Create With Me - Fall Festival Tracker - Planner Page

Published: Sep 04, 2023 Duration: 00:12:01 Category: Howto & Style

Trending searches: fall festivals near me
hello this is Kelly with India and anchor plans welcome to my Channel today we are going to make a fall festivals tracker I have someone this year that also likes attending Festival so we're going to try and attend a few we have already attended one so I couldn't find any letters that I had that I liked so I just um created this and this will be in my shop I'm not sure if I'm gonna put it in um this coming weeks releases or if it will be in the following weeks releases probably this week so I think what I want to use is um one of the the gold ones then I pulled a 2023 sheet out of my shop I would put the 2023 on there and I pulled some brown boxes out of my shop and then I pulled this out because I thought I might use these little acorns then they've got some quotes in here too I'm not sure that that I'll use those but um I didn't want to use boxes like that so anyway that's what I pulled out so we will see what don't want to do the big one I think I want to do the big one and this um filler paper came from a seasonal pack that happy planner had I believe it was last year it's got lines on this side and Dot grid on that side but I'm okay with that so we're just going to spread these boxes around had enough for eight I believe so I would think that's probably more than enough I don't want to put it straight do I want to put it let's just do that that's where that one wanted to go so we will just let it do that so there's not really spaced evenly are they let me pull it up and move it down a little bit so they're a little more there we go a little more evenly spaced I think I'll take one of the small 2023s and just put it down here I don't want to use the leaves that are on here because they don't match there really like to have something other than the acorns especially since I have brown boxes um I don't want to use the pumpkins Maybe and there's any pumpkins in there though let's just stick to the acorns I guess and see what see how that looks so I have several of the acorns that acorn's not cut very well it'll be all right I bought this pack off of a friend I'm guessing she probably got it at Hobby Lobby or somewhere like that or maybe ordered it off the happy planner site I think I have a couple bigger I thought I had a couple bigger Acorn sectors I guess I don't those are paper ones that there let's see if hello fall maybe we could just put it there is it better would I rather have it might look better it might look better straight instead of angled today it seems to be partly sunny 'll be out for a minute and then it goes away okay maybe it was going to be yeah I think maybe it's better the way I had it there we go maybe that's better I have my little scraper over here okay so we'll leave that I need something else up there since those don't match I think I have I know I have bigger acorns and saw them bigger acorns must be in one of these books because I know I had some I thought I pulled them aside because I thought they were in that book there they are they don't look the same so I won't do that see if we've got something else in here that we can use at the top that aren't leaves and this is the book that that smaller sticker book matches and I have used this sticker book so much maybe you could use I don't have all I have are the other ones and I don't want to use the yellow ones those I may just have to leave it like that I got these paper ones let's do this and see what I don't know is that too much and takes away from okay I think I like that one over there but I don't think this is this one so maybe just put one over there back in the book because I don't I'm pretty sure I don't have a green one in here I do not this would have been fairly quick if it wasn't for okay I do like that so maybe we'll just leave it like that then that will give me room to put in eight different festivals that we attend and I'll look through my books again and see if I can find anything else to put up there but um I guess maybe we could put a couple acorns left maybe we could put those up there there we go that'll work foreign well this is my fall festivals tracker 4 2023 so I will hopefully be able to fill in at least most of the most of the boxes the ones I don't fill in maybe I'll put a little quote in or something so if you like this video hit the like button if you'd like to see more of my videos hit the Subscribe button and I'll see you in my next one thanks for watching

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