The Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign Is OFFICIALLY OVER After This Interview!

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:25:06 Category: Sports

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I'm supported by the former Vice President Dick Cheney congress former Congress member Liz Cheney she gave her first solo interview to Brian Taff ever heard of him we hadn't either he's a local action news anchor for the local ABC station in Philly and comma could not get it together when we talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that well I'll start with this um I grew up a middle class kid my mother raised my sister and me she worked very hard um she was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager um I grew up in a community of hardworking people you know construction workers and nurses and teachers and I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience you know if but a lot of people will relate to this you know I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn you know and um and I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity and that we as Americans have a beautiful character you know we have ambitions and aspirations and dreams but not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and Ambitions so when I talk about building an opportunity economy it is very much with the mind of investing in the Ambitions and aspirations and the and the incredible work ethic of the American people and creating opportunity for people for example to start a small business the question question was how are you going to bring down prices and K's answer was I grew up around construction workers who took care of their lawns I want you to continue to notice as this campaign goes there's something wrong with her there's absolutely something wrong when she talks I can't quite figure it out but she gets the big gulp like she's almost unsure what to say and it's visible I mean you can basically see her body going into a contorion yeah okay let me spit this one out it's very weird it's very weird I'm I'm not making fun of her I'm not making light I'm I'm showing you guys that there's something just not quite right don't know what it is but let's continue so now she decides to do an interview it looks to be an off-the-cuff interview like she's she's basically just handling this guy's questions and it's from an ABC affiliate um probably somewhere outside of Johnstown or wherever she was and you remember the debate you looked at the debate you see a woman who was well quaffed her hair was perfect great wig that night her makeup was perfect and and she just looked like a a princess out on a debate stage she obviously didn't have the Hollywood makeup people when she did this interview and she had her hair the different hairpiece on and she's looking kind of hagard so let let's listen into how this went pleasure to meet you thanks for your time today our audience appreciate your time of course as you know we're sitting here in a state and arguably in front of an audience that 54 days from now could decide the outcome of this presidential election you hear it more than I do people want to know more about you and about your specific plans at the debate the other night you talked about creating an opportunity economy wonder if we can drill down on that a little bit when talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that all right I'm going to stop when he says the question because I'm going to remind you what the question is and then you can listen and tell me if she answers the question so you talk all about this opportunity economy what what are a few things you're actually going to do to to you know lower prices tell us well I'll start with it um I grew up a middle class kid my mother raised my sister and me she worked very hard does that sound familiar it's the exact same answer in speech that she gave into debate the exact same answer she couldn't come up with a simp dude what are you going to do well I was a middle class kid but I'll continue um she was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager um I grew up in a community of hardworking people you know construction workers and nurses and teachers and I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience you know if but a lot of people will relate to this you know I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn you know and um and I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity this is what happens when there's no teleprompter and maybe no earpiece she's completely stuck she's trying to recall the answers that these people to told her to say whereas if you actually believed it you would already know the answer but she's okay what do I say here and that we as Americans have a beautiful character you know we have Ambitions and aspirations and dreams but not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and Ambitions so when I talk about building an opportunity economy it is very much with the mind of investing in the Ambitions and aspirations and the and the incredible work ethic of the American people and creating opportunity for people for example to start a small business um big swallow my mother you know worked long hours and our neighbor helped raise us we used to call her was I still call her our second mother she was a small business owner I love our small business owners I learned who they are from my childhood and she was what small business owner does she know that wants to pay 40% unrealized capital gains tax in her entire life since she loves small business owners please tell me where where these small business owners that want to pay you know 50 60 70% income tax love to know a community leader she hired Al she mentored our small businesses are so much a part of the fabric of our communities not to mention really I think the backbone of America's economy so my opportunity economy plan includes giving startups a $50,000 tax deduction to start their small business it used to be $5,000 nobody can start a small business with $5,000 but investing in people's innovative ideas and giving them the ability to go for it um opportunity econ economy means look we don't have enough housing in America we have a does she realize that you can't earn a tax credit for you know till you actually file your taxes there's nobody who's going to be able to start a business go okay so I've got $50,000 coming for the government um can Mr landlord I want to lease this property will you lease it to me I'm GNA pay you back when Cala gives me that tax credit well you don't get a tax credit unless you're deducting it it comes off of the revenue that you have to make beforehand you're not giving anybody anything a housing Supply shortage and what that means in particular for so many younger Americans the American dream is elusive it's just actually not attainable so part of my plan is to work with the private sector and housing developers to give them a tax credit to be able tax credit understand that's a that's after you've generated Revenue you don't pay taxes unless you've generated Revenue partner with us as the government to build and my goal is 3 million new homes by the end of my first term in addition to help people who just want to get their foot in the door literally and so giving firsttime home buyers a $25,000 down payment assistance to be able to just get in the door and then they will do the work that they need to do to save and to pay that mortgage and to build wealth for themselves and their family these are some examples of what I mean when I talk about an opportunity economy and a lot of it has to do with just the community I was raised in and the people that I you know I admired who work hard you know and deserve to have you know their dreams fulfilled because they're prepared to work for it you talk okay so she went on for a number of minutes there talked about her family her friends and how she was brought up and I always said this I asked you how you're going to lower prices what are you going to do to lower prices cost what are you doing I'm the flowery unicorn you know you know we're g to have this great thing where people are going to be able to buy houses with you know a $25,000 down payment good luck it's not ever going to happen she had a perfect opportunity she could have said we're gonna like if you ask Trump that I know what the answer is we're going to start drilling right now and get the pumps cheaper right off the bat what that's going to do is allow trucks to get on the road and start you know not have to have the cost of the gas or diesel so high so if the cost for moving Goods is cheaper then you can lower your prices people are going to be able to work on farms and do different things blah blah blah blah hell was she talking about yeah we're GNA you know tax credit I don't even think she knows what a tax credit is I've worked in in in entrepreneurial zones what do they call them um opportunity zones in here in Florida where you could buy a property and and you would have reduced taxes and tax credits I know exactly what they are you go ahead and and build here and at the end of the year if you're renovating a house whatever at the end of that when you sell it or later on when you file your taxes then you can get a tax credit because you've bought the property you've renovated the property you're either keeping it as a rental or you're selling it but in any event you you've made money now instead of owing the government 30 40 50% we're going to give you $50,000 credit so you don't have to pay us that kind of money that's 12 months from now she doesn't know what she's talking about has no idea at the debate and at previous appearances about turning the page on the past and in fact here today in Johnstown you're talking about a new way forward yeah I think some people have a question given maybe your current role as Vice President of the United States how different you are from Joe Biden and so I wonder if there are one or two spots policy areas or approaches where you would say I'm a different person what a stupid question I'm a woman I think I squat the pee what do you mean how is she different there what he's trying to get her right now to do is distance herself from Joe here's how I'm Different which means for the last three and a half years you must have been a chameleon because whatever her answer is here you know coming it's going to be BS so let's hear well I'm obviously not Joe Biden and um you know I I offer a new generation of leadership and so for example thinking about developing and and an opportunity economy where she right back to right back to the answer that she gave in question number one let me just go ahead and revert back to the other question we already answered it we already heard this opportunity economy crap it's about investing in areas that really need a lot of work I swear I didn't I just didn't replay the same thing that she's saying the exact same thing by the way the government not that she understands the government can't invest in anything government doesn't have any money they take it from us and maybe focusing on again the aspirations and the dreams but also just recognizing that at this moment in time some of the stuff we could take for granted years ago we can't take for granted anymore um for examp whose fault is that example another um plan that I have that is a new approach is to expand the child tax credit to $6,000 for young families she just said that she just said that in the answer to question number one she's just repeating herself the first year of their child's life because that is obviously a very critical stage of development of a child and a lot of young parents need the help to buy a car seat or a crib or she literally just I I swear to God I did not cut in Paces she is giving the exact same answer to the next question she I mean word for word word you know tax credit buy a child seat she's saying the exact same thing and I'm like there's no way there's no way I'm watching this this person is a presidential candidate and can't even answer the most simple of questions or clothes for their kids and so my big swallow approach is about new ideas new policies that are directed at the current moment and also to be very honest with you my focus well you weren't honest before great is very much in what we need to do over the next 10 20 years to catch up to the 21st century around again capacity but also challenges Joe Biden's child tax credit is $3,000 and commas is 6,000 of all the things border inflation crime Israel housing the only difference between KL and Joe Biden is a $33,000 difference in the child tax credit this guy's not in his head he probably think this is one ignorant you know what she has no clue what she's talking about why did you people have me go out and talk to her what did she just say how are you different than Joe Biden the entire goal of her campaign is to separate herself from Joe Biden the campaign slogan is a new way forward it's a new way forward from Joe Biden so how exactly are you a new way forward she couldn't answer crime and Public Safety are two major issues uh right at the Forefront of Voters Minds in Philadelphia as well where crime is a significant issue when we talk about crime the conversation turns to gun safety as well and I think you actually probably caught a lot of people off guard maybe a bit by surprise in the debate the other night when you mentioned that you were a gun owner I know you said it in 2019 as well want to talk about your values on this issue when it comes to gun ownership where do you draw the line in America on gun ownership and gun use I'm sorry what do you mean where does she draw the line she doesn't have the capacity to draw the line it's not up to her to quote draw the line this is something specifically that is in this little thing I know they don't like it this thing called the Constitution it is not up to her to quote draw the line well like you said Brian I am a gun owner and Tim Walls my running mate is also a gun owner we're not taking anybody's guns away I support the Second Amendment and I support reasonable gun safety laws part of my approach to this is I was a career prosecutor for most of my career I have personally prosecuted homicide cases I have personally looked at autopsies I have personally seen what assault weapons do to the human body and so I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the Second Amendment and your right to own a gun to also say we need an assault weapons ban they're ah that that she's making that line creating that line it's something that you know she's going to just say we're going to have an assault weapons ban okay okay literally tools of War they were literally designed to kill a lot of human beings quickly you should send her to I don't know Iran or someplace with an AR-15 and see how functional that rifle is as a quote tool of War see how that works out I don't think she understands the difference between an automatic a semi-automatic she has no clue I say we need Universal background checks the majority of NRA members support that why cuz it's just reasonable you just might want to know before someone can buy a Lethal Weapon if they've been found by a court to be a danger to themselves or other I don't know any any of you guys ever see that in in the Second Amendment I'm pretty sure that that's not in there so I don't care what you think Camala I don't care what you feel and now you know for sure you shouldn't care what she said when she said she's not coming for it she just said I'm coming for it no you know I'm a gun order too I'm not coming for your guns except I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that to make sure that you know you don't get it she just might want to know two final questions if I might sure on the appeal of the man you were running against as you drove here today you likely saw a lot of trump signs yeah that's another thing my wife's got friends up in Pennsylvania especially Western Pennsylvania all you see is Trump signs but the media tells us she's ahead he has an historic appeal in this country and you are someone running against him and try to understand that I wonder how you distill it what do you understand his appeal to be and how do you speak to his voters or maybe people who just share his values but are open to something else I she it's going to be hard for her to answer because she doesn't care what we think this this is a perfect opportunity for I mean he set her up well what do you want to do to appeal to Trump voters based on experience and uh and a lived experience no in my heart I know in my soul I know that the vast majority of us as Americans have so much more in common than what separates us and I also believe that I am accurate in knowing that most Americans want a leader who brings us together as Americans and not someone who professes to be a leader who is trying to have us Point our fingers at each other so you want to basically eviscerate the Second Amendment you want to bring in tons and tons and millions and millions of newcomers you want to make sure that people can do whatever they want with a baby at any time that they basically want you want to tax us into Oblivion you want to put price controls on food I'm pretty sure there's a lot more that divides us than that brings us together it's the opposite of what you're saying completely opposite none of us want have anything to do with the crap that this woman is saying I think people are exhausted with that approach to beest I think people want a leader who has so you know what this tells me and it probably tells you she's never even sat down with Trump trump voters she's never even even taken the time say you know what let me find out what some of these people actually think what what what drives them what what makes them tick because if she did she couldn't possibly have just said what she has said in this interview this interview is the divisiveness that she's trying to avoid common sense and tries to find Common Ground I'm supported by over 200 Republicans who worked for both presidents Bush John McCain me Romney 200 wow that's that's incredible out of like maybe I don't know 80 90 million you're supported by 200 Republicans oh my God we're quaking I'm supported by the former Vice President Dick Cheney congress former Congress member Liz Tammy you mean the person who got bounced out of her position lost by like 30 or 40 points because the people in her own State said nah we don't want you and you're touting that you're actually wearing as a as a badge of honor that Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney are behind you you have no idea you have never ever ever ever sat down and talk to anybody who's a trump supporter and I think people are more willing now um in light of the the Hayden division that we see coming out of Donald Trump to say hey let's let's put country first has she not played a tape of her own rally and the stuff that she says has she never watched MSNBC has she never turned on CNN and watched Jim aosta has she not watched morning Joe can this woman be more obtuse than she is and I think that just makes a stronger and more healthy as a country to say look we will we can all debate our differences around you know various policies but let's stop with the division like enough of that let's bring everybody together and finally as you introduced yourself to America in a new way they've heard much of your story at the Democratic National Convention in in that debate earlier this week if there's one thing that you wish Americans knew about who kamla Harris is that you don't think they know yet what would that be I don't know I've mean probably it's not very different from anybody want she going to whip whip out some hot sauce you know like like Hillary she going to talk like Ain't No Way t what do we we need to know something about you and she's like I don't know right now I love my family oh that's great um one of my favorite things that I lately have not been able to do is Sunday family dinner I love to cook um I I have incredible friends my best friend from kindergarten is still my best friend um I think that um I mean I have a career that really and I said it the other day you know as a career prosecutor I never asked a victim of crime were they a Republican or Democrat the only thing I ever asked them is are you okay and I think that's the approach that most Americans want regardless of who they voted for in the last election um in terms of turning the page and charting the way forward I can't take anymore I I I I this woman can't help but lie she wants her own words oh no I don't want to take away anyone's guns but what I want to do is make it as hard as possible for you to use it and own it you know Universal background checks and we're going to check and we're going to determine whether or not you have anything in that background that's going to you know stop stop you from being able to own a weapon we're going to do an assault weapons band we're going to take away your ra AR15 because it shouldn't be in your hands man

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