MUST WATCH: The Latest, Newest, Craziest Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris Presidential Polls!

one man is being victimized by our own government one man whom they fear yet whom Millions love one man who is willing to take the poison arrows of lafare one man whose voice has been taken away by a corrupt judge operating in a corrupt system one man who has been ridiculed and insulted one man who refused to back [Music] down one man who refused to back down one man who refused to back down one man who stands between us and them one man that wants to see America protected again one man who wants to see America Prosper again one man who understands that a man is a man and a woman is a woman one man who understands and protects the blessing of life one man who wants to restore American exceptionalism one man who once again wants to make America that shining City on a Hill for all to see a place where all the people of the world glowingly set their eyes upon America one man who unashamedly wants to make America great again that one man is Donald Trump [Music] I w't share tear see I [Music] your I will the [Music] this is Fanfare with Barry Cunningham in fact the top Super PAC associated with the Harris campaign uh has let it be known to some reporters that their internal polling is in their words a little less Rosy than some of the public polling some other Democratic uh polling firms that I've talked to in the last couple days say the same they say the Battleground states are virtually tied um in a lot of the public polls right now we're seeing Harris up a few points often within the margin of error they're suggesting it's a little closer than that and as we well know polling has been pretty off the last couple of cycles and in favor of on Election Day Republicans Republicans being undercounted in the polls therefore doing better on Election Day Joe Biden was up by several more points in the polls they ended up winning by four years ago so believe me Democrats coming out of Chicago they feel really good uh the vice president is going to be on the road some next week also beginning the debate prep they feel like they have the wind at their back but there's a lot of work ahead because this race is going to be decided most likely by a razor thin margin despite how flailing Trump seems to be at the moment it's going to be close and Chris Matthews I I I remember the real clear politics average in 2020 in Michigan going into election day was Biden plus n uh there there were polls that showed Biden winning Wisconsin by double dig of course everybody thought that that Hillary Clinton was going to win I talked to her pollsters after the exit polls at 6:30 6:45 and they said the question is whether we win six or seven swing States everything's looking great for us tonight uh so yeah I mean Democrats have a reason to to to play scared to play as they've all said like we're three you know three points behind a field goal behind in the what what about tonight because we when we met last week you were undecided what about tonight made you decide you were going to vote for um I you know her her speech was great I like how she went into personal history again um it was just not moving for me but it made you think that Trump's a better candidate than her he's he he's here for it he's a little bit more aggressive today RFK Jr had suspended his campaign endorsing Trump Kennedy telling reporters that Trump had asked him to quote enlist him in his administration now the latest swing state polls show Kennedy with five or six% of the vote and so when you think about it overall you may say well that's not a big deal actually if that is the case in swing states it is huge it is everything it is more than the margin between Harris and Trump in some of those same States Donald J Trump is now president of the United States president I foresee a lot of screaming from the nuts on the left very very soon thank you guys for joining in on a Saturday afternoon right after the huge announcement of RFK Jr endorsing and not just endorsing but agreeing to campaign and participate with Donald Trump in his candidacy for being the next president and resuming what where he left off and getting rid of these nuts and all of the different things that they want want to do at this point it's looking really really good anything can happen we got a couple months to go very interesting I I put up a poll earlier and I said you know how many of you have begun to at this point interact and engage with Robert F Kennedy Jr supporters tomorrow um probably after church probably let me let me say about 3:00 in the afternoon as you guys know I always wait 24 hours 48 hours to see what happens what kind of impact is going on and then of course on Sunday you always have the Sunday morning shows so tomorrow about 3:00 I'm going to go live with a recap of what's happened since RFK Jr has announced you won't want to miss it I've already got a bunch of stuff compiled these people are absolutely losing it in the media the Consultants they're all absolutely losing it and it's delicious it's absolutely delicious I'm loving it but in the meantime I also have a a big huge compilation of RFK supporters who have now said they are going to be voting for trump it is glorious because these people are like he's right he told us exactly what they've been doing to him many of them didn't know they didn't know all the stuff that he just put out there yesterday you know I thought the video that I made live yesterday during his announcement was going to be taken down because as I told my wife this morning he didn't touch the third rail of censorship he was holding on to it and riding that third rail of censorship he went places like they said in Star TR Star Trek places where you know you don't even know where to go just someplace out there he did everything he talked about Pharma he talked about big Tech he talked about our food he talked about government agencies he talked about what happened to his uncle what happened to his father and I'm sitting here reeling I'm like oh this is just going to go off at any point there's no way they want this out there but a funny thing happened it's still up and what I've been seeing lately which is really really I'm going to talk about tomorrow is have some of the s now been given reason to come back to earth are they now seeing the writing on the wall going okay we gave these nuts in the Democrat Party everything everything they wanted we did all the sensorship we did all the different things we we pumped up their post we did it all and they gave us they forced Upon Us Camala Harris and you want us to continue perhaps yesterday was a turning point I've been seeing so many people people I would not have expected come out and go I'm voting for Trump and when I show it to you tomorrow I don't want to give too much away I think you're going to understand what I'm saying I believe at this point the way it looks today that the country not just Trump the country made a turn and woke up from this stuper and said enough's enough absolutely enough is enough you're you this is so freeing I think people were waiting for somebody to unlock the puzzle how do we get out of the grip of this Democrat Party we we got intertwined with them and now we're stuck and now we're unstuck stay tuned for that tomorrow so today's show today's show is is one I want to tell you go out and Hug An RFK supporter make make sure they're welcome because you know what the other side is screaming and treating them like crap show that you're better show that you want to build a big Coalition and if you're if you have some reason that you're sitting back going I'm not sure about RFK and I'm not sure about vivec and get over it the theme today all over X I don't go to Facebook anymore but all over X is the theme is saving America forget make America great again we can do that the first first order of business is to save America there's no making America great again if he's not in office so in order to do that we got to save America we got to get him elected and his Coalition and then we can do all the other things to make America great again just remember that put all your differences aside do some Kumbaya moments and hug hug a hug a RFK supporter and say let's do this let's let's just obliterate this democr at party not that that being said now we're going to talk about the polling data and the polling data at this point as I mentioned in my last polling data which was last Friday I couldn't do my polling data show yesterday because of what happened with RFK I got bumped so I'm doing it today but it's funny because as Mark Mitchell from rasm says where y'all at you tried to hide you've been hiding you had this perfect plan we know what the plan was any of us who have looked and stared at this political stuff knew what was coming they were orchestrating this so that they would have the Democrat National Convention and then she would give this amazing speech and after she gave this amazing speech then they were going to release release all this data and all this data would have been like she's crushing Trump she's up by nine points a year and she's up by eight eight points there and six points there and they never expected what was going to happen I've been telling you people for a long period of time Donald Trump is a master marketer I salute him being a master marketer doesn't mean all your plans work means you have plans that could work and could work very well well we saw yesterday a masterful plan anybody who's in boxing or martial arts or you know MMA you you know a big part of being successful in the ring is counter punching understanding when you get swung at what are you going to do how are you going to move after that punch comes and then how are you going to counter and take that person out whether it's a a a right to the chin where it's rather you're sweep in the leg whatever it is you exist to look for the opportunity after after they take their shot as well if you're being aggressive then also you're looking to plan a shot and you understand how they're going to react so that you can react again same thing in chess you're looking at the chess board if I know if I move here they're probably going to move there then if they move there I can move here and I've got them what you just saw over the last 48 hours was was Donald Trump being an absolute Mastermind he knew just like I knew just like many people knew that after that convention they were going to try and basically manipulate the poles to death and come out the day afterwards and say it's over she's way up there's no way he can possibly come back that first video you saw the beginning of it was uh what's his name Morning Joe and they were setting it up hey you just got to fight like you know there's no tomorrow but it's looking good they never not her campaign not the media nobody planned on the counter punch nobody on that entire side saw it coming until it had hit him Square in the jaw how bad do you have to be as a campaign manager to not understand if you do X you might want to expect y z W all of it you got to know what might happen you know generals when you're talking about war and and the Art of War and you want to look up some stuff from sunzo it's all charted out well if we hit them here they might hit us there and if they hit us there we can go here the Democrats just wed into this convention thought everything was going to be fine and that nothing would happen but it did and you have further proof of that because they had the convention it ended on Thursday now a smart candidate on the you know right after the convention would have said h i I've got some momentum let me get out there right away and have something ready for Friday she didn't do anything she didn't do anything today I don't see anything scheduled for tomorrow and she allowed Trump to step in and basically become the story erased Her speech from Thursday out of everyone's memory now the media and everybody else is focusing on Trump and RFK Jr masterful marketing masterful and a grand grand appearance a setting that you could only imagine fireworks going off pyrot Technics a 12,000 soldout audience people like me and other YouTubers out here talking about it and then boom he shows up after he dropped the nuke on the media see he did that speech what was that 2:30 3:00 and then after that he goes over and he meets with Trump so the entire day basically from 2:00 p.m. when they kept you know they couldn't get on they couldn't go live wink wink this probably was to keep people in suspense keep it building then he goes at 3 talks for an hour hits on a plane or whatever he did got to where Trump was walks out on stage there and so the entire evening basically the entire day when it started coming out everybody was talking about Trump and RFK Jr and I mean everybody and so now since last night it's spilled over to today and there's been no counter punch in return counter counter punch has been because Trump was the counter punch there was no counter counter punch in return by kamala's team and now tomorrow you've got the you know the Sunday morning talk shows so what in the heck is she gonna do she has given Trump basically 48 Hours possibly 72 because nothing's going to happen before Monday of him just owning the news cycle and people just wondering what the hell happened and now you've got these posters who are sitting back going oh my God what do we do now like you saw in that video even CNN is like hey well he's got five or six% there and these people are going to break one way or the other that that is that could be the difference and and when they start doing the polling it's going to be very tough now now understand the pollsters have got to pull all their data back all of it because it was I'm going to show you most of it was a five-way you know polling now they're going to have to pull the RFK stuff away only in the Battleground States they still have to leave him in the blue States there's no way they're going to turn that around in 2448 hours because now they're going to have to have just so many different polling subsets hey well Pennsylvania can't be included in you know California California can't be included in you Oregon he's staying on on those he's staying on enough there's another reason why I meant to tell you yes yesterday let me just stop and just get tell you this they're looking at 2028 already there's some kind of rule that if you get five or 6% of the vote that you automatically get to start a new party that's why you're hearing this Unity party thing so if Trump hopefully God willing gets elected in 2024 2028 watch out so let me let me show you what I'm calling the latest the realest because we know these people are have been doing this stuff let's go first to um let's go to the what do you call it the the electoral map and let's look at at this thing all right so Bingo you guys can see it now let me take a sip of water here this is the latest electoral map um as seen and put together by this company here makes it interactive so you can click on different buttons if you notice already at the very top they already so show Trump winning 287 to 251 they've moved Arizona last time I checked it was Arizona over here was blue they've now made it a light pink pinkish color at this point meaning it's leaning red well I'm pretty much going to tell you since the Supreme Court decision saying that newcomers can't vote I I'm going to go ahead and make that a solid red let's just call it Red without without the newcomers trying to cheat that's going to happen so as you look at this right there it's 287 to 251 I'm still saying Pennsylvania is is the Keystone he's got to take Pennsylvania P Pennsylvania is important but he only needs to take Pennsylvania if all the other blue stuff stays where it is she's got to win Minnesota she must win Wisconsin Illinois is pretty much in a tank Michigan she's so she's gonna have to win Michigan and Wisconsin no doubt she loses either of those two states doesn't even matter what what happens of Pennsylvania let let me show you if this goes red and Michigan goes red and Pennsylvania goes blue he still wins still wins but let's say she takes both of those and we're at you know uh what did I move uh I moved something because I went the other way anyway oh Pennsylvania so so Pennsylvania is a must-win for Trump to get to 287 if she wins all those other states in addition Virginia they're still showing Virginia in the blue Camp I don't know I just have a sneaking suspicion I I just have this something in back of my mind says now with RFK Jr Virginia may be in play I could be wrong I could be completely wrong but I think Virginia is now in play makes sense to me so some of the story here is we got to do Pennsylvania that but we have to do Pennsylvania if she takes W Wisconsin and Michigan which are not guarantees either way so instead of a huge Battleground State and everyone's been talking about the seven Battleground States nope nope not anymore if as you guys look at this you can now see that there is only um let me pull that up the only Battleground State Arizona is no longer a Battleground State we're talking about Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania I don't even think Georgia is in play anymore because um he and Brian Kemp made up everything looks solid in Georgia I can tell you Florida isn't in play no matter what they tell you that's not going to happen so we're talking about wi Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania that's that's the three states at this point that's what I'm gonna go with that's how I'm gonna call it let's look at now um RCP RCP as I tell you is uh the aggregate of how things get pulled this is the 2024 general election Trump versus Harris however we can no longer look at this so let me give you a little little hint here when people start talking about the polling says this or the polling says that if they're talking about a two-horse race they can know longer talk about that if they haven't done something with the RFK vote so like right here they've got Harris up 1.5 in a national poll with the aggregate but when you go to the five way let me click there they got Harris at 2.0 but see sitting right here right here is five I don't know if that's big enough for you to see in in the National fway poll you got Kennedy's Five Points sitting there just sitting there and they're going to have to do something to make sure at this point that those numbers are taken account now let's start looking at the individual states Arizona based upon the 5way they showed Harris at 6 however Kennedy has let me just make sure I get this number 5.8 in the aggregate as I've told you look at these polls in order for her to get to a 6 lead the biggest polls down here this one here from Bloomberg this one here from cook political and this one here uh well we'll we we'll give her at New York Times Sienna look how old these polls are this may sound the same as I said last week because they're not updating they're playing games this is from July 23rd that's an entire month ago a month July 28th August 2nd August 15th August 17th the aggregate Poll for Arizona ended on August 17th I'm pretty sure something's happened in the last week I'm sure something's happened in the last 24 hours this entire poll is garbage now they're going to have to sit back and figure out how do we make this work because now if the two if these two here number two and number three are together how do we still show her how do you possibly show her ahead 40 45 or rather yeah 45 to 44 including polls that are nearly a month old and you don't now you got to account for this you got to account for all these Kennedy voters he jumps up to a big lead if they don't manipulate it huge lead that's Arizona and again now too also remember Arizona is the state where the Supreme Court just said you can't have the illegals oops sorry newcomers Nevada okay Nevada the five way she's got nothing she got nothing so pretty much Nevada is no longer a swing state let's just take that out right right now she's done because even you you put in Kennedy's 5.3 it's over no like I said this is no longer a seven State Battleground it's down to a couple States that's the big news after the Kennedy endorsement and participation agreement this is now just a down to a few critical States so this one here Nevada even even though these things are old too she's not she there's no blue there's no blue showing and it's only going to get worse Wisconsin which is one of the ones I'm thinking is actually a a swing state for now they show her when winning by 1.5 again all these polls the last poll that was taken was Ras musen on August 19th nearly a week ago and they were tied all these other polls look C can you see look how old be polls are a month a month the 28th August 1st August 2nd August 8th August 14th don't tell me they're not manipulating the there's a reason just like when they stopped counting votes in 2020 why do you think they stopped polling well we know they didn't stop polling let me rephrase that why did they stop reporting they were planning on a big dump a big a colossal dump after the convention now they can't do it whatever numbers they had fudged they can't even release Trump basically destroyed the polling industry that it it was epic I hope you understand what I'm saying here Trump absolutely eviscerated the polling industry he saw what they were doing he knew the perfect time to launch this attack with RFK Jr would be the day after she spoke on stage before they had a time to release their manipulated polls now what do you do you're all these polls who've been sitting on stuff for a month and now you've got five points in a very slim race supposedly that you have to account for in order for them to show her winning they'd have to say well she's going to get an overwhelming portion of the Kennedy vote ain't gonna happen you can't lie he just made the polling too big to rig masterful marketing you guys get that I'm going to take some comments in a second but he made the polling too big to rig they who knows how they're going to in this state it was five points a five-point Kennedy with a one and a half Harris lead with polling data nearly a month old the and the last time was rasmon on the 19th I follow this stuff every single day I look for it I I look to see what's going on before go to the next date let's go ahead and uh you know talk take some comments on what you guys are what you guys are seeing in some of this stuff um yeah Trump and Bobby stole their Thunder yep absolutely um Trump uh too big to rig he's already setting up the too big to rig it's it's it's in play the rally Trump had yesterday in Arizona was the best I've seen yes it was I have to admit that was the best rally I've seen um it's it's still processing in my laser braid oh well okay laughing I believe you they are going to cheat um if he could only get California man that would be epic I don't I think they're too far gone out there but you can only cheat given the actual numbers let me explain that for a second let me break it down into easy numbers for the math if there are only a 100,000 voters in in an in an area in the state obviously bigger I'm just using for math there's 100,000 voters and Trump takes uh you know 60% of those and so he's got 60 and kamala's got 40 well you can't go to 110 to beat him because now he's got RFK Jr is a good portion I'm going to show you that of his voting block there there's there's not enough to cheat you can't go over a 100 legally so there's he he has raised the ceiling where they can't go over that number in certain areas I mean they could probably try to delete some of his I don't know the amount of cheating they would have to do would be so outrageous so visible I don't know how they would do it there's nobody leaving this time I don't care if there there's a flood inside of a counting room and tell you shut it down or everybody drowns nobody leaves don't say I'm going home for the night and leave a couple people here nope don't let that happen trust nobody tell some boys in the hood hey here's a hundred bucks a night sleep in front of this Dropbox let me know if anybody comes here with a single ballot more than the one they they have in their hand stake it out spend the money on the ground there nobody is going to drive up and drop boxes and boxes and boxes anymore they going to be people everywhere and unless they get a National Guard person or a cop and say you can't stand here well hold on a second let me let me get your face and everything it's going what they did in 2020 was exposed so badly and so and so covered up now people know where to look even with the computer fudging it's going to be very hard down here in Florida we're going to go to paper ballots so it's it's it's crazy what they can do um vote in person yes but also vote you know early as well do whatever you need to do just go ahead uh and vote that was crazy last time see people were too nice hey we're all going to go home there's a leak in the fourth floor we don't want anyone get you know get wet or moldy whatever let's just all call it a night we'll come back tomorrow okay we'll come back tomorrow and you wake up tomorrow it's like what what do you mean they they told us all to go home who is still counting too late sorry we did it you trusted that people were going to follow the law this time people aren't going to trust people to follow the law they are going to make sure you follow the law there may be altercations there may be violence because you're not going to get people to look away don't even think about putting up stuff on the window we can't see we'll break the damn Windows you are not going to do anything covertly I'm tell you right now people will not let this to the best of their ability be stolen they knew the tricks now they know what they did they covered up the windows they told everybody to go home except the people they needed they brought up vehicles at the back door and unloaded no no no no no we're all going to be looking for that now we're all going to be looking at the dropboxes and seeing who's there I'm going to put a ring ring doorbell cam camera on something people are going to be doing all kinds of crazy stuff to make make sure these people don't do it again the only thing we don't control is if they decide they want to go nuclear against Iran and he tries to or she tries to if she's president at that point say we're not going to have elections then you may have an Insurrection then then then you may have the Insurrection that you've been afraid of um yeah cast the 10,000 mules and you know again understanding where Trump learned from and and and everyone else did this the counter surveillance like a counter punch is what they're looking for they're going to have self I bet you can imagine there's a room with like a thousand screens on it and it's pictures of various dropboxes and people can actually look okay you guys focus on this when you focus on this one and you're watching and recording everything it's going to be very very hard um keep having RFK Jr at his rallies I would say for the seeable future but he probably won't because he's going to have RFK get out there on the road to start start talking to people his people Hey listen you need to vote for Trump you believe me yeah then if you trust me vote for Trump what I really think they need to do is jump back in to Twitter reach another billion people now I'd love to can you imagine a a a live video feed of Elon RFK Jr Trump JD vvec all sitting there talking for an hour I couldn't even imagine couldn't even imagine um hey Carl yeah God protect these people now in the hands of the Watchers of the voting Bo that that's that's may God help them that is exactly where we have to go um uh RFK is is his own General yep let him do it fool me once yeah you guys know how that phrase goes that would be epic at this point I'll go out I if you if I've signed up tell me where you want me to go I'll pack a sandwich I'm G to go and I'm going to watch I'm take binoculars I'm gonna hold my camera up put my film up make sure I got a charger and take pictures of everything everything um oh I forgot yep plus Tulsi uh did did Taylor Swift endorse Trump I have not heard that and I don't really I don't even know if she means anything I mean come on Taylor Swift Beyonce except for one thing which I'm going to talk about tomorrow I'm going to talk about the effect of of the so-called Elites making that turn not necessarily to Trump but away from Camala towards America I don't know if you guys saw but at the Nevada couple the LA Las Vegas Raiders the quarterback their MVP defensive uh defensive end Max Crosby Gardner minu as a quarterback they all started taking pictures with Donald Trump in addition U Patrick Mahomes the all World Super quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs his wife Britney she was posting about about Trump and which means and people are deducing well if the wife is for Trump more than likely yeah the husband Patrick Mahomes is probably for Trump he hasn't come out and said it but your household can't be you it'd be very hard to be you know with the nuts and with Trump at the same time so he's probably people are deducing he's probably a trump guy and I'm waiting and and in any event he's going to stick up for his wife you guys aren't going to come and abuse and troll my wife ain't gonna happen so Las Vegas for Trump absolutely so disappointed by Steve ker yeah Steve Kerr and the other guy from San Antonio that guy uh the white hair forget his name but they're they're they're idiots they they've obviously had to sell out for some reason they they they knew it Trump gets a new ad yeah oh there's an ad I'm GNA post tomorrow amazing ad narrated by Sarah hucke Sanders and she talks about what he did back during a war know it's it's very touching I'm going to show that to you um it's obvious at this point Democrats cannot be trusted how do we keep them in check eyes eyes um James Carville okay I knew knew somebody would say that let me just address that James Carville and his wife Mary madin the two of them one's a Democrat one's a republican the conways they divorced or in the process of divorcing James Carville is an old school Democrat Mary meline I think that whatever her name is she's a republican James Carville right now is playing a role he's a minstral he's out there talking about stuff but he doesn't believe in the stuff he saying he knows there's a problem with Cala he's trying to play the role for the Democrat Party but he knows there's a problem with Cala he's not in off to this communist stuff if you if you see some of the stuff and I I have featured some of his stuff here he's a Democrat more like RFK than you know the Biden Mala Camp so that's a little bit different um God Is Bigger Than everything that has been happening absolutely the the real unburden is the Lord Jesus Christ USA save Trump um beyon and Swift sent a message go woke go broke taxation situation that my friends that Edwin is mentioning here that is causing a lot of people to go I ain't down with that yo um how much 60 70% unrealized capital gains hell no that's a lot of people who are like well maybe I can't say it publicly but I'm not doing that I'm Tay I I'm Queen Bay I make big bank and I I I'll wave a flag with you and you know I I'll I'll endorse you until you said something stupid like you did that you want you want to raise taxes to 60 70% uh not playing that I'm pretty sure Jay-Z ain't playing that I'm pretty sure there's a lot of celebrities I'm like no that that ain't happening you want to tax my unrealized capital gains at 25% you realize how much money I have invested in property taxes I mean uh stocks no no no damn way big bucks yeah uh taxing unrealized gains makes z z z cents it's like she to me it it's almost like you wanted to throw the election because it didn't make any sense whatsoever hey you didn't make the money yet but we're just going to take it from you sound good yeah okay no it doesn't all right so let me continue here and and show you um continue with these polls all right so we left off here we are on Wisconsin all right let's go to the next supposed swing state Michigan Michigan 5way shows shows Harris up 2.4 and then once again you're down here to a month old July 24 July 24 remember these people are in business to make polls that you don't have any if you're a pollster there's nothing else you're doing I don't want to know what flavor ice cream diena Joe I don't care what kind of color lipstick Cala is going to wear the only reason you're in business is to make presidential polls did you close shop did did did you decide you're not going to do it anymore or were you playing games because as you can see on here rasmon was the last polar to post something a week ago again pre RFK everybody else doing nothing why were they doing nothing you got to think about that they they knew what was about to happen it was an orchestrated plan they were going to drop Nagasaki Nagasaki on Monday probably hirosima or the rest of them on Tuesday they were going to make sure that the numbers were such a knockout Trump and Trump supporters were just go oh man she she she crushed it and so they waited and they waited and they waited and now they're screwed in this particular State uh where are we again Michigan on this one uh yeah Michigan Kennedy was shown to have 5.9 5.9 puts Trump up how are you going to manipulate this you're going to lie to people and say RFK junor supporters are all going to go to cala you you can't hide that this is this one is probably the one that she may maintain depending on how they do the rest of the polls they could probably make it look like she's still ahead maybe maybe 5.9 nearly six points look at the Detroit News Detroit News Kennedy has a 10 you got to look at this Kennedy has a 10-point share in Michigan uh with it with the Detroit news with the people who live there and she was only up by one 10 points to Kennedy how you how do you going to fix that if she had 42 and Trump had 41 and Kennedy had 10 even if even if Trump only gets you know 60% of that boom 40% of that and the rest say we're not voting for her she's going to get very little of of the bounce 10 points is sitting there and I I just can't wait to see how these people try to manipulate that what he what are you GNA do with that 10-point sitting there and try to make like like uh Harris is is got a big bump not going to happen all right so let's go to what I consider the Keystone Pennsylvania Pennsylvania has Harris up by two points again a month ago July 28th July 28th August 2nd August 11th on and on and on and on and on even Ras musin is a week behind Kennedy here has 4.4 if it's going to be very that's 4.4 overall and some of these other polls um he's got seven with Fox he's got five by cook he's got six by Franklin and Marshall and he's got five with rasmon those numbers have to now change they got to go back into the kitchen figure out how are we going to make this recipe and show that she's ahead it's going to be very very hard you when you do hear what the the new polling data is you need to come back here in check and remember what I said to look for where where is it um they don't put it here in they do it in the main pole uh but they didn't do it that one key likely voters versus registered voters likely voters are are are better polling data than registered voters now here's what's interesting and and begin to pay attention this day in history in August 24th 2020 the Democrat was up by five 5.7 in 2016 the Democrat was up by 9.2 she's at 2.0 with bad polls already with just 2.0 she's not even as close as the men Joe and Clinton were on This Day in 2020 and 2016 you have to know what to look at when you're looking at this polling data because everybody on television will just say oh our latest poll shows that Camal Harris is up by four points in Michigan like wait wait wait wait wait wait let's go back can we dig into this can we can we see what what's going on because now you know what to look for when they release their polls come whenever day look and see if there's a Kennedy column they may leave the Kennedy column in there just just to throw off the numbers for Cala this man is no longer running for president there's no reason for you to leave that column there anymore except to basically sway the polls so what they may show you is that oh we ran these polls on Thursday before he dropped out so we still have the Kennedy data in it that's some seriously bad deranged polling you have a a much better data set now cuz Kennedy is out why would you release all of a sudden why would you release all of a sudden a poll based upon the 23rd oh because we we need to pledge the numbers and show her ahead no no no no you you can't really you cannot on Monday or Tuesday release polling data that doesn't have and doesn't reflect what happened with Kennedy that's malpractice watch for it I'm I'm telling you now watch for it whenever whenever somebody says in the next polling datea when they give you a number look at where it says this when it says the date not the date of the release because that they'll say Monday is uh what August 27th and here's the poll for August 27th no no no no when did you compile this data that's usually Under The Ledger it's oh we we compiled this data it's it's valid as of August 23rd or August 22nd nope game changed game changed on August 24th and you didn't even wait to show it because you want to manipulate everybody to make them think that Cala is way ahead you now know what to look for you can go to this website yourself and see where things stood on these these various polls on that date in history in Michigan Biden was up by seven Hillary was up by eight um in Wisconsin on this day Biden was up by 4 Clinton was up by 11 .5 she's not performing as well as dementia Joe did and you know what they had to do to make demena Joe win Arizona which we we know they did funky stuff Biden was up by 2.2 Trump was up by 1.5 at this date in history in Arizona and you know what Arizona had to do all right so let's go to North Carolina North Carolina there's basically no data here we got one two three four four posters making an aggregate showing Harris or showing it a tie overall and a month ago August 2nd August 5th and here's four points for Kennedy they were planning a huge I mean they were planning a huge fraud on the American people Trump took it away from them but they may still try to do it but as of right now you can see uh so Pennsylvania this is the one that I'm saying is basically the Bell weather the average has them tied so right now the main pollsters have them tied before rfk's somewhat merger and there's 4.3 points sitting right here so if they're tied overall at 45 each and Kennedy is now with Trump Eric go I consider myself decent in math she can't possibly be ahead in Pennsylvania can't possibly you've got polls a month old that show their tide right now without him having any votes from RFK don't don't play any funny business with me on Monday or Tuesday I can see it I can see the math I can see what's going on here there's 4.3 points right there that you're going to have to find a way way to even put her near the top uh let's see that's North Carolina Pennsylvania I showed you you know same thing all right here's Pennsylvania I was on the wrong one here's Pennsylvania they show her uh this Pennsylvania yeah Pennsylvania right here they show her two points ahead again bad data and 4.4 sitting right there unaccounted for this is this is this is going to be epic if they try and these numbers don't know how they can do it Georgia I think that's pretty much far gone is going to be Trump there's no blue anywhere there plus this Four Points so George is off the board so we're looking in my estimation at three swings we're looking at Pennsylvania which is you know within where he's going to take her Michigan where you know he's got 5.9 points and Wisconsin so there's a chance a good chance that Trump could take all three of those states he could take Michigan he could take Wisconsin and he could take Pennsylvania it could be epic can't take our Eye Off the Ball whatsoever but you can see there's there's data right there that's not being utilized in these numbers and who knows what they're going to try and do um let's see here here who trusts them no not I but at least you know what to look for now she's still sipping her vodka thanks to than to AR K Jr um there is somebody wrote something here uh there has never been a presidential lineup uh like Trump JD Elon AR no never there's never never been that kind of Coalition I find it to be unbeatable Unstoppable there's nothing they can do about it and the worst part part about it for them is is they can't even use the media to do it anymore I mean think about it between all the Elon Musk reaches every time he pushes a button 10 15 20 million people now Trump can can reach 5 10 15 million people RFK Jr he's got five they can't touch it nobody wants to read kamala's gibberish because they know it's not her in fact I'll show you guys tomorrow kamala's team it's embarrassing kamala's team made fun and mocked a man with an impediment RFK Jr speaks badly because he's got that Deasia I believe it's called there's something wrong with his his Bo his larynx and they made fun of it CNN made fun of it when when you have no argument with to go up against the data and what he said now you've resorted as a presidential candidate to just say well he talks funny well what about what he said oh I couldn't even understand it it was he talks funny that's where they are that's that's how desperate they are um somebody's got to end for Trump I can't put that up because I get in trouble but I I hear you brother um Trump wins Michigan NPA it's it's GNA be it's tulsy gabri is amazing it's going to be very very very very Troublesome for them at this point I mean it it's it's I can't even imagine how how bad they must be thinking in terms of what they're going to have to do to try and make the numbers even look presentable to the Liv nuts because right now it's probably even wor we know it's worse Trump's got the internal number you know one thing that Trump said let me go back here he keeps saying it at at every rally and I don't know where he's saying where he's getting his data from you know internal polls he keeps saying that Minnesota is in play so Minnesota is up here as part you know this this blue wall they call it I don't know why he says Minnesota is in play but he keeps saying it so he must know something I don't know but you know if they lose Minnesota that's part of their their their big you know big area so that would be very very interesting if they if if he could make that happen um there's something on X saying Georgia will probably go for Kami NOP ain't going to happen just go ahead and just delete them go P them ain't going to happen at this point now that Brian Kemp has come out and said I'm in the Trump camp and I'm going to use my resources to help Trump don't have a shot Atlanta fton County all the crap that's going on there you know they may try to do something in Fulton County to fudge some stuff but um like I've said for many many many times you guys have heard me uh they has some problems with the brothers it's not showing up in any of the polls because nobody wants to talk about that they don't even want to touch it that's like another third rail for the Democrats oh in fact what is it um the senator from South Carolina said oh no he's not even going to get like 2% of the black vat okay they don't want to touch that they don't even want to make that an option they don't want let they don't want people to know that that's actually in play remember I've said the entire time I've been doing these videos that's why I pretty much crowned him as president a month or two ago when I started seeing the numbers with the black vote and I'm like that's insurmountable I'll tell you again the math dementia Joe won with four or 5% however to do that he had to have 85 to 90% of the black vote and now he's getting about 68% 7 % you ain't got to be too much of a mathematician to understand how you making up that 25% if I took 25% of your money out of the bank account I don't care what you say it's not the same and it's going to be very hard to make up nobody nobody is talking about that and it's just one of the biggest data points ever and I'm seeing video after video of people you know putting out there I ain't voting for for for no damn Cala in stronger language than that I see black people squealing and saying Kamal is Cala is full of it and she's trying to give me $10,000 to say I'm I'm behind her I ain't doing it I I just want to let you know what would most people do if somebody offered them $10,000 to go ahead and make a video they'd probably take that money so there's something there where the fact that you can't even buy people if you can't even get these young people to go ahead and make Tik Tock videos other than Harry Sison who obviously will do anything for any amount of money because you know first he was yeah Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe oh come on come on come on you sold your you're sold bro but just remember nobody is talking about the black vote nobody's talking about the Hispanic vote I'm going to show you tomorrow how many people in the RFK Camp are completely pissed off they're calling it the murder murder van I call it the baby disposal RV the fact of the matter that they brought a baby disposal RV to your National Convention it has turned so many people off people who were Democrats going that's a bridge too far you want to bring that that that's not something that should be front and center and then Elon must talk to I'm getting too far in tomorrow's show don't miss tomorrow's show it's it it's going to be good so there's a couple other things I want to bring to your attention so you can see the chronolog chronological way things are moving this was put up by rasmon and the date of this is August 21st during the middle of the convention not not be I mean not after RFK he's trying to let people know and he's been trying to let people know they're fudging the numbers they're holding the data so what they're doing is they're pulling fewer Republicans remember the sample size so that they if you PLL more Democrats than Republicans you're going to get the data that you want to show people so you can manipulate it that way they're polling a disproportionate number of Biden 2020 voters in these states that were dead even there's smart people doing this so I think it's intentional yeah it was intentional you understand what he just said I know there it's okay if the state went let's say 75 to 73 in terms of the percentage that you know Biden only won by two points you wouldn't pull 10% more Democrats and 10 less Republicans to give you that huge gap you you want to keep it C close to what historically the polling shows that the the voting demo has been and they're doing it this way and showing way more Democrats in addition to that there they may go in there and show many more young people or they may show certain you know demographics that they wanted to show but they're not giving you real real data and so what he's saying they're doing it intentionally they're they're fudging the numbers and and and if you know what to look look at you can prove it this tweet here was from August 22nd so the next day if the 2024 election were between vice president Kamal Harris and former president Donald Trump who would you vote for Independence only please Trump 51% Harris 40% someone else and look at that someone else someone else 5% last week it was Trump plus N9 it went up to Trump plus 11 during the Democrat National Convention and that five was still sitting there so that five someone else can only be one of those five contenders people are actually running which means this was before the RFK thing Trump's numbers going to go up watch for that on Monday Tuesday whenever they decide to show it and then Mark Mitchell comes back and says just finishing processing processing our 5600 voter poll Mass massive combined swing state poll and again 3% of likely voters who planed to vote this year said they were non-citizens with that 3% saying they were non- citizens and this was taken on August 22nd before RFK they were essentially tied with 3% of the people responding being ineligible are you getting that three % of the people that he just pulled said they were you going to vote for this or that and they're not even eligible to vote and it was only tied and now you got this four or five or six% looking over here going well now we're going to look over here it's getting ugly for the Democrats very ugly um now this poll was taken and this is very interesting this is late night 10:30 p.m. you you can see this was right about when she was speaking or just after she was speaking depending on uh you know the time that she started talking it says and so people started talking about what was going to be happening on Friday so he this leading report here um actually the report was from JL Partners Daily Mail poll RFK Jr support favor Trump over Harris by almost double 51- 26 so if five out of 10 TR uh JFK support RFK supporters are going to Trump and only two not the not the rest because as you can add that up 51 and 26 is only 77 so there's 23% unaccounted for who haven't made up their mind yet but at that point five out of 10 versus two and a half out of 10 you can see Trump opening a bigger bigger lead and this was the night before the big speech I thrown a lot of data at you I hope hope you wash it down maybe you have to come back and watch this a second time and go damn Bar's just throwing all kinds of data at us we ain't used to this but you got to know you got to know you got to make sure you're getting the right data and that your understanding so Mr Andrew Yang Mr Andrew Yang who ran for president last time besides he going to go ahead and put up a poll yeah I want to know myself I understand so this this happened uh yesterday as well yesterday at 5:23 p.m. this is after the announcement but before the appearance after the announcement if you're an RFK supporter in a swing state who you now vote for 253,000 votes later a Democrat person shows a poll non-scientific I will say that n unscientific 82 to8 not quite the result he was hoping for it's GNA be bad it's brace yourself don't get too too cocky yet but it's going to be bad the numbers that they're hoping for are just not there all right and so today the day after the announcement and the appearance newest number the only person putting anything out for some reason is rasmon last latest rasmon poll Trump holds a three-point National lead over Harris 49 to 46 this is after her speech after the announcement and after the appearance Trump is up by three points nationally they haven't released a breakdown state by state yet if the Republican candidate is up three points nationally at this time you can only conclude that it's basically game over at this time let me let me see if if I can show you what I mean uh let me go back here and go back as far as I can and show you some of this data um because what you have to look at when you when you put all this together is what compare it to the other other times 20 2020 and 2016 so I'm I'm going backwards getting back to the National so you guys can see okay this is the uh the national general election look at the number in August of 20 this is General so you can see here general election that's all the states now at this time this date August 24th Biden was up by 7.8 Clinton was up by 5.4 you seeing this you can go back further if you want historically the Democrats are always ahead in National polling why because they have the bigger bigger volume of people on the Eastern West Coast so they have all in National Data when you collect everything they're always supposed to be ahead with her being with her being behind by three points today it's game over no Republican is supposed to be leading in a national poll it's almost impossible for a a a republican to be leading in a national poll of data in a general election she's got huge problems donors are going to see this and and the only way at this point she can probably turn it around is if Trump goes in and completely flubs the debate which I don't see happening if she even shows up he should almost say no I'm not interested in debating her I don't know you want to duck you don't you don't want to I I just don't see how it happens and so the other debates that she's not going to go to he's going to do Town Halls he's got RFK Jr out there he's got Elon Musk putting stuff out and she's got nothing the big guns the big guns have already been fired that was during a convention Michelle Obama she's not out there GNA be campaigning Brock ain't gonna happen Hillary no buy know she's not going Bill nope not gonna happen she's on her own with the horse milkshake guy that's it I'm I'm almost thinking she's not even gonna have many of the entertainers anymore people read the tea leaves right now they don't have many tea leaves to read and so a lot of people are going to sit back and go whoa wait a second RFK is coming in just the the the surface the topical data says she's in big trouble and so now Trump just has to not make any mistakes RFK Jr get out there Elon Tulsi you got so many so many subordinates by everybody get out there Don Jr Tucker Carlson the next big part the next the next ring on thanos's hand talking about my Avengers here you watch for it it won't be too far in the future where Trump is going to sit down with Joe Rogan with RFK Jr now in in the house with Donald Trump Joe Rogan with his feelings about the JB and how the kind of health nut he is and how close he was to RFK Jr I I tell you right now they're already talking I'm thinking that would be the second to last eternity ring eternity Jewel he needs to put in she won't be able to overcome it these other people are not going to get behind her nobody wants to get behind a losing candidate and it's only August it's only August so I think it's just it's just going to snowbound but look for a Joe Rogan endorsement because he was a RFK Jr you heard what last time and I think now that was all set up you know between Trump and RFK I'd go for RFK and people got all pissed off at Joe Rogan I'm like don't take the bait don't take the bait it's a setup and damn sure it was so now since he's an RFK fan he's got no choice but to come back home Joe's Joe's gonna come out and endorse Trump and they're going to do an interview to his 20 gazillion fans she can't compete there's nothing she can do absolutely nothing the media is now feckless because all of us you know as small YouTubers who are out here talking about it we have small audiences compared to Joe Rogan and Elon Musk and Trump's own off uh audience and Vic and Tulsi it's it's glorious you're going to watch her scramble at this point the media is going to try and prop her up nobody's watching the media I get more views on some of my videos than CNN gets you see Don Lemon had to basically stop he wasn't getting any views Chris Chris Cuomo is with Newsmax or news Nation one of the two it's a new generation at this point if you're not able to reach eyeballs you can spend as much freaking money as you want you can go out and spend a gazillion dollars on commercials if you're like me you you hit this button on your television or you pre-record and then skip I I know how many people complain about the commercials on my videos some people just don't want to watch commercials that's fine so why would people spend like her go out and spend $20 million on CNN oh besides a payoff nobody's watching them they're ineffective and now what are you gonna say every the media's getting pissed off she's not doing commercial me not doing interviews it's it's getting bad it's getting bad all right so um can you answer my super chat I always do I do all the super chats right after this so yes I will get to it um socialism is a crime against humanity absolutely it is um that's the what's it say the said Barry has a far-reaching conservative YouTube channel I don't know if it's far reaching you know it's I I try to do what I can I don't really care about the numbers that much but um if if enough people want to hear me you know the the the market in my estimation dictates where I go with it agreed Barry it's over for the Democrats yeah it's going to be very very hard I'm I'm waiting um vote ear what's my opinion I know a lot of people say vote early they say vote early so that the numbers are in and that you can basically track your vote better I'm in South Florida so ours is down here you're going to have to look at your state I don't think it's a one one one thing fits all I think a lot of it has to do with your state and who if you're in what Atlanta if you're in Georgia I would vote early because if all the stuff that happens in Fon you you can look at the the areas of problem fton County Milwaukee Philadelphia Detroit if you watch historically election night what do you always say well we're we're waiting on the the black people to to count their vote they don't say those words but they say it this way oh we're waiting for the uh the urban urban uh voting districts to come in every single time oh we're waiting for this area here in Philadelphia to turn in their votes yeah because they're doing the same thing how much you got what do we need that ain't going to happen this time there're going to be enough eyeballs I feel it it would have to be so egregious for them to to do that kind of stuff all over again um got it cancell let me just tell you something about the about the Foo Fighters and some of these people all they're doing is virtue signaling when you do an event at especially at an arena you know an arena that does concerts when you book an act and I've done thousands of festivals and concerts you don't know what the set list is that on that particular artist they may come out and do a Beatles cover song oh my God we don't have the rights for that yeah yeah you do every single venue pays an ASAP or BMI fee so that that music can be played you don't need the artist permission unless the artist has specifically said I do not want my songs played during this type of event which they would tell the promoter in advance but every single artist they already had you already know so it's bull crap it's all it is is virtual signal to the didn't give him permission to sing that song in at the rally I don't need your song your permission I've got to askap if you don't know what ASAP is go look up ASAP and BMI licensing look up ASAP and B BMI licensing for Arenas Parks restaurants imagine if you couldn't if you couldn't have the rights to to a uh a song and you walk into your local you know it Alan restaurant and as you walk in they're playing Sinatra how are they allowed to do that well they just don't turn on serious and blast it they have an assap license some people try to get around it but eventually the assc cap Mafia will come knocking on your door and they charge you based upon how many seats you have been there done that got the T-shirt so every place you go Starbucks any place elevator you hear music somebody has has paid for the rights to play that music as background music a performance license is different if somebody came and got up on stage at one of Trump's rallies and decideed they're going to play a foo fighter song Whoa hey that's a different license if somebody wanted to sell a Foo Fighters record that's a little bit different but playing that as a background music The Venue already has it covered how many times have you um gone to a hockey game or a football game and they play some that was somebody's song all the different chance that they play at games those are somebody's records and songs that they have put out even the guy from the boxing and wrestling get ready to you know I can't even say it here because I don't have a license but he licensed his voice singing that saying that stuff getting ready I can say it get ready to rumble so when you hear these artists talk and Chirp this stuff on Twitter it's all bull crap all bull crap um Hey Barry Rock hey man I've seen people from Australia Canada Croatia Thailand Ireland the UK and all over the world here you brought us all together that was basically my main objective in doing this I I watched a lot of other channels and I said it it would be my pleasure if people just didn't listen to me but they also took the time to interact with each other that's when I know Hey listen now we're building it's not me just talking at you it's a community of people and everyone's talking I'm going to get much better at the the comment replies and stuff I'm hiring somebody and if she's watching tonight she knows who she is and she's going to be helping with the comments helping work manage with the moderators um definitely with the super chats because I get so busy I'm staring at this and it's very hard for me to just stare at here all the time so I can I can only move over and look every once in a while as things come through here there was one I just like right now there's something I saw and I wanted to say something okay um this one here oh crap where'd it go all right Rogan's reach is beyond massive mostly Libs great point he has a massive audience who already knows he's an RFK fan RFK Jr so they've accepted him as an RFK Jr fan it's not going to be hard for him to say well if RFK Jr is supporting Trump I got to support Trump that's how that's going to happen that is definitely how it's going to happen um let me continue here that's the marvelous thing about the internet yeah just people getting together and and talking and enjoying and just to let you know that that person that person who's going to be working with me on here uh I should should I say it yeah I'm it's going to be my daughter she she's up in North Carolina you're watching her you you're watching and uh going to be going to be getting her involved in in the family stuff and seeing what what can happen here so be easy on her when you see her be easy on her who fights Foo who fights Foo anyway you know what's funny somebody wrote on Twitter um you got more notoriety from complaining about Trump than you have with your music probably in the last couple years I mean come on Dave girl from food Fighters formerly with Nirvana you ain't been doing much you know you're you're in the classic rock category at this point so you be happy people are talking about you uh thank you thank you very much awesome very thank you very much very very very much all right so let me go ahead and um give some props out to these people who have been so generous again tonight this is going to get better too because like I said my daughter is going to make sure I know to look over here um where you know what let me try something for the F first time and see if I can possibly put these on screen they make it so hard to to basically put these up so I'm looking to see if I can do it this way wait a minute [Music] uh yes I can do it this way so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna put the do this so everybody every night I'm gonna do this so everybody gets recognize here we go and from the top okay let me go back to the top and Dave Parker bar please see uh how CNN cut the audio when Kennedy started dropping truth bombs yeah if you guys haven't seen that that was awful as soon as he started talking oh we got to go right now and that's him talking crazy um Robert Bean thank you very much let's start off right and welcome all to the unity family everybody is welcome Henry shider Ohio is Prosecuting 138 newcomers for voting in primaries in Ohio I thought it was like 600 I thought it was even higher than that just another knucklehead thank you again tip jar no tax on tips excited about RFK Jr Chris wow thank you 100 pounds he's over in England or Europe use this as a gift to your followers however you wish I love you and your Patriots and I shall do that as well um what's this mler ranx thank you Tesla 54 Tammy Huffy uh Humphrey um Mr Suarez or Miss Suarez polls were showing Kamala a head before DNC that shows they're getting another steel ready yeah they were going to try and get the numbers close enough where it made sense for you know to try and cheat uh Chris thanks Chris Trump train Tut uh Mar thank you very much only poll that matters is ours on Election Day vote Trump Vance welcome RFK and all supporters you guys got to keep just be open arms to the RFK supporters they they've been told that we're nuts they've been told over and over oh these Trump people are just they're just crazy so stay away from show them different BLS Doom crew thank you very much be I live in DC State how does my vote as a republican really matter seeing how it's by electoral votes that wins the podus how does it matter because you're being represented you're representing that you don't like what's going on in DC that's how it matters just don't accept it let people know be vocal I don't like what I'm seeing that's how it matters got to start somewhere um Mouser cat thank you very much our brothers and sisters we need you to save our country God bless Mr swars and miss swars again if Trump gets over 100 million votes they can't hide this deal nope that's exactly right the more we get more we get out there make it too big to rig then there's no way they there's just not enough people there for them to fudge the numbers um Mike the Plumber thank you Miss uh Mr or Miss ozgood RFK supporters will vote for RFK and the 40 states that are not swing States how do they figure that into National polls moving forward this is something that they're going to have to explain how they're going to get to their numbers personally I think the the the blue States on Election Day may be very surprising I think when we see what happens because it's we're in uncharted waters right now where this guy is probably probably the first person who's ever done this and says I'm gonna get myself off the ballot here but I'm going to stay on the ballot here because I'm going to take votes from Cala because I want to make sure my Unity party in four years is up and running just another knucklehead love gift no tax on love uh thank you um where is Mr wait a minute I thought there was yeah Angel Mendez thank you what's up Barry Connecticut what part of what part of Connecticut I am from Windsor Bloomfield West Harford that's where where I grew up all through that area um Robert Bean Barry always speak truth only way to speak um Alice bar you need to get Trump on the show I wish I mean let's just go camp myself out in front of maril wait a minute I almost got in trouble for saying it's not marilo Maraga somebody actually emailed me and said say it right you sound ignorant Maraga Barry we love you AP thank you Mike McCarthy um bar you're the man uh okay why did it stop okay and Ryan uh thank you for all that you do uh Trump 2024 thank you very much I hope I didn't miss anybody uh don't think I did but that's what my daughter's going to be helping me out doing so let me know what you guys see in the next uh week or so in regards to the polling data we're going to keep talking about it we're going to we're going to follow up and make sure that these people don't cheat I'm going to keep showing you the data you need to look at this data look deep over the next week look to see what Rogan does I think that's going to be very important I understand it also RFK Jr and Trump are going to do a joint appearance with Dr Phil he's got a huge audience so they're all beating her to the punch I I bet she huddled this weekend with her team again and said I wouldn't doubt if people on her team said you got to get out there it's not going to work it you're you're not going to be able to hide you're going to have to get out there because at this point this guy's it's it's August he's going to drown drown you out and your rallies watch for her next rally watch for her next rally and see can she really draw a crowd without having somebody on stage twerking I don't think she can I don't think unless she's got celebrities that she can actually draw a crowd on her own that's going to be a big big big Telltale of what where her her uh her campaign is but now you know what to look for look for Dr Phil look for um Joe Rogan look for the rallies that she's got look for the vales that Trump's got Trump's got two coming up this week so I'm just let you know I'm going to have to juggle this I don't have this studio in North Carolina when I go to see my daughter in North Carolina I'm going to have a makeshift studio so I'm going to try and make my way through it might be a lot of fumbling it's going to be a mobile studio in a hotel actually a verbo so we'll see how that works out by Trump's goty as of right now he's got two rally scheduled so he's got a big week two rallies um JD's got a rally Dr Phil Show I'm looking for Joe Rogan to do something um and then who knows what he does during the week if he jumps on with Elon Musk or anything else like that any event thank you guys for hanging out on Saturday night let me get you out of here early so you can go to dinner spend some time with the loved one peace thank you thank you fellow trumpian for showing up um I like I said I've got that RFK Jr video tomorrow I'd say about 3:00 or so after everybody gets home from church has some lunch relaxing and also it's football season I watch Florida State get beat by Georgia Tech what a game over in Ireland talk to you tomorrow be here about 3 o'cl

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Dana Bash Presses Governor Tim Walz On His Comments About Deploying To War: ‘Did You Misspeak? thumbnail
Dana Bash Presses Governor Tim Walz On His Comments About Deploying To War: ‘Did You Misspeak?

Category: People & Blogs

In war but you have never deployed actually in a war zone a campaign official said that you misspoke did you well first of all i'm incredibly proud i've done 24 years of wearing the uniform of this country equally proud of my service in a public school classroom whether it's congress or uh or the governor... Read more

GENERATIONAL DIVIDE: Journalist says 'Trump nostalgia' is resonating with a surprising age group thumbnail
GENERATIONAL DIVIDE: Journalist says 'Trump nostalgia' is resonating with a surprising age group

Category: News & Politics

Charles: so, despite the media celebrating harris' debate victory over donald trump, really when you think about it, some people are saying not on the key issues in fact there have been survey after survey that says no, and so the thing is, what is it that resonated with former president trump with... Read more

Trump-Harris debate could break long-standing US tradition thumbnail
Trump-Harris debate could break long-standing US tradition

Category: News & Politics

Today's presidential debate will be must see tv. it's the first and possibly only debate between the two candidates. this year's presidential race could be breaking the decades long tradition. let's connect the dots, two or three presidential debates and one vice presidential debate is typical per election... Read more

Tulsi Gabbard on Trump Addressing America's Economic Struggles Head-on thumbnail
Tulsi Gabbard on Trump Addressing America's Economic Struggles Head-on

Category: News & Politics

In a very negative way communities all across the country he kept coming back to these issues he kept coming back to the economy and how more and more americans are continuing to struggle to afford basic necessities groceries gas supplies things that they are reminded of every single day that their... Read more

Harris sees polling gains in key battleground states thumbnail
Harris sees polling gains in key battleground states

Category: News & Politics

So you're looking at right now is the cnn projected map, the race to 270, where you see yellow states. there are seven of them. those are the battleground states, the swing states, where it's very much a toss up race. now, you talk to democrats. they've always made clear the most likely pathway for... Read more

Hear what GOP strategist thought about Harris' speech thumbnail
Hear what GOP strategist thought about Harris' speech

Category: News & Politics

Let me start with a couple of things that i think she did. absolutely. right. or that are improving for her. first of all, the podium presence is really good. i didn't think much of her public speaking before, but since she's gotten into this race, she's only been behind a podium. and she did that well... Read more

January 6th: A Moment of Cri$is" from "Full 2nd Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris thumbnail
January 6th: A Moment of Cri$is" from "Full 2nd Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

Category: People & Blogs

Uh mr president on january 6th you told your supporters to march to the capital you said you would be right there with them uh the country and the world saw what played out of the capital that day the officers coming under attack aids in the west wings say you watched it unfold on television off the... Read more

‘I made a grave mistake’: Ex-MAGA supporter addresses the DNC thumbnail
‘I made a grave mistake’: Ex-MAGA supporter addresses the DNC

Category: News & Politics

We all have so much more in common than what separates us. let us fight for the ideals we hold dear and let us always remember when we fight, we win. that was kamala harris last night, briefly taking to the stage. and now it is day two of the democratic convention and hosting tonight's gathering, a... Read more

New Harris ad seeks to tie Trump to Project 2025 thumbnail
New Harris ad seeks to tie Trump to Project 2025

Category: News & Politics

Brand new. this morning, just moments ago, the harris campaign released a new ad arguing that project 2025 is the blueprint for a second trump presidency. it's called project 2025, a 922 page blueprint to make donald trump the most powerful president ever. now, the trump campaign consistently denies... Read more