deinfluencing fall trends: talking you out of buying new things for 36 minutes

intro y'all the weather understood the assignment we are talking fall fashion today where I'm de influencing you fall fashion trying to encourage you to use what you have this fall season and it just kind of got all dark and stormy out so the weather just kind of came in clutch for me today um y'all quite often make comments about when like the lights are on it's all very nice Ambiance at least I think we like I'm giving you all the Vibes today or at the very least I'm trying to I'm like trying to th some fall some fall without you know being Toof full and I broke out my dark lasses I don't know how I feel well cuz I've been wearing my other ones for quite a while and it's such a star contrast so this is how I'm leaning into Fall using what I have okay okay so the video the assignment there are tons of videos out there talking about fall fashion trends telling you you need to run out right now and go get the fall bag the denim jacket or whatever kind of thing is trending this fall they're trying to tell you you need these Trends and you need them now and I'm here to tell you no ma'am I'm here to De influence you to give you other things to consider before going out and buying this stuff number one and number two to try and quell all that excitement for fall fashion and kind of keep things on a more even ke totally cool to get excited about fall and fall fashion but we don't need to buy new stuff in order to do that if we are buying new stuff for our wardrobe this season I would love for you to consider buying secondhand the first trend 1 thing I want to talk about are colors and the big colors for this season are green burgundy gray and brown people are saying all of green and for Brown like the Earth Tone Brown the dark brown and then for the red kind of like a burgundy maroon Bordeaux the dark kind of wine colors if you will and I'm mentioning these first because the trend is the color so this is like so perfect to go at the top of a fall fashion de influencing video because you don't need to buy anything these are the perfect kinds of things to dig into your closet to see what you already have and you can get excited for Fall using these colorways because many of us will have something a piece of some kind in these colors I've heard many people say that olive green is having a Resurgence or it's more popular now than it was than it was previously and when it comes to fall colors there are certain colors that do arise or arise every season these four but also of course black camel warm Browns or almost any brown really navy blue and so it's not like these colors didn't exist previously you could buy stuff in these colors every season or sorry every fall but I think right now these are just like colors of the moment apparently and I just perhaps didn't notice about the green cuz of my favorite color and I always find a way to find the green but when I was thinking about these colors I was thinking about stuff I already have and I have a pair of maroon pants as well as like a sweater a lightweight knit and I was like oh my God I can pull those out so or it it can give you a way to find new excitement in Old pieces which is so wonderful so when you are digging through your fall and or winter clothes um you can look for this stuff and maybe it'll help you get excited about what you already have and you can also think about extending these colors to other parts of your life like Beauty um I have a green nail polish not olive green but still a green and it kind of made me excited about it I also have a dark burgundy maybe a little bit darker than what they're saying here but I immediately was a bad snap I immediately thought about it and it made me excited to wear those colors you could also think about lipstick colors or eyeshadow colors potentially these glasses are brown uh so you know I'm kind of I guess maybe in in Trend a little bit I hear a lot of advice about people buying new pieces in one of these colorways to participate in the trend which we've already talked about you don't need to do but I also hear the recommendation of buying bags and shoes in particular in these colorways because I think the idea is that they're less like commitment or they're less integral to your outfit they're maybe more like additions to an outfit instead of the outfit I think before you buy any kind of one of these trending colors is to think about how you wear color and where you like to wear it because one thing I actually realized when I was thinking about this myself I wasn't thinking about buying anything in these colorways but I've seen people like specifically aren green ballet flats and as I've mentioned I love green probably my favorite color on me and I own it in jackets and tops sweaters t-shirts pants I I own it in all the fashion stuff uh cuz I love it but one thing I do not own in green are shoes I hate green shoes because I think just for me my style sense they're just hard to style they're hard to match with stuff and I prefer shoes typically in more neutral colors I mean green quite often isn't neutral but I prefer more obvious neutrals because I just find them far easier to style and far more versatile just as shoes go even if that's not true in my mind that's how it works so a green shoe is useless to me I don't want to see it kind of same thing with the burgundy shoe or even maybe a burgundy bag uh not really the way that I operate great if we're buying anything new from our wardrobe color trends are also really fabulous to Thrift because we're paying attention to the color and when we are buying new things and if we are thinking through the lens of color these are the items that can have the potential longevity in our wardrobe because the item itself can be almost anything so this has the opportunity to fit so many different styles however in these Trend videos we're often seeing combination of Trends or things that are trending at the moment like in terms of Silhouettes combined with the color so right now we're not seeing people recommend a skinny leg like work trouser dress pant kind of situation I own one of those this isn't the recommendation right now and so I could think oh is my version of this color trend is it the right one is it the right version is it trendy enough is it cool enough and the point I'm trying to make is that if we pay too close attention we can start feeling a little bit about our versions of stuff that we have but also it's what can cause a problem in this color world is when we combine the color Trend with other Trends because quite often what will be the problem is not the color it will be the texture or the shape or the silhouette of the thing that will say oh I don't like this or it feels I don't know outdated or it's no longer trendy anymore that's the kind of thing that we might have a problem with instead of the color so an example I'm seeing all the time whereas this particular red bag it kind of has like a bigger shape and it has almost like woven kind of you'll see it I'll have it here this silhouette this texture is just very 2024 it's very right now so I have a feeling in a couple years this is going to you buy this bag it's going to feel maybe not you and most especially if you're buying Trends because they're trendy and not because it matches your personal style that's that's largely the problem I'm only going to say it once I've been on tiites about this most recently last week go and watch that video if you want to hear more thoughts about that but I think that's going to be more of the problem and why people decl but it is because it didn't match the personal style and it was just of the moment so we can pick color pieces that match our personal style that can last us 5 10 15 20 years what however long whatever next trend 2 up is leopard print I'm hearing a lot of people call leopard print Timeless and I kind of disagree I think it's Timeless for some people but certainly not for everybody and you know this because if you view leop print as Timeless you probably already have something leop print and there are patterns that do come around every few years or every decade leop print was around in the 2000s or 2010s early 2010s remember that very distinctly and some people love leopard print because it's Nostalgia people hate it for that exact reason and so while leopard print does come around time and time again that doesn't necessarily make it Timeless because what happened last time was that leopard print went out and so people decluttered their leper leopard print and so you're seeing it back around and you could be like oh yeah that's cute for right now like you can like it for a moment so just because leop print comes around doesn't make it Timeless in addition what tends to make leopard print not Timeless is not necessarily the fact fabric but the application of it right now the wide leg low cut leopard print jeans and the dupe versions I know there's like a Paxon one there's an Amazon one everybody's pushing that application of leopard print that Peak Trend it's going to it's going to be out I think by next fall uh let alone like 2 or 3 years and so it wasn't ever really the leopard print that was the problem it was the context of the print the lowrise wide leg chain and then people are saying oh yeah it's Timeless so it's okay to invest in it do you own any of the leopard print from last time it was around or have you bought any barring its rise now have you bought any since I'm sure there's some of you in the comments who are saying yes that's you more Timeless if that's not you probably not Timeless so this idea that it's an investment that you could keep and wear until it comes back around again is bit of a false sentiment and I think kind of a way to get you to spend money you don't know the context in which leopard print will be in in 5 years and if that matters to you then it's really a like somebody who's following Trends and if that doesn't matter to you you probably have leopard print you know what I'm saying I'm also seeing people recommend buying coats and leopard prints as well as skirts and Boots buying buying coats and boots in any kind of hyper trendy piece I think is generally a mistake because those tend to be the most expensive components of Outlet of of outfits even if we're buying secondhand or fast fashion like those tend to be more expensive and so it's the most expensive way to participate in a trend I also think last thing on the leopard print that it can be difficult to wear in coats and shoes if you're somebody who is not really into pattern mixing I think it's a fairly bold pattern when it's done kind of big and I don't love a pattern mixing myself you're allowed to love it there nothing objectively um nice or not nice about it that's just my personal take so I would personally have struggles styling a leopard print coat or getting the longevity out of such a thing next up are faux fur coats trend 3 and vests I hate this because of what it reminds me of and not necessarily anything about the trend itself I mean I don't I don't okay I don't like this trend because faux for coats and vests I remember very vividly when they were around last time it happened when I was in university and the stuff was generally expensive and also it looked like after you wore it a few times these are incredibly difficult to maintain and clean they are like almost always even like shitty fast fashion versions are hand wash only or dry clean only they kind of remind me of like the faux fur rug I had such a rug that was a nightmare to clean uh it got all matted and like Bunchy that's what happens to these jackets even if you dry clean them even if you're careful and so to me they are a bad investment or not even an investment they're just a bad Buy in many cases because one I think this is micro Trend it's going to be out in about a year and if it's not it's still going to be difficult to clean and maintain which is going to be a problem for many people and also disincentivize people from actually wearing it that's my take I do remember a lot of the a lot of folks wearing the vest in particular I don't know what tops were worn with them but I remember the leather jeggings and like the top bun like the sock bun I feel like that was the vibe in the 2010 with the faux for uh vests next up is suede and suede trend 4 is one of those Fabrics that does come in almost every fall kind of like we got plaid Tweed often as well we also got corduroy we also got velvet maybe gingham yeah gingham for sure as well as Tartan love Tartan I'm personally but I eat that up so if you got the suede pull it out enjoy it love it so happy for you um love that but buying suede is I also think kind of a challenge because as I was talking about with the faux first Stu suede is a very challenging fabric to keep clean and to maintain quite often hand wash only or dry clean only and how that varies kind of tends to vary with where you got it from the cheapest stuff you you might be able to get a hand wash only in there just really challenging to maintain I only own a pair of suede boots and I don't own anything else in suede for that very reason also because suede has a like low life expectancy or I should say low window of wear just where I live because you can't wear it in snow you can't wear it in rain so the temperature in which it is both warm enough and or cold enough to wear it without water it's just so narrow I won't I I won't do it at this point in my life and then also I hate handwashing stuff I'm not about to go get I'm not about to do this um and I take stuff to dry cleaning even less it's a nightmare for me I I know that about myself not going to do it if you're like me don't do it when it comes to the recommendations of what to buy with suede this season I'm seeing a lot of Western inspired jackets with fringe like people recommending you go buy jackets with fringe as well as like studs on them both of these are microt Trends within a larger category that isn't itself a micr trend like suede skirts or jackets aren't a micr Trend it's the way that they're cut and embellished that can make them more or less trendy that doesn't really matter if whatever kind of silhouette is part of your style like this kind of jacket I'm wearing now is like a very 2010's style I don't care because this is the cut of leather faux leather jacket that I like on myself so that's irrelevant and so if you have cuts that make you feel good or part of your sh do it go off wear that kind of thing but it's this recommendation for these like hyper Trend applications that will make something that is also typically expensive kind of fall into a shorter period of time there might be places in which people regularly wear the like the tassel jackets or that might be something you wear even if you're not from a place where there's lots of tassel jackets it could just be part of your style with the fringe jackets or the tassel jackets you just love it personally you don't care you're like these are so hard to find this is my time sure but that's not going to be majority of people seeing this stuff and part of why this stuff is trending in my opinion is because of like the Western influences that are still in right now and so they are influencing the kind of jackets that are popular at the moment also I'm see your recommendation for a particular kind of suede bag and people I think forget myself included about how bags as well and accessories can be Trends in themselves even things like size of bags and shapes can be trans the bagette bag is such an example of that um that was in in the early 2000s kind of the Carrie Bradshaw era and then it made a Resurgence was it last year your before and I think it's still around but maybe more like it's beginning its decline perhaps well that I think is it's not out but I think it's trickling out I think that the rise of the bigger bag is is starting she's not at her Peak but I think I think she's starting I think we're starting to see the bigger bags as well as because may like two years ago we saw like the micro bags and now pendulums tend to swim I think that the recommendation for a specific kind of suede bag I'll show you the one I keep seeing recommended over and over again I think the size the shape like the silhouette I think is just feel more like a trend or like you bought it during a trend just like I think the bagette bags in five years for a lot of people they're going to be out of many people's closets because they bought them because they were Trend and not because they were part of a signature style so if you are looking for a bag this season and you also looking for something in suede I would really just be mindful of the silhouette of the bag and the size of the bag and the kind of purpose you would want it to serve opposed to just like buying the bag because it's the bag this also goes for leopard print as well because I was mentioning those specific genes and I think those genes are popular right now because they are more of a symbol of IAL status than leopard print and what people really want and what they're loving is the IAL status of it so if leopard actually is your thing there are so many other ways to do leopard can also do it secondhand uh that aren't this specific iteration ofg trend 5 next up is the oversized gold button or gold button detail I items this is being combined a lot with the like old money aesthetic East Coast kind of rich people aesthetic is how I kind of describe it it feels preppy feels like Rich preppy person kind of look this is probably why I don't write for Vogue or anything like that all the magazines have like really nice nicknames for stuff and I'm out here saying Eco a rich person aesthetic you know what I mean I think most especially when you see the pieces and they're on everything from Cardigans to jackets and skirts uh just really really prevalent and I think the concern with this trend is number one over buying it because people tend to really love it and just buy this kind of thing in excess that's number one number two I think is the quality of the buttons and what the things are made out of and I think these can be risky pieces to to buy without ever seeing or touching them the risk of these buttons is looking cheap when the Gold Hardware is not done right it can just look cheap I feel like you know it if you've seen it or the item can be be made cheaply or the gold peels off the buttons do tend to be made of metal maybe not like high quality metal But Metal nonetheless and then you don't risk the peeling which is fine but but you don't know how it's going to look and feel until you actually see it in person and so that's a factor to consider before ever buying these pieces but what I think is perhaps the bigger maybe issue with these items is that they encourage us or this trend encourages us to buy things we already have but we don't have it with the gold buttons so you may have a cardigan or a skirt black skirt I'm seeing them on or maybe a white skirt you don't have it with these buttons this kind of thinking can create duplications in our own wardrobe but also kind of create this need of or a niche right like I don't have this exact thing so I need it I need a skirt like this or I need a a cardigan like this or jacket like this and we can create dupes within our own wardrobe lastly even if you have a preppy style or classic style items with this kind of adornment don't tend to have longevity in a wardrobe most especially if they are bought in multiples somebody I can see somebody getting sick of them like just having so much of the the gold buttons they just get sick of it so they declutter and they only want to have maybe like one or two like one cardigan and one skirt next trend 6 up are crop trench coats and these very much look like somebody was wearing a fulllength trench coat and then took a knife to it and then just cut it I'll show you a couple of examples I've seen these in you know kind of more trench coat Fabrics but I've also seen them in denim I think like somebody like H&M has reproduced this silhouette in many Fabrics including felt kind of a boxier more cropped version of the shacket but I'm seeing this most in the trench kind of fabric this item is encouraging people to buy buy it because they go oh wow this is such a cool or unique silhouette and I think it's unnecessary most specifically if you already have a trench coat not everybody's a trench coat person which I get so if that's the case maybe you weren't ever interested in this but if you are a trench coat person you are far better off getting a more classic style whether that is a long one or a short one but this isn't even the short trench coat once you see the short trench coat versus this one you will notice a difference in the length but also the sleeves the sleeves the cropped ones tend to be quite short and boxy with wider sleeves and so all of these elements together factor in to this being a trend that will have a shorter lifespan than something with maybe like a narrower sleeve or a more typical length for a trench coat some folks are the oversized kind of person where they enjoy an oversized fit and lots of stuff you know if that's you and so buying an oversized trench coat wouldn't be a short-lived item some folks like the more uh slim kind of fitting May more traditional trench coat silhouette both kinds of things can have longevity in people's wardrobes this just isn't it this is in my opinion going to be something shortlived and so because this style seems really unique to people it can encourage them to buy the trench coat in this style when they already have the trench coat I think you'll just be better served to keep your trench as it is and it like in a couple of weeks this will probably pass and you'll have your trench coat that you can wear and use and it'll be a great time the last kind of thing about this are the sleeves and the length the sleeves are boxy or sorry wider and if you ever own things with wide sleeves they can be kind of annoying as well as drafty this kind of coat isn't going to U be that effective as a coat or yeah provide you the warmth that a trench coat might because it's going to be more Breezy and let more of the air kind of roam through with the sleeves and the crop like it's just it's not something that's going to be very warm and that might be something that you like or that you need based on your climate but if not I think that's just an extra factor to remember with the trench coat or with the cropped wide you know with this tab the last thing are chunky gold accessories I've heard a lot of people trend 7 talk about the bracelets and I've seen like this picture everywhere and I've also seen the gold chunky hair accessories I have to admit the gold chunky hair accessories are very cute I do actually really like those I do they're so cute to me because I do like putting my hair back and they just they're way to elevate what could be a really basic hairstyle like a ponytail or a bun or a bubble braid but before you buy them what I think is important to keep in mind is how you operate in the world and if this is going to get in the way of that one of the reasons why I don't wear clock lips a ton is because I work in a chair with the headrest and it gets in the way of that same thing with driving I can't even if I'm in the passenger seat I can't put my head back on the headrest in either of those cases even on the train uh because the clock clip is there right so it has to be like super high up not even low because even if it's at the lowest part of my neck I still feel it uh and can still get in the way so it typically has to be pretty high up and so some of these hair accessories can do the same thing if they are Big And Chunky enough like some of them are suggesting and also some of the uh some of the styles are like a or what I've seen once I've looked them up are like a chunky accessory on a just a regular elastic band and it's not replaceable like you can't just take accessory part and clip it onto a new elastic band it's one piece so what's going to happen is your elastic band is going to stretch out and then and then what are you going to do so I think this accessory would be best if you're able to change out the elastic band or if it's more of like a clip onto things those do exist and then also considering how you wear your hair and if this kind of thing is going to get in the way of that number two and number three kind of thinking about your climate one of the reasons why I wouldn't buy an accessory like this the window in which I could wear it like wear my hair back well also not wearing a hat and enjoying fall weather is kind of slim it could be wearable for Springtime and summer so that could be something to consider in your design or maybe you want to wait until spring um see if you're still interested in it or you'll have like the longest period of time in which you could wear it that's what I would do if I was really really loving this idea of a chunky hair accessory I would wait until spring when I would be interested in it in Spring but if I waited until spring I could pick something that appealed to me at that moment you know wait a bit I have some months to think about it and then I'd have it for the time of year in which I can freely uh wear my hair out or I might go out and about in the world and have my you know my hair out in various styles which I could wear and have it be wearable option for roughly 6 months the chunky gold accessories are very similar or the chunky gold bracelets I should say to the hair accessories because we're talking real chunky like chunk City with these bracelets super chunky and people are putting them over sweaters and tops and to me this kind of stuff just seems so impractical to real life not only are there going to be loud and clanking around they could also be heavy but just get in the way of operating in the world you know what I'm saying like even if you put them on their on your non-dominant hand like your hand still has to rest on your desk or your keyboard when you're typing or it's got to go in a coat when you go outside or you know commute like I just to me it just seems like the kind of thing that looks good in theory when you're doing nothing posing for photos but then when you actually have to go out and live your life it just gets in the way of stuff let me know if this is you as well but I kind of feel like I'm maybe more ambidextrous where I use both hands maybe more often than the average person I don't know if that's true or not or are you somebody who uses both hands for stuff because if you are you're not just relying on one hand to do all of the stuff out there so it could still get in the way still be annoying it's one of the reasons why I don't personally own a lot of uh bracelets and the ones that I do are much thinner and when something is this chunky you are going to feel the wees when you wear it the the last last thing I wasn't sure if I was going to talk about it or not but it's double trend 8 denim I am a fan of the double Denim and I've been wearing it for many a year I worn a lot more when I was in university than now but I still do a double denim moment uh tends to be like dark like darker jeans lighter top or lighter jeans darker top that kind of thing not so much the exact same tone of denim like going forward I was actually just filling before this and I did do double denim moment I'll show you the picture of the outfit I didn't mind it to be honest I didn't mind it this is one where you totally could wear what you have if you have denim tops and bottoms but people are suggesting such specific things like denim trench coats or like denim tops with ties or like baggy denim dresses this is just such a thing where I hate seeing recommend like super trendy recommendations for a style or a trend that doesn't actually require you to buy anything don't let people out there convince you that you need to buy stuff in order to do the double denim people are also talking about like um skirt and jacket sets and darker like dark blue denim washes don't let people convince you you need to do that in order to follow this kind of trend if this appeals to you you can totally use what you have with this if you own both sets or if anything really easy easily Thrift denim is some of the easiest stuff out there to Thrift and there's lots of different styles out there and you do not need to go and buy new denim to participate in this trend people have really strong feelings about double Denim and you know Britney Spear's iconic denim look with Justin temper Lake people have both loved and roasted that couple's costume and you know people talk about the Canadian tuy though and just it gets roasted all the time and I think we're going to go back to roasting it soon maybe not next year but you know sometime in the future the Tide's going to turn and the double denim's going to go back to being roasted and like you're out of style you're not stylish with the double denim or if you're going to do double denim it has to look like this the trend people will turn on you they're going this is what happens they tell us this stuff is trendy today and then that shit's out the door in ath in a year or two so don't buy anything from double denim don't do it use what you have um and I think it's kind of more fun that way anyways and using what you have in my opinion is like the ultimate de influence because you get to have a little bit of fun um and experience something that will be fleeting but you got to have the fun anyways and you didn't buy anything which is the best case scenario that's it for me today these are the trends that I have attempted to De influence you and I think there's a lot on here where you could use what you have and you don't need to go and buy a single thing which is really awesome let me know what your favorite are on these lists are there any that you're going to be wearing in your own closet I want to hear what you're doing with your own clothes because that just I think is some great inspiration for the community and I personally want to hear it as well so thanks for watching watching hang out with me today I would love to hear from you in the comments and I hope to see you again around here soon for a new video bye [Applause] [Music]

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