Category: Entertainment
We just learned recently that lincoln park is back together and going to be producing a new album with a new lead singer but this isn't without some controversy uh i'll just kind of get into that in a little bit first uh this article from people lincoln park reunites adding new singer emily armstrong... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
The world seems so empty without you by my side and i'm mess with the fragments of a love that is died oh the pain and lingers like a haunting refrain a symphony of sadness echoing through my pl memories we surface like waves in the time crashing down upon me with nowhere to hide i search for solace... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Queens of the stone age cancelaron en el corona capital y ya sabemos quién va a estar en su lugar nada más y nada menos que jack white para el domingo 17 ya habíamos especulado aquí mismo que jack white estaba a punto de iniciar una gira a nivel mundial por el lanzamiento de su nuevo álbum y sí confirmamos... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Émile c'est papa je vais bosser là mais je t'ai fait des lasagnes pour ce soir tu as juste àer réchauffer pitié pas au micro-ondes je t'aime bisous ça y est c'est la guerre et vous vous ouvrez un buff au grille vous avez eu mes messages j'ai appelé 15 fois la gendarmie et personne vous a mis au con... Read more
Category: Music
La [music] [applause] [music] [music] [music] saer rain sifting through the rage i can't concentrate searching for a message in the fear and pain broken down and waiting for a chance to feel alive now we rem remains i promisees the another g set that and fre to wash away the world stop me come apart... Read more
Category: Music
[music] i'm a shadow in your life i was only be picture the days goes by m's gone to you want me again and [music] again nothing nothing nothing that's what you say nothing nothing nothing just a time for you nothing nothing nothing that's what you see nothing nothing nothing just [music] a yours i'm... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Introducing emily armstrong the newest singer to join lincoln park her dynamic range and style bring a fresh energy to the band's iconic sound fans worldwide are buzzing with excitement over this collaboration armstrong's powerful presence promises a new era for lincoln park's music experience the fusion... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Vous êtes qui je thomas le frère de mathieu le petit est tombé où ça dans la cour c'est rien de gravetin j'arrive c'est bon je vais le faire'estas fabriqué encore je tomber arriv là maintenant arrête arrête tu s les dents ça passe 2 3 c'est ton père qui t'a appelé non ma mère elle m'a laissé un message... Read more
Category: Music
Um but i am excited to be here okay you came up here and you didn't tell me your name so i don't know your my name is mike shinoda i play in a band called lincoln park um she didn't know that that's a great this is a great reaction official mike shenoda on twitch lincoln park were hot off the success... Read more
Category: Music
It's kind of like a mecca of like alternativeness and glasgow for people it's a hub for for alternative experience it just feels like a home to a lot of other queer people and a lot a lot of other alternative people it's probably one of the most inclusive places you'll ever go you know and i was scared... Read more
Category: Entertainment
It's finally happening this is [music] biblical what's going on my name is joel and this is joel does music today is a glorious day because after 15 long years oasis is finally getting back together nl and li gallagher have decided to stop looking back in anger you know i couldn't help myself it was... Read more
Category: Music
Check check one two hey comment allez-vous moi c'est la grande forme aujourd'hui euh c'est un react mais en même temps on va parler de d'une actualité hein je pense que de toute façon vous êtes la plupart à le voir circuler sur les réseaux sociaux car c'est quelque chose qui fait beaucoup beaucoup couler... Read more