Category: News & Politics
Six months after pledging support to the kenyan le mission in haiti jamaica is sending a first wave of troops the jamaican president announced that only 24 military and police personnel would land in haiti on thursday and lay the groundwork for further deployments haiti is the example of what could... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Now 24 jamaican military and police officers are due to arrive in haiti today it's part of the 200 personnel kingston has pledge the country the deployment is part of the international security mission aimed at restoring order in one of the world's poorest states overrun by gangs kenya is the only country... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Il était considéré comme le bodybuilder le plus monstrueux du monde 1,80 pour 154 kg une musculature impressionnante et un régime alimentaire démesuré le biélorusse ilia golem yefimchik âgé de 36 ans est mort à la suite d'une crise cardiaque survenu le 6 septembre dernier dans sa résidence à dubaï d'abord... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey there friends quick warning this video is going to hurt some feelings this video is going to piss some people off my goal is that that's exactly what it does because the people whose feelings get hurt and the people who were pissed off at me because of what i have to say in this video can kiss my... Read more
Category: News & Politics
K news now in the wake of our detailed coverage of the ongoing protest against the finance field 2024 that has been organized by genz protesters we would like to inform our viewers that we have received threats from authorities of intention to shut us down we would like to inform the public of our commitment... Read more
Category: Education
Do haitians really eat dogs all right let's talk about something controversial you've probably heard the claim that haitians eat dogs right but is that actually true before you rush to judgment i've got a story for you a friend of mine once visited haiti and before he left someone told him watch out... Read more
Category: News & Politics
C'est l'heure du journal de l'afrique soyez les bienvenu sur france24 à la une ce soir la tournée de pedro sanchez en afrique de l'ouest le premier ministre espagnol s'est rendu au sénégal ce jeudi une visite avec toujours le même objectif la coopération sur la question migratoire nous serons à dakar... Read more
Category: Education
[musique] le nom de jésus nous chass tristesse tr nom glorie nom glorie n amen glorie glorieux nom le nom de [musique] jésus glorieux n glement amen gliement amen gl glor [musique] [applaudissements] nom le nom de jésus précis jésus il est un nom qui signifie espoir signifie espo espo oui amen qui rend... Read more
Category: Education
Considéré seul veret na langue maternelle qui c'est créole proverbe 18 verset 24 amis c'est prend pr mais amis tout plus passer fr m 2è fois amis c'est pr v prend mais g amis tout il plus passer frais en français al dit celui qui a beaucoup d'amis les les a pour son malheur mais il est tel ami plus... Read more
Category: Sports
Rebecca chapi a talented ag gandan olympic athlete tragically lost her life after a brutal attack by her partner just weeks after competing in the paris marathon she faced unimaginable violence at only 33 her dreams were cut short leaving her father yearning for justice as the perpetrator remains free... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Okay what's going on everybody we are here we're live i want to thank you all for joining me today um if you can see and hear me clearly please drop a one in the live chat and then we can get today's stream started and as i'm waiting for the ones to come into the live stream please if you haven't already... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So i'm going to try to keep this short and do a longer forum which i'll attach to this video but there is a huge focus on the immigration that's happening in springfi ohio and whether they're eating the cats and the dogs of the residents there and you know it came up in the debate and so it was just... Read more