good morning my friends how are we doing good morning good morning good morning hello are you guys here hi hello good morning good morning yo Kevin Dak houy Aqua Trent what's good Chad it's my birthday happy birthday Renee hope it's a wonderful day B only mode yeah B only mode today I want to chill with you guys a bit we got an underdog a big big Underdog day today um so yeah and I sleep I slep well I I took some melona and got a full night's sleep Tris to the 27 good morning Jack good morning all right so we had an fortnite update today we're going to get into um so what what what is even in here let's see what do we even got in here bro and thank you for all the love on on the streams lately guys the the membership Love's been insane I I don't even know how to describe it bro okay battle pass bonus rewards so we now have the Styles the glowing fire Styles these look pretty cool oo I like the blue yo Ryan welcome hey what's good what up onu how you doing oo wait the blue fire goes crazy Kennedy pvo there are enough words to subcribe much you appreciate it for all you do content has been great is only going up Kennedy thank you for the kind words appreciate that we're trying red and orang orange fire yo slime ball welcome enjoy all the how many emojis do we even have now like 50 like what how many emojis do we have you guys are we got like 87 added so oh my God l we need more Emoji slots and animated ones oh my goodness that's sure say ask what's your favorite show right now um Lauren and I started watching the bear which I've been enjoying um I've been enjoying the bear I can't claim this whole page I don't want to buy levels all which one do I want to use I want to use this one to start whoops hold on hold on hold on back again let's claim this reward equip nice close Okay then wait what else is there Doom oh okay I will finally achieve what L varia preserves peace power Perfection there's the whole Dr Doom thing whoa big Doom boy I'm a big Doom Boy chat that looks cool fist of Doom oh my gosh that's a glider that's sick wait this one kind of goes crazy this one kind of goes crazy yo Max uh yeah I talked about it yesterday bro it's unfortunate it's just unfortunate like the the core of the game play I I really enjoyed but when all the hero Shooters out there are zero dollars to get into I just I just think they they struggle to to to put out a product that would pull people away when you have a $40 price tag on it sword is Elite yeah this is really good though oh man okay so there was a bunch of new the new stuff is all in it's the standard game huh okay we're already getting a new emote to start today oh my God bro I tell you chat how hyped am I for chapter 2 returning um I'm excited I'm I'm in a weird state right now with fortnite I talked about it yesterday I actually don't mind the game play at all right now I like reload I like standard V I going to react to the Minecraft movie trailer no I give the 27 in spawn um I'm just fed up I'm just a bit fed up with with where matchmaking currently is so like basically the only like we basically like we get our videos from everything but actually playing fortnite um yes I did hear about these small chances things that metal gear Delta I don't know what that is what up Jesse oh man yeah we're definitely going to play more Val uh I talked with Tim about playing war zone hopping back on war zone getting myself back into the Cod uh get myself back into the Cod kind of window um PK wants to play see if he wants to play uh win Dr D Ghost Rider I don't know hey Sammy hello oh I joined his party let me back out all we're going to play with Cipher yeah I'm I'm I'm ordered a PS5 Scuf Controller let's go dude you're going to love it the Scuf is just so good man everything about it is just awesome Cipher let me get ahead of it now I'm in a better mood today no no no no no hold on hold on hold on hold on if we get it bro come on what I gotta get him first what are you talking about oh okay never mind I thought you were gonna say something else oh no I'm just saying I'm in a better mood today oh that's great that's great cuz I thought like yesterday was like really depressing once you left yeah I'm crashing out though but I'm I'm I'm here there's like a a one in 20 chance that Dr Doom Island spawns in you can turn into Doom it's like Theos 2.0 um I'm calling dibs cuz I was on before you and I've been trying to get him and I haven't gotten him yet bro I don't as long as I have a good hashtag ad segment starting in an hour I don't care what happens let's get that's that's perfect it's all I need today um yeah we got an underdog uh segment today and I've had some crazy games like some ridiculous games today in a good way or bad way like games I shouldn't have won games where I was getting like insanely stream sniped and still won all right well let's get into it under dog oh man chat we are about to get in games with Cipher and get into it that's what we're going to do every needs to chill bro order some Chipotle tacos oh man chol sounds good again this would be the sixth day in a row eating it for lunch if I get it yesterday was so fun um Trent we're going to make there's all sorts of because the football season starts this week there's all sorts of promos going on so we're going to go check that out or I tell you I started today so Melancholy Man I miss my parents sh had a few tear earlier just just miss miss seeing them so I got to try to snap out of it whoa no way a Dr Doom bro how rare is Dr Doom like the skin I wanted to get this clip of you going I don't know man it's pretty rare cuz there was like two more just to the right but they ran away oh awesome this guy right here in front of me is a stream sniper this guy right here bad stream sniper hey whoever this is right here stop bro you're torched you're torched you're torched bro you're torched torched uh let's get you the skin unlocked we'll land here cool might have to restart my my PC I don't know what it is bro when I play valerant my fortnite stutters hitches and I know it's got to be something with the Valor and antiche but that used to happened to me on Call of Duty I don't know what else to do like I don't know I I I I dis like when I load fortnite I like shut it all off but it's like it's like it does something to my PC and I don't know how to describe it it's so weird I remember war zone early war zone was so poorly optimized that launching the game like sometimes would just crash my PC yeah they still haven't got that figured out I actually am set to start I'm going to start playing war zone again with Tim starting next week oh nice I just got to get I got to get some do me no I'm just going to start playing uh old stuff just play some cod I I got to throw more things in the rotation currently like I actually love the game of fortnite and I love the creative side of what we do with it but until until the matchmaking is updated I just can't I can't do it and it sucks to say uh me the way got I hit him 24 white oh his builds or is he around this corner yeah nice all right I got his mats I thought I put us in in uh zero build you're good that was the stream sniper TTV something something something yeah yeah for a player F us 100 cool chat that guy's account will be gone hope it was worth spending money on the hell is this uhoh here come the zombies bro actually this is where you get the skin right so more people probably be showing up here uh it's like more like at the Statue that's nearby but yeah oh this is friendly ooh Gwen pools dual micro SMGs oh he brought them all the way here yeah what a w stream sniper she sells them outside of Reckless so this guy just made like a whole journey over here wait what is bro doing out here all right let's try out these dual micro SMGs how good are these really good actually if someone's like boxed up and you like can shoot them while they're trying to Turbo build you're going to shred them even while they're building my gosh I just killed that instantly so I think I want to say it's one of the highest DPSS in the game like over 250 DPS 18 fire rate so when it's 18 fire rate does that mean how many bleed through the wall two and a half two and a half bullets every time the wall gets broken we're going to film your Hunter video later right uh yeah right bet what what exactly is that premise again it it's kind of like the murder mystery one that you do but it's it's not two rounds it's just one round where it's like I'm killing people that all look like me and then you need to just kill me like your goal is to try to kill me um before the end game before the game finishes okay and my goal is to try to kill every other duplicate before uh before the circle closes the whole purpose of the video is me killing you bro let's go that'll be easy pretty much yeah that's easy got a Tik Tok kid who's really like he's he's going full you watch The Incredibles right you know the little the little guy who like yeah who like a villain yeah yeah that's him that's how he's crashing out right now uh cuz he uh he was in my game and he was like using the Dr do Mythic and Jetpack yeah and literally like roll playing as Dr Doom like this guy was like flying hundreds of meters in the sky just shooting Dr Doom bombs at me I had no jetpack or Mobility so it was like really annoying and I couldn't like get away from him I just kept like trying to stay alive and then I finally got a jetpack and killed him in in the final 1 V one and then like people went to his Tik Tok and he he turned into a full-blown stream sniper at that point oh my God uh he was just like waiting for me to ready up so I pulled up his Tik Tok I was like bro if you don't ready up right now like your Tik Tok is going to be gone before the sun goes down before the sun goes down it's crazy I don't think he's uh he's just really he was really UPS like bro you have zero ping I'm better than you I'm like okay bro we don't care you lost the fight and just like Get over with it like H they're killing the boss right now oh that kid that kid just got oh what the heck did I hit him for white and then he had Shield chat am I They're All Dead is this thing on I helped courage knock wait did you see what that said in the kill feed yeah that was a long message what was that it's basically gwenpool taking credit for my knock with her mythics did did you see that I helped I helped cage J knock this person I'm one shot fizzing then I'm com back into the fight spraying I'm going to run out of ammo 31 on him I'm going to wait till my uh goes away I'm shot on his head oh crap there's another there's another set of footsteps down here careful oh I'm probably going to die bro oh this is this is a stream sniper too bro the fish stick I'm assuming his name is uh despicable Pete or something like that and for 50 and 70 I got this wall link pin here oh the Tik Tok kid knock me no bro this guy this guy is something else bro I'm going to send it in Epic and my Tik Tok contact so we can get him completely removed wow what is that I hit a random tree I'm going to cover my screen okay okay oh my God they're here already wow good for them where all the cars at bro yeah I don't know the hell is that this even that team that's a different team I think yeah yeah the Tik Tok one is behind you okay another car coming to try to steal a car yeah it's a friendly it's friendly get in get in go go go go go go go what is going on bro I have my screen covered I have my screen covered might to yo yo whoever this whoever this is take him all the way man take him somewhere very safe I don't want to say where what is going I say I got my screen covered oh my Lord this is insan everyone watching that kid Tik Tok report him for harassment let's get his Tik Tok [Music] Mann I already sent in a message to Epic to take him out Chad isn't this how your guys uh games go [Music] so ridiculous they killed him they killed him this so ridiculous [Music] bro there is no shot great work great work you nice where's this that wait the screen sh wa what where's the there's no they they removed it I'm I'm marking you one what the hell why not sure actually chat Matt Olympus has no reboot vanan the guy just dropped me here being like yeah there you go since it was there right yes there's never it has to be since today it doesn't make sense that whole POI has no reboot I would armor like four walls yeah yeah I am I am am cuz while the Tik Tok kid is De the other guys were a little sus too ljd they thought it was there too 100% who wouldn't think I was there what an escape what an escape chat yo if you're a member of the stream right now and you're here with me can I get a Hello in the chat please the the first stream sniper we killed is in my chat saying you need to get better what is go guys can we just chill guys you need to get some viewers my boy if you I come can we just chill please y appreciate y'all hanging with me thank you for being here we're trying to figure out we're trying to get this brand new uh uh island or whatever is going on with that and the thing and then this and then that I don't even know bro it's update day baby you know how everything's new so like I said uh I've made a few enemies today so far yeah I feel like I just joined like I feel like uh I'm like in book two of the trilogy where like book one ends like I'm on the run everyone in my back you when you get the chance bro like I got to link you the VOD you got to watch the game I was like the guy was actually turned into like the actual Thanos like I thought he I thought he got the Mythic transformation man was doing CRA he was hitting Rifts right yeah I was on spawn Island trying to get some loot he hit a rift and right outside of the like right as he rifted I look up and I see a big Doom blast flying down I don't even know how he did that he like tried so hard and there was another guy like that tried to clip me like when I had no mats and he was stream sniping too but I just like pumped him in the face yeah it was it was a ridiculous game that I should have not won and you know now I'm paying the consequences of winning Ryan welcome back to 52 car pulling up right at us right now our first game we get the lucky Island bro it's friendly with my luck today I feel like we would get it like right now because like you almost died like unless this like friendly showed up I have a feeling it's about to spawn bro something tells me it's about to spawn I'm in smell it give us spawn Island give it to us please Chad Chad just let's let's let's move on let's move on let's move on we got a medallion pushing us brother maybe they're at the H up there dude if you think about it cyth are our pubs is friendlies stream snipers eight real people and 70 Bots oh man bro we genuinely we genuinely like I cannot believe I have to like when I think back on what fortnite was for matchmaking to now it is crazy where we're at CU they in the bunker yep Dr Doom hit well they're both Dr Doom hit the left 121 hit that guy 40 42 we kind of traded damage I wish I had a scope on my AR uh-oh another car pulling up too 44 oh I'm getting Doom blasted can you oh he he had the mythics or something cuz he just okay hold on no you have the mythics dang I full box this guy just to get deleted there's just another car that just starts pulling up so I was like right behind me then I'm getting Doom mythi it's all good man it's all good I'm I choked that okay that's not shootable i' bait them to come here and you shock wave over their heads towards my card and then you and then you just fly off in a car oh yeah that's where this is going perfectly you didn't have any you got to find a vehicle there's one in front of you yep stutter I saw that oh D no it's just my it's my PC it's just something with this it's something with valerant bro I tweeted at valerant like it's a thing if you look it up online it's like the antiche will make other games stutter it's so strange oh man I I don't even have it on like it's off right now that's crazy [Music] we got the normal island island I think or no it's spawning in now Oho they by the time Dr Doom sons in like it's already over like the game's over people yeah there's some weird timing things they've got going on like when bunkers spawn the game's over it's like yeah like there's no point in even messing with weapon [Music] attachments I got like a Mythic chest up here and minis so I'm chilling I'm just killing the AI down here and I got a jet pack holy crap there's two teams of AI down here all dead I just need a shotgun from one of them there's a Hammer Pump coming there's any more loot over here oh I'm big chilling now the difference between like having a pump or having a jetp pack and not having one is like night and day oh yeah I haven't had one all game look at all these bodies of loot like bro loky did the island even spawn this game what I don't even see the island wait have we just not reached the time no it had to have spawned by now yeah I had to do you guys see the island anywhere I'm so confused bro mccreamy I think had the luckiest Island thank you for gifted member appreciate you ever or or they had it at 100% uh cuz he was recording his like update video he had no idea that there was even an island and then all of a sudden the island spawns no and he's like what the hell 21 on the left guy oh he's sending at you he's cracked other guy the other guy's knocked 20 uh 43 white he's 20 hp yeah I got him nice good job he's fell to his death come on oh he died a storm I think see you thought spawns in zone four it's zone six right now yeah I know but I don't I didn't see I don't see the island on the map like there's no way it's so far get an island spawn there's no way it's so far north that like we can't see it that's not a thing yeah I don't think that's a thing either also bro I know the game's about to end got the super rare no Island spawn game guys oh the the Doom guys are in front of me yep I'm seeing them right now trying to get ahead of the Zone still I hit them both for 20 nice I'm going to try to get up here okay oh zone is here too yeah hold on I might have an angle on him in a sec yeah they don't notice me 58 35 I missed 33 22 they're metal boxing now cracked him in the metal box zip line that just a bug I'm frying from the side 26 fried fried fried fried oh one shot one shot on both I think they're both white they metal boxed knock one nice dead see you guys have a good queue what the heck oh my God just teleported out I just teleported through all those walls that looks so strange two versus two R here they come that's my car oh my God they're friendlies oh it's the friendlies bro I go that's my car watch watch this DPS chat my God bro another win for the good guys another win for the good guys yo Kyler what's good baby thanks for being here oh did we a dude we landed at the place but we didn't even do the thing you're supposed to do Crouch at that like little spot oh rip that's all good we'll just do it again whoa look at all these Doom unlocks the heck yeah it's like very easy to unlock him Brandon says thank you courage for being such a great conator you don't understand how meaningful and important you are to many people you're the goat we love you courage the greatest ever thank you wow holy crap let me order some food too so I can eat before we start the sponsor segment sec [Music] all right it'll make it easier so I don't forget this time just track the quest that says uh Crouch at like the statue or whatever this is the way order this food eat this food then we start the sponsored segment guys NFL NFL Underdog is Peak Underdog can we pin the underdog thing now let's do it let's pin it now all right we got the even rarer we got the even rarer uh you thought the the island the Doom Island was rare we W up to with the no Island spawn yeah bro that's crazy courage of course Cypher oh I was I was talking get an island Chad what what what happened we didn't even get one maybe we need to buy like a a new the battle pass or something yo vengance welcome back yeah bro all 78 people that'd be good wait how this glider spawns is sick oh the the Doom glider and then he's just crossing his hands like hey bro they've done they've had some fire they've had some really really fire uh glider transitions lately this one's fire the steps for Magneto oh yeah yeah yeah they're cooking bro and the cyer P glider you can't forget that one seems like you forgot it where am I supposed to go there and then you're supposed to just Crouch there okay so I've got to go there and Crouch here we go Chad y someone is there what was the other one I like Chad there's one more that I've been using recently am I dumb good fight bro eggs with no salt that was that guy's name where's my Quest Chat just Crouch I did then it's probably gone now probably completed well now it's saying have to survive fire damage drop War machine's Arsenal hover Jets or auto turret that that you have to pick it up and then drop it once how the heck do I survive fire damage ah follow me stand fire uh that works actually but the gas station is right here so you just shoot the gas canister out and then [Music] uh pretty quickly just uh stand on it for a second do you want to restart your computer after this yeah I might as well oh hold on don't worry I think the other footstep is right here yep uh GG man oh the uh Black Panther claws are in the game they're actually kind of good like for a melee weapon they're really good I watched a clip of Nick a 30 using it and you know what the the animation just looked like one of those fortnite type animations that when they're up close and in your face they look like they're going to be like stuttery and jumpy you know 100% 100% we've seen enough of those types of weapons in the game to kind of know what those those animations look like I'm shooting this out for you sprint as fast as I can get there where's the fire I don't even see fire there you have to take one tick done perfect wow that was a hard Quest Chat I think there's one you have to do damage from over 40 m but I think oh I just got the outfit new outfit all done nice W let me see what I have to do I just have to open rare chests and eliminate players at Castle Doom let's go to Doom's Doom's death okay I got to eliminate four more players there and then then open like three legendary I mean I have no loot but I'm Ready the way woohoo nice throw what a guy thank you jetpack uh shocks are here me nice nice Chad who are we rooting for this NFL season let me know okay got a guy boxed up in here o what if I do chat I don't know if he has a teammate I've only hit him for 20 he has a teammate nice I don't know if that's his teammate actually yeah I don't think it is oh oh this guy just came to challenge me good for you oh this guy's pretty decent yeah yeah I would be careful with them uh how do I drop with this thing K that guy I'm going to I need to Fizz yep I got floppers above you floppers right here okay just one Flopper and I'll splash us twice here oh nice I'll handle this where is he up here what the heck he's down down down down down down down down by the river second floor he got out that side yep go down man this guy's moving he's 100% trying to like full send so another guy here now two more here yeah yeah yeah two more two more two more they fighting you yep fing right now hit the one for 34 I'm just playing like a different angle now on shock waving 22 on him nice nice good job other one down here by me coming 42 on him is the original guy we were fighting 65 on him he's uh on white Health now yeah he's running out the side he just died St what a guy getting pushed I think he was got his teammate's card maybe yeah yeah I think he grabbed and he's gone yeah 100% need to get out of storm I still need two more kills out of like a one those people he's Reviving him here okay I knocked him again nice he used the Goku Emoji ooh nice okay I need white HP we both do yep I got bandages for you oh yeah more bandages we at least get to 75 okay you hey Ronin thank you fam nimi what's good baby Kansas Swifty cheats what the hell is that no hate but Carolina Panthers New York Jets Bengals my gosh we got a lot of variety in the chat here here this guy's trying to reboot I'm running as fast as I can you're quite far ahead of me that's okay I just stopped him from rebooting here to go there's the Doom gloves here I don't know if your second page of like quests are available for the second style of Doom quests second style open rare chest hit players with doom Arcane Gauntlet you just have to hit him like four times all right how do you jetpack Dash slide uphill uh I don't know like that you know initially I was like the jetpack like not taking fall damage when you like just let go of it like I was against that but like no I'm not oh I wait I just saw how someone's how people are probably uh rushing their outfit they you go and find you go to where those uh rare chest spawning things are like the little uh how you can like grab a bounty or grab a supply drop and you go dig up the treasure and it's a rare it's two rare chests and that'll give you the that'll help we can go open this oh it bro we got it we got it oh guys the Dr Doom island is here the aisle of Doom is drifting and embrace the power it holds bro oh my gosh we got to go to it right yeah we got to go to it we got to make sure no one else stops us from taking it oh my God there's another Medallion moving towards it yeah yeah let's move towards let's move towards The Medallion let's fight them wait I love that this has its own animation that's sick to my left to my left to my left okay 90 and 73 White whiteed whiteed knock knock knock dead let's go job bro let's go up let's go up and cap it as quickly as we can yep going going going here we go guys here we go so this is the Doom Island 5% chance to get it and game 5% chance so all my guns and stuff are going to drop by the way so everything everything I have going to drop so you hit it oh you're capping it okay I'm getting out of it c cap it with me cap it with me I know it whoever interacts with the pot gets it wa just to be safe you can walk out once uh it gets close wait listen to the music and like the sound I drop the medallions for you I I don't know yeah I think everything drops for me so I'm just going to give it to you oh here here here yeah I'm recording I'm recording here we go yeah yeah I'm recording Jack all right guys we're about to turn into do Doom let's go come on give it to me oh Cipher embrace the power of Doom I have to I have to yes wait where are you I'm in the air what I'm Dr Doom oh I'm flying in from like Max height right now bro I'm going I'm literally just going to crash land bro no way all right I have my basic attack I have a super jump it's a double jump right click is like my laser beam oh my gosh left click is my basic attack and then middle is like my big Spirit Bomb let's go wait are you taller are you are you large are you larger am I oh yeah you are bro you're the same height as me oh my god oh and if I crouch I can like slam down yo we got to do you versus the guy she tells you not to worry about where I'm the normal Dr Doom and you're that one where are they dude you go fast where's everybody at I'm assuming there might be people down here yeah try to spot people and and yeah yeah Point them out for you uh this way uh east Southeast Scythe all right all right towards Mount Olympus don't don't I mean unless I need help don't even attack I'm not I'm literally going to drive around and scan uh they're in these builds somewhere I think I see them deeper deeper deeper deeper right [Music] here 90 damage and I'm slamming oh my God yo right here right here right here God east east or South South [Music] South someone's trying to shoot me from the right right down here pull up on these guys Blake thank you for the one year yeah dude you are just melting them oh this is ridiculous bro up here to your right up here to your right Spirit Bomb okay West West West cyth West right here yo this is insane I'm being your UAV bro dror [Music] Doom oh my goodness all right I'm going to find the last two where are they bro I'm looking there's like a custom Victory Royale screen when you win with Dr Doom by the way I mean how do you lose when you have that yeah I don't even know 1,000 HP you have siphon people said 200 siphon bro like how do you [Music] lose can I Emo or I hold on I can emo while I'm Dr Doom can I emo yeah you can oh I saw on Twitter you could oh like the whole Lobby would have to focus you bro where are these little chickens oh my gosh this thing lasts forever too you see how long it lasts what on Earth wait can you Launchpad uh I got to find out MythBusters dude it would look so cool if you launch pad and then have your Dr Doom thing and you land on it that would look sick all right let's launch you don't like pull your glider you just oh you oh that's funny do you take fall I don't want to find out I don't want to find out you got to find out come on come on what happens when I get knocked like do you just res me I don't know you don't have to find out I'm kidding you I don't want to ruin your your clip part of me wants to go crazy Jack Jack would hit off my internet bro dude look at the size of you man this is like me versus me standing next to you like you're you're sh and I'm that in real life dude that is crazy I'm huge dude that's nuts it looks so cool I want to go against like the sweatiest duo known to man with this set with this on like everything oh car right here right here oh they're real that's perfect I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming y yep yep oh yeah yeah he looks sweaty he looks sweaty and then on top [Music] Dude Where's the other guy top up here up here up here he's D the storm oh I see him bro what is this I just want to walk up to his builds I'm I'm just going to look at him I'm just going to look at him hold up I'm landing on him I'm just going to knock at his door hey man he's popping a med kit I'm walking right on him bro dude don't even kill him just just troll him literally just troll him absolutely nut I'm just sitting in the oh my God number one Victory b d oh my God that was incredible thank you guys so much for watching I've been cooked with this one what the heck is that bro man I was just sitting in the throne at the end of the game just watching that was crazy bro like what on Earth so good okay now I understand why it's only 5% but I still would like it to be 10% chance like cuz I don't think you can actually die with with Dr Doom I don't think you can actually die I mean you seemed you looked unkillable yeah I mean granted There Was You got it and there was 14 people left and 12 or Bots um but I'm grabbing my food e e I'm back so I was telling chat like the fact that it's only 5% spawn chance and you have to fight for the island to get it means that most below average players or casual players won't get to experience being Dr I I just messaged the Epic Discord and said K like they should move like the Storm Circle up to Storm Circle to like sry the island spawn up to Storm Circle yeah there's at least more people alive with doom being in effect instead of it just being like the last 10 players we legitimately just got it with 14 people left in the game and they were all Bots were like two two squads weren't Bots that's it uh it was even worse for some people some people got it with like nine players left all right I hope we get it again I want you to experience that that was awesome we get it back to back that would be crazy bro RNG MMO luck right there watermelon Jack is live major dubs man I genuinely don't know how you kill that you have to remember you know you you want to know why this is so much stronger than than why cuz he is just like way more mobile like in terms of like he's not stuck in animations as much that's part of it when you used to fight Thanos and he was flying around you just have to track him and a him now you have to bullet trajectory hit the Dr Doom that's flying dude it is going to be impossible to kill a th000 HP bullet trajectory in this chapter and when Thanos uses his like little laser beam he was stuck in that animation uh until it was it was done with uh Dr Doom it's like he can cancel it at any point yeah knocked one I hit one for 7 white he jumped out he try to pop a med kit yeah it's like a lot more flexible I got a fizz yo scyth do you mind if I upload uh a little bit of that on Tik Tok and use just a little bit of your POV because oh 100% I don't mind I don't mind all right bet go for it that's going to Beck second anyways Tyler go ahead and just use ciphers at 6:00 in the morning it would have been a main Channel I wasn't up till I wasn't up at 6 when I literally when I woke up the first thing I did like when I looked at YouTube was I saw that MCC creamy had already uploaded it and I was like well I'm going to take my time this morning were those real players chat what what just happened yeah I know de he didn't even wake up at 6 a.m. I don't even know why I played with him anymore bro the old me would have been up at 6: a.m. just like farming out games trying to get Dr Doom I saw um uh snail who's a fortnite crater she was like I've been joining custom games and quitting whenever the island spawns for hours yeah I I think uh it took Nick a30 like three and a half hours maybe even four hours I I I did the like if you make it into every game and you survive until the island spawns it's it's about 3 hours and a half like assuming quick Q times as well so it's like it's more like closer to 4 hours for you to get 20 games in and that's not even guaranteed that's just going to be the average average rate of when people get it which is 4 hours of play time I think I think that's a little steep for casual players and the fact that you have to be kind of good to get the island too cuz if someone comes and fights you for it like you have to be good enough to at least stop them yeah like that duo that pulled up I'm sure they really wanted the island and then we just massacred them mhm and the next time they get lucky enough to be in a game with the island there could be another Duo that just kills them before they get it so you always you kind of have to be good too bro they were hiding in that bush and I just held right click while they were looking at you Doctor doomed them 90 to each of them yeah hit them both yep I just phing his fight was over I think my other thing though is if they do Nerf or if they do up the spawn rate of the island they're definitely going to Nerf the Mythic or Nerf how strong he is so it's like might or something this might be your only chance like if they actually feel like they need to this might be the only chance to really face the fully sweat of the fully crazy Dr Doom I hope they don't Nerf it that that would like I remember when they nerfed Thanos and he felt pretty crap the second time he came back to the game mhm and I was just like bro you're Thanos like you're supposed to be very strong like what's going on here I think if they upped it to 10 or 15% and made him have 800 hp and maybe a 100 siphon like you know what I'm saying like I think that's still I think 800 hp and 100 siphon is still insane bro yeah yeah oh right behind oh oh he teleported like right to us bro this guy sucks bro weakest boss ever weakest Medallion like get out of here man I was watching like the zero build cash cup or something bro the end games look hysterical in zero build right now oh yeah everyone just like shock waving up Captain America shield in hand I was just laughing at how crazy it was dude I feel like chapter 3 had some of the best zero build like competitive like it was like bunkers cow catchers jetpacks rotations bubble Shields like it felt there was never like a moment where everyone was just like flying up in the air just holding blocks yeah chapter 3 is one of my favorite chapters for zerob bub I mean it was obviously the the chapter that I got introduced but I also felt like I played so many zero build tournaments and it was actually fun yeah it was also hit scan and I love hit scan I do not like leading my bullets in fortnite like I'll lead my bullets in a realistic game or like a Call of Duty kind of game but like I feel like there's a 10% chance they leave bullet trajectory in chapter 6 I don't see why they they probably go back haven't played reload uh much lately but apparently like the vaults and un vaults that they did recently kind of like griefed the the mode a little bit yeah I mean what was the most the most beloved Loadout was like Mammoth pistol Mammoth yeah and uh the hammer like everyone saying like Char shot is like the only shotgun you get looking for Jetpack game bro br transformed using the SE bro slit out the bottom 30 nice I got splashes for us nice it's mythical like right now there's 20 people left in the game and we are aren't we still full Storm Circle from the island yeah one full Storm Circle away that's where I get a little bit confused of like how how is that something epic doesn't consider or change like is the point of the Doom Gauntlet really to get them if you look on average there's 12 people left in the lobby like is that really how the Doom gauntlets should come into the play like I just don't know how they don't consider that like we if you play the game every day you know how dead the map is when the bunker spawn and the whatam call it comes up the island spawns like even if we had it right now like 16 other players fight like 5% 5% spawn chance 16 other players it should be a 5% spawn chance like in the beginning of the game Doom's gotlet just comes flying in and then whoever gets it gets it and then if you kill them you can turn into him like that's how it should be should feel like it should feel like cuz even think about it from a Content perspective courage if you want to make a piece of content or a video about being Dr Doom you only get 5 minutes of of gameplay as drom Doom before the game's over you don't get a full 20 minutes of of a Lobby of you going back and forth with different squads having a retreat and what not just give you 5 minutes and without being those guys like there's a jet pack here let's be honest we we just said there was 18 left I just saw an AI kill an AI I'm going to genuinely track just to see yeah how many of these 18 that are left are are just real players so right now one AI just died so that's one AI got another AI on me walk in the park 66 I want to go to the bunker so I can open some legendary chests I don't know if it's already looted but I'm epic now trying to have the whole Lobby di to Doom guys the thing about waiting so long for Doom to spawn is the only way you're going to kill Doom is if the whole Lobby fights doom and people like Thanos when he first came like they were okay with Thanos like destroying 30 players like that like that was a fond memory yeah car behind me coming I'm like 10 seconds away and sadly no Island they drove away yeah I'm I'm still going to go these guys are on the uh the bunker no Thanos was not an LTM the first time he got added to the game at least I don't think he was do you remember um I thought he was just in regular Battle Royale I know the second time he got added it was an LTM I'll be honest I remember he was an LTM he was an LTM well I don't see why they they could have gotten a good test of what players wanted if they just made uh the Doom thing and LTM and they would have seen like the player count either go up or go down you [Music] know oh I got to eliminate one more person at Doom stad or whatever I'm going there okay guys after this game we're starting our Underdog uh segment okay oh you think it might turn into an LTM in October that would be interesting and they could add a little bit more to it little more sauce to it how quickly did those guys just disintegrate like what bye wait did they change the way gold looks no that's like a weird bug where cuz that's that's coin it's not even gold oh wait oh yeah I just got coins what the heck are you able to drop them wait I'm able to drop these coins what are these for bro unlimited v-bucks bro they're unlimited guys if you put in this map code right here and then you stand here for 35 minutes wait for wait till the count on hit zero don't forget to like and favorite the map you're going to get 6 billion XP and Renegade Raider wa thanks cyer someone like take that voice line and just oh yeah you're done for it oh you just messed up you just actually messed up you you actually just messed up big time uhoh uh it's a Duo of Dr Dooms up here I'm scared all right I'm coming I'm I'm not going to lie to you I was sitting on top of a uh on top of one of those flying drones they're sing after me right now I'm ring after you 90 I'm one shot oh oh oh I uh completely choked completely chok they're both one shot yeah my bad I tried to put down armored wall and I actually open up my map I didn't realize it was like that all right give me give me 30 seconds I got you chat this segment of the stream is BR brought to you by Underdog [Applause] fantasy the proud sponsor of the stream me me Underdog has the craziest week of promos ever going on but as you guys know the rules 18 or 21 depending on what state you're in do not sign up if you're going to be stupid and try to use this as a form of of making money or this or that it's simply for fun guys it is simply for fun it's for entertainment purposes you can use code courage and they will match up to $1,000 in bonus cash but there's so much happening this week guys there is so much happening for new people or for new people signing up for existing people on the stream uh this is going to be absolutely crazy the amount of stuff going on guys it's gonna be absolutely crazy um there's a promo each day of the week to kick things off to kick things off guys there is a sitewide free pick on Travis Kelce getting higher than 0. five total yards boom 0. five total yards a free pick going on uh to all existing uh customers it expires at kickoff for Thursday's match so in celebration of the new season Bang right off the bat Underdog has it going um best place to play fantasy sports as you guys know 0 five it's an absolutely free pick you you can then go and put something else together I've got some I want to do a set of picks with you guys after this next game so let's cook on some more picks together also there's something new guys called uh vulture protection and what is a vulture you might be thinking on Underdog a vulture is when a rushing TD is scored by a player who is not a designated running back when this happens a designated running back is now considered vultured but how does it work select a player from the designated running back list of score TD rushing TDS or rushing plus receiving TDS in your entry and you will automatically receive vulture protection if your selected running back gets vultured your entry will be rescued and you'll be given a free pick that appears in your lobby the next day so what that means for example guys is if you pick a running back on the Eagles for example and it gets down to the one yard line and they decide to have Jaylen Herz run it in your running back if you pick higher on rushing TDS on the designated running back list you will get vulture protection because they basically took your rushing TD from your running back which is such a cool new thing that they have added um I think I think that's a really really sick uh like a really sick thing that they're doing um we're about to go crazy with Underdog this year crazy so I want to pop off this whole football season together guys I really really do um and I'm going to need your guys help in the Stream Underdog has been so much fun a great partner to work with and they're do they have promos all week this is the best week of the year to sign up for Underdog fantasy for real the absolute best week of the year and there's more things that they that they show me here apparently there is a mystery free pick for Friday night's uh Green Bay um at Philadelphia matchup in Brazil so if you guys want to get that free pick you need to make sure you're signed up before Friday okay make sure you're signed up before Friday all right so we've got all sorts of awesome games this weekend I already used my free pick one of my free promo picks I can't believe the amount of stuff that are going on we used our no sweat pick yesterday we got more picks all up uh this week let's do a Thursday night football pick together let's do a NFL collapse all let's do a a Thursday night football set of picks what do we want to go with here what do we want to go with so I think that these are discounted maybe are these discounted is that what that is potentially um Pacho higher than 62.5 rushing yards what do we think you think Kelsey Kelsey higher than 55 receptions what do we think or five 5.5 receptions oh that's the vulture symbol oh you're right that's definitely it okay what what yo what are you talking to me about Alexa shut up Alexa stop what the I missed something what can you say it again no no stop my God pick higher for Derrick Henry okay higher on rush yards for Derrick Henry I'm going to go higher on 1.5 passing TDS for momes I'm going to go Pacho higher than 0. five R oh your Mahomes pick is impacting this selection wait so I can't do it or I can what's locked oh remove Pacho to unlock the pick oh okay what about Kelsey uh higher than Point okay I'm gonna go Kelsey higher than 5.5 receptions Mahomes higher than 1.5 passing TDS and Derrik Henry higher than 65.5 rushing yards 10 to win 39 boom 10 to win 39 easy clap I like that I like that already oh I'm here sorry all right we dive down let's go lunch is consumed again guys Underdog fantasy the best place you have to play fantasy sports uh it's this local La Place it's like uh chicken and rice type bowls nice nice little skinny start to the day the golden white like style for Doom like his second style like they actually cooked oh yeah yeah they cook they've been cooking with all the aesthetic stuff oh my gosh I am so kidded right now what just happened chat yeah we Let's do let's do uh let's do picks for the whole NFL weekend after this yo whatever team you guys are fans of if you guys have any players you want me to pick let me know after this game let's do a set of Underdog picks for just the rest of the NFL uh weekend you guys down oh I opened up that Doom chest I got two legendaries it's I'll take it nice my character doesn't want a mantle I see he's above he's whed they both are knock to one nice damn he had to hit me that hard that was kind of an awkward fight for me uh this looks good for you here you want yes oh oh yeah oh yeah was yapping got splashes nice dude look even the pickaxe is different the glider different no sweat picks for tomorrow payout 19918 Michael what the hell did you pick can youing you right now no that you know what you look like right now no meme that looks like World of Warcraft armor yeah y n thank you for the 16 months of C TP a year and a third and Counting W Jack hope everything's well everything is well man thank you for thank you for checking in so guys keep in mind what teams you guys are fans of for a set of picks to do after this game I want to do maybe uh like two different sets of picks I want to really stack up cuz NFL kickoff weekend I'm going to be watching all weekend I want to be super into it and watching having some some picks that you're not you know that you're just doing for entertainment purposes you guys know I've been very blessed in life financially I only do $10 in picks it's simply for entertainment purposes it just makes watching the game so much more fun when you can like root for certain players to try to achieve certain things like you you can just be watching a random game that you don't really care about who wins and just be hyped about it Joe burrow pick let's let's keep that in mind let keep that in mind Joe burrow would be down to make cuz he's finally back right wait but what if he's Rusty could that be bad to make a pick on him if he's Rusty Michael Michael I want to I want to ride some of those pcks with you so stay stay in the Stream and tell me after this game okay am I a Giants fan uh growing up I was a Giants fan cuz my grandfather am I a Giants fan like day in and day out I'm kind of been different just use my Travis Kelsey promo pick Kelsey higher five yards Henry higher 65.5 rushing yards momes higher than 1.5 passing KN in the first Marvel season back in Chapter 2 yeah I thought he was kind of like lame mhm cuz I didn't know much about him and now that I know a little bit more about him and like how powerful he is Comics yeah he's like me for real that bot just did 117 damage to me instantly instantly just all head shots from one foot away Mysterio be careful man this guy's this guy's really [Music] tough I love how he by the way I love how he spawns the clones and he just respawns in the same place so you don't even have doesn't even switch it up you didn't even to think about it bing how look at these vulture picks I think the vulture picks is such a cool idea cuz it's so frustrating how popular the tush push has become and other teams are trying to emulate it too have an attachment so I'm not picking it up like I think I I think Underdog is is they've been frying lately bro can we get an underdog W in the chat please for being an incredible partner on the stream for always being down for whatever idea we have we got to do some best balls too let's do a community best ball this weekend as well maybe we'll do some maybe we'll do that tomorrow thoughts uh AB Club I I normally will do two to three I mean obviously the more picks you do yes it's higher reward but the risk is you know the the the chances of it happening become smaller and smaller I think he it I only do it for entertainment purposes so like I I got a jet pack if I if I could you know do $1 of pick right then I would like just to have the thrill of having a a pick a set of picks on the games you know what I'm saying in California Underdog is by far the best option always dropping new great stuff they they're crushing it seriously and they keep expanding in more places so like a I only do like $10 in picks I'll do two picks most times that'll be like 10 to win 25 to 35 um but like if you do three or four picks obviously you're going to have less of a chance of it of it being successful but if you do three to four picks you're obviously winning more and more so and then obviously AB Club always be uh always be responsible also I saw that clip bro that clip is so funny the underdog Discord is sick get so many promos from just being in there too actually sick uh Warehouse games collab would be cool I I I definitely want to and and I'm located in that area I just whenever I go home it's such a short amount of time that I just want to spend it with my family but if I have a more extended pick or extended trip then I'm definitely going to do that or you can do 10 $1 picks at high risk and bigger uh sets of picks for even more money yeah no there there's all sorts of stuff you can do you can get crafty with it for sure I'm I'm going to go crazy on Underdog this whole NFL season just you guys wait I want to do like I want to have Underdog picks set for Thursday Night Football Monday Night Football and Sunday football every single week this week in the NFL season if you guys can help me um so if you if you guys are football experts and can help me throughout the season make those picks and make educated decisions uh it would really really really mean the world um cuz I I want to really get into the NFL season this this year and I think the number one way to get more into it is by me doing picks with Underdog you can see the all the sports all on Underdog they got everything on Underdog bro they got baseball football hockey Esports uh you can do even on Underdog what's cool you can do like season wi yesterday and Duos was actually pretty fun yeah I'm done uh yeah Jordan and I had loaded up some rank Duos yesterday but I was like I just can't play this right now cuz I'm literally just dressed as a burrito oh yeah like I was like I just can't focus on this right now like I can't even tap my keys was uh were your hands like in gloves with it yeah it's a full bodysuit I had a I trimmed the fingertips off as you can see this is like your average fortnite Lobby right now we're just fighting Bots all day it's crazy man I I deleted my tweak CU I'm not trying to I'm not trying to off a ton of people at Epic but I just I sometimes I have to vent bro like yeah to me someone who plays this game every day it's so obvious how rough of a how rough of a matchmaking State it's in that it's like but I get it I know we're the 1% yada y but it's like come on how do these other games have these things bro it's like like fortnite was doing just fine with like like you know what without Bots you know I just I just wonder like what what you know like what does fortnite think the average players win rate should be it should be 1% but I think they want it to be higher but see I I think they want it to be like 10% yeah that's what I'm saying like they want it to be like 10% and if there's 10 real players in the game then you have a 10% chance of winning yeah like the amount of people in my chat and I always laugh at it that go how do you guys get so many Bots all I get is sweats in my games I don't see near this many AI I I've explained this many times I'm going to say it one more cuz we've been talking about more lately guys Cypher and I based off how much we' played and everything like that we are in the let's put it at 0.1% of players you know uh so mhm fortnite's matchmaking we'll say okay these guys are playing na builds Duos on let's just put it at na Central so when we go to queue for a Lobby of 100 people it's only letting top I'm going to put 5% players 5 to 10% players even have the chance to be in our game so I guarantee you there's actually way more people that are trying to stream snipe us but they're just not high enough skill-based matchmaking to ever be put in our lobby that's why we see the same stream snipers a lot because not only are they trying to stream snipe but you have to stream snipe us while also being the correct skill-based matchmaking and you might be thinking how do I see what I am in the skill based matchmaking it's all hidden numbers so when you're playing normal p if you are let's put I'm going to say if you are a middle of the- pack player let's pretend you're right an average 50% middle of the- pack fortnite player well fortnite says okay if someone is the 50% of fortnite they will match with people yeah which a lot of people they will match with people 25% worse than them and 25% better than them in their game so what that means is that when you cue it has a 50% range of people that can join and during that minute and a half or 2 minutes you Q because fortnite wants people in games within 90 seconds you might get 70 players who fit that criteria so you have 70 real people in 30 AI meanwhile when Cipher and IQ we might have 20 to 30 people who match that criteria I would say 20 on average so we have 20 real people 80 AI in our games and that's why it's so like mind melting playing these because we our call out is legitimately we call out when there's real people that's how rare real people are I got real people right here there you go R just rambling sorry I just I just had to explain it sometimes some people don't get it they're like why do I get so many more real people than you guys like guys we don't want these lobbies I would pay real money to have real people in our normal games you guys are driving away in two different cars yeah 90 on this guy he's this guy this guy does not have a driver's license in real life I'm certain got hit by Doom by the way Doom's here yeah I'm I'm 100% certain that that guy does not have a driver's license IRL here he comes he's dooming us I'm editing Miss 140 he's dead doesn't have a driver's license there's no way really just just drove into the wall bro he he had no idea what to do in that scenario like and I know some people some people are going to say just play rank guys I want to be clear if I game with let's say my boy Marcel I love my boy Marcel but Marcel is not as good at fortnite my only way of getting real people in my games should not be having to drag Marcel into unreal lobbies it's not fun for him also yesterday we we played ranked by the way yeah and we had like 25 I'm not even kidding 25 stream snipers trying to kill us and then exactly that's the other thing for streamers it's way easier to stream snipe ranked lobbies and then here here's the other thing I know cyphers had it happen I've had it happen many times too there are celebrities who will reach out and be like yo let's get games in they're obviously not as good we want to get games in with them BR when we join up they are put into our spmm lobbies and just get throttled in certain things like it was way worse than war zone but it's like you want people to have good experiences too it's just like I'm not on top of the island let me be clear I I don't want anyone in my lobbies who are bottom 50% players in fortnite but at least let me Queue at the top 50% of people top 40% of people I don't want to beat up on on 8-year-olds on what the heck bro this is deja vu I think it's the it's the same duo or something my builds are crazy right now bro I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm 100% de I'm 100% de I'm 100% I'm frying one okay I'm healing I got fried I'm healing I'm healing I'm healing they're going to keep sending you bro yeah yeah it's okay did they reset to low ground they're on me already I'm going to dash off okay okay they double chasing you yeah yeah one of them actually rifted though where's the other one they're coming back to me I'm I'm going back up I'm going to try to pop to uh these Tre are so in the way I just can't see anything yeah I'm popping two bigs is there a med kit down here I need this med kit I need time I got a big for you they didn't come up here they flew away no it's 2v2 V1 this med kit what what do I need that's cheesy that can those guys those guys are the real deal by the way like I I I I swear that it's got to be like the same Duo like they uh not like like not like on purpose or anything but like they uh they were on top of the island they're very aggressive they're both Rock and doom I'm going to put a extended mag on my shy dropping a med kit over here for a big how do we want to take care of these guys I know what I'm going to do Monarch pistol head shot head shot but they can even realize what happened in this car oh I see the both of them okay so there's the two and there's a car down here is the last other guy I'm going to go to the vending machine real quick and just grab a couple uh couple bigs look down to one big yeah I I need to go do that too I don't even have ability to freaking fly bro you don't have a jetpack right nope I've never found one all game there more bigs or no yeah yeah there should be more I only bought one and then I grabbed one from the ground all right I got two bigs now Jeff silver smith the 22 months and courageous V full full buil in metal Jeff because of you always gifting so many members we actually added a new alert yesterday which if you weren't here for it it's uh it's for 20 it goes insane I might give 20 after this game yeah they're like they're like in full metal structure I see them 46 blue they just dropped the scan okay they're like scan Medallion dropping and everything yeah yeah that's funny like I'm in now but I think I'm just going to go to the circle yeah I'm assuming though that they have the forecast Tower with how they're playing get my brick back up I think they're moving towards us I solo looks like a a friendly cuz he just wrote [Music] High je thank you for the 20 gied is fully built on top of Doom Castle Doom these guys are my heroes bro I'm going to see if I can like bait them into peeking me and then just 33 is the solo shooting them too wait I think the Solo's a friendly not kidding I see we're we're not asking him to do anything here I'm I'm going to climb up I'm going to keep climbing bait them to shooting me I connected to you as well we're we're held up by a lot now I think they ran further I built a lot so what so what CH I don't see them at all bro these guys are we got to go in more y I'm going to try to preserve mats now yep I might go wait I just saw they scanned here almost certain yeah that makes sense yep nice I got hit in the head y I already have two extra that I have all right we pulled I hope you're not going for the heal off up top I saw yep on Ultimate height or near ultimate height we have Circle pull here they have to move towards us said you have one more big right yeah they're going to fly over they're going to fly over you have one more big right yeah yeah after I give you that one I think they went yeah they definitely went are they all the way on the left yeah they are bro they are I'm marking Circle here but that's I don't even think they're safe over there 46 head shot nice they're on that little structure over there flying blue who's that's the friendly that's close I think right I think the Friendly's in the metal box keep waiting oh oh oh I can't build what the hell wait what just happened uh I just full couldn't move or do anything i' full armor if you if you have it all I have I'm drop you more we have to break out get off of us we have to break out right away yeah oh we're dead [Laughter] just break this break this this this right wall north wall it's unlucky man what just happened bro it's the same guys hit it is the same guys the same guys that killed us uh on the island last game Oh My My My Stream didn't lag I didn't drop any anything my uh my character just froze for like 5 seconds and then when it like reconnected I just died like instantly dead it's so strange um let me see what Tyler sent what did Tyler send clip um how does he mantle a pre-existing wall that shoot you 180 for wild that look crazy for I think we can just upload that Tyler let's have swapa just upload that after four months I got I think I'm near my break point I'm not TR my hard but scared to stop end spawn brother that's that's what happen happens man the YouTube game to start is grueling bro grueling the whole time got to keep trying to adapt keep trying to make your content better and better be creative be unique and all all I can do is wish you the best of luck there's a lot of luck that goes into it too man get Doom Darth takes one match yeah doesn't it's easy to get Doom hey Christopher what's good baby all right chat we go again okay after this game we're doing more Underdog picks after this [Music] one where's all our members at in the chat let me see some energy in there who we got in here Kana what's good having a great day man I can't believe how hard it was to find uh jetpacks that game well we have a chance to get our revenge on these guys they've killed us two games in a row they're in this game too oh they are yeah yeah well then let's fight them right at the raft they go for this every game oh yeah let's do that yo reys what's good baby how you doing what up Jesse what up Brandon what up myre thank you again for the 20 gifted you want to land here and then push in the raft um I don't either way guys look what swapa just sent me swaa got all of his YouTube Awards guys what the is that roof not breakable there what up um uh send him to me and Raz at a group chat on Twitter if anything Donovan Dam I get any Shields from the space that's got minis you go talk to Jonesy oh my God someone checkos yeah I got to start doing my homework soon I'm like wait I forgot school's back fully Jones's not here either wow oh oops I was muted I call in a supply drop I'm not going to lie never been I've never felt so scammed from a drop we really didn't get anything even the one AR I got has a thermal on it to add insult to injury do we want to go for that drop it's all the way over and freaking restor Wheels let's go here and then just launch towards raft okay I see him getting kills right now you you know Chad was like saying stream sniper stream sniper but like there is a chance that these guys aren't stream sniping three games in a row is a little ridiculous like it's it's definitely bordering on like what the hell but uh there's I don't know just like something something tells me like this could just be some really bad luck for us I I couldn't tell though I want to go check their profile to see if they waited uh after last game but their profiles were private so I couldn't see like their match history cuz that's one way I could have been like yeah they're stream sing cuz they waited till we queued in I don't even know just go kill them they're not even really that good to be honest I literally froze for 10 seconds last game it's the only reason they killed me we trying to go all the way in right now yeah yeah oh to my left here fake we could just uh Rush the boss are they here I don't know there is builds here so I'm assuming they just like they just got real quiet or something yeah probably Let's uh let's box the boss up and then just like try to just kill her quick okay coming to you ready wait she's pickaxing go ahead go ahead go ahead yeah oh my God job scanning I don't see any real people just the Bots right uh yeah I see a AI like in the distance Northwest not a bot but like a AI that we can kill I want to get a jetp pack yep that's what I'm searching for too a lot of Mythic chests unop I think here okay hey end spawn I mean health is wealth brother so that's what I always do whenever I'm feeling down got to get out and do things nice all right I just got a jetpack nice keep an eye out for me yep AI dead yo Michael what's good snaky what's good where at what side uh my side my side just North I think it's behind this whole yeah yeah I see him I think that's him that's him 37 white oh on me oh no whoa dude he's in he's just in this roof come on man I just got one nice other one's full health or 30 I did 37 to him I think how did he hit me there I thought they were both down below the guy was in the in the height already jetp packing at me uh he's still right here I'm watching him heel he just popped something like a big Shield or something grab his teammate's loot he's aiming down at you right now with dual wields he's jumping at you right now did he hit you again I don't think he did but it's awfully weird how like accurate this [ __ ] is gaming goons a 50 thank you who knows bro who knows and Savage I the 51 no no no I'm I'm glitched like I was glitched between a rock he's flying away with his teammate's card now he wants nothing to do with you you can you can probably shoot him in the back once is he flying this way no no he flew across the river towards under underworld oh I'm going to get you here I thought I thought both were down there where you were aiming yeah I thought so too and the guy just floats up with a jetpack pumps me for 90 Monarch pistols me I died instantaneously I I'm get I'm getting sus vibes from these guys now try to fly right back into the raft there should be a lot of loot there yeah I am the way I knocked his teammate was actually so crazy cuz he shot me at I just looked at him and like hip fired him KN knowing he was weak uh are you did anyone pay attention to the kill feed chat have they rebooted yet a lot of drones yep they haven't rebooted yet by the way they just got rebooted I don't know where from though he might have gone deep to get him I feel like he went all the way towards uh brim gate that's the direction they win I'm going to try to cut them off then he just he just killed somebody I'm uh farming I'm fishing for you okay I'm I'm making my way towards you bunkers are opening healing some loot right here purple shy or something I got it there's a big pop okay coming for that I want these guys dead got extra air armo by chance yeah yeah and some SMG if you have y okay pretty much ready to fight now think I see a guy right there just sitting still I aim botted him I don't know where these guys are though we just got to go towards Zone I think we don't want to fight them while being on edge yeah I'm going to just go grab this guy's loot he has a crown and looks like some decent loot here's a jetp pack for you oh crap of course now I'm a mile away uh here I come I think it's worth yeah no I'm coming I'm coming just right down like on the edge over there down low okay this guy says sorry to admit it but you're 40 years old and still playing a child's game I know I'm going get hate but chat he's a grown man RT bro the only non-truthful part of that whole thing was saying you were 40 you're 45 okay dude really got him no one like no one even cares in the chat just like yeah he's spin I'm going to get ha for this he's spitting for real for real every 40-year-old you want to hit a rift right here the world would love to play video games for a living you want a rift or car uh yeah let's Rift let's Rift oh my gosh thing just launched me 200 fet rebooting or what is that man that is a reboot Anonymous was rebooted they're fighting another team pushed by them I think they no it's not maybe no no you want to fight these guys or no got be careful yeah let's fight this fight for sure I'm fighting the right guy okay okay fight this guy up top here if you can yeah yeah I'm with you 75 white pull up 29 on that teammate out there watch him behind us really quick 60 120 behind us 54 white on that guy knocked right here keeping spray pressure on him he's bad he's bad you got him he's blocking broad he was blocking and hitting me with his passive turret what a beast I'm going to try to upgrade as much as I can here from all these dead bodies well I just know these these dweebs they're going to go we just got to go fight for Island that's it oh they're they're up there they're definitely up there ready Island just spawned yeah that's them that's them rifting that that's what they do every game they go they try to get the raft Medallion they get the raft Medallion they go right to a forecast Tower they get forecast Tower they go right to the island cap the island right away that's their thing every game that's why I honestly don't think they're stream sniping cuz I think that they just do this every game yeah yeah I think it's just their like this is just what they do every time we Face they always build they always build the metal wall like theal and they're already spraying here it comes same same thing as our last three games same fight ah such an annoying fight how they up there already man he's hitting me of course he is bro it's so accurate man so impressive should we just leave him for a second I mean we what do we get by going up there I guess just really don't get really much to be honest I mean I I feel like our loot is currently better than theirs that's the only thing all right let's just do it let's just do it let's [ __ ] them up they scanned us I'm about to get a scan yep in like 20 second 15 seconds I get a scan here they're on all my walls 100 on the one like what is that man R Blitz hit 100 my Lord bro such a stupid fight I hate it man my God I wanted to wait till my scan kicked in but a my bad are so garbage man [ __ ] you got to realize bro you're playing with me I'm so bad at the game they're just jetpacking right up to my height on both my walls like taking height means nothing with the jetp pack yeah I just don't play Bill like these guys do know the way around it chapter five season perfect new weapon load out right now we got the purple Sovereign shotgun the strike good for him bro well we're featured his next YouTube video No Way Around It what YouTube video there there's no way these guys even stream or upload it's just they do bro they're future Cypher PKS man oh yeah it's loyal every about 14 from the sound of their voice all right chat for NF games this weekend let's make some more picks together let's make some more NFL like overall NFL games for this weekend so we did Thursday Night Football uh land late on this one if you can gotcha what are some other games we can do for this weekend give me some ideas gotta Jack four leg momes o higher passing yards okay let me see momes higher on passing yards okay you think over 265.000 yards H Henry higher rush yards Derk Henry higher on rush yards okay Lamar higher than 1.5 passing TDS and rice what is it Rashid rice where is he uh higher than 0.5 Rush TDS all right 10 to win 145 I'm going with it bro I'm riding that I'm riding that Michael let's see what you what let's see all right now let's see M someone said bejan Robinson uh TD score okay higher Joe burrow higher than 2 60.5 passing yards maccaffrey Christian R mcaffrey anytime TD done PCO oh here's this is a big one anytime TD as well okay 10 to win 10 to win 884 we're throwing some big ones in chat all right some little four some four legs here okay all right all right I'm back remember you can sign up and join us under Underdog fantasy use code courage let's get it I just I I've actually done no build mode uh this season so I'm like seeing firsthand like you like I just built like crazy for height got height and I'm like sitting up there for a second and then two guys just FL they just float up with jetpacks on both of my walls and just taking peace control yeah like I don't even know why I'm doing that like the three times we fought them I guess the one time wasn't real but two times we fought them I'm like trying to box fight like what am I doing bro these kids are 14 their whole summer inside only build only practicing box fights I need to stop trying to box fight and just play range and just play support well I was surprised how like efficient they were at just going to the island every game fully built up every game like it was just like Ian that's all that they do it it was a it was a little cringe I li it was a little cringe like just I mean that's the way to Crown Farm in in this 100% people I think they were just trying to get the the island the Doom Island yeah yeah yeah and they're just trying to be ready for it Al I'm annoyed that he ran away from the 1 V one like I that's that's what I realized those guys are probably not stream sniping cuz a stream sniper would 100% want to go for the 1 V1 to just be like like they're just trying to get wins you know bro led the scene how many v-bucks can you buy when you win the 145 I mean shees if you if a running back gets vultured when you make a pick on another running back can the vulture help with them too uh let me see what the rules are I don't actually know maybe maybe you could only have one per oh yeah yeah record that murder mystery a running back will be eligible for volure protection on a get out of the way yeah yeah 100% should only be one game uh Jack you can have you can get the lobby ready like after this match you get all the cipher skins it would be cool to do it as everybody rocking Dr Doom but I don't know if everyone has done the quests I mean really literally just takes a single game to get it done yeah only one running back per entry Tyler I just see it right now let's ping a ping an extra jetp pack if you see1 yep okay so I for the video I will be a cipher as well I'm going to be trying to be hidden and I have to try to kill you or you or I'm just killing and you're trying to be hidden you're just you're just killing so you just pick like your skin yep gu just dropped a gold gatekeeper shotgun left um you just pick your skin and then uh I I'll be Cypher and you're just trying to figure out who I am okay but but be since since it's not two rounds like try to be reserved with your killing don't just like hear a shot in One Direction and like kill 10 people in the same spot yeah yo Yen what's good how you doing thanks for being in the chat me today like he was like having them follow him around he was like doing a little bit of like just random Shenanigans uh so stuff like that do I have a Scot on me or not on me but I for 84 looking oh my gosh this guy's moving where'd he go poor Hulk man you have a jetp Pack yeah no he did not oh I found one though I'm good oh they're they're ramping closer they're ramping they're uh splashing each other 77 on the one 24 on the one 35 58 on that guy I'm getting pressured oh Lord here I come I'm I'm getting out I'm getting out okay phing the full 77 on the Borderlands kid nice I'm you have a jetp Pack right yep we got to go I I'm full shield I'm full shield just keep an eye on them yep 60 I'm assuming they're looking for heals here probably you're you're closer than me right now yeah they're just like building up I'm back here bro okay cracked 80 white something white like a lot white what the heck is up here I'm pushing him okay he's still up there I made a sign he's probably resing his boy or something I don't know where he got knocked it seemed like he was like up a level yep there you go they res they res or probably resed on Ultimate height I got Pride what are they on Ultimate high or something yeah yeah on me on me on me I'm stuck I'm fully stuck my character's fully stuck had the same thing happen to me he's above you he's above you yep he's on Ultimate height he's Med kitting I got a Kill I can fiz you I can fiz you can they come here need white he he didn't uh he didn't die I mean the other guy died by the way yeah all right I'm going to shock wave okay he's down low down here he's on his teammate's loot right now 26 he can't build on me oh he's stuck on me no where I lost he's running he's running he's running I need these white heels maybe we get out there's some cabbages and stuff right here so I'm eating two apples oh I hear him I'm I'm you're meding uh I'm just finishing my bandage I'm going to go kill this lady yeah I can scan him that's him that's him that's him dead all they were cooking bro they were cooking what does that say who let him cook oh like this oh what does that say oh oh yeah um bro speaking in uh different language s i I don't know that's supposed to be a heart up there and he just messed it up looks like an alien head Mo does not know how to kill Emma I don't know how do you break her Armor after you have to wait you don't know how to kill her I mean I I killed her you have to force your way to wait wait wait do I know something he doesn't know Chad so when we spot is it on her face when she goes diamond mode she has five weak spots that'll be in different positions on her arms her legs or her head it'll be a glowing red spot you have to shoot that part to then she'll her armor will crack again and you'll be good I see says you just c c j in the 49 shop # epic partner yeah I think that's what it said someone said it it was Cipher in Spanish okay h I don't think that's true what's the update there's the new Doom Mythic there's the new uh the new Doom Island there's the new shu's claws there's the new skin variants there's the Doom you can now unlock the Dr Doom skin there's a rare 5% Island chance it's lit 13 people left for the island nice nice yo I just want to say to everyone that's typing in the chat with me Michael daba Piko Darth appreciate you guys being here in chat and I know a lot of people are lurking and I know a lot of people just are chilling so I just thank anyone who's giving me some energy in the chat chatting with me hanging out with me means a lot a lot of streaming is helping it a lot of the fun in streaming is interacting with your chat and having people in chat talk so thanks for uh for chatting with me appreciate you love the Stream Jack hey thank you what's up Jam sheet up Chad JB Bailey sending Good Vibes Sly one what up do I like Bon me I love Bond me are you kidding me playing some MLG be the show while watching What team who's your favorite team all right hey Kaylin what's good is that him like looking over his oh gosh he's mad he's always mad bro yeah why is bro so mad dude wait wait wait I think it's showing something is it not like the little four coordinates you see the little red coordinates yeah what's he about to do I can't tell I can't tell somebody's smarter than us please do that again do it again do it again keep going yeah I can't tell is he about to Boom or Doom I don't know bro oh I think he's about to Doom that emote start look like a whole second Channel video yeah true kg Bakery and Echo Park courage some of the best Bond mic in la oh it sounds delicious Pac-Man what up fam got to some cleaning done is there any better feeling than a freshly cleaned house out here um real players y that guy is not real uh oh in this car double chunk chocolate cookie double chunk chocolate cookie hit the car for 400 I'm killing the guy who got rebooted broke the car over here oh my God oh my Good Golly gosh too sweaties on me oh my gosh I got jumped but I killed him I'm just flying away I'm going to that machine I'm I'm going to trade shots with him okay I have no healing might need you yeah I'm shooting the teammate teammates hit 135 165 not one nice the other guys hit 165 I'm going to break him out Char got this wall Thro an NRG sweat NRG sweat that's a dude that I was just aimlessly going up to like it's named NRG sweat I'm just lucky to be alive bro Alexandria welcome back I got engaged this weekend Alexandra W in the chat guys engaged that's awesome congratulations what an exciting time to be alive it's only 50 oh sorry that is awesome out here see someone out in the water right there don't think it's real though but definitely not real beef Supreme 35 beef Supreme all right oh this guy was real trying to close the gap to you 55 nice this guy built like a whole tunnel system I'm not going to lie to you bro like when when we're getting like so many AI I almost can't stand like friendly yeah not like upset it's just like it really makes me feel like I'm not even playing a real game like I'm just playing like a custom bro I I hate to say it Cy I'm just grateful for you're dealing with me bro cuz I'm not even thinking about the game I'm playing right now like I'm genuinely not we had our one fight with those guys at raft that's been the whole game like 2v2 now or 2v One V one so even this is going to be you know nothing and that's that is this the friendly yeah see what he buil what's he got for us what do he got for us bro full tunnel system better end in some Epic Loot bro don't think it's ending in anything you bought you built us this whole tunnel system to to what you know here's the thing we got a friendly but surely this final player is not an AI right oh let's film your video bro yeah let's film your video bro let's film your video big big guys big map fortnite is done it's dead big map fortnite is dead simple as that you're a top player if you're a top 20% player game Mode's dead bro and it sucks to say all right uh we'll be in my Discord do we have uh the clip of Cipher with the boom Mythic Cy you should genuinely by the way oh he left we swap that weren let's freaking go dude let's freaking go a little early maybe like said I might need like like if uh if Chad if you have if you guys have The Cypher skin post the in ciphers skin proof I might need one more game that's that's okay um yeah yeah okay let's play one more game play you want to play reload courage I'll do I'll do whatever bro do it it's reload time it's reload time you should uh you should send though that clip of you kill the 13 AI or 12 Ai and and be like I played for six hours today got the Doom Mythic once and this is what I got to do with it like genuinely that was wild bro um can we do zero build reload by chance oh yeah yeah yeah on a p I'm P one sec e [Music] let's freaking go dude here we go chat here we go here we go [Music] chat I have not Sherman nope reload retail uh yep let's go haven't Dred in to reload in a in a minute reload does play a little bit differently after they made the changes um but it's it's still way more dopamine so I started another season of Survivor last night I went off the train a little bit with it and then now I'm back on it this season starts with before they have to they just start by having to hike through the Peruvian jungle 11 and a half miles with all their stuff to go to camp it takes him a full day to get there and literally every man on the show is like dying of dehydration at the end of episode one like I've never seen anything like it oh this guy's down right right here oh he's just flying away down here oh yeah to my right right inside didn't hit him at all Nice Shot thank you Eagle I need minis uh here you go with these bigs too going to throw us these so we can go towards all Le bronze oh he's Landing right back on us all right this guy's got a death wish right it's a definition of insanity right there in oh in inside above it actually above above above 90 130 190 210 230 how the heck is he not dead bro dead teammate flying back in again flying on us flying on me 90 oh my gosh I I was out of shot Thunder shotgun ammo my bad reload uh 10 seconds two one yeah two of them should I come back in and fight him or what um maybe hold on you might have to live for me 120 on the one 165 195 both of them less than 100 health nice yeah I S played him I landed on the water tower on me okay I need time this poor guy we've killed him like five times what is bro doing teamate has to be yell at him like bro come on man on the on the okay hopping mes that's him again I could just kill him right now kill their boy again he's dead finally the misery is done finally and I just couldn't get anything going in that game Landing back on the same Duo five times I actually laugh at some people that uh you're just like bro you don't know how to play reload like when you when you random Duo que and you get a Duo and they they like push the fight when you're dead like oh I'll trade you it's like no no just live just live or when they get knocked really early in the fight and they just stay knocked yes bro that is so funny to me while you're trying to stay alive and clutch yep Alexandria oh my God where's it going to be at I've been asked officiate so many weddings so I'm probably going to have to pass but I appreciate the offer uh on top of this building right here two of them I'm going to go top Clock Tower and beam yeah yeah looking down John Wick is one shot down there the other enem is 56 on them the other enem is uh 29 on this guy right here whoa huge stutter still underneath you 20 on that guy yeah I got a guy below me yep I'm going to come kill the guy below you I think he's in the bottom bathroom yep oh that timing AC cross the street 30 60 90 he's one shot dude we are so in sync right now dead that was awesome that whole thing was so awesome that guy just did not like he had no options oh right up this hill right up this hill I only have one grapple left so I got to play a little bit safe 60 I'm pushing okay got him 53 White knocked teammate has to be somewhere near have you played since he added since they added these oh I know I haven't I'll carry them that's a w should probably add this to reboot right here that Rush going for him oh my gosh Chad that guy I think just pooped his pants genuinely someone else was flying back in here to be the guy that we killed did he land in a train three nope he's out there in this building with me now he's opening a llama 30 9150 knock Mr bco that's tough he looted the llama and got no movement actually can llamas give movement they feel like they do the on screen chat is so delayed isn't it oh wait I might have messed up the on screen chat give me a second give me a second hold on hold on hold on let me let me actually fix the on screen chat I think I know how to fix it hold on I think I know how to fix it after this game behind the tree yep oh close actually on me in this bush Dead Oh friendly going go look for these guys mhm Shield K up top careful watch the SN yep wow I'm Chad how behind cover am I right there yeah all right so that's the duo one up top one down low you get a good tag I'll just jump him they might send it me they might be POS yep they are there they are 30 90 100 oh wow they they are chunking me good for good for them any time uh the girl's above me she's one shot I got her okay nice job I had to hit a Max pump and I did good job bro they just steamed me 185 pretty sure I had one bullet my shotgun can everyone try typing in the chat please I want to see if that and then just tapped with ar that fixed it right yeah that definitely fixed it I just had it cop the wrong way cuz I'm dumb my bad oh someone sniped behind us and then I had someone oh yeah on top of L Island someone in front of us right here that's a solo lot island is a solo or in front of me he a solo no that's a solo in front of you okay where was this guy chat saw him fly for a second I don't know where he went oh down to my right yep right underneath me GG bro 2v2 from L little loot Lake okay you just open air drop yeah I don't know where you guys are at opening it again whoa big stutter not going to lie this Lo pool is a little bit less exciting yeah it is I mean there technically is a deagle but the deagle is not as good as the mammoth obviously yeah on the island still I don't know you want to go there like do you want to RP you want me to Rocket Ride you there sure reboots ending in 90 seconds all right that tree Yep they're there well where where uh just in the bottom oh okay okay you got a big pot or anything yeah I got splashes you all do you have do you have a Grappler I do not no here here you grab the grappler okay I'm going to aim you up that way if you jump off you can okay do your thing okay all right bet right over here come here jump 107 on the one I'm on him 60 on him 150 on him knocked knocked a it's too easy man that was perfect I hit him for like 110 in the air they actually hit me decently well though oh that was fun of course there a first try Rocket Ride guys and know you guys wouldn't get it you're not an OG bro you're just not bro all right I have the lobby already all right I need to grab a drink and maybe like a tiny snack cuz I just need a little bit of energy right now all right yeah I'm going to grab a drink as well be e e e e e e all right guys I've just been I've been so stressed not having my or having my dad be working like I've lived away from home for so long so I'm just really excited because well protein shake um I uh we're going to we're going to I'm going to I just talked to my mom and Dad we're going to retire my dad this year which has me very excited and it's because of all your guys support because of all your guys love I just want to be able to see my dad hang out with them more we could have done this a while ago but I've always wanted my dad to work to be able to get steps in and for my dad my dad's always been a bigger dude um so we we we've had the ability to retire him for a while but it's more that I he needed to get the steps at work you know how it's like uh like my dad's lost like 80 pounds he got he's a custodian at a high school and he gets like 12,000 steps in a day a dad needs that that workout you know so I was like listen you got to work simply for your health because he needs those steps but now it's become a burden where like when I go home and visit he's he's working or he can't come to a Yankee game with me because he's working so it's we've been very blessed less because of your guys Support over the years that it doesn't take much to retire him at this point in regards to you know my mom's worked for me for all these years I've maxed their benefit plans and things like that and done what I can to take care of the fam it's just more that now I just I was really emotional this morning I just missing my mom and dad and really missing my dad a lot because he had a health scare last year that I was just like you know what am I waiting for at this point like he'll will make it a priority for him to get his steps in and stuff like that so the dream come true but again I owe it all to you guys I'm not going to make some big thing out of it or anything like that I'm just I'm just really grateful so thanks for supporting me thanks for supporting the SP the great sponsors we work with and showing love on the stream you know all I want to do is be able to spend time with them because I've made a lot of sacrifices moving away from home being where I need to be and I think it's just taking a toll on me that I I mean I moved out for college and I never moved back in so now I'm 30 and uh uh I moved out when I was 18 so 12 years of my life I haven't been with my parents or near my parents so anyone that's ever supported me over the years thank you you helped make it possible so all right sorry I'm back um Underdog thank you so much under for sponsor this seg of the stream we're g to talk a lot more about under this week got the code for you all right um I can be whatever skin I want rightt and Central solo build mode take a look at that and Central solo build mode right yep and I can be any skin I want uh yeah all right bet maybe Dr Doom because the contrast of red and green will be good Doom it is got the complimentary colors on lock right now like Jack you want me to call courage this in the intro I feel like that's a little a little harsh call C what this intro is a long list of thing like courage is smelly doooo head is that really necessary for the intro I I thought it be good for retention I don't know it gets viewers are are yall done I'm kidding are yall done acting like children bro are y'all done acting like children bro guys uh you want you want to defen us so you can tell them the Code in all right bet muting yeah e ah usually listen to your lives before bed fell asleep last night before turning it on oh oh the new the new lives I see what you're saying um yeah I I don't know why I'm talking about it so much today but I just I don't know you know how you get Melancholy in live chat you have some times where you just think think you have your life you kind of just view your life and you're like man time is flying like time is flying bro and you know this is my worst nightmare C you need to land uh Northwest of restor of Reckless ra Railway there's like a little like alter that's where everyone's going to be so just land Reckless and grab a gun and then uh and then go and go to that little alter Northwest of it we're think I'm looking at it so I'm getting as much loot as I can and Reckless and going there grab a quick gun maybe quick Shield but I'll start the video pretty quick that's okay I also need a gun so is it is this kind of like a hide-and seek too like or they're going to get killed no so so basically the it's I got hunted by courage right so you are trying to hunt down Cypher find out who he is and kill him so that's your whole goal you you're like taking the crowd and try to whittle down who Cypher is right slowly and Cypher but Cypher needs to like to make it possible Cypher is trying to kill for him to win he tries to kill all the other Cypher skins slowly but surely like throughout the game you know what I mean okay so so you can direct the crowd and like tell them what to do where which POI to go to how to what to do and while we're at those things he's trying to kill other people he's like he's blending into the crowding a quick kill then like going back into the disguise right so you really need to just basically your goal is just to like lock in and try to figure out which one he is okay the more the more intensity the the better it was super super super fun with lock this it was really fun it's like n murder mysteries if you've done that one with a little bit of a Twist on it I must have missed all those videos I uh I normally watch every video from every other fortnite YouTuber so you you you done a murder with Nick brother I can't remember what I did last week like I think I need to go get it checked out like genuinely the brain rot from streaming has fully taken over my life all right uh can anyone um group up real quick all right I'm on the way over everyone get inside the circle guys get T tightly packed nice nice blue sky too come on bro let's [ __ ] go yep yep yep I'm I'm recording already I'm going as fast as I can by that I mean I'm not even near it but I'm on the way is driving a car [Music] over imagine we get the island in this game oh that'd be so funny this is the worst this is actually my worst nightmare bro oh wait let me turn I have to turn off visual audio hold on hold on hold on same okay courage you're just trying to find Cypher kill and and and like find which one he is and kill him while Cypher trying to like got it's just wait let me turn off my overlays uh can everybody stand still is cage here I'm here I you at the I'm floating right behind you ah I see you just turned around I see you okay okay okay um all right I'm going to do the intro guys everybody stop moving stop making noise please guys everybody stop emoting stop making noise come on all right in this Lobby there are 99 Cypher PK skins but only one of them is me and today it's courage's job to hunt me down if I kill all the other sa PK skins by the end of this game I win but if he eliminates me he wins let's go wait wait wait Simon Says stand still Simon says go sh that looks so cool shock wav everyone out okay listen if you go to Reckless Railways if you're anyone in this group and you go to Reckless Railways I need you to find me ammo and bring it to me whoever brings me the most good loot you join my team for this video okay you join my team whoever brings me the most good loot M I need to get fully kitted bro taking down Cipher is something when he's got a forehead that big only few things can stop him M Cy not going to fight back against you bro somebody angered uh what's her name Gwen oh wait cyber doesn't fight back against me no no no it's like a no I don't fight back against you I just try to blend in okay you like and I would keep them pretty like tight so you can like uh figure out who oh yeah okay I'm definitely going to be learning on the way so just tell me if I'm doing anything wrong all right all right team team team whoever shows me who Cipher is I will give a million US dollars to in real life there you go how about that oh what thank you for the ammo okay who's bringing me good stuff all right nice hey don't pick up my ammo come on we got a beat Cipher thank you thank you o this is Juicy yeah keep it up guys keep it up oh wait yeah let me get that let me get that yeah yeah yeah nice nice what I want to try something okay I'm so sorry I've never used this weapon I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I almost just I almost just wiped half my my Cipher PKS with the new sh gloves I've never used them God okay okay guys right now I need someone to get enough gold and go buy me Gwen pool's Mythic go uh Mythic wait wait Anonymous 309 just killed two people wait is he here is cipher here of course I'm here wait is cipher here what all right all right guys picking up eliminations let's full on let's full on move full on move okay guys I have an idea I have an idea keep throwing Tomatoes at each other throw tomatoes and water balloons at each other whichever one Anonymous 309 is is cipher I'm looking in the kill feed hit every other Anonymous keep throwing to water balloons at each other that's not going to work other nonstop going help don't worry I'm watching I'm watching I see I see you I see Cipher huh I'm just kidding what is bro yapping about okay okay team team team team team everyone go to restored reels right now everyone go to restored reels right now we're moving over there we're moving over there we've got to stay in a good formation who brought me this I got figure out nice nice yo whoever this whoever this is you right here you're on my team the rest of the game come on who's that all right keep going to everyone go to restored reels oh oh I don't know C I already have 12 eliminations like you're you're struggling here do you already have 12 everyone had to restored reels I need to get this down to like 50 before the like you got to like keep them all in a really tight pack and figure out who cyer is it's going to be like yeah sorry I'm I was trying not to make it obvious where I'm going there's a griefer in here someone's trying to kill him really quick okay who's the griefer like we can we can uh he's just flying back towards the city Al I just want to make I think his name is physics I'm just going to report his epic now to get him banned uh boom boom boom report a player I've started reporting in these and just getting people banned if they grief our customs yeah they get instantly banned all right I'm heading toward restored reels guys heading towards restored reels oh wait oh no an auto turret would be bad crap you can turn off but auto turret would go crazy oh just be shooting my team the whole time all right guys here's what I need everyone to do I need everyone to go line up on those stairs and restored reels okay you're all my my subject so I'm going to uh go ahead and speak to you all I want to make sure I can send you guys a message I wasn't watching your was it was theer like really really bad at the beginning uh not really really bad but he was just shooting from a mile away with a pistol getting close to hitting me SL killing other like he killed a few people okay I mean we like I don't know we don't we don't need to like use this R like it's pretty quick if we want oh we're we're fine we're fine we got 80 we're we're still good we're still ciphers killed majority of people yeah we're still chilling we're still chilling I've killed 13 people the thing is that like cyers killed like killed 13 people there's 80 people left you're tell me I can't I'm trying good we're good Jack Jack we're good we're good all right we're all at Reckless we're restored all right everyone get on the stairs okay I'm coming to talk to all of you listen I know someone here I know Cipher's blooding amongst you guys okay I know Cipher's blending he's somewhere in this party so here's what I need you to do right now I need everyone to throw throw a water balloon throw a throw a tomato oh my gosh wait the kill feed is going so fast like I can't keep up all right all right all right no way it's going to work this isn't going to work how do I how do I find him bro how do I find who ciphers thank you for the loot wait is this cyer I mean if if Alive by the time the circle closes you win oh oh then guys just just nobody move bro we're fine justes everyone wait so if we win if if okay this is easy then guys wait wait wait he just got a shotgun kill how did he I didn't even hear a shotgun go off how did he get a shotgun kill wait all right all right no more water balloons no more water balloons guys no more water balloons no more emotes either I got to try to hear and listen stay come back to these stairs everyone come back to these stairs please REM remain remain and everyone just sit still for a second I want everyone to sit still please this is all about remaining composed how did he just guys anyone that's a straggler you're going to die wait wait wait wait wait oh my God stop motion Prince I'm so sorry your first false victim stop motion Prince I'm so sorry that's actually my second one stand still guys at the bottom of the steps everyone go in a nice tight Clump right at the bottom of the steps stand still I'm trying to protect you guys man dude I feel like like a prison watch guard right now I'm all right let me go I'm going to go in here and quickly grab Shields I see him I see him I see him I see him I baited him so hard did you see that I legitimately s is that you you saw me it's not you where am I all right all right all right I need every I need every single Cipher PK skin over here in a straight line This is a Nick a 30 video now okay come here this a Nick a 30 video now get the straight line right here every single one in this Lobby straight line Go please and thank you straight line right here everybody get in a straight line one by one how does he disappear that fast okay okay one by one we're going through all right wait where's my uh find the culprit hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on where is this where's the toys Man toys water balloon wait that was close hold on how where's the dang toy I need okay you're good shift left wait is this he don't snitch don't snitch is this him is this Cypher right here don't snitch nope that's cool Dominator dang it I thought I had you all right first person come here all right you're clear go stand behind me next up you're not about to sing you're clear go stand behind me you're clear behind me that's crazy go behind me you're clear go behind me you're clear this is him that's him what oh come on oh come on wait for real all all right you know what every everyone go to the island everyone go to the island oh man I played you courage I play play buddy you didn't play anything there's still a lot of time left in this game we got 56 left I'm fine you think you're this big Mighty Beast this my first time ever doing one of these videos I've never done this before okay I'm not worried buddy wait what if I just open Cypher stream hey yo man I could really win I've got 33 eliminations and Counting man it's you're fine bro it's everything's fine man like it's not that serious okay I'm going to find you all I need to find you is what I need seeed one time that I find you guys don't worry the editors can change the the game volume I know it's kind of loud okay I need everyone in the top flag on the island everyone stand in a circle around the top flag get nice and tightly packed in there guys oh God where is courage get nice and and tightly packed in there courage where are you I'm not I'm no longer speaking to you bro I'm not trying to do something while you're watching I'm no longer speaking to you have you interacted with me at all this game Cypher I have yeah you've dropped me stuff no okay okay okay guys everyone every cyber PK skin needs to be right on that flag right now if you're outside the flag you have a very good chance chance of dying just stand right around it stand right around it for as long as we sit here he can't he can't attack any of you okay we're fine everything's fine just stay locked in look at this he knows he's panicking he knows he can't kill any of you cuz now you are you invis and now I he knows he's he's trying to mess with us guys he's trying to mess with us wait wait wait who's that guy that's Crouch walking inside it's 2 a.m. ready on YouTube I'm keeping track I now am keeping track of everyone's names why are you launch padding who's launch padding sit still is this Cipher nope why do I keep killing my own teammates okay it's over courage no it's not over we're fine we have 50 left and we're the lower the number gets the better cuz now it's only the smartest people remaining wait it's glitched it shows The Cauldron it shows Doom's cauldron the heck oh does it what was that did he just get a kill yeah what was that bro can't figure me out now we're still fine everything's still fine I'm still fine everything's fine still did you just get another kill yeah what the heck I'm staring right at this I got another one I think I see you I think I was that you no I think I scared you huh buddy I think I just hit cyber for 107 and he freaked out no no me no that wasn't me that wasn't me okay hold on everyone just remain calm remain calm all right all right all right listen listen listen we're going to Grim gate I want everyone to go to Grim go to Grim gate go go go I just hit the launch pad oh man this is perfect I'm down to we're down to 42 I have 41 eliminations how are you so good at this right now someone in my chat just said hey k Cipher is the cipher skin in case you didn't know thanks no way bro really thanks bro all right guys guys guys I need everyone to go where the reboot van is near the reboot van area okay sir yes sir everyone get near the reboot man area okay here's what I want right now come here come here come here I want everyone I want everyone on this platform and I need you to create a big circle a big circle okay everyone get on this platform and create a big circle please go ahead get into a big circle guys nothing tightly packed from here on out big circle go ahead big circle use the whole platform go everyone get in position go stand in a big circle no more platform stop building stop building get in a big circle God bro I'm getting nervous man stay a little bit more spread out than that but make a big circle guys I want like two me like a meter between you guys whoever's on that side are you guys dumb listen spread out a little bit spread out yes spread out the more space a little bit more space between you the better everyone should only be on brick you should only be on brick not being on the wood everyone on the brick all right everyone should be on the C in a circle on the brick this is good now this is good now all right stay here if you're not on this brick I can't help you but if you're on this brick I've got you all right listen yo um if you're on this side over here if you're on this side over here I need a couple of you to go spread to the other side please yeah stay nice and perfectly spread this is a patience game this is a patience game if you're too close to another Cypher PK I might not be able to help you wait bro all right dang it I thought that that was you that was Nick a30 oh looks like we got to move courage we have to move the circle is not going to work St we're not moving get back on the platform stay on the platform everyone stay on the platform do not move there's a guy on the hill looking at you bro there's a guy on the hill looking at you bro was going to do anything we're fine we have 37 left we're fine bro all right let me see where the map shows gas station huh we might lose some people in storm at this all right all right all right everyone go go go go go go do go do go do get on top of the gas station everyone go to on top of the gas station how is this possible bro everyone get on top of the on top of the Blue Roof on top of the Blue Roof see that blue roof right there everyone needs to line up on the edges line up on the edges of the Blue Roof dang it I thought I had him again all right everyone stand on the brick edges on this roof see that brick everyone get on a brick we're we're still fine guys we're still fine I know you might be thinking numbers are dwindling everyone get on everyone get around the edge stay slightly spread out we're fine the heck is that him on I got to kill 33 people we're fine we're still fine we're still fine guys God dang it stay right where you are guys stay right where you are okay everyone stand [Applause] still thank you cage you're making this a lot easier for me is that him dang it all right stand still everyone if you need to be on this brick and metal brick and metal be on it we still have 29 players left we're good we're good everything's fine guys don't panic nobody panic Cipher what's up if you if you shoot in the air right now I'll give you 50,000 v-bucks hey what are you guys doing over here man whoa what were they doing man it's crazy guys we're going to need to rotate to new go go go everyone run a new I'm going to set up a new platform I'm going now I see what you're doing G you're invisible you trying to stand still I know what you I know what you are we're we actually I think we're in a good number to win this no meme you are it's going to be hard for me to I actually think we're in a good number I think that meta was getting everyone on a platform and being spread out so I can see clearly yeah for sure all right I'm building this platform get on this metal platform now guys stay spread out on this metal platform whoa whoa whoa I got hit by Captain America's shield all right spread out now everyone needs to be spread out stop building no more building no more building guys no more building oh God say spread out on this platform I'm watching everything the circle's [Applause] moving all right stay still everyone stand still who's boxing me why am I getting boxed what are you doing that's him that's Cipher that's Cipher I see him I see Cipher I think this is him spre out I think this is him he's dropping down Panic building he's Panic building guys pickaxes help me no where' he you lost me buddy he lost me no shot I had him one shot all right keep moving keep moving keep moving 26 we're in a great spot right now guys seriously my God that was close he's weak he's weak I have Max mats again stay on the platform stay on platform whatever we do come on I got to kill 25 more people guys I'm going to kill any person who has any dashes left if I see anyone with dashes from Grim gate you will be killed vicey if I will immediately Target anyone with dashes from Grim gate all right go ahead rotate back rotate back I'm going to build this up a little bit guys whoa whoa whoa no more attacking here everyone go up everyone needs to be going up guys everyone needs to be going up everyone should be going up did I get him no you did not I knew what you were doing I knew what you were doing I just killed 10 of my own people all right all right all right sorry I thought that backfired it backfired oh God there's only 15 okay hold on hold on I need everyone on the same level again right now we're on all different levels get on the ultimate height with us guys get on to Ultimate height oh god oh what did I just do wait is that him nope where is cipher bro wait I hear shots going off still up here jensy boy that's not him all right everyone get on Ultimate height everyone get on Ultimate height where is this guy bro all right stay there stay there who has Shields give me Shields please and give me white health oh I'm one shot I'm going to die Cipher you can't kill me Fizz us Fizz us whoever this is fizz fizz fizz I see him I see Cipher 92 yes yes you idiot so close I would have gotten away with it let's go gotten away with it bro I 55 I had six people left bro I had six people left oh my God guys courage wasn't even trying to let me stay alive he nearly killed me the first time bro I almost killed you way earlier on in the game too I know oh my God GG get clapped idiot GG get clapped idiot oh my gosh bro I almost killed you the Captain America shield bro I was 23 Health if you killed me the cap Shield I was done I was done that was crazy yo everyone right now in this Lobby if you're spectating everyone right now in the lobby report physics this guy that's alive everyone right now every single person if you're in here right now go to the reporting go to the reporting tab report player go to physics everyone in here everyone spam report him everybody spam report him let's get his account banned right now everybody in here he just lost lost everybody go report him right now you guys all should if you were in that game yeah physics physics report him yo will the first person of 58 months you're insane bro closing that 5year Mark bro that video is so fun what a fun format yeah it's it's a one andone too just one game yeah it was super fun the whole back half of that was textbook cage you did you did amazing in the back half that was awesome W sorry for being over dramatic the beginning I was like okay we're off track here a little bit a little bit no you're good I just didn't want that guy to shoot me or shoot Cypher when we standing still but his account should be banned right away um I I'll just cut out most of the paron Reckless probably but the whole end of that was so fun that was so fun y let me just make sure I get this name right uh since bro when you almost uh killed Cypher that cyer you got back at the crowd that was so sick yeah yeah just I was like trying to find like a stack of people and stay chill even at the end I tried to just stay calm when C is shooting me hoping that like he would think that it wasn't me well you're gonna start the game with around 16 kills probably buto 29 months once we get to re that's like Peak content from there yep bro it's actually crazy how you can just shoot and disappear back in the crowd so quickly yeah yeah it's fun Sam the 29 months thank you so much little little new format courage you know little little new format for the for the squad yeah 100% I gotta get more content done too because I'm gone for 10 days so I got to plan more stuff um me see what swappa says uh would you guys be down to film War soon yeah 100% uh I'm leaving on Friday afternoon so I got tomorrow and and and most of Friday they record I see holy crap chat that was fun you want to play more reload let me upload that uploading that what' you say you're uploading that CR yeah I'm uploading it now sweet um let's play some more reload Chris can you have a thumbnail post for me real quick like I something rather simple mhm can you do like stand back and like kind of like Sam than cross your arms and make yourself look like really big and like kind of arms make yourself look imposing you know what I mean like like Dr Doom as he's gliding down your yeah yeah like like look look look slightly to your right if you can look slightly to your right no to your left sorry to your left yeah know that direction the first Direction you said yeah that was good look look look down to your to your to your right sorry all right I think I can do some I think I can do some that appreciate it bro oh my C my quads hurt asking you to like half Squad oops wrong chat you you understood the vision though I I I get it I get it all right I'm uploading both of those um I think swap is around let me check if he's on Discord yeah he's on Discord ping him he'll he'll be able to send it why are my glasses like this chat all right am amazing am amazing all right GG's uh thanks for playing guys I'm going to go back to the Discord sa yep I'll be in there um Boom turn the overlays back on chat can we get Nick for Friday morning uh I can try Cypher how early will will you be on Friday you think I mean 11:00 a.m. my time 9M my time yeah because I would have to I'm going to watch party our League of Legends team in the finals semi-finals uh oh Message Nick I think we want Nick for a video too I got a code install my B I might tell Nick 10 a.m. PST and see if he's down it's usually a good time frame dud I'm excited for these Underdog piics we made Chad I'm hyped on it hey swappa do you have uh you have a 58 month resub today check if you have a a membership message you can share again will'll be tomorrow oh Dangs you're second to X will wow wow [Music] for um hey saapa or or Abby are are they in the Discord we might need apparently Underdog for the sponsor rotation down here I think Underdog is swapping from us wanting to be Underdog Fantasy on it to just being the dog with the word Underdog so no fantasy uh Joey Moya I don't know if you're in here Joey can you get like the exact thing that can fit in that box down there yeah swapa they just sent the updated branding guidelines so we should have it all right I'm here I just landed incorrectly you good baby you good you know actually this Dr Doom skin you can uh Rock him without the cape I think the other version always has the cape oh I got to make sure to put on uh visual audio oh yeah the double Barrels in this thing is crazy so did you watch the minecrafta trailer I saw the trailer for the movie yeah apparently it's very mixed reviews I haven't really watched it or I haven't watched the trailer I'm be honest man these days everybody wants [ __ ] to be ass so like like people are ready to oh people are ready to [ __ ] on anything to be honest with you knocked one over here 37 or 70 150 one shot I'm dead I'm going to bleed out this guy's one shot over here though all right so both teams have a knock I'm bleeding out on my side I couldn't I couldn't move he like kicked me into uh what did he what did he kick me into the chair I couldn't move on top of that chair I just got caught in such an awkward fight where you know when you're like jumping over each other so your cameras are like bouncing like that's just what happened to me okay we go again uh did you see the fortnite uh new Iron Man skin yeah I saw a leak of it it almost looks like Iron Man X Ultron sort of thing like from what I saw yeah looks pretty cool it was Community noted that it was fake oh oh rip looked a little aiish I'm not going to lie I'm not well well there was there was leaks that there is an Iron Man skin in the works there uh let's go you want go right to Tilted yeah wish I was gulping down a courageous sherbet game Fuel right now with what is that tongue out image what is that one have we always had that one or is that one new as well so funny when someone like asks if they're allowed to cuss in the chat I just know they're like merely 12 can I C in here excuse me yeah you can if you want Nick a30 to crawl into your room at night and where are you kill you did you see that clip on Twitter of people saying they got the only non hit scan gun yeah I I I I picked it up yesterday and that [ __ ] was ass yeah I was going to say I was I was wondering if you saw I was just laughing at him like bro I was trying to record a video like of me using it so bad it's a people were like the top cop was like y'all really gassing up a gray pistol it was it was just a gray pistol too that's the crazy part it was literally just just a gray pistol Kev did you just make that in ranked mode try to make it work for oh God so bad oh nearby on top you going up at him yep pop it a big pop really quick I mean bro just landed down try to get his revenge I'm on the way Ain going to work buddy or maybe I'm not on the way now I'm on the way okay that didn't work either on me that's a white the heck there's more oh I you weren't the guy kill that guy no there he goes I think he's on the roof of the next building or I saw footsteps to the next building I keep thinking oh man like there's no attachments on this oh comat on me oh clamp oh man footsteps underneath me robotic player legendary Thunder shotgun in I see a llama what does a llama give in zero builds a pat on the back gave me a launch pad you're pretty close I hear shots North a legendary tactical shotgun if you'd like probably not but Popp a big Shield that I'm on my way to you gu one shot I'm going to push him kabby uh obviously we just need to make sure we get all those done before I leave on the 12th or whatever obviously I know you know but I'm just making sure saying that really for my own sake this guy here is dead more landing on you yep nice got him got all right I'm throwing down crash pads yeah uh snobby Shores has people 44 on him to reload dang he's one shot two teams over here looks like these guys are fighting Oh shot head snip me I'm being pushed I'm being pushed by sweats oh God okay I'm on another team of sweats over here shock waving you right now okay I got him stuck in between two teams knock one oh crap I reset again yep looking for Shields in here really quick I need time uhoh up minis he hit me I'm dead no I I'm not dead yet but it's not looking good for your boy hit the one for 20 hit the other one for 20 there was two teams up where you were to where you're going to as well yeah I'm completely gone from that fight right now okay hit the one 128 the other 121 I'm just tagging them they're sending me now it's huge stutter one V2 someone's sniping at you from far away yep I got to heal they're on they're they're right in front of you head shot sniped head shot sniped okay 116 20 nice got him oh this guy said sl's burst nice my load out's actually kind of crazy I'm going to go to this men machine fights by me coming a big I don't have Mobility but I'll be there you're good I'm chilling 2v2 V2 V2 do me the lobb's dying quicker for some reason that's I I was not saying anything remember when you said when I said earlier reloads changed a bit I was not going to say anything I wanted to see if you picked up on it too reload lobbies die faster with these new settings I think more people now because they've increased the time to respawn early game more people are just dying early game more and then they also they did do that they increase the time on Doos yeah and they also in they also decrease the storm closing time so I think the combination of both of those has made the game just faster and and and have less people quicker oh I'm I'm trying to look at you I don't see any see him and then I knock one but I got another one on me these guys are sending after me I'm coming to you got a guy chasing me 35 70 60 white on that guy knocked him going for his loot I team sending us I see the other team they're pushing pushing pushing 105 on the superhero skin knocked one 100 115 150 uh I keep adsing and then it's just my ads is just going and just ran directions I don't know someone shooting us from the Island WA Landing in this bush with me this guy's a psychopath what on Earth dude his teammate's looking at us from the the Island right now okay can this sniper be reloaded please 29 29 29 29 reloading 29 35 knocked his teammates up in the air right now reloading trying to see where his teammate's going to land probably going far away I would assume towards the air drop there was a big pot there spashes on me c coming nice 2v2 V one this guy that you just killed is going to respawn here in a second oh right on me I knew he was going to the air drop he's going to knock me man oh my God I could just feel the the stickiness of his aim is just a little too much for me 9:00 a.m. opening the air drop broke the the bush two versus two uh swapa 9:00 a.m. PST did I just hear something over there yeah they popped a supply drop right in front of us I think like literally right in front of us behind this tree they in that close thing hold on no on that P bunk maybe yep yep yep below it huge stutter see one in front of me nice snip oh the other one's on the hill on oh he's just walking backwards and throwing Shield bubble Juniors that's hysterical I'm going to try to slide kick him he's on wi Health pickax him oh my God I almost did that no way I got him trapped I hit him for 100it with my pickaxe with my pickaxe I had to kill the teammate the teammate rebooted oh the teamate rebooted yeah the reboots weren't gone yet cuz the lobby died so fast that's what I was flying after so I'm in a one V one to end this game okay if I go for if I get a no scope off the tree how many gifted 20 gifted all right 20 gift gifted and if you sell the game you owe me five gifted what Fair what if you sell the game this guy was a bot he let me swing my pickaxe at him five times all right fine where is he I don't know got to be in there just waiting for the zone to close oh my God he's still going to be safe oh he's up there pop the tree are you kidding me that this guy's on the height of brick man you know what fine if you get to the Tiffy top of that you should be able to pull oh that was that was a good shot I liked it this is going to happen bro let me go to the bathroom B do your thing bro that'd be crazy imagine I don't remember this Dr Doom careful bro he has a sniper oh he's going to let it rip bro this guy is crazy bubble Shield I'm scared bro oh he's got your toes get him oh come on bro where where are these no scopes going man hey is this guy for real go get some shields on you bro go put some shields on here we go lashes more shock waves you know this guy's like sweating right now he's here fing he's in the bunker no way he's he's in a bunker oh my God is he yeah yeah he's got to be kidding me bro I gifted man he's looking at you he doesn't see me bro your cave sticks up so bad no oh my God he bued again he's pushing bro come on please you going to try to Grapple on top of like the air drop and no scope him I just want to get him chunked with my AR if I can oh this will be good this will be good oh come on bro he cleared out immediately I think I have to get him like one shot yeah cuz he's definitely not like a by shot my God he's bunking on height this is not real man I need these gifted bro I got a family of four to feed he's trying to shock oh my God this guy's Shameless this guy is trying to shock B you he won't even Peak bro okay uhoh it's tilted you got a lot to work with here a lot of towers and stuff where is he he's going a shock wave he's get a shock wave come on oh yeah yeah crack him okay crack no scope no come on he went up he went up no reload reload oh my God please I need another Grappler I'm going to run out you got to look in in tilt it's probably probably a fresh Grappler or something oh here we go here we go oh there we go you might have to recck him all right all right no you he could could reuse that over and over he's going to peek you uhoh come on oh you got this you got this to use you got the tires to use I'm worried you're going to get a hit marker but I wouldn't risk shooting him again here he comes here he goes please bro be careful please bro we can grapple one more courage quick scope what 116 bro oh oh my God man he's dancing he's [ __ ] dancing really how do you have that happen and you start dancing bro oh my God that is ridiculous dude there's no way this guy starts dancing to celebrate bro oh my goodness he was going for it bro my family ain't eating tonight Chad no way no way give me give me just three minutes I just got to announce something real quick all right bet oh my God Chad I cannot believe that bro like how on Earth how on Earth do you have that happen like come on oh my goodness bro that is Shameless chat genuinely dancing might be the craziest thing I've ever seen in my whole life like what on Earth dude people are people in this game are crazy bro you know what I'm saying uh battle pass bonus rewards all right I think I can claim this whole page now claim Pages bang uh ad Club I went and sent it to Cipher I got him I sent it to him on Twitch hey Queen Pisces what's good oh which one of these should be rock look at these I think these are my favorite bro like this is so cool that goes crazy doesn't it we got the special Doom Island in one of our games earlier yes we did a good I'm trying to find a good back bling with this I have so many back blings actually absurd chat what is this glitched why is that falling is this just glitched excuse me what was that how much have I spent on skins $155,000 probably 20,000 maybe which is just crazy to say it's got to be up there right I'm I have I don't think I've ever listened to anything really from da Punk yeah that doesn't look great when you guys see my locker in fortnite you guys like damn that's goals right there when you watch my stream like I think I take my fortnite locker for granted as a Creator from just playing all these years like when you see me go through this Locker are you guys like holy crap I wish that was my that looks sick big time that's cool that's funny to think about um I'd say I'm I'm less that that one excites me less I would say swappa well I got a free membership Milestone hi I'm back look ready it's going to pop up on screen pop up on screen show me my purple Milestone bang courage 58 months that looks so good that alert looks so good oh dude my FIT goes crazy yo scyth you in here keep my FIT bro let me see sh bro BR looks like a blue condom bro that's crazy what my God man get a grip I look cool swapa they did such a good job right like I think they absolutely crushed it like look at how clean this five gifted looks I just love how simple I just love how simple this this five gifted is it stands out versus the other ones it doesn't take too much of the screen shows them some love feels good like it looks good in the on the screen thanks to the late boom like look at that that looks so good thanks for the late night gifted yesterday hey come on now retail r y oh crap uh chat remind me I have to tweet out my new alert I have to tweet out my new alert after this game okay don't let me forget please really Cypher really bro bro bro I was I was typing something and then this guy just come on attack man as as I died before you re St 14 months let me tweet out my new alert bang new alert too boom what should I caption what should I caption the Tweet guys should I say my new alerts Go Crazy Fire Emoji or is there something better or maybe my new my new major gifted sub alert I swe my new major gifted sub alert oh guys 100 thieves just tweeted about it we will be doing a 100 Thieves watch party on Friday if you guys want to show the Tweet some love here's the Tweet rewind re Royale uh Lucifer I as of now I don't plan to [Music] Oinky Oinky pig boy I'm an Oinky boy [Music] I wish you could attend I'm in Alabama so 's pretty far oh no Jake it's going to be on my stream we're going to be doing the watch party for the LCS on my stream locked in now all right all right all right bet bet bet bet bet tilted mhm locked and loaded n chat My Fit goes crazy bro I'm going to beat I'm going to win every game I play with this fit honestly it's actually so blue it's kind of distracting you stream from an office I do stream from an office sometimes I had uh when I was playing Black Ops 6 with Tim uh Tepe um scump I want to say was there cloaky I actually can't remember who the whole Squad was I was doing a segment where I just went over uh the the early summer Skirmish prizes and like what people were winning like oh yeah yeah we were just laughing bro like just so insane dude bro they had us eating good when cloy got second to drop bodies and missed out on $90,000 first was 130k second was 48k and that guy was never seen again like that's the craziest I really want to know what happened you know yeah true TR truly like I need to know how did he drop a 24 bomb how did he break his kill record multiple times in one tournament setting there really is every R red flag possible on it huh no like seriously like what happened bro like that's like one of the most like the biggest mystery still this day so epic said they did like like you know check his game right like they said it was all clear it I was going for a crazy play I should have reloaded now they they checked his game and they said it was all clear but like I don't know like how clear are we talking like give us the details here who was he killing you know oh oh crap are you good oh probably not but I might finesse these guys who knows oh sorry fellas you snip the fight with the wrong player picking a fight with the wrong player the player killer right now if you could stream RuneScape for the rest of your life would you or not RuneScape uh uh like like whatever game you want ELD SKS online and like you'd have a good amount of viewers probably not probably I probably would even pick ELD SCS online to be the game I probably would pick probably would pick RuneScape just like a little more rich in content yeah and it's way more chill too it's way more chill like in terms of like a very chill game I could stream for like 12 hours and yeah yeah oh crap two down here just dropping me loot bro coming over they're on you 11 oh my God 240 on this guy nice other one's right here full HP he's sending at you I didn't bleed out bro why am I why would I why would I I know you're going to get the kill that guy's bad he said sorry sorry accept his apology you're loving uh you're Ling College bro I'm chilling yeah I would say I'd say Runescape or so just some type of MMO that has just a lot of content just like years and years of content yep I have a a long time View My Stream who just went to college and so he's been talking about how he's excited for it and Y yada and he uploaded a clip where he was I think streaming or just recording and like a bunch of his new College friends he made were all in the in his dorm room behind him cheering him on and he like clutches the fortnite win and it feels like one of those OG like fortnite fraternity house moments that's crazy and I'm just like I'm so happy to see him thriving bro it's just awesome it's like that's what college is all about you make new friends you you find you make those memories like he'll never forget that two knocks one on different teams 14 White knock this guy hold this guy for how good the combat AR is yeah if you can control The Recoil it shreds I'm dead hold this guy looking back at you now I'm full dead never mind I'mma go landing near you of course he grabs a charge shotgun charge shotgun off the first thing he does and of course he just lands a shot 3 seconds they went out of the bunker they're below it now one's sending close to me it's okay I got a revolver bro I have a revolver cour think they're looking at you now yeah I was about to say oh this guy's not taking damage I got to leave you need to leave you need to leave 116 on the one how are they going to keep the revolver but not the mammoth bro please have mercy all right I'm I'm kidding now I'm pulling up both in there that behind me there shots behind you don't know if it's at you I'm I'm going to push the guys behind really quick looking at these guys duo with snipers above me 61 on the guy right here I'm getting pushed oh this is them this is them I'm beaming you hold on hold on 40 max pump dude dude I'm just so bad right now you're good you're good you're good I hit a Max of 185 I have no Grapplers left so I'm just going to try to live in this tree I will die to fall damage I need to murder those guys in game like I I just I need red superhero chick and the other guy just need him need him gone bro 116 on the one they have no idea where I'm at I'm being pushed already oh I'm just stuck in this tree I'm just stuck in this guy in the bush with me oh God KN him nice popping minis ouch all right I'm out of my I got a duo in storm I see them all fighting yep c one okay one's in the bush in front of me 38 on the teammate that you cracked 38 white is there a guy in this bunker 40 blue oh people fighting above the bunker I'm on this bunker now I getting grappled on no that's me it's me these guys in coming out of storm didn't hit him once any he or right here no we can go to the men machine to our left yeah oh right up here right here close 290 knocked good job in the uh Hut right here oh I'm getting shot in the side let's go down the menend there could be a team at the men machine yep only medits okay clear the building building's clear all right we got to keep going yep up on this hill back here sliding down I just missed that's the reboot guy 70 TR him want to try to get into tilted nice yeah yeah fresh Grappler above us right here I have no movement I'm just getting into this corner brick building in tilted yeah coming up uh red superheroes on big Bera 20 on big Bera 40 on red superhero 30 60 90 trying to find movement off he the back he the back okay play inside if you can I kind of want to push him okay on height is that him flying no no he's not there's a guy flying in but 110 on the one a red supero just fully reset out of here okay fighting across the map in this in this bunker okay I'm coming to look at you I not one okay po minis dead dead nice nice nice another team Landing in behind us job he he grabed shock waves he's trying to oh there is oh my God I didn't realize it was in this here I'm giving us this scythe and this what are you grabbing I just put threw down these bunks for us these bounce pads uh in this bunker I think to the left right there like this one maybe this this bush is kind of sus there was people in this earlier I want to get the air drop I broke the bush okay I'm I'm just going to retake this building control really quick yeah yeah yep fighting across the way building's clear no reboots left I got splashes okay I got a bunker come here come to me I'm coming I'm here I'll splash us y oh lag Spike we have these two bunkers to work with and just look at these guys make sure our back is sort ofle our left red two girl 30 60 up in the air dead wiped dead on that build now he's they're both jumping down oh they they went back up shooting that someone on back someone back on on that building on that building yeah yeah I'm going to send at it yeah let's go let's go he's in there oh down here Dead full dead hopping big big Shield right away need time mhm looking back in that direction where those guys were 2v2 2v2 one charge Grappler back there fighting okay only one team is on this side of the map that team up top if they if we see them move then all teams are across the river if they moved up there oh that banana just stuck my shot accidentally 69 white are these guys not up here still they're being very sneaky 240 the banana shoot this wall he's there was a crash bad these guys could have crash batted up to the hill to the house okay they might not be up there anymore 40 60 99 on this guy right here I'm getting this tree on that roof 50 white 50 white on the shooting the gas canister out they're fighting hard at the house yep one just got knocked the JP guys the banana that I knocked all right that team's wiped holding a bunker splashes right there for us if needed I'm going to get rid of their Bush on the right they're moving forward they're fighting big time you want to go third party yeah yeah the team that's in the bunker is the yep good team I got a guy on me what the hell that should be the that should be the solo they these guys both have snipers both aiming at me you have no threat right now okay they stopped they're looking towards you now no they they don't even know I'm here 88 I'm here I'm here I'm here back no [ __ ] nice nice nice that one's weak that one's weak he has a sniper though holy crap beams what oh my God wait what just killed me did he hit me shot yeah he he oh my God bro that looked like I died to fall damage ooo that's that's solo one huh that's solo one wow good for him he just snuck out they just both sent you so fast yeah I wasn't expecting that completely dived at me bro this loot this reload loot pool is cheeks man really is it is it just me or did the player kind of reload take a dip after the update I can actually check that hold up let's see all right when when was the update for reload the the loot pool update I think like yeah a week or two ago right Chad has anyone oh dude like I think I think it happened oh no this is this is the new season uh it doesn't seem like doesn't seem like it affected the player account I mean it yesterday was I mean a really bad day but just not as satisfying man I mean we're missing the mammoth pistol the mammoth pistol is such a good gun it literally made season the wild season like actually tolerable go to the bathroom what up fam e what all right this my LG I'll take almost 5 hours of fortnite bro wait what the [ __ ] n shots playing Elden ring why the [ __ ] is n shot on Elder ring and how did I not know why is he using magic oh my God wait I got to watch that in a bit all right here we go LG LG HE someone's good chat should we play some Val after this or what I got to find teammates have you ever done like aim Labs or anything like that have you ever done like aim Labs or anything uh not in a long time like a really long time yeah this guy shooting RPGs from all the way up there a no way got him oh he the hit marker oh nice shots this guy this guy's had good accuracy uh Dr Doom down there another one nearby him got you I'm going to wait till you're like at 5 seconds before I push in hit them both uhoh who's in here I don't know there's a lot of people around me he's a shoty I don't like this let me get out of here Dr Doom is just rolling around not refusing to bleed out he just out he had three really good shots on me give it to him uh in basketball court still in big Bera too he just dropped down want to go to the big Bera guys okay I'm on the way yeah he just dropped down pushing him 63 blue he bunkered knock 11 nice rocket I wasn't even sure if that was going to hit him thought I shot it too low but it was just perfect oh Landing right on us what the heck hit this guy for like 20 dead right there get sniped I did just got hit markered duo in here I got to heal buying a big pot and popping it and then I'm good I'm running away all right chill for a sec if you can you're chasing still I only have seven shotgun shells with a attack shoty uhoh they're on my roof no I'm on your roof happy happy happy you have rocket ammo or no uh no 85 two in here should be yeah 25 coming up 110 knocked one swear he's outside yep in this corner okay I'm trying to heal you good yeah shock waveing a Grappler up here if you wanted footsteps near basketball court I'm looking two in here coming over right right to you on the delivery system he's stuck oh poor guy oh poor guys's got so played team still back in basketb cour yeah yep on me oh he's got a legendary shotty he's one he's uh 50 Health trying to dodge it nice good job he tried to force the he tried it first he tried it Chad he really did no I'm dirty D nice work like look at that 10 people left no way H behind us um let me double patch up really quick just give me time they're right there okay they're here think they're just rotating out yeah they're just beneath me right now directly beneath me I can't shoot my gun I'm like frozen hope I don't die oh crap am I dead I see you standing still okay he's behind the tree same thing happened okay oh crap I got one 105 you think that that's like a new this update yeah yeah yeah yeah people people in my chat were saying that that happened to them as well you know what I did my stream did freeze that time Al you think it was like an internet thing I think that was an internet thing but the first time it happened chat was perfectly fine like the stream was [Music] oh what's oh mythical wait what drop oh oh the Goldfish I'm going to try to use it just throw chat look at that throw I missed 2v2 V2 Abby I see some of you guys talking about college guys best of luck to anyone going back to school starting school up crush it this year have a great time whether it's you know middle school high school college you know uh graduate school anything best of luck to everyone hope your classes aren't too hard hope your teachers are great crush it crush it oh in front of me yes focus on him guys focus on him they're just spraying you I'm just behind locked in on me I literally was like this the first guy they were both spraying you he was turned around I just went like this from that close had no clue I actually could have killed them five times over guys we'll be switching to valerant after this starbot we might need one I'll see you're down Chad reload his cheeks now I'm just going to say it what is going on here they need to revert the the number changes forget the forget the loot pool like the respawn time is what's killing it oh getting shot might go down quickly here 6 uh 98 on the one 15 on him yep 215 on him one shot I'm going I'm going for the other guy with the Mythic Flopper I'm going to distract him I'm right here I'm right here oh right in the face dude the guy is staring at you and I'm standing one inch behind him going I'm right here I'm right here oh that was great happy happy happy GG's GG's my brother I'm going to go play play some valerant all right man see you friend good stuff today peace see you tomorrow bye all right chat we're swapping a Val set of ending stream we're going to swap The Vow I know I learned it earlier but hold on bro let's see is it just happy happy happy see now this is when all you members in chat go yeah we're going to St for valerin we're going to stay for valerin and then all y'all [ __ ] leave me in like 10 minutes bro all y'all [ __ ] leave me so fast bro it's crazy bro I burped I thunder [Applause] thunder h I'm on a new level oh look at that Vega 2 Vega Boy Gold two already on is Brooks still streaming Val or did she get off is Brooks still streaming Val or did she sign offline anyone know Brook AB ja you win the first game we'll get five all right bet watch this my ultimate ready happy happy happy full screen scene the chat was overlapped oh crap it's because I hit the the O overlay button uh I just have to get rid of this chat for now because it's just not good bro there's a lot of discussion on Twitter right now around my uh my alert um starbot are you signing on Val all right so we got starbot me uh uh vegab boy my buddy F goes down to play I texted did I text Brooke [Music] G see aim is today happy happy [Music] happy someone piss test me bro piss test me Kevin shut the [ __ ] up bro you ain't getting a raise dog my bad bro my bad my bad my bad bro if I get 30 out of 30 right here five gifted okay restart hold on no no no no no restart restart that one didn't count all all right chat chat chat CH chat chat CH chat okay if I get 30 out of 30 on my next one five gifted deal if I get 30 out of 30 on my next one five gifted deal deal all right bet let's do it I five more 30 out of 30 another day another victory for the OG I'm so bad at this game bro oh all right all right all right let me do some Deathmatch chat it's time for valerant which teams which means it's time for Jack to be happy happy happy hey Michael thanks for helping with the pics today match found happy happy happy sorry I got to stop bro I'm stopping I'm stopping right now I'm never going to say it again let me order uh my last meal cuz I want to eat in 4our Windows my second and SEC my second and last meal of the day warm up y'all want anything chat Stand Tall we are valerant we are greens beans potatoes Tomatoes all right let's get warmed up in this DM w w [ __ ] [ __ ] remove piss test me today piss test me bro holy [ __ ] piss test me today holy [ __ ] piss test me today guys I'm so [ __ ] locked right now I'm here for you're in Sample are you seeing that bro are you seeing my shots right now go ahead and pee in this little cup got you bro dominating okay maybe maybe not actually does my mic sound weird yeah really no what mic are you using jibles is it a headset mic yeah oh yeah then I mean it sounds like a headset mic I noticed yesterday when I was watching back some clips of well you also epic wins when when you yell or stuff it you have that setting on so it doesn't come through by the way like for as long as for as long as you have that setting on your mic's going to sound screwed you need to mute your your mic when you eat and then you turn that off but boy such a stink about it BGA boy at like a Open Mic chip eater guys yall yall have one of those in your Discord right I'm actually not so normally I'm pretty good at it but he'll have times where it slips his mind and and he'll have an open mic chip and a headset mic you sound like you are the chip like one chip and everybody like loses their minds like grow up man never had a [ __ ] before F well [ __ ] oh wa Nice Shot ISO boom elimin [ __ ] I think I will rank up so fast chat once I fully get my micro adjustments down once I perect no perfect but get it way better my micro adjustments are my weakest part of Val right now dominating what's a micro adjustment like when you have your aim fous of course I know what it is but when you have your aim down sight on someone and they like strafe right or left and they're just slight slight little baby adjustments those are called micro adjustments it's like you already have your your your aim where it is but if they strafe you I struggle when people strafe me like if I get good though it oh no cuz you're like looking left you're like just in their head by an inch I when that happens to me it's so frustrating so uh you know I'll just hold my aim steady and when they run into it then I smoke them and uh that's why you're hard suckle and I leave and I seconds in between the running back uh in diamond and uh ascendant I just don't even move my mouse that's just that's where they then you know lick their lips bro like that that iso's good chat okay well I was firing my hands are actually so cold right now better fix that bro sh sh heavy is that an edited picture of me with an full English breakfast in front of me oh my God no that's the one from my trip why did you just make an emoji out of me eating a full English breakfast I'm so [ __ ] done bro I'm so done bro I love that that's a good one I will never forget these guys talk such a big game about them eating full English breakfast how they love it I bring them to a full English breakfast swaa and Kevy both are like two 2x4s so they both eat like three bites of the full English and I actually eat the full English like do you guys even actually like these they have partial English seriously I had full English they had maybe a light snack English you know who that is it's me oh [ __ ] what up what up I'm just in the range shooting 30 for 30s for ESPN you wasn't with me shooting in the gy we had normal portions oh wait we might not be able to play together right now huh let's see I think veg boy is too low of a rank it's true isn't it I don't know let's see uh wait that's Deathmatch competitive let's go [ __ ] you oh wait I have a searching on West my bad you're good out with Virginia dude Vega's ping is so horrible Vega what internet do they have you on down there bro I don't know but look at Andrew's pinged everywhere bro his lowest pinged server is 55 bro but that that speaks to my skill wild like you know those kills I get I killed that guy five minutes ago it's just crazy that like what the hell internet do you have he's playing on Wi-Fi I mean bro I ping I ping I live in Los [ __ ] Angeles and I ping the same to us East as Andrew does that's how bad Andrew's internet is that's I've never seen that I've he lives in Florida crazy he lives in Florida dude it's raining right now so it's probably like screwing with the airwaves man bro that is wild you ping wait you ping worse to will you ping better to Texas than Georgia all right I got an idea I'll just get to get a VPN and just VPN into the spot where the best connection is there you go that's how that works yep five head that's like taking a power outlet and like plugging it into itself yeah for Infinite Energy oh my God bro what am I looking at in my chat all these new emojis in my chat are so insane dude match found all right here we go what what type of teammates are we about to get bro time to play the game Abyss oh dude woohoo this map's abysmal my y oh [ __ ] bro I got some crap stuck on my screen what is this crap I guess should I just Raina I guess I mean you could go for it am I smoke again I think you play smokes he plays fade and i r Sky yo Skizzy what is vice I don't even know what role that is vice is a brand new agent to valerant the shooter from Riot games visce is a sentinel that holds down the sight grab it grab it go for it with complete ease as it uses metal towards its Advantage oh wait you oh wait I go not know what wait what no we need BL I would not advise this Timothy the 52 months what it do L be kill F1 by P a championship he keep it up dude I'm so excited I've been loving watching the races I've been loving it I've been loving it oh there reain as Diamond all diamond I'm about to get [ __ ] and farted on hello I'm headed the [ __ ] and farted Community would you like to get [ __ ] and farted on happy happy happy VI CL Phoenix gecko all right Raina is going to be their whole team let's get it let's get it oh [ __ ] I did it again what's the plan you guys now to take some mid control thoughts yeah I'm in dude takes a mid control come on let's do it all right dualist I got to remember how to play dualist dual last I remember why you quit dualist cuz I always had to go in first and then it swap p be a Dre and he'd be 50 ft back yes we're going fast come on oh I'm I'm one shot all right GG I'm FY Sho um watch our butts I'm going to ey left I'm eye left I got a dog in there too oh behind us uh mid oh uh there spawn out Jackie I the try to rush oh he's he's last play standing okay okay okay they just kind of they just kind of stopped Us in mid there once we slowed down the round was over it's okay I uh took about five steps up and I got head shot dinked through a wall by their vies for 82 with a ghost that's how that round started I just walked up and D through a wall he shot me in the chest look at that chat hello what's hello oh no what what oh God oh God oh no brother his internet's out yep it's doing I literally just said how bad his internet is too all right hold on hold on we see him he's jumping he's jumping I Lally just said it's so meat and then that happens that's insane enemy two mid uh Phoenix Raina both mid I'm back they're coming out I'm a smoking three oh that's tough I thought they were closer Shadow last standing try we did we not upgrade a single gun off of them I guess I wasn't able to I wasn't able to I was a Narnia I wasn't able to where where was our second kill at does anyone know the enemy fears I had a spectre But Blind and dumb GG go next I'm out of here got scared for a second there I thought the internet was going out again um it looks like Vice has been playing like a mid setup with at least her flash um it begins thoughts on an a execute attempt and neon just Sprints out we just go Le oh no one's watching right here like can happen what the [ __ ] is that of it oh no Down Standing all right all right dude I keep like browning out what's happening yeah I saw you behind us our our Fades also have an internet issues so we're kind of 4v5 right now I can't hold the bomb I got it all right that one about as bad as it could have but that's fine make sure you can buy next oh I know what's happening are you downloading something no line can't hold for my Wi-Fi extender is not in the wall where did that go for some reason oh yeah that's oh I just remembered that's why Vega doesn't [ __ ] play as terrible ping VGA plays on Wi-Fi on PC chat that's why I just remembered no wi management Vega plays on PC WiFi yeah he he griefs every aspect of his game bro people have it Phoenix down B go yeah yeah yeah Chad I know I'm a b last player standing begin all right all right now we win guys all right that should fix the issue now we win fight's Not Over You Know let's play mid control I guess and try to kill this guy that goes top right and mid watch out for maybe Phoenix pinching B where does he put his flash where does he what I said where does he put his flash probably in like that middle pillar that's where he had it in one round okay uh maybe one day John yeah yeah cl's are dead I can throw an eye for oh wow I went way further than I expected to that's my bad I need to not do that ever Christ Almighty I just suicided man two there at least send it through oh maybe not Maybe not maybe not he's going to have to push that oh left side left side got so pinched enemy remain oh what the it's bomb back there still nice job neon you see that slide that was disgusting yeah that was disgusting when you slide you have perfect accuracy but like shot yeah I could give thaty 100 more tries can you buy meon by chance no you can have this thank you my ultimate ready is that right will all right my Mike's not working yet oh you're alting oh [ __ ] wait one flank here spawn get this kill coming to you neon oh heaven heaven down a behind neon one more back 80 back spot stand through my blind man oh my Lord we're just playing at such a different pace right there weren't even near you guys holy [ __ ] I'm garbage at this [ __ ] game bro oh my God I'm so bad at this [ __ ] game man what happened the Phoenix full blinded in mid for the full extent of my eye and didn't hit a single bullet they're just going to they're going to have 85 mid now yeah last standing I got this the rain is 11 and one she's going to have a field day in this [ __ ] Lobby bro I thought I dodg it no all right we're just going B we're going B with fatal fatal Omen Al and we're just going B let's go you crushed that hurts where are they I'm out of here the hug begins set going close close close close oh God he's [ __ ] flash [ __ ] out of me shot through the wall we come plant yeah I am man oh my God the vises dinks are so crazy last play oh my God I just getting shot through the smoke I just keep getting dinked through Walls by Vice Vandal head shot 143 through a wall again oh my God 143 through a wall again bro like come on dude for my Shadows they will hide you where piss test JD gone I mean [ __ ] bro that's so true pissed it out I guess true quick we need more piss quick Fe quicker enemy Spott got be h dude I I can't do a thing right now against this Raina I just got double dinked again bro through a floor one definitely coming their spawn here guess not heaven yeah oh Lord oh God standing SI I was going to kill him he was one bullet away from dying and my freaking gun got snatched for me man all right chat we're losing we're losing pretty badly I'm three and nine our our whole Trio qu I don't think we're ever going to win games of valerant when our whole Trio qu is three and nine be honest I think I'm going to look at the uh I'm going I'm going to figure out why we're losing this game oh yeah it's because us three who Trio qu together are all three and nine combined nine and 27 I don't we're going to win with those stats it's a good team it does feel like they're shooting though yeah I mean Raina is on 15 ping this is a worst part about having friends on West and East Coast I can't imagine how much better I'd feel on valerant on nine ping instead of 35 in every game okay every other round they've never challenged that close in this round they both just decide to hold it full on with a clove smoke Don't Be Afraid now guys don't be why is everyone look at how look at how long like look at everyone right there no one on the team was moving forward we had three people all just standing back holding they're all going to be rotated yeah one enemy remain nice on our flank oh my God he got [ __ ] [ __ ] nothing all we got to help our randoms out bro we got to help our randoms we got to help our randoms I I I just keep getting dinked instantly I [ __ ] hate playing dualist man D I'll play dualist I I hate it bro I do so much better when I'm allowed to go take in info and trade kills versus just having to go first let's just go with visal and let's take this site it's going to activate in 2 seconds plant right away in the Smoke she didn't get hit by the freaking Al one going Heaven he's going to he's going to oh [ __ ] what is that r one enemy remaining standing nice job happy happy happy we're so back last round the switch I can buy someone it's not here thank you AR neon left AR neon left oh good yeah disconnect man we have we have legitimately played five rounds with five people bro okay okay guys we're in a 4v5 again bro we know how to do this we know how to win these games begins guns jumping man 75 0 on the Phoenix oh my God I need to [ __ ] E that not q that by did you que with neon rip all right he's back fight he is MHM for AFK awesome okay it's normally tough to win the offensive side chat when you're 4v5 in six of the 12 rounds but we're going to figure it out yeah they have a diamond on their team so yeah the diamond I don't care about yeah she good for you rainy you're good but time to work here be looking like I'm flash y she is up yeah they're on site my god dude oh you got to be kidding me planted oh dang elbow last player standing you got to be kidding me that timing [ __ ] that was Gnar one enemy remaining dead you got this right now good [ __ ] man pistol rounds don't count they're just batteries and I need a recharge okay was so hot okay okay okay okay you know okay [Music] um okay I'll show them shot the eye out immediately they're already they're a they're a enemy Spott a last standing uh Phoenix oh my God you're done oh holy [ __ ] I just I legitimately was about to [ __ ] destroy all of them and then we had everyone die in one second that was lit a 1 second K triple kill or quad kill limp dick IO I'll never understand when you get a delivery for food and you say leave just leave it at the door that they actively say I'm here and like wait and it's like read the app bro just like leave it we got me nuts one's heav one's mid terrified I'm horrible at this game do that took me that long got Wing man okay we got Spike could flank our mid maybe not 40 one enemy remaining last one was in the nest reloading I'll you that by flashing 30 seconds left reloading enemy Spott that feel like Duck Halo 3 bro don't worry you get used to it all right chat their Fierce betrayed them begins B oh wow he checked that I'm going to grab my food what a play was it a fake no they're M now got to go I'll find you that came from up top yeah dude in the back side who are we playing bro planted I'm out of here down I'm just wide swinging this [ __ ] Bro they're gone last player standing I just get shot the ass as well dude oh stay alive I want their life oh crap all right all right chat it's fine we got our backs against the wall it's been done yeah isn't even that bad I heard mid J's over you're dead oh my God he really aled mid just live just play your life you can yeah I am I am he's pushing me oh yeah on the loose feeling [ __ ] F in the Smoke nice last player standing how are they not [ __ ] dead bro that's what I'm saying oh crap attack win you want more here's more got it out the way okay okay okay oh okay okay no no no no think uh we got this bro we get Flo in here going eat this food we're fine I need run upstairs real quick soai what' you make for food I'm streaming I'm streaming yeah I say how are we doing you guys win nope all right but we're good now now we win and we found the sours of Andrew's internet issues so that's the other win really what was it um I was forget that Andrew is the only person in the world that plays desktop Wi-Fi and his Wi-Fi extender wasn't in his room so he disconnects when his Wi-Fi extender is not in his room all right well that explains why your ping is always like y way worse than it should be yep I didn't know this whole time I thought he was hardwired that makes like a bazillion times more sense yeah I brought up with chat and chat was like love m jeez Rose griefing to himself yeah this food's gas like no matter where I live like let's say like I don't know let's say I was in the same situation I would be like all right I'm saving up to pay an electrician to fix this problem I don't care I think he said it's like in his garage or something but yeah he definitely just needs to get someone to come run a long cable like through the wall yeah but will that happen I don't know maybe we'll see yeah I'll just be like run this cable and my D will be like great I needed a project yeah oh maybe it could be a father son bonding time yeah bonding in the walls of your house or he runs that [ __ ] while I play B I'm kidding I'd probably play league like I said it eats 5 minutes cool finishing eating so that's perfect s your co- streaming the LCS match Jack that's pretty cool yeah it's going to be fun I'm might have to leave early I'm going to Z in the Park Friday but good Z in the pack kabby can you just shut the hell up what's he doing in the park you're so annoying bro he's zetting in the park duh what else would he be doing and I've seen that guy Z yeah he's all going to be like he's going to be like you are a cinema now you know what I need he he he did at laa paloa to announce his album he did one of those things where he uh has all those drones that like make signs and [ __ ] and it looked so cool I want I hope he does that again I want to see it you are destiny man blackout restrictions in sports is the absolute worst thing in the world oh it's terrible dude like I can't watch any game tonight cuz why blackout restrictions what does that even mean someone got too faded like is blackout restrictions genuinely like like to be understand you get blacked out from being able to watch a game that you want to watch so then you go and look into pirating the game and then you find a a reliable website that lets you pirate the game and then you go wait why do I even pay for these things if I can watch every game on this it doesn't it like doesn't that bring more people to pirating the the the sport yeah I don't know how the MLB like how they make money off it 50-year-old dads there's no way bro actually that sounds good that might be the answer I need to have a son yo Nick One V one me invite me I like that energy wait didn't Flo say he's getting on like now 6 minutes ago he said he'll needs 5 minutes so maybe but he'll probably want to warm up a little bit so yeah Jack just uh spectate our 1 V one set it up hit the range damn he's scared chat he's scared it's just fleo is like be in like 30 seconds and I'm King te yeah yeah excuse machine Deus X excuse makim match that is was so out of context all right fine I'll CDM [ __ ] it they don't have red zone for baseball do they um nope I don't think so I'd be okay with that he'll just be like and here's the pitch yeah and then it's like now go over here for this pitch and here's the pitch yo you watch every pitch it's just every pitch really scratching his nose there must be real itchy should have 10 different povs up each game match it's really getting up in there comes another pitch Y and we're finally ready for a pitch wake up John wake up he's pitching I talked about a little bit earlier on stream but uh I'm retiring my dad January 1 oh hell yeah wow let's go now we can hang out more I know he's probably going to see this now I meant me and your dead no he knows oh okay you really think that's going to get him to stop work though that guy's a workaholic well well dude that's I was explaining my chat earlier like it this has never been like a this has never been a financial thing of why he's not retired yeah you guys know my dad he's a big boy needs to needs to lose more weight like I want him around for as long as possible he's still like 280 right now but he was like 360 but a large thing that helped him with that was because he's a custodian at a high school and they they do like 12,000 steps a day yeah but uh but bro they have him on that night schedule so he's working till midnight and I'm like dude he's done with that I'm done and then it sucks too because I'll be like let's go to a Yankee I got work I'm like I'm done doing that [ __ ] bro um his full-time job should be exercise now that's well trust me it's easier said than done I'm going to tell his ass that and he's going to be like I'm on it I'm on it then next thing going know sending me 48 [ __ ] Tik toks a day of barbecue recipes and old and old car upgrades from [ __ ] Motor Trend and I'm like can you go walk please yeah I try to get my parents to exercise too but I don't want to at the end of the day it's they have to do it themselves that's hell I know that myself too for my own weight yeah but that's awesome you just followed him all day screaming I might have to hire someone to do that hi some help hey hanging out with Mr Dunlop all day sounds like a great job I'm so excited man I do it for free Andrew you know that site is pay to lose you know what I was wondering if it was pay to lose that explains a lot yeah yeah oh jebs ask jebs hey whatever Happ ass Jeeps I know how I get my dad Bing I'm was going to buy him like a $500 car from like a uh a junkyard a smoker that he has to constantly uh that he has to constantly like in a wheel true yeah no I just smokes it for8 hours he's just outside just jacked his [ __ ] I buy like a 1990 Camry from a junkyard turn this car into a Lamborghini like good luck if he could do that he just spends the rest of his life business just making Lamborghinis out of $500 junkers I'll do that investment God damn bro like I'm getting dinked instantly by these guys are good am I tripping am I crazy kid are just been dink by bu five deaths in a row Peter dink glitch dink dink all right fair warning Peter dink at 359 I need 3 minutes I'm one and six Jesus Christ neon give it a break did my own breach just try to concuss my [ __ ] he's just all right who's playing breach are you trolling me yeah okay dude okay got the perfect angle and I just get flashed by your D Ass yeah that's funny all right one eight chat oh this Vis is unb the VIS is unbelievable yeah the VIS is genely unbelievable I'm just going to eat my beans and not [ __ ] care about this game right now yo what you say are black beans healthy or unhealthy what beans protein bro they're all protein black beans they're good for vegans they're good for you go for it [ __ ] this guy's being what the [ __ ] stage I'm getting slammed damn we're all we're all getting slammed not me how am I getting aled in a death match bro I got aled in spawn I am genuinely just getting just dinked instantly by everyone oh my God oh my God I got to look up by's rank I have to I have to look up bu's rank bro cheeks three fat ready that's not ready smoke oh man what's this two again 100 100 I have five kills oh my God get out of my way dude why does she like know I'm there piss I'm smoking all right she Palpatine me ready my territory my I have them now oh I ran right behind you uh should we help that guy hello what yo should started getting weird man I am there's if warmed up is a good thing I am cold as ice there's like three of them holding our right side by the way wow I got to look I got to look up what rank their VI is I I think my win rate in team death matches is like 8% uh ba hush okay Immortal 2 okay that makes much more sense sense H Immortal 2 makes much more sense so my my boss is going to the LCS oh sorry really quick Nick sorry uh their neon is radiant radiant 724 RR that all makes sense now okay go ahead sorry Nick your boss going to LCS tomorrow yeah he's never played League he goes I just watched a beginner guy beginner guide for League of Legends in case I go and then he puts a and like what he's going to say he goes look at those foo's gank on that jungler right by Elder with extreme midlane pressure wow mhm such expertise such low I think that's perfect um fleo are you there yeah are you on Valente yeah uh is someone invite him please I don't see him on my friends list please tell me you're on like a a bronze Smurf I'd be so happy yeah something like that I requested oh God it's a Lobby Broken chat um leave party invite invite invite are you on azer no that's Diamond I don't have you on my list what's what's this account yeah cuz B is not here okay requesting from him what happened hello yo oh you're not give me it you're not the one I want yeah but you're the one that I want [Music] how's your paying way worse yoot I'm laughing at that on my stream right now what the hell is going on 86 to Central is it this KB try to go to uh John's obler Street Pizza look at this this is what we faced last game chat look Rah fiend radiant Immortal 2 awesome really awesome all right boys I just plugged in three more extenders never mind all right Chad we're about to win this next game the courage Shady guarantee me start my fast up bang this looks like good job for me so everybody the Suma cuz I need a little B you're good for tomorrow at 3 o'clock right or six o'clock your time Vega true pay to lose Scythe off man uh oh uh oh Vega I don't think we should Q with him bro his internet's [ __ ] he's like delayed I'm telling you I don't think we should Q with him Andrew can you hear us oh his Ping's 93 we should I'm canceling the que I'm canceling the Que we can't it's going to be bad he's good on Georgia servers I don't know what his ping and valerant has to do with his with his no no it's his interet no no it's his internet as a whole Nick but why why did it's so weird he's been on Wi-Fi for like almost a year now like why is it happening now this happened last week last week he was having this issue when I crashed out on that I'm here you weren't here for the last two minutes we just had a whole we we've been talking about you for the last 2 minutes that's why we canceled the queue he's gone again crazy no I'm not hello is this a ghost what we're saying Andrew is you are disconnecting from Discord and having the issue so we're saying should we even queue right now or are we going to go in have you disconnect then get more tilted just give me a second okay's he's going to plug in a six he's going to go plug in a six Wi-Fi extender what is even that doesn't even do anything it doesn't improve the quality of the signal what does it do the speed or whatever just widens the well if anything it just widens the that'll do it I don't know yo Andre you tell me don't lie did you just like walk to your fridge open it close and come back and just say that'll do it like give keep it give give it a I just plugged in the extender from outside okay all right we're back again we're back again here we go got up washed his hands came back that'll do it so can you check if there's any of these in the back right away ma'am just walk in the back9 deaths on Margot come on Matt Matt's doing a magic build against Dude and's using magic that's not even real oh now look at Nick now Nick gets it now Nick look at this no it's not it's not now Nick El Lord don't worry wor about you yeah listen okay all right look I'm the only guy in here that beat tree Sentinel off rip no nothing right out the gate and did that okay how going to show such promise to not finish it's almost deplorable I can always finish the game's not going away it's just the length of time you're taking in between which is pissing me off because I liked watching you on Discord all right I'll bring it back maybe I'll stream even I haven't streamed in a while so maybe I'll do that I've been wanting to I've been looking for a reason P down 48 again told you they would do it yes opening the fridge and grabbing a beer help I'll have you know actually dude Matt's getting so tilted I just looked at his stream oh no and now he's got all the chat dude he's got to go level up a bit he's oneand so what is this build right now he's one handing he's one handing a sword with a staff in the other yeah he's one handing a sword with a staff in the other and he probably just rushed right to marget I think he yeah I I love my boy this might be the worst marget build I've ever seen in my life like what I did was you got to get the health health things or whatever they're called I don't remember what they're called but the things to give you more Health you got to get those I know but I'm just like's getting one shotted I mean he can definitely he's struggling if he has no Health he's done no exploration no he's done no exploration well that's not going to serve him whale but what's not helping him is that his that's the base load out for his character oh no he's too proud to turn back I mean I know my boy he's stubborn he's he's going to he's going to go for it but get it eventually part of Elden ring part of the beauty of Elden ring is recognizing it's time to turn away interactive G I mean I love that he's playing this I had he didn't even I can't believe like Matt doesn't even text me I hate him bro dude does not even text me be like y' guess what I'm doing today he's not my friend anymore oh man there you go Matt there we go dude yo the funniest [ __ ] is watching him so dude he's jump attacking with that oneand sword Andrew for us for 75 damage this is going to be tough It's the weakest oh there we go he got a stagger here we go phas maybe phase two hit him while he's down oh what is the where's the punish I guess he's playing Magic so he's got to back up you know what the worst part about this build is that his magic and his attack are weak and he's got he's got split pots to just like fill his Mana bar so he's really doing himself a huge disservice is here but oh I mean he's getting some good damage here seems to have an understanding of the mech after 32 deaths right it's when this it's when this changes this one oh GG's right here the sky slam oh my God but he's seen everything he's seen everything think that's every mechanic right I guess maybe just the maybe the f f like the triple yellow bro was reading chat midf fight was reading chat can we see sure while we wait for Q to Pop Let's watch N Shop fight marget but what character is it sorcerer Andrew uh yeah it's like oh God he turned off his lock on oh no oh no look at him look at him he's panicking turn your lock on back on okay good okay good Dodge he's got the timing on that one the one that he's struggling bit with the timing is when he lifts the sword to go stab that one he's got the timing on see that punish just is so it's so nothing like there you could be doing some chunky chunky damage but his jump attack to 75 bro hell yeah and roll goodat I just got I just got Jen and I tickets to Maple Fest really W where's it at uh it's in Downtown LA oh nice we're going to be the nicest smelling people there you're an idiot uh buy let me know if they have one of those like voice acting contests you know where one guy goes me and everyone freaks out and the next guy gets up and goes me and everyone just freaks out you have that character playing in like the background yeah y bro they better have different like booths for different uh towns that' be SI Flo what do you have on that character I have brim jet Phoenix Silva Sage rain and Astra you should just maybe just dualist and starbot you go Omen I could do that if you want or can you play like a harder Sentinel like uh can you play uh I mean no worries I I think I I'll just go in yeah let's try this let's see how this goes defense will probably be a little bit tough but that's all right did he die oh he died damn I mean the fact that he's at like3 attempts bro if he I think if Matt gets through beating Margot he'll like the game you know what I'm saying like if he feels the reward of beating the boss and the chat goes crazy with gifteds then I think he'll actually play through alen ring I mean his viewership is really solid 5100 viewers he's been on it for six hours now whatever it is we did that not pop no they doat I don't think he's going to beat the game I bet he quits I mean I I think that's a I think that's a very good call I mean I think if if if BR he's 13 B 130 deaths if he gets the Matt knows how to play games and will learn game mechanics is he he just he's stubborn right now he's not exploring if he explores after this he'll be fine but yeah like that's his issue oh that combo that combo is so deadly you just feel like you can't even do anything um man this map sucks without having a cipher yeah do you want me to play it oh wait I locked in I think you could do it um I got to open the lineup thing nothing stays hidden from me nothing what map we on Sunset I hope they have some kerning City related merch that one not pop either oh no we're in we're here all right they might send it with breach though at me but let's find out together oh no oh what what what no there it is I told you I mean bro this I think sometimes it goes back to Lobby it will all right we got to find another fifth is Tom on not yet actually be perfect if we got Tom and Tom could play Sentinel or or Cipher Nico might be available me text him once this Lobby drops first don't worry oh there we go play on well if Andre disconnects here and hopefully he disconnects and we'll just be able to do the wall right like yeah but he can't he can't reconnect and if he reconnects we're [ __ ] uhoh it's not good I'll go be with you whoa oh crap I [ __ ] [ __ ] that up ready so you want to put one bad boy right here I got it bro I looked up lineups dude I'm a pro now okay and you could also attach like this oh you you did that already oh put your P it's a Billy Dean thank you for the 10 gifting wow thank you oh I'm blind 30 on the breach planted they're going to hear Nick stomping damn good play by breach to take that angle breach is coming to you elbow now goodbye cor World honestly Nick go and the round and so that if we don't even give Andrew a chance to reconnect you know what I'm saying like let's just have this and then how do we or it'll automatically ping us right well he's got to disconnect he if he hasn't disconnected yet then he's not even in the game now okay your party's been player did not select agent no it doesn't look like he disconnected wait what oh wait he's not in the game oh right right oh yeah you're right you're right okay I'm sorry I got I got confused because of the uh is that Nico that's Nico right in that there is yeah Nico I'm streaming I'm streaming I'm streaming now we type in SL remake from five person pre-made parties cannot use remake that's crazy that's a GG want to Just Surrender no I mean I'd rather get let's see come back yeah mean if we're down 2 we can still win the game down four we surrender to at least round five okay oh I kind of did call this what happen yeah that's tough will reveal their secrets stack B Yep they're already on site pushing me Ohad don't see [ __ ] last standing SP planted wooo s sagy um I didn't bring a snack should we just like hold and spawn I don't know I think we should just play retake every time I'm just going to keep practicing these lineups this is a nice spot you have so little time to set up I feel like I don't hear anything a it's B they're out already smoking hold up two more woman could be up here nice kill Nick you guys have so much util Lego still has two eyes nice Nick gets this one w take yourself together uh is anyone buying Phantom this round or Jack can you buy me Phantom take this fandal uh yeah drop it to me and then request I need a gun thank you honestly would actually 2900 probably would have just made more sense for you to buy yourself but it's okay who will see better I can sell no no don't sell now one a 2 a one elbow yep I'm trying to get you as fast as I can oh 120 breach nice short back 140 on gecko man standing back I'm a [ __ ] dumbass bro I heard Nick call out 140 on gecko so I go to shoot the body shot but it was 140 in his Al so he was full yeah like oopsies all right let's uh save here right or actually you both bought uh I can buy next I think just yeah make sure we can buy next and he's back woohoo but we can't hear him this goes here no I'm here saving bandwidth also I was mewing uh camera a and they're smoking a Jesus Christ man they a we'll take that they're using it in this round yo going to you flight Vega go on Vega Nice Shot planted on the onite the box out back box last one dead nice see you just have to charge me up all right we got this let's just pop off from here that was a breach alt that was a save round 32 we'll take this we'll take this it's a winnable game um I'm going to go B again but if they but then hopefully they don't go a again they do have Omen alt so he could be anywhere FL goes there you smoke mid for me yeah what are you doing Flo going up to the thing okay I'm coming with you go here they smoked mid tree I mean child one push mid I'm blind mid they're pushing our spawn Jesus are they on a assuming I don't I don't hear anything yet they're ping a put down PL where is everyone hiding a box hold on hold on hold on you need time he pinched one enemy remaining uh let got elbow I he got through yep it oh my God nice love it 200 [ __ ] IQ ni I dropped wait can you sell that Nick that goes there and drop me thank you thank you this goes here they yes this should do man I'm going try get smoke over there am I dead oh my God I'm a [ __ ] fat [ __ ] bro they're going to execute now wow what a play by breach watch them run maybe they're not going B they went they went back at the spawn I don't know if they rot still a couple B main yeah he's he TP did spawn he's right next to me and make the push make the push here they come kill gecko GE oh stop the plant on site 40 breach 21 all right starbot has blind still Cipher's going to have trips for his flank kind of waiting pled all right he shot wait for me to come Mark it Yep they're pushing me be is there one enemy remain Mar left SM it left you have blind smoke yourself smoke yourself off theuse cover going out no [ __ ] I didn't know Bree could get to that side of Market yeah he was watching he was just watching a spawn bre is 15 and two what the [ __ ] like what on Earth dude that's that round's my fault I I breech just so perfectly used his util that round it was great I got to give it I got to tip it um this is I swear you have like two seconds to set up a cipher and it stresses me out bro this goes here uh Force up this round yes this should do I don't hear anything B main no one's covering mid I smok it off just in case getting getting B getting b or getting be right now they're executing B Ed B they Ed B they're out backside already B they're on site yeah nice that was jet he C me back here I'm watching you I'm watching you dead that hit me there Chad flashing right close right close right of us in back spawn one enemy remain probably main someone hop on on please Shield oh my God can someone like yeah just wow he Ed we'll take that this is unfortunate fleo was holding the left the second he backed up to reload the person who was pushing left got killed so then he just had a freebie on you and the other two of us are pushing right didn't have the angle okay a don't worry I know that the way you died there was very was very tilting thank you this is a nice spot that goes there I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing chat stay focused this goes here get out of my way mid en uh yeah two mes one or two oh maybe pushing you mid shot Andre oh I'm getting push mid good blind I'm with you star starbot we're holding this yeah yeah one tile one mid checking my camera not out B I'm with you still starbot we got to be careful breach done they put a they put a trip down on this two mid still one mid still one sty weak sbot let's double CH this ready two one go yep yep I it B main one out yep he's out B he's running back running back running I'm one HP on a he's up mid he's up M last guy was here oh never mind okay careful wa wa nice J nice live for the hunt their lives are so meaningless all right them to me uh they still have money all right so 12 extenders is the limit guys oh my God we're going to yes this should do really oh this is a nice spot time to work that goes there this goes here a this is a nice spot Lots util a d a chance they're rushing a I'm playing I'm waiting for yall we have Andrew Al to retake Nick they're going to see you flanking on that that might be too I'm just going to not do it okay close by the Box okay might be in the smoke here got two hits doing over P left dead where is everyone hiding hold on my Al my Al 60 60 on CER Dead one back site back site El elb let's go who Do You Think You Are I Am good job where the [ __ ] the energy in my chat huh I'm taking it off member only mode bro I'm done give give me a moment I need to set back up that goes there yes this should do this goes here I have my El here Flo oh this is a nice spot [ __ ] he main one got him I got smoke mid jet I don't think this Market trip works oh man what do you mean you don't think it works oh they're coming in I mean you got to block the door like they can just go left or right and still oh it's not going across oh I see I [ __ ] it up I thought I had to oh crap ciper and gecko are here I hear b b b cage triggered holy [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] bad man oh my Spike planted nice ciper one and eight bro you win this round was right I think n all right all right let's let's close out here let's finish strong than give the five gifted Beast appreciate you I can buy someone I need a g feeling generous I can't afford both thank you that goes there yes this should be I'm smoke B and TP the tiles hey they smoking bed could be anywhere right yeah found him nice good pick a Lobby 35 sniper please do whatever Jets mid tiles one B maina here he got gleaked on at the worst possible moment trying to cover trying to cover that nice last one's back there mid so the last one's being main I think he's either their spawn or could be even a okay he has Spike right no no one yo Beast thank you again for the five gifted appreciate you all being in here watching us play some Val are you guys enjoying the stre let me know want me to do the a camera right here sure Z they shot it hit by that take side I'm back side together box box box box got him got him got him nice I'm back s hit once 30 no coming a short got him nice a short I still have a trip I still have a trip a short okay I'm watching it cage triggered my cage I just triggered we don't have our flank could come up elbow they found my way y on a trip elbow elbow got him close oh nice oh my God who Do You Think You Are I am good job want to split B here yeah I [ __ ] do or or should we just all go the same have guns okay no no no I I like let's let's just explode out B and get all over them is that crazy okay starb where you going to smoke I'm going to smoke I'm going smoke back site right here and then Mark it one behind the thing K got him one on site oh they got the one way there's I think there's another one on S side still oh CU he backed up one enemy remaining think he's mid right here I am dick when we go out there first time Cipher that we should good buy next uh my headset broke but I said mind if I roll need and then I killed him oh all right I'm going to jump for the cipher cam right away smoke here and then backside again oh I'm I'm late elbow got breach two marked I'm blinding box we're taking side fast boys one's he's boosted on boosted boosted boosted [ __ ] a couple times boost two there short Vandal down Behind You Vandal down right there oh two spawn two short Nick has two on a elbow two SP 40 jet 40 jet 84 133 on freaking gecko man 133 gecko standing get out of there oh oh shoot okay not planted for you yeah whatever n n well that was awkward Omen was uh oh oh if if we smoke aink their Omen is going to go on top of that box right there he thinks it's like his crafty play so expect him to do it more okay like Giga brain look what I can do I could I could smoke it instead no no no no I mean you could for the one way I guess but um thoughts on a take mid control take mid control execute into uh execute into B and then starbot TPS and [ __ ] with their head sure can you smoke right here please didn't see anything M reload close oh my God that flick though CER pushing is a short I'm TP and there's one okay go for it we going in Market here flashing yeah I'm trying to give us another smoke got it one Boba one back site dead Landing where's the guy back site he's we weak okay gecko still far breach one breach 80 what the [ __ ] okay what that's and we shouldn't be doing what we're doing 80 and 90 on breaching I'm hit I'm H I'm hit nice nice was M I think nice job nice nice that round's only close cuz Andrew and I are bronzes happy happy happy uh can I get a buy please I need this my thanks oh yeah Val uh Jeff we got it in one of our first games actually been here for four years glad you're playing Valor hey legal King thank you uh sell that then Jack so I get full armor and I need this I need this starbot I need this this a nice spot this guys's really haven't been flanking huh yes this should do oops B somebody so I could open I mess that up on the corner oh they might push this good I missed him oh pain Al orb there for for Vega Go's on site probably back box oh behind us behind us behind us trap oh yeah behind us behind us yes I'm on site I'm on sight blinded I'm blinded I'm blinded I'm blinded you have the bomb yeah I know I have the bomb I got back I got back they gave us a new trip I'm blind two back site smoke in the back again oh J J oh my God I got gleaked on dead on site two back site two back site Cipher R Cypher uh cyer still there cyer spawn yeah good job boys good Al Andrew good job gang starbot way to fry bro starbot yesterday we had a guy in chat DMC Mando long time member ago starbot first game ever in the Stream if he gets 20 kills I'll give 10 he gets exactly 20 kills the next five games you know what never mind starbot I'm going to end the story play my role I'll just play my no no no that was actually so funny though that that game you you got exactly 20 it was like you po it was like you popped [ __ ] game breaker from NBA street bro you just [ __ ] on everyone right oh Mando's in the chat Mando come on give us another 20 kill bet this game he's at 16 to9 I don't see anything a by way one two top left up right one mark it I got a dog on the right side Nick oh that was left I got another dog for the I right dogs are out dogs are out they're on the chase back site oh my God he's got a ble I heard a sheriff there's two back there we're we're going two different places where we going I'm taking our spawn Jack good trade all right good trade both two mid oh my God he's alive good Telly get the hell out of there and go away I guess right or B I don't know I don't know I'm going to go B well they saw him go B so they're going to be here yeah you can't go B you can't go B with that my fault my fault no no no you're good Flo was calling B too you see to tell him that they saw you TP they're both going to be there one enemy remaining one bullet could be B main 30 seconds yeah told me I panicked no you're good because I yeah yeah it's all right now remember wipe the prince from your guns I should have died anyway yeah yeah yeah but F since fleo doesn't see that he thinks like oh just go be but they see a they see a one shot Omen tping to be these kids are kindergarteners they're like go go get the kill send it to me bro um I can light armor and get you Nick I need a gun oh right side mid mark it and Mark it well I'm down to uh 90 Health cover going out my uh rolling B that skting across myre lurking his legs actually aren't moving let's let fleo try to take or let's let Nick try to take space one elbow Omen was B elbow backed up I'm backing up also getting shot from Market I tried to cage you he's got you stun in the corner yeah damn I thought I got out of that that's a really good util by breach uh well I have 11 HP gecko was uh let's just we got to go kill him let's go we just got to go like they have I him one hit my thing ining 30 seconds left on the he's there oh both there two there already oh there's two there nice shots Nick elbow M you can TP with all you can TP you can TP TPB TPB I don't think have time yes you do you do you can play you Need 4 seconds plant right away two smokes get lost when the round go planted cover going out Shadows traveling need to reload your AR 21 bullets total he pink Spike [ __ ] yourself careful I can't P there we go N I had Omen hit 40 60 also he he was one bullet or two bullets NT NT this everyone your hearts are pounding uh right um should we save or force force my favorite we just like muscle a like yeah I'll just smoke the normal here in back side and if they smoke one of this if they smoke right here can we blind through it I'll Shield out also yep elbow team two there two on got I hit by the breach there's three here there's three here use the blind we don't have to force it nothing rotated top mid yet could have gone their spawn top now off cyphers off B okay someone start shift walking to B you two yeah there's like two short right now they could have gone back to their spawn nope one's behind the box gecko little [ __ ] reaches by b side breach Gecko and Jet I'm pretty sure at a right then Cipher mid Cipher got lost okay reach was top mid I'm out a i he one here I hear one should I come back still sight oh my God I got here's Al here's Al here's Al hold on hold on I can't I can't I can't make it back I can't make it back yeah go be they're all here they're all here go PL it right away go go go I'm going to die all right you got to go play weird angles I think Nick can technically ult right away but he doesn't have Shield you got mark it right yeah I got mark it smoke bomb I'm stuned Market start tossing vulnerables yeah yeah too late to do that good try he he stunned the the moment he gets stunned right there Nick you need to be thinking vulnerable vulnerable give him time their teeth will chatter in the cold and dark uh you buy next yeah we have to reset our economy we should have reset our economy last round and not forced we have to reset this round we're just letting we're giving them too many rounds right now with just having like half buys last time was fine we have we had a full buy last round now we reset I I didn't have I didn't have a gun last round and I know we didn't have full util either nothing a short mid top left mider market watch out for top left mid flag up breach hit one or 55 I mean bag yeah we got to call out all that util right there like right there we just used blind double vulnerables and took no space they flashed up mid he's pushed right side he might be box let's go we have to clear box let's go we're rushing it come on let's go go all right all pling I have a smoke smoke in the back Omen is a short two back site two back site reloading 55 gecko reloading oh my God they sing Oh my God that flash a through the [ __ ] smoke man full sprayed through that last player standing oh man nice they will Scurry all right let's look at our alt here I think we just play around spotting someone having Nick win his gunfight and his Al get us a first blood and then go from there bots it's down I can try to camera right away Nick and get you some info if I spot someone though you guys got to all push that person just in case yeah yeah but also we need to make sure that your Al 100% hits like if they're max distance maybe it doesn't need to be the play Just FOC hug hug get right up into this Nick get right up into that wall I'll find you balls nothing start walking up walk up with us CER walk up with us one's back site they're playing around not getting hit by Nix Al let's get through this now come on we have this I'm box flashing sight I'm stuck I don't know I don't have a guarantee so I'm not doing it I got this maybe use it their spawn if needed I'll try to spot for you Nick I'm going to try to spot okay just hide right behind there CAU one on our flank one flanking yeah I'm rushing the body I'm rushing the body I'm rushing the body I'm rushing the body playing time playing time I'm on the body he got me he got me nice ni in the smoke in the smoke here I think yeah he hasn't my unless he jumped it he just hit it you got him now Andrew good job nice ech I can buy someone all right they have Omen all right look at their money look at their money they can buy they'll have four guns um thank you I'm assuming they're going to buy for Cipher so he has full util gecko's been playing back a I mean we just try to play for I feel like our mid plays have been really ugly though like I feel like our best plays have been a executes we can play around starbot tping yeah yep they shot it normally whenever they shoot my thing they're playing up on a with multiple people we don't need to force out this yet yep that's at least two there let's look for door this round let's look for some mid pressure I'm just throwing smokes just keep them on there I'm just fully shift walking at Mid bro I I broke a cipher trap mid trying to cover you yep I'm chilling I got a trip right side of mid that Mark it yeah we broke it okay I can dog mark it nothing left side go they found my trip mid OB clear clear as well ey looks clear I'm taking the back of the site back site on on bomb try to watch you bomb he's in the Smoke somewhere good job SM I have a camera for Market I have a camera for Market boba boba coming to Boba B went Boba three Boba three Boba I'm I'm trying to get main oh I got stunned Lego's got your angle for you guys so you don't need to peek yo what if he Taps bomb you you swing left I'll swing okay okay okay okay got you now one enemy he's last one back site nice job good job boys where'd it go GG where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go I was about to pick up my coffee from earlier and start drinking at 4:46 p.m. I would have been up till 9:00 in the morning 10 whole RR heck yeah brother heck yeah heck yeah all right um who do we got Nico you're playing yeah I guess I'll play all right star Bey what the sigma sir thank you for playing problem second yo good good I'm streaming what's up boys what up GG starby GG's GG's GG's catch y'all later y ready for some football sorry about thanks for playing bro nope football football all right I'm still streaming I'm still streaming good evening gentlemen good evening uh Tom I think you're currently next in rotation is that all right sure sure sorry Nico had been in here um where's Nico I'm here oh I don't see you on I don't think we're even friends bro oh man damn what a round report this guy for his name you don't like will name I mean I didn't totally grief the game so I'll take it hey GG starbot good [ __ ] Bro way to fry way to fry W starbot in the chat W starbot that was a good double Peak at the end right there huh telling you when I get more comfortable playing with you score went kind of crazy though yeah good recovery after joining late yes my bad oh you're good I'm just happy we got the 12th Wi-Fi extender on now you're set we're definitely uh switching providers yeah and have the new guy put a uh a thing in your room to be hard wired that Beed I don't think that's it's even a provider inter issue not even a big thing it's just it won't they not going to break down walls and [ __ ] they just it would take two seconds them to do where you could do what I do and just have 100 foot ethernet table true and line it up the walls with little pins chat what do we think about this uh what do we think about my shop right now I didn't buy anything in it what do we think should I buy the Recon Phantom isn't don't people like love this Phantom starbot with the five gifted yes by Recon what about primordium Phantom all right boys let's get another win I that win I mean do I just do this again if we don't have anyone else to play centi we can go for it I wish you could play golf and valoran H okay stayd from no here goes Nathan chat There Goes My Nathan remember everyone can only suck our souls after we die what what all right you can only suck our souls after we die they know what they were doing there I volunteer what are we doing I think we're going to go a think we're going to go a how was the match how was the match I'm still never seen the second one I don't plan on it it's pretty gas focil nothing close left back side back side back nice boys back n nice Boys on side in the smoke in the smoke in the smoke in the Smoke Out Left wow dude she just fully sprayed the ghost and hits four body shots where where where back cut back cut in heaven could flank now technically heaven and and close nice shots Vega all day last one should be close right no no he killed Heaven okay I'll be close smoke if I had to guess yep God I I got to stop [ __ ] talking as much when I'm dead and let Vega call out I got the guy Heaven yeah shut your ass up well if I don't then you're just quiet and go easy and Nick goes is the guy still head yeah and then I smoke him in the face why you say it like I'm a dumbass who you yeah no I'm saying a valid question well no because Andrew's not I'm saying because Andrew is not calling out that he killed the guy heaven so you're going oh it's the last guy Heaven that's why I'm saying I have to call out out cuz Andrew just goes yeah I smoked his [ __ ] instead of saying anything about who he killed oh I got hit by that he's right he's right he's right let's kill him's he ran he got out to the left to the left breach to the left flashing hold on I'm smoked off there's going to be a guy with a shorty in here sure bro clear no breach was be he dipped out completely fa Molly plant I hear Heaven yes we do uhoh oh behind us oh I didn't have a trip down cuz I don't have the money for it he instant flank that's my bad Vandal down on my b on my body hell to our right to our right I can't see a goddamn D nice last one's flank last one's flank probably short now careful short careful short yep out short oh my yo under Heaven under Heaven Nico Vandal job all right that was lowkey a pretty nasty TP by that Omen right there um make sure you goodbye next which one are you you just use it I'm you want to play B here can you sp me that please I want to kill this guy m no oh out mid got there's two there wow three What's happen is there that Vandal down take it rain is still lit 120 that gu was top mid do we have a trip on our airs yeah coming down bring them down one's close in garage killer in there he's out I can watch our back SE area nothing left side of mid right side of mid nice play H Vandal down there [ __ ] why am I caught off oh two two garage weaken garage weaken garage Vandal right there on the ground 70 Cipher full health G go [ __ ] [ __ ] you got the sa for one-onone seconds oh wow okay all right what the heck who are you copy of me all right TNT where did you come from who are you that dude was absolutely you it's like you know when you're like about to go PE an angle and you're like I'm about to Peak this angle but in your head you're like not locked in that the guy could actually be there so I just like walked up Peak the angle gecko was there and I was like pretends to be shocked [ __ ] Pikachu face that's what that one was chat the H begins nice nice one's B oh cyer reaches B Cypher dead s dead C I'm going C I'm going C I'm going C go go see I'm holding the B cross where is everyone hiding they shot my eye out in there so the one is be going be their spawn moment's going to be close wait he might he might be he might be over my he might be over my trips out he might be out see already nope he's not I have double trip set up I'm looking flank I got flank I got flank my camera I got I got my camera you to look garage garage no he's main I mean he did happy happy happy I got five assists so good Raina why do I have five assist I want five kills and finish them hey chat that was so that was so awesome my friend Nico can we get five gifted yeah split it what a yeah I'm down Jim will yeah we going to say it one long I want to get close EXC me Dogg's out ready he that boy G one main one main one blind I love to waste his flashes I'm watching flank I guess I got I got flank I got flank with a trip watch there's no threat to Your Flank nothing to worry about Nicola with the [Applause] F last one heaven enoad he can't do anything cuz we're all watching him we should chase him he came down he came down he's main all right I don't give a he came out to the site like so late this how about that trip yeah the five gifted thank what if I told if you've never seen a Massac let's freaking go guys what if I told you there was one silly goose in a world where he was so silly you guys want to try to C play I know Cypher is probably going to be here or he's going to ignore it huh see again or no because yeah we can kill we can just just Al CER here boom bang bang oh god what the [ __ ] that might be him in garage honestly he might be up in garage right now that hurts so much I have 11 HP back site Nick you want to just old site sight I'm darted I'm darted I'm darted I'm so dead going a dog on him 129 around the corner please how is he not blind back site are we going okay I don't know what just happened I thought the whole point of that was to have Nick ult Cipher that whole round yeah we we sorry sorry you just need to ult Cipher there so all the utils gone just like rip it even if you die we we'll win the fight okay but we just walked through two trips everything that's the only reason we were going stve was for you to do that all right so he um spams garage yeah and it hurts he just he just spammed everyone bro that one hurt that one hurt I'll day this time SP spot for me SPO for me like um what was he doing right there Chad I'm sitting there going we aled we going to get an Al we aled are we hold the cyphers just [ __ ] back nobody I don't see anybody what's up no all no all I'm blind not alting is someone watching Heaven it's smoked I can smoke it again in one second dead BL coming out I caged him I'm blinded right now one or what oh Out Heaven Out Heaven Out Heaven jumped out Heaven two two two one enemy remaining nice good job oh holy [ __ ] balls I didn't think that was possible one dream ends another begins uh what would you say what would you say about this what if we for crazy uh whoever died should have Nick by them I guess that's me can you buy me Nick please and what if we F to a okay I will not fake with you come with me bomb Andrew walk please tell us when to start walking up uh well we're smoked off yeah give it time Omen double smoked Cipher just planted a here let me see if I can work my little magic sniper just did another thing we're walking come on you ran back to a we're going where's this stupid ass trip oh there it is he's close right corner I [ __ ] hate Cypher bro and I'm playing him so many people oh my God he's flooded out down canell last player standing down you go nice shots ready yeah clear L 120 launching smoke 30 seconds left out of charges wait for enemy oh pain [Music] oo badge good try all right nice make it expensive okay so I feel like we're doing the definition of insanity which is going into cyer we're going into Cipher full utility when we have been taking asight with ease so let's just keep taking the aight with ease instead of going into the full Cipher utility or we can just have Nick ult Cipher in any of these rounds those are our two options we're on round four waiting for that but we're going to get it at some point I just haven't needed to do that boy you us give me a f no NOA boy all right Nick just just just ult somewhere back yeah if we don't get it then we don't get it everybody it's all right then there's no one on site we're pushing bomb is late oh I'm walking to a [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] I was smoked off so I didn't see where it was planing right away heav planted the Spike My ultimate on my on my trip ow ow oh my God oh my God oh oh my God oh my God oh my God okay last standing hey that's okay everything that could have possibly gone wrong went wrong true my is ready yeah you're all not all thing with one4 dude I to bring a single grocery inside I've been getting yelled at for 15 minutes oh my God I tried see okay okay okay damn his breaches all can get me even when I'm in dis Raina Gecko and breach that's good let's win out here and then wait on defense they like vate a I kind of like that for us yeah let's take it okay like we just keep taking a there they they used they used all their best retake abilities right there best retake ultimates Nick cover me while we're just going fast with Nick's we're just going fast with Nick's thing go prob Heaven planting reaches a main I have no more smokes h i to have hit I had to have hit her one heaven heaven heaven I decayed in heaven that exploded me oh my goodness gecko Omen uh main one enemy remaining nice good job nice guys nice job I mean these are the worst a players I've ever so I need a gun thank you do you know all right here's my here's my crazy idea here if we notice they're playing aggressive in in a like they're in sight fleo ults their escape and we just send at sight with with Raina eyes and everything and fight the guys trapped on sight thoughts let get up yep launch smoke drop on when you get a second that was behind us oh no that was in front of us what the [ __ ] wait behind us agressive go go go go go go go Nick you have the bomb Nick you have the bomb yep I know I know that's still you I'm close I'm watching our flank I'm going to get our flank I have I have a trip on it okay looking heaven then there is one Heaven he's he got hit by that Molly a bit on flank on flank Nick on flank Nick [ __ ] oh [ __ ] went short oh never mind got one Heaven blinded behind us behind got him last one he there last one smoke nice [ __ ] did he get a short there someone call behind [ __ ] battle ears a short well they I think I just think everyone W up watching Heaven I turned to go help watch flank so just he they just snuck out through the smoke on that side uh last round buy everything we can use our ALS bang bang bada boom ohk got it might as well right or you know what you we could Al the ciper on C we're saving that for second half we tried that this is my second ult okay I don't even know I don't know what that's for aggressive aggressive aggressive aggressive aggressive aggressive aggressive they found my no I got the sight got someone on sight Cipher push it push cyer we're going we're going oh close breach oh he fell back got snipers on site oh two sight two sight two sight two sight two sight I know exactly where you are nice 2 one okay he's back he's back down oh my I don't know how I I don't know how I miss that shot on Omen man swear crouching omen or double [ __ ] Odin I'm just not good at my Al today I'm not getting kills in my Al it's not good so cheese and I'm lactose so that's bad I'll play uh go I guess I don't know is I [ __ ] it I'm I'm glad we came to a conclusion at the end of that I don't want to play a I got nothing to stop him do you have a wey no yeah we might be cooked yes this should do yeah let me hold this Nick go go like help garage window or something and then just rotate over if needed I hope this's exting nothing I don't know how to do this game one mid one M Garage I have a trip in there too already gone sming see long another one in garage one's in the cut got me two in garage two in garage probably three but two definitely one's still long and two garage I'm watching long long and in garage rotate fully they're executing c ah play Life wait for him wait for him wait for him flashing she has to push to yesterday last standing we got it we got it everything's fine shorts courage reacts what up guys I can't be away for long let's send this quickly all right yeah got yeah you know okay so this dude is gonna be a big annoying guy you know what I mean y big annoying guy I hate that for me long C at least one nothing grass oh my God going to be yeah nothing I me got that garage Lego lied to me oh he went through my smoke could they be up garage you said no don't see anything y there another one's there long long C one's like window some grass yeah yeah pushing garage I think they found my way Yep they're on my trip yep in garage I see Cipher might be jumping window I'm flanking I'm flanking watch out be window I'm going to go watching B it's it's it's on me it's on me they're out out one enemy remaining who Do You Think You Are I Am So Nice hold don't you ever come see against me [ __ ] you did that so blind make sure you guys goodbye next ah there's the classic Nicole um can I get a sheriff thanks you're welcome sir this is a nice spot they're done coming C bro fully sell out for an a play fully sell out for an a play I'm telling you okay well then somebody come here this is a nice I'm here I'm coming I'm coming you're short right that was Nick actually a dog down there anyway I was scared nothing oh [ __ ] some breach you here back up back up a two more long talking down short let me get a heal one one's in the corner left corner he got out he got out bomb down short a flashing again they're smoking it off I think they're running seemed like at least Yep they're they're rotating rotating that's where the bomb's at the Smoke's going to dissipate we're going to have a battle on our hands oh my God what a [ __ ] flick from Omen they're going to go C now they know I'm dead it's my bad H you grab they're going SE guys you can rotate to the seab bomb site kidding me what whoopsie 134 134 Omen wow how about that shot from there Omen huh chat Omen TP on site Shield Omen 134 oh b b flanking 134 sight oh back spawn back spawn yep yep wow brother oh man uh Omen hit I I guess I should have stayed C Omen just hit the best flank of his or flick of his life on me and Nico uh we're not going to talk about it talk about it yeah what do we think now it was bad I I I I held I held Mouse button down thinking it's down right say l hey Jack can I get a TW I'm in doing Heaven things rain you long I'm out of here fast though why can't I see [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on bro it's C it's [ __ ] 8 million C bro oh she's already in the sight oh God no wait they're spraying you no I got to let the dogs out oh I'm out she you here behind you back coming from Spawn yep garage garage you're going to have to try oh oh man okay I hate how long it takes to set up Cipher [ __ ] let's stack a site here we got to save let's stack a site let's Stock B [ __ ] that g everyone's there already why you say stack b as you're going a do even I need I need somebody to just I need shoulder Peak don't come down don't come downo just shoulder peek this and bait and when you see them back off sure do not come down here with me do not not come not not you guys I will follow you with my life nothing probably our spawn let's go kill them in our spawn thought yeah yeah yeah we're going to be out see okay all right I got a story where are you close left hit close left 104 in garage oh in b no 110 standing okay okay okay they're Omen toggle they Omen toggle it's a big circle yeah I hope I don't miss give me that R's still super low thanks for the gun idiot all right all right all right all right guys let's go dude we got this I'm not having fun as this character at all are you getting stage fright Jack no no play great last game just this game I just I can't [ __ ] set my [ __ ] up in time so like the last round they're just sprinting C and before I can even get back to site they're already up up the lane yes that's a bad trap time up go this is a nice spot okay geckler might be tough let's back off back off back off you rot Jack I'll stay here hey you don't need to stay I think it's going to be an a execute full tp's up top he's up top good let me get that body hold on hold on I have I I have all right here comes all push through let's play on this we're going we're going now going now going now going now we're going now we're going now nice someone diffuse someone defuse please someone defuse please oh my God [ __ ] Cipher [ __ ] somewhere cover me with your life there still he last Jesus Christ oh my God we did it oh my Lord body guards ever I did 80 80 and 40 but I had to reload at the moment I reloaded they Peak my God that wasn't close I got hit some random Cipher [ __ ] in the middle of all that that was way too close for comfort I need a buy please I won my Al woo first one of the night I had the body if you lost uhoh thanks um just cuz I'm That Kind of guy3 well here goes nothing boys we win we yes this should do [ __ ] me it's not a rotate rotate I hear C I'm blind oh my I'm sorry Jack all I mean [ __ ] Christ man on site on site on site what what wait oh no has no bullets he has eight bullets in his gun bomb down C bomb down C and in the cornery he was c main you do have your ultimate feeling absolutely crazy right now yeah I'm not feeling that great qu Chad how many things did I just get hit by just walk garage oh it's not fair now if you would gun would have jumped and hit me maybe safe sa all right we're doing a we're doing a again that a play again except this time hopefully it works I doubt it they're probably going to go see again you know I got a gecko Ed breach flashed breach flash breach stunned Raina eyed uh and Omen BL Decay it was that was unbelievable you ever been to Manon Creek though it's it's not here yeah they're just they're just going to go see I lied it's here wait shoulder peek it shoulder peek it I'm out don't don't fight them I must fight Nice Shot get lost Andrew try to get lost he Lobby still they Lobby still I'm hot right now my fans are got to play to get those guns together should be two guns there yeah they they're making a b play they're making a b play that shot was going to hit planted one was uh a heaven both right there should be both right side y one enemy remain out of Target I don't know if he's back a he's really looking why not keep walking keep walking reload your all we got the guns I'm a ton can I go now we got the guns well you with with you jack but like somebody go away whoever I 12 [ __ ] seconds bro 12 seconds to set up five pieces of utility I hate this [ __ ] character man that goes there can you just play Gage yes this should do goes there smoke batter zero idea he's canell canel behind us yep they could be on Mid I'm smoked off he double smoked B oh they're executing B I think yeah nothing see already up already up just walk through the right side I'm so done with this [ __ ] Bro they're going they're going they're going to go C they know I always play C they're going to be on c ah Spike planted no he's in the corner he's in the corner nice Lefty standing 120 man oh my God man they're just walking through smokes hurt me it's mine got a save defend it actually we playing for the tie or the win down for whatever the Democracy says than for the tie let's give ourselves a chance that means we save right mhm it do be the begins I hate that yep com through see see see 101 on Cipher om midy oh two outside garage got camera taken out he's still left corner Geo and Beach were there I found my wire two left side here's my here's my here's my standing dude how does he see me through that just [ __ ] pre-fire he just knows where else can we be basic don't smoke don't smoke long okay or that oh he got that up I hate how the op feels in this game but whatever got to do it this goes here A [Music] B this is a nice one I have my call him out if you see him yes this should do no distraction got Cipher long okay that's at least see if you can get an angle we can't I don't no got nothing good that's fine om's mid close the door eyeing deep grass I don't think they're going to come see long can I'm getting into heaven on a someone should rotate towards a to Mid you're just holding that right Nico yeah yeah yeah yeah don't worry long as garage is watched I'm good oh garage is watch I'm smoked off garage it's not watched I caged it seconds now it's double smoked there yeah watch short I hear short one short I'm blinded on site two one enemy remaining baby down round yeah that's every day um maybe I'm going to off be be Main and try to get pick yeah I smoke window every round and they haven't really gone window the usually like comes up grass I'll leave window UNM smoked and I'll just watch grass unok and I'll just do actually [ __ ] go um go towards a after you smoke feel like they're just going to rush it Qui on my end one m one on the aont cipher grass two nothing long deep three three three oh stacked [ __ ] they're sending Nico see you I got out that's from mid yeah one's still mid could be up already I hear mid right now I know exactly where you yeah TP somewhere oh TP maybe he's inside already I'm on a I'm so bad with this op dude hey yep two hey try to play R I'm coming back I'm coming I'm bad I'm dead I'll wait for you swing off me I have 30 HP close [Music] right bro if I hit one game is my fault no no other way around it get me off this [ __ ] [ __ ] character I need to practice it more it's all good I should have stayed I should have just stayed being and watched the grass push I'm just [ __ ] spending half my game trying to get in my camera and [ __ ] my gun's not even up half the rounds I'm getting 84 seat stunned it's so stupid bro Dreadful ass game bro run it back get me on chamber Watch What Happens oh pause pause pause what's in your store Prelude to chaos Vandal finally oh all right I'm going to grab water me and I'm going to take a whiz Prelude to chaos Vandal best of Vandal take my credit card info is like movement speed just like that much higher in this game versus CS cuz like I feel like I can't hold an angle with an OP they're are like by the time I react they're [ __ ] way past it um per hips hi pepp I don't really know come here pepp I feel like I feel like my opinion on that changes every day for anyone want to switch out for one game uh that's a tough sell not not exactly what the sigma doing what's the I got my skin nice I got my skin that I've been waiting so long for don't forget to vote on maple story I did Jack no still no leave a message leave a mama leave Mama all right I'm about to [ __ ] fry this next game Chad don't you worry damn Nick you were really killing it with the first Bloods duelist man just duelist tanks you know that's that's what's up yeah nine first bees is crazy man how about my assist though I have six I had that silver to gecko's number guy couldn't [ __ ] didn't stand a chance I went even or negative to every single player on their team my God my God chat that was a rough one I'm going to give you you know what I'm going to GI you guys 10 members for dealing with g i put in the other Discord chat was literally 4 in away from a hole in one I did see that bro and then you so I I felt like it I skipped in my that's like they two Ines [ __ ] you gifted your chat 10 members cuz they just had to watch that is that is that your whole uh no Noe no gift it's for [Laughter] you you unug we messing with the machines dude go to bed What machines unpluging my godd dang Wi-Fi extenders why is this in here like cuz that's the only way it works he just unplugging those four [ __ ] things I plugged in earlier I go outside it's it's off the [ __ ] Outlet it's like on the God dang dude like I swear it I swear will there be alerts for your five and 10 gifted oh there definitely was star uh starbot you know what's crazy I plugged them all in again star the alerts or look like this so they I mean they happen on the left side of the screen but here it is oh my God can we please get over yikes that's probably it no this literally only been happening like the last two weeks no I'm talking about you being [Laughter] [Music] ass I mean you would definitely see a a vast Improvement what probably 20 ping difference not being on Wi-Fi where you plugged in no no no he's just asking he's like my C sorry I was I was going to I was taking a piss dog chill I wasn't here for it don't you ever P I'm when I see Mr Vega Dan's wedding I'm go Mr Vega let's get a [ __ ] let's get a wire connection for our boy here guys come on help him out don't worry it'll get handled I got you bro um appreciate it I'm back uh whatever you said I appreciate it hopefully it was good it's good appreciate it appreciate it uh should I play what should I be playing here this good acting like you're not going to go freaking yeah exactly get into it I mean I'll play CL fortnite battle pass what would you guys say is your streamer now do oh sorry Nick no it's fine I was just going to ask a stupid question anyway no I want to hear it mhm okay I want to hear your stupid question what would you guys say is your favorite maple story Zone wow question no I'm just kidding that's what I that's what I think too King City obviously it's kerning City second of that is Arion third lud Ludy obviously third is AR yeah mine mine is a mine's definitely uh kerning and then Arion we'll take second to we play should we play yeah I don't [ __ ] with more remember keep that in mind stop giving them free promo on my stream yeah true I only like knockout City [ __ ] you Nexon you [ __ ] rats yeah I like they treat me real nice dogs and I like and puppies hey I would like some of those Steam games if it was paying right you know what I'm saying Anthony vuli home run get out oh my God created by far is nakura blade point blade Point yeah first of all G to say say it right it's nraa nothing nice another one here at back off back off back off we back we back I'm off his Js that's a bunch uh oh that's a few where you going they break it we'll fight but we break it first um they're still here and I'm still scared getting orb at a getting orb nothing of B like I said we bust this and then bust the glory nope we're not going to do that upstairs I would love it if you guys came and help yeah I'm in Tree in tree I'm going to swing this for the 105 on yep you got her two tree also maybe oh what what a running shot one enemy remaining a where where where could be let's just clear tree together I guess going to go open the door hit 30 hit 30 he's dead nice I am not cleaning this up I know exactly where you [Music] are come why they get two head shot and no kills huh I uh how did I get here Bal good session good brain r s yeah chat you're about to witness an incredible master class for me here here see uh like 84 that's light I have 46 Health AMA they're in they're in sight uh think right 78 chamber nice Andrew another one nice [Music] boy Mama [Applause] shorty they had pistols and I almost died but you know [Music] m is still an ace Vega boy Vega boy Vega boy 800 VGA boy well [ __ ] file I wish we could see who we really were true uh oh damn I got pop oh we got a couple couple people KO Ando I'm running my pretty butt over oh that was so stupid 70 and 35 they're like all there I'm vulnerable oh no you have me I know I'm flanking oh Lord Oh Lord oh jeez Spike planted in tree almost definitely ready my God last player standing I use that Jesus Christ I swiped my mouse EMS I swiped my mouse so hard left I just hit my keyboard rip ATT like the 46 Nick's got his old that happened to me one time in VR except I punched my wall one time in VR band camp yeah that actually sound name why is the name of that you can just hook up your trumpet to your in a USB port what's the VR chatting thing oh VR chat W okay he's mad he's mad he's mad no got me B he's working go go the G Nico cover me they're going to be inside already oh wait what do you mean covered no hold up could still go a now then smoke smoke Goa who else want me I said this by the way Jo oh they flashed me out in B main KO I got suppressed I'm absolutely overheating another one here both here both here swag not doing it throwing my dog were there one enemy remaining I'm your [ __ ] dad who Do You Think You Are I Am nice yeah how about up the jet we gone J Pax 46 months thank you what the hell boy what the hell someone else needs to buy him I do have my ultimate um their guy has the ultimate that Nick has okay good C I actually got that like almost instantly good [ __ ] thanks dude I'm going to play a little bit back then actually yeah that I'm terrified I can throw my ey let's see what M I'm going to rotate fast Andrew maybe okay no way he's blind 125 I didn't hit anyone with the AL they're out they're coming they're coming I do have my ultimate launching two tree two tree two know two hits Dogg's going out and they're both three boy they're going to try to escape yeah they are I mean they know I'm holding an op on this side they're both escaping so weak yeah there goes my Ulta kind of did nothing that's all right We R the round welcome to my wife back to the Vandal after that uh debacle check let me get a gun thank thank [Music] you that's a good this n PE this don't don't what are my peeps do you want my eye Jackie or you Gucci uh yeah you can throw your eye it's going to reach right okay yes yes yes you want to play Nothing C nothing C well careful about that little box one's B my skin my skin now I'm stuck with this got one in b b going B I broke their trip and stuff on flank they might Panic KO and B dogs out I think one just rotated back they pushed clove and KO and B at least right side on B Dog out Nick dog way Nick someone's room planted oh trash one B one a lan one enemy remaining a link last run seems to be C link oh them go he's having heav Heaven not half not half Jesus more bullets someone getus I'm diffusing I'm diffusus job boy go boy good teamwork chest pump chest pump chest pump wait wait 3 2 1 go oh yeah yeah boom let's go I went a little early my bad about that weapon choice is you pick a gun and its tells me who you are my God Cipher swung both Andrew and I we were both holding it and we both whiffed so much oh oh God I didn't see him I was watching yeah oh yeah okay I I Whi then my bad hey that's my watching anime do do do the eye again except I think the eye can you make it land like a little bit closer so maybe like I want them to have to be exposed to me to shoot it you know what I'm saying I I couldn't see there but ay man again damn it damn it oh get out get out I got out I'm the man I shot was they're out a m I'm moving oh CRA oh he turned wow 105 IO nice oh Cypher just holding B flank standing [ __ ] is he doing bro I just killed the two people who just revive themselves but we just come back to life and they didn't revive him yeah they just left him there good try of course bro what the [ __ ] is cyer doing that round ofs are not oh my God that was some funny [ __ ] Bro hunting you got the wrong one um thoughts of me going a this round sure I'll switch where were you see with me pal all right I'm on the way I mean I feel like I should be switched I don't I have okay darn thing go too late too late one dead they trying to PE you with ISO uh Shield they knifed me oh they missed actually clear Nick close oh what the [ __ ] uh one's coming C flashing ready they they fell back I think here they're just rotating they know I have an OP here come see here they come I'm running so de okay they don't they're not going to clear you you are oh I can all sight give you guys time to rotate yeah yeah do it I tweaked got one oh he's already up water [ __ ] SP planted [ __ ] Christ I like it why not that round is totally my fault you know how they say when you mess up you just have to wait for somebody else to mess up so everyone forgets Y no one's going forget that [ __ ] yo I looked I looked at my mini map and I was like oh [ __ ] we're about to have a mama shot bro I had a front row I tweak dude do you have I got to see a clip bro I don't have it unfortunately you Lo out this time yeah his WiFi disconnected when he was trying record okay okay dude nice breaker Shield get one lurking the side still chamber dead I'm going to rotate to help a one St L gu they could be in B huh they can bro he keeps disconnecting oh oh he's okay oh my [Music] God planted they're all in B and I [ __ ] Ed on a save round I have an OP down I guess I took it what am I doing man oh that's you oh behind you nice did take it unfortunately I can't really all Andre is full youtil 3v2 go go go let's win the round waai for oh yo let's go win this round I'll get on it I'll get on it close close TP diffused good job imagine you get please oh my god do we get it yes we have it we're good yay go SE behind you go behind you Flo there's an OP yep to the left maybe you'll get it H yes sir Mama sh I'm going a again you want to go see oh my God yeah I'll go see I'm like a c kind of guy okay and that's just the thing about me right just see monkey see monkey do that's what I'm saying dude like that's my thing that's my Cham Park and I'm going to peek oh don't do it IO M I'm 20 health I'm 20 hp getting a orb ay man many yeah yeah yeah I'm pushed push my trip yet still one or two in oh I whiffed running repositioning nice Nick another one there clove in there for sure chamber's outside tree there she's in there 100% looking for the race line I am so stupid oh good job Nick nice round bro thank you fight if I may I'm going I'm going B if I hey that works I'm only human uh oh yo Flo could you hold smoke maybe shitty internet provider choices like just just the second yourp it's myp don't talk to me in weird acronyms oh 123 on KO 123 on KO I hit three of them with shot oh my God chat that would have been [ __ ] insane bro that would have been [ __ ] insane dude whoops is there still one main do you guys know course he head shot me I'm falling back though they got my op they have an OP Ko's hit 123 did no one no one reacted why do I stream no one reacted I just got a collap and a third I just hit three people with that off shot n still here no one's reacting in chat I just hit three people with an op shot bro is nobody reacting guys guys please please I have no idea where they could be right now 30 seconds left left I'm 5050 got one down a nice that's a not don't say that by me 10 seconds left one enemy remaining nice nice Nick good job good shot warm up right bro I hit I I just hit two people with that or I hit three people with that shot killed two and hit KO 123 we won no one in my chat said a word and I just had to yell at them like guys what the [ __ ] are we doing bro Nikolai [Music] happing there you throw that throw or oh it's ni with me you're good you're good hello yeah you get back and then can I get another on the left side if they were foolish I hate that up I whiffed oh oh they're there know well bro you were about to have a [ __ ] field day if you stayed Mound Nico yeah no I would have got one and got out that's my bad bro you spike planted I genuinely looked away from my Crosshair for a second I'm a dumbass on this corner close right one close right to you no he's calling out all that he's looking right at you he was there sides I had such a look on that ISO IO a looker huh all right all right all right every time I drop I come back like Godly or ass where are we going I don't think I ever changed title in th today I didn't care I'm a c guy I'm an a guy now because I have a cipher but usually I'm a SE guy we're sea guys they got they got a clove they got a clove for vulnerable careful okay maybe we wait it out I'm going to run into five Cipher traps all right then how about this if we're waiting and I make a little noise seeing just keep them on their toes a bit how about that okay just a little bit and if you guys are chilling then let me get back I'm chilling and they mid ISO mid yep we heard that shield down right boys up M up M can I get some help sorry Andre you B you updated flashing through this ready n Jes even with one's Heaven I think maybe that was you her I have the rest of everything no she's humanik down a I have everything else one's here for sure one enemy remaining hey was there C player he's he's St in stairs I'm coming to you you guys got time on your side like I do you want to play this I'm kind of weak I have 70 HP or smoke the smoke the smoke yeah yeah should double peek him yeah peek on one go right now we wait make him tap it him make him smag it he smed it good job yeah B The Dead We G me bro even with the speed boost I I I turned the corner and come on thought I was going fat what happened to that boost well you know how they always overcompensate is because going that that over compensation cyer played a Cypher played a there and the worst player played C maybe we should go see KO yeah KO was ripping rocking doing mhm okay got my eye for the M I'm going to try to get uh I'm going to try to get or here good Orbeez and ready Ste wait say let me do that [ __ ] I think we don't force that I'm going to open the door oh they open open the door they open the door I did I did okay open the door what's happening what's happening one Heaven Heaven's low right here B is wide open get to B with them heaven heaven heaven got one C what a shot what the [ __ ] Downs chamber was heav a while ago they're going to have specters no they're not oh they might have a few yeah hear water water yeah I got him I'll get him I'll get them and heaven heaven and water one enemy last yeah the enemy only yeah I'm thinking and I'm back I want to get it's all right Nico this one's on the house yeah put your feet up don't even worry thanks boy uh Nico can you buy for next pleasey Father's Day right don't we buy for next yes you yes that is correct this is our bonus round he's correct sir bought a sheriff myself a I hit him where was he but he hit me looking short want to go be here want to go be here link ow ow 55 and 50 help Nick help Nick help Nick help Nick we're going smoking Heaven go DEC behind us in a tether bomb down oh come on shell 68 heav oh crap ready Jack's making a play Heaven I think there's two there oh wow a shot standing he got behind Meer was a link I can't [ __ ] see hly wow yeah we'll take that Bruce how the [ __ ] did I get a kill that God what um I have my ult do we maybe play C and if we I just Al the site and take someone off the site if I went if I didn't hesitate and check water and just went I don't see why not okay we'll take that though for a bonus we take that don't forget my eye yeah can you throw your eye in there Andre I can't okay Nico blind us over here and then in one will be close they're going to have the smoke right away opening door [ __ ] it I'm going for it no Nick I missed all right are you dogging or am am i g to go out and die again nothing right uh to the right I said he's close sight somewhere [Music] somewhere pling safe someone get up here and help me please I'm vulnerable I'm holding Mound un breedable I have Mound and door just don't be visible to Door got my eye off last second they're pushing now not throw spawn yet oh no one's up one's up one's up one's on you guys are visible from door reload still there m good Molly CL hit 80 Cipher Nick come help site come outsite come outsite 80 cyer still one eny sorry nice she smoked it go go go he time he doesn't time SC me Nick right there with the bomb ticking that low there's not enough time for them to make a play like that on flank so just come help us on site faster okay yo Jack that was a really impressive uh gameplay right there what actually or no D well yeah I still do 140 and I still don't get the I can buy you too you wait what did I do that was impressive veg boy I just wanted a gun I'll be honest oh you're a [ __ ] dick I was like thank you you deliver what was it what was it that did you enjoy the pick on the fight or was it the play my life I opened link I got a dog on the cipher chasing him now you know where he's at got him got him I'm holding this whole Lane I'm out on sight I'm out s got one link nice boy just go them back I have everything else there's literally not a threat on the map on our flank I'll get this don't worry yeah yeah third tries third times a charm nice H oh I'm Blinded By the Light thank you boys that was me last game bro now that I hold up get the camera y wait wait yo dead ass wa dead ass yo Nico's performance right now makes me look like I was Michael [ __ ] Jordan last game at 108 now we're GNA play Counter Strike play Counter Strike and he kiss I'm running I'm running everything good dueling hey I'm opening it can of worms can of worms can I thought I had a [ __ ] flash too You and Me Oh no you're good you beat him be he one B thank you for protecting my body back site one going to be heaven I'm coming up behind him right here weak dead there's going to be two Heaven there's going to be two Heaven oh over stairs last one a short Where You Are he dropped from oh my God GG good old B switch oh my Lord I told y'all chat I told I was feeling good today I was just on [ __ ] Cipher and I swear to God I died 10 times that game with my [ __ ] util in my hand not even with my gun in my hand bro y I'm going to be dead ass I've never seen a combat score that low yes you have yeah I have what was that game we played the other day I I I my all dropped what was it let me find it uh there was there was one of them of these that was juicy bro good work boys oh yeah this is the one I was thinking about me and Ethan baby no no look at my stream oh my God wait keep it up for a second I knew it was in the match history bro oh no yo the econ rating one we don't talk about this is the econ rating went crazy that game yo all right let's keep winning boys DLR out of the [Music] freaking sorry I was reading out of the box that entire 18 round game 18 round game I fought their clove one time that's impressive one to0 I don't know if I like this fandal oh my God it's football season tomorrow I'm so happy it's almost time for football and then and then return to the ocean and then I go to Greece and then the hockey back oh my good and then Vegas visits and then Vegas comes to Jersey we go to the home opening and then we get a little bit oh we have a little bit of apple juice let's just a little weird we're going to get a little weird happy happy happy wait Vega what dates are you in New York uh Nico when's the home open n this dude ain't coming to New York it's New Jersey New Jersey well Ubers Ubers uh I think the home opener is the 10th in October yes wait so you're going home two times in two weekends Andrew yeah o are you are you really yeah Dan's uh Dan's marriage Dan's marriage Dan's marriage I mean I guess that works yeah Dan's marriage we gets lawfully caughted do his fiance Chad I told y'all I was feeling it I told y i i could just tell bro I was just dealing with [ __ ] this game dude total [ __ ] man and then we play together dang come on now I love the fortnite Deval switch what a shot to end the game on too right plat I mean y'all kind of see it wait their Diamond one was six and 14 last game huh match no good okay I have their stats two of them are Smurfs there's no play I have their stats sir I hacked into the main frame it says right now this one guy has a 43% head shot percentage that's got to be pretty terrifying wait what was it actually I have this overlay for some reason and it says the top guy has a 76 KD with a 43% head shot 121 ADR oh this guy's kind of meat hold up what's ACS average combat score okay never mind it's 266 277 and 196 which is pretty high for not lie you just saying [ __ ] bro I'm not it's on my screen swe whatever I swear it oh I swears me Lord swear all right boys LG at least on the stream LG on the stream because I want to get a walk in um I want to play [Music] uh how do you fair okay okay I'm sorry I was just get so nervous like I think League why do you suppose it's like that on league and it's not on valerate what's on League that if you don't lock in you just like abandon oh yeah not like surrender thing and that game like 50 minutes or some [ __ ] they'll put it in valerin eventually I think valerin valerin has longer games than league on average this Kan of person it has to you you should not LG and just walk around your chair in between games yeah get little treadmills yeah you should you should get one of those treadmills too don't TP me tomorrow please don't don't you have a treadmill in your house yeah I goes don't TP to me tomorrow yeah don't TP me to work please I dock got like the button like in the tube all right all right we're so back here boys where did we go I'm back where did we go don't get in my freaking way pricker but I have the bomb showers that is a strat in it okay we're smoked off going to rip a rip a RI an eye through there l l there goes our bomb couldn't see a [ __ ] thing got Ned oh okay R to RI my head off lamps all right okay last standing just swung by himself oh I got out of my teleport range that sucks okay so not to sell movements don't have the bomb die in the front of showers what yeah oh yeah reloading bingo bango B what are we doing b bash bsh uh wait for this guy to rip I do have an eye for Market hookah is that's what we want to do oh my Gody oh I DED her rain is pretty decent all right boys we're so back now we're so bad they're going to have a boom box and uh Hookah judgeing Hookah huh and the sage plays B sounds like B is a terrible place somebody shoot somebody shoot that arrow and make him think think make him think a little little bit you know we can also do kill the Raina that'll be cool o if you want to do that go for it that's a smoke that's an aggressive smoke could be an aggressive judge play h r is a shower to shoot it in the sky can't do that we come back and oh no they said Raina showers Raina here got your air sne they smoked B still showers They delayed smoke bid let's play this now let's play this now let's go let's go yeah go andw you bomb y yep cover Meo Molly missed Mead Heaven nobody's watching flank yep could be flank pick it up so we just jumped out of Heaven what a shot two wow triple triple triple on you oh yeah we have a lot of we have a lot of positions there we can't be traded like playing in lamps we can't help you unless there's someone playing close lamps with you getting real tired of getting shotgunned in the face while walking out of a smoke yeah that's just tough um we you save uh let's [Music] say five short I guarantee you Remy is just going to judge this whole game and it's going to be so frustrating let's just go right up mid let's just go double ey right up mid and just send it [ __ ] it double I 39 go go go right CL let's clear lamps clear lamps please uh one tpd oh pain yeah she's good last standing rain is good for sure all right all right we completed the mission we got the bomb down I understood nothing but I understood everything fight is a Lon okay okay every fight's a lesson um we are just going to try to get Nick Al something and hope that that gives an opportunity all right Andrew you think you throw one of your eyeballs into hookah one of them eyeball I'm like a fair since so Nia plays lamps usually the begin SOA be long yep do it do it do it do it Ra was Clos Ra was closed go go go go go go go go doa's on B somewhere TP I got her I got her I got her I got herot ass goodbye no so Sage 12 I think they're all here already like genuinely here they're rotating everybody every everywhere now they are now they are for sure nice could be our want to go walk up long yeah yeah let's go back yeah yeah yeah let's walk up long now no okay okay ready I'll be the bait Sage might still be here the [Music] r definitely still here yep I'm playing I'm 30 seconds left tpd I got I got my allies I'm pushing elbow he's going to be he's going to be CT watch out last standing coming out of hookah just jumped yeah that's unlucky timing yeah that's so unfortunate that that guy that you pushed elbow got the timing to be able to kill me yeah that just swings that whole [ __ ] round bro look we're getting smed there's no way fans or butts about it but we can bounce back from this I'd like to bounce back all right let's go B we haven't tried a full B play yet like a split B we've only done like a hookah got my Al as well R is going to be in hookah okay let's walk hookah then and maybe she pushes SC please shoot the eye if it comes out I'll I'll I'm on I Duty I can get a dog in there ready looks clear one's back back site dead elbow dead nice watch our flank watch our flank watch I got it be two could be two could be two out out hooka yep I missed one enemy nice trade where's last do we know Unown no idea okay you El it's me and elbow elb I'm backing up I'm just going to make play sight I suck I'm so bad she didn't heal apologize them but they are dead they they rotate so fast let's throw fake let's throw fake then yeah let do it let's let's let's do our same thing we've been doing B have two people go quiet and like wait here go Vega Vega go with the bomb a I'll go me and well yeah you yeah yeah yeah do that do that do that do that do that um Nick can you buy him please nope don't go that way please come this way we're going to sit right here we're going to go sit right here tuck this corner and wait here one showers there's one TP let's go let's go let's go we're going we're going come on oh my God go now quick we're going fast now we're going fast let's go one's behind us Jack oh no it's him never mind that worksight planted I have our flank I have shower flank I'm watching a short one shower oh heaven heaven on right here triple already last one CT oh no never mind uh hit 40 hit 40gs nice nice they're so aggressive I'll be the sacrif official L all right if so if SOA keeps doing this Dart B you want to just not shoot the dart let's have Nick throw some util BS side or a side don't go V A bring bomb here theya bring bring bomb here Nick you're going to throw some util a side Nick you're going to go throw some util a side okay we're going to wait for the dart wait I can't buy Shields ah D you should have bought him why' you buy him what who's yelling at who bro what ready you got one or two here I knew it oh my God he's one shot oh uh 101 brim hookah three hooka three hookah three hookah I think no he two okay I thought I heard three TPS there might be two in hookah yook nice Andrew come plant right here all right but she's going to see me safe me I don't know I don't know if he is I'm going to check I'm going to check he's C got another dog for his ass nice job yeah shoot the dog shoot him look at this sick gun all right good job uh look at their money we got two of them on 2900 rain of SOA ults am I trying to play for yo yo I think we I think we bait this a this a old orb okay uh there's always someone that plays this area I'm going to like come with Meo come with me quick fleo come with me quick you guys wait for them to try to grab that a old orb and then swing him okay don't be seen I think Ray might try to play for this old orb here too okay will I like we're just going to try to hold this and just don't be seen there wait to see if they go for that pushing M oh that's ra okay all right still on standby for this a orb no I don't think they could be flanking already n good deep I'm smoked off deep here one here yeah I'm going to you know what I'm going to do I got off site all all right let's let's let's execute with his thing go go go I'm coming nice play Nico good clear close right is he known or unknown he's going a plant do you even know him bro not he's always a late Rotator back through their spawn I don't think he's flanked yet get my heaven I don't I don't have your Heaven I got your Heaven ready and your pistola good job he always that guy always that guy's always in their spawn he's their worst player for sure all right they have raay Raina s thought this Raina has or this raay had two very aggressive rounds like double Satchel I feel like we should just play far back to start for a second see if she just instantly rips Al yeah just play in our spawn literally just wait every just wait I'm serious play in our spawn this is crazy I'm down don't stack up though in case she just does everyone line up everyone stand on top of each other so one we don't hear right away then we're good okay oh I wanted to hear that SOA darted B could have taken space hooka you got to clear your Corners remember walk walk walk nice pick careful of Ray close give me close enough to Al this the smoke we we can we can rotate y let Nick take space a let's let Nick take some space a go go go we're going we're going we're going Nick take space a go go go clear showers Corners watch your watch your corn nothing you nothing back site I'm holding I'm holding I played there last in an earlier round just heads up you you can still do it I'm just letting you know that they might expect it I should have just not done it one enemy remain I'm watching happen he's he's he's uh coming lamps good job boys way to go [ __ ] clinical right now keep it up um all right so is definitely their weakest player they still have razal thoughts on thoughts on waiting again doing the same thing one more time that's a good spot Nico I usually play all the way back back here or I was playing all the way back here earlier all right I'll just watch your back you're good cuz if if she turns the corner I can nope okay so darted b careful the Raina here Jack she's here there it is run it run run run good good Escape yeah nice that's rain of dead Sage here smoke let's look for uh go nice okay two here still let's go B let's just take the TP I'm going go go go go go go I got this i got this I got this that scared me this team loves the [ __ ] teleporter bro they love the teleporter and they're SOA late dude they do the same thing every round they do SOA is always if we ever wondering where so is he's always The Last One Alive in their spawn round no he called me out and somebody username Eric what are you saying bro if you were banned from chat you wouldn't be talking that was a sa 100% time you out bro just chill man gota I gota be better at looking at that their money I don't I just don't um I think they're just forcing now um dead Jack can we get orb here yeah I'm just going to I'm not going to have a trip for our flank by the way guys just heads up raise a short oh she W she pushed up I have thee pick hold on hold on wait got one back site [Music] raay back site where oh nice got her I'm watching heaven I'm holding that same angle wow enemy remain heav last one Nico back guys seven rounds in a row Nico that SAA is horrible and just somehow did that I know you think he what I don't know uh Nico help me help me here uh the orb okay that works I don't I don't really love this but okay yeah Orban pistol round is kind of crazy but you do you bro all right fine we'll do next round she's going to satchel and go crazy she's a [ __ ] we shut it down too many times it's actually Camp Cano's going on right now actually what you mention ra is a short gotter R is out a I got I got I got Towers you out a wow planting planted dumb as [ __ ] I don't know why I did that s that was dumb as [ __ ] that was just dumb as [ __ ] one's double box one's U-Haul two double box oh one double box one U-Haul stand 55 double box brim I mean brimm just won them that round brim just won them that round bro holy trust me will make Mist let's stack a a shower here or do you guys want to go bch no I think we let's just go B let's go B let's stack B come on come on come on okay we're going to stand in this corner and just be ready to vulnerable through this through that wall no no no no I need to save what you can't buy one vulnerable all right I'll buy one fine why not make them come through if we can catch them off guard with a vulnerable if we if we see them inv vulnerable all right all right yep they're here swing good try good try 104 man come on how many I mean I think n hit three with vulnerable so I think that that's fine they just all the judges yeah they uh smoked heav right yeah John I do I'm just locked so I'm just locked on that not that time at least maybe you didn't have enough smokes all right I'm going to CH sit one a short two a short I think be that I a short one shower I got shower okay I don't I can't see shower I'm one shot on a raay was show watch out dog out I got cover while you smoke one shower still got her Rim was sh and one's on site 117 Sage lamps LS last one lamps last someone just hop it go oh I'm not getting off this good job one thing you don't got to worry about is me getting off the bomb I peed a little bit and one of my lovely teammates by playo wait what did they do MoneyWise they they UPG wait they upgraded last round no one no one ever hears the need equipment thing it's wild it's like this [ __ ] mute auction but like a reverse auction I I'm justly thinking about their when I have five people in Discord with me I don't I don't listen to that [ __ ] no we know you don't have yours buddy yeah shot nothing showers nothing showers I'm going to stay I they can come up long at least one just one hear me Andrew they can come up long yeah I hear one close one's grabbing teleport ready Ray is very lit you did you get orb no I don't want ready one still long falling back now I think one hooka one long ra is so lit oh you can anchor ni I'm rotating yeah I can Sage went back be long it's going to be a we're good here we're so held seconds left Andrew just stay here with me we're fine you watch showers yeah over here yep brim Smokes on a on site right here planting SP down a one enemy remaining of course dude job whatever got stinky dinky where do you think they're going to go here I mean I think I think you just sit right here ni Nick think sit right on that ping in lamps and then I think I think you can reach even if you wanted I'm muted sorry I was picking I was saying Nick you could go there and I think you could even reach hooka with your Al okay oh my God I just misclicked my smoke away took took nice good play Nobody showers oh she got me she got me but she's close [Music] youha are they planting planting a planted give me time I'm trying to rush to Mid one's close left oh oh [ __ ] so much Bach one enemy remaining double box good job guys yay Jack get this thank you mister myad I was nervous that Ra's ult gets taken into there but it doesn't but she only had a pistol yeah I'm I'm I'm I'm going to pretend like I didn't see that bro I'm going to pretend like I didn't see that yo let me let me buy you uh Nick sure good she ran at me bro crazy guys I'm not playing any fortnite guys we played four hours of fortnite today go watch start the stream if you'd like I'm simply playing the game I want to and I'm just if I get a pick in showers can you smoke off the entrance right here quick yeah nice shot nothing sh R along they're going to go B it's B yeah they're already on site down B rain just hit a god shot on me Spike planted down you you will not kill my allies uh elbow El back site standing I was stuck stupid R just won them that round what a shot my God dreams are you you have 20 more kills than last game yeah that's valerant for you that is literally valerant for you yeah damn I got stuck real hard between the guy [ __ ] how long was my mic not working elbow and the guy on I couldn't maybe like 30 minutes maybe like an hour and a half two hours 10 minutes Jeeps the Hun begins two three short give me give me the smoke quick if it happens she's up she's up oh I I hit like three of them three or half HP Spike planted no oh you're strange for that angle Rays it's two and you call RA back low lamps ra raise is back mid last player standing 40 Raina wow what he just think him through the box no I know but couldn't see him spam it but that guy yeah all right all right all right we got a game let me come uh should I come a this round or what our money's effed after this if we lose do we want to save heree preemptively or no that is arguably the worst thing I've ever heard in my life I I genuinely think that that's the worst call I've ever heard in my life prbly I got to focus I I'm going to get one and get out look left look left it's B it's B it's B it's B rotating fast I'm rotating fast oh guys please get here fast I'm running as fast I possibly can just give upite if you can no time it's going down they smoked me off and caught me I think they're coming back they're coming back no well yeah bomb 80 you bomb down we have bomb down sight is on site now I think they're going oh bomb was down it said bomb yeah no they're going it was here in Mark pled don't go Jack [ __ ] itose could be one enemy nice last one H nice shot go oh come on man that breach wasn't watching his six what the H Miss watching his dude he he he threw the worst Molly ever I actually think if I just walked up past it I would have sniped him way earlier ack watch this all right I'm going a this round again how are they peeking mid how are they peeking mid no no I think they just they just run up I think we just I think we play 4 a and do the same thing again genuinely and Andrew just play around living if you need to ni you see I'm going to watch your right Nico with an OP yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if I miss don't be mad I L if I die it's all your fault got one one more one more yeah that's all right you got my showers Nick mhm one more short uh not that angle I don't hold on shies have to reload do reload ready call one out if you can why'd you smoke my angle I don't have your angle anymore Jack TP back to here just TP yeah both TP got a got Sage one enemy remaining reload what the hell he had to have gone back mid you still go through this nice nice job oh it did just didn't show on the other side of the map that's weird that's real weird that's a good SP that guy was in hell I dogged him two times and I decayed him and he was stuck in there yeah oh God they have four alt so uh I want give up sight because they're going to raise all she's going to go you know I'm go Nico says it's going to be very dangerous if we let them all this that's b b I just saved your life I love you I love you flashing don't oh never I go two and hooka you saw I saw did you see I'm just jump spotting hook ready oh my goodness gracious there's just no way that he dinks me that guy dinks me well there oh he's close but I did hit him with the Decay he's stuck one enemy remaining he's there it's him y I hear GG that's oh Vega you got to watch back my stream really quick you got to see that snipe on Rays bro that looks so [ __ ] cool let me peep let me peep I I I'll I can replay it too oh my God was I going to have an advertisement Diamond two rays sit the [ __ ] [Music] down okay go oh you want me to go play here I'll play it hold on oh no I can do I can do it no no no I can do it I can do it I'm right here all right before we get smoked here we go no that was also too far back how long have you been streaming eight hours no wonder yeah you just got to tap left on that on your keyboard I am oh my God don't talk one more boys to go back 5 Seconds at a time I should have oh I'm getting my sents down bro I can just tell that Telly to the middle of the site that was a little crazy I'm going to be honest bro I was I wanted the clip snip okay that was good that was good like come on now [Music] chat what the sigma I want to see this shot too one one more how I know I'm getting locked on this new sense chat that's how I know all right stream GG's that's going to do it for me learning goodbye Friends by stream I love you all thank you for hanging out with me thank you for chilling goodbye friends I'm G to go live it up get a walk in tomorrow we're live we are doing fortnite into World of Warships friends all right peace guys peace

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