🚨 Lara Trump Reveals Why Kamala is DOOMED Ahead of Debate Tonight | 'She's TERRIFIED'

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:22:00 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] joining us now the great chairwoman of the RNC and of course Donald Trump's own family Laura Trump who has been ready to rock for this moment the day is finally here yeah excited about it it's it's Battle Royale and uh I don't know man I I I I sense we sense a lot of energy on this program I sense there's a lot of nervousness in the comma side well rightly so Benny I mean you know look this is gonna be everything for her she has been basically in the it's the basement strategy they're doing the same thing with her they did with Joe Biden in 2020 except for the fact that they can't use covid as their rationale for keeping her out of the public eye and out of the public space she did the one soft CNN interview 18 minutes I think total of her speaking and uh she had her emotional support animal with Tim Waltz there beside her she's not gonna have that tonight and she has to actually defend where we are in this country kamla Harris I'll remind everybody is in the white house right now so for her to make the case to the American people that hey things are great Sunshine Lollipops and rainbows put put me back in here so you can get more of the same I think is a bit of a tough sell to people when people are having a hard time getting by when life is expensive when things have not gotten better for people they've gotten worse for people under the KLA Harris Joe Biden regime she's GNA have a bit of a hard time selling that and on the other side of the ticket you've got Donald Trump you've got a person who actually delivered low prices for people more jobs for people manufacturing back to this country peace agreements instead of Wars a Clos in Secure Southern border so I can't wait to see in what about two hours or so what we're going to get out of kamla Harris but um I think that they're are they're very nervous on her side um and Donald Trump is coming he's coming with receipts he's coming with a plan and he's coming with actual results that he delivered for the American people and so Donald Trump's coming with receipts I want to talk Trump strategy and comma strategy so first off comma strategy because we've been hearing a little bit about this and it's been kind of funny she's been prescript her comebacks this I mean this sounds like somebody who is running for student body vice president right and is like shaking like a leaf she's she seems very nervous she was screaming in order to get her I'm speaking moment get the mics turned on get a box to stand on I guess have notes she had they she had to fight she was trying to fight for all of those things and now we hear that Philipe Ry is playing Donald Trump in a wig and a long red d uh I I don't know man it it seems like major nerves out of comma Camp well because Benny to your point she is looking for that I'm speaking that moment they want the viral clips that they could chop up and put out there on social media and on the internet because KLA Harris cannot win on policy she cannot win on what she's accomplished because she has accomplished the opposite of what has been good for the American people and the World by and large just take a look around ladies and gentlemen you don't have to take my word for it and so they're going to have to bank on one of those moments if what you're doing going into a debate is actually looking to needle your opponent and get your opponent to react instead of actually talking about a plan forward and a path to a better life for the American people you're probably doing something wrong and so that's that is a bit of a problem I think for her going into this and there is also a possibility that maybe they've overprepared her she's been locked away in Pittsburgh for five days Benny what's been going on remember when they locked up Joe Biden for 10 days leading into that June 27th debate how did that play out for him you can be overprepared and if she's too scripted and it seems phony which KLA Harris tends to seem oftentimes to a lot of people it's not going to resonate well with the American people it's not going to come off the way that she expects it to on the other side of course you have Donald Trump who is authentic as they come I mean you can't script this man believe me people have tried Benny you tried and it doesn't work but that's why people love him his authenticity and really when you hear from Donald Trump you're hearing his true thoughts you're hearing his true plan you're not hearing what a bunch of Consultants gave to him to say you're hearing it from the man and from his own mind and that is something that America is desperate to have after four years of kamla and Joe Biden in the white house we rewatched the Mike Pence Kamala debate which was the last time we saw our debate she's not a real candidate she's not a legitimate candidate didn't run aary Ved we didn't get nobody got to vet her this time and people have sort like forgotten about her it was just a few months ago that most of the pundants were talking about Joe Biden kicking her off the ticket actually because she was so unpopular but I can see why crazy I'm speaking Mr Vice President I'm speaking I'm speaking be important if you said the truth it's so Mr Vice President I'm speaking I'm speaking okay if you don't mind letting finish we can then have a conversation almost worse than fly TR answer American people deserve a straight answer here so like this this is like nails on a chalkboard Laura yeah it's not good I don't I don't know who likes that I'm not sure with whom that will resonate uh I can tell you as a woman it makes me very uncomfortable to watch that and cringe is the right word of course for that and she is also Benny gonna try and do something where she she we've heard her do it and her campaign speeches are the same on she's done like 25 times in a row remember that one I'm a prosecutor I know Donald Trump's type she's gonna try and and play that role but it's it's also something that I think makes people a little like well what what is it that you're Prosecuting because you've been in the white house for four years alongside Joe Biden and if the things you're attacking Donald Trump on are the things that your Department of Justice actually weaponized and and in order to take him out as a political opponent for your team I don't know how great that's going to come across for people that is all she has though let's be clear she really can't go out there and and expand and articulate anything in terms of policy what have we actually heard from KLA Harris on anything that she wants to do for the future of this country so far she's either stolen Donald Trump's ideas like no tax on tips or she's talking full-blown Communists in in terms of price fixing whether or not KLA Harris even understands what that means or how to you know put something like that in place is up for discussion she's a little bit like Ron bergundy you put it up there on the teleprompter we know kamla Harris will say it but can she actually expand on this can she articulate any sort of points on anything and that remains to be seen so all she has are those viral moments those needling moments those sorts of things and she's going to try and I'm sure have many of those tonight I got to tell you I don't think Donald Trump is going to take the bait he's well aware that this is what's coming down the pike for him yeah cringe cringe flying in on cringe Force One we could not believe I mean it's just hard to it just hard to watch it hard to watch one more one more one more question on on kamla uh because you are from the south uh well at least you you you live in the south right you live in North Carolina from North Carolina like like family North Carolina you're so proud of that you love that people were speculating maybe you'd run for Senate North Carolina who knows what the future will hold but you're you're a proud you're a proud proud Southern girl uh yet kamla Harris who grew up in Quebec Canada in a very leafy PR uh uh beautiful Rich suburb of that uh foreign country uh kamla Harris somehow has given the audience that she's speaking to gets this very Southern affect in her uh the Cadence of speaking it's very strange we have like a a very short uh clip here to to prove uh how she I'm sure you grew up with people who talk who talk just like this um do you think KL Harris will use this accent uh during the debate my friend quo would say he does not walk it like he talks everywhere I go I tell people look you may not be a union member you better thank a union member for the five day work week you better thank a union member for sick leave you better thank a union so we've all seen it uh we've all seen it it's widely widely viewed Clips you we have hours of it of KL Harris having suddenly this like Fog Horn Leg Horn uh extra extra and Gone With the Wind uh accent yeah um do you think she's gonna bring that accent to tonight's debate gosh I hope so I hope we get a hope we get a shot at that one you know this is Benny this is the inauthenticity that I'm talking about this is the inauthenticity that the American people really don't like you you have to present yourself as who you are and for all the criticism that Donald Trump has received over the past nine years there is one thing on which you cannot knock him he is authentic to the core you do not get more authentic than Donald Trump trump he's transparent to the core and you're never going to hear him coming up with weird accents out of the gate just depending on where he is what to to which audience he's speaking it's ridiculous and it's very Pander and really gross to people I think to see this and so I'd love to pull the people in the audience there whenever she actually breaks out this weird accent and say like do you guys buy this is this positive to you no one likes that no one likes to feel like someone's just faking it to be around you we all know people like that and quite frankly we don't like people like that so yeah let's hope she breaks that accent out tonight I'm ready for it yeah it says so much about her deep pure and doesn't know who she is and then it say much as how little she thinks of her audience how much she's right how much how insulting it is that she thinks people are so stupid they buy this okay so moving on to president Trump K Harris I think is a total wreck leading up to this President Trump give us some insights as to how he's prepared for this debate yeah I mean look Benny he's been out there constantly in front of the media and I think the way you prepare to field questions that are probably going to be very tough questions is you take tough questions and you take them from maybe um people questioning you who are not the friendliest and we've seen Donald Trump in multiple circumstances doing those press conferences 90 minutes long taking questions from anyone and everyone you've seen him sit down and do long form podcasts interviews where he really gets to expand on his thoughts on a multitude of different subjects and of course he is doing the traditional debate prep he is actually studying up on who KLA Harris is he wants to make sure he exposes her because let's face it this is probably going to be a on-one situation likely ABC News is not going to go out of their way to be nice to Donald Trump I'm pretty sure they'll probably be a little bit nicer to kamla Harris the best we can hope is that they're honest and um I will say I'll give CNN credit where credit is due that June 27th debate they were very even-handed they were very fair and that's what the American people deserve to see but knowing how we probably have to approach this debate Donald Trump has gone into it realizing he likely will have to Expos KLA Harris for a lot of her very radical values a lot of the the very radical stances she's taken on things because I don't think ABC News is going to call her out for it so it's incumbent on him to do that and he's prepared tonight to do just that uh any any details on what Trump wishes to talk about tonight or any messages that he wishes to push forward obviously there were some very strong comments on January 6th uh on abortion these are things that really stuck with people some of the one even though Trump you told us before the last debate that Trump was going to be calm cool collected uh magisterial and he was but even he couldn't even he couldn't stop from you did destroy you did beat Medicare you beat it to death and I don't even know I don't even think this guy knows what he's talking about um you know can can you tell me like what what are the platform messages it's probably gonna be the only debate yeah you know probably gonna be the only debate so what's the what's the message that's well by the way Donal Donald Trump wants more debates you know traditionally Benny we have three presidential debates given the fact that he wiped out their first candidate one knockout punch in June 27th uh in that debate we would like as the American people to see Donald Trump and KLA Harris on a debate stage two more times after tonight I think we deserve to see them and hear all of their policies and what they want to do for this country he's very happy to do that I doubt we're going to get that opportunity with kamla but you know I think it's about comparing and contrasting two different presidencies and administrations look KLA Harris is in in the white house right now alongside Joe Biden wherever the heck he is probably on a beach somewhere falling asleep but nonetheless we have the opportunity to see both administrations and how our life is he has to bring people back to when he was president remind them about the things he did and remind them who brought you the suffering and the pain that we are in right now why would you on why on Earth would you trust KLA Harris to do anything she is the one who said she was the last in the room for Afghanistan she is the one who cast the deciding vote for the $ 1.9 trillion spending Bill she is the one who was supposed to secure the southern border and it has been an utter disaster he's going to have to compare his presidency and how life was under Donald Trump versus how life actually is under KLA Harris and I think you're going to hear a lot of that tonight from him again because I highly doubt that David mure and Lindsey Davis are going to do it for him so uh just in in closing on this topic you said that K is practicing for a quip you said she's preparing her comeback and she wants her I'm speaking moment yet it's it's president Trump who actually most likely and if you were to poll people and ask what's the most famous debate moment of all time without awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country yeah because you'd be in jail secretary Clinton so it's like amazing so it's like I think you might have even been in the think you might have even for that I was there and there weren't a ton of people there but like the the Roar from the audience was amazing so it's like you know that listen if you're doing an unscientific poll and you were to ask people what ended Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2016 that was it right that was it yeah what are the what's the probability of getting that tonight I hope we have that I just I hope that for people out there who don't know kamla Harris we're able to truly appreciate how radical she is and how dangerous she is for this country but yeah I hope for a viral Donald Trump moment because you know I love a viral Donald Trump moment and he didn't even intend it in on the June 27th debate stage with Joe Biden but we got it we got the I don't even think he knows what he said that was amazing and I think you can Bank on something like that coming out of tonight I sure hope so I'm I'm ready for it I'm waiting for it I want to talk uh very very quickly about lawsuits and election integrity and your work at the RNC it's so important I no matter what we we talk about on the program I always want to like return here because it's the Cornerstone of something new that you've brought to the RNC and you're really making headwinds now um and fighting upstream and getting victories can you talk us through uh some of the victories in the the small hours now uh away from the election yeah well this is the most important thing look we can never repeat 2020 we never want to go back and repeat those mistakes and you can't have Americans not trusting our electoral system here in this country and so while we've extended the the branch across the aisle to our our friends at the DNC to come join us in our election Integrity Pursuit not surprisingly Benny they have not done that but we have been successful and we've gone state byst state to make sure a couple of things are happening that the voter roles are cleaned up you had Joselyn Benson the Secretary of State in Michigan who did not want to clean her voter roles you had 92,000 inactive voters we had to sue her they cleaned those voter roles and now there's 92,000 inactive voters are off the voter roles in just Michigan yeah in just Michigan in Arizona we had a big win via the Supreme Court actually Arizona was registering people to vote without confirming their citizenship in this country we took it to the Supreme Court they agreed with us and so now you have to make sure that you are actually registering someone who imagin this then is an American citizen to vote in our elections and the wins we have are not just only in that state they can be applied and used as precedent across the country so we're having to go state byst state and make sure the rules of the road are set up and in place but additionally we have been so successful in getting people to volunteer and be our boots on the ground and our eyes on the ground every time a vote is cast and counted Michael Watley and I pledged 100,000 people to be part of our election Integrity team as of last week we have 175,000 people who are currently being trained or have already been trained to be there as pole Watchers poll workers in tabulation centers or legal experts on the ground 500 lawyers we want in every Battleground state so that we are not waiting until we we see a problem waiting a month a week later we're going to address it right then right there in that moment and we've used a lot of the primaries as sort of our test runs to make sure that we have everything set up and everything is working in terms of our system we want every voter no matter for whom you are casting a vote whether it's a republican a Democrat or a third party candidate to feel like if you're voting in the United States of America America your vote counts and so we hope that that's what everybody feels as they go out to vote this election cycle I do want to encourage everybody get out and vote early Bank your vote because life happens you never know and we cannot play catchup with the Democrats on Election Day if everyone gets out and votes early and then makes a plan to get other people out to the polls we make it too big to rig we swamp the vote and Donald Trump becomes the 47th president that's the goal and that's what we've done but uh but we've we've been very successful in a lot of our Pursuits a lot more to do because we know on the other side they're always going to try and have a little nefarious activity but we're looking out for it and we're sending a message loud and clear if you cheat in an election we'll find you we'll prosecute you to the full extent of the law protectthe vote.com it's on the screen right now and you have every swing state up there and every single state in contention with that with a big race up there uh and you can you can click on the state that you live in and find ways to help volunteer Secor election please do it we need everybody listen 175,000 but we would love to have 200,000 250,000 we also want to be a deterrent Benny we can never allow cheating in our elections here in America otherwise we're like a Banana Republic third world country we want to stop it and we want to make sure that nobody even dares try it this election cycle so come be part of the team thank you vote.com look at this and in closing the justice department undocumented individual charged in connection with voter goodness Laura this mixed with the Arizona news that sounds like foreign interference in our elections and we stand against that goodness gracious we sure do stand against that and by the way you know we're in election season Benny whenever they're bringing Russia back up and trying to make some sort of a connection between Republicans and Russia let's be very clear American citizens are the only ones who should be deciding American elections period we can all agree on that and I would love to see more prosecutions of people who are interfering who are not American citizens in whatever form that takes we love to see that sort of thing yeah let me know where I can help I would love that true foreign interference in our elections yeah foreign Nationals voting in our elections Democrats have fought for it I'm glad to see some prosecutions and I'm glad to see Supreme Court victories there being American being America First and American first means only Americans voting and influencing our elections period uh Laura thank you so very much for being on the program I know time is short today this is gonna be a very exciting day everybody go follow the great Laura Trump I mean goodness gracious come on people she's on her way to two million followers look at this and uh we will be joining on a boat parade uh an amazing boat parade on October 13th yes I think Laur wait Laura and her great husband will be leading so maybe the biggest boat Freight in human history let's do it why not we'll see all right Laura this is gonna be an exciting night we'll see you online all right thank you [Music] [Music] [Music]

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