the humanity I didn't even intend to come back on here until tomorrow morning when the race kicked off but now we have to CU there's news that it's breaking being Alex Alan has been disqualified from qual flaw irregularity but some will point to the more egregious crime in this penalty salad being that sir Lewis car Davidson Hamilton has received a THD three Place grid penalty look at me I can't even talk so raging and angry am I three Place grid penalty for what obious it's for the impeding of czecho Perez but did he impede him really yes he impeded him in absolute terms of course he did did he mean to had he earned himself a little bit of racing room by virtue of the fact that the only reason why he was there on that piece of track was because he just done avoiding somebody else of course he did but no as they do usually with Lewis Hamilton oh the humanity indeed king of nuts they throw the book at him our guy sir Lewis Carl Davidson a man who has done so much to elevate the sport of F1 first genuine mainstream crossover superstar in the one the fs history that's the dude who you smash and I understand that if you've got a burden if you've got an axe to grind because of all that LE Hamilton said in a not long not too distant past as an example Have You Got Confidence still in Muhammad Ben Salam as the president of the FIA to which leis Hamilton responded what do you mean have I still I've never had confidence in in Muhammad Ben Salam not now not ever nor the FIA that's what leis Hamilton said and then we reacted to it in kind this way when you talk about the FIA when you're so frequent and vociferous in your protest of things like homophobia and equality and diversity none of which the FIA really believe in or have been too open and honest as far as promoting when you speak up and out against the powers that be the sort of thing that we're talking about in terms of regulatory capture is always going to come back to bite Lewis Hamilton when the calls are marginal and this yet again is another case in points this surely is your proof positive that Lewis Hamilton probably probably if we're being honest and open and having a very grown-up conversation and if if if the FIA is the regulatory body that we know it to be that they might have been a bit harsh what do you want him to do where do you want him to go where is he going to go to he finds himself on the piece of track only seconds after having avoided One driver having to avoid another in czecho Perez czecho Perez screams and moans over the radio as you would expect him to do brand new man post a summer break doing all sorts he looks fit his Facey th this is czecho Perez Mexican Minister of Defense settings of 2021 he's back and he's complaining realizes the political table tennis that he can play in using Lewis Hamilton if we indeed have a common enemy you and me Christian Hornet if I can vilify sir sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton in real time then that will of course win me favor with the team principle that is Christian Horner that's how I'm thinking if I'm if I'm czecho Perez and props to him for doing it he said in real time that I've been penalized for much less egregious impediments take that props to czecho you did what you're supposed to do but the FIA is supposed to be a bit Kinder than that only a couple of hours prior Maxim in ver stappen he infringed on the pit Lane line right again it was only a minor infringement but he got a cheeky black and white flag a reprimand as you would expect it was free practice whatever however now again it's sir Lewis Hamilton and front and center of the mind for the stewards the FIA employed stewards will of course be agenda etc etc it's Tech this visual Outlaw Lewis was wrong and got in peris's way but Outlaw there's context mate you can't just take it in that the only reason why LS was on the outside of that corner going so slowly was because only a couple of seconds earlier he just done his best to get out the way of somebody what do you want him to do he he he can't he can't get out the way of the first without impeding the second this is these are mutually exclusive that that's physically impossible so I don't know what the FIA want him to do they said in their official adjudication which we will read in short order here's what they had to say that Lewis could have traveled a little bit slow with a view to get out of the way more of czecho Perez that's what they had to say and this is the FI it's like playing football says Yenni and and itching about the ref the whole game you'll pay the pr Yan you make the that's the that's what's going on here Lewis Hamilton doesn't care about the FI he's not looking to Curry fav nor Foster rapport with them like some of the other drivers they don't owe him any favors and of course if you get in the face of the referee and turn around your baseball cap and cause them grief talk about issues that they don't want you to be talking about if you say that you never ever had confid confidence in them let alone now if that's the way you're talking surely at some point if you're the FIA and the stewards this is going to come back to bite sir Lewis Hamilton and I think I fear and suspect that this is what's happening in real time as far as Sir Lewis Hamilton's concerned let's read out the planet F1 article cuz it's techy I'll get this in the background next time but I'm too angry that Lewis Hamilton given three Place good pen grid Place penalty three Place grid penalty over czecho Perez incident Lewis Hamilton writes Planet F1 Thomas Mayer of has been banned handed banned yeah probably as well handed a three Place grid p a three Place grid penalty after being found to have impeded czecho Perez doing Dutch Grand Prix qualifying hamon was knocked out of Q I mean if you know what let me just address it as if he couldn't get any worse for sir Lewis you know what I mean out in Q2 George Russell King George Russell of Kingsley North at first of his name makes it through to Q3 again roundly being outperformed by your MTI I mean you saw LS after qualifying as a session he's just downtrodden right just super upset I mean like almost nonchalant lass fairish just like it is what it is now do you know what I mean if George is going to beat me in qualified I'm just going to have to try more than offset it in in the race this is the this is the case they gave me nonchalant not even cheesed off just disappointed and upset and then they go and give him this to add insult to injury Planet F1 continues leis Hamilton has been given a three- Place grid penalty after being found to have impeded check upz during the Dutch Grand Prix qualify hamton was knocked out in Q2 after failing to make the top 10 in qualifying y y y he gets worse and his Saturday got worse after the seven time Champion was summoned before the Stewart Hamilton has been trying to get out of the way of the rapidly approaching czecho Perez as the Red Bull driver was negotiating his way for a flying lap but wasn't quite able to give quite enough room to the Mexican due to the nature of the turn n exit he was driving at the incident resulted in Pre feeling AG grieved cost him a set of red labeled soft soft comp compound tires um radioing in what the fudge is this idiot doing how very Dare You czecho Perez I mean I know you've come back I know you've had a break the summer break's done you well and you've come back rejuvenated a but who are you calling an effing idiot czecho Perez got to speak up you know what I mean sir Lis Carl Davidson Hamilton to you czecho perz that's my drive been following from 2 it's contrary to what many cult haers believe oh karon you're not a lisis Hamilton fan well talk to me about Pion and PK Jun inter maggots gp2 2000 is it talk to me about that like th those who are new here listen welcome come in put your feet under the table make yourself comfortable this is leis Hamilton fanhood genuine how very dare cult LH just tell me that I'm not a true lisis Hamilton fan because I will never ever sacrifice truth and objectivity at the alter of partisanship and fanhood not even sir Lewis Hamilton's however I say that to say this czecho Perez you shall put some respect on Sir Lewis Hamilton's name yeah you've come back and you're in you're in orabuena as they say in Spain in good form I expect czecho Perez to go really well tomorrow I really do I feel like he's turned the corner he looks well he looks like he's been training drinking lots of water and I want the best for czecho because once upon a time he was a very very good driver not the best not goat settings not Mount Rushmore of F1 like a Lewis Hamilton or a maxan for stapper not quite there not premier league but champ chionship level at least and props to him for that but yet and still czecho who are you calling an effing idiot chap you the one who yeed it into the barrier when when the owners of your team were watching chap what are you talking about you who's been roundly out qualified by Logan Sergeant who is in a Williams who are you calling an effing idiot do we really want to talk about effing idiot is that the terminology czecho Perez that you really want to use given the extent and frequ of your material underperformance season today is that where we're going with this czecho Perez an effing idiot mate did you see yourself in the barrier in Hungary what do you what were you talking about mate did you see Miami last year when you put it on pole and there was no safety car and your teammate just destroyed you like he was Godzilla in Godzilla in Japan just absolutely nailed you caught you up and passed you and and and finished the race with time in hand what are we talking about czecho perz effing idiot listen now you can say that he was at fault but effing idiot you best look at that helmet and realize who you're talking to chap I'll say that honestly and earnestly there are levels to this game czecho Perez when was the last time that you won a championship or seven huh huh I'll wait czecho Perez what the f is this idiot doing behave yourself and you knew very well that you were talking about Sir Lewis car Davidson Hamilton to you put some respect on his name Hamilton responded by saying I was well out of his way I did my utmost with Perez doing another run so okay so peris's downside in this the downside ramifications for the chap is that he no longer had himself an extra set of red labeled soft compound ties which had Harbor aspirations of using to good AFF in Q3 props but honestly mate I don't know you were lucky to get into it not lucky but past his prolog chap I don't know why would you need those tires because you haven't been getting into a Q3 talking about effing idiot yeah but we wasted we wasted a set please put the protest in said czecho Perez post for worse than oh yeah czecho further emphasizing the points get that protest in we need to make sure he gets a penalty for worst than I've been penalized for so I don't expect any less this is czecho Perez doing one of these with his rejuvenated self getting in front of the stewards this is what they need to do not the simil what Maxim V stappen did send my regards to the stewards fair play Planet F1 continues now Hamilton has been handed a three Place grid penalty for impeding czecho Perez which would have seen him drop from drop to 15th come lights out on Sunday at sanval before rise the 14th after Alex alon's disqualification from qualifying moments later for an four running with an illegal flaw body we'll get to that I promise you CU that's the ever breaking news at half pass the hour o the humanity as if one could let us sleep let us relax for a little bit do you know what I mean we got a race tomorrow in their assessment continues Planet F1 of the incident that led to the Penalty the stewards wrote in their verdict was there has been appropriate warning okay so we got warning over the radio from Bono so you can't use that as an excuse whil there had been appropriate Warning by the team and orbeat the driver Hamilton tried to move out the way he could have slow down more in order to not impede the other car and therefore consider the impeding to be a necessary in the sense of the regulations speaking to the media Hamilton later said that he had done his utmost to get out of czecho Perez's way that the session hadn't been ideal that it' been difficult after qualifying in 12th not getting through to Q3 again I think this is the third time this season to date oh the humanity I did I did absolutely my best to get out of the way as far as possible just didn't work and again it did it Why didn't it work well it didn't work for Lis because he just finished getting out of the way of somebody else that's why he's even on that part of the track on the outside of turn n look I'm reminded you will recall when Max and LS had their cheeky coming together cheeky entanglement a couple of races ago the stewards adjudicated thus that leis Hamilton could have the more to avoid causing the Collision I won't even get into it there is such a thing as regulatory capture there is such a thing as agenda and ultimately as far as the fi stewards are concerned all drivers are created equally but some are more are created more equal than others that's that's my story and I'm sticking to it lest we forget when Lis Hamilton tried to Traverse the track and they said that they were going to give him a $50,000 fine why why were they making an example out of him well in the FIA statement they said of Ls Hamilton they need to make an example of him so high profile is Lewis Hamilton number 44 as they refer to him as a driver what are we doing here consistently inconsistent any but I digress prosecution rest fi a no further questions your honor oh and by the way Alex albon has been disqualified why well but irregularities with his flooring over Humanity Planet F1 once again writes Williams Racing driver Alex Albin has been officially disqualified from the Dutch Grand pri's qualifying session over a technical infringement regarding an illegal flaw the FIA found the floor of car number 23 in the name of Michael Jordan of course has been found to lie outside the regulatory volume mentioned in FIA regulations what does that even mean I have no idea are they talking about Dimensions density what's going on there soon after the checkered flag flew for Q3 at the Dutch Grand Prix Williams driver Alex Alburn found his impressive p8 starting position threatened by an investigation into whether or not the car was actually legal at 1955 hours local time in sandvol the FI technical delegates found that the floor of the car 23 was in breach of article 3.5.1 of the FI Formula 1 technical regulations what technical regulations are we talking honestly the fia the FIA come on what are we doing here honestly the stewards have since determine Alban should be disqualified Planet F1 continues the particular piece of legislation Rel to the floor and states the floor body must lie within RV floor body with RV meaning regulatory volume they talking about width and breadth and depth is that what they're saying the T the team did not dispute the calibration of the FIA measuring system which is usually the only thing that they can dispute and the and the measurement of the carb but stated that the r measurement had produced different results the FIA ruling red this is techy isn't it I don't even know we just like what do we doing Bernie AUST always said that the result needs to be the result needs to be the result and by the time the the checkered flag is waved whether it's the race or qualifying that needs to be it can't be bombarding F F1 fans all over the world with additional news rectifying this remember when Lewis Hamilton put it on pole but then it was Lando and then it was Lewis and then it was Lando again because there was a track infringement and they ched off Lando's lap but they shouldn't have ched it off because there was no material advantage to be gained but they hadn't disabled the system and then they what are we doing this is what Bernie uston didn't want CU it's it's nonsensical when I turn off my TV I need to know who's going to be on poll tomorrow I need to know the order and I need to be able to take that to the bank otherwise this is how you rapidly lose it's Integrity isn't it it's Integrity when I've turned off my TV I should know what the final result is and now Alex Alban's moved Lewis Hamilton's got a penalty what's going on all this ractive stuff I'm not interested in it and again I think the FIA and the sport more broadly loses itself Integrity what NFL game you're going to watch in in half an hour after the final Ball's been kicked or the final touchdowns been scored is the is the score going to change it doesn't happen needs to be a sense of finality but F I understand that Motorsport is more Technical and more complicated than that infinitely more Shades of Gray involved and that's true but yet and still this isn't good enough from the FIA and the fom in turn because again they're the ones who Harbor aspirations of growing the sport into new demographics new territories and they're going to look at this and be like what what LS Hamilton 15 14th what's going on Alex alurn disqualified now starting fromont the pits from the back what's going on he was on p8 this makes no sense make it make sense fom and FIA Planet F1 continues that being said the students will be offering greater relevance relevance wrong word I think to the FIA measuring measuring system available in part FM as such number 23 has been disqualified from qualifying that renders him as actively having set no time in that session and as such he will start the race from the rear of the field go on then why is he still starting the race if he's disqualified then he's disqualified from all sessions what just disqualified from qual are they going to reset the floor in time to be running a legal floor tomorrow like what's like make this makes sense you know what I mean Square this F1 Circle for me fi just nonsense I'm reading through I've been watching this sport as long as I can remember nearly 30 something years do you know what I mean and I can't make sense of this p8 now starting from the pits or last why is he starting a it just makes no sense reading this again via Planet F1 all other cars will move at one position it's it also provides a bump to Alban's teammate Logan Serge after a crash in fp3 caused so much damage that the Williams was enable the Williams were unable to repair the car in time for qualifying statement released by Williams on social media said the following unfortunately Alex albon has been disqualified from qualifying today due to his floor body being outside the regulatory volume as set by the fia the regulatory body of the one. fs we are incredibly disappointed with this outcome and we'll be carrying out a thorough investigation and will provide an update soon yeah of course you will it's techie watch W says Michael M I'm going to have to start watching something else cuz surely anything else at this stage it has to be clearer and more concise more definitive when when the checkered flag is waved that needs to be it if Alex Alan has dropped it in p8 and you haven't scrutin the car before then he's in p8 you know what I mean if Lewis Hamilton has desperately tried to get out of the way of one car only to find himself there therein impeding another car then then give him some racing room surely extend him some Grace therefore didn't do it on purpose yeah could he have slowed down a little bit but you don't I mean three three Place grid penalty for that is the punitive punishment commensurate with the crime I would argue not but we understand the FIA equation now again for the avoidance of doubt if leis Hamilton's going to say all that jive stuff is he's going to come out and say that he no longer nor has he ever had confidence in the FIA head in muhamed b insuline if he's going to make diversity and equality his first order priority these are all at odds with the fia's agenda with who knows who owns them now their key stakeholders the head of the part of the world that he comes from and what they consider first order priorities as far as diversity and and inclusion equality Sometimes some say in some territories he made equal but not all not in all territories e not equally 1984 settings and I think this is politics we want our F1 pure and simple the first the fastest from A to B needs to be the first order the priority not all of this politics but again I don't know am I expecting Santa Claus to come down the chimney and deliver my Christmas presents this year nobody's that naive right and maybe leou Hamilton sir leis Carl Davidson Hamilton shouldn't be either maybe this is regulatory cap maybe this is just the regulatory chickens coming home to roost what are we doing here

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