USA: “Dollar duel!” – Trump invests millions in anti-Harris advertising! Where the money comes from

So there are still two months until the presidential election in the United States, so it's really going to be a hot ride. The time has come on November 5th, and the fascinating thing in the USA is that this election campaign is financed by donations. Yes, of course, it's about money, and when we look at these balance sheets now, I mean, Donald Trump likes to compare sizes. But then he has to say that Kamala Harris is clearly ahead. “We have the best government that money can buy,” quipped the great US writer Mark Twain over 100 years ago. A century later, Twain will probably find plenty of material for his social novels in this presidential election campaign, because it's not just about votes, but increasingly about donations. In the current dollar duel, Kamala Harris is leading with $755 million, ahead of Donald Trump with $575 million, also because she simply took over Joe Biden's money . For both candidates, more than half of the sum comes from the accounts of major donors. They use this to finance their appearances and huge campaign teams, but most of it goes into commercials. For the first time, candidates are spending about as much on online videos as they do on traditional TV spots. This is also about making the competitor look bad. This is the most expensive spot of the entire election campaign so far: Trump spent $25 million to distribute the following 30 seconds. “Before Harris was the most liberal senator, she was the most progressive prosecutor in all of California. She released criminals and protected illegal drug dealers so they couldn't be deported." Kamala Harris, a dangerous San Francisco liberal. In order to finance the gigantic election campaign machine, the candidates are resorting to unusual means. So you can buy a dinner with Donald Trump for $100,000 - a serious offer compared to what else Trump sells about himself: “Here is your favorite president, Donald Trump. Because you all asked for it, here is a new collection of digital Trump trading cards. You all know them, we had a lot of fun with the cards. The cards show me dancing and even holding a Bitcoin in my hand.” But then Mark Twain isn’t entirely right. The experience of recent election campaigns shows that the person who spends the most money does not always win.

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