Category: Education
[music] hello everyone my name is neil and welcome to our exam exercise walkthrough from esl today we're working through c1 advanced open close exercise number ca19 let's start with number one there are several very interesting ingredients we can add to this cake blank of them is nutmeg and... Read more
Category: Education
[music] hello everyone my name is neil and welcome to our exam exercise walkthrough from esl today we're working through c1 advanced multiple choice cloes exercise number c ae6 let's start with number one politicians have been arguing about the reasons for the blank in the number of unemployed... Read more
Category: Education
[music] hello everyone my name is neil and welcome to our exam exercise walkthrough from aell today we're working through c1 advanced word formation exercise number ca41 let's start with number one holidays where people carry out voluntary charity work are becoming blank popular the base... Read more
Category: Education
Chapter 1 a baby is found in the west of england in a part of the country called somerset there lived a gentleman whose name was allworthy he might be called the favorite of both nature and fortune because nature had given him the gifts of good health good sense and a kind heart and fortune had made... Read more
Category: Education
Huh [music] billy woke up at 4 30 on monday morning he didn't want to be late for his first day at work so he got dressed quickly ate breakfast and left his house with his bicycle and rocky it was still dark outside and the moon was shining brightly billy cycled as fast as he could and rocky followed... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Welcome back another episode this witty albeit slight high school comedy by online comedian brian jordan alvarez challenges school boards worried parents and generations he it is said in texas in contrast to his distinctly online personas comedian brian jordan alvarez's new fx comedy english teacher... Read more
Category: Education
[música] cuestión nombró one [música] con james haven esteban murguía wasting numbers [música] deben ser sido móviles tarde [música] cuestionan bordry [música] y hardware balístico washington ver ford [música] ayer fue un enojar [música] he jugado con tías widget waste numbers tracks [música] master... Read more
Category: Education
Chapter 21. dr. seward's diary 3 october.--let me put down with exactness all that happened, as well as i can remember, since last i made an entry. not a detail that i can recall must be forgotten. in all calmness i must proceed. when i came to renfield's room i found him lying on the floor on his left... Read more
Category: Education
Tips for improving your interactions with women improving your interactions with women or anyone for that matter involves developing good communication skills empathy and respect here are some tips for enhancing your interactions with [music] women listen actively pay close attention to what she's saying... Read more
Category: Education
Coxa thing iso land is afghanistan i albanya anziri al-sir angola ancola argentina argentina armenia oh australia ow ashtariki bahrain bahrain bangladesh bangladesh belarus land b ulky o vina bosnia or herzegovina brazil brasilia cambodia cameroon camera canada they say her tiat chile sila kina colombia... Read more
Category: Education
Dad do you have $10 again i just gave you $10 yesterday i've already spent it for what may i ask for donor kebab a donor kebab costs 8 with cheese €1 everything has become more expensive then get a job i worked when i was your age as what as a window mop no i delivered pizza just like everyone at that... Read more
Category: Education
Introduction jake arrives at houston station in london it is a holiday weekend and it is first his first time away from manchester jake is 18 years old and he lives with story his family now he is in london he is very happy he stops and looks at his map i can go to the nodding hill carnival and i can... Read more