Category: Gaming
All right we got to talk about this ps5 pro stuff cuz it's kind of crazy as you can see here it's $700 usd even more expensive other places the console itself looks exactly the same except three lines on it just like the ps4 pro it's kind of that deal everything looks the same while i totally agree... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The ps5 pro is a complete scam sony has been having a rough time as of late with some notable high-profile failures including the abysmal launch of the life service game concord along with concord's failure sony has attracted the ey of playstation players and most consumers the reveal of the ps5 pro... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fortnite recently got an update that added the power of dr doom and i think they absolutely fumbled this hey howdy how's it going my name is benjie pie i will cut right to the chase i love the new mythic for dr doom if you haven't heard or you just didn't know fortnite recently had an update that added... Read more
Category: Gaming
This is just ungodly amount of discipline i'm a bird mother a bird weight loss nic aado avocado hat first i'mma bring up this okay stff that's been happening on twitter so right of the bat i'm going to say it he did not lose the weight in just few months he didn't it's been two years it's not just a... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] well things aren't going very well over there at ubis slop two big aaa games predicted to be lackluster in sales is not a good thing for them and their stocks taking a hit now if you don't know what's going on yesterday i did a video talking about this right here star wars outlaws sales 55%... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Introducción y las acciones de bugisoft star wars outl es el juego más roto y controversial del momento el cual es una representación de todas las malas costumbres de bugisoft y en parte de la industria en general una empresa que no hace más que reciclar fórmulas sacando los mismos juegos una y otra... Read more
Category: Gaming
Kind of jamming out to this music not going to lie while i was just uh here anyways next up is yu-gi-oh world championship 2007 another world championship game uh not no not 2010 2011 wait do i have it yeah okay here it is oh there was a 2008 i didn't see that all right so these games are usually pretty... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] everybody is talking about astrobot a fun little platformer game that i didn't even know existed until thursday of last week maybe i think it's the first time i i heard of it when i saw some gameplay and a review talking about how great it is and then i watch watched a couple more reviews and... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] warner brothers has released a trailer for the upcoming minecraft movie i forgot this was even a thing but it is and it's something so lot of cgi stuff here you can kind of see the world right here you got the blocks for the sand right there it looks like minecraft but this doesn't i don't know... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Salve community e bentornati nell le fevers sì c'è qualche cambiamento in corso l'avrete capito sì tra trasferimenti e robe varie questa non è nemmeno la sistemazione definitiva insomma penso che il resto del mese sia ancora bello burrascoso in ogni caso l'hollywood reporter lancia la bomba ci mette... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] well this is kind of disappointing i i thought that this game was doing better because i hear a lot of people talking about how great it is including myself astrobot actually a really fun game i really like this game in fact i would say it's a reason to dust off your ps5 i don't play my ps 5... Read more
Category: Gaming
For joining us inter league baseball on mlb the show it's the san diego padres taking on the tampa bay rays all right we'll be to get this one started after this so almost ready to get underway and on the m in this one zack effler well the hammer is in effect and he sets it up so nicely because of the... Read more