caleb plant who returns to the ring coming up September 14th against Trevor mccum on this Canelo versus Edgar berlanga I want to say super card man this this card's really stacked with a lot of big names uh you're on it this is the first uh time we've seen you back in Action what like a year year and a half right over a year yeah yeah man man uh I'm I'm glad you're back uh how we feeling coming into this uh Return of the Ring Caleb man feeling good um it's been uh a little you know minute since I've been in the ring but you know I've been using my time real wisely like I said the press conference and um coming in the camp this is the best that I've ever looked whether it be conditioning wise you know strengthwise sparring wise so um me and the team we we really been putting in a lot of hard work so last year so I'm excited to be back yeah from from that uh fight that you had in November uh with David up until now what what type of work has been implementing uh into this preparation this process to get to this state um just a lot of sparring uh lot of a lot of time spending the gym with my dad you know traveling back and forth to Philly uh Brad traveling back and forth from Vegas to Philly and just me and my dad you know in between putting in a whole lot of work um a lot of work with Tony Brady my strength and conditioning coach and uh yeah per usual you know it's paid off hard work always pays off and you know nothing's changed with that here so with the the absence I know you've been wanting to get fights I know this wasn't your preference if you had a choice you would have fought you know months and months ago but um what what caused that was it that there wasn't any dates was there like opponents just fell out opponents were being hard to negotiate with like what contributed to that uh longer than than wanted absence um I think part of it was the new deal with Amazon uh or you know what what is it pre video Yeah Amazon Prime yeah so I think you know me and a lot of other Fighters kind of felt the same thing but uh I feel like we're you know pvc's in a great space now um obviously they've been giving stack cards to the fans and this one's no different uh me you know got Danny and Lara on there um even my uh one of my best boxing friends in the world uh cool boy Steph Stephan fton you know he's going to be the main event on the non pay-per-view portion so he's going to have a lot of eyes on him a lot of people uh you know I'm sure excited for his return I know I am and um yeah I'm excited to be back and really just focusing on the things I can control and that's you know my preparation whether it be in the gym strength conditioning physical therapy y you know whatever recovery you know modalities that I use uh keep them on weight and check so you know like most people when you focus on the things you can control and have a good attitude about it you know it is going to take you much further and you know like I said I'm excited because this is really the best scaleb plant that I feel like you guys are going to see yet so with Trevor mccumby in this fight is there was there like prior like hostility between you and him like or or is that just something like you're the competitor this is how it is this is your opponent and you're going to try to you know that presence it's it's always going to be who you are cuz you're a competitor yeah that's what I'm always you know plan to be I'm a competitor I'm a fierce competitor and you know the only thing that feels better than winning is just the fact that you beat somebody you know and um so anybody in the way of my goals and everything that I work for in life like that can be personal for me and I don't like that and then you know on top of that and I spoke to this at the press conference but you know some time ago he was making videos with my name in them and tagging me in them talking about you know guys who don't respect the sport and you know they get a couple big fights and then they should just sit around and wallow in their money and um I just that was weird to me that someone could make a video like that talking about me because you know maybe I'm just hyping myself up but I feel like I Holocaust in boxing like when have I not ever respected the sport you know whether it be how I train my preparation you know my dedication to the sport keeping my weight in check or you know bringing boxing some of the biggest fights that I can and not you know doing that Canelo derell David you know just going back to back to back and even after that I wanted to make more big fights but you know some of the guys I wanted to fight didn't feel you know as uh motivated to do to do the same you know I can't control that um so I just didn't like that he would put my name in a video like that talking about guys who don't respect the sport because just like in the last interview I did this guys at one point took a four-year break from boxing and if you love the sport so much if you respect it so much why would you turn your back on it for four years you know if you respect the sport so much why would you wait till you're a 31 32 year old to have you know to step up to this level you know if you respect and love the sport so much why would you test positive for a band substance and also get in trouble for you know getting IV after W's like but you you respect the sport so much right you respect it enough to be talking about other guys right so who the [ __ ] is he to say that I don't respect the sport that's not that's not cool I don't I'm not vibing with that you know I don't I don't [ __ ] with that yeah you know like just knowing you like yeah it's outside of this it's a really weird thing to say cuz like you don't really floss really you know like yeah you have your cars but like everybody like has cars like that's like a normal person thing to have cars like my neighbors have low riders like yeah yeah yeah I'm not like a big flashy yeah it's not like you're out buying Ferraris and stuff you know yeah and just you know partying or in the strip club or you know whatever it may be like and I'm not knocking anybody who does that like you know do what you want with your life you know but why why would he have my name in that video so we we we'll find out September 14th you know he's talking about with Caleb he don't want it he's living in silk sheets living in a big ass house yeah I am living in a big ass house because that's what happens when you respect the sport maybe he'd be in a big ass house too if he respected the sport if he wasn't testing positive he if he wouldn't wait till he was 31 32 year olds to to step up and you know have a big fight so he he's he's talking about who wants it we'll find now who wants it yeah that press conference was uh was an interesting one man it was entertaining as hell just given what happened with you know Canelo and Edgar and then you uh getting up in it and then like even after like you and Canelo embracing like that to me was like a a cool little moment but like an interesting Dynamic like how would you describe like your relationship with Canelo now like since you guys fought I mean I feel like there probably some competitive tension underneath somewhere you know he's obviously a fierce competitor or he would be where he's at and you know I feel like people know the same about me so I'm sure there's some competitive tension down there somewhere but at the same time you know we've had our fight and um you know we shook hands after and you know uh showed each other respect after a fight like uh you know you should do and since then I think he's seen me at the the H Mia uh weighing and so he come up you know gave me a hug and [ __ ] like that and you know that was cool and at the press conference in La you know a couple weeks ago like I'm literally just sitting at the table minding my business just yeah just chilling man I'm just chilling and once again you know uh edar like somebody you know wants to bring my name up or bring me into it in a disrespectful Manner and you know I guess Canelo thought he'd have my back I guess so that was cool that was a cool moment I feel like a lot of people thought that was a cool moment so um yeah yeah man what's up with all these people like coming out you man you just minding your own business just chilling and people come at you on Twitter at the fights like what what the heck's going on here I don't know you know I'm not playing victim or anything like that but you know I don't know what it is I feel like um I mean honestly I feel like some of it has to do with what I look like you know I've been dealing with a lot of that my whole life and again again I don't have like a victim mentality obviously cuz if they want to see what it is we can do that you know that's not an issue to me I'm not looking for trouble but I'll be damned if somebody's just going to come up and you know put their hands on me grab on my face or push me or try to make a [ __ ] out of me especially if I'm standing with my wife like come on man that that's not going to work I'm a grown man you're a grown man so treat me like one or I if you don't know what respect is I'll show you what it is and um just like at the the Crawford fight you know minding my business somebody's coming up and you know obviously yeah was that a fan like what happened there uh no this fighter oh it was a fighter yeah it was a fighter oh wow and um I think certain guys like they want to make a big fight with me cuz you know I think I'm a big name in boxing and I've done well for myself so it's like oh if I piss Caleb off maybe he'll want to fight me but there's a certain way to do that there's a certain way to go about it and that's just not the way to do it Charlie talking it's your little baby girl right there talking you know if you want to Big go win some fights you know get put in the rankings and like I said at the press conference I've never been hard to make a fight with so go go become a big name we can make it happen and um if you think you're going to just piss me off off into making a fight then you just that's just might what you might get you know and it may not go the way you want so is there um because this kind of keeps happening I I I don't know is there a part of you that you have like a like a not a ranking system but like oh I remember this guy this guy said this this and this guy like do you have like a I want to say hit list but like a like a list of people you want to slap up I know what I know who um I know who said what to me you know I don't I don't forget yeah and um so you have like a slap list like people that you want to check in person no no slap no slap list no that's not something that's like premeditated for me or something because again I'm not I don't go out looking for trouble you know at the fights is literally every time just me and my wife and uh even with this last time like I have a fight coming up you know so what type of fool would I be to go out there and pick a fight and then get in a fight and then hurt my hands when I've been out of the ring for you know how long now it's pushed back what 6 Months 8 months that would just be foolish and you know that's I'm smarter than that I wouldn't do that and um but luckily you know some guys have my back and you know yeah were those were those your homies or were those fans those are the homies the homies that's cool the homies backed you up well yeah like you don't make money fighting outside of the Ring like why would you do that especially if you have a fight coming up like it makes no sense yeah exactly so and even in the video you know you can see I'm standing there I'm cool and calm this dude's your homies back you up yeah yeah yeah hey so you know you dropped your merch uh the revenge tour the other day uh but like there's so many interesting things here so you drop it but then you buy the domain name Edgar did were you thinking of that before what happened at the press conference or was that something I already had it then you already had it then yeah I already had it and that was because of what happened at the Canelo fight in Vegas then something like that something like that something like that and I was like you know I'm just going to I'll just leave it be you know but then you know at the press conference minding my business and he wants to do what he does I'm like okay cool you know I got something for you so stay tuned and um but I'm sure a lot of people would agree that Edgar is more of a Checkers player and not really a chess gu so is there any other domains that you have that you still own I don't know stay tuned I know you have like Jal Ryan like all these I don't know stay tuned stay tuned speaking of which do you still own David's domain name or did you give it back I still got it you still got it yeah I'll sell it to him if he wants it me and David you know we shook hands too and ever since I've seen them since our fight you know we've dapped it up gave each other a hug and you know there was a lot of tension there before the fight and I don't take anything back I said you know I meant every word of it and he doesn't need to take anything back that he said you know cuz in the moment he that's what he meant so you know he can stand on that and so while but at the same time nothing he said was like that boundary that you don't cross like where you're talking about Someone's Child or where you're talking about somebody's wife or their family you know he said I'm a [ __ ] you know what I'm saying who cares he he said that he'll beat the [ __ ] out of me who cares you know I said the same thing and so just like in the Canelo fight where other than him pushing me and me doing what I feel like most guys would do if somebody tried to shove you off your feet the same thing with Canelo the same thing with Jose USI you know we have the tension before and then you know we we Shake the Dice and roll them and then we shake hands afterwards um so me me and David we've been cool he he's been cool to me so uh if he wants it back you know he can just hit me up I'll I'll give it to him you know um I had a lot of fans submit questions to you so I'm gonna go ahead and touch on that but uh I kind of want to go back uh to something real quick um because you know your experiences with Canelo and David um this was a really good question that a fan um submitted and I just want to kind of pick your brain on it and he was asking you know what were the biggest differences in style power ring IQ you felt uh between facing David and facing Canelo um they have they definitely have different styles uh I think uh Canelo he hits harder like for one punch you know he he hits harder than David but you know David puts him together quite a bit uh better than not just Canelo but most people in boxing you know so David can really put his hands together and um both have their pros and cons uh both have underrated defense both have uh you know they're sharp great they're they're both great Fighters so uh they have you know there's a difference in Styles but um they're both uh great at what they do to you given your experience what was like the tougher fight like the tougher experience when you put everything together like the pright going into the fight and then the actual fight uh say that again what was the tougher fight for you when you put everything together not even not including the fight but like the pre-fight uh going into the fight the camp what was the tougher fight for you um well with the Canelo Camp I really didn't have that good of a camp oh you didn't sometimes things just don't line up like that and that's you know no excuses is just you know to answer your question but uh I had a pretty good camp with David I've had better camps but I had a pretty good camp decent um I got sick honestly in the David camp but it was about like a month out so I don't really want to like blame my performance on that you know I feel like it was probably too far out to be like oh it's cuz I was sick but it did have an effect on Camp you know but that's life you know things aren't going to line up perfectly every time for you so you just got to make do well you got but uh I don't know it's hard to say I know that's not the answer he was looking for but no I was just interested in picking your brain on it you know like what you felt was like the the tougher guy when you're in there and everything like who made you think more or or the other pros and cons of both like there were things that I was able to do to Canelo that I could wasn't able to do the David and vice versa you know so yeah I don't think um you've ever mentioned that it wasn't that great of a camp for Canelo what happened um you know I know you don't want I know you don't want to make it sound like an excuse but now I'm just curious because you mentioned it yeah I I'm gonna say I'm gonna say that story I'm gonna say that story I'm gonna tell it one day I'll tell it one day I'll tell them all one day but right now keep it to myself for now oh man you're leaving it on a cliffhanger right there I know no given that then um do you favor one or the other if they were ever to fight I know David moved up to 175 this primary reason to moving up to 175 is because uh Canelo he couldn't get that Canelo fight but given you know you spent time with both would you favor one or the other stylistically taking yourself out of it you as an analyst um I feel like you know Canelo he's got more experience um maybe a little more Savvy because of the experience I think he hits harder than uh David and then at the but at the same time you know there's things that David does better than Canelo like I mentioned and so you know I think at the end of the day like some people you know people ask me like who do you think is going to win and when it's in a big fight like that it's really just like a roll of the dice you know what I mean like I can't say for sure because there's so many variables that come into place how good one sleeps before the fight you know how good their Camp was and then sometimes guys get in there and just fight over their head and uh put on the best performance ever kind of like you know Bernard and Tito you know or something like that and then so it's so there's so many small variables that like I would just like to watch that fight as a fan you know roll the Dyson and see who wins I couldn't say for sure both do things that the other one you know you get what I'm trying to say both have you know the pros and cons to to their style so would you say it's like a true 50-50 fight I mean it's like if David got in there and put his punches together too much and Canelo couldn't keep up with the pace it's like how surprised would you be probably not that surprised and then if Canelo got in there and won and even dropped David or stopped him you know would you be super surprised so it's like either one doing their thing you can't say that you would just be astoundingly surprised you know like so it's hard to say yeah man I just hope at one day uh they get in the ring um another fan question to ask Caleb if you were presented a fight with Ryan Garcia no doesn't matter open weight whatever weight because of the things he said would you take it how interested would you be um I don't know I think uh like in the ring yeah I guess I don't know it's up to you bro I don't know I'll skip that one you'll skip that one ah a lot of uh you know Bad Blood there given uh what he said you know just overall I know Devon's your friend uh given that situation just the way Devon's been portrayed what do you make of how he's like the the perception of Da uh excuse me Devon from after that fight from fans I think it's a little harsh you know I think a lot of people in boxing who are actually in the sport probably feel the same way you know uh de he's a good guy he's a good guy and um but you know I feel like Ryan has so many followers that he's got you know an abundance of people who get to put put their opinions on social media and um you know it almost overrides the other ones but de he's a good guy great guy he's a great fighter you know and I've personally haven't seen I can't recall being able to see somebody who would get dropped and get dropped hard like that then get up and literally go right back to work like literally take his a count and then get right back to work like nothing happened like some people they get dropped they get up and they abandon ship and just go go wild they don't clinch they don't and then they get clipped and then some guys get up for being hurt and they get on their bike and start moving and Devon really did neither of those things he would get up and he seemed like calm cool and composed and would literally just get like right back to work and that takes a lot of heart and that takes a lot of balls and um clearly deon's got both and uh so I took my hat to Deon for that you know cuz that's not easy and um then with you know Ron coming in overweight testing positive and uh you know that's not fair that's not right you could really you could kill a man like that and um it's not right you know I don't like cheaters and uh it's crazy to me how quite a few fans are taking the side of the guy who cheated came in overweight over the guy who put it all on the line kept getting up after knock down after knock down and finishing the fight so I don't know I would say I know it's like kind of like a conflicting thing like in one part it's a huge rematch it's a built-in storyline from a business perspective it makes sense the rematch should do better because of what happened but then like on a personal sense I would imagine someone's personal feelings would be like no like this and this and this happened I'm not going to like go through with this yeah I don't know and you know Ryan had his chance to be able to take it to court and prove himself Innocent but instead he'd rather take a two-year ban and pay a million dollars or 1.5 million if you're so innocent and it's so easy to prove it otherwise why not go to court why not go through the due process and prove yourself innocent like you keep swearing you are which you'd rather take a two-year B and pay a million dollar fine yeah I think he mentioned uh um we asked I think his dad that like hey why didn't you guys keep fighting it and they said like well like in the end it was just easier to just get back to work like just settle pay and not go through all that litigation that could keep us stuck for two years three years fighting it but you're banned for two years now anyways I think I think it's one year okay well you're B for a year anyways if I'm innocent I'm not chucking up 1.5 ain't no way I don't care how much money I got and that wouldn't even be the end all be all for me because I have money stacked up but I'm not just flushing 1.5 one one 1.5 down the drain especially when I know I'm innocent so but it's not even it's like like me and Devon we're cool right but it's not like we're brothers or like the closest of friends and I'm just like trying to take up for Devon these are facts like why would you if you're so innocent go prove it but he didn't want to and if first it was he tested positive because of this reason then it was because of that reason then it was he don't first it was he don't even take supplements then it was it was this supplement then the it was the ashual gond or some [ __ ] like that then that company came out and said it wasn't that then it was the strength and conditioning coach who gave it to him the night before or whatever it was if you guys aren't up to date yet lion Ryan lies on his Twitter like every day so yeah it's it's it's been a weird weird storyline with with everything uh that's come out but like the thing just me observing is like I feel bad for Devon man because like at the the Madoff Crawford fight like he got booed and I'm like what did Devon do like what he didn't do anything wrong like why are you guys booing the guy like maybe people feel like he should have took his loss better and just accepted it but sometimes you know it's one thing when you get be get beat fair and square and you're like hey [ __ ] it you know like what am I going to say you know but it's probably harder for him to take considering everything that transpired which is reasonably so you know I'm sure all the other people who are leaving nasty comments if if they got cheated like that then I'm sure they'd be upset too and it's easy to say well steroids shouldn't make Devon he should still be able to defend the left hook and it's like yeah maybe so but it's the speed the the power when it lands you know it's going to have a greater effect but anyways I'm off with Ryan Garcia yeah no same here man let's let's go to some other things we I still have a good amount of time with you right Caleb you can answer like three four more questions uh do you have something yeah all I'm I'm gonna try to just squeeze them in as much let me know when you gotta go all right because I I have some fan questions here some of them are pretty good um let's see here okay Anthony Alvarado 7288 asks you Caleb Caleb are you thinking about changing your your style a little to conserve energy for the later rounds um this past year I've been smoothing the edges of my game to uh have a more well-rounded game so uh again like I said this is the best me yet and I'm excited for the fans to see I've been working hard on smoothing those edges and it's paid off so all right at Isaac Torres I think this is kind of along the lines of this last question question but he asked Caleb I'm not coming off as disrespectful in your biggest fights against Canelo and benovitz you seem to be in control for the first half of those fights but then it seems your conditioning seemed to to taper out how much of that is to blame on conditioning or is it just the pressure of the other fighter applying and working and how do you improve that going forward um I wouldn't say that it's the conditioning or the lack of because man I trained literally year around like that's all I do is train this is all like literally that's all I live to do is just train go to train conditioning go run go to the boxing gym far so I know it's not from that again I think it's just you know gaining that experience to those big fights and like I said just smoothing some of the edges in my game you know some people are really good at some things and other parts of the game may not be up to par and um in those biggest fights you know you're going to need to be more well-rounded and you know I'm the type of guy I don't mind being honest with myself my team doesn't mind being honest with me and I don't mind them being honest with me either and so just taking it upon myself and the team to work on certain areas and get better do you think this goes 12 then like do you want it to go 12 I don't know I feel like you have like a like you want to like like you want to take it to him and like get another like high uh highlight real knockout I mean yeah but with that highlight it's not like I was trying to get it you know it was you know me making certain adjustments within the fight they got me that and patience they got me that and so uh I don't see this fight going 12 but it's not for from me like I'm going to go get him I'm going to go get him you know we got a game plan we're going to stick to it but um I don't see it going 12 at rbnz ask you Caleb since Canelo didn't want to fight William skull have you considered getting that ibf belt back and then rematching Canelo for another Undisputed fight um you know I haven't put much thought into it because when that was happening I already had a fight sign so I'm just like you know locked in on what I got to do and obviously nothing happens without getting past this guy so right now I'm just focused on you know the task in front of me and um you know so many fighters have talked about the next guy they're going to beat what they're going to do next who they're going to beat next and they don't even win the fight that's in front of them and you know I'll be damned if I make the same mistake so you know you know I'm locked in on what I got to do and uh but I feel like the my future is bright at the super middleweight Division I will say that yeah and just like I said the for how long I I've I've covered you and known you like I would like to think and I could be wrong here not an assumtion but I I I think like that's something you want back bad and even more I think it's you want to be Undisputed I don't know is it mean more to get that get back from Canelo or Undisputed hopefully we can do both in the same [Laughter] night yeah yeah go ahead continue kale yeah no I just you know again right now I'm just locked in on the fight that I have in front of me but you know Revenge story is about to get back you know and that's what I'm on so but first things first you know we got to handle business on September 14th at Tito 887 asks you Caleb will there be a Caleb plant at 175 pounds in the near future or you staying at 168 because of the rematch that you you seek that you want vers Canelo um I won't be at 75 uh soon just because you know I make super middleweight you know uh fairly easy and um there's no reason for me to to move up to um 75 all right at meow zt2 that's a weird okay what say that again at meow zt2 ask Caleb given how Crawford fought against moff is it a good idea for him to face Canelo at 168 um I mean you know if you think about it bib will use Israel as his main I think as his main Spa fight so you know that guy not to be taken lightly and you know I feel like a lot of people especially on social media it's like boxing is like a popularity contest to them so if they don't have like the biggest name or the most followers then it's like oh that guy's a bum when in reality that gu like got over 300 amateur fights and you know was a killer so um so with that being said maybe if if uh Terence takes his time you know moving up in weight uh you know I don't put anything past Terrence you know like I've said before he's a special guy and seems like you know when he puts his mind on something that thus far he's been able to accomplish it so I don't put anything past them I believe this is uh the final one at remy. jerami asked what do you make of David moving up because he couldn't get the Canelo fight and potentially facing the winner of baval versus better BF big fight that's all I can say you know when it comes to those it's like so many variables again you know you can't it's hard to call it so that's a big fight big fight for boxing and um I'd love to see it all right hey Caleb I I think you know there's a lot of things Brewing here you're gonna go in do your job I know you're you're locked in but I think regardless of what happens in the main event I like to think you have your eyes on berlanga I think that's a big entertaining fight for you in the future and then like I said you have his domain name you guys interaction interaction a few months back like I I think we we're potentially building into that also who knows we we'll see what the future holds you know right now like you said this's handle business on September 14th and you know like I said I think the future is bright for me at 68 a lot of big fights that can be made and you know if you guys know anything about me you know that I'm willing to make them all right uh let everybody know where they can get your merch at Caleb because a lot of people did ask me ask him if he's restocking if he's just dropping around the fights or if he'll be doing this all year round um I do plan on getting a little more uh busy a little more active with the Revenge toward brand and um I just have been locked in for so long on just you know getting getting around to this fight um and through this last revenge tour drop everything basically sold out besides like a couple of two two x's um so it's been moving really fast you know it's been getting a lot of good support and um I'm thinking that I will drop one more shirt uh before the fight come here oh is Charlie gonna make an appearance yep there she is Charlie how old is she now uh she'll be two on the 25th oh wow two it's been two years yep yep so man yeah but like I was saying and probably drop one more uh before fight time so stay tuned all right that is Caleb plant taking on Trevor mccy coming up September 14th on Amazon Prime pay-per-view in Las Vegas cayb man as always great talking to you uh thank you and appreciate the time as always yes sir thank you

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Canelo vs Edgar Berlanga • Final Press Conference & Face Off Video

Category: Sports

Live on the zone september 14th canelo versus veranga a legendary boxing rivalry mexico against puerto rico you're going to feel so much f canelo has been destructive through the division with win after win after win you will see but a fearless veranga is ready and coming for all the belts unbeaten... Read more

Canelo CALLS OUT MCGREGOR & says he could KO him in 1 round! Calls Crawford fight a MASSIVE MISMATCH thumbnail
Canelo CALLS OUT MCGREGOR & says he could KO him in 1 round! Calls Crawford fight a MASSIVE MISMATCH

Category: Sports

Live on the zone september 14th canelo versus veranga a legendary boxing rivalry mexico against puerto rico you're going to feel so much f canelo has been destructive through the division with win after win after win you will see but a fearless veranga is ready and coming for all the belts unbeaten... Read more

Floyd Mayweather Jr vs John Gotti III • FULL Rematch Press Conference & Face Off Video thumbnail
Floyd Mayweather Jr vs John Gotti III • FULL Rematch Press Conference & Face Off Video

Category: Sports

Ladies and gentl señoras señores fanáticos del boxeo bienvenidos presentation mexicox un evento histórico para el boxeo mundial y para la ciudad de méxico music vibe big bola casinos s tv azte mico el último fenómeno invicto en el mundo del boxeo the champion indry el supercampeón que marcó una época... Read more

Andre Berto WARNS Berlanga will get PLAYED WITH vs Canelo if he doesn't STEP TO HIM! thumbnail
Andre Berto WARNS Berlanga will get PLAYED WITH vs Canelo if he doesn't STEP TO HIM!

Category: Sports

Live on the zone september 14th canelo versus veranga a legendary boxing rivalry mexico against puerto rico you're going to feel so much f canelo has been destructive through the division with win after win after win you will see but a fearless veranga is ready and coming for all the belts unbeaten... Read more


Category: Sports

I i get a little shy i'm sorry you're not shy you're one of the best uh talkers interviewers in boxing people always want to hear what you got to say i'm super shy right now all right so talk to me about the flower on the ear it's for my sweetheart it's for the love of my life who's that i'm not allow... Read more

Canelo Alvarez On David Benavidez Fight, Berlanga & UFC Event thumbnail
Canelo Alvarez On David Benavidez Fight, Berlanga & UFC Event

Category: Sports

00:02: canelo alvarez intro [music] 01:10: edgar berlanga fight uh i see nervous on them on them because you know when they try to do so much things they it's because they're nervous but uh you know i'm really focused on on my fight i know when you talk a lot that doesn't matter matter when you're in... Read more

Claressa Shields & Shu Shu REACT to Canelo vs Berlanga! thumbnail
Claressa Shields & Shu Shu REACT to Canelo vs Berlanga!

Category: Sports

Got the canelo and edar belonga fight yeah yeah yeah all i want to say is edar you fought show we are super proud of you i have never seen nobody stand up to that man like that right never nobody that's right you got not on third round got a brawling that's right word word fighting back he did better... Read more