Category: Sports
Do you believe that is the question because the dream is very very much alive the haon footy club go to adelaide next friday night to take on a shell shock port adelaide footy club and uh my word adelaide over next friday they'd be nervous absolutely the way the draws lin up g it's uh it's given them... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro with the all australian team set to be announced this week f would give it an opportunity to try and create our all australian team with the 44 players that were in the squad in the back pocket defenders we've got sydney's nick blakey at fullback we've got brisbane's harris andrews in the other... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] the afl scheduling problem is almost infinite in size we have really intense periods of actually building the fixture too many meetings and versions to count we do get a lot of feedback from fans to try to do it by hand would be essentially [music] impossible i'm josh bowler and i'm the head... Read more
Category: Sports
Reckon for the general football population the most anticipated game of this first weekend of the finals comes on friday night at a soldout mcg two teams on such a rise they have so much going for them the hawks and the bulldogs and for hawthorne it's returned to prime time as they have become box office... Read more
Category: Sports
Quau quar a time it seemed fairly even they probably made more of their opportunities do you feel the shifting power if you like in the game was was it an attitudinal thing on the part of your guys or did you flick a few switches what what caused it do you think um i mean firstly i say i was really... Read more
Category: Sports
Sam what's your what's your emotion right now um disappointment mostly probably a whole bunch of other things in there but um enormously disappointed i thought the players um they left it all out there just went i mean there's three close ones in a row we've one two and could easily have been a similar... Read more
Category: Sports
For mother [music] father as we march into the future it's important that um my place at the football club is almost demanded and needed um if it's time for change we we just all need to make that decision together do you want to stay oh absolutely i'm i've still got a lot of energy you know and uh... Read more
Category: Sports
The premiership window has been something that wherever i go people say when is it coming back and i say hold your horses because we can't have it every week cu then everyone forgets about the rest of the show so here it is the most staggering thing about this premiership window right here and just... Read more
Category: Sports
Why is he so good in the rck the big fell what makes him so good oh 6' 10 helps uh no i'm going to say best hands in the comp that's why great mark and that's what's made the difference for him as your season being big fellow six time all australia and it's rarified a how have you thought you've gone... Read more
Category: Sports
I was at the mar i was at marvel stadium with brown we watched the western bulldogs make a mess of the dockers my question is this what is what was rory lorth this time last week as a player and what if he hadn't known any of his history or background what was he what is he worth today if you goone... Read more
Category: Sports
What about the biggest occasion saturday night at the mcg collingwood honoring scott pendelbury the best way possible left foot little chisler [music] ped he's got two flags plus one norm smith five copeland trophies goodness me what a diverse cabinet ped and the pies prevail for pendal calling will... Read more
Category: Sports
K me [music] baby club scouts for years knew all about the wizardry of nick watson and now the footy world has seen it fully exposed and how we are loving it is the mercurial snaps and the clever taps and the relentless pressure the brash and brilliant hawks they used their first round pick on him in... Read more