Watch live: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches 22 Starlink satellites from Vandenberg SFB, California

Published: Apr 01, 2024 Duration: 00:54:18 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: vandenberg launch schedule
e good evening everyone and Welcome to our live cover to the latest Mission from Vandenberg space Force Base Will Robinson Smith will be providing our commentary for the duration of tonight's coverage this is the fourth and hopefully final attempt for SpaceX in trying to launch the star L 7-18 Mission and unlike the last two attempts SpaceX says weather is not tracking any issues tonight and propellant load is underway which fortunately for everyone's sleep schedules means that For Better or For Worse they are targeting the beginning of the window at 7:30 p.m. Pacific 10:30 p.m. Eastern 0230 UTC we're joined behind the scenes as always by space flight now editor Stephen young who is running the technical operations of the broadcast and since this is a West Coast launch our launch photography team has the evening off but don't worry we have more missions coming up on the back end of this week so they'll be back in Action soon want to thank the more than 5,400 of you that are watching live with us now as we kick things off if you haven't already great way to help support what we do here at space flight now in this live stream in particular just by hitting the like button sharing the stream allows more people to find this live coverage as we continue on in the final 30 minutes of the count also if you're not already subscribed to space flight now now as as good a time as any to do so sure to click the Bell icon and turn on all notifications that way you are alerted when we post new videos and when we start our live streams fact we got a new video just went up on the channel today if you haven't already had the chance to watch it the opportunity to SP uh speak with a former Nas astronaut Daniel levas veteran of multiple space flights including sts1 128 he is now the Chief test astronaut for Collins Aerospace part of the team helping to develop the Next Generation space suits which will be used on the International Space Station and possibly Beyond on commercial space stations as well it's a fascinating conversation about the progress on the testing so far specifically on their trip on a parabolic flight of or a couple of days where they were able to test out and go through a number of qualification points on their space suit with both Danny inside and outside of the suit as well as partnering with another former astronaut that's on the Collins team here are several photos and clips from that parabolic flight weaved into the conversation so again you can find that right now on the YouTube channel we are also powered here by our wonderful channel members so thanks to folks like Joshua ganine Jamie Cel AKA JJ Mary painter BG Floyd Jeff Groves and many many others who are joining us tonight that opal guy I know kisty Le in here seen her name earlier thank you to all of our channel members for helping support we do Channel membership comes with a number of perks here including discounts at our online shop shop. space access to member only videos and the ability to watch all of our Cape based launches in 4k and hello to Butterfly checking in here before we go further down the membership front do want to thank uh our wonderful moderators also in the live chat for helping keep things running smoothly allowing for robust and civil conversation in the live chat so thanks to Astro Joe I see you checking in tonight Stephanie b as well thanks to the both of you and I'll keep an eye for any of the other mods I think Rusty Shackleford is over on Launchpad life so thanks to all the mods here and Astro Chan we've actually had a number of channel members that have joined as we've been getting ready to start this live stream so just a quick rundown before we get into the meat and potatoes of things welcome to Linda RPM Motorsports Janette Krauss Mike G ion hassis actually I think some of these are from our our last live stream so forgive me if I'm repeating some but what the heck you appreciate you being Channel member so thanks to Bill wble Richard Barton Jack Yates Dave Moreno Linda pen Co bados for all joining with Channel membership and thanks specifically to clisa Lee Tim buer or Tim bushe and ASO Joe for gifting space flight now memberships one each from Tim and Astro Joe and 10 from kalis Elite thanks to all of you for your generosity kicking off this live stream and to our newest channel members if you were gifted a channel membership sure to thank Kalisa Tim or Astro Joe in the live chat and our thanks to Josh King for being a member for 17 months last but not least you can also join the conversation by using the YouTube Super Chat feature not only will you help support the channel but if your comment or question is appropriate to be read on the show we'd love to bring you into the chat so our thanks kicking things off with hav Mitchell $2 Super Chat thank you so much hav losos with a $10 Super Chat thank you so much losos and web monk r Super Chat as well thanks to all of you for supporting our coverage tonight we're at T-minus 24 minutes 31 seconds in counting as previously mentioned SpaceX has begun the fueling process on this Falcon 9 flight heading off from space launch complex 4 East or slick 4E over at vanderberg space for space this will be the 11th fight of an orbital class rocket variety from Vandenberg this year at this point the count about 6 minutes ago SpaceX started loading progenic helium onto the pressure vessels of the first stage which is used to pressurize the main for pal tanks during flight and just a couple of minutes ago they started loading that cryogen aium on board the second stage of the Falcon 9 as well let's go ahead and walk you through the rest of the countdown as we have a number of fueling Milestones left to go let's talk about what we're anticipating As We Roll On Through the countdown of course more than 10 minutes ago is when the SpaceX launched dor would verify the go for the startup appellant load we do know that go ahead was given which meant that a T-minus 35 minutes prop load began with loading rocket grade kerosene or rp1 on both the first and the second stage and liquid oxygen on board the first stage of the falcon9 rocket here are those two that I just recently mentioned the helium on the first and second stages and uh just about 15 seconds ago loading of the second stage kerosene should have wrapped up or thereabouts about T minus 20 minutes and 50 seconds is when the strong back chill down process begins it's about that time when the so-called big vent also occurs if you recall Falcon flights from Cape canaval space force station or masses Kennedy Space Center striking of event that happens as the feed lines are being chilled prior to the next event which of course comes at tus 16 minutes when second stage liquid oxygen loading begins that's followed up at T minus 7 minutes when the chill down of the N9 Merlin 1D engines gets underway it involves flowing a small amount of liquid oxygen through the plumbing and the Turbo pumps and helps protect the engines from the risk of thermal shock and damage during the startup sequence about 6 minutes out first stage kerosene tank should be full then a tus 4 and a half minutes is when the strong back retract sequence begins it starts with the clamp arms underneath the payload fairings opening up and then because this is a vanderberg launch the transporter erector or the strong back will recline about 13° away from the falcon9 rocket it stays in that position until lift off at T-minus 3 minutes the first stage liquid oxygen tank should be full coal that's followed about a minute or so later by first uh excuse me the second stage locks tank load completing at that point the Falcon 9 will be fully fueled with 1 million pounds of propellant in the final 60 seconds control of the countdown is handed over from the ground sequencer to the Falcon's onboard flight computers the propell ts are brought up to flight pressure 45 seconds out the launch director will verify go for launch the Eng command is issued at tus 3 seconds and if all nine engines ignite and are healthy the flight computer will give the command for the hold down clamps to release the Falcon 9 for a liftoff tonight again targeting 7:30 p.m. Pacific 10:30 p.m Eastern 0230 UTC in other words T minus 20 minutes and 23 seconds e we know that SpaceX is nearing the start of launching to the eighth shell of its Starling constellation but for now from the West Coast they are still launch ing to the seventh Shell let's go ahead and talk about the flight path of this falcon9 rocket launching the starlink 7-18 mission as has been the case Falcon nrock will lift off from space launch complex 4 Easter slick 4E here at Vandenberg space for space it'll fly in a southeasterly trajectory along the coast of Southern California and the western coast of Mexico so assuming conditions are clear for you and your family or if you've got some friends in any part of that area especially in Southern California around about 7:30 you might want to tell them to pop outside since this will be coming up close to Sunset there on the west coast it'll likely be a very spectacular launch again assuming the weather cooperates for visibility spacex's first stage will follow the path of the Orange Line you see here on your screen where it will land on one of spacex's three drone ships the only one they have currently on the west coast is the Drone ship of course I still love you other two here stationed in Florida SpaceX will also recover the fairing halves using one of their recovery vessels here in California station just a little bit further down range of the map that you see here on your screen T minus 17 minutes 26 seconds in counting this is the starlink 7-18 mission 22 starlink satellites on board this Falcon flight each of them clocks in at about 1,760 lb or 800 kilg with their solar panels and frilled they have a wingspan of about 100 ft or 30 m they use argon Hall thrusters for inorbit Maneuvers they're built in Redmond Washington which is near Seattle they'll be deployed at about 180 M or 290 km in altitude at a 53 de excuse me 53 degree inclination the photo you're seeing on the left hand side of your screen is stack of them in their launch configuration prior to an earlier Falcon flight and while we don't have a good photo of them on orbit from SpaceX either in uh photo realism or rendering this is an image from hoo robotics that was captured last year from one of its satellites showing what a starlink V2 mini looks like on orbit of course they're called the V2 minis because they're the smaller version of the version two Starling satellites which are intended to launch on board spacex's much larger Starship rocket as we saw with the third integrated flight test SpaceX has begun testing the payload door what it calls the Pez dispenser sounds like there will not be uh starling payloads on board the fourth integrated test flight of Starship but of course eventually they'll start testing that capability TBD though if they're going to call those once they start launching uh version two starlinks or if they'll call them version three since so many of the V2 minis have launched at this point we're now T minus 15 minutes 11 seconds in counting we're about a minute into the process of liquid oxygen load on the Falcon 9 second stage there at Vandenberg in a little less than 10 minutes we should be getting video from SpaceX and we'll be able to show you views of the Falcon rocket itself and bringing Mission audio as well at that point in time that'll be just before the strong back retract sequence begins as we closeing toward that Milestone want to thank the more than 177,000 of you that are joining us now live really appreciate you spending part of your Monday afternoon with or Monday evening with us I should say hope you all had a wonderful and restful week end however you decided to spend it hopefully with family Andor friends maybe just catching up on some much needed sleep want to thank some folks who are supporting us this evening on our live stream our thanks to Cynthia Graves with a $5 Super Chat thank you so much Cynthia C saying nice welcome to Mark Whitmore joining us with Channel membership with the p leader level thank you so much Mark welcome aboard glad to have you with us one of our newest channel members Paragon Universal with a $5 Super Chat thank you Paragon who says thank you for your amazing coverage thank you so much for supporting us really appreciate it as stated at the top we can't do these streams without the support of our wonderful community so thanks to all of you thanks to Marcus skagos one of our wonderful channel members for gifting five spaceflight now memberships so thanks to Marcus for that generosity and to our five newest channel members welcome aboard and if you haven't already be sure to thank Marcus in the live chat here and lastly for now thanks to channel member space nerd for $1 Super Chat as well thank you space nerd good to see you this evening we're now T minus 13 minutes in counting or we come upon the Ed and chill down sequence on the Falcon 9's Merlin 1D engines let's go ahead and talk about the launch timeline once the falcon9 rocket leaves the pad this is what we're expecting on a nominal Flight of the Falcon 9 rocket on the starlink 7-18 mission again that t0o liftoff targeting 7:30 p.m. Eastern 10:30 P excuse me 7:30 p.m. Pacific 10:30 p.m. Eastern 0230 UTC that'll be followed at t plus 1 minute 12 seconds when the falcon9 rocket pass through Max Q the point of greatest aerodynamic pressure on the vehicle that'll be followed by a few events in Fairly rapid succession t plus 2 minutes 25 seconds see first stage main engine cut off or Mo that'll be followed a few seconds later by stage separation and then the Merlin vacuum engine on the Falcon 9 second stage will ignite or second stage engine IGN or SC1 the payload fairings will be jettisoned at t plus 3 minutes and 5 Seconds floating down to the Waters of the Pacific Ocean underneath parachutes where again they will be recovered by SpaceX assessed for their viability for future launches and then refurbished to support those SpaceX saves about $6 million per recovery so it's an important part of their business model to as much as possible recover and Furbish those payload fairings along with the booster of course t plus 6 minutes and 8 seconds will be the first stage entry burn lasting 26 seconds in total it'll be followed up by the first stage Landing burn making its way down toward the Drone ship of course I still love you t plus 7 minutes and 56 seconds touchdown should be right about 8 minutes and 19 seconds into the flight and Plus 8 minutes and 37 seconds the Marland vacuum engine on the second stage will cease firing following the parking orbit insertion and remaining in that Coast phase it'll reignite that merland vacuum engine that is at t plus 53 minutes and 24 seconds for a quick 2C burn setting up for starlink satellite deployment and t plus 1 Hour 2 minutes and 18 seconds now if you've been with us for a previous star Mission you know that it has been quite some time since SpaceX carried through one of these flights to its finale so we won't actually see the deployment of the Starling satellites themselves but here's an image or a video I should say of what deployment looks like from an October launch from last year you could see the stack of Starling V2 minis drifting away from the Falcon 9 upper stage which you see there in the reflection as this D drifts away you'll see another angle on the Starling V2 minis in just a moment here from the perspective of the Merlin vacuum engine there it is over time the starlink V2 minis will drift apart and go into their respective orbital positions part of spacex's work towards not adding orbital debris is that the starlink satellites are designed to burn up completely upon re-entry so once they have reached the end of their life usefulness they'll be brought back and deorbited in a controlled manner while they will burn up now tus 8 minutes 45 seconds and counting little less than 2 minutes away from the chill down of that N9 uh Merlin 1D entrance we're now T-minus 7 Minutes 57 seconds in counting less than a minute away from that engine chill down sequence beginning taking a look at the live chat here first off want to to thank the nearly 30,000 of you that we have watching with us this evening really appreciate you spending part of your Monday with us hope if you went back to work today you had a wonderful and productive day and if you are planning to go track the eclipse in a week I hope your Eclipse tracking planning is going well and hopefully you already booked a hotel somewhere in the country where there's not going to be uh Cornucopia of clouds which it seems like is going to be unfortunately most of the case along the path of totality so looks like the Northeast is going to be your best bet on that front if the forecasts continue to materialize as they appear to be taking a look at the live chat want to thank Spitfire for a $5 Super Chat thank you Spitfire under the tornado which hopefully is not based on real life events but thank you so much for the $5 Super Chat and tornado says enjoying these launches we very much appreciate apprciate or your support of our coverage of them want to welcome Leslie Garrett to channel membership at the pad leader level thank you so much Leslie welcome aboard glad to have you with us met Seer with a $2 Super Chat thank you so much metal and says this is for the camera fund so we can see the rocket yeah we are mulling how we can improve well we're constantly looking at ways that we can improve our live stream broadcasts and obviously having greater access in the vanderberg area would be exceedingly helpful for that so we are always looking for creative ways to do that and your support will help that process so thank you metal our thanks as well to Mindy Rogers for a very generous $50 Super Chat thank you so much really appreciate you supporting us that level and to Michelle Penland for our Super Chat saying love SpaceX and checking in from lumo California now just a little over five and a half minutes away from the plan lift off of the Falcon 9 rocket we should be getting views from SpaceX momentarily before we do let's just briefly run through the back end of the fueling process so let you know the last few elements that we're waiting on the engine chill down sequence of course has gotten underway by now first stage kerosene tank load should be complete we are coming up on the strong back retract sequence beginning in just about 40 seconds that'll be followed by first stage liquid oxygen load wrapping up second stage locks load should be completed at T minus 2 minutes the Falcon 9 will be fully fueled 1 minute out will be the final pre-launch checks of course the SpaceX launch director will give their go 45 for ret enter ignition command at T-minus 3 seconds and a liftoff coming up at 7:30 and without further Ado promise views from SpaceX as we are closing in what looks like a fairly lovely sunset do see some clouds hanging around the area though so hopefully where you are if you are one of our friends watching from Southern California you've got uh decently clear views this Falcon KN flight tonight whether of course has been the long pull in the tent for SpaceX with this launch the last two attempts but so far it looks like these clouds are not going to be an impediment for liftoff in now less than four minutes STW back is in now you hear that call out and you see the transporter erect or the strong back beginning to recline away from the Falcon 9 rocket here at space launch complex 4 East minus 2 minutes 53 seconds in counting I squeeze in just a couple more comments before we get into the last minute of the count uh welcome to New Channel member Mike Mahoney Jo pad lader level really appreciate that Mike butterfly asking if SpaceX is ever launched three times in one day we believe there's been at least one if not two times within 24 hours that they've launched three missions our recollection Eric scaramuzza with a $2 Super Chat saying watching from thank you for your great stream thank you Erica for supporting us Mike Mahoney with a $5 Super Chat joining in from Kensington New Hampshire to infinity and beyond as we're now closing on the final two minutes of the count since we are within the last two minutes we're going to go ahead and keep our eyes on the falcon9 rocket just in case there's any last minute something or other that crops up and we want to make sure we're paying attention and have our ears open here page two lock complete and with that call the falcon9 is now fully fueled with 1 million pounds of propellant and is less than a minute and a half away from the launch of the Starling 7-18 Mission gas close out and get the venting you're seeing here at the ground guest close out that you just heard that call out for Falcon 9 is in startup and in just a few more seconds we should hear the SpaceX launch director give their go for launch and again at the top right hand corner of your screen that is LD is go for launch launch time and real time so you're about 30 seconds away if you're in Southern California so keep your eyes peeled to the skies T minus 30 seconds and we are under 30 seconds now when the SpaceX count just over 10 seconds in real time so we're going to go ahead and listen in as SpaceX counts off launch of the Starling T minus 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ignition and lift off off of Falcon 9 ghost starlink ghost face a messure nominal vehicle is pitching down range power and Telemetry nominal and with that we had a good lift off of the Falcon 9 rocket now a minute into flight Falcon 9 is supersonic that call the vehicle is now traveling faster than the speed of sound after three scrubs Max q no fooling we are past Max q that point of greatest air pressure on the vehicle coming upon a few events and again rapid succession we'll have first stage main engine cuto off or Mo a t plus 2 and a and 25 seconds that'll be followed a few seconds later by stage separation the Merlin vacuum engine will ignite and then a little after 3 minutes into flight payload fairings will deploy M chilling inition they call for mvac chill they are thermally conditioning that Merlin vacuum engine preparing it for ignition and a nice view of the curve of the earth just off the left hand side of the screen as it looked like a beautiful launch at Sunset hopefully some folks in sou California got treated to a nice view tonight you go stage separ operation confirmed and back ignition and all good call outs from the SpaceX team and some good visuals here from the Falcon 9's onboard cameras you can see there on the left hand side of your screen those Hypersonic grid fins depl playing on the Falcon 9 first stage they'll help provide steering and stability as that booster makes its way back down towards the Drone ship of course I still love you if successful this will be the 87th landing on that drone ship fairing separation confirmed and those Starling satellites exposed to the vacuum of space now for for the first time on this Mission now coming up on three and a half minutes into flight the next Milestone we'll see coming up will be that first stage ENT are following nominal trajectories and a good call out from SpaceX that both the booster and the upper stage following their intended paths those bursts you're seeing from the falcon9 first stage of the cold gas thrusters helping to provide some attitude control of the vehicle now level four minutes into flight less than two minutes away from the start of that 20-some second entry burn this booster that is supported this Mission tail number 1071 on the SpaceX Fleet made its 15th liftoff we'll see if it's able to make its 15th Landing today and to go back to uh question that we got from butterfly while we're waiting on the start of that entry burn just a little over a minute from now there were a couple of times as fortunately Steven uh was able to run the numbers and look up some of the history for us in the background appreciate that Stephen they were a couple of times when SpaceX was able to launch three times within 24 hours back in February they launched the ussf 124 Mission followed by the launch of intuitive machines im1 and then starlink 7-14 all those missions happened Vehicles continue to follow nominal trajectories get some great views of the shadow of the first stage on the uh booster there hitting the Setting Sun as I was saying those missions happened over the span of 23 hours and four minutes they just about three and a half weeks ago saw a launch of Crew 8 followed by transporter 10 and starlink 6-41 those three launches happening within entry burn startup 20 hours and 3 minutes right as we're seeing the entry burn begin on this particular Mission this burn last just still a little over 20 seconds but you can see the Falcon 9 first stage speedometer stage one entry burn shut down has plummeted rapidly as the booster was essentially slamming on the brakes making it way down towards the Drone ship of course is still love you still seeing a nominal burn on the Falcon 9 second stage that Merlin backy mentioned there nice view of sunset the upper part of the screen with a fair amount of daylight there in the Pacific Ocean we should see some nice views of the booster making its way down towards the Drone ship stage two FTS has safed stage one transonic I call the flight termination system has been safed it's no longer needed on the upper stage coming up on the landing burn here less than 20 seconds stage one Landing burn stage two is in terminal guidance good call outs we should see views from the Drone ship coming up on the right hand side of your screen momentarily stage one Landing leg deploy stage one Landing confirmed and with that we have a confirmed good Landing of the Falcon 9 first stage boost b1071 and back shot down nominal orbit insertion and a good call up from SpaceX for that nominal orbital insertion the Falcon 9 upper stage will remain in that parking orbit until t plus 53 minutes and 19 seconds and there will be just a brief 1 second burn setting up for the Starling satellite deployment at t plus 1 Hour 2 minutes and 13 seconds and again because SpaceX does not carry through the full flight path and broadcast forum for their missions we'll wait for a confirmation of Starling satellite deployments that'll just about do it for us tonight before we go ahead and turn you loose though do want to thank some folks that made this live coverage possible especially in the last few minutes promise we will always come back to y'all before we close out with our mission stats so our thanks to Mama pinks for a $5 Super Chat noting this was her first live launch so excited we are almost able to see in person Saturday but had to come home to snowa County Mark Auto gifting 10 space FL now memberships thank you so much Mark for your generosity her Alta Rockets the $5 Super Chat watching with over the hills in Oakland with binoculars lenda miles with a $2 Super Chat thank you Lu Senda Michael mcro with a $2 Super Chat one of our wonderful channel members saying very kindly you're the best will that's very sweet thank you Michael Way Long poo with a $2 Super Chat thank you so much Way Long Square gravy with uh Channel membership at the pad leader level welcome aboard Square gravy glad to have you with us Pua Pani with the one Canadian dollar Super Chat thank you so much Poria Joseph Val with a $5 Super Chat saying from Fishers Indiana space is our future and love is the feel of that let you water with the $2 Super Chat watching from the great hoer state of Indiana hello to all the hooers in the house tonight Chris Williams with a $5 Super Chat thank you so much Chris Skywalker 37 with the five Canadian dollar Super Chat saying uh shouting out to Lionel and Ryan watching from Vancouver in Canada hello to all of our Canadian friends Channel member Steve Brock thank you Steve for the $2 Super Chat thank you so much Steve and to another one of our supporter for the $5 Super Chat thank you so much for your support this evening and kaliste Lee with the $20 Super Chat thank you so much saying thank you will mods off space flight now as always fantastic coverage Channel member Christopher Jones with a $2 Super Chat as well as promised we close out all of our broadcast with a look at where we have landed now that we have a successful liftoff and landing of SpaceX booster so here's where we are at present this was the 15th flight of Falcon 9 booster 1071 the 317th Falcon 9 launch to date this was spacex's 32nd Falcon 9 flight of 2024 and subsequently also their 32nd orbital launch of the Year this was spacex's 106th orbital launch in the last 365 days the 71st SpaceX launch from space launch complex 4 East the 139th overall orbital launch from this pad as well and the 11th orbital launch from Vandenberg in 2024 moving on to some recovery stats this was the 87th Landing on the Drone ship of course I still love you this was the 226th SpaceX drone ship Landing to date and it's 291st Falcon booster Landing we're getting very close to number 300 and finally some industry stats this was the 11th orbital launch from California the 34th orbital launch from us soil the 37th orbital launch from a US rocket company including the3 so far from rocket lab down in New Zealand and of course they just announced today another launch heading up from New Zealand with a Korean payload as well as one from NASA you could check that out on our launch schedule right now that's going up at the end of this month and this is also the 63rd orbital launch globally taking a look at the pie chart of where the world's countries that have launched orbital rocket stand us with 36 China with 14 Russia with five Japan with three India and Iran with two and the asterisk noting partial or complete launch failures and one in China One in Japan so far this year e coming up for the launch schedule we do have a couple here locally in Florida at the end of the week we're looking at a Friday morning launch a painfully early Friday morning launch if just my own editorial opinion there I paid for the early part at starlink 6-47 loing in about 2:14 a.m. eastern 0614 UTC and then on Sunday we're looking at a ride share Mission a new variety of ride share Mission heading to a mid inclination orbit from SpaceX called bandwagon one that'll be lifting off from launch complex 39a here at ases Kennedy Space Center at a very reasonable 7:02 p.m. Eastern 2302 UTC and also for those eagerly waiting for the final launch of United launch alliances Vulcan or excuse me not well vulcan's coming up but not for a while but the Delta 4 heavy uh of course is still waiting in the wings it is now looking like next week possibly April 9th so it has it is not going to Eclipse those wanting to watch the eclipse but if you're hoping to see both in person both totality and the launch of the Delta for heavy it may be a bit of a tight turnaround if the date holds at present want to thank a few more folks before we go ahead and close things out for the night GP with the 420 Super Chat and greetings from NorCal and hello to all of our friends in Northern California from Sacramento kid himself stone with a one pound Super Chat thank you so much Stone saying been watching from London how Wicked love it the B Rivas Jr with a $2 Super Chat saying thank you for the opportunity well thank you so much for supporting our coverage ly Teresa f with a $5 Super Chat thank you Teresa and finally John with a very generous $20 Super Chat thank you so much John really appreciate you supporting us that level that's very kind of you and with that we are going to go ahead and wrap up tonight's live launch coverage of the starlink 7-18 mission really appreciate everyone for being with us tonight want to thank our Stephen young who's been running the technical side of the broadcast behind the scenes want to especially thank you at home for taking part of your Monday evening or uh late afternoon perhaps wherever you are in the world and being with us for our live launch coverage and Terry darl for coming out at the buzzer with $1 Super Chat as well for all us here at space flight now I'm Will Robinson Smith be good to yourselves be good to others and we will see you next time bye-bye e e e e e e e for

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Watch live: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches 23 Starlink satellites from Vandenberg, California

Category: Science & Technology

E e good morning everyone and welcome to our live coverage of the latest mission from vandenberg space force base robinson smith will be providing our commentary for the duration of this coverage we are broadcasting as we always do from the space fight now news buau here at nasis kennedy space center... Read more

Watch Live: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches 21 Starlink satellites from Vandenberg, California thumbnail
Watch Live: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches 21 Starlink satellites from Vandenberg, California

Category: Science & Technology

E e good morning everyone and welcome to our live coverage of the latest mission from vandenberg space force base well robinson smith i'll be providing our commentary for the duration of this coverage we're broadcasting from the space flight now news bureau here at nasa's kennedy space center our steph... Read more