Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 01:10:28 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: george rr martin
[Music] [Music] warning this video is intended for audiences who are 13 or older if you're not 13 or older please [ __ ] off and tell your parents to moderate what you watch online all right T so what are your thoughts about about body horror are you're a big fan of body horror Tariq why I can't even respond to that why who starts off asking about an opinion on body oh wait oh wait wait a minute that doesn't sound like Tariq oh my God who is this okay I think we've all known know who I am at this point I I for all for all the for all we know there could be audience that only decided to watch who watch who didn't start watching into our copyright or Contra episode 2017 episode review you know and then at that point they never decided to go back at any point to watch any of the last four three to four years of our previous materials you know right no first of all if that's the case um the the viewers can go [ __ ] themselves and they can go ahead and rewatch all the content and add to the views you know generate some ad revenue for us you oh man he hey hey we're monetized now you know right look all I'm saying is like if people are willing to watch all like the content that Marvel like dishes out along with Star Wars even with how [ __ ] it is then they can do it for us all right to our unhinged rats you know right yeah yeah of course cuz we have the best discussions you know when it comes to when it comes to talking about tokus satus you know right we're the only ones that that aren't afraid to speak our mind you know right yeah exactly for sure I'm going to say though this show is I'm not I don't I'm not afraid to say that hey hey I'm not afraid to say Sony should have given Concor another week you know right wait wait what huh oh have you not heard about the Concor have you not heard about concour no I don't I did God damn it am I behind on some big news or something again oh man you're not behind about this [ __ ] so Sony released like some dog [ __ ] um hero shooter game okay no yeah yeah the live action the the live service game that came out for like two weeks and is now being refunded or and like cut taken offline yeah me Tak offline after 2 weeks yeah you all right yeah hey Tony should have given concore another week you know right I wonder if I could look up no way is it going to be another week um as far as I recall like the last time they had like the the biggest or recently the player count that they had was 29 29 players okay yeah that tells you something about how this game is have you have you heard about the latest thing right now in conquer where players are trying to kill them themselves as fast as possible no yeah because they're trying to like uh get the platinum trophy or some [ __ ] right yeah before the game comes out right cuz what cuz they have like what they have like what 2 days now right yeah something or some [ __ ] I mean no before the J it's like it closes down on like the 9th right so I mean they have some time oh they they have a week all right sure you know sure man that's oh man good for them you know right after this after they never have to touch Concord again you know exactly hold on how do I look up the player base right now for Concord uh I mean I think you only see the steam I think you only see the steam right but you can't see that's all that matter matters okay I'm only getting Concordia and eternal Concord see where this is okay you you keep talking I'm going to look up Concord real quick no I'm I'm looking up I'm looking at the Concord trophy list to see what they have to do I don't store anymore I think it's been removed from the store because I'm not getting any yeah yeah you cannot buy you cannot buy this game anymore yeah oh yeah so yeah the silver trophy is um reach is reach level 100 right man these trophies are man these trophies are really annoying okay you are 52 trophies man half of these trophies require you to play as the characters so there's a trophy for every single character for all 60 characters in the gate where it requires you to kill 50 enemy as each as each character that's annoying as [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yeah yeah no no wonder no wonder this game is failing uh that that's the reason why they game fail B away because of the trophy you know yeah sure yeah yeah yeah it's not because of how it's just another ler shooter that you have to pay for when you have a whole bunch of few ones out there uh we don't pay for this like how we don't pay to watch the [ __ ] I don't know how the [ __ ] this [ __ ] we stop doing this after after after you I don't know how the seg works anymore we don't even need to segue anymore man I'm here for aana it's fine just call it look it's called common writer daav or something like which is very weird name I'm not going to lie to you I don't know he yeah it's cyri look it's the new year the new com writer is com writer gav hey this is episode one a snack common writer right so so hey before we get started so I told I I link you to the blog to the press release and and all that [ __ ] right so I got I have one thing to say about this so so based on your first impression of the I hope you and like it I hope you watch uh like the tal because this is going to be the tone for at least the next 20 episodes of the show by the way yeah wait wait what right huh all right so so so here's how common writer production CU production at least every production always has like a 3mon advance production right so like so gab would have started filming in like June or some [ __ ] like that right you know right yeah right in order to get it in order to get all this so apparently so this year with gav Bandai toy orever the [ __ ] really wants to get into that Chinese market right they really want to start pushing com right to China now right but as you know China has like this really hard like like regulatory uh uh committee right that you can't just like you can't just release it right so so gav started production in March of this year and from what I read and from what I've been told they have already filmed up to episode 20 of gav okay wow yeah so yeah so what yeah so whatever so yeah so they are appar there are they have enough content like the next up until up until like um what is that uh five months so four months yeah yeah I mean you get four episodes about four yeah so they yeah so they have enough to all Roy to January so so pretty much the entire first story arc not only is the so the entire is pretty much film at this point you know right not even the entire for story arc is is written out and and um and and everything it is straight up film right so yeah so whatever [ __ ] is so whatever happening G boy I hope you enjoy this going to be it for the next for the next 20 episode you know I don't know if I like the direction it's already going considering the fact that people have mouths on their stomachs man it's just really [ __ ] weird oh man man this is such a such a high [ __ ] contrast to got like holy [ __ ] there is so much body horror that happen in this first episode it's crazy right oh yeah considering the fact that uh yeah that one guy had that big ass [ __ ] like monster mouth in his stomach which was really really uh honestly I was like uh why why do you have it yeah know it's crazy how like if you were to actually compare this the first episode of Gab to like something like Godard right like you could see the big visual visual contrast that that that's being done with this season you know no yeah for sure yeah I mean God also the music is like I don't know if the music was similar but I feel like this is a very a lot more like um I guess electropop or something like that for lack of a better I mean yeah I mean the enemy the enemies are just straight up Street punks like it wear like those like those shitty NE Neo Urban uh [ __ ] uh Street aesthetic you know right yeah it looks so [ __ ] out of place too I I I hate these grunts by the way these grunts that chases him right cuz these are the basic grunt like I hate how they just like urbanized Street punck Japanese aesthetic you know like this it looks so [ __ ] out of place within the show right especially when you compare it cuz cuz I L cuz I link you to the to the Press where they show what the villain group up the show up the season looks like right these guys do not look like they belong yeah it looks so [ __ ] weird I straight up do not like the like the grunt enemies of the season in any in any aspect right yeah they're doing they're doing some interesting things I'll tell you that for sure God I mean yeah like these guys look like a different like this actually look like a different show mhm right throughout like the first part when he's being changed like man cuz these do not look like common rer grunt you know like like like right like these that typical aesthetic style of like a grunt and like a common writer or like these are straight up like like like like like we had H like GRS are always humanoid but these are just straight up dudes in in in in like in like in like in like in like a in like a black jacket and and pants you know that are shooting him with like a with like a stupid cyberpunk 2077 Nerf gun or some [ __ ] right yeah I know it's uh it was certainly a like the visual appeal of these grut enemies are so distracting in contrast to like how the show is you know yeah also man like like this okay actually hold on do we Okay can I ask this I want to know if is this is this is this considered eai or n no so he's he's just straight up an alien from a different planet right this is that some weird pillow Dimension [ __ ] right he's just straight up an alien from aliens from the planet stomach or some [ __ ] oh I mean I guess I mean basically the doors is basically just Monsters Inc but you know but uh common rider so you know there's that yeah I I don't understand the the symbolism of the doors yet or what it means so we should just give it like a pass for now until like unless think never come back to it then we can like trash on as much as we [ __ ] want you know but hey M also this man like literally fell down into the sky he first look like Tokyo to you dude because honestly my first thought was one it was France and two he was nowhere near a shoreline how did he land in the water in the first place dude how did he get do do do you know how I know this is not France it's too clean you know right even from the sky I can tell that this is a clean City with no rats anywhere you know it's not the it's not the river sand or whatever they called it where like the [ __ ] Olympic uh Olympic Swim swimmers had to actually not swim in the [ __ ] River P they were actually getting sick and [ __ ] and then and then they still ended up getting sick after swimming in it you know right it turns up within 5 years you cannot fix the water level of a river that that that that your country has spent the last I don't know fivey or two no I that that place has been popular for like the last Millennia like 12200 years of pissing and and and shitty and you know right there was no and dumping and dumping ecigarettes and vs into that you know right that's what that's what people Advance here right after they're done with their disposable V they just throw it into the river you know right no yeah that's exactly what I do all the time right but yeah but yeah yeah so uh so the charact the main guy of the show is named sha I not toma all right don't get confused with Toma from common rer saber okay common misconception this is showa okay look I'm glad look at least he's not yelling at me every time he's saying like I decide how this story ends and and all that mumbo jumbo [ __ ] man I'm just yeah so we have sha just falling from the from the from the sky you know like hey that's like I actually thought this was an eay Kai as well right if I did not read the blog plus right that saying that this was an alien guy from like from the planet from the Planet alien or whever the [ __ ] Planet he's I don't know if they say the if he says it in this or they say in the blog I just know he's stra up just like an alien no I mean the thing is I didn't know I didn't know until I read the blog because I watched the episode first I was like this is a straand of e it was just kind of yeah yeah it looks like an eai at like it l oh wait no it's just no it was almost an eay Kai for the kid when he almost got run over by the truck okay oh man that was [ __ ] great yeah yeah yeah I'm really glad I'm really glad that Tru [ __ ] has become such a stupid internet meme like an actual meme of like like cultural relevance sty in Japan where now they can actually just make fun of this [ __ ] you know no yeah for sure it's [ __ ] amazing dude but also I mean I don't know why this kid is at the beach first of all it's I mean to we do know why he's at the beach like I don't understand why this kid is at the beach by himself you know for sure God I don't know man apparently that that mother of his just lets him go whereever the [ __ ] he wants man I have no idea look look this Japan look they don't have to worry about about any incidents you know right you know I'm not saying any I'm not going to name any incident because cuz it inent may or may not have happened toight as we're recording this you know right God did I he wait did something happen with Japan again what happened with ja no I'm talking about America you know right oh okay no never mind that's a different thing I think we talk about Japan specifically okay let's not talk about America for a hot second we've talked about yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah so um [ __ ] I think uh was it we what's the the kid's name is uh [ __ ] uh the character man he's not coming is he a one-off character I can't tell if he's a one-off character honestly the reason I think so is because like um I I like when I was watching the episode I thought for sure he might come back at some point but I'm that's what it looks like this like cuz I thought this supposed to be like the weird kid the weird U the weird uh kid kid psychic you know right you you know what whatever every Indiana J needs his Short Round you know right that's how you built a great character when they have a kid sidekick next to him you know right wait wait wait in which camer was there ever like a kid sidekick anywhere dude I don't even okay oh man you have oh yeah I forgot you're you're still relatively dud so you don't you don't know and um so in common writer heiki the main writer had a kid psychic throughout the entire season okay well [ __ ] okay fine that's one uh you know fair enough I that's on me I should have known Comer would have done something wacky like that at some to be first at least at least that that it was it made sense within the shows there because because the kid because the kid was an apprentice to the to the main common writer to be the next to be the next Generation so it act it it thematically makes sense for like a random kid to be that's fair uh to be hanging around I mean I mean technically G had a kid had a 9-year-old girl that was harassing them the entire season so you know oh well I mean that's not exactly sidekick Short Round uh Vibe energy it was just like why why why is this child harassing why just stra up this 9-year-old girl in the show you know to be fair that is true you know right but yeah uh I mean there's been kids Sidekicks in C yeah I actually thought this kid was a was a main well was like was this actually supposed to be part of the main cast as well right but I guess he's not part of the main cast or I mean the thing is is because like looking at the blog post that you sent me after I watched the episode I mean it doesn't look like he's part of the main cast it looks like he he just serves as an introduction to the character and his vibe in general which makes sense because he's a kid buys candy and then you know he's like the main character's never really eaten human food like this before and so you know it kind of leads into the whole his power thing where he's like oh I eat candy and apparently I just have like a million candy babies or something afterwards which is God that was so weird that's just so weird dude I don't I don't know how why oh man I man man I'll let you know I [ __ ] love these the the go chisu uh where the [ __ ] these uh these things are the greatest [ __ ] thing the Goos right I [ __ ] love these go Che I think these are the best [ __ ] [ __ ] ever you know right as soon as as soon as I saw this I fell in love with these [ __ ] little these [ __ ] little things oh these things are so [ __ ] amazing I think it terms of like a it terms of like a com writer gimmick right like these are like the best things ever honestly that have ever been introduced and do like a like a collectible copywriter gimmick you know right but then I found out that I am not supposed to get attached to them you know right I mean to be fair what he does is that he eats candy he births them and then he eats his own children basically so that's yeah yeah I I found out I found out it's just like an Ant-Man right I am not supposed to give these ants individual names you know it turns out it it doesn't that hate Pim once again was is right you know right you should only give these things subjects name and don't feel attachment to them anyway yeah you know right yeah once again I am proven Wrong by Hank pen you know maybe it was right to build old TR turned out you know right maybe we should just bu a a a a a a a robot AI you know right hey hey look all I'm saying is Hank pin wasn't responsible for for Ultron and the in in the MCU okay so he's in the clear right now okay that's that's all Iron Man dude oh okay no hold on I'm trying not to get sidetracked I'm just so pissed off at the do do Dr Doom um uh [ __ ] Robert oh yeah hey hey hey if you were still around we could have been having these weekly discussions every week in the post credits you know right look look man there's so much stuff you miss on you know right I am forced now to to to talk about all my grievance with Tariq every week now right you know right right and there there's like stuff there's stuff that that even though I could talk it's not it doesn't have the same impact you know right so so one of the things and man we off topic ignoring the fact that we're we're off topic talking about Hank pen right now right off topic real quick you know right so I started watching old movies again right like I actually straight up to start watching movies made pre 2000 right that are set pre I'm not talking about modern movies that are set in pre2 I talk about movies that were period like like this movie that was definitely filmed in the 80s and this is in the 80s you know right it's such so man just watching movies back then that film back then and see how the world work in society right it's just a big Jos to what we have it now you know right yeah yeah I mean things were a lot different back then like holy [ __ ] right like do you forget that the fact that in T2 or well T2 right yeah like there is a scene where they where they use a a pay phone to contact right I oh yeah yeah yeah nobody uses that [ __ ] anymore because everyone has cell phones and [ __ ] like oh yeah they use that to talk with people it was a [ __ ] wild time dude calculator to like hack an ATM okay that's that's enough we yes anyway yeah so uh so oh the kid's name is Hajime by the way so yeah SOA starts following a little boy around you know right he's just he does steal candy from a kid doesn't he [ __ ] go go go I mean and then the kid almost gets run over by Tron you know right that was pretty I'm not going to lie though that scene was pretty [ __ ] well for one that was [ __ ] funny as [ __ ] first of all just the fact that the [ __ ] truckers just like have their poses and they're just flying out the [ __ ] windshield it's pretty [ __ ] good I like that [ __ ] a lot oh yeah you have to assume that they that they that they were that they were mid conversation as as there as this was happening right and the fact I love that the guy on the I guess our right his left the one that's pointing right does not move at any point you know right I like the driver who who uh I like the driver who's like who's clearly in who's clearly like oh trying to process this uh know right yeah I mean honestly I mean look I'd be shocked too if I almost ran somebody over and they instead you know almost killed me by you know slamming Me Through a Windshield dude I mean like it does it does do a good job of basically showcasing like the character's strength I mean like first of all that like that man has like the power of like you know those um I think the easiest uh comparison I can think of right now you remember uh MythBusters right yeah mhm so do you remember that do you remember the episode where they're trying to see if a garbage truck I think it was a garbage truck that could if it could handle if it could run over through like the little um what do you call it that little bar that pops up that little guard thing that pops up to prevent people from basically entering into something and how it just basically R the truck right M yeah you know I mean that it does like he's basically that but also does a good a good thing in in like establishing how powerful the enemy is even like despite like like seeing how strong the main character is because that man could apparently tank trucks but those monsters are just like really [ __ ] like a lot more a lot stronger than you know even that you know so I thought it was that good I think it's a great introduction to show that this I mean like we already knew this car is not from this planet Earth right from the but it also showcased like oh yeah this this is like we we actually show showcasing like another like another attribute of him you know like he can just straight up take a truck you know right I don't know it's going to be a recurring bit you know I hope every episode he gets hit right not by you just get hits by something every episode right like next episode it could be a I don't know it could be a bicycle another episode a dog could run into him you know or or something right I I think it be real funny just for just just have like a different thing just run into him you know for re I was going I was going a lot more extreme like like at one second like today like this episode it was a truck the next episode it might be just like a tank or something and he stops that a [ __ ] tank that it shows up exactly look I don't know man especially after what happened where he like they had a whole ass [ __ ] fight in the middle of Japan where it's being reported and PE I know I there H it has to be people should have seen that fight happening I swear to God if nobody saw that those two having to fight in the middle of that I swear to God I'm going to get so mad at the show if I ever continue watching it dude if I find this out if they didn't like at least say have a react of the outside world you know I'm just saying mm yeah and then then and then there's a b plot of this episode like the quotequote be plot with involving um so this is uh I believe this character's name is uh uh uh uh Hanto karak right he's right he's yeah yeah yeah yeah he's supposed to be he's going to be our secondary comment writer but we're not there we the audience are not supposed to we're not supposed to know that yet wink you know and yet they put out the the little blog post right there I mean they're so free to just like like reveal all these spoilers right I mean that's the thing right look look for kids kids they're not supposed to know you know right cuz cuz kids kids don't know how to use the internet you know they don't know how to go online you know they don't know how to go to a blog like kids these days don't know kids I don't think kids days know what a Blog is you know right they don't they would not know how to go to a find a Blog people people give four-year-olds iPhones and they're apparently able to like hack World gun yeah but but for those foury are AR aren going to go read what George R [ __ ] has to say about about House of the Dragon you know right oh my god dude swear to God thanks for that back okay yeah no for look for all you know they all they're all redditors they're all future redditors they're it's bound to happen okay it's it's just it's not it's just a matter of time okay it's a matter of time before they find that [ __ ] and then become even like worse than they are hey man I hate this guy's [ __ ] coat by the way his black leather jacket that he wears it makes him look like a it makes him look like a guy who's going to who's going to duck Little Children You know I'm not a fan of his black that's not where I thought I thought he was going to start flashing people but you know that I guess that's yeah he just was like this guy makes him look a high suspicious person right cuz if you look at the blog post and see that his the coat the jacket like this blue it's not Le [ __ ] what what would you say it's a blue like I mean I guess like regular fabric like coat or something like that right right if you look at this right it looks nice like I wouldn't mind being approached by in the street by this guy you know but if a guy approaches me in the street wearing an all black Lea uh Co I'm like hey I'm not talking to you you know hey hey hey I I I want to speak to my lawyer right away if you want to talk you can talk to my lawyer you know right you know that's the point where you look at him and you just like turn your head away like all right I'm not I'm not I don't I'm not man yeah I'm just going to walk to the other side of the street you know but yeah he's a journalist you know he's like tried to investigate this woman and her missing husband you know but he's like hey man man did you see this monster you know you see this I love how he pulls on like this shitty ass like like child drawing so it breaks the question who drew this right did he draw this or did or was there like a four-year-old child that he stole this drawing from that saw the monster no you see like look the four-year-old makes sense but I refuse to believe that's what's going to happen I want to believe that he actually drew that I really hope we see an episode where he starts sketching out stuff right and but it's so [ __ ] bad you know right all his all his like all his like profile sketches or everything just like the just like they're made by a little it would be so good if you know you you know that you know the um uh uh like the the the the photo of the meme I think it was from sunny right where like you know the red lines but on the on the wall of the picture is is it's not like information it's just random drawings that he made of monsters and the and the witnesses accounts of how they describe the monster so just all like all child drawings that he made himself and he sticks them on the wall just trying to connect the dots that's what I want to see yeah and then and then so he I guess this his boss that shows up you're like hey hey man hey look hey look look look you got you got to don't ask these type of you got to ease her into these questions you got to get her with a gcha question you know got to ask him something stupid something stupid that her like how was and then you lead it did you murder your husband you know that's that's how it goes for investigative journalists like us you know right that's how got to get them to lower their guard down you know right you got ask them hey did you hey hey what are your thoughts about House of the Dragon season 2 you know right oh my God we're just going to keep bringing back to back to [ __ ] Geor Martin it wasn't enough that he dominated our conversation with Game of Thrones now he has to be House of the Dragon too oh look look look no he should also ask hey U so what are your thoughts on HBO you know yeah you're a big fan of HBO you have you have a subscription to Max you know right that's what that's the all greting prop no I mean I mean to be fair he could lead in with the questions like hey you like H Dragon hey all that murder though it's just it's just like oh oh you think he'll be like yeah man there's a lot of murder in each in House of the Dragon just like how your husband was murdered you know right it's the perfect lead question come on Jesus yeah so then his boss go meets up with the stupid street wear his the stupid uh Neo Urban Street Wear guy and a I'm so I'm not really sure what the [ __ ] this is he's Hing them right I was really confused I had to rewatch this see like like a few times just to understand what exactly he was handing them right so I I actually cannot cannot tell what the [ __ ] so I think he trapped these people into these like these let me is that what it is let me get time to get let me try to get to the the time stamp um uh 452 452 oh yeah the um the people right yeah so I I was just actually just so confused of what this actually is right did he trap these people into into like these weird plastic plastic things right like I was so confused on what this is right cuz this isn't explained or shown later in the show what this is right will be but like as far as I'm aware it seems like they eat people and then just like like eat their bodies and give their Essence to the enemies or I have no idea they haven't bothered explaining that because honestly I thought they were this SC like this scene is just so [ __ ] weird without context or not cuz likez he's just giv them like shitty photos like like shitty uh shitty acrylic cut outs of them you know right I think it's I think it's oh God what was that one episode I remember there was an episode in [ __ ] uh Sentai or something like that where they were capturing people and then putting wait was it um you I'm not thinking of momotaro or what was it [ __ ] uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh what was that show what was the name of that one wait you only watch like three Senti right it's yeah noed there K major there's K major there's Zen Ker there's DOD brothers and there's King oo all right I I don't know which one you're talking about okay look whatever it's fine I I watched Peak and then stopped after Peak it's fine it's it's okay King o feels good man oh man I can't believe I kep you're missing out on Bon Bure right now you're you're completely missing out on this no it's not is so [ __ ] bad it is it is such a it is such a it is such a I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with having a fun Lo State season right you know right but it's like it's it's really it's really back to basic you know it's like it's like they it's like it's like everything that that that that was wrong before before King orra came and they just went right back to you know they had one success with King o and then and then instead of learning from that one success they immediately went went back to the went back to how to the original state status you know right it's Bon berer is so it's an actual to watch so we actually saw Peak and then they just stopped being oh but it's crazy how how how Peak King oer was uh uh you know right and then then then then going into Bon Bomer you know it's it's so it's such a drawer right now you know right gotcha oh also hey wa wait let me Austin a little aside real quick where's my sword by the way is that is that here yet oh yeah that's coming in December damn okay oh nice gotcha all right Co that's all okay yeah so so let me tell you how how [ __ ] how [ __ ] sad is one of the main character is jobless and every episode involves her getting a new part-time job to pay for rent all right oh Jesus that's depressing yeah oh yeah and is that is that even a commentary on on on on on anything you know like like how bad the the economy is she's just straight up broke every every episode literally every episode we see her at another part time because she's like I have to get paid that they going to get kicked out you know right does she just not have any Financial like literacy or something just you not keep track her finances wait hold on do do the do the Rangers like do anything that make her broke or something or what no no she's just straight up a broke a broke a broke 20-year-old girl trying to live in Japan you know it's just it's a there having a commentary like the economic she's just broke every episode for some reason I don't know how so every episode we just straight up see her at a different part time like this week she was working at a convenience store you know right and she and the other week last week she was working at a restaurant being a waitress right wait does she just get fired every time or something is I don't know that's just it's just she's like she's like every episode right so basically basically the Bon buer is just like a straight up another side job so like every now and then she's like all right that was fun I have to go back to my job now I was like Jesus Christ wow man it's it's really bad for you H yeah man I really wish you were watching Bon Boer with me right now right so you know dude I mean I mean I might look into it I mean I saw like the first like five minutes of like episode one and I all I know is that man kidnapped a bride that's all I know oh yeah that's her that's that's the character that that needs a new job every every episode oh Jesus what the [ __ ] yeah yeah it turns out it turns out that guy she was about to get married to was a was was a rich guy and she threw it all away and that's why she needs to get a new job every episode now Jesus I mean I know she had the boyfriend but did she get even get back together with the guy or what oh there's an episode that that that follows up that that actually follows up on it and you know you can watch it yourself anyway so anyway yeah so um yeah so hey so instead of instead of an adult man leading a little boy to a to a sketchy Hideout this little boy leads this adult man to a sketchy to a sketchy Hideout you know you you know what I don't understand now now I enjoy the pop of color sort of it's a little too much at times but the thing is how does a kid afford a secret hideout like this how I an abandoned it's just like an abandoned warehouse in like the woods right no way no way is an abandoned warehouse that good with if with it's left over Furnishing dude there is no way in hell I I assume this kid something I assume this kid just came in at and renovate it you know right it's like when you find something like I'm going to make this place mine you know right yeah I guess ass but like it's just it's just wild as [ __ ] to me dude to be fair this place this place do looks nice he has a I'm rewatching this now I didn't realize it the first time I was watching but he there's a [ __ ] uh there's a [ __ ] Grill in here for some reason this kid does not know I was this kid does not know how to grill there's just a [ __ ] Grill in here dude honestly this kid's this kid's setup is [ __ ] sick as [ __ ] dude like yeah he has a little tent in here too if he ever wants to sleep in this in this place right like no like this kid is living like a person's dream like it's like a homeless person's dream where basically if they need thought you going to say this this kid is living every every 12-year-old kid's dream you know I mean well living in an abandoned warehouse with like dope ass furnituring and like all this he has a hammock in there too I right I re look at this even a h you know has everything like he has pots and pant and everything everywhere dude he has a rice cooker I think in the background it's real this man could legit like well this kid could legit when he's older he could just if he's to college but doesn't want to depend on his parents money he could legit live there he could legit live there he has no trouble yeah yeah yeah so uh [ __ ] May uh Gib sha some uh some candy oh look he puts out some he puts out A random assortment of snacks oh what's with these he puts out some popping gummies some potato chip you know uh some chocolate dip yeah what with oh man is this symbolism is this what we call is this what what we call in the industry as foreshadowing you know I call it product placement That's What I Call oh man I mean no I don't think it's it's no way cuz what I read like they created all these brands in this show like like there's not like they're not actually teaming up like there's like no actual like Nessie neset whatever the [ __ ] right some uh some some or or or or or Hershey's product placement in the show which is crazy I can't believe that they did not they did not approach like no snack H I thought I thought it was just like Japanese like type of like products that we just don't see no none of these everything in the show like all these U snacks in the show are just straight up original uh non-copyrighted trademark brand uh that that exists in the show right cuz that's the weirdest thing right cuz every year STI does I mean or or common writer and they do team up with like a Japanese snack compies to make gummies right and the fact that they're not actually right teaming up with the company to use their product with it show it's insane for me I mean like the thing is the first first of all the little candy or little um what do you call them the little Minions that he he spawns when he eats the candy right I uh the goiu right yeah I mean those are going to be Collectibles for sure right I mean I know for a fact that they're going to be Collectibles for kids to to take but I'm surprised they're not going into food approach too and selling like candies and [ __ ] right yeah the fact that they're not actually like an actual branded company to make to to like have them sponsored the show you know right to make especially because it's all about candy and snacks and that's like a popular thing I'm not sure if this cuz this like a regulation type of thing or or like or or something like that you know right that's probably the only thing I could think of because if they've done that before then it would make sense like if they do too much of it then it'd be like well you know we can't do it because of some rules that that the government said I mean I don't understand that but I think we have to look way deep into that for 200 yeah I just think it's just weird that that they're not actually team up with like with like like like like like whatever brand name company in Jaan is to promote to promote like I feel like this would have been so free right it would it would have make production cost so much easier you know right you know just printed money at this point and done whatever they wanted with the show they really could have I sure I'm not sure it's like a it was like some Li legation thing right say like hey you can't be having right that that that's preventing this you know right it's just so [ __ ] St but yeah yeah so so all these candies that that uh that hajim b uh shows up are like hey yeah oh yeah it's a hey yeah these these are all hits at all his upcoming um at all his upcoming by the way in case you in case you which again which again you only know you don't you only noce if you read the production blog the blog the all the promotional stuff right but yeah but for hon he he just a bunch of random snack yeah he also likes scum he's like oh yeah these things are [ __ ] great num num you know um give me a second I'll be right back oh [ __ ] oh oh man oh oh oh just like that William has left us once again uh we had it good you know uh audience uh it was it was amazing that we could hear his voice again we could be in in in his think but uh William has has left us once again he has passed on he has returned home uh to his original Dimension to his home you know of the of the mental health of the mental health Universe right that's uh I think that was the that's our um that that's our in in in in lore regarding him right you know right yeah uh we lost with him uh said you never know how good you had it until until until it's gone you know right uh William is gone we are never going to see him again right uh we this is uh this is is such a sad and depressing day for all of us you know it was it was going so well you know right until until it ended right for for us uh right there's there's really nothing else to say uh I guess uh we should all we should all uh later tonight you know uh get some uh get some incent you know get some uh get some of those fake flowers or whatever you know and uh light them up burn them so we got to have wireless headphones right I could hear everything you're saying Jesus oh my God okay where were here it's the GOI zo yeah so sha eats some candy then then pops out this GOI Zoo this little this little [ __ ] dude I [ __ ] like I said I [ __ ] love the goiu so [ __ ] much holy [ __ ] these are so [ __ ] I love the design of them but I just don't I don't even give a [ __ ] I don't even give a [ __ ] about the belt this year I will just straight up buy the GOI Zoo by dude the belt is so weird the belt it's not it's not it's not the face thing it's just the fact that it hangs off his stomach and then when he makes the belt just yeah so unlike other comiter season right where the belt is like this an actual external device that the character had like this belt is actually just organically part of it right he's this is just straight up like this is just like like a tumor right like a mold this is just on him at all given time this thing is so [ __ ] weird you know right so odd dude I don't understand how like why they decided I mean I know they do this whole thing with the weird monster thing but you didn't have to give him that as the mouth dude I look he's an alien you know right I don't know if this going to be explain why his belt why his stomach alien is like a it's like this like this mechanic explain it because the thing is like in the flashbacks that he's having with his mother he's Bas she's basically saying yeah don't eat their candy it'll [ __ ] you up so basically since he didn't eat the candy it just his his little mouth tumor thing Ved into something else which was the belt which is yeah but but his is mechanical in nature right like all the others are actually organic you know in nature right his is just so [ __ ] weird I mean look I mean yeah there's going to have to be an explanation at some point but like that's like the best guess I have so far until they get into it yeah and then to keep up the uh sorry but how do you feel about the suit dude H we'll get to when we get to it I I'll talk about the suit you know right but yes keep up with this with this week's episode theme of following following around small children you know right right so so so so the drug of this season is is is uh is is jello you know the the mortal enemy of sweets you know right oh man H this is what candy hates the most uh gelatin you know right yeah I was actually confused at first when I saw this Cube I for some reason I thought it was like a stamp block or like some type of wooden block into the guy put it in his mouth and like oh oh wait oh I like but my second thought what I saw was that oh man is this a is this like a Jello Cube or some [ __ ] until he actually put oh yeah you're right is it is a Jello Cube I like oh okay sure yeah my my first thought was basically oh look at look at look at that that's very weird and then my second thing is like can I eat this can I get this candy where is it please send it to me honestly I really want to just take a big old chunk out of like the [ __ ] Cube candy that he has man I really want to see what that tastes like hopefully it doesn't taste like human or something okay I'm just that's all I'm saying the flavor the flavor is human yeah the flavor yeah so yeah so yeah yeah so yeah so uh yeah so he he follows he follows like this this older man starts falling after this this young Japanese boy I'm like I don't like this you know right and uh and so so I was fine with the mouth on his stomach being CG you know right when he looked I was like oh man I didn't like the fact that he started pulling up his shirt and exposing himself to this little like o I don't like this you oh boy hey man can I Chris Hansen can we fly Chris Hansen over to Japan right now I this is this is really weird you know right you know right he didn't need a gyate he really didn't need a gyate when he was showing off his we also did not need to see like the fact that they actually did like an actual proos prosp ah prosthetic effect right yeah for his stomach right instead of like having this weird CG uh monstrosity right like the see where it does like a closeup of his stomach I'm like o I don't like this it's really [ __ ] weird you know you should stop this yeah it's [ __ ] weird it is not comfy it's away I want him away from yeah so yeah so he turns into a gav I believe this is what no no the gavs are the device what the [ __ ] are the name of the granes or uh no Gran or something like that right I don't remember how yeah the grand new yeah that's that's what he CH for yeah and so um and so he imely eats [ __ ] you know he imely gets knocked the [ __ ] out you know and uh and then he realized oh boy hey yeah this is not good I am get I am just a weird human hybrid alien I'm going against this freak of nature monster and I did get and I did get beat uh this is not good I am actually trembling in fear right now uh I might actually die you know right yeah honestly I mean uh it is a good way to show I mean they do show the whole um backstory with him which you know is nice but he does get his [ __ ] kicked in that's for sure um and then then he has memory of his mom being eaten by a tentacle monster you know right yeah yeah so our character has trauma so that's good to know that we always need a character of trauma let's hope they actually do something with it man also how much do you want to bet he's going to be able to rescue his mother dude I mean like the thing is I feel like with the way they're capturing the people and everything they're going to be like placed somewhere or something and they'll be able to right yeah I'm pretty sure they he was just be like some weird energy source or some [ __ ] right I guess that's that's that that's what's happening right well it's either that or they actually tournament to gelatin and then and make them into the little uh candy cubes that they have but I don't know how maybe yeah but we'll see yeah yeah so then so then his little go goiu guys he produced a bunch of them appar at some point I don't know where the [ __ ] all these random ones came the [ __ ] out of you know he's like they're all like mother he is a happy mother of three billion children okay especially how he burns through all man so so so man here's the thing I was talking about with Tariq I [ __ ] hate how the goiu are actually implemented so they are shot out of his stomach right yeah you know I hate that and then he has not only they they're shot out out of the belt on his stomach right and then for he has to then put it back into his stach oh man I don't like that that's kind of disgusting you know right and these were just like basically the equival of throwing up your food and then eating it back up again yeah you know ah yeah this is that this is real [ __ ] like if they were just like sweat off his body you like little Mr meekes you know right is that is how they were produced instead I don't know man that feels even grosser too because what I mean look it's just if it comes from his body in some way then it's just kind of like nah no I don't know I mean I I know there's like very limited like I can't think of a way that they can make these guys currently but I just feel like there has to be a better way than what they're doing with this right now like if it didn't come from his body at all then I'd be fine with it that's all I oh yeah if these were actually like mass-produced candies you know right yeah okay yeah that that would make sense but yeah yeah so he has toat he has to eat up whole bunch of candy from the other world and he drops them and he's looking for them or something I don't know something like that but I'm just saying right yeah yeah yeah so he so he eats so he has to eat his so he has to eat his own Thro and uh and like I said a body [ __ ] uh and I I'm actually Amazed by how how visually appealing his his transformation is right like it's l uh symbi him you know like it just it starts growing all over his body right like oo I don't like this you know it's really [ __ ] weird it just forms his body which is pretty neat you know I I mean I don't know if they've done it in other comers but it looked pretty it ter of like organic yes we have done organic but I think this like the first time we have a car that who's armor appears organically like cuz most of the time it's just like a mechanical mechanical transformation you know like this is like the first season in a wall where we had it where it just organically appears like this all over him you know right yeah yeah I mean it is a cool effect for sure I mean like the thing um like it's especially seeing like how it's formed around it like like the little armor bits here uh and honestly it just feels like it's becoming a part of him especially with how his eye kind of shines with like the whole transformation oh yeah I think that's such a cool I think that's actually just a cool little little touch I don't know there's I'm pretty sure it's relevant somehow right this is going to be explored later and when I I I assume this you know his when why his eye shines like that right you know right I'm Prett but it's pretty cool you know how he transforms yeah yeah so we have the Gap suit uh I don't know this this suit just looks weird to me I'm not a I I don't know why I'm not a big fan of this I think it's the yellow for me because I feel like if it was just if it was just like purple and blue right with the with the with the eyes being yellow it would have been fine I think the yellow on the arm guards and the leg guards are too much though that's just this is also just really weird to me I I I can't it just doesn't look it it looks really weird to me it really looks like one of those fanmade writer suit that's those fan suit that someone will come up with you know right when they design their common rider OC you know like I don't know I don't know why I don't know it's because of the color scheme right maybe maybe that's the case I have no I don't know I know the color scheme isn't the greatest for me again I think it's just too much yellow that's just a me thing especially with the red belt like it kind of clashes with everything else too so I mean there are a lot of colors going right cuz he has like this this black and silver undersuit right and then he has like the actual main purple armor bits over him right yeah yeah this I don't know this just does it's not it's not vibing with me for for some reason right it just looks really weird for it it looks really weird mhm for me for some reason but yeah um yeah the the the the gru Knight whereever the [ __ ] uh uh cannot cannot cannot hit him and he beats the [ __ ] out in front he beats the [ __ ] in front of the Evergreen you know right oh once again the Al Green is here to save the day you know and I don't know the first part like throughout this entire scene I just kept star at the Evergreen [ __ ] at the Evergreen looking at it you just didn't even look at the cool ass [ __ ] fight no I was too focused on the Evergreen like oh man it's it's really [ __ ] weird that the Evergreen is back here right like like like if this was like some type of fictional [ __ ] I would have give a [ __ ] but the fact that we know the real world implication and the fact there is something fact called The Evergreen a life just makes this [ __ ] thing just chilling in the backround way more funnier for me for some reason you know right yeah no I can see what you mean um but my thing is like I mean well for one I don't I don't want to like skip over this but I did like the concept of him losing armor bits you know it it's like I'm hoping to like to see a scene where he absolutely loses all all the armor and he has a fight without it I'm very intensely curious about that because like I swear to God if they if this is just a one-off thing I'm going to be so mad but also I really like the like okay first of all let me ask this have they have we have has Comm ever been on this set before with the uh the containers for what or is set entirely what oh Oh you mean this this backdrop oh this the First time seen I don't I don't think I've ever seen this backdrop before uh before yeah I think this might be a new backdrop uh we uh this new uh location right cuz I would remember the Evergreen you know right that's fair enough yeah honestly well but the thing is I really liked how they made like how they used the the uh the environment in the fight you know because just seeing him like sliding along the containers and then going like getting like propping himself between two containers and fighting an enemy between those was really [ __ ] cool to me that's all I'm going to say and the fact that he SL the container up and then flew through it was also very fun I just like to do stuff like the new how they're getting when when they use the environment to their full fullest potential you know right instead of just having like some generic backdrop right yeah actually using the environment yeah it's good I hate this sword his sword looks [ __ ] stupid his sword looks so [ __ ] out of place I'm not a big fan of his sword and like none of it Vibes and I don't like I don't understand how like the thing is with the sword I feel like it should have been a lot more special instead of it just being yeah no it should look more cand like nothing about the sword screams candy to me you know yeah it just screams it's like a road toy thing like like he literally like tosses a little candy on a little yeah yeah it looks like a it looks like a sword for for a show where the main character is based on cars or Vehicles you know right yeah like it doesn't make sense with the candy theme I don't understand what they're going with this it's just so odd yeah so yeah so he lunches the little goiu I guess and it really does that at least I I'll give it that you know at least they ruin my expectation with that bit you know and that thing and that thing immedately starts crying because it failed going to I love I love the personality of these little [ __ ] you know these things are the greatest thing ever you know I will I I will protect every single one of them you know I will if this thing asks for my Social Security I will give it to it you know right if he needs to know the three the three digits on the back of my C I will I will 100% give it to him right if it calls asking me to give it to give it Apple gift cards I will give it to them do you what do you think you're still going to like it when it opens his mouth and starts screaming at we the sharp tiny little teeth that it's got man cuz I'm telling it look look just a little [ __ ] dude I [ __ ] love it yeah so yeah so the the whereever the [ __ ] wolf guy runs away trans to a dog he gets out this big ATV gummy candy thing um I hate this vehicle they look so [ __ ] stupid all I'm going to say is why did they bring that out when you show that he has a motorcycle later oh yeah that's the worst part right by the end of this episode where I [ __ ] hate it but I don't understand why he needs to have this big ATV [ __ ] if he actually just has a regular motorcycle by the end of it you know what's the point dude like if like he showing off this one vehicle you're going to make me think it's the main one but he has a motorcyle like that one looks so much cooler it looks so much better than the [ __ ] CGI trash that you showed me here like again yeah like this giant ATV is just so it's just so [ __ ] large and obnoxious you know right exactly dude like holy [ __ ] it's just I didn't like it at all they went wild F though that yeah yeah holy [ __ ] so so then we get the kicking gummy which is um uh so he gets like this weird little mang yeah the little guy I like you know he's very he's very funest even if he does scream at me with his horrendous teeth you know the little things but like this being I think this supposed to be like those I think the kicking supposed to be like those uh it's supposed to be like a like a was it like those Carnival peanuts things right I think that's what that is supposed to be right is it is it I think I mean I think that's what I assumed that the at first I thought it was a candy candy corn right due to the color scheme but then I due to how big and puffy it is I I assume it's based on the on those uh those circuits peanuts you know right like those orange those orange circuits right that's what I thought this supposed to be based on I mean they're still based on gummies though so I don't I don't think that's the case maybe yeah probably I I'm not a figan of this one this one looks really [ __ ] stupid I don't like the I think I think this will be better if this was like like arm Armament attachment in general and not just like one big boot for no reason it looks really [ __ ] Weir for just get this one big boot you know right it it's just like like it's it just doesn't Vibe with me especially like as a kick you know for a com look I mean I know I'm I might start sounding like a purist at this point but I like when he flies through the air and [ __ ] kills you like that but with that [ __ ] big ass [ __ ] boot kick like it's just feels odd I mean the fact that the fact that this is cartoony right ignoring the fact that this is extremely cartoony right I think the problem is that it's just cartoon too that's why I draw the line you know right you know well what what this this guy made out of gummies fighting a muscle that's fine but a giant boot me out of guys that's why I draw the line you know right an armor if it was part of an armor power up where he just basically tanks hits you know then yeah sure I can see it but like it's just on the one foot this is like huh yeah fact just on this one foot makes it looks really [ __ ] stupid yeah but yeah um he beats the monster then he thanks how hey man thanks a lot kid by the way I took all your snacks you know but hey have fun have fun another month of do doing chores you know to make to get the Bal snacks again right yeah yeah exactly look honestly this kid literally the next day bought a whole ass bag of like snacks dude I think he's set I think he's set on his allowance if I'm being honest if you here I think he can out bu all of us at this point Austin I really you can but yeah but yeah like yeah so he sees that then uh then sha sees a guy making then he tells the the candy uh [ __ ] um the candy uh whatever the [ __ ] yeah GOI to make a this this bike looks so [ __ ] good it's really weird that the bike is also able to produce a branded helmet you know right I was like well that's really weird you know producing an an un an unbranded bike that's fine but producing a branded where you can clearly see a company's logo on the that's where I draw the line you know that's okay suspension of disbelief that's where it is you know right everything up to this point I was fine with you know but a but but I make a little branded uh motorcycle I don't know about that you know right yeah yeah I mean but still motorcycle's [ __ ] dope honestly they should the motorcycle they shouldn't go back Tov that's all I'm going to say yeah yeah I mean I really hope they don't I hate this I hate the ATV [ __ ] so [ __ ] much you know but yeah one week later um he is now not now so he is now found just passed out in a park you know I like said I just hope this also just becomes a recurring bit you know where every week I I really hope every week for him to solve the problem the person who has the problem conveniently finds him you know right nearby and then they feed him and [ __ ] and then he starts getting involved with them yeah I mean honest I wouldn't mind that as a bit honestly that sounds fun that honestly sounds fun yeah but yeah U so that's our main female leadup show up her name is uh Amman Sak sakika uh that's her that's that's the main charact yeah that's the main female heroin of the of the show you know and is if you're going to introduce the female lead like this why didn't you have her replace the role of the kid like it would have been such simpler like to just introduce those two together and the unless they're actually trying to keep up the bit here that we're just talking about I mean if that's the case fine but I just find it weird like I mean like this like this like like you can tell they're still setting up like the the show's uh uh themes and elements right cuz you think we didn't get the main villain we don't even see the main villain the main villain group this episode you know from right because as far as weedd is concerned we can the only thing we can tell who was in who was in charge was the was the street punk guy who gave the editor and chief the the the cube you know right yeah yeah they're just they're still doing a lot of setup which I which I'm I'm fine with them doing a bunch of a early setup show it's the beginning of the show so you got of all the plot point like I think it's really more interesting like it terms of in comparison I like the plot point that they're setting it way faster or at least how they presented it way more than go I still I'm not I'm still not a big fan of the of the suit and but the GOI suits are the greatest [ __ ] that's the only thing I have to say you know right and there's one look I at least I know by the end of my series review the one the the guaranteed positive you know right the guaranteed thing that will give this a at least a base minimum of five is the goiu you know the goo are are hard caring to show for me all right you know that's fair I agree with that I mean honestly they're great I just don't like how they're made that's all yeah it's [ __ ] Weir it's [ __ ] weird you know have you seen the gois zoo for the rest of the have you seen the other goo yet uh no not really I've only seen the one link that you sent me oh except the uh let me see uh let me see uh these things oh hold on let let me get let me oh these things are so [ __ ] great uh let me let me try to find a good screenshot of them uh oh copy copy image copy image paste oh my God that's [ __ ] amazing oh oh my you should see the oh these are the the Legacy the Legacy oh they're do they're still doing Legacy stuffs oh yeah of course and they always do Legacy that's the whole point now the Legacy toys are just free money for them uh so these are the Legacy goiu for other for other common riters and they're [ __ ] great too like I love how these little like said these little jobs are so [ __ ] amazing that's honestly so cool oh my God I actually love that so much yeah dude honestly yeah the best part of the show honestly I'm going to agree with you that yeah all right all right that's the first said um like I said hey look we're still very early to the show so look this show could change for all we know but we know at least we know the fact that the show won't change for the next 20 episode right yeah I'm still very surprised they went that ahead of production like holy [ __ ] mhm all right well hey hey thanks for joining me um you can go back home to your mental health Dimension Universe now right uh we're never going to see you again for the rest of the show you know right uh I can't believe Tre missed out on this right like that's on him that's on him missing out on the greatness of these guci shoes or whatever you call them dude all right all right William all right hey all right uh all right uh good to have you back uh we're never going to see you again after this I'm going to remove your name from the from from the from from the title you know right oh my God right I'm going to I'm going to cut off I'm going to cut off your health care and your dental plan you know I don't know why I kept kep you on the payroll for this long you know right right after this after this uh I actually want you to come and take all your stuff off your desk all right before I throw it out you know yeah I I I'll do it whenever yeah okay all right all right uh that's just all right uh that's the beginning of G like said this is a new season um yeah we'll see how it turns out right you know right look look there's still 15 there's still 49 more episodes to go you know right they could fumble with the bag in 49 episodes you know right yeah yeah yeah it's like the it's like it's like the same go it only takes one season to ruin a great show you know right God damn it we all come what what I don't know what you're talking about I'm taking myself out the desk right now I'm doing it all right K thanks bye oh oh hey all right man well that was fun all right so uh you're never going to show up ever again basically now after this right uh pretty much I mean is this like is this like a one is this like is this like how in uh in uh in in uh and like like how uh [ __ ] what was his name in in the original Iron Man uh Terence Howard was I he was like oh yeah hey man I will always for be your roie you know right you can I'll see you in Iron Man too you know right you'll never replace me you know are you the Terrace tower now I honestly I was kind of thinking it was going to go along well to keep in line with the show and everything I figured it' be like oh you know I'm like deked I just come back every once in a while because why the oh man oh man the fact that man the fact that you can make that reference Out means you know what cyrier enough about that's what the [ __ ] that's what the [ __ ] DK even does so did you even watch God at all in in any aspect after you stop not really I've only really been exposed to your memes apparently the one guy who was like an a like the super A- ranked Alchemist also apparently had a very tragic backstory or some [ __ ] which oh yeah godart is such a dog [ __ ] season I can't believe how bad godart ended up being holy [ __ ] so so so there's production blog notes right that in the blog notes right the writers the show said yeah we were just making this so the show had three writers it turned out right o okay that's how and apparently they were all writing their own stuff and they did not coordinate [ __ ] with each other enough appar rid room to make it work apparently they met up like every now and then they were like all right all right what the [ __ ] do we got all right let's try to piece all of our ideas together to make one big plot that's how bad Godard was Godard was such a season that was actually just so [ __ ] dog [ __ ] you know right it was it was just a jumble mess where nobody basically did just call this how bad so appar that's what I found out right so the theme of the show was Alchemy right obviously right cuz you were there for the first like the first half of the show right right so apparent for what I read so so toi comes up with the themes and then they hire the writers right that's how they always do it right they don't hire the writers and then all right what you guys want to do for the season or whatever the [ __ ] right you know that's not how it works right toy picks out the theme then they so apparently when the writers were given their theme they Google what alchemies and said this is stupid we're not going to do the theme we're just going to make up some dumb about alchemy instead that's how bad godart was from the production note for what I read you can't just like say [ __ ] it dude I mean you're being right so so they could have just said they care more hey just like hey just like our favorite uh Hollywood director team David Benny off and we you know right this oh no man we'll come up with we'll ignore the source material and come up with something cooler you know right you know right oh my God heard God it's like even D like with d and d basically at least well for one they were [ __ ] idiots in terms of just like rushing the story because they want to do Star Wars and I like I honestly I wouldn't blame them for Burnout but you just hand off to someone else at that point but also it's just like they were running out of source material so at least they have something of an excuse what do they see excuse here with these writers just making go just making [ __ ] up like appar appar thought the theme of alchemy was too was too [ __ ] high concept for them right they appar the idea of like putting two things together to make one thing was too much like oh man we ah we don't get this you right [ __ ] this you know right [ __ ] [ __ ] doing this dumb [ __ ] okay yeah sure that makes sense have they never and that's why that's why go was yeah God was just a bad season you know right did it did it at least have like good moments or something or there were some good moments yeah yeah yeah um so one of I the man so one of the best moment in the show doesn't even happen in the show it happen in the spin-off media right cuz there's an EP there's in the spin-off media Reen and hoto switch bodies right and then after they switch bodies when they're that's when they actually learn about each other and their each character's own like U personal issue and realize oh man May right Cotto realized he should stop being a little piece being like a piece of [ __ ] kid and V learns to stop being a stuck up [ __ ] right after like after they body Swap and like I H think that is like the best moment in the show honestly for me all right cool good to know that it's just the spin-off media that apparently saved it for a little bit hey look you know hey look he hey look you know what they say you know look it's always the spin-off media that saves the show that's what that's what George RR M said you know right he loves he loves the spinoff media you know right this should give it real this should give it real big context to the audience what G we're recording this did you read that blog post before he took it down yeah I really saw I I did see the the blog well no yeah um well I didn't see it but internet archive basically saved me oh yeah yeah because it it was taken down like fast so [ __ ] he published that [ __ ] I guess I guess HBO [ __ ] like hey T please take that down right it's crazy for for sure he broke an NDA or something with a with with like HBO or whoever Warner buts whoever manages that show man like there's no way he didn't break he did not break a contract oh yeah cuz he put like season 3 speed just he just like season 3 spoiler and see it's spoiler for people who watch the TV show but it's it's basic spoiler and cuz it's in the book you know right no yeah yeah for sure I mean like the thing is if you read the book you know what's going to happen but like in the show people don't know if you're just show only and they're like what the [ __ ] he just he just put he just put like season 3 plot points in that in that it was crazy dude I mean that man that man legit got pissed off it was so wild to me oh yeah oh yeah I mean I mean he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's like he's 74 what is HBO going to do right he I'm going to die all right yeah I mean the thing is it's it's like he has [ __ ] you money at this point considering game of he doesn't care what he's a 74 year old man he doesn't give a [ __ ] you know at this point yeah you know he'll he has no problem burning a bridge down you know right like hey he like hey standardize Healthcare that's your problem not mine Jesus dude I wish I could live live live to that age and be able to just burn the world down like him Jesus oh man hey wait hey you should have been you should have live during during World War II you know right and come back from the war you know and created a new a new boom you know right to do something like that okay sure and here I thought you were just going to start referencing like [ __ ] token or something but all right I why I what the [ __ ] is token you can't know what the [ __ ] that is what the [ __ ] is that you know okay he's the he's the author of like one of the he's the reason why fantasy is a thing but all right let's go according according to the internet you know right it was George Arma that brought fantasy to the big to the mainstream public you know right Jesus all and HBO you know if if it wasn't for HBO there would be no fantasy you know right don't forget no don't forget all the gratuitous suance that's what brings in the audience from all around the world okay we don't forget that that's very very very important for Game of Thrones trust me

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