Floyd Mayweather Jr vs John Gotti III • FULL Rematch Press Conference & Face Off Video

ladies and gentl señoras señores fanáticos del boxeo bienvenidos presentation mexicox un evento histórico para el boxeo mundial y para la ciudad de México music vibe Big bola casinos s TV azte mico el último fenómeno invicto en el mundo del boxeo the Champion indry el supercampeón que marcó una época satur sábado 24 de agosto Arena Ciudad de México vi vibremos con una pelea sensacional presentemos a los peleadores que encabezan esta Fabulosa cartelera que será vista en todo el mundo a través de a la leyenda newk maral figura de las artes marciales mixtas ex of courage tian determination ejemplo de coraje tenacidad y determinación titánica the Fighter Who Mayweather jor in 2023 andx el hombre que enfrentó a flo Mayweather jor el ao pasado y sacudió señoras señores estamos en su ciudad con ustedes John [Aplausos] [Aplausos] aos de luminosa carrera Por fin lo tendremos en México the Industry el hombre que revolucionó la Industria del boxeo Olympic medalist in Atlanta veter championship 27 victories by knockout ladies and gentlemen señoras y señores with you the best pound 4 pound of the century el mejor libra por libra del siglo el Time World Champion in Five different divisions 11 veces campeón del mundo let's Welcome from Grand Rapids Michigan and from Las Vegas Nevada the undefeated the sensational the legend of this Sports the payper viw king fighting for the First time in Mexico City por primera vez en la Ciudad de México Floyd Mayweather J and Always besid the Champion maner Mr James magner John Father oferty adelante Rodolfo gracias Toño iniciaremos ya escuchando a los protagonistas de este gran evento mrti le preguntaría Cómo ha sido la evolución de su hijo de las artes marciales mixtas al boxeo Cuál es su percepción acerca de esa evolución usx Welcome everybody to New York beautiful New York One thing I've observed of my son since He's a baby is that his toughest critic was Always himself Always If he didn't get something right he'd Beat himself up over it and my wife and I would Always facilitate Uh him basically not to Beat himself up to get away with it but he would Still continuously Beat himself up he didn't get it right If he didn't take a test appropriately in school he failed that t One thing I've learned about John on red He's probably the best you've Ever seen I think Floyd made a mistake he honored his Word and gave John a rematch He's a man of his Word He's an honorable Man but I think he made a big mistake John takes retest better than anybody Else I've ever seen and I think the Fighter You're going to see enter the ring on august 24th is going to Blow your minds That's what I believe I believe It's going to shock the world and Blow your minds That's what I believe and watching John Mature as a baby and Again I was adverse to John Being a Fighter I've Never Wanted my son To pursue This career I never Did I never did he came to me When I First Had come home and it said I was away for a While and it said to me Dad I want to Explore Uh Being an mma Fighter and i saids you know I just handed him my Credit Card And I said Go Sign up for a gym bellmore kickboxing in Long Island I go ahead knock yourself out I didn't even Pay attention to it and Uh two months later he comes To Me And says Dad How many tickets you want for my Fight And I says Fight What Fight he say no I got a Fight coming up I'm really excited about this Fight I say John What do you have to Fight For he said well That's the whole idea of what i'm doing I said no i thought you just Going To Train You Know Something for you to do Keep yourself occupied This is Back in 2014 and he says no no I got this Fight and it's out smithtown long is I said all right Give Me 50 tickets and we'll be there I take 50 guys we go to the Fight and I'm saying It's amateur you know what could It Be i fought amateurs When I was in Military Academy as a Kid you know your Head Gear these Big p gloves So You Think your Kid safe It's productive for him well When I get there Uh to my surprise The Kid that John is fighting is particular that nobody Else Wanted to Fight Ok and months Had kn John trainer out in 37 seconds so I says this kid's got his grandfather's balls but he certainly doesn't have his grandfather's brains Because this is ridiculous He's Never Had a Fight before and here he is now He's Going To Have his First mma Fight Against a Kid his name is Henry Mills 6 fo3 One of the top kickboxing prospecs in long island Apple John's Head and He's about to Fight this Kid and I'm sick to my stomach I said I got snooker here I got completely snooker here How this happened is Beyond me the Fight unfolds and It's a War I mean It's an absolute War they Go Back and Forth It's a Slug Fest and John ultimately by attrition wins that Fight And I couldn't have been more proud of him but my response to that Fight was to Tell my son are you satisfied are we done can we move on now he looks at me He's got this look on his Face that only he could have and he says What do you mean I says Daddy I called him d says Daddy Listen I'll help you get a gym or something you don't want to do this no more he says no Dad This is my Dream This is what I want to do I love This You Love this Who in the world could Love this sitting there Getting Beat up Who could Love this he says I love this This is my Dream well when your son Or daughter asks You To honor their help them facilitate their Dream you do everything in your to help them facilitate that to acheve their goal And I did I stood behind John on What's been Now Almost a 10y career starting out mma very successful career and Floyd was kind Enough to extend the invitation years back to make to make that jump Over The boxing we accepted that jump think we put on a really good show last time especially after the Fight Which was not folks It was not by design not by design Uh but I really believe You're in for a Shocking surprise on august 244th I believe the Show is going to be extremely entertaining as But I'm adverse to What Jose Had said It is not going to be eight rounds eight Two minut rounds of entertainment resumo brevemente lo que dijo el señor gotty el 24 de agosto van a ver un espectáculo que les va a volar la cabeza Floyd nos dio la palabra de tener una revancha y la está cumpliendo pero se equivoca porque conozco a mi hijo y desde que era niño si alguien sabe darle vuelta a una revancha Ese es mi hijo John es alguien que tiene una pasión inconmensurable por el boxeo desde su primera pelea que lo fui a ver y lo fui a apoyar me dijo que ahí empezaba un gran camino Floyd nos ha dado la oportunidad y aquí estamos para enfrentarlo y no se van a arrepentir de lo que van a ver el 24 de agosto eh pasemos con el protagonista el hombre que estará subiendo para enfrentar a Floyd Mayweather eh John eh noto una gran ansiedad una emoción y unas ganas de que llegue ya la fecha del 24 de agosto por Fight aug 24 please Tell Us about feelings emotions thoughts allight And I think this time is fate you know we were we wasn't supposed to have this Fight Again One thing led to another and Uh and we're here you know I'm obviously I'm excited um Why not I get a Second chance to One of the greatest Fighters to Ever lace out boxing gloves you know so I've I've been motivated I've been training the whole entire year since The Last Fight ended I I've been in the gym been dwelling on this Fight been obsessing about this Fight and like my Father Had said I'm a dweller you know you get me once you know shame on you you get me twice shame on me you know so It was a very Unique experience to me The First Fight this Guy Floyd was my My Idol grown up It's no It's no Secret you know this Guy was my Guy you know I said things before the Fight the First Fight to hype the Fight up I don't know If I meant what I said you know like Floyd said at the way in Talk is cheap and He's absolutely right Talk is cheap so I took that to Heart and um you May the best Man Win august 24th buse I'm I'm ready for estoy listo para la pelea estoy listo para encarar una guerra llevo todo un año entrenándome desde la última pelea he aprendido muchas cosas como bien dice Floyd hablar es barato yo no lo voy a hacer lo voy a hacer arriba del cuadrilátero estoy listo más listo que nunca me dieron una oportunidad una vez pero me la van a dar dos veces y ahí es cuando la voy a aprovechar eh recordando lo que fue el primer combate el señor Kenny Bale y yo entro en el análisis de lo que sucedió esa noche para mí paró la pelea de manera precipitada qué nos puedes decir acerca de ese momento porque tú querías seguir tirando golpes y te lo te lo impidieron What Can you Us about the last Fight When the referee stopped the Fight when you Wanted to continue fighting What are Memories about that moment for That's Nothing Uh you know Unique to boxing That's It's part of the game you know we were clinching a little bit I think I did a Pretty decent Job Of Not clinching you know much of the Fight tried not to And anytime I did he he Got the best of the clinches Because I didn't Punch so I mean Kenny B Had warned Us the round before you know Enough with the clinching but I believe there should have been at least One more firm Warning all right This is it the last time and then we're going to stop the Fight you know Floyd didn't want the Fight stop nor Did I you know people paid a lot of tanto Floyd como yo queríamos seguir peleando en ese momento Ya nos habían advertido yo estaba haciendo todo lo posible por no amarrar por no entrar en clinch también Floyd yo creo que los dos queríamos seguir boxeando Porque además sabíamos lo que había pagado la gente en cuanto a dinero para estar en esa pelea Así es que queda abierto queda abierto y queremos verlo el 24 de agosto eh Por último John cómo te has preparado para este compromiso Y qué le dices a la gente de México de la Ciudad de México que te verá a ti qué te parece presentarte en Ciudad de México mexo One thead boxing what toans fs to a ch to rematch flo Again and two countries I'm excited One thing about the Mexican People and The mexican Fighters is anybody Who knows anything about boxing knows What kind of Heart Those Fighters have and and How and the kind of Spirit The People have so I'm looking Forward to bringing that Spirit to Mexico and you know I give my Word Going To Fight as hard as I could Fight And hopefully I capture Reconozco el gran corazón que tien boxeadores mexicanos lo que han hecho a lo largo de la historia y quiero también recibir algo de esa energía frente a todo el público mexicano para poder ofrecer un gran espectáculo y una gran pelea Estoy muy emocionado de ir a boxear a la Ciudad de México bien pasemos a la esquina estelar la esquina de Floyd en Mayweather empezando con su manager eh físicamente es importante que un boxeador cuando Sube arriba del cuadrilátero para un evento aunque sea de esta naturaleza esté bien preparado qué nos dices de Esta preparación y de la condición What Can You tell Us about the tring Mayweather How is pring himself how Ke right now um He's the same flo Uh we've been traveling we've been taking it day by day Uh This is Nothing to Floyd Uh y seen it before Uh Floyd is be Floyd so's been training hard Uh for the p year As you said we've been in and out the gym Uh Talent he brings and we not worried itad that weight happen Because It was Our chest for the last outcome so Uh we've been on countless zoom calls Me And Uh Jr Uh Talk Every try happen looking for event in Mexico FL que tiene un tento extraordinario quea en sus talentos hemos est preparando yendo y regresando del al gimnasio hemos estado viajando Sí pero no hemos perdido de vista la preparación y por eso para nosotros es muy importante hacer esta pelea para mantener ese ritmo algo Hay algo especial en Esta preparación considerando la altitud de la Ciudad de México y la la oxigenación que suele ser un factor importante para los deportistas que se presentan en nuestra ciudad are you taking into the altit Mexico City and the preparation what you need to do to be fit over there is boxing Nothing Mexico negocio vivimos en Las Vegas sabemos lo que es entrenar tambi en condiciones de altitud lo que vamos a hacer y estamos preparados para ello pasemos ahora con quién es y será la estrella de la noche en Ciudad de México el próximo 24 de agosto Floyd Mayweather en varias oportunidades te he visto ir a la ciudad de México para diferentes eventos congresos conferencias eh convenciones Pero qué sentimiento produce en ti ahora presentarte ante esa gente que te sigue por millones en Ciudad de México cuadril history of Great Champions and the love of boxing in Mexico is truly unbelievable I Had so many chances of going to Mexico to visit Mexico to go take a vacation in Mexico but Never having a Chance to go to Mexico and actually Fight Now throughout my career as an amateur as well as a professional Had a Chance to Face so many Legendary and so many tough opponents from Mexico Now the flips he ido muchas veces a México tanto a eventos como de vacaciones con mi familia sé quiénes son los fanáticos al boxeo mexicano he enfrentado desde que era amater y como profesional a muchos boxeadores mexicanos s de su gran calidad y también lo conocedores que son los y estoy muy emocionado de ir a la Ciudad de México a entregar ese espectáculo y pueden estar seguros que vamos a dar una gran pelea sabemos que amas este deporte que lo ha dado todo para ti el boxeo 50 peleas como profesional nos parecen pocas Por qué la decisión de seguir ahora en este tipo de combates de enfrentamientos pactados a 2 minutos por qué Floyd Mayweather toma la decisión de tomar este Mayweather why do you to continue the ring doing this showcase my Talent and Give people just a glimpse Of You know what I was doing When I was at at the at the height of my career you know When I was at the pinacle Of myer You know so Just um Being able to Just Travel the world and put on shows put on exhibition bts and um ste sell lot of Arenas It's It's a great feeling But You know um the fans Love it now I truly believe If I took a lot of abuse in a sport of boxing throughout my career then I probably wouldn't Still be doing exhibitions or putting on boxing showcases but um I didn't really take no abuse in the Sport of boxing so I feel like I can continue to go out quiero que la gente me pueda seguir viendo que pueda ver algo de lo que ha sido mi carrera de lo que ha sido floy Mayweather Yo sé que no estoy ya en la parte en el pináculo de mi carrera pero quiero que muchas generaciones y muchas personas puedan seguir disfrutando de algo que yo disfruto profundamente me encanta todavía subir al cuadrilátero dar espectáculo y por eso lo sigo haciendo porque me sigue llenando seguramente te sorprenderás cuando llegues a la arena Ciudad de México ya hemos eventos de boxeo muy importantes en ese sitio Y por último te preguntaría acerca de esta rivalidad que se está generando entre John gotty y Floyd Mayweather qué nos puedes decir de tu adversario Y por qué de nueva cuenta enfrentarlo It's going to be What It's going to be and it is what it is um Far as with boxing I've been to the highest you can possibly go and fought some of the best Fighters you know um In The History of the Sport you know Last Time I check I Beat more Fighters That's in a Hall of fame than Any Fighter in history and That's and That's TR That's truly a blessing um but He's a tough competitor And I take My Head off to him um he want to Run it back we could Run it Back twice three Times It is what it is um born to be I was born to be a Fighter I'm going Die a Fighter at the end of the day And um I didn't heard all from Every Fighter Every Fighter say I got a good left hand I got a good right hand I got a good Hook um I'm apply pressure my thing is this I seen it all um I'm there to entertain he visto a todos los rivales a lo largo de mi carrera los he visto a todos he vencido a más boxeadores a lo largo de la historia de los que están en el Salón de la Fama Eh Esto es mi vida nací para pelear así es que si John quiere pelear una segunda vez si quiere pelear una tercera vez una cuarta yo estoy listo me encanta hacerlo nací para hacer esto Bueno pues la mesa está puesta será un gran banquete el próximo 24 de agosto Thank you Floyd y ahora damos oportunidad a la prensa internacional que se ha dado cita aquí con nosotros para que hagan algunas preguntas a los protagonistas de esta noche si levantan su mano nos dan su nombre y el medio de comunicación al que pertenecen well Take my guys like they the way for me today to take My Head off to a Legend like that um myer was a little bit different you know whereas when you Look at Mohammed Ali career when he was 36 um he Lost to Leon spinx and then When I was 36 I fought a young Lion like Canelo Leon SP at that particular Time I think he was six wins One draw and mamed and When I fought Canelo he was 23 um with the same amount of fights I think he Had like 43 44 fights When we faced each other So You know a at a 36 and a Floyd May at a 36 I think we were two different Fighters Because the First Thing That I learned from my Father Was the less you get hit the longer You're able to Last in a sport of boxing Now when you guys Look at mamed career I mean um when he was voice his opinion and Stand up for The People they hated him once he was once he he wasn't able to speak Anymore he wasn't able to Walk he wasn't able To talk then the world loved him so my thing is um If I was taking abuse in a sport or I was really Getting better then I don't think I would be doing exhibitions but I was able to Uh surround Myself with Smart individuals That's What makes meart use I want to surround Myself with a Smart Team And I made a lot of Smart investments so am I am I doing it for the money absolutely not I'm doing it Because Uh This is what I want to do and I'm not It's not like I'm hurting and The People is enjoying it my Team is enjoying it and It's good to be able to Travel to different places and train and Shake hands with different people from All walks of Life um we Just got a um a call about Uh a Three exhibition deal and It's a Crazy number so we don't know I mean If If I was taking abuse And I was Getting B then I think I'll Step away How Uh Just Being determined you know trying to make a wrong a right I don't I don't think necessarily the last Fight was wrong you know I think I showed my heart I showed my balls and I would have been there All Night Whatever he got he Had for me that night I would have took it All Night and then some So You know Listen If You're a competitor and You're proud of Who You are as a man you'll do the work that has to be done and you you'll try to bring your best on Fight Night you know so Listen all that other fancy Stuff to glasses like I was wearing the last Fight in the the Louis Vuitton jackets I threw that away This is me shave My Head hat and in a Track suit I'm ready to go to War you know I'm ready to Fight so It's going to be a good show Listen floyd's going to bring his best He's Going To perform like he said and um I'm going to meet him right in middle this Time I take a Back Step absolutely you know you you have to you have to Trust yourself in there you have to Believe in in your lungs you know and a big part of my game is I'm very explosive When I Punch and I'm powerful so you have to Believe in yourself you have to get acclimated you know especially to the format How we're fighting This is e two minute rounds I didn't prepare really for the two minute rounds Last Camp you know It's very different It's Almost like amateur rules so we've been applying that Every sparring session the 82 minute rounds and so happens Last year I invested right after out Fight in estoy en una gran forma estoy en una gran forma me he entrenado también con una máquina de altitud para estar listo para las condiciones de la Ciudad de México soy un competidor estoy listo para lo que FL quiera aventarme a m esa noche en la arena Ciudad de México Estoy preparado soy poderoso soy explosivo Y eso es lo que ha comentado John gotti y haciendo la traducción rápidamente lo que hizo floy MC weather Junior de lo que ha dicho el campeón ha dicho que él ve su carrera el final de su carrera distinto a como se vio la carrera de Mohamed Ali que si él no estuviera estuviera recibiendo malos comentarios o abucheos en las Arenas cuando hace peleas de exhibición No lo estaré haciendo no lo hace por dinero lo hace porque ama profundamente su deporte porque lo Está disfrutando su equipo lo Está disfrutando él y que por eso está haciendo estas peleas de exhibición thank theend Time in the morning and Start your Road work As you mentioned in your Uh many videos and things I think That's also a key you lived a Clean lifestyle Never did drugs anything abusive for your body Always did the right Thing and did the right training um you Still are in Love with the training I think That's What's probably going to get you through at this age I think at 47 Uh Can you share a little light on that What kind of training You're doing at this age and and and and so puedes compartir algo más de tu entrenamiento de cómo estás viviendo los 47 años um even like the Mayweather boxing fitness gyms That I have you know around the country as well as around the world we Just truly Believe in Health is your wealth We want you working out I mean I mean we nobody's going to be here forever but Why we here We have Body have temp so we to take Our bod and That's what i'm doing If I'm Not Going To invest in anything I'm Going To invest in Myself you know Health is your real we so I got to make sure that um I'm staying in Good good condition and good shape and um the exhibitions you know you know the exhibitions is fun um like I said I'm able to Travel a lot more you know When I was fighting at the highest Level and competing with the Uh the top different top competitors I was mainly Just veg home Travel country to country And I take my Team and we work out and um so we prepare Our a little bit different for exhibitions whereas when you fighting 12 rounds Against a guy like a Pacquiao or a guy like memos cre he creo en mi salud vi mi cuerpo como un templo he sido disciplinado y aunque ahora me preparo de una manera diferente a cuando hacía peleas de 12 rounds sigo seguimos yo y mi equipo de trabajo con Esas reglas con esa disciplina con esa filosofía dos preguntas más um Mex to get a show It's all giv show and um It's I'm on Great shows I'm to trav and you money queremos que esta pelea recordada como un gran espectáculo para los fanáticos justo como eso como un gran espectáculo como una noche memorable y que todo el mundo salga contento de la arena Ciudad de México Uh Listen I want this to be remembered as a you know very entertaining Fight you know Floyd keeps repeating himself boxing showcase and boxing exhibition but I've been watching Floyd Fight my whole life since I'm a Kid I've Never once seen Floyd show up early to an event I was early in Florida and He's already there warming up I've Never seen Floyd prepare the way he has And I never seen Floyd throw as many punches in two minutes as he did in Our Fight so obviously It was a Fight obviously he Wanted to hurt me obviously he Wanted to knock me out so He's Not Going To sn Me Again with this exhibition nonsense He's coming to knock me out Again and I'm Going To try to knock him out this Time so That's that If I May If I May we did a Box on that Fight Ok and Floyd mayweather's history 50 professional fights Never in one round in the First round two minutes of Any First round Fight has he thrown that many punches so exhibition my ass It was a Fight he came to para nosotros esto es una guerra este chico va ir una guerra para nosotros no caemos en la trampa de que esto va a ser una pelea de exhibición nunca habíamos visto a floyer tirar tantos Golpes en un primer episodio de dos rounds como lo hizo frente a John John comenta que que Floyd salió a noquearlo salió a lastimarlo y que él no se va a comprar esto de que es una pelea de exhibición es lo que hemos comentado esto no es una pelea de exhibición es una pelea real y desde luego eh lo que vimos en la primera contienda nos deja perfectamente Claro que es así Si algunos no la han visto pónganla por favor para que sepan lo que nos espera el próximo 24 de agosto en la gran Arena Ciudad de México Ahora sí la última pregunta please qué te hizo decidir tomar esta revancha ofrecer esta revancha luego de todo lo que pasó en la Primera pelea you know Finish the Fight and um everybody Wanted to see the outcome whether it went The distance Or they stopped to Fight and it stopped In mele which I'm upset those type of things happen La Primera pelea no terminó como hubiéramos querido a m no me importa lo que diganos golpes tiré o no tiré he peleado tantas veces en mi vida que no lo s no me importa pero queremos que esta pem final diferente Después de lo que viviste en la Primera pelea qué es lo que has mejorado que es Dónde está tua de oportunidad después de lo que aprendiste you know like I said someone Who I admired as a boxer as a Fighter growing up Uh Being front of 15,000 people and the way he came out you know caught me a little off guard you know So The average person who's watching Who has a lot to say I I bet you a majority of them would have laid down and said uncle That's what I That's what I think but I didn't I would have fought All Night If he knocked me out he knocked me out You Know It is what it is but Listen You only could have learn from an experience like that you know He's One of the greatest Fighters Ever lace up gloves you could Say You Know el 24 de agosto voy a estar en la mejor forma de mi carrera mucho mejor que como lo estuve la última vez si algo no voy a hacer es tenerle tanto respeto si me noquea que me noque pero no voy a combatir con tanto respeto como lo hice la primera vez pues tenemos una cita el próximo 24 de agosto en la gran Arena Ciudad de México pediré a los contendientes a los protagonistas de esta contienda boxística que realicemos el tradicional Face to Face para terminar esta presentación y desde luego no olviden a través de dison para todos los Estados Unidos para todo el mundo en México a través de TV Azteca en señal de televisión abierta y en Pay TV en Fox Sports Así que caballeros por favor el escenario es suyo ara deico gent los esperamos en la gran Arena Ciudad de México elimo [Aplausos] [Aplausos] [Música] de agosto Arena Ciudad de [Aplausos] México your favorite Fighters over here on fub TV and Give Us a follow online as well at Fight TV on Twitter and on Instagram we Appreciate It guys

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