Category: People & Blogs
[musik] come ti chiami come ti chiami randy randy g g no noy g [musik] [musik] ussppetia alessand alessandro po andrea ich habe tour ladies gentemen ladies make pasta okay okay okay okay okay so wir werden jetzt auf jeden fall kette essen gehen ladies und gentlemen ich muss schauen wie wir haben ein... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
It's all in the wrist i know that it's supposed to work like this but i did it like this a perfect seal right there don't show [music] this hello and good morning everyone welcome back so happy that you're here today is a holiday today is labor day so kids are home from school got to sleep in i did... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So ich glaube ich muss noch mal ein bisschen mehr wasser reinmachen hier ist es wie eine rutschbahn es ist alles nass ich habe ja den die eigenart wenn ich arbeite ma ich alles nass und deswegen rut das natürlich weil die kiesen sind richtig gefährlich neind rutscht hier und hauschuhe zieh ich ja nicht... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hallo leute willkommen zur flugnummer 420 bevor wir gleich wieder quer durchs gemüsebeet ganz verschiedene themen haben die wir am letzten tag im letzten block vor weihnachten noch besprechen wollen habe ich was das passt wunderbar zum morgigen tag denn ich hoffe für euch dass ihr die vorbereitungen... Read more
Category: Entertainment
दोस्तों क्या आप छह डिशेस को इस वाले टावर में एक मिनट से भी कम समय में पहुंचा सकते हो ये है टावर ऑफ हनोई एक मस्त गेमिंग पहेली जो आपके दिमाग की कसरत कराएगी तो तीन टावर्स हैं और आपके पास हैं चह डिश और डिश को पहले टावर से उठाकर तीसरे टावर में ले जाना रूल्स ध्यान से सुनो एक एक बार में सिर्फ एक डिश ही ले जाओ दूसरी कभी भी बड़े डिश को छोटे डिश के ऊपर मत रखना तीन हमेशा ऊपर वाली डिश को उठाओ ये पहेली आपकी मंडेज हो मैथ्स मिंटज और... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] here comes eve torres eve is a natural-born competitor who possesses crazy athleticism and an amazing in ring iq eve torres is the real deal eve torres an expert at finding weakness and exploiting it a woman who turned her back on the wwe universe and never looked back it was the best decision... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] okay i just thought i'd pop in to home base it's closing down in ten days which is really a pain because um i did like home base and it's not far from us so yeah so i turn you around and i'm gonna haven't bought round see if there's any bargains because they've got like 50% off most stuff okay... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] morning guys heading on the road it's my party kellen running over there yeah we're gonna get some errands done i'm gonna go to bj's and sam's hobby lobby and ross and marshall and the library so yeah i got a full list hopefully he'll knock out sometime in between all that but um come along... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Today on inside politics hitting the road kamla harris and donald trump are back on the trail after 67 million people watch them debate they're aiming to mobilize voters in crucial battleground states as polls show this is a race that will be won by incredibly narrow margins Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] [music] oh oh [applause] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] meow meow [music] [music] [applause] [music] off come light up my head [music] i've been walking to the bed down to the oan touch down let the midnight water take me [music] in cur like a broken tail out in the cold wind blowing... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hallo hallo meine lieben und ein ganz herzliches willkommen zurück auf meinem kanal und zu einem neuen halblif video gestern war der vorletzte tag vor meiner abreise in nach deutschland in die türkei nach deutschland heute ist der letzte tag ich bin schon mega aufgeregt und schon voll im endpur und... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In the dense fog of war six russian soldiers sprinted through the ruins of a battlefield desperate to find shelter from the relentless onslaught of ukrainian forces their breath came in ragged gasps as they ducked into a nearby building hoping to escape the watchful eyes of their enemies little did... Read more