Peter Windsor: Oscar Piastri is Terrible News for Lando Norris!

maybe this is what McLaren want maybe they've said a long time ago nah I'm not interested in the driver's Championship constructor's Championship is what it's all about and we want to create noise and news in every race and if our two drivers crash into one another periodically that's okay so long as we still win the constructor's championship don't care about the drivers whether it's Lando or Oscar or whether it's Charlotte clerk doesn't worry to us maybe they took that decision a long time ago I very much doubt it but that's what it looks like I mean how many people in the in the early days of they career went through the the losses that he suffered and and the way he's got through those and I can't imagine what it was like for him on the podium yesterday and that's why I had you know watery eyes because I was thinking about his dad there's absolutely no way a teammate should have tried what Oscar did on Lando noris if it was a team correctly managed again you know I say you know Oscar drove that did that path as if Lando was in a Ferrari or a Mercedes hello and welcome to another episode of the F1 hour with me as always the goest F1 mine to of ever F1 the one they call ptd Windsor how are you keeping sir I'm very well cam yeah you know come on let's get over the intro enough of all this goat business it has to be done no it's good I mean late night last night obviously Lots going on lots of whatsapping after I'd finished work on the video and yeah justifiably so I mean what a weekend what a race what a day what a moment for for charl and still I'm still pretty high on it to be honest just an amazing thing to have a Ferrari driver win at Monza is always big but to have Charlotte clerk winning the race the way he did extracting the absolute maximum from that car in every Dimension and and sometimes extracting the maximum being means being very kind to it and looking after it at certain times so he just did it perfectly judged it perfectly it's great to have sh back as he was showing that he you know the trends were in that direction that sh back as as the Charlotte clerk we know and love he he he wasn't bad was he yesterday although Peter Let Me Pitch the first question at you this way I've had a lot of negative things to say about Charlotte Clair not least his unfall erors not being as um assertive in his constructive challenge back to the pit crew as let's say a Carlos s Jr and many of my mates said Cameron I on the back of yesterday's performance Cameron I told you that charlot Clair was the one and that you need to be more respectful of him Peter what what Springs to mind as far as charlot Clair's brilliant performance and fantastic for Formula 1 a Ferrari driver the next one um winning Monza in it like it's it's a brilliant story but the the phrase that Springs to mind Peter not to be a Debbie Downer is one swallow does not to Summer make e am I being too harsh on on Charla Clair here does he need to do more going forward or should we just celebrate the the grandjour that was his victory yesterday well it's two swallows isn't it because he drove pretty well at zort too very well at Zan bort and and and and he drove as well at Zano actually as he did at Monza I think in many ways and the defense you know for for Oscar pastri not to beat him was pretty impressive if you think about it um no I think I mean Char's always been an open book and that's one of the hearing things about him that he is very emotional he's an emotional guy and you're never going to take that out of him and so you don't expect him to be the same on the radio as say Oscar piastri is he's always going to be Charlotte Clerk and he's always going to express his mind and if they speak to him at the wrong minute he's always going to tell them bit like Nigel Mansel you know but he's an easy book to read so you you work with that you don't you don't try and change that you don't try and work around it you just work with it and you know that when you say to charl this Brak balance spec in the middle of the lap when he's just about to go into ascari or whatever it is and he knows exactly what brake balance he wants and he knows exactly what situation he's in and he knows exactly how to look after the tires it's no wonder he will snap back and if he snaps back that actually as I said in the video last night that should actually be a sign of reassurance back in the garage that yeah he knows what he's doing and that's good old sh obviously as you make as you as you correctly say that em motion and let's assume it's all em motion even going back to that French Grand Prix shunt uh is also a downside because it has led to unforced errors throughout his career but I think we should all cut him slack in that because he's a Ferrari driver and if you are at the top of your profession which he is he's right up there with Max and Lewis and I've always said that virtually from the minute he he stepped into a Formula 3 car learn F2 or F1 if you are at the top of your profession Ferrari is the and you are quite an emotional person Ferrari is the most volatile uh environment in which to work and there have been various pressures over the years various team principles various Chief engineers and he's you know been pushed and pulled in his own mind and he hasn't had the stability that you inevitably get I say inevitably you normally get from dare I say it a UK based team a Mercedes a Red Bull or a McLaren where they run things in the sort of curlesque sort of way and that sort of set the tone for how a Formula 1 team should be run and but Ferrari to their credit have never gone down that path they always been Ferrari and it's often been a battle of you know Wills with with charl and and I say you know that has resulted in unforced errors making the same mistake two days in a row you know all sorts of weird things but he is an emotional front running Grand Prix driver Max is nothing like as emotional Lewis is nothing like as emotional but they've got other characteristics that maybe shl doesn't have and maybe Char's got some positive characteristics in in his makeup in his DNA but in terms of technique I mean he's right up there I would say and I've always said that about charl and that's why I've got in my cupboard next door I've got the autograph shirt from charl when he clinched the Formula 3 Championship because I was a fan back then and I'm a f I'm a fan now and good luck to him he's he's a brilliant driver and I think this is why I've been quite harsh and Discerning around those mistakes Peter because and again sha fosy and the toosi will always be crit critical of me um but I I think because he's so good because he's so brilliant technically as far as his inputs both steering throttle pet he he's an absolutely fantastic driver you'd be it'd be disingenuous of me to argue that he's not the quickest point to point but if he's to fulfill his not substantial potential then then my point is this that he's he's he's got to improve yet and still not withstanding the Brilliance that he the ti Whisperer um that the showing that was the Italian Grand Prix yesterday he still got a way to go as far as his his race Management in real time him being assertive and ultimately trying to Trend these unforced errors down to zero which he has done to a large extent this year um I I don't know maybe I'm being too harsh Peter I'm not sure yeah I I think you are because he is his own man and he's the sort of guy that like Nigel you can't really tell him what to do in or out of the car he knows how to do it and he's got some baggage and it is emotional baggage but again cut him slack I mean how many people in the in the early days of their career went through the the losses that he suffered and and the way he's got through those and I can't imagine what it was like for him on the podium yesterday and that's why I had you know watery eyes because I was thinking about his dad to be honest and I was thinking you know there is absolutely no way sha wouldn't have been thinking about his dad on the podium yesterday at Mon and yet the smart was there of course it was there but he he was charl L clerk enjoying the moment but at the same time he's got all this this these terrible moments that he's had to live through and come through and and not many drivers have had to do that at such a young age and he's done it beautifully well so if he's got a few shortcomings and they add up to sometimes going off the road but at the same time that emotion drives him into achievements like that of xanor where it was a race of defense and that at monzo where it was a race of management and controlled aggression then so be it you know that is the characteristic of Charlotte clerk let's face it ttian nari had got a lot of failings as well probably as did achil vatti as did Sterling Moss as did you know stering Moss was not interested in points in the championship any one of the win races one of the drive for British teams you know there's a lot of things you can say about a lot of drivers their characteristics you know Nigel Manel was a forceful guy that that wouldn't really listen to anybody else and and but you lived that you worked with that and you can do that and that's why I keep saying Jo clear's done a very good job at Ferrari because charl for sure is not an easy guy to manage and to work with and yet jock has got that out of him in in in a performance level that is is just wonderful to watch and good luck to them what what was the The Genius of shir's Drive yesterday was it in the tire management was it in his Pace was it in the ability get past Lando early doors what would you say were the one or two things that that were the critical success pieces that Managed IT managed to get him that that fabled Victory his early pace and the move on on Lando coming out of the second chicane just that opportune moment obviously he'd seen what pastri had done going into the second chicane so he was kind of ready and alert anyway for that moment and he got he got Lando there and then not only did he get Lando but then he just sat in the DRS of of Oscar and I thought that was a very telling 5 10 15 lap burst from charlot Clerk of I've got the DRS I know I've got a top speed Advantage anyway and I've got DRS I can look after the tires a little bit here they're on mediums and I can just sit and wait and watch um and Oscar spent a lot of time behind me now spend a bit of time behind him see if he's learned anything uh that was probably going through his mind and he was probably quite impressed with Oscar I should think of that stage of the race but I I would imagine he started to think yeah I can feel left front going this race is going to be all about the left front he probably would have felt that about lap 10 or 11 and when his left front was going sooner than Oscars and he and at that moment was probably a good thing because at that moment his his mindset would have been right this is a race of looking out for the left front and I can do this as well as anybody if it's going to bring McLaren down that's very good for us and so yes he did he did start to lose ground to to Oscar when that left front went off and Lando got into he's Daris but he didn't give position to Lando you know that was very impressive so Lando then kind of went off a bit and came into the pits for his tires and then sh I think at that moment felt yeah I've got three or four laps left in this I can do this and I'm G to I'm going to stay in front of Lando and and and immediately they brought him in to cover Lando in a sort of established Formula One Way which I think was a mistake and I think charl was correct in saying you know that was a mistake we shouldn't have done that because I'd been nursing the tires it's very difficult to explain all that on the radio but I had been looking out the tires I did have a couple of laps more in me and I could have come out ahead of Lando as it was he was then behind Lando and and that was the moment I think when sh didn't have to do very much because he at that moment on the hard tie it was just like okay I'm on the hard tire for the rest of the race we know the Ferrari is not going to be as good as the McLaren in terms of grip level and how the tires are going to go off and there is going to be graining I've got to just think about the end of the race and look after it and to his astonishment then he's got the two McLaren drivers racing each other trading fast laps and basically destroying their left fronts he couldn't believe it and I'm sure he saw that and he could see how quickly they were going he knew what laps he was doing how fast they were going and he knew what his Pace was relative to Oscar from that run in the mediums and so he thought right you know bring it on you two guys you can crash into one another do whatever you like and of course they didn't crash into one another but yeah their left fronts went to the point where they had to come in again and at that moment that millisecond it's not the first time Char's done that as soon as somebody comes in as with saw on the mediums he wants to stay out because he knows he can look after the tires and that's why he was annoyed in that first call and so they kept him out and this time he would have been on the radio said no I'm staying out I'm staying out I can do this I can do this and so they let him do it and he got on with it and he's done that before he did that in Hungary I think was it last year or this year I can't remember it's last year I think he did one of those and uh and and so then it became I'm going to look after this left front and he knew he could and there aren't many many corn corers of mon so let's face it you know for McLaren the goodest car McLaren had to to destroy their left fronts on a circuit that's got what only what six corners Seven Corners pretty you know poor showing really given the you know given the equipment they had and then it became just Char you know I got to keep it in the 23s unbelievable consistency of the type we saw at zanor when he was under pressure from Oscar unbelievable Pace against looking after the tires and and if you're looking after the rears if it's the left rear that's taking all the punishment it's a much more it's a it's a more difficult thing because these are big heavy Formula 1 cars with a lot of power but if it's the left front and bear in mind we're on the softest of the pelli range and the hard compound now but if it's the left front a driver like sha can do a lot more than a driver like Landon Norris in my opinion because he's just more able to manipulate the car going into the corner and to make sure that he's taking as much load out of the left front as possible before the tur in the rotation Point Oscar is sort of between Lando and charl but by no means in Char's territory there and that's what one sh erase and you saw you know you saw how much sh uh car science dropped away from sh and that was that's that that's the difference between Carlos and sha when they're when it's really short corners and manipulation of the car and yeah you know I would have thought sha felt very comfortable from 15 laps to go in that that race no problem at all and I bet he probably had a bit in hand as well yeah no absolutely and I suppose this is his gift and we I've got to Heap some praise upon him because he's he's being more assertive particularly in his communication over the radio with his new race engineer Brian bosy than he has been in previous Seasons pushing back telling them well you say that camera we don't know do we maybe Brian was saying in sh in in box box box and maybe sh was saying what can't hear radio's down I have no idea that bit wasn't out in in public uh consumption but probably that was the case I would imagine or maybe maybe at that point jot was was elbowing Brian in the ribs saying no no no don't don't don't even think about it Brian I I think I'm speaking specifically to you know there was a couple times when they asked him can you make this engine mode change or this St whatever the change was on the radi and he said listen mate if you if you're asking me to do on the first time by the 10th time if I haven't done it mate you might want to save your breath like he's he's much more do you know what I mean much more assertive now yeah he is he is that that's definitely better and and he's got he can tell he's got a good relationship with Brian and Brian and he's not afraid to express his emotions to Brian and Brian to stay calm and and just to be the Brian that he should be and that's a very good thing and I would think a lot of that's come from jock and I know jock is big fan of Brian as well so um you know that's that's how that's working now and it's working really well more props to show onwards and upwards let me ask ask you now then about um the main event Mr winds and M because McLaren it felt like a cacophony of Errors from them from the papaya rules as they turn them um to the the the entanglement or the very near entanglement at the second chane on the very first lap curtes of Oscar Jack pastu just being a racing driver to how they managed it at the end the team orders or lack thereof being that I mean it's a second place for Oscar Jack piastri as you said in your review video what really does it matter um are McLaren blowing this driver's Championship Peter by trying to be too nice by by deploying this we have our this team ethos whereby we have two number one drivers and there's never a circumstance in which we can um Institute team orders and it'd be fair on both drivers are they being too nice as at September 2024 well it's a long complicated question that goes back I think to the days of Daniel Ricardo because the millisecond that Zack Brown decided that he would rather have Oscar piastri than Daniel Ricardo as a number two support driver or in the second car as an equal number one whichever you you perceive it to be alongside Lando Norris his chosen second adopted son future world champion that was the millisecond that Zack Brown basically said and I'm going to give a lot I'm going to put as much pressure as I can on Lando and there going to be no team orders and that's how I'm going to get the best from Lando and I'm and I said at the time the the minute I heard he was going to McLaren I thought well that's great for Oscar you know not very good for Alpine and they didn't handle it very well but this is terrible news for Lando Norris and because if you got a Lando you don't need an Oscar you have a Ricardo in the other car if you got a Max you have a Sergio in the other car if you've got a charl you have a Carlos SS in the other car if you've got a Lewis you have a Bas in the other car and I think I think it's fair to say that if Daniel Ricardo had not been sacked and had kept his drive at McLaren and was still in the McLaren and was driving for McLaren this year I think Lando would be a minimum of 16 points ahead of where he is right now that's how many drivers points it's cost Lando to have Oscar piastra in the other car as I predicted from day one now none of this is the fault of Oscar piastri because he's a fast as you say he's a racing driver and he just did the move it was right there obviously and nobody at claron had told him not to so he went ahead and did it but you know you either decide to have a Lando Norris team and get the best from Lando in the way that Red Bull have done around Max vapen or Ferrari did around Michael schumacker or braam did around Nelson PK you know you can go back into history of the sport or you can bring in two drivers that you know are going to be unbelievably closely matched and always going to be taking points from one another because it's because this whole business of of uh P rules or Christian Herer you know race hard but don't run into one another it's complete and utter nonsense what does that mean nobody's ever explained what that means and nobody knows the drivers don't know what that means what does it mean race hard but don't run into one another well I'm racing hard it's not my fault he moved over on me oh I didn't see him there you know it's not my fault that I that he pulled out a move which I didn't expect you know what does racing hard mean it's ludicrous so you've got to have if you want to have I mean Lando would have won that race yesterday if Daniel had been in the other car for sure sure he would have beaten Charlotte CL he wouldn't have lost the lead he would have been in the lead of that race and he would have and charlot would have been second and Daniel probably would have been third or maybe second to give Daniel his due but he certainly wouldn't have done what Oscar piastri did he wouldn't have been as quick as piastri and he certainly wouldn't have passed Lando going into the second chicane on the outside and putting Lando in position on a narrow entry bit of road which has always got a little bit of of um rubbish offline into a position where he's got to give it more lock to give Oscar more room and he loses the back end and he's in opposite loot going into the second chican I mean that's not good and maybe I mean here we got to say full stop new paragraph maybe this is what McLaren want maybe they've said a long time ago nah I'm not interested in the driver's Championship constructor's Championship is what it's all about and we want to create noise and news in every race and if our two drivers crash into one another periodically that's okay so long as we still win the constructor's championship don't care about the drivers whether it's Lando or Oscar or whether it's Charlotte clerk doesn't worry to us maybe they took that decision a long time ago I very much doubt it but that's what it looks like that's what it looks like that they've decided that as good as Lando is they're going to crowd in with as much stuff as possible as I said they would the minute they signed oscap piastri because Lando's Vision was always Landon noris do things my way this is the way the team works this is the car this is everything I love about McLaren and in his peripheral was Daniel Ricardo doing a nice job now the minute ah had Oscar it's constantly not peripheral anymore he's right there he's sort of three quarter front both sides and he's got to look at what Oscar's doing all the time and that of course detracts from his own performance and that's the problem you know that the mistake was signing Oscar piastri and not or or the mistake was resigning Lando for his new long-term contract and not saying to Lando you are definitive number one on the track don't worry about it you'll always be the focus of our Championship they didn't do that either Orlando didn't insist on that even more remarkably to my mind I guess because he never thought Oscar would be that big a deal but I've said many times you know Oscar has shorter corners and that's why his left front lasted a little bit longer than Lando around Monza because it was so tough on the left front with the graining and it was nothing to do with you know we had Lando saying I can't believe how how the I'm killing the left front well it's because his Corners are quite long that's the one drawback he has in his incredible repertoire of style you know I've gone on about how Supple his inputs are how good he is and how he has this wonderful thing on one lap where he can just come out of the throttle and the BL brakes and he lets the car settle at much higher speed than you would normally go into a medium highs speed Corner which Max did in the wet in inua in in P's poll La in the Belgian Grand Prix that's an incredible ability to have but it doesn't last more than a lap that ability is not does not work within the variables of a race situation crosswind or graining left front or oil or whatever it is on the track that's when you need prop throttle uh footwork and hand workk manipulation of the car and Lando is is a sort of super Supple version of Carlos science with slightly shorter Corners than Carlos but not even as short as Oscar piastri Oscar's a bit harsher than than shl at the moment but he definitely you know can look after the left front more effectively than Lando and we saw that yesterday that's a problem for Lander going on because there will be other situations like that when Oscar's ability comes to the surface again and other circuits as I said at Zan vort not many not many corners at Zano where a guy like charl or Lewis or Max can do anything exceptional with the left front or with the car in general because they're sort of line loock funny corners and Bank corners and but Monza you know through the lesmos through the parabolica there's some serious places where you can do a lot of really good front time management 100% uh and some really really quick combined entries and exits as did Lando in qualifying on his poll lap through as You' alluded to lesmo 1 and lesmo 2 he was Gang Busters pet and I think this makes the the bitter pill of what happened in the Italian Grand Prix particularly towards the latter stages make so many people F1 fans and the community more broadly lose their absolute mind Peter buckton on the the F1 broadcast was like McLaren something very rare as far as an opportunity in their grasps that that is a championship both con structures and drivers and they're blowing it through their inaction to which and I I I lost my mind after the after the race yesterday Peter because I I want to see the the the leveling of the competitive landscape I would love to see a a a championship being competed for by Max and Lando through towards through through to the end of like a finale like we got in 2021 but McLaren are blowing it aren't they Peter it's it's it's a I say 16 points now that Lando could have had had he won Hungary and had he won the Italian Grand Prix and I'm being kind at the moment because I'm not including Spar in that don't forget the reason he ran wide out of lasource on the first Corner who was inside him oh my God you did say exactly you know that that that had been again if Daniel Ricardo had been his teammate then Hungary would would never have happened and I don't think Lando then would have gone off on the outside of lour on the first lap of the Belgian Grand Prix purely because Daniel was to his right he would have thought oh as Daniel no problem and just kept going and that's the that's the point when the minute you put two very very quick drivers alongside one another in a good car I've said before you know remember I used to say about Mercedes it's a good job that for Toto wolf in a way that the Mercedes is so bad in 2022 and 23 because if it was a championship contending car it would have been unbelievable aggro between Lewis and George Russell yeah unbelievable and we've seen touches of it already but you know but I say the good luck for Toto in some ways ironically is that the car wasn't good enough but when the car is a championship Contender and you got two guys capable of getting the best from it that's when you've got to be really really strong with your management and and it's as if McLaren we saw that you know I I criticized the hell out of them after the Hungarian Grand Prix for the decision they took pre-race that if one driver had to stop early to cover an opponent that that position would have to be given back and I've said a million times it's far too complicated a move to to action in the middle of a race there are far too many variables involved in pit stops in and out laps and yet they went ahead with it and you could see Lando that that was a definitive moment when Lando was in the lead of the Hungarian Grand Prix and they were saying come on Lando you know what we agreed benefit of the championship and Lando's saying well yeah but you know tell him to catch up with me and things like that all going through head all of which should have been talked about in the debrief Before the Race sorry the pre-brief and obviously weren't I don't know what the hell I don't know what's going on at McLaren who's who's running it who's coming up or not coming up with the rules and regulations of how to run the the two two drivers because it needs to go back to the original thought of why we need Oscar piastri in the team is it because we didn't think Lando was good enough to do the whole thing on his own with Daniel Ricardo as his teammate or is it because we don't really care about the driver championship and all we want is the two fastest drivers we can get we need to go back to that point what was in the mind of Zack Brown before you can then make any judgment about what they're doing now yeah it's no good saying oh isn't it Mega you know this is cross Center all over again well very different days then they had a car that was demonstrably quicker than any other car on the grid by a factor of about two seconds a lap and so yeah you know one of them was going to win the championship and the team was going to win the constructors so it's a totally different situation you can't even compare it with that so you know I still I need to you know we need to know what is the reason for signing Oscar in the first place and firing Daniel Ricardo yeah I agreed what do you say Peter because I can hear the F1 Community already in the background saying Cameron stop being an F1 snowflake what what do you watch F1 for if it's not um rankor and friction and drama and fighting between teammates and Oscar and Lando in the cooldown room not talking to each other barely looking each Cher in their eyes like averting their G what what is F1 I I hear many people say if not this fighting between teammates fighting between the best 20 drivers in the best 20 machines around the best 20 circuits in the world and or best 24 even um what do you say to people that say that Peter that that we should just let the let Let Them Fight right team orders be damned McLaren are doing the right thing and this is their Heritage that going back to the days of Ron Dennis that he would happily burn a driver's Championship as he did very famously in 2007 at the alar of of of competitiveness and and equal rights within within a team well I say look at some of Lewis Hamilton's greatest Grand Prix wins look at some of Michael schumaker's greatest Grand Prix wins look at some of um Nikki louder's greatest Grand Prix wins you know these are not wins that should be undervalued and have done any done any damage to the reputation of the sport it's a it's quite a a purile attitude to say we want lots of crashes between teammates and lots of fights and lots of arguments I mean that's almost going down the sort of Netflix brute isn't it I can only really speak for myself and what captivated me about Formula 1 when I was a kid was Jim Clark winning the 65 French gr pre by almost a lap half a lap from Jackie Stewart walking away with a race in in a race example ofure pure poetry that's what I love about Formula 1 now I was at Williams and I was working at Williams when we had Nigel Manel against Nelson PK and I was on tenter hooks every race when those two were out there racing one another but I'll tell you one thing they never got in a situation where one of them did something unexpectedly stupid or unexpectedly aggressively You could argue that the pass on Nelson in the 87 British Grand Prix was uh well I don't you can say that was over aggressive that was just a beautiful pass and even Nelson would say that and there was a difference in tires at that point and was It was kind of logical in a way but it really doesn't matter ultimately what the Formula 1 world out there thinks the only thing that matters is what the team wants and how the team is running its two drivers and in the case of Williams Frank quite clearly believed that Nelson PK was the number One driver and Nelson p and Nigel Mansel was the number two and that Nigel was free to race as a number two and was never going to compromise his ability on track all he was going to do was give the number one driver a better engine use of the spare car and all the spare the new bits that came out of the factory all the upgrades that all went to Nelson PK and at least there was some clarity of where we stood and when Sterling Moss was taking it to fangio and the Mercedes team at least there was clarity of what it was all about it was at that point fangio what was he the three times world champion I the twice world champion I guess by then and Sterling Moss the young British Pretender and everybody kind of knew what it was all about and fangio in his very graceful way allowed Sterling to race very near him but they were never overaggressive and and compromising the team in any way what we have at McLaren however is complete confusion because we had a great stable team it was Lando Norris Daniel Ricardo then they brought Oscar piastri in for unexplained reasons other than we just assume they think he's quicker but there no explanation of how they're going to run the team when Lando and Oscar are fighting for the same piece of road it's a completely different situation to most of those we've seen now you could argue isn't it great to see that Lando is not giving any eye contact to Oscar in the green room but but what does that mean it doesn't actually solve anything and all it is is just an observation yeah you know I'd be just as interested to see the debrief at red Bull on Monday with Max saying okay guys what is going on with the car isn't that just as dramatic it's just that we don't see that we do see the Green Room so there's lots of that going on and I've always said that the down moments the black moments in any team are much more compelling television than the cheering and the clapping and the spraying of the champagne i' much rather see that you know you watch The Wimbledon final and every time there's a point a winning point the cameras always go to the winning team behind that player rather than the team of the player has just lost the point because the directors in a rather again pural way think that we want to see this guy we want to see all this stuff you never see the downside but we do see it in that green M I think you just so let's put it all into context every team would have had horrendous moments after the Italian Grand Prix apart from Ferrari and let's see all those moments you're touching on something that I've often talked about you know we should be seeing the moments of the helmet slamming in the the debriefs we should be seeing the engineers you know absolutely at a loss as to what to do next and how the driver reacts to that that's part of Formula One and yeah I agree with all that but it doesn't have to be two drivers crashing into one another and and ruining the race of one who's in Championship contention doesn't have to be that it can be a million other things if you want to start bringing in all the drama of Formula 1 bring it on as I've always said get the cam get the GoPro cameras in the road cars get the all the drivers briefing is filmed live well let's have all that stuff I agree but I don't agree with compromising the race of somebody as good as Lando Norris after the poll that he's just got in a car as good as the McLaren that's what I don't like it's get it's very techy this I agree with you Peter I don't like it either I I this isn't me saying that Lando nus is perfect right because that's that's something like the Sith or seventh race running where he's qualified on Poland again fails to make it to the end of the first lap in first position so he at least he made the first Corner yeah true but but then Peter even even with that right the second chicane isn't traditionally a place at Monza that you would even overtake around so like what I think this speech there's something in Lando that he needs to fix for I don't know whether it's mental fortitude I don't know whether he goes to sleep at critical times but there's so I don't think I don't think Lando I don't think Lando made any mistake at all he'd got through the first Corner he'd made a good start Oscar had had his thing with George Russell you know he was clear and he comes into the second chicane nothing's up to to temperature yet completely he's on full load of fuel it's a very narrow breaking area there what do you do you break a bit early and you just you know you know your teammate's behind you and he's not going to do anything stupid you go in and and you get a all you're thinking about is the exit of the second chicane nice clean exit get a good run into the into the lesmos that's all he's thinking about just get the car stopped and get in and out of the chicane and there's absolutely no way a teammate should have tried what Oscar did on Lando norus if it was a team correctly managed again you know I say you know Oscar drove that did that pass as if Lando was in a Ferrari or a Mercedes that's the point and you can't really blame him if nobody at Mclaren has said to him by the way Oscar you know if Lando makes a good start let's just take it easy on the opening lap that second Gane can be very dodgy for for example and just let him go and we can sort out how we going to go with the pit stops and later in the race you're not going to win this race on the second Corner did anybody say that to him I don't know bearing in mind how aggressive Oscar is and how much of a racer he is you'd imagine that they would be they must know that by now you'd imagine the penny would have dropped but it looks as if nobody at McLaren is saying those things to him which I find absolutely astonishing so doesn't Lando then Peter need to take some responsibility and again this is Point there's another point you know um it's interesting isn't it that he's managed by Mark and Mark went through this whole thing with Sebastian ble you know maybe Mark is is making his mark on on Lando on how to be how to race your teammate in this situation and maybe we're seeing now we're seeing now Oscar doing a few things that maybe Mark wishes he' done when he was actually complying dutifully to the Red Bull rules maybe there's a bit of that I don't know I mean that's just a just a guess you know Mark um Mark was an unbelievable teammate actually to Sebastian B when you think about it because he was often as quick if not quicker on many occasions and yet quite often you know he had to sit back and and be the dutiful teammate and and he did that to the for the benefit of the team always he's a massive team player but you know maybe now you're seeing some of you know in Oscar we'll we'll play it how it should be and and and and the word on the F1 curb Mr Windsor is that potentially mwe be the reason why it's all the papaya rules and their their handling oska with kid gloves is because there is a line or two in his contract that speaks to the point that you just make so eloquently that McLaren can't treat Oscar piastri as Red Bull treated Mark Weber around I'm sure that's the case Mark for sure would have gone for that and no surprise at all there the shock is that McLaren would have accepted that on behalf of Lando Norris because it's not McLaren really accepting it's it's telling Lando to accept and that's that's presumably why when he renewed I it's still the J's out as to why Lando did renew when he did on such a long-term contract because he's he's a star driver you know you could imagine potentially he might have been on Ferrari's list he would be on Mercedes list for sure and he' certainly be you know on Red Bull's list and I imagine he's the sort of driver that Max would have accepted at Red Bull because he's got a brain and he's a nice guy and he and he drives well yeah he'd be a perfect perfect second driver other driver at Red Bull to Max for Stapp and he and apparently was top of that list but I just want to go back very quickly Peter to this to this Lando norrish thing because as as brilliant as a driver as I think he is I think yesterday the second chicane I feel like I I agree everything everything that you said that Oscar piai raced Lando in that second chicane as if he was racing a red car or the the silver car of of of Mercedes and there's something to be said for that however is there not also something to be said for Lando being a tad naive as a peddler racing Oscar piastri as if he's racing G somebody very benign as if he's racing Pierre gastley Oscar pestre is nothing if not a killer in a car the liks of which very similar to a George Russell and he was always if you if you go so conservative on your breaking into into the second Gane Oscar's he's a shark and that's blood and he like a muff to a flame Oscar Jack is always going to put a wheel up there and try and secure himself a he is yeah I mean I wouldn't say Pierre gazley was benign I think this probably not a good example I mean somebody like botas would be better probably I think Pier gaz's got quite a lot of fire in his blood um no but I think you know the again I blame Hungary because for sure after Hungary when the dust had settled whoever is the main man at McLaren these days I've no idea I say that because it looks like there's nobody saying these things but let's just assume somebody somebody would have said to Lando good job you know what you did today was you will you'll get back that get that back in spad we'll look after you and if you've got a chance in the championship this will all work in your direction in your favor thank you very much Lando for sure that conversation would have happened and do you not think therefore that once he got through turn one at Monza he would have been thinking ah Paul leading the race now made a decent start got that behind me second CH exactly what I said you know sit in your game break a bit early focus on the exit that's for sure what he would have been thinking he wouldn't have been thinking looking in his mirrors there's P which side is he gonna be he wouldn't have been thinking that at all he would have been thinking you know we did Hungary I gain the win in Hungary now let's just take it easy yeah yeah 100% what he would have thought and that's that's because of what happened in Hungary and if he if he hadn't obeyed team orders and if had won the Hungarian Grand Prix for sure he would have been looking in his mirrors a lot more and would have been defending a lot more when piastri was right behind him going into the second CH came which would have been a much better thing from Lando's point of view he would have just blocked him and that would have got through yeah yeah that that's where it all started in Hungary you know when you start playing around with fire in the way they did in Hungary it comes back to bite you as I said at the time and it is coming back to bite them it came back to bite them at spa with with Lando running wide at lassau and now it's come back to bite them here and it's and it's points it's 16 points basically it's gone maybe more if you want to add Spar you know let's call it 20 points that have gone you could argue maybe Max is going to win the championship by more than 20 points but right now if you were McLaren if you Landon noris certainly you'd want 20 points in the bank wouldn't you just the T how hard do you have to earn work to be to earn 20 points these days in Formula One oh mate just a t and two and a faster lap isn't it something like that yeah just a t and going back to the the point you made the last time you talked Peter that uh where Carlos was telling J that every Point matters for pet like what are you well it's it's it's not so much that don't ever ever trade points for the future because you never know what's going to be in the future every point is gold every point is worth whatever it is in gold and the current value of dollars in gold and you never ever play around with them and there's 16 points that have just gone into the wind and and more importantly maybe from McLaren's point of view a win at Monza they should have won that Race easily they should never have made a two- stop strategy they should all the minute they got to one two it should have been right look after the left front you know Char will be stacked up behind we'll we'll tell you what's going on there just look after the left front cruise around don't race one another and well whatever they want you they've still got that problem to solve obviously maybe that's why they wanted him to come in hoping that this the pit stops would sort out if Lando could get lead or not but you know that's when the race should have been under control for McLaren One-Stop strategy win the race like that no problem easy the car was good enough to do that piastri was driving well enough to do that and Lando could Lando would have been second probably because of what happened in the second chicane and that would that would should have been a onew for McLaren go go God help McLaren if Lando loses the championship by less than 20 and it would it would it be the first time in F1 that something like that has happened right pet it's um no unbelievable I mean it's interesting isn't it that on that on as a counter to that that you could argue two of the worst races Max has had in a long time with the Dutch and the Italian Grand Prix and on both occasions there was this sort of weird Champions momentum that nonetheless sort of runs behind him just just behind him boiling up you know Zano it was finishing second in the end brilliant race of defense and and at Monza it was okay I had a long Pit Stop was at 6.2 lost 4 seconds in the pit stop lost I don't know how many seconds running round at 317 clicks instead of you know 10 kmers an hour quicker uh when they had the clipping problem with the engine and and yet still his main rival only finished third it's incredible isn't it yeah yeah massive M imagine if Lando won that race that was a that would have been a big jump for him in points relative to Max and that's that's another thing you know Max on a terrible day still managed to keep the point he only lost I think to Lando only lost something like eight points right yeah yeah yeah win mentality damage limitation is the assignment that that Max for stappen has has accepted very gracefully and he's doing fairly well on it but just to make the final point to bookend McLaren Peter it feels like they're too busy fighting these microcosm battles failing to realize that there is a war over here that's being lost as far as the driver's championship in it and quite frankly as a as a lifelong F F1 fan it's it's almost tragic It's upsetting that This brilliant team that's McLaren don't don't be maybe Zach maybe we've never asked him maybe Sterling Mar is Zach's alltime hero I mean he does care about the history of the sport He does care about the past and maybe it's Sterling Moss maybe it's the ethos of Sterling Moss not interested in the championship every race is the only thing that matters I want to win every race don't care about the points Sterling never won a driver this Championship as a result that's probably a good thing because he he's remembered as the one of the great the greatest driver never to win the driver's Championship yeah yeah and in the same way remember Chris aan is the greatest driver never to win a race and and maybe Zach's just saying I don't care about the driver's Championship Constructors and let's have a massive battle between our two drivers in every race don't care about the points maybe that's Zach's philosophy in which case we should all sit back and enjoy it but if that's the case let us know and we will sit back and enjoy we won't worry about the championship anymore Z okay and that that's and by the way did you tell Lando that and that's fine right Peter but um the goal post of [ __ ] or should have shifted as far as their strategic priorities now that we're like nine eight races away from the end of the season there there is again the racing gods have been very kind to McLaren they've built themselves the quickest car ostensibly on the grid and they have this opportunity in their hand that is Lando nor is potentially winning the driver's Championship all of a sudden it's not something that they' they they baked into into their um Automotive forecast per se but it's it's happened and that's the circumstance that those are the cards that they're being dealt but they're they're they're not um they're not moving accordingly they're not behaving or making the big and they're making life of course they're making life worse now because having tasted the the adrenaline rush of having experienced Adrenaline Rush of passing landonis into the second chican and taking the lead of the Italian Grand Prix and basically dominating the Italian Grand Prix until the tires went off um got to do something about the car even though they were pushing it much too hard midra or after that pit stop imagine now if McLaren have a great car again in Baku which they probably will and Oscar's leading Lando by five seconds and Lando's three seconds ahead of George Russell and the message comes out to Oscar piastri uh Oscar can you slow down please and let Lando pass you think he's going to want to do that he's going to think should have won the Belgian Grand Prix should have won the Italian Grand Prix uh no sorry radio problem yeah no chance Oscar doesn't have that the more the more Oscar's leading Grand Prix and knowing that he's as quick as anybody out there in his own mind the less he's going to want to you know obey team orders to let Lando win oh Peter what are we doing what what what are we you know just one thing well as I say it all it began the millisecond they decided they wanted Oscar piastri instead of Daniel Ricardo and Daniel Ricardo a very very good teammate to Lando Norris let's not forget that in the same way that color science has been a great teammate to Charlotte clerk in the same way that Sergio Perez has been a great teammate to Max Ven and any argument against what I've just said there is completely nullified by the results of Max and charl and and indeed how well Lando drove when he had Ricardo alongside him and the same goes for Lewis with Bas yeah yeah I think Lewis would have had a better period at Mercedes post Abu Dhabi 21 if Bas had been in the other car I think Lewis has had more to worry about than he should have because of the George Russell Factor not not decrying George you know he's super quick he's brilliant he's brilliant the only other thing that's it's interesting well the only other thing one thing that's interesting is that didn't Antonelli do exactly the same thing to Oliver Berman going into the second chicane in the F2 race yeah I think he did maybe Oscar was watching maybe their mates and Oscar was watching oh yeah there's a trick M yeah get on with that one let's go speaking of Rich Peter it feels like the biggest story this weekend the side from the aforementioned McLaren spat was Andrea kimy Antonelli um he speed over the course of the couple laps that he did manage to get in before we yeeted it into the barrier at parabolica worthy of mention what did you make of that whole debacle and and Liberty Media desperately trying to push Andrea Kim antin down all of our necks and did you take from it what many of much of the F1 media did that this dude absolutely has the pace to make it as a as a Hall of Famer in Formula 1 over the next couple of years uh I think he has the pace I didn't think that because of what he did at Monza I mean what he did at Monza was put the car the were all 10 minutes into fp1 and any speeds he had recorded at that point were irrelevant because half the field weren't even out of the pit Lane so I don't know what that was all about he I've said ever since Monaco this year he is definitely a short Corner driver he's got a feel for that he's obviously got the manipulation uh factors in there to allow him to do that so he's very good and you can see that even when he's racing closely against a lot of the guys in F2 bman particularly could see how early he was going the most corners and how good he was I think what I mean the only thing that matters is why he crashed the way he did which basically comes Under The Heading of having no feel for the car whatsoever going into the parabolica and going in Miles too quickly and and that's a that's a question mark in my mind because any future at and Center stroke Max fora and stroke Lewis Hamilton should never be in a situation where they have no feel for the grip of the car the feel of the car especially at the beginning of FP one when the track's still green I mean none of it look good and that's the only thing we should be talking about from fp1 Antonelli is why he crashed like that not you can't look at speeds I mean there's a bit of talk out there I think on the internet about minimum speeds and how high his minimum speeds were but that's normally a bad thing when you're looking at Short Corner drivers with great manipulation most of them have got very very low minimum speeds Maxes minimum speeds have never never been anything to ride home about so anybody who's eulogized about Antonelli's High minimum speeds either doesn't know what they're looking at or is I don't know putting out a smoke screen of rubbish because it doesn't make any sense at all what you want is low minimum speeds in general particularly around Monza anyway getting back to the point he I think he on that fp1 he was a victim of being an Italian in Italy having his first proper outing real proper outing in in a race car as distinct from just going out on a Friday or running one of the old cars or whatever it was and It Go went ahead to him so it went to his head so it wasn't very well managed was it he wasn't very well um structured when he got in the car why did they have the soft tires on his car I don't understand that either I mean the Carlos reuan rule of of learning uh how to how to how to be quick in Formula 1 absolutely always go out on the hardest tires you can when the track's green and let the track come to you and then run the soft tire right at the end you learn to drive when the when the because you got no temptation then to want to overstress the car you're just feeling the road all the time so they put him on soft tires at the beginning of fp1 I I know they were on Max and a few others but that was for a different reason because they were planning what tires are going to run throughout the weekend in terms of Antonelli what was that all about I I just couldn't get that at all I suppose somebody in a rather basic way said oh well he's a rookie let's give him as much grip as we can which is about the worst thing you can do for a young Italian in Italy so you know all adds up to being no surprise that he went off I do think he has an abnormally great talent absolutely for sure you can see that in in the softness of his entries and his early turn in and the way he he gets the car rotated and I just hope that he's properly managed and they bring that out in him because when he went off actually on the corner where he went off in the parabolica he didn't do any of the things I've just described he was way over on the left in sort of Carlos science territory somewhere between Leo and the Swiss border and and and leaning on the car like this going in obviously too quickly anyway and with no ability therefore having set up he hadn't set up any sort of stable platform from which to manipulate the car if there was any movement and he just went straight off sort of you know as you do it he went off like a very reflexy long Corner breaking a straight line Merchant does and that's not good that wasn't good so that to me because he's got so much Raw Talent there's a warning sign there that it's not being correctly managed by Mercedes and they're not getting the best from him at the right rate at the right time but don't read too much into minimum speeds this is something that's very misleading in the graphics they put up there and there was a lot of talk about all that and and if he's if his minimum speeds were high then that's the reason he went off in my opinion and somebody at Mercedes should have been saying whoa hang on his medium speeds minimum speeds are too high here bring him in or put him on some hard tires or whatever because that's a warning sign when you see that because all that means is he's he's going in late and getting the power on early and leaving absolutely no ability no time for manipulating the car in the way a Max does or Lewis does wow and it's astonishing isn't it really because he's got Lewis there to look at he's had Lewis there to look at for what at least a year if not more pretty closely more than you or I are able to look at Lewis as what he's doing and maybe chat to him periodically and I can't imagine Lewis would have been particularly helpful in terms of giving away a lot of stuff but and anyway as I've said before Lewis or a Max doesn't really describe what they're doing anyway they just get in and drive the car yeah Antonelli would have learned a little bit from that but I guess obviously not is is the other message I would get from that shunt he obviously hasn't been learning anything from Lewis at all he's probably been looking at George's stuff he had you know he doesn't it doesn't look as if he's a George Russell type driver George is very very at and Center in the way he drives in my opinion and and Antonelli is more in the Lewis mold more you know as I said short Corners yeah but if he but then if Antonelli tries to look at what George is doing it's only going to confuse him and I I presume they know all that at Mercedes they must do because they're Masters of the Universe are they not brilliant Mr Vin I I've never seen a more coordinated PR drive around a single driver the this the the contrast optically was Stark when you've got Lewis Hamilton on one side of the garage set to join the toosi next year um seven time Champion absolutely going to be on the Mount Rushmore Formula 1 by the time he finishes not not no one taking pictures around him Kimmy Antonelli on the other side of the G the garage it looks like it looked like the world's press and media were in when were in attendance around that and I think that his lap was a function of that Peter I I I feel like oh probably was I mean fun yeah it's a function of just you know I got to go for it wow I'm really quick I'm purple I was P1 after five minutes isn't this great it's just pathetic uh but are you telling me there were more cameras around him than there were around the real Kimmy well yeah Kimmy did get a bit of press and media attention didn't he but I I the real Kimmy looked like a dude didn't he just turning up the white T-shirt the Black sunglasses it just looked fabulous I mean that's how a racing driver should be in my opinion I say antelli stuff it's ridiculous he's a prop and and all this talk about it you know I should always I have to remind everybody didn't Oliver bman pass him on the outside of mirabo in the formula in the Formula 2 race at Monaco this year I don't remember at in Center getting passed on the outside of Miro ever yeah he he did and you know all I'm saying is let's keep things calm because the guy has a massive amount of talent but if you start doing all this all this PR stuff and I haven't been exposed to any of it because I don't really listen or watch any of it that comes out of the teams like that so it doesn't worry me at all but from what you're saying there's been a lot of ridiculous Focus um I'm assuming then that um there's been as much Focus around Leo boli because of what he did in the Formula 3 race I mean that was absolutely unbelievable It's the final it's the last lap of the driver's Championship the driver's championship's in the balance and he passes Christian Mansel on the inside of the parabolica to win the championship unbelievable absolutely superb as it happened I don't think he needed to do it because poor old Gabrielle IMI got disqualified he finished second but he got disqualified for the Tas being under pressure but what a move and what I like about Leo we should be talking about him he doesn't have any Affinity with any Formula One team as far as I can make out at the moment he probably will they'll all probably start oh yeah we should get this guy now and that's probably why he's so good and he's and he drives so well and he's just a low-key guy that gets out there and races hard I love watching Leo drive and and and there's a message there you know he's not one of these ridiculous Academy drivers I was talking to Luke Browning a year ago who's very quick very talented and at that point he was a McLaren Academy driver and he was wondering whether you know he to continue with McLaren or maybe go with Williams and I was looking at him thinking why is he worrying about that if I was Luke Browning I wouldn't have any Affinity with any Formula One team I would just get on and do my own thing and win as many races as I possibly can these academies aren't going to help me they're probably going to hurt me if you look at the track record of most of them wow and sure enough he went to Williams and he hasn't had a great year I'm not saying it's all that I mean maybe he's car he was with Hightech is a pretty good team um and I'm just saying these Academy things and the way Mercedes have handled antel is well it's just very it's not worrying it's just you know it's just odd really that they should they should not be on top of those High minimum speeds and and and and get him to be who he can really be the guy with the low minimum speeds and the fabulous transition midc corner and the great entries and exits that's what he is that's what Antonelli is and he definitely has that Talent I'd put him right up there with certainly with piastri in terms of that raw talent and that ability to to rotate the car at the moment but he lost all that he lost all of that in that 10 minutes of fp1 Mercedes allowed him to do that that's the astonishing thing I think I think I think they've they set him up to do that directly Peter as a function of all of the aforementioned press and media he's got the world of like every photographer and their grandma is outside of his his garage before Rel leaves they've done the bloody press tore there's another there's another video on Sky Sports F1 edited with love beautiful Italian I hear any pass the sick Bucket please when you talk about Grandma's at uh in the back of the garage uh I've got to I've got to remember I think it was 91 when Ricardo pety spun in the semi wet and blew his chance of winning the Italian Grand Prix and when he came back to the garage his mom started whacking him over the head with an umbrella brilliant that's what grandma moms or Grandma should do in Italy oh Dam I hope I hope he got a I hope antelli got a whack over the head with a number um too when he came back after he it was naughty but I think it's Toto Peter as you alluded to he deserves the whack over the head more than Kimmy Antonelli because they by building it up this way they've almost set up a a a dude who's just turned 18 years old that week like they say In fairness to Toto I know he was a half reasonable racing driver didn't he finish third I think in a race in Bahrain once a GT race or something but you know you don't expect Toto to be on top necessarily he's got a lot of other things to worry about like you know um cybercurrency companies that go under and um you know internet security firms that have massive issues uh no he's got enough to worry about just keeping that team on the straight and narrow financially and everything else but having to worry about the details of Antonelli's driving that should be whoever's running the Mercedes Academy should be massively on top of that and they're not quite clearly they're not and and that's a b that's why why I had a bit of a rant about academies in general because I don't think they do actually spend a lot of time on the things that are really important like one raising money for the driver and two making sure you get the best from his talent whether he's a long Corner driver short Corner driver whatever he is you need to massage that talent in the correct direction and they're not doing that with antelli quite clearly as we saw from from the parabolica but I'd like to give a shout out here if I may on that subject to Williams Because I think they've done a very good job in raising money around Franco to get him into that car and it's not family money it's good money from Argentina which is a real surprise given the state of their economy to be honest but there there is some money there coming from Argentina behind colapinto and I think that's a good thing and I've always said amongst all my other B Noir like we should have classic circuits built in the middle of the desert we should have GoPro cameras in the road cars I've always said that a true driver is an academy that works with the driver around raising sponsorship for his feeder series and then into Formula 1 even if they're in conflict with the Grand Prix team they should be that's what they should be doing that's the most difficult thing a young driver has to face is how to raise the money for next year's budget and if they're going to have an academy deal let the Formula 1 team open its doors to all its marketing facilities to enable the drive and his little team to go out and benefit from that and it looks on the face of it as if that's what Williams had with colapinto so if that is the case i' take my hat off to Williams and the marketing department there because they've obviously done a very good job to build up a a package around kapino who's a very talented great driver young driver I mean there's a lot of very good young drivers out there and it'll be interesting to see how that all settles down I mean Gabriel boletto has got Fernando behind him I think or with him and he's been pushing hard to get him into the Alpine because of Fernando's connection with Flavio and yet they've signed Jack Doan so you know I think a great decision to be honest because I think Jack deserves that opportunity and he's a real he's a real charger he's a real reflexy over steer charger driver who will do exactly what Oscar pastry did at the second chicane given any chance of uh EST banok on Mark two probably in that sense there'll be there'll be some new blood on the grid next yeah there will be some new new blood and and there's too many good young drivers standing around doing nothing as I've said a million times and and that's shame on the Formula 1 teams and um you know I was only thinking the other day about well actually last night Alex pooo how well he's still going in indie car and how talented he is Young Spanish driver and well not so young anymore I guess but he was there for all the Formula One teams to see driving for Campos in Formula 3 nobody took any interest went OD to America made his Mark and there he is and there' been you know I know Zach's tried to get him and a few others but you know why weren't they getting talents like that when they were available they weren't because they're blinkered most of them and then they go down the academy route and a lot of the drivers go to the academy route are self-funding their presence to have the colored overalls in the car of the Formula 1 team but does it actually open doors financially for them that's the big question meanwhile Leo Leo fenoli who's won the Formula 3 Championship said he's already got his deal done for next year I presume it's F2 good luck to him get on with it no no Academy deal that's why he's doing so well didn't win a race all year wow won the championship good on him that's crazy counterintuitive and I'm glad that you shouted out Kinto because he my Umble opinion if meritocracy and and competence is a thing in Formula 1 then his should have have been the story over Andrea Kim Antonelli right but this is well not about over it I mean it's a big thing when George Russell's cast is being driven by young Italian in fp1 isn't it I mean I really felt sorry for George and and uh you know it's one thing to have your car driven by somebody else there another can see that car in the in the barrier after 10 minutes and then to be sitting around at the beginning of fp2 waiting for the job to be done great that's not that's not good operation and and Mercedes arguably compromised their entire weekend because yeah okay George did qualify really well in the end but did they have all the data they should have had on that car and anyway I mean the Oscar piastri thing kind of put an end to his chance anyway didn't it yeah actually happened I didn't actually see it camera maybe you can tell me did Oscar force him off or did George sort of start to go too far to the left anyway before Oscar move left going into turn one it was uh it felt a lot like a rerun of of George on Alonzo in Australia this this season in that George I think George had George had baked in a Breaking Point uh not accounting for the dirty air that was coming off the back of of Oscar's car right so Oscar moved that Oscar was doing the Oscar thing trying to get his his uh his entry trying to widen the geometric racing line into turn one turn two and then came in front of George and George is like hang on I've I've got breaking room here for me me myself and I so it was either get out of the way and go in the runoff area or or tag Oscar in his gear so if Oscar hadn't moved left there wouldn't have been an incident is what we're saying no yeah yeah so ultimately it was Oscar's problem I don't know I'd love to put it on Oscar I don't think I think Oscar at that point is his only dealing I mean I'd love to say that he had racing room and time sufficient to have a look in his in his room view but I don't think he's been yeah but isn't it fair to say that on the first corner of any Grand Prix if you are traveling in straight line and going to break and then thinking of moving left some little voice in your head would say this is the first corner almost certainly there going to be a car on my outside because I'm not on the full extremity of the road isn't that what oh but George wasn't on Oscar's outside yet George was he was behind him wasn't he yeah exactly he was directly behind him okay fair enough yeah I get the point there yeah George just took the uh 50 50 which is why there was no stewards inquiry exactly yeah George just took the evasive action you've been super genus with your time as always Mr the wins as we round Third Base let me time has flown I know mate it's been quick a time time is uh I mean when you're having fun talking about the the Koff in of erors that was McLaren it goes by very quick let me ask you this final question because you mentioned George Russell and I've been uh I'm not the biggest George Russell fan if I'm honest if you he's a brilliant driver but I feel like he he um he quite a divisive character his personality and and whatever whatever however as far as his future he he was brought based a couple years of his career at Williams where and even Toto confessed to this over the course of the weekend that he should have brought him through earlier he's been touted as the next one as the replacement for Lewis Hamilton the one that's going to take Mercedes the Silva arrows team back to the top of the mountain and and win them silverware and do what Lewis did for them back in 2014 now however every time that Toto asked the question on his driver pairing the two there's two names that come out of his mouth and dreim Antonelli is the priority the next one um fixing for the the errors of Christmas p in that he didn't sign Max for stappen when he had the opportunity and the second name that comes out of his mouth is Max amelan V stappen how must George feel Peter knowing that he's got a contract that comes to an end at the end of 20125 and his team principal slal is's only talking about two other dve that aren't named to George Russell how how must how must he be think what must he be thinking and feeling well I think right now he's feeling pretty relaxed because his new teammate put the car in the wall after 10 minutes of fp1 so that makes you feel pretty good isn't it in terms of the future uh and any challenge you might have from him and I think George knowing George and I do like George a lot and a lot of respect for him as a racing driver I think George is thinking I'm thinking of 2025 if they give me a good car I can win a championship for sure and I can win Grand Prix and I think he's right I think he can and I don't think it's up to George to take Mercedes back to the glory years it's up to Mercedes to give George the car to take them back to the glory years so that's that and I think even Mercedes probably even though the Antonelli thing look really dodgy at Monza even they have the the the brains and the management to understand that I think George like everybody else is thinking and I can't think Beyond 25 because 26 is a complete unknown complete question mark we may have the greatest power unit on the planet we may not we may have a great car we may have the worst car who knows anything can happen in 26 there new regulations and if they want to replace me with Max for stappen and have Max and tanelli I'll be able to get a drive somewhere else I'm not that worried I'm not that fussed and I think he's right to think that way and I'm I'm assuming Toto is thinking if I've got max if I can get Max I've got to have Antonelli because Max Russell would be an incredibly volatile difficult thing to run and I can't imagine Max would want Russell anyway in the car I'm assuming that's the case and but I don't think George would be worried and I think he'd be quite confident that he'd be able to get a decent drive somewhere else but then again as I keep making the point it's not ready 26 that's the issue it's 27 because nobody knows what's going to happen in 26 even on January the 1st 26 so yeah it'll all the big thing everybody should be talking about is mid 26 what is going to happen mid 26 and we don't know because we don't know what the pecking order is going to be at that point but once we know once you know once it's March 26 and we know who's got a quick car and who hasn't that's when the driver Market is going to explode in my opinion and George would be well advised if if his contract expires at the end of 25 be well advised to sign a one-year deal for 26 on the basis that if the Mercedes is a bad car he can switch to a Ferrari or something else wow wow inspired Mr vins well it's not inspired it's just logical I mean I don't know why everybody keeps talking about 26 or even Toto is talking about 26 because you know who knows what's going to happen in 26 why would Max leave Red Bull before he knows what the 26 Red Bull's going to be like yeah yeah why would he he might leave at the end of 26 if it's a terrible car and go to Mercedes whoever's got the best team as I've said before but why would he do that before it doesn't make any sense to me I mean maybe maybe if they offer him a billion euros or something maybe he would do it but I don't know gam gambling un necessarily and Max for oh yeah and you got if you got if you're Mercedes and you got George Russell and Antonelli it's a pretty good lineup you don't need then suddenly to think oh you know we're never going to win with those two we've got to have Max for stpp and even if we got a great car I mean it doesn't make sense you've got to have a good car and if you got a good car George Russell will win with it thank you very much end of story of course he will he's very very good George Russell don't ever under George he's not a bad he's not a bad Peddler is he he's super super quick and yeah I I I think he's right up there with some of the quickest drivers of all time I I really do I think he's amazing racing driver and I think I think he's a really good team player and a really good articulate person as well so he's he's very valuable to Mercedes and I hope they value him I'm sure they do I don't want to any way sound condescending but I hope they do if they're thinking constantly we got to get somebody better then they really need their examine as far as I I I think they do behind closed doors but again George will be reading all of this stuff you might be even be listening to this conversation P I'm conscious that drivers pay attention to what the media is saying and every single time I've heard Toto wolf over the past three or four months talk about his future driver lineup the priorities first order the ones have been Antonelli and Max V Stapp and it's almost like hang on who's this George Russell what he's effectively saying then is I want two short Corner drivers I don't want a long Corner driver like George wow why would he say that yeah you want one you you want one of one style and one of the other don't you isn't that the perfect combination as Mercedes have kind of got with with George and Lewis now that's what you want you don't want two divers doing exactly the same thing yeah div exploting the car in all dimensions then divers so why would he say why would he want two short Corner drivers I don't get that at all diversify he may think Max is a better driver than George in you know five boxes he ticks three which George doesn't maybe but you're talking you're talking tiny detail compared with the difference between having a very good Grand Prix car and a pretty mediocre Grand Prix car that's much more important and and Toto shouldn't be talking about drivers in my opinion he should be talking about engineers and why he failed to get Adrien Nei and what he's going to do about that wow wow isn't that more important why why Mercedes haven't had the the pulling power to attract Adrien Nei is much more of a story much bigger and much more important an issue than Antonelli or Lewis or George or Max all those things they're all quick drivers but they're not the solution to the problem yeah no don't disagree Mr winter finally mate I I can't let you go without asking you this um several months ago when it was announced that Adrien you was going to leave Red Bull the noises coming out from the Bulls that were red were were to this effect that we have a team of aerodynamicist such that they can function independently of a and you when he leaves and that when he leaves we won't necessarily see any material downside as far as lap time to which Mr winds if you remember you responded absolute nonsense of course when you lose Adrian Nei at some point you're going to see some downside in performance revisit that for me Peter how do you uh how do you take in against the backdrop of that rb20 and and its uh its performance drop off how do you ingest Adrian you is leaving now well I think I think it has had an effect already and I think it's a reminder that Adrian is much more than an aerody damy and that's where if that that quote from Red Bulls management is probably out of context but just taking it on face value of course they would say that anyway wouldn't they no team would allow themselves today from PR marketing point of view to say oh it's a terrible loss for us were're going to be in big trouble they'd never say that so it's pointless asking them about it in the first place in my opinion but just to go back to the point Adrien has always been much more than an aerodynamicist for a start he can design a car from front to rear secondly he's as good on the pit wall and running a car over a weekend with a clipboard in his hand and making decisions in debriefs about setup than he is about grafting away in a wind tunnel and trying to create logical improvements for the car uh and the floor area he's he's a race engineer he's a racer bottom line he loves to be in the field in a pit Lane as much as he loves thinking in the backseat of the car when he's being driven to Red Bull about the bouncing problem that they may or may not have and that's a reminder I think of how how big a role Adrian has played at Red Bull and and how what we're seeing now with Red Bull finding it more difficult to set the car up to get some sort of proper balance and set up for the race weekend is starting to slip away from them now that may change and they do have as I've said a long time for a long time they have a lot of building blocks in all areas of the operation of the team whether it be manufacturing whether it be design development or whether it be operating the car and of course they have some very very good Engineers there with a massive amount of experience and they will certainly get a number of the remaining races right in terms of setup maximizing the car for what it can do and for sure they'll win races before the end of the year again but it's just a reminder of how good Adrien is and was and potentially still will be in the future uh as an allround engineer as a race engineer as an aerodynamicist and as an overall design engineer he's not bad is he Mr new one he's very good I mean the only thing about Adrian is like all of us he's getting a little bit older with every passing year just a little bit and and that needs to be born in mind you know give the guy a break in some respects he's he's earned a holiday I think but yeah yeah just a bit I can't see as a slot for him at McLaren I can't see after Monza you know if the Ferrari option's still there and he hasn't taken it up or not taken it up definitively Ferrari would be thinking even more why do we need to rock the boat so it does look as if it's going to be the dreaded you know Lawrence stroll route oh no what are we doing kind of it's a bit like Michael going coming out of retirement and going to Mercedes isn't it it's like that really what you want to do it doesn't sit I'd much rather see much rather see Adrien racing a Lotus 49b around something Zan in Monaco some of these classic Formula 1 cars and and um you know just being relaxed but anyway he wants to get into that whole Vortex of the the stroll thing then good luck to him again wow so be it fair play and if anybody can turn around that that sinking W they terrible weren't they absolutely terrible at Monza I mean unbelievable what's it's amazing isn't it how they get away with it when they have a terrible weekend nobody's on their case at all it seems when they have a great weekend they're all raving about and Fernando and everything else then they have a dread like I was watching a lot of the Spanish footage on da and and it's still very Fernando Centric even though he's droning around you know under pressure from colapinto or something you know getting beaten by albon that's oh yeah Fernando's totally brilliant Mega yeah well he is he's totally mega mega and Brilliant but you know what is going on there I know labar loves him doesn't he always calling him uh Magic is a very Fernando Alonzo centy podcast uh broadcast even I don't know about that but I you know I do know that Fernando's very very good in race situations and Aston Martin are not allowing that Brilliance to show through at the moment that's for sure yeah yeah sadly just lastly on neie Before I Let You Go Mr wind um they said on the broadcast I feel like they've stolen another line one of your most famous lines I think you said about Adrian newie that his gift isn't just in the ability to design cars but it's because he has an experience as a race engineer with Damon Hill back in the day um the Laten house March 881 day like because his experience is so wide ranging he has that ability not necessarily to just build the car and come up with the philosophy but to take a step back when necessary which is what Red Bull need at the moment and troubleshoot for some of their issues with review to write the ship is that what they're missing out on at the moment Peter that aity I think that is the point I think they're missing Adrian's presence on the pit wall with a clipboard making notes and you know dampers Springs whatever it be aaman poen cber um all the things that Adrian loves doing as well you know as a race engineer and it's not just those two I mean he started life effectively as Christian danner's race engineer at March and and and concurrently he was interested in design but what he wanted to do was engineer race cars and then he went to Indie doing his exactly the same thing so he's a race engineer who's also a brilliant aogen amthy who's also a chief designer that's what Adrien Nei is he's also a pretty good racing driver as well actually or fast racing driver so you he's a multitude of things and right now I'd say Red Bull would definitely benefit if Adrien was in the normal position and sitting there um you know giving advice wouldn't it be wonderful if as we were speaking now cam the phone was ringing on Christian Horn's desk and it was Adrian saying you know Christian I want to come back I want to be just where we were this is all nonsense I don't want to work for that guy I don't want to do this I don't want to do that I just want to be where we were I know you're a little bit of help with a car right now exact I know exactly what to do to fix it so come on I'll be there tomorrow see you let's have a cross on Wow wouldn't it be great if that was happening Eddie new Eddie Jordan cracked a joke to that effect not long ago on the podcast that he runs with David kard Mr Windsor I I think let's play this tape back in a couple of months Peter I wouldn't be it's not the most likely outcome but well it's not the most likely outcome because formula 1's got a very good habit of not allowing round pigs to sit in round holes so um we got to assume it won't happen and we got to look for the squarest possible hole for the roundest possible Pig and assume that'll happen and that's probably Aston Martin you know sadly oh dear Mr Windsor it's been a pleasure you've been super generous of your time as always thank you so much if you enjoy this cqu from ptd Windsor then go and check him out on the YouTube it's one of the goest YouTube channels to ever have YouTube the ptd WIS YouTube channel talking about all things Formula 1 Insight driver technique at out it's spectacular if you're not satisfied with that and you prefer to ingest your F1 content on a podcasting platform go and check out the short Corners podcast where you can get more Market leading silly liy story Insight from the legend that is the F1 broadcasting goat that is ptd wins if you want watching this on the YouTubes do me a favor stop stop stop you do that I just want to stop you now because I just wanted to say that on um I did a I did a very short YouTube video in which which is an extract from the live stream which I'm talking about Elliot d'angeles and Kei rosberg and in that in the description there's a link to the Italian version of that in which I do it in Italian Soliloquy in Italian so I wanted to mention that I might be doing some more foreign language ones as well anyway sorry carry on look look at that pizza no you can't just drop that bombshell Pizza are you do you is that Peter D wi's voice in Italian or do you have some Peter D win's voice in Italian and I did not know you were an Italian speaker Peter well there you go it's a link uh you won't see it if you just go look at the channel but if you click on that link it'll open up a different video in which I'm doing the whole video in Italian the same video for Italian viewers obviously wow I didn't even know what to say after that that's uh well I you can say your ending get youring because you're always too nice in the ending it has to be done listen if you're watching this on on the YouTube then do me a favor like comment and share if you're listening on the podcasting platform then as always five stars and a cheeky follow that has been the legend that is ptd wisor I've as always been Cameron F1 between now and next time as always remember to look but never stare

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