These Pokémon GO World Championship battles were insane....

Published: Sep 01, 2024 Duration: 00:19:23 Category: Gaming

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hey everybody h/ Henrik here and in today's video I'm going to be showcasing some unbelievable plays and battles from this year 2024 Pokémon go World Championships anytime you gather the best Battlers in the world and make them face off you're going to have some Unforgettable moments and this year's tournament was no exception I already did a video showcasing some amazing plays from the world champion yakai so today I'm going to be showcasing some of the great plays from the rest of the tournament so without further Ado let's up of the matches and take a look at some unbelievable battles from the 2024 Pokémon go World Championships the first battle will be Tak a look at is Marto G versus basti basti running a pretty standard meta team of six Marto going anti- meow with whimsicott it's a nightmare lead for Marto leading lickatong into vigoroth he's going a safe switch into water gun Lantern as basti does not have a hard counter to this Pokemon basti will chip with a body slam and then he can safely bring in the lick tongue since it is the water gun Lantern he's unable to bring in glar Marto desperately needs to flip switch in this game cuz he is whimsicott in the back as his third but basy has that Gligar and that is not a fun match up for the whimsicott basti plays 2 acmp tie here with the power whip but the surf is still not going to be enough to knock out we're going to see the power whip fired off here that's going to be no shielded by Marto and Marto brings back in his own lick of tongue unfortunately lick double resisted here it's only going to be doing one damage per lick and lick T is known to have a pretty decent HP stat Marto looks like he's going to full commit here going to try and go for the double resisted Farm down to get as much energy as he possibly can basty able to reach body slam after body slam after body slam Marto does not care he's trying to exit this match up with 100 energy he needs to generate some kind of advantage in comes the vigoroth vigoroth to be met with the body slam the no Shield by basti as the body slam will connect Marto going for yet another body slam and again a no Shield by basti but look at the energy from this liong putting so much pressure onto that vigoroth vigoroth forced to go down a shield and at long last whimsicott enters the field of play but in the back that's not what he was hoping to see as it will be the Gligar Marto up a shield but in a very difficult position whimsicott farming up a ton of energy at the backto back seed bombs moonblast not going to KO so double seed bomb will be the way seed bomb is going to connect and we're going to see the a fired by basti and the second Shield deployed by Marto Marto is going to look to farm up to the backto back he actually Farms one past the back toback that whimsicott barely hanging on basti saving the shield for the vigaro in comes the vigaro and vigaro forced to burn the shield Marto will need a catch to try and win this Marto perfectly predicts that he over Farms by two he gets the catch onto the liong but his whimsicott might still get countered down whimsicott with one HP able to hang on unbelievable Maro is Magic as he steals a game away from basti the next match will be taking a look at is L&S J mun versus sir Panic alot sir panical lot already up one game to zero only needing one more win to advance in the tournament but it's a negative lead leading charge buug into liong liong does very well at beating charab buug as well as the iseral in the back so Panic finds himself ABA weak to the lead and this immediately puts him on the defensive body slam will connect he's going to farm up to an x-scissor plus a discharge immediate no shield from JM he's going to save switch into vigaro she's going to bank a power whip for later could have brought in the iseral but instead reading that the iseral could be valuable later on chooses to bring in vigaro and it definitely will be considering that Sur Panic brought his own aeril we're going to see a shield from Ser Panic Sur Panic is going to look to over Farm not going to RIS the farm down there worri that she might be able to tank the counters instead just going for the body slam body slam is shielded and J munise makes it to a slam of her own s Panic alot lets it through down goes vigoroth but he's just going to go for energy on this charge buug charge buug has energy in comes the lickong he sends in the aeril and aeril going to be met with a power whip sir Panic alot with a decision to make Shields at the last second and gets the shield call right we're going to see a switch out now into the iseral but here's the thing by her staying in and going for a power whip she desynced the switch timers and that's something that sir panic can take advantage of because his switch clock is going to be up and she's still going to be switch locked into this matchup so what he's going to have to do is bite his time wait for her to throw her energy because once she's thrown her energy then it's charge bug's time to strike play Ruff will connect his clocks up he's going to wait she goes for the play rough and now is his opportunity his clock is up hers is not he switches into the charger buug going for the discharge very close to another J mun realizes she is unable to Shield she lets that go he has the x-scissor the energy stored from earlier pressuring The Shield off of that lickong lickong trying to farm up just shy of the backto back body slams this body slam will be able to pick up the knockout onto charger buug but aeral saved a charge attack from earlier beautiful example of taking advantage of the decn switch timers as Panic takes the two to zero win we now move to our next feature match up anquin versus roacha Baby Face terrible lead for anquin at he ends up leading a Skarmory into charge abug the claer save switch met with a whiz cash what can go wrong has gone wrong for an adoquin so far the earthquake connects that hardly does any damage Claire known for its bulk not its damage out but the scald will connect and more bad luck the 30% attack drop comes through for roacha and adoquin in a bad matchup down Shields and debuffed and earthquake won't even knock out here Roo realizes this he's actually going to let this go he's going to be be able to make not just a mud bomb but a skull the fish for another debuff and out Quin is double shielding he's putting all his hopes on winning switch advantage in this game we're going to see roacha give up switch he brings in a zerel and anquin shaking his head as he fires off the debuffed earthquake earthquake will connect that does not do a lot of damage Claire able to make one final charge attack making it to the Stone Edge Stone Edge also debuffed roacha is going to let that through and now in comes Skarmory Skarmory going to be met with the ice be this is open Team sheet so Quin is aware that roacha doeses not have access to hydrop pump roacha choosing to stay in this match up for quite some time going to fire off the sky attack and force The Shield from the aeril aeril going to throw one bubble and the Ice Beam again this will not be enough to knock out roacha has the ability to switch but here's the thing he no longer has that two to zero Shield Advantage he's given up one shield now he gives up both Shields and that means gutina is going to be in such a good spot in this end game chargeable all the energy in the world but it's completely walled by the gutina origin and anquin is going to need a move to be able to get rid of that iseral later in the match gutina continues to farm another excisor reached by roacha x-scissor will connect and attaquin keeps farming another x-scissor is reached will this be enough to knock out here and anquin hit with the x-scissor it does not KO and he's able to get the Shadow Ball plus the ominous wind Shadow Ball Ko's the charge buug in comes a zerel with the ice beam loaded but gutina says no ominous win koos the aeril as an adequate snatches Victory from the jaws of defeat we now move to a winner take all decisive game three matchup between Valley and Vis from Australia and bulk from the United States and it's a nightmare lead for Vish trusting in his Altaria lead but it's met with a zemal immediate switch out into liong and bulk does not switch out he has a couple answers to liong on his team but he chose to leave them on the bench so instead aeril is going to get some valuable chip damage with the play rough and in comes charge buug up this much energy this is a potentially flippable match up for Vish Vish is going to spam out these body slams charge a bug returning fire with the exgs scissors as the volt switches get it ever closer to X's or knockout range but this lick of tongue just so much energy to work with firing off body slam after body slam bulk with an O Shield he knows he can take one another x-scissor this is going to be getting the final Shield as Vish will look to overarm Vish should be able to flip switch here Vish accidentally mistimes it he throws on turn eight instead of turn seven and entire volt switch sneaks he goes for the catch but bulk anticipates it and goes for the discharge now in comes aeril aeril in a dominant dominant position as it will fire off this Ice Beam at the Altaria Altaria going to get very little value as it gets one hit koed Vish does have the lantern it is on water gun which means it doesn't have the fast move pressure into the isumer Ral that it typically would but water gun will be a lot better against the shadow Quagsire from bulk that he has yet to reveal Lantern over farming a massive amount of energy will be able to pick up the knockout here with the Thunderbolt down goes the oh the isumer hangs on barely but it is going to get water gun down in comes the Quagsire Quagsire able to knock out from this range with a Stone Edge surf is going to connect lantern ing to farm almost able to make the surf and forcing the Stone Edge from the quag Stone Edge picks up The Knockout in comes the lickong lickatong barely able to outpace the perfect over over farming there by One Singular turn body s picks up the KO in comes the charge AOG and it does not get the move Vish looks behind the entire game but lickaton clutches an impossible Victory as he advances in the tournament our next matchup is archus aureli versus Magmar man and Magmar man is bringing the spice whimsicott arack and Shadow magnone on his team of six and he leads the whimsicott into a liongue from archus aelius not a good spot to be if you're Magmar man Magmar man is going to FSE in the moonblast the no Shield by archus means this liong is going to take substantial damage it actually ends up being a charge attack priority tie this body slam will inflict a ton of damage in return he's going to save switch into shadow whiscash shadow whiscash has a massive energy lead archus sends in the Poliwrath after storing a bunch of energy on the liong Poliwrath down on energy here it is the nonshadow Poliwrath which means a second mud bomb would not KO but it would put him pretty low we are going to see The Shield from archus archus going for the icy wind icy wind not going to knock out he's actually going for an undercharge he wants the farm that undercharge means that he is going to exit with quite a lot of energy here he's hoping that Magmar is not going to be able to make yet another mud bomb and Magmar will fall just short this is awkward whimsicott would get knocked out by the icy wind is he forced to bring in the arct backs he sends in the aracs arct backs to be hit with a scald scald is resisted so arcta is going to let this go he's saving two shields for arcta and in the back is Reggie steel the decision to save the shields trusting in the fact that he wouldn't have fast food pressure in the back and suddenly Against All Odds despite the fact this is an ice type against reg steel this game looks like it might be winnable he goes for the zap Canon debuff he does get it which means that this damage output from the aracs is now reduced we see a switch out into the whimsicott and that will be answered with the body slam from the lick of tongue body slam is going to get the whimsicott low whimsicott trying to make it to a last second charge move gets as low as possible as it's going to be able to fire off the seed bomb seed bomb barely does not KO and both Battlers stop tapping for a second neither wants to give each other Farm eventually archus picks up the KO but here is the arcx winning charge attack priority and this game looks like it's going to be a win arob backs flipping the script we're going to see a desperation zap Cannon can he get the debuff no he cannot and araba is going to be able to take the game archus arelius just shaking his head as arack flips the script and steals a win away from Reggie steel this next match will be a fun one greenish versus Z's wus Z's wus going anti- meta with Shadow Gyarados and diggers B and he's brought the Gyarados in this game one on the lead and it's leading against the shadow for alligator the shadow claws do enough that a hydroc cannon will KO from here so Z wus will commit the shield look to overarm and aquata tail one turn before that next hydr Cannon is ready greenish with the shield she's going to Pivot out into the Skarmory here in comes the skele durge and this is not an amazing spot to be we're going to see the Brave Bird be shielded up here she did need to bait this out she has the annihilate lurking in the back and we're going to see a 100 energy on the skeler but in comes the feraligator she banked the move she wins charge attack priority and 100 energy disappears in the blink of an eye what a play by greenish there oh my goodness in comes the annihilate no shielding the aquata tail trying for the farm down but the shadow Gyarados barely hangs on and forces the final Shield Shadow Ball will hit for super effective damage versus Cresselia but it does not one hit KO Cresselia is a very bulky Pokemon Shadow Ball does not KO the Grass Knot is reached unbelievable plays on both sides but Z Wiis emerges Victorious the next match we'll be taking a look at is Rock Haven versus rise to the occasion loser semi-finals of day number one and it's a disastrous lead for Rise Talonflame versus for alligator save switches into Shadow whz cash and Shadow Wiz cash is going to be immediately met with a hydroc Canon the no Shield by Rise that does massive damage a switch out into mandibuzz rise going to fire off the scald fishing for that 30% debuff chance the scald does not get the debuff mandab buuz going to look to pick up The Knockout here with a Dark Pulse although an aial lace probably could have koed as well back in comes the Talon flame for rise this Talon flame going to be in a bit of an awkward position where a fly will not KO from this range but you really don't want to debuff yourself with a Brave Bird Talon flame continuing to farm and going to be met with an aerial Ace with a no Shield rise going to go for the fly fly will it be enough to knock out here manab Buzz is extremely bulky the fly does not KO it's a simultaneous switch for alligator into Poliwrath and Poliwrath is looking deadly because Rock Haven did not bring his annihilate Poliwrath just going to look for a full counter Farm down does Poliwrath decide to double shield here no letting the hydro go as that does massive damage but Rock Haven has zero fast move pressure against this Pok on he's going to no Shield but rise went for the scald it connects dealing massive damage through two Shields Rock Haven now going to start to Shield but he's going to be shielding icy winds and this is very difficult as the Claire such minimal fast move pressure this is going to be a tough game to win Stone Edge picks up the KO in comes the Talon flame Talonflame going for the fly Rock Haven needs a catch to win rock Haven throws two switches The Patience by Rise he anticipates a catch does not fall for it and he's going to take a game one win as Brave Bird KO 's Claire the final featured match will be valorash versus PVP David valorash from the United States and PVP David hailing from Sweden and it's a type neutral lead in this matchup whis cash for valorash and the Goodra from PvP David whis cash of course with a pacing Advantage but Goodra able to consistently Whittle away with significantly more fast move pressure mud bomb is traded for aquata tail we actually see a shield from valorash as he is looking to protect this whiz cash and invest in the matchup mud bomb no shielded by David he knows he's going to be able to withstand this damage and make it to another Aqua Tail as unfortunately for whiz cash mud shots do not really add up in this matchup valorash unwilling to Shield twice Goodra not going to be able to get the farm down we will see the shield as The Whiz casat fires off its last second mud bomb Goodra going to commit and barely gets that farm in comes Cresselia Cresselia going to be hit with the aquata tail aquata tail of course not going to be doing much of anything Goodra gets farmed down with a lantern in the back he's forced to bring in Cresselia but here's the thing his Lantern is on water gun and that's an Altaria as the third which means David is going to be in a difficult position they're going to be trading moonblast here they are going to be hitting for some pretty decent damage neither trainer really looking to invest their final protect Shield another moonblast and another no Shield David willing to tank this damage moonblast is going to connect and that is going to put him honestly pretty low going for the grassnut as moonblast would not be lethal grassnut is going to connect valorash continuing to go for moonblast just trying to get as much damage as he possibly can the moonblast is going to land gets the 10% attack drop so now this moonblast is going to hit less hard we still see the shield from Valor Ash but now it's David's turn David gets the 10% debuff as well and now suddenly Against All Odds this might be a winnable end game for the water gun Lantern water gun Lantern is going to fire off the Thunderbolt that's able to connect moonblast fired by valorash and David is going to no shield no more debuffs here David trying to get to the Thunderbolt unable to get there before Altaria fires off the sky attack the sky attack will be shielded David gets the Thunderbolt Thunderbolt is going to be doing significant damage to the Altaria it will barely not KO in comes to Cresselia try to make the move but David with the back breaking catch catching it onto his own Cresselia and he's going to be able to water gun down exit with the surf KO the Altaria things got scary in the end game but perfect energy awareness from David leads to a game win all in all the world championships were an unbelievably fun experience I was able to get to go there in person and the environment and the atmosphere was incredible I'm very excited because the 2025 Pokémon go competitive season is starting up here just in a couple weeks with the first Regional in Baltimore and signups are actually open so if you're in the Baltimore area and you are interested in signing up or even just showing up as a spectator it's worth looking into cuz these events are a tremendous amount of fun anyways thank you guys so much for watching if you're enjoying the content make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven't and a special thank you as always to our members here on YouTube the support guys provide is sincerely appreciated so thank you guys also very much and until next time I've been home slice Henry

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