NYFW Vlog | GUCCI | ZARA | Versace | Anine Bing & NEW Lipsticks

hey I'm back from New York and this is going to be one of those videos so oh I forgot my light I'm at in my bedroom of course and I'm in front of my windows because it is rainy rainy rainy here and I feel like I can get the best most natural light so have you heard of Emily in Paris well you're about to hear about Lisa in New York it was an adventure but I love it so keep in mind no matter what I say in this video no matter the pain this whole trip is surrounded by a uh happy face with heart eyes I loved it I cannot wait to go back so okay I even brought an extra battery because I know we're going to need it so I'm going to do this just like I do all of them and go through my photos in kind of a timeline because if you are new here hey my name is Lisa and I just went to New York for a YouTube I went for three different things I went for for a YouTube shopping New York Fashion Week event I also went to meet with a Cosmetics company to develop some lipsticks and some different makeup products and then I also met with the Zara Representatives that I have been working with for a few years as a Zara affiliate so that was what I was doing and I stayed two nights so it was very very busy so let's start with what and this is going to be what I wore what I did what I bought because I tore up the Gucci store and a few places uh what I ate as a carnivore traveling I have been a carnivore now for May June July a okay for about four years and four months so I've got it down pat and I can also tell you a few things not to do and so yeah it's going to be just all of my adventures in New York this past week and there's going to be some funny ones for sure okay so I knew it's a quick flight and I knew I was meeting first thing in the morning with my rep at the Cosmetics company in New York so I knew I needed to wear what I wanted to take to that meeting I was actually going to have to take my luggage and everything to that meeting then I would go back into New York and get checked in and all of that stuff but I'm the kind of person that I like to get my work done first and I like get my most important things done first my winds for the day winds for the trip all of that kind of stuff so I wore one of my Veronica beard suits which I promise you if you buy one of these suits you will never regret it just perfection comfortable fits like a dream I have them in four different colors matter of fact my other ones are at the dry cleaners I need to pick up today because I think I'm going to wear one on my upcoming trip so I've wore my Veronica beard suit with my silver Gucci sneakers which are incredibly comfortable I love Gucci sneakers I used my base be I S luggage which has been phenomenal the best luggage I've ever had I mean I've never had what is it Rowenta or any of those like really high-end luggage Brands but this is the highest I've ever had and I love it there is a big big big difference love it and then I took my Chanel duville tote it's a large one and loved it perfect I had my cashmere scarf from J crew that I just showed you in there and you know just it was perfect fit it on the plane I didn't cram it under the seat in front of me the the flight attendant didn't ask me to and I just loved it so I'm so thankful that I got that sucker out and started using it because even if it does get some scratches or something on it I would rather know that I'm using it so that was a perfect flight outfit I just did my hair where I air dry it and wore it like that the next day I saw a guy I went to high school with at the airport that was so cool catching up with him I used my new headphones my Apple headphones that I love and yeah so that looks like it so I landed at the airport and I ended up going into the Mac Store I thought you know I want to grab spice lip liner honey love and Velvet Teddy to have with me and to use as a reference when I get to the makeup place because I had a whole baggie of lipsticks that I'm recreating and different products that I want to create in the future and I thought I wouldn't mind recreating spice but in a formula that lasts a long time so I went in there the girl was real sweet and helped me and uh she smelled so good and I said you smell so good do you smell like I said are you wearing bakarat and she says no actually it's a Zara fragrance and I said well do you know which one and she said hold on I'll tell you and she said she was out of town somewhere and she found one it's it's getting ready to come up in a few minutes actually I just ordered it it's the red currant it'll come up in the conversation with thear girls it's I think it's the red currant and she said it's not the light one it's the dark one I just ordered this morning so that I could try it and it smelled so good and when I ended up I'll go ahead and say this when I ended up talking to the Zara reps and they're not like in the store they're like the big time you know Global Zara reps they said that was their best seller and they said that their they Source their fragrances from really high-end places that actually do a lot of other high-end fragrances so looking forward to trying that and just seeing how it goes okay I hit the jack jackpot of jackpots when I I'm checking my sound here when I landed my style traveling especially alone which I have to say I love I mean I love being with John I love being with my family but those are different with John it's more about romance about what we experience together with the family it's about our family time what we experience together when I travel alone I connect with myself on a very very deep level and I really just just love doing what I want to do when I want to do it in the moment absolutely no appointments except for these three events and just going with it so when I landed I went down and you know pulled up my Uber app and I did the Uber black because I knew I was going on quite a little trip outside of the city and I just really wanted a nice ride you know all the things okay this guy picks me up his name is Shakib I think he's from Bangladesh and he picked me up in a new black Tesla and had a suit on just so nice and just so enjoyable so he proceeds to drive me out to my appointment and um he he realizes that I've got my luggage with me and he we're talking about having Teslas and charging and all of those things and he says you know when I get there do you know what time your meeting's going to be over I said well I really don't I said cannot imagine it taking more than a couple of hours he said I'm just going to wait for you there if you want me to take you back to your hotel and it was a it was smart of him because it was uh $200 without tip to take me to this appointment so what he did is he just dropped me off that way I didn't have to take my luggage in there and he went and charged his car and kind of hung out waited for me and you know we texted back and forth and then he took me to my hotel after that so I thought that was so I love that I love that I love it when someone is smart um above average and he went and got me a six-pack of Diet Coke I mean of course I gave him the money so just so thankful for him he made my trip just so enjoyable okay so let's go back to my pictures here he is and I had on my key sunglasses which are my all-time favorite sunglasses even above all of my designer sunglasses it was the um they're called still famous and it was a collab with Paris Hilton I think I bought three to four pair so that I will never be without them and that is what I wore and so I went in the facility um to my right was their like lab their little chemistry lab where they're you know putting together everything then um I went upstairs with my rep and I'm not I don't know I'm not going to show too many pictures because I don't want to give too much away but I'll put some in here it was just fascinating I got to meet with their lead chemist who has been there over 30 years I got to meet with one of the owners she's young I think she's the original owner's either daughter or granddaughter I got to meet with her so I got to just I'd already gotten some of their products in the mail and been testing them out you guys remember that was the lipstick that I had on in my brow laminating video so I knew and here's a thing this is not our first company that we've been dealing with it is probably the I would say probably about the fourth one and I'm particular I want what I want or I don't want to do it you know what I mean I don't have a lot of extra time but I do have passion and that's what I want to use for this I'm not just making it to make it and they are so with me on that so we were able to go through all of their formulas I was able to show them you know the ones I wanted to do and he told me how we get that all of that good stuff we also worked on um I'm wearing one of the Shadows that I am testing out I'm wearing one of the cake liners remember the Chanel cake liner that I loved so much and I told him I said every time I mention cake liner on YouTube everyone says they just use a dark brown eyeshadow and he was like shaking his head it's not the same it's not the same and I said I know I said because you can't get the opacity and it will not stay on my eyes and he was you know going into that I showed him the L'Oreal espresso um ey Shadow or eyeliner that I love so much we're going to work on that and it was just a really just an amazing meeting I will go ahead and just let you know I went ahead and paid things are in the works it is going to be just fabulous now it's going to be my brand and so it's going to be very on brand I don't like red lipstick there's not going to be a red lipstick in my collection it is going to be for those of you that genuinely like what I like I'm not trying to leave anyone out but I'm like I said I have to have a passion for what I'm doing and I really do it's it's going to be I'm just so excited I was like I could have flown to my hotel just on Good Vibes for sure so I was thinking this morning I was getting so excited for this video did your kids ever do something something funny or weird when they would get excited Brook's thing when she would get real excited as a little kid she would do this thing where she curled her tongue and would do this and just she was like so excited you know she was just about to burst and will to this day both of them Brooke doesn't do it that bad but she'll say I feel like doing this will has always like if you tell him something like some really good news or something that he is excited about it can even be a restaurant going to he'll turn to the side and just kind of like take it in and he might even like walk away and come back and then talk to you about it you know so that's how that's how I felt then and that's how I feel right now today in between those two times there have been some ups and downs so stay tuned okay so yeah just looked all around just pinch me pinch me and let me make a a quick little announcement because this is something that I said to a friend when I left there that afternoon follow your dreams all of them all of them because you guys know my biggest dream ever was to be married and be a stay-at-home mom follow all of your dreams don't quit dreaming don't settle on the first two or three dreams you know just follow all of them and here is the kicker they will not happen like you think they will they just won't like all of these dreams and Fantasies have come true for me in such a different way than I thought they would and and I wanted to make a quick announcement those of you that follow me on patreon already know this but let me make that announcement here I am going to how can I put this my patreon channel has been a phenomenal success not only just in every way every way I mean I told myself if I had one person and I enjoyed it I was going it was a success and not only has there been more than one person but I have enjoyed it more than I ever realized and I did not know when I announced it and I started my patreon that it is very very difficult to do live videos over there and that is where I feel like I open up the most honestly too much but it is where we get the biggest connection it is where to really connect with someone you have to have their authentic um unafraid self and that is what it has provided for me along with much much inspiration and just an unleashing of possibilities okay with that said it has not been easy so I have decided to cancel that and I'm opening a YouTube channel membership here down below you will see a little join button that is available for you to join it's the exact same amount that I did my patreon except for I think here on YouTube they do $24.99 instead of $25 I understand if you don't want to do it I will be here on YouTube just like I always have been consistently for almost 16 years so this does not change anything this is just extra it's going to be extra content and it is going to be a an indepth discussion it's going to be more it's going to be midlife magic and I I noticed when I was doing my midlife magic lives here on YouTube I was getting a little too deep and a little too I don't want to just put all of my business and my feelings out on the Wild free YouTube I want to know that the people I am engaging with are there for the right reason and I want to I want to be preaching to the choir so to speak I want to be with people that want to be there and so that's what that membership provides it provides a safe feeling for me and it provides a deeper connection which is what I want so if you would like to join that for some deep safe conversations then click the join button down below and I'm going to be doing lots of content that will be very easy for you to see it will be membership only and I'm going to be transferring all of my patreon videos over to this Channel and this will also give me an idea of the courses that I want to create first okay so with that said I also my biggest thing is time time I just you just don't have enough of it and I have so many things I want to do so what I'm going to start off with with my coaching you know I am a certified life coach even though you do not have to be in North Carolina I did get certified but it's I didn't need to be because what I want to share with you is who and what I am I am embodied in anything that I want to talk to you about but that also could be how to be a successful influencer that could be how to start a YouTube channel it could be how to be successful on the carnivore diet it could be um how to find your personal style and be authentic within your style it could have be it could be all these things so what I have created is a an hour session that you can purchase that we can either do a zoom meeting we can talk on the phone we can do and talk about whatever you want to talk about in this call and this will give me an idea of what to create first and it will help me connect with you on a deep deep deep personal level where I can connect with you but you can also share with me in that safe Zone and so I'm really excited to announce both of those and both of those will be down below so there's that and so let's get back to okay pick me up with the Diet Cokes okay here we are traveling through and I'd love when I have a really good driver because I am not I am me no matter where I go I'm not trying to act sophisticated I am not ashamed of saying where are we is this where so and so you know different things so if I have a really good driver they they're almost like a tour guide so he was you know showing me the different places that we were and then this is where we were going through Chinatown because that is one of my mom and dad's favorite places to go in New York so I was taking pictures and videos of Chinatown to send back to my mom and dad and I went there the very first time I went to New York with Sheila she took me to Little Italy Chinatown all these different places and okay so here I am checking at my hotel which was the Arlo Soho on Hudson Street so it's in Hudson Square so I checked in about 12:52 and my room wasn't quite ready but that's fine I was used to that I'm I am used to that usually checkins right around three and so they had a great restaurant that I went to and I had them sit me next to the window because I am a passionate people Watcher and I just wanted to take it all in and um you know had on my suit and everything still and I this is a restaurant I took a few little pictures and then I had their cheeseburger with I think it's praline cheese it might have be white white American I added bacon and a fried egg so good then and a Diet Coke a bottled Diet Coke okay here is my room you guys that was a small room it was very similar to the room I had when I went to New York last year with Zara but this one didn't even have like a little sitting area or anything anything that one was small but it was so nice I loved it this one was very nice very shishy vibby hotel but I don't I cannot even really show you with these pictures how small it was okay with this picture I'm standing in the hall I had to open the door and stand in the hall to tell to show you this picture and so here is my one countertop in the the whole room that I had to put my Kaboodle and all of skin care and all of that stuff but the bed was very very comfortable and you see my little closet hanging area on the top right there with the umbrella okay here I went and stood on the other side of the bed like butt could have been touching the window it was so close and showed you the rest of the room and then um I had my large and my small suitcase so I had to unpack my large one and then pack it away cuz there was no room for it and then I left my other one kind of open and um so here are the shoes that I brought this is going to this is going to be the biggest part of the story so let me I'm going to be getting up and down a lot here this is actually a phenomenal adjustable yeah I probably should adjust it up higher but a phenomenal Walmart dress that I got it's available in several colors I hope it's still available it's got um pads in it that I I don't know if you can take them out but I left them in there so I would not have to wear a bra and so let me back up and get these shoes and tell you the story okay I'm going to leave my chair back a little bit I you know I'm going okay I was was going to this and then next week Friday I'm going to the like to know it style conference that I've gone to I think this will be my sixth year going and so I've had been buying all these things and had all this stuff in my head and the different looks that I love to get inspired and recreate a look you guys know that so I had found this look that I wanted to create and I believe the girl has on um some Gucci heels kitten heels with some jeans baggy jeans and just a strapless kind of like a vest top so I found these Steve Madden lookalikes and honestly Guys these shoes are beautiful they are comfortable is comfortable okay when I say this shoe is comfortable don't don't think they're going to be like a sneaker or a flip-flop or a flat but for what for the look that you get with this they are very very comfortable I ordered my true size what makes them comfortable probably this is a little bendy and this because this strap has like the stretchy it makes them comfortable when you walk so keep these babies in mind and then I also got these for that same type of look it's basically when you're wearing long pants and you want that exaggerated pointy toe to come out and you want it to look like you have on high high heels but you're cheating a little bit and you have on a kitten heel I don't particularly like I would never I I shouldn't say never I don't typically wear something like this with a skirt or a dress but I think that they are really good for that look that high fashion cool girl model off duty look with a good exaggerated pointy toe hanging out okay so this is where it gets kind of dicey so here's a picture of the shoes I took um I did not end up wearing the um white yl Flats what are they the YSL tribute Flats I haven't worn those yet I keep taking them and and I don't wear them but I will okay I took my Dior t-shirt didn't wear it I took some extras and I was glad I did okay here I am standing showing you the room you know how much room I had when I put my suitcases out you couldn't even walk okay so now it was 204 and I had the rest of the day to just explore I would say my favorite place in New York so far is downtown it's Soho grenwich Village just that whole Green Street um Broadway all of that shopping that's where I feel the most like this is where I should be you know what I mean like when John and I went to Midtown and we were just on Madison Avenue I did love it there and I planned on going there but you'll hear what happens I'd like it there too it's just a different feeling so so I set out and loved this outfit it is a pair of jeans that I have never worn that I love I loved every minute of having these jeans on they're Marella jeans they're very much Tamara kenic inspired they are a couple years old but I don't care I loved them I can't wait to wear them again they have the slits on the side they were copied a lot of times I have on a vest not a vest it's a strapless what do you call that like a it's almost like a tube top but it's out of like a polyester material it's um probably from last year from Zara and these shoes and the only purse I took besides my tote was this baby remember her this is like Grandma here this is my much loved much used highly recommended Chanel 19 I think it's the first one I got it's in the not the very largest size but I have another one the white one I have is smaller a glorious pocket on the back and I had already my friend Tracy reminded me of this bag I was going to just take the tote everywhere but look at this shoes fit inside I never go anywhere without emergency shoes never so either in the car or in my bag whatever or I just plain old wear you know comfortable shoes so here's where it gets fun this kind of dictated some of the rest of the trip so here I am showing you my outfit I mean put some honey love on step outside and I mean I couldn't have been I could have like I said I could have just bounced like Tigger everywhere here I am taking a video of my outfit these are the exact thoughts in my head oh my God I love this I love being here it feels so good it was like fall feeling the sun's out I'm just like my God this is too good to be true I just I'm really into enjoying every single moment like that so I'm walking down to the end of the street I see a sign that says pizza right down from my hotel come to find out there was a pizza that way and a pizza this way I get to the corner and here are two girls and I I stopped and asked them I said I want to go to where all the designer shops are I said should I and she they were like oh yeah you need to go to so and so I said should I walk there or should I call an Uber okay they told me to call an Uber but they told me it was only about a 15minute walk so I was like I want to walk around I love being here I'm going to walk around so I get out the little app no I didn't even get out the app the map they told me walk down so and so many blocks turn right and then you're going to go across all this stuff okay I started walking loving life taking pictures of the school pools and just oh I passed Shake Shack I I thought I'm going to go back there I never saw Shake Shack again I don't know where where I was going and so I'm walking along oh there's a McDonald's I'm thinking I'm G to go back there and get a large Diet Coke I sit down for a little bit because I do love that and no matter where I am I like to sit down and kind of just take it in and I'm starting to see like people walk by that are really I can tell that they're there for fashion week and I know that typically you're not going to see like high fashion and everything until the events start later in the week and usually later in the day but I still loved seeing everyone there so here I am I get to the Gucci store and I go in and that is when I connect with Cara at the Gucci store it was another one of those sales associates that when I walk in they just come to me and we connect immediately well it was the first store that I walked in so I knew I probably wasn't going to get a lot because I'll be honest with you I thought I was going to get something something for my birthday and maybe a little something else just as a momento for my trip and I thought I was going to do that the next day at maybe Bergdorf because I don't know if you remember but when I was in Miami I bought my mom a Gard bag and she loves it and it's green well now she my dad wanted me to buy her the red one and I knew they had a Gard in Bergdorf so that was my big thing is I was going to go to Bergdorf the next day and you know see the Dior rep I've been working with and just do it up and that way I wouldn't be walking around so much yada yada so I snap a couple of pictures I see a bag that I love I connect with her she gets my text and everything and here's some more girls it was a lot of like um young model I bet some of the models were there oh gosh this this collection from Andra Scott have you seen that with all of the like I think they're are they leopards or Jaguars looked at this in the window thought about getting the ring and I was thought I think I wish I would have gotten the necklace I think I I wish I would have gotten the necklace but remember I'm just getting out and I wanted I was trying to Pace myself Pace myself so still loved they had um Halloween jewelry in there um so I'm walking okay I go in the famo store to see if they had any cool shoes with cool heels he shows me this that they're bringing back it reminds me of the famo poochie days love it wasn't really anything in there that I wanted okay here's the girl in the corner with her photographer she probably was not crazy about me taking her picture but if you're on the corner getting your picture taken in New York I think that's fair game I was going to ask her but I didn't want to interrupt her so just all the things going on okay here I am at 3 3113 and I've changed into my comfy shoes and that is these shoes that I bought years ago if you've been here you remember them some killer Gucci Flats look at this okay would you not think this would be okay so I put these on they had fit right in my purse and proceed to go about the day this this bag is so good crossbody everything okay I'm loving all the big Billboards there's a Ralph Lauren a Chanel here's a little model girl that's walking in front of me I took a picture okay then I go to the Chanel store and there's a weit so I'm looking around I wanted to see if they had the long classic Chanel necklace and with black beads that must have been a onetime thing cuz every time I ask for that it's they don't have it then I had gotten an ad from Chanel where the girl is wearing a cuff and I saw on the runway shows that they had the two cuffs the Chanel cuffs on and I just love that look she showed it to me and one cuff was like over $2,000 and I told her I said I'm not trying to say it's not worth it I said but it's not worth it to me right now so she understood I said I would rather just put that money towards a bag or something you know and so here I am I took a couple of pictures in there okay I leave there and I go into Sunglass Hut and I had a really good time in there to me it's all about the help that I get when I walk into a place do I connect with someone are they into it are they I mean for instance I walked into the Nike store and I wanted that magic moment like I had with the Valentine's Day dunks which were one of my best purchases ever and so I did the exact same thing I did when I was in I think I was in Dallas when I got those I walked up to the girl at the front young girl and I said I want to see your latest and greatest most fabulous on Trend pair of sneakers and she looked at me like this she was like she said and I and so it made me like I said you know just I said like last time I asked this I ended up getting the Valentine's Day dunks I'm trying to give her some reference here she said well if you go upstairs there are there's a table of just different Collections and there's but there's only one size left of most of them so I mean that to me is like she just threw a bucket of ice water on me like I'm over it I don't want to go upstairs I don't want to see you're not going to have my size I'm an eight they're always sold out you've just ruined it to me because it's about the experience to me so I left there and then I went to Sunglass Hut and I typically Pro I wouldn't go in Sunglass Hut when I'm out of town just because I have one here and I'm I've got so many sunglasses I love but I had gotten so many compliments on those key sunglasses everywhere I went a lot of guys I mean you know fashionable guys and so I walked in with those sunglasses on and he said can I help you it was a really nice tall uh guy I don't know where he was from and I said I would like to see sunglasses that are kind of like this so we tried on so it was two guys and a girl that helped me we had so much fun and I tried on many many sunglasses I I there was this one fendy pair that I really liked and I said I think I have those I said I think I do and sure enough they were the fendy ones I bought last year and I wore to the ltk um Western KN but the ones there were a prettier color they were kind of like a lighter color but I wasn't going to get them again so the ones I ended up getting are ver Sai oh let me get them for you hold on okay here's my bag I I told him I said I'm traveling I really don't need those big boxes and he said well we have to do it in case you return them so I will probably get rid of these boxes let's see okay these are Seline because I am a Savvy Sunglass Hut Shopper and I know that they typically have a deal where you buy one pair and you get the other pair half off and the the ones that weren't included it was a brand that wasn't included I can't remember what it was but I got two really fabulous pair the first pair are very very similar to the are they key they're inexpensive they're the ones I got that are pink Shields but they have silver I wore them in Atlanta when I went with John I love those sunglasses so if you don't want to pay up for these but you want a similar look then get those if they're still available here is the case these are so fabulous when I put these on it was over because these are the same look but with the gold these are Versace say the little Versace stuff with the gold I love this style I love that they have the nose piece so that they don't sit on my cheeks and I love that you can see my eyes through it because these are Perfection for an outdoor wedding an outdoor party for the event poolside events and stuff that I go to um for meetings like when I met I'm getting ready to tell you when I meet with his zoraa girls we all had our sunglasses on people can still see my eyes I it's my favorite and my absolute favorite I love pink and they're over the top I love wearing things that are different and they're Perfection so I got these it was no doubt about it with these and then they did have a new brand Ferrari they had some pretty ones too but nothing I really really had to have and then these Seline I got half off because of course you pay for the most expensive pair and you get the second one half off but that's still good these were also available in a different color with silver but I love the gold there's the Seline is at the Triumph symbol there and these are just badass very very chic Terminator I love them they'll look better with my hair down today I last night I didn't I didn't get home till later John had dinner ready for me I had to post my guest model video that I did a collaboration with with Ulta and I didn't get to take a shower until late so I couldn't let my hair naturally dry so it's a little bit Friz but anyway so I put it up I love these just very very cool girl Chic very sporty very different I mean just nice sunglasses like this they're just like jewelry and you guys know I will wear a cheap pair of sunglasses in a heartbeat I just told you my favorite pair are key but I do have an appreciation for these nice sunglasses and you know if you haven't heard I'm selling some of my um pre-owned loved items on my website now it's just going to go on why am I not being able to okay it's just going to go on forever my daughter Brooke and um will is helping her some John's helping her some but they're running it and so Brooke comes over and helps me and just post different things and I'm constantly I've got a rack that I hang things on for her to post so I'm going to go through my sunglasses soon and I'll be posting some of those on there and okay so then after Sunglass Hut I'm feeling I'm feeling good I'm feeling fulfilled but my feet are hurting I'm starting to realize wow these shoes really aren't comfortable and I feel like I may be going to get a blister on my feet okay I can't tell you the last time I had blisters I don't do that anymore if you will notice I will pay up for a pair of sneakers a pair of comfortable dad sandals Flats I that's what I have enjoyed spending money on for heels you'll notice Steve Madden doce Vita Jeffrey Campbell I'm not I'm not investing as much money in high heels because I have learned you're not going to wear them they're not worth it they're going to tear up your feet you're too old for this you have been there you have done that and you're not doing it anymore so okay I leave there and I see Zara so I'm like oh okay I'm going to go in this Zara it's the same Zara that I went in for the Barbie event so it's kind of I think it's like my third or fourth time going to that Zora I love it I end up getting let me get my stuff I'll be right back I saw these and for some you guys know I love watches as soon as I saw these I was so attracted to these earrings and this was probably one of the first things that I you know held on to and then when I got up to the counter I thought is that ridiculous am I really going to wear these earrings rings and the lady beside me said those are so cool you you have got to get those so I did cuz I felt like if I was instantly drawn to them then I should get them so that was you can see I took a picture here so that was one thing and then purchase of a lifetime I got these pants I mean these pants saved me I got these black ones they're this nice but thin these are going to be summer fall pants they'll be they could be all year for me but or if you wore tights under them we can still get away with them but the coolest pair of pants that do this at the bottom I love this because this adds that little Ting that little spice that makes you have style it shows off whatever shoes you have on it makes them different and I love it you know I've had something like this before in the gray but they didn't have the cuffed bottoms I will say I went on I placed a huge Zara New York inspired order this morning I did get the ones that aren't um cuffed at the bottom to wear with other things just because I love this whole weight and the flow of this fabric so much so they did have matching little halter tops too but I knew I didn't it wasn't it was um a pretty skimpy top and I knew that wasn't what I was going to do with it so I got the dusty purple pear love them wore them to breakfast wore the black pair I think twice you'll see then I got um this really pretty gray vest just the perfect like suiting color because I I love wearing a vest that's one of my favorite things I haven't done it in a while and then this is much like the here I told myself I was going to try this on that's why I wore this dress much like the ones I showed you um in my haul my Friday haul I'll put that up here but this I thought was such look at that color it's like I wonder what they even call it I got the medium it's 109 what a statement piece okay this is going to give you that 3D flower that so popular it's it's that color it's the color that's so popular that Burgundy wine color okay so here it is look at that look how it like brings out the color in my cheeks you guys this is what it's all about style does not have to be expensive although I love luxury things but you will see that some of the things that I love the most are like okay a Walmart dress and this Zara top just amazing and then what else okay then I was up at the counter checking out the guy was real nice you know Zara kind of has that reputation for being grouchy at the counter they were so nice I had two guys helping me and the lady beside me had these jeans and I said oh my gosh they are so nice she said aren't they they were right up at the front so right then I look back and that line was I mean it was like 25 people deep and I said can I get those exact jeans in a size six and I'm so glad this didn't work out and so he calls to somebody he said if you'll go stand over there they'll be bringing them up in 5 to 10 minutes and I'm thinking okay I stand over there stand over there Meanwhile my dogs are barking my feet are just like at this point I'm thinking wow I have messed up I have really messed up my feet I look down they don't look too bad but I know it and so nobody ever brings my jeans so I go up ask a girl she doesn't know what I'm talking about finally I find them thank goodness because when I held up the fours they were huge I ended up getting the sixes and I tried them on that that night so I could take them back you guys these jeans are what dreams are made out of for us iconic stylish women over 40 and even of course younger than that but look at these there's nothing on the back and they're fabulous the fit is fabulous everything I got size 36 which is a four they were 109 and the embellished midrise straight pure perfection look at the little silver studs so it's they're fancy but they're they're still it's not like the crystals like I like that stuff too but it's not like the crystals or sequins or mirrors or anything else it is it's a little nod to the Western look that is so popular I would say um a little bit of what was that thing when we grew up the bedazzler little bit of that you need them you need them and I'm so glad that I bought them there and didn't order them and get a six because I would not have been able to wear them so order your smaller size when you get these we all know there's you know we have a small size with Zara and a bigger size and they are must tabs for sure so about the time I left Zara I was thinking oh no my feet are so messed up but I knew there was one more place I wanted to go and I am not a quitter so I asked her where is the an Bing store because I knew I wanted to get a Quinn Blazer remember remember my one that I wore to death last year but it's the heavyweight one it's almost like a coat and a blazer combined I wanted the regular Quinn Blazer so I head out to the anina Bing store I think I went the wrong way I mean it's it's getting worse and worse and you know how walking in New York is not like walking in it's not like walking my neighborhood it's not like walking in Atlanta or Dallas or that the sidewalks are uneven people are walking so fast I was like trying to keep in the right lane if I felt them coming up behind me I would just stop and let them pass me and all of that stuff and so I'm just I'm trying to keep up I'm trying to keep up the whole time but I'm in pain I'm in pain I'm thinking I knew I mean you know at that moment when you have really messed up I knew it so I go in anina bang and I get the black Quinn Blazer that I love she brought out the green one too that classic khaki it was too green for me I'm not saying I won't eventually get it but I didn't like it on me at that moment and I wanted the black one and this is the small so it is the oversized style if you don't like that you will not like this if you do and this is the thing okay this is the kind of Blazer it is watch see how it just slips on it's not like this and like this slips on it's like hello love it's like a just a moment so no regrets I love it I love it I love it and then the girl was checking me out this is funny embarrassing but funny the girl was checking me out not checking me out but uh you know what I mean I was paying and so I looked down she got some really cool jeans on there were kind of like those Gaff ones the 90s ones that split at the bottom and I noticed she's got a really cool boot coming out it's the real pointed exaggerated Toe with a seam up the front and I look and it's got a kitten heel and I said what boots do you have on she says oh there are these and she shows me I said do you have those in an eight so I go sit down and as I'm sitting down I'm thinking oh my God my feet I took my foot you know how you know how it is I took my foot out and it's kind of like when you have heels on you know you can't take your foot out because you might not get be able to get it back in or when the earring is killing you the clip-on earring you can't can't put it back on it was kind of kind of a moment so she comes out and she says I think these would look great on you and they were so pretty it was the same boot but in the patent and they're the sock kind no zipper you have to and you know how the ankle looks like this big I just looked at her at first I said I'm going to need a footy it was before I saw them I said I'm going to need a footy cuz my feet are probably sweaty she brought those shoes out and I looked at that little ankle thing I said there is no way I'm getting my foot in there I said I'm so sorry cuz I felt bad cuz she had gone and gotten them I said but if I do get my foot in there and I can't get it out I will have to cut those off because I am somebody that freaks on stuff like that so I didn't get those and at that moment I knew I needed to get my butt back to the hotel let me see oh no no I wasn't done I wasn't done I asked her where I could get some pizza you know I wanted to get some New York Pizza so I'm still in SoHo at 6:46 I go to this Classic Pizza eza place and I tell him I wanted just three slices of like a meat lovers or something I said I I tell him I'm just going to eat the top I'm not going to eat the crust and so he this is what he gives me I don't know what that meat is it's some kind of sausage it was so good I was tearing it up I was loving it watching everybody walk by let's just say I paid for that all night long but it was somewhat worth it um so here it is what is it Sicilian nominated best Ian Pizza in New York so okay I get back to my hotel room and you see this light right here that's on by my bed I could not figure out how to cut that light off the bulb wasn't the type you could unscrew it was kind of like made into it somehow the cord was like made into that wood I flicked every switch in the room and I was already in my pajamas did tired okay let me just tell you this I had to take a shower I wanted to save my hair for the next day but I had to take a shower oh I haven't even mentioned that I went in Sephora I did go in Sephora when I was out I had forgotten my rare Beauty The Illuminating primer I accidentally threw it what was left away when I did my empties video I had forgotten my heat protectant so I bought one of those I had forgotten okay it was the primer the heat protectant oh and I did not think my hotel had a shampoo and conditioner and I did not bring one it did but so I got a little travel I think it was like a um a points kit of Moroccan oil so I go in there and I'm like I got to take a shower I've just got to suck it up and I just have to use my wand and when I got in the shower it felt so good oh and I didn't have a I forgot wipes and I didn't have a cleansing balm so I bought a little elmus cleansing balm the water pressure was so good it felt so good but my feet were burning and stinging like you would not believe I have blisters it's the right foot mostly one two three four blisters across my toes they were the big crazy looking water blisters until they burst the bottoms of my feet were pure burning and swollen I put on lots of like foot cream and stuff that night could barely put my socks on they hurt to even put under the covers and I had my main event the next day wearing heels which was I didn't have any other I should have just worn my flip-flops and not matched I did take my do and gabana leopard flip-flops so I had to sleep both nights with that light on but you know what it wasn't that bad because I sleep with a sleep mask so it wasn't that bad okay so here's pictures of the hallway of my hotel because I feel like I'm complaining about the room being small but it was still a really nice little hotel uh the next morning I go down and eat breakfast um I get a Diet Coke and I do drink a lot of water when I'm gone too because I know that I should I don't because when I'm here I eat a lot of ice but I had a lot of water I had um scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon Scrump delicious I loved watching people walk their dogs um I have lots of pictures of my feet but I will spare you here I am going to the event you guys this dress is one of my alltime alltime alltime favorite dresses it's the one that I wore in the guest model video let me get it for you I've got it here okay that's another thing when I took that shower I was so sore okay so sore that my shins achd you know what I mean like I could tell that wasn't normal walking that I just did my thighs my shins my back my feet everything was aching but that's part of it I always see when I watch the um the New York Fashion Week Vlogs they always have foot cream and Band-Aids and stuff I didn't have any of that so here is the dress that I wore to the event it is the guest like a guest model it's all the ads that we love so much on a dress you guys the sheer sleeves it could not be better it could not I even went in the guest store down there in SoHo nothing in there compared to this this is a medium because I knew it was going to be shorter and I wanted it to be long enough because I love it so much I may spring for the small if they still have it because I think it might look better in some situations like up under a Blazer like this but okay so here you see I put a few waves in my hair because I had to I wore my heels because I felt like I needed to I had talk just talked to the YouTube rep and I said is this like a business thing or is it fashiony she said oh I would be fashiony okay I could have worn jeans and sneakers you know what I mean but I did love this outfit I love those eyz shoes so I head out to meet the girls at the this was such a cool experience it was the Soho house and you have to be a member to go there and we went to the rooftop and it was 70° I took this picture okay you guys I'm sorry there's so much to this story okay let's back up to the first night when I get back my toes and my feet are on fire fire burning like like they my toes had heartbeats I go to call my mom and dad I can't I can't call them it does that immediate word call failed call failed I go to call John call failed okay I get on the hotel Network I can text so I text my Mom and Dad I'm in the hotel I'm fine talk to you tomorrow my my phone's not working then I text John my phone's not working and he's having me turn it off turn it back on go on Wi-Fi go back off all this stuff but I'm so tired and so worked up mad so mad at myself like this was a soul-searching night for me like the whole trip you're going to you're going to hear the rest of it I mean I was scolding myself I was like you are 54 years old and you have blisters on your feet that is ridiculous okay all along when I know my feet are hurting I'm going in Steve Madden I'm going in um Sam Edelman looking at shoes that I could maybe buy and put on but my feet were already so jacked up the thought of putting them in a sneaker or a loafer or a flat was not possible the only thing I could think of that would work was a flip-flop not a flip-flop to be found none so that's why I didn't do that don't think I didn't try okay so I'm heading out the next day luckily my inz heels don't hit on the blister spots and it's um beautiful it's 70° Sunny get in the Uber headed to the Soho House have on my key sunglasses my same bag which is fabulous I get there early cuz I just want to check it out and be there U there was a Gucci store next door and I'm waiting for them at this so in the lobby I took pictures and here we go up to the rooftop so pretty and these are the girls I'm meeting with with Zara and we sat there and had I had already eaten breakfast they offered to buy me breakfast but I just had a Diet Coke and we sat there and we talked about the news store opening in Charlotte North Carolina we talked about make sure my yeah we talked about um different promotions um here I made some notes cuz I asked them a lot of things that you guys ask me about okay first of all I think I've told you before but they did in fact um confirm that the triangle the square and the circle it doesn't stand for run small it stands for the section of the store like the trf you know that's more trendy and it's it might be on the smaller end it might be geared towards um younger trendy people the Zara woman might have a bigger cut it has a different like maybe a circle or a square so that's what those stand for so it's somewhat correct but it's not why it's there okay then I told them that someone had told me that Zara stuff was the same thing that you can get off of Amazon and other places all made in China they said no that the owner still works there still has a desk out with everyone and that most manufacturers are in Portugal Morocco turkey close to the headquarters in Spain that is how he got started is the love of fabrics and um you know helping support his family and things like that she said then I then I went over the complaint that I have that by the time I can get some orders and get it steamed and try it on and make the video and edit the video and show you guys things are sold out and she said they do specialize in small quantities for Less excess and waste they want to sell out of everything so you know I'm working with them like I can tell them what I'm ordering and they can tell me is it in the east coast Warehouse or the West Coast Warehouse because that last order took two weeks and they said it was in the west coast Warehouse so and then I talked to them about what fragrance sold the best and it in indeed is red Temptation and I told them what that girl said about get the dark one which is the Elixir and so they found that interesting and let me show you what they brought for me okay they brought me a gift they brought me this bag which is so they said it's their best selling bag with my initials on it so this is the color of the season I remember getting a few things last year in this color seems like I got some shoes some Jeffrey Campbell there okay those are more red but a couple I think I got some boots and stuff this color this color is nostalgic for me because my mom and grandma always had an agar bag does anybody remember the agner bags a t agner i got one from Santa Claus for Christmas one year when I was either in junior high or high school and I thought I was something and I had some pumps like little flat pumps and stuff so so thankful for this I think you guys would love this and then they also I don't know if it's in here yeah I've got some tags and stuff in here I packed a lot of stuff in there when I was leaving okay they also gave me here it is hold on they also gave me some gift cards I thought this was a cool little box so I meant to use that in my order this morning but I had everything sitting here ready for the video and I didn't feel like undoing everything and then let's see so the bag is their bestseller like I said so then I headed to Pier 57 okay this is me not knowing what the heck I'm about to get into so the Uber driver is taking me there we have to check in with um the front give our you know license and everything and then we each get a badge to join the event okay keep in mind my feet are killing me okay this is another thing that morning John is trying to figure out what's wrong with my phone and he's telling me to go to network and when I go there it says I don't have a network it's telling me to enter a QR code or some other kind of PIN number so I'm taking pictures of my phone and I'm texting them to him in the first Uber and they're not going none of my texts are going to him so a little bit of panic sets in that my phone is messed up so I get in there I'm I'm messed up from that my nerves are a little shot just because I already had to meet with the Zara girls and everything and you get somewhat nervous and they tell me I have to walk up now I took two pictures so you can see I have to walk up this ramp to go to the YouTube event keep in mind my legs and back are so sore I'd already taking I don't know how many Tylenol when I woke up in the morning my feet the balls of my feet were swollen and store to even walk on and so I walk all the way up there then we have to go over check in with them went to the restroom real quick and I took some pictures it's really pretty it's on the river the Hudson River and then they gave us um goodie bags from Joe Malone that was one of the brands that they wanted us to connect with while we were there because I heard that they were they had invited some new people to get into the shopping program and that we were connecting with Brands and that you know just different little tips on stuff so they did give us one of their new fragrances which is hoki and Cedarwood cologne intense so if you love Joe Malone fragrances but you have a hard time with them lasting you need to get the ones that look like this I have the oud rose and oud and let me spray this it was good cuz they sprayed it in the room when they had the rep talking oh my God okay boyfriend oh my gosh what it does have it's not UD but it has that funky fabulous sexy man smell like it's definitely a boyfriend scent definitely it's so good oh my gosh okay it's not pretty it's not pretty is not a word I would describe um sexy in a funky way it's just different but I love it and very thankful and then when I was leaving glossier had put some lip treatments out that I grabbed the coconut so guess who I saw there on no Diet Coke oh they did take our picture and I'm they're supposed to be sending a link hopefully by the time I edit this video and everything I'll be able to put it up but Angie hot and flashy was there it's been years since I've seen her so it was good catching up with her and then we all went and sat down and Madison p was there which we knew we were both going I think she got a picture of us I'll see if she can send it to me so here's our schedule and I'm looking at this and I'm thinking oh my God we get there at 12:30 it's over mix and mingle at 6 okay I already knew that it was that length but I had no idea they were expecting us to stay that long okay keep in mind I'm freaking out because my feet hurt I'm freaking out because my phone isn't working and I wanted to get to Bergdorf to get that bag for my mom from my dad so I stayed through Joe Malone and I bolted about 2:30 it was a little after 2:30 because I needed to I there were I had to um prioritize and I've heard that I left at a good time so I left go out front and you guys I did not have any service could not even call an Uber and I had a little many many maybe a 45 second minute Panic like I start looking around and we're on this road that like cars aren't going by it's kind of off the beaten path so it's not like taxis are whizzing by me I know where my hotel is generally but I I'm not even going to be able to use my map I'm in heels because my mean shoes where are they okay these are the mean shoes my mean shoes are I know oh I did take okay I did take my leopard javanas and believe me before I went down that ramp again I sat on a couch and put those on did not care did not care I had on that guest dress with leopard flipflops didn't care I would have worn Crocs I would have worn anything but those flipflops are what I needed and so the guy outside says you you should probably go back inside the Google building and get those guys to hook you to the network and see if they can help you will the young guy help me he says yeah BAS basically you're screwed you either need to go to your carrier store or um they need to send you a pen and he hooked me up on their Network so I could at least get a uber back to the hotel so I am slightly freaking um I ask the guy at the front desk if he can take my SIM card out I don't know how to do it he says we have to have a special tool um then the girl says Verizon's just around the corner I go on another wild goose chase Verizon was nowhere to be found okay John gets on the phone with them here bottom line it took about 2 hours with him on the phone with a representative I proceeded to um go go up in the room change into my this Blazer my anina beinging sweatshirt which I love my Zara black pants and my flipflops felt amazing had an epiphany this is who I am this is who I am I am a comfortable cool girl that does not get blisters on her feet and does not feel like she has to wear high heels to events if she doesn't want to so that's a whole thing that we'll get into later I told John I said I'm just going to go downstairs and eat so I got another Burger he's having me turn it off for two minutes turn to this number all that kind of stuff finally we get it fixed finally and I'm thinking I don't know if I'm going to go back out but I'm feeling cheated I already told my mom mom and dad I wasn't able to go get that so I ended up getting an Uber getting back to Soho I'm not a quitter at 5:51 well I knew all of the good places close at 700 so I walk around a little bit I'm on Spring Street and I go into Gucci where I kind of connected with Cara and I tore it up here let's see how long have I been going oh my gosh here is where I got my birthday gift I got my momento gift and I bought some things for my fall wardrobe okay so the bag that she showed me when I first went in there is this one and I already love dionis bags but this is The Happening color it's with this special I'll link it below it's a special kind of like patent crinkled leather and you guys the hardware is this really really cool Hardware that's really not silver and really not gold it kind of goes with whatever you put it on with and it's kind of soft and it's big enough that you can it's got like the see how it has like the tiger heads on it I mean it's just fabulous it is fabulous I me you can do it cross body you can do it on your shoulder it is just beautiful beautiful I love it so this is going to look so good with like that new Zara thing okay then we had looked at scarves too the first time I was there so keep that in your mind also keep in your in your mind that I took notes the entire time I was there every time I passed someone wearing something I liked or when I was sitting there I wrote down the outfit formula in my notes and we're going to we're going to do that one of the outfits that I saw was a girl wearing a strapless tube toop like probably from aritzia like a nice one and a little neck scarf I was like it looked so good because it looked and then she ended up putting on a Blazer it looked fashionable and cool without too try hard so I had looked at those but what was my priority number one comfort shoes I I thought to myself I am going to have the most badass sneaker collection ever created everywhere I looked people looked fabulous with their sneakers on I thought I am never doing this again I will take care of this so I ended up getting these I think it's called the reweb I have almost purchased these many times I you guys know I love the the Gucci canvas traditional print um I loved even the tongue having the traditional colors and I love a chunky sneaker they look so good with trousers tried them on they're fabulous they're true to size I got an eight and I do have room for I don't wear chunky socks I don't wear real thin socks I wear kind of medium crw socks and I love them just the ones like I got at um that I showed you that I got at Airy those are the kind of socks then I said hold on okay so she's gotten me a water we're vibing and the other guy one of the managers he says he's the best seller at the store he starts he starts picking up what I'm putting down and starts catching my vibe so he's having me try on this beautiful green coat and I you know me I tell everything I told him how I felt that he was laughing at me with the kitten heels and those shoes and he was telling me you know put on put on some sweats and put on this coat I said I know I know that's my style I said if it was a little cooler I would have had a sweatsuit with a faux fur on and so he's like really getting who I am and we're trying on those was a cool sweatshirt it was crazy expensive I said no I'm just not not going to do that then that coat I was like not going to do that so meanwhile she brings out the shoes and she says I don't know if you'll like these but these are my go-to comfort shoes and they look really cute with joggers with jeans anything and it was these these little I guess you would call them clogs they're kind of like a cool they're kind of like in between the Gucci loafers and like a Birkenstock the Boston which I I have since learned that I all my birken stocks I bought were too big a size too big that's why they're not comfortable to me that's why I couldn't keep them on my feet my mom informed me my mom and I ordered her my dad bought them four he she was trying to pick one pair and he said get them all get them all so she bought four pairs of Birkin stocks the other day online anyway that's when I learned I was buying them too big but these when I put them on you guys they're so comfortable they're true to size they're light and I think that they are going to look amazing with Barrel cut jeans um my Aviator Nation sweatpants spiritual gangster anything like this is I'm excited about these this is so cool these are going to go good too with um some of the pants and stuff that I just bought from Zara okay so don't stop there the guy had just been to the Hampton's Gucci and he brought me a little gift he brought me a whole pack of Gucci postcards from all the different places so I thought I might start putting these in with my orders that you guys when you order from my website then he brought this and it was over I was like you really do get me he brought it from the back it is this he says it's they said it was reversible and it says that on the webs site too you know last year I kind of really got into the sweaters the cashmere and everything and I think one of my favorite purchases ever in my life is my old wild fox sweater that has the cougar going around it with the um sequins this is kind of like that it is just a big oversized Gucci it's m hair and wool I believe and yeah it's reversible it comes in like a brown too I believe online they say it's rever ible you know I you could but to me I like it like this and it's long it has killer sleeves it's just fabulous it's fabulous I'm going to wear this with jeans I'm going to wear this with sweatpants I'm going to wear this with yoga pants with leggings okay you know people say it's Sweater Weather to me it's Blazer weather but this is kind of a combination because I really like investing in blaze ERS and big sweaters like this that you can wear on repeat wear on your every trip wear every day and that's what this is so I'm super excited I I had tried on some things so I knew I wanted a medium yeah a medium but I love it this is a lifetime lifetime piece for me for sure like that just makes me so D on Happy okay then here is my little this is such a good gift if you have somebody special and you want to get them a really bougie gift this scarf I wanted a black one I wanted gold and I wanted the traditional Gucci print and I'll be damn if we didn't find it and let's see is it all silk made in Italy I don't know I got to cut this off let's see Gucci limited you guys you'll have to look on the website and see exactly what it's made of but she was like telling me all the things people do with these they TI around their bags they tie them around their wrists they put them around a ponytail they wrap them like this and I I said I want to be this girl I do I want to be this girl she said you know what you got to do you got to be that girl and I was like I love you and she was young too so anyway I got this I can't wait to wear it I'll probably wear it in the upcoming week but okay what I was going to say is as Gucci and designer things go that was $200 and some dollars so that is a very very Vib Timeless bougie thoughtful gift for someone then I saw this this is a wrap I'm not going to undo it but it's big I she said it looked good on blonds it's kind of like I noticed so many PE people wearing trench coats I have a cropped trench coat and I thought how good would this look with a trench or denim on denim or just so many things it's something I can use is on the plane it's I really have enjoyed taking something with me when I go out to eat to put on my shoulders in the summer I just knew I would love it so this was a little bit more yeah this one was 670 but again it's Timeless it's beautiful absolutely no regrets here I am I asked a couple to take a picture of me when I left because I usually get a picture on these steps every time I go to this Gucci in SoHo and then then I went back to the hotel feet still just jacked up but happy loving it I've had the best day go up to my room put my bags down I had taken an Uber back from the Gucci store and then there is another pizza place down the street the other way the one that way was kind of like a bar and stuff this one is um let's see I don't know if their name is on it but they had the perfect perfect little stand or little bar where I could eat the top of my pizza three pieces and watch people walk by at night meaning they're dressed up and love it I got her to take go outside and take a picture of me so that I could show you how fabulous it was I had my diet coke oh my gosh it was just you guys I thought everything all is well this is magical I love being here I'm writing down all these things that have inspired me I'm like connecting back with myself and like I I saved this become obsessed with the fact that your potential is endless and your ability to grow is infinite you can be anything and everything you want you can and then I I saved this one oh my gosh she's got that independent wake up make [ __ ] happen kind of vibe and then here I am walking back to the hotel it was this far away on the same sidewalk and and I start packing up these are the mean shoes this is my hotel room while I'm in the bed just to show you the size of it and I took pictures of everything to show John and everybody what I got and I've got a lot of outfit inspiration here and um I I saved this I'll just tell you where my head was this whole time you are the greatest project you'll ever work on restart reset refocus as many times as you need just don't give up because this was definitely I don't know if I'd go so far as a restart or re I would say a reset on my fashion thoughts here in the last few months um more out your aura is so gangster that's us and so here I was packing my suitcase and I thought what a beautiful little picture of fabrics and colors here so I took a picture and then I'm like okay this is the next morning that I leave yesterday I'm wearing my Zara pants my new blazer my sweatshirt again and I bought a New York black New York Hat when I passed by aritzia I saw it in the window I went in and got it that place was off the chain there was so many people in there there was so many people in there that when I walked in to get that hat I thought oh hell no I'm not I'm not doing this and the girl got me and she said can I help you I said well I wanted to get that hat in your window I said but I said you guys are so big busy she said meet me at the register I'll go get it and meet you there and so I ended up getting it and I loved it and then I decided typically when I leave I knew that my driver the same guy that picked me up the first night said he would come back and get me and take me to the airport so I connected with him the night before I knew he was going to be there at 11:30 and typically I would have just taken my time slept in and eaten breakfast and that's all I would have done but I thought no I don't know when I'll get to come back here and I am going to make the most of this day so I had breakfast here at 711 a.m. a.m. and headed out I went back to Soho and my main thought was I am getting I saw the Adidas store when I was down there and I never saw it again because I was you know just going Street by Street and I thought I'm going to the Adidas store and I'm getting a cool pair of Adidas gazel to wear with cool viby cool girl outfits for the fall but they didn't open until 10:00 and most places don't open until 11:00 so it was so neat because I took the Uber down there okay this is a picture of the streets so you understand how the everybody understands how the streets are but I just took this picture I went to um a I think it was like a French bakery because they had I went to the bathroom and they had French um playing like different ways to ask for things in French I got this really cool vibby skinny Diet Coke can Diet Coke drink and then I bought will a cookie they were individually wrapped I bought him chocolate chip and then I bought my mom and dad two cookies and then I asked him I said can I sit at your little table outside he said of course you can you are my guest so I sat out there and did some serious people watching and it is so amazing to me New York is like nothing I've ever seen I noticed that when people pass each other they don't even look at each other at all and I noticed when I was walking people are just talking everybody is just talking they're talking with their headphones on they're talking on their phone they're talking to themselves and nobody cares like if you're here where I live and you talk out loud you're talking to someone but that isn't how it was and when I pass someone here you typically I would say 80 to 90% of the time you have eye contact and you smile or you say hello or whatever which my parents my dad had already said Lisa you're going to stick out like a sore thumb don't be walking around smiling and everything and I said I can't make a mean face I just had my disport done but I did stick out several people told me I stuck out okay so I sat there for a while and people watched then I walked all the way back down to the Adidas store again I realized that's where the subway came up and so I went further down and went to a bagel place that looked like it was happening I got my parents some bagels I got another Diet Coke I did not who cares if I try and get but anyway I got it so I could sit out there and sat at their table and it was so cool because I got to see people coming off the subway and going to work and I got to hear these two guys next to me talking so classic New York it was like something right off the movies and then I waited um for the Adidas store to open and I got these aren't these fabulous you guys oh my gosh they're the latest ones they are the are they the gazelle I I have a yeah they're the gazel but I don't know if you can see look they're fuzzy they are just fabulous they do come with these shoestrings I think I'm going to stop here while I'm ahead but look how pretty these are they're just beautiful I mean that color is like a flower it is just gorgeous okay I know that I'm on um borrowed time because I need to be back at the hotel I was already packed I packed everything but I left it open in my hotel room because I knew I might buy some stuff and I ended up getting this bodysuit which I thought was really cool I thought it would look really good with um some like lower rise or midrise jeans and boots or something I don't know I'm going to have fun with it and then I knew when I get through with it Brooke will love it and so I walked a little ways but nobody would let me in I begged the guy at Louis Vuitton to let me let me in and so I got uh Uber back to the hotel got there about 11:00 texted my my driver and he said good I'm only 3 minutes away so we actually left at 11:00 and then I got to the airport I had lunch there I had two burgers with a fried egg on top and here's what I wore I wore the black pants well you guys already saw it and that is it so here I am it was fabulous I loved it my feet are so tore up my left one only has one blister I don't know why my right foot got more tore up but just can't wait to go back love it I had the best time I loved everybody I met everyone I saw I reconnected it was just amazing so that is it a couple of um little things oh I did get this brow gel when I was in Sephora I forgot how good this is if the Too Faced one is too goopy this one would be perfect for you and then I have not been using my clear C lips in a while because I was trying to use up some things that I had well I opened a new one and took it with me you guys nothing okay the lip combo I have on is the new Too Faced lip injection this is the caramel apple with their new lip liner called postop pink so let me Swatch this for you because this is really good let me do it on the pal with my hand okay so this is the posttop pink just actually the color of your the Flesh on your lips and then put this over it it is so pretty so it's just a really pretty nudie F lip look because this stuff does not play it will will pump you up for sure plump you up pump you up fire you up smells good too it's got the that Apple that fall apple spice smell oh it smells so good yeah maximum plump Extra Strength it does not play okay so back to I wanted to just tell you the difference this is the stinging plump there's something in this city beauty that plumps I think it may even plump up if you've ever had I haven't had lip filler in and before I moved here so over 3 years and I feel like it almost plumps your lip filler back up or something there is something very very unique about this I was telling Brooke how much I realized how good that is so okay you guys I brought these out here I almost wore these but they were a little bit too long for the shoes that I had don't sleep on these little Zara pants because they're going to be a good component with the whole sweatshirts and jacket and Blazers I wanted to make sure you remembered that and that is it thank you for watching Lisa in Paris next will be Lisa does Dallas okay guys start to soon

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