USA: Before TV duel! Seven tough rules! Because of one of them, Donald Trump threatened to cancel

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:03:20 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: kamala harris donald trump tv duell
The US election campaign is now entering its hottest phase. Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will fight for 90 minutes in the upcoming TV duel for the office of future president. The potentially groundbreaking debate will then be broadcast in Germany on Wednesday night and the opponents fought a small duel when the rules were being determined. Typical Trump in this election campaign: His appearance in Wisconsin is intended to convey confidence in victory and a constant attack on his competitors and the Democrats. "We're ruled by stupid people, stupid, stupid people," and that's what we found out in the TV debate with Joe. "How did that go and we'll find out again on Tuesday night. Will anyone be watching? That's right, America will be watching and listening." Around 50 million people tuned in to the last television duel between Biden and Trump in June . At that time, things were going so badly for the current president that he ultimately withdrew his candidacy. Kamala Harris came, caught up in the polls, and even overtook Donald Trump in some swing states. The Democrats hope that they will score points in the upcoming TV duel. Although the focus should be on the messages, for many it is the candidates' demeanor that makes the difference. The rules: Both must remain behind their lectern and taking notes is taboo. A pen, a pad of paper and water are enough for 90 minutes. Opening statements are prohibited. At the end, Trump and Harris each get 2 minutes for closing remarks. The TV debate was briefly on the brink. The Democrats wanted both candidates' microphones to remain on throughout the duel. In the last duel between Biden and Trump, the microphone of the person who was not speaking was muted . According to observers, this gave Trump an advantage at the time. This time, Democrats wanted to do it differently, hoping viewers would pick up on Trump's taunts. But because Trump threatened to cancel, the Democrats gave in. Two days before the speech battle, Kamala Harris appears very calm. It's not just Trump who is a professional in public speaking; as a trained prosecutor, she also knows her way around the exchange of blows. While visiting a spice shop in Pittsburgh, she perhaps also gives a little encouragement to an agitated voter: "It's going to be okay, we're going to be okay, we're all in this together." In any case, the TV duel is one of the decisive moments in the election campaign. This makes it all the more important for Harris and Trump to carry out the performance in the best possible way.

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