I any water I do have this but I fear I might have used this as a spit can I'm going to drink my spit so I got to check first you know no we're good hell yeah oh yeah that's good too cuz it's only like a couple hours old M spit Tina it's happened it's happened okay when you drink the same drink a lot it happens hasn't happened a long time but it does happen so long story short is Ricky let me call let me let me call Ricky wait do I know that in character or did I know that from talking to him in the Stream oh no no no I I'm I don't know it I'm supposed to talk to him today Henry is that is that Henry let him go what's going on buddy how's it going man I mean it could be worse I got a hobo standing on top of you oh [ __ ] sorry about you buddy thanks man I me you know I was there first I didn't really get the pick hey look this guy the CL too Henry get away from me oh you got a hey Jimmy Neutron Jimmy Neutron this guy got a big head look at this what's this one Utama this one's better down here homie AMA gotama over there I want that bed yeah Jimmy Neutron's like 30 years ago lece you know yeah future arm still hanging in there yeah it's still you know what it's still going oh yeah oh yeah I mean you got like a clown clown face n got a clown body I mean I'm looking pretty ripped right now to be honest RI clown yeah I do him I mean you ain't looking too bad you see he he' do me he likes clowns oh yeah homie your arm call me a clown Marco yeah it's cuz he sees you wearing that [ __ ] stupid hat man what's wrong with this hat man something a clown would wear clown bro I [ __ ] told you bro you look like a dum all right come on Henry go let's go find these hobos come on SK oh yeah we need to go get food oh you got a radio uh yeah yeah we need food or else we're going to be right back in the hospital in just a minute I'm hurting again what radio um was it 8 91.7 oh know let me ask Amanda what's the radio station Uncle Jack I for real I'm about to have to go back in the hospital if I get in the glove box eat that for now hold on that'll work that'll hold you over for just a second yeah that'll hold me over I swear I don't I think I think you got a hole in your stomach or something it's it seems that way don't it just get way too hungry way too fast out here I like the other ones a lot easier you know what was it I don't even remember the old radio station that's crazy going on the store an idiot is attempting to reach you on your Who the hell's calling you it said an idiot his skater I makes sense hey skater how you doing what's up homie ain't no cars well listen I'm about to die if I don't eat something so we'll be there right after we get to the store oh I Love You by [ __ ] where we going in the apartment after this yeah I got to get my lock picks I know way you're over here [Music] shoplifting don't worry he's in there just robbing he might get locked in I'm hold the door robing I'm not robbing nothing and Uncle Jack I was trying to get some food carry it to the counter answer your damn phone you idiot the idiot can wait Uncle Jack you can't talk on the phone and Rob the place at the same time I'm not robbing them why are you afraid to rob it wait where's cars are hello uh I don't know where we going Uncle J he found a car uh I got to go to the apartment we're going back to the apartment anyway yeah see you there love you by [Music] [ __ ] I ain't no [ __ ] way he's down I just left hit and run are you actually oh my God [ __ ] I went flying so fast and hit the [Laughter] fence what a bunch of weenies so much pain Uncle Jack we just left the hospital help help hey don't don't put me in there Uncle Jack they're going to drive me away no no it helps them get out oh no oh damn it [ __ ] that's just cruel that's just cruel what you just did to that [ __ ] guy you tell him [ __ ] me Henry I'll save you don't please please don't die on me not today it it was a hit and run Henry I promise might want to think about you know just hopping in the backseat there Henry Dam now think about putting your seat belt on hey can I Rob's house real quick I don't care anymore just let me die would you say it's like a Cadillac Escalade XLT it's not worth it anymore Uncle Jack you want to know why it's not worth it Uncle Jack why cuz I lost my dam backpack shut up I'll never get on that walk back it was like three weeks walk the walk in that backpack all right now it's all gone all right I lost every bit of that walk in the backpack it was two days buddy two days I just want my backpack back you'll be all right ain't no way we got this guy walking here looking like that D pimp that's what I'm talking about maybe he he wants to pimp us out hey how's it going buddy hey good to seeing you man moving up in the world you got a real sweat up no I stole it I tell you what though buddy you are looking like the right kind of guy that's true can't stop won't stop pimping since Pimping Pimping baby that's right backwards sideways left right since the the mountains up top now he reminds me he's always top of the mountain hey did you get checked in oh [ __ ] Uncle Jack we got the same bed yeah it's cuz we're related I feel extra safe now yeah me too so old Lefty from redm over here in GT acting like d on pimp it's completely like exra safe Uncle Jack my great uncle Mountain you know was a man a few words well he once told me settle in settle down now need some music but I can't but yo if you guys haven't already go over check out the YouTube video and drop it a like for me it' be greatly appreciated you don't have to you really honestly you don't have to um y'all let oh no wonder we got this a b y'all let me know when uh you had such a tight grip on me yeah buddy I'll turn and you like d on French fry I like that let's see if I it's super cheap from what I hear $50 a piece that's not too bad yeah but I can make this Henry don't buy it I can make it not I'm not I was just wondering if yo what up Dave how you doing brother you know I'm surprised you can't get Band-Aids there uh probably down there at uh back from grocery stores when you rob them no uh in have you ever gotten that back of wait what down there at the tool store you get that back back yeah back of is ah [ __ ] never mind I [ __ ] it up oh it supposed to be back of these nuts is attemp to reach you on your cellular device [ __ ] me hello too early for this [ __ ] well somebody hit did a hit run on and they knocked the [ __ ] out of it sent me flying I went flying across the whole and then I hit a fence and I died Jack tried to put me in the car and then Jack kind hurt me even more and then Jack hit me with an ax in the back of the head and he tried throwing me off the p and pedo and then he and then he got caught so he took us to the to the hospital and now and now we're headed to the apartments well listen we we're we're by the M high club Towers now we're passing red garage and we're almost at the apartments congrats on your hobo I Love You by learn to drive Uncle Jack sorry I wasn't paying attention I was thinking about looking at something well if it ain't the road in front of you [ __ ] you don't need to be doing it here Henry Take the Wheel real quick this is bad diing what's up brother congrats on your HB marriage I appreciate it wait am I going right yeah he just cramed them I GRE them you know all right I got to run upstairs I'll be right back hop in skater no no no it's like we're going to set up like events like either like big events Dance Part 804 well hello hello yellow jacket I hate that all my stuff is backwards he what's all over here I access somebody else's storage H where's all my [ __ ] where going I put the locki here D look at all the stuff I got from scrapping the other I was grinding scrapping I had I got so much [ __ ] yes I was grinding scrapping off stream I know sorry uh lockpicks do I not have any locks guess not was it a clown how many times you talking about yo what up Dean how you doing brother been grinding that [ __ ] too it's literally I did it for like five hours the other probably five hours it was Mario oh I I can't pay I don't know I guess I'll take the dirty bandages and then I'll take these and then that's all I got I don't have any lock picks I have to go buy some I got you a while I wait got in oh [ __ ] all right I hear you you level up yet um I am actually trying to level up and this is not a perk but um so like on labor [Music] labor where's oh Salvage I'm rank one I'm trying to get that to rank three so I can get uh so I can start SC uh scrapping personal cars uh as for perks yeah so we got we're almost level three so we're about to unlock side of hand and what we're going for is we're going for this right here Advanced lock picks the lock breaker that's what I want to get first yeah why I side though no I freaking did all kinds of stuff and it's not going up so I'm confused thinking like at most you're gonna get like one text a week like at ain't no [ __ ] way you're driving get on in sir [ __ ] all right that'll work I got to send a text message anyways am I going to the bottom on the map I don't know what that is I don't either that's a general store no you ain't got to go there holy [ __ ] thing goes faster than half the cars here seat Bel seat Bel [ __ ] all right somebody else has to drive I don't have keys hobo bath yeah yeah you [ __ ] this car up Chuck I didn't know it yeah I'm proba I'm gonna what Henry I'm probably going to do electric tomorrow during the day he's not saying [ __ ] that's suspicious he Henry's thinking real hard just shut the hell up you dumb ass what are you thinking about what is I'm just I'm arguing with things in my head oh yeah you know I'm always fighting with somebody a dark side maybe maybe a dark past well I mean it's just a lot of people with no balls I like to argue with people with no balls in my head Henry I don't have I like to imagine people in my head and it's just a bunch of people and they ain't got no balls they sound like a bunch of [ __ ] they dropped their pants and it looks like they right butt cheick that up there it's nothing but skin it's just blank nothing there s like a bunch of [ __ ] pretty much all we got to swap cars vehicle swap really what's wrong with this car why can't I hotwire this car God I was so glad I didn't hit you yeah I am too I'm so tired going to the hospital and we almost sound like we were Rel all right what's the plan for tonight I'm trying to figure it out oh don't know we can go kill rose I really don't need that many a chest table water jug fertilizer what do we need to make meth I wonder if the meth guy oh where's the meth guy meth has got to be a thing right guys water and can fertilizer Golf Club I almost want to buy like one of all these you definitely know this is for weed watering can save jobs do meth yeah how's it going hey I am give me all your money hey how's it going it's going B the new dealership looks like it we go kill rose same for math a receptionist that's oh I got to change clothes real quick I got to get in my hobo attire yeah I'm going to put on something cool hold on we're gonna we're going to save this [Music] outfit I don't know why I to say hell blackout let's [Music] do oh it's my back on different shirt bag where are my pants yeah that's badass I guess I don't mat perfect hey I don't match it's fine it's not going to bother me why oh [ __ ] oh there it is I figure out why it's doing that all of a sudden it's so [Music] annoying it's going to hurt me you guys know what you do with folded cash uh yeah I give it to Ezra okay I got like seven folded cash and four cash rolls you know Ezra is probably one of the biggest scammers out there you think about it I gave him a bunch of rolls I ain't seen a dollar yet exactly that's why I'm not giving them to Ezra I'm doing it myself you how you do it you can do deliveries or you just go to the strip club and throw it I wouldn't trust nobody do that I'd do it yourself yeah but I'll do it for you you want to give me all your money you seem like a pretty trustworthy person 100% D you can trce me hey there's bandages in the glove box um there you go for the glove box Henry what the money's in the glove box all right yeah I'll go I'll wash the [ __ ] out there for you I'm I'mma do some delivery some no let's go wash it all right we're going down let's go down go where this strip club well if we're doing that I got to walk more at the apartment to was no no no no just wash what you got I want to see there's a lot of [ __ ] going on down there on litter all right in case we getand for oh [ __ ] if we're doing that I'm going to give this to y'all and y'all throw it in here I put it back in there or wait or wait wait no way get in is it on we're going to get in so much trouble get out of here I need lockpick I need lockpick oh they're running they're running they're running they're running they're running I don't have a lockpick better get [ __ ] out of there damn this is such a nice car is that is this part of the show this is pretty cool all we we didn't know that was a real car we thought it was just I thought it was just like a display for the sorry yeah sorry about that it's nice in there listen the strip strip closed at the time there was a shootout what a [ __ ] you're telling me I ain't going to get no damn titty milk you're not going to get no damn titty milk right now come back later oh what are y'all gonna dance for us we got lots of money to throw no I'm not going to dance oh I get what this is I get what this this is like I'm being like pranked right I got like somebody's got a camera and you you came up to me and you're going to dance right oh I'm on duty yeah okay I got you all right this is role play Uncle Jack roll with it turn around and put your hands behind your back show me how it goes how do I take my shirt all right here we go turn around put your hands behind your back I'm going to record this I'll get all the good angles that one is already pretty much halfway in why don't you throw money at him he do whatever you're going to do to him officer arrest me police arrest him he's been a bad boy I am I unfortunately I left my cuffs back at home you know the pink one I can't do it right now yo what the [ __ ] man what's going on here's what's up h g what what's going on do what up dog you doing you know what I hear is the dang this dog this cop right here was just about to spank my uncle jack yo what the [ __ ] he's been a bad boy why' you spank his uncle spank his what the [ __ ] it's actually my daddy but I call him Uncle he calls me monkey too Daddy oh [ __ ] had to get that onp he sat b game he sat on top set what how about what going on here hobo gang uh there was a shootout so the strip was closed for a little bit until the G come back yeah kind officer here said that she was gonna dance for all of us since the strip is can oh yeah jumping him she did say that a I know he's shouting out east side rival no we were just copying what the cops said over here I can't shout out e b gang they were just after the officer you should get in your cop car and leave I mean you you know we can't really do that right what is going on Ian the [ __ ] hobo gang these officers are offering everybody free spankings we everybody getting line we're getting spanked that's not me no no yep I'm going second how are you going to get nice try by the way free h i was nice rookie check well let's talk about your rookie check cuz I pulled up here and I hopped right in that car and I could have drove off with it that would have been such a terrible idea I'm not going to lie I mean for you not me I didn't leave it Al why the cadet agree to disagree right what I'm saying he's being taught scene management I guess that's right that's right so what's everybody's Dirty Little Secret me I like Robin [ __ ] I like peanut butter I like I like Robin can't say what I like to do I hear that I would say it but I can't say you I'm saying I like to put cottage cheese between my cheeks and let Henry Li it I just like sound about right the wife fade out of someone's eyes everyone's fcking now that's a good one so down why are the cops down here things happen I mean it's a strip club oh oh that's right I forgot we were in the middle of a scene I I thought you guys were the news no no no we came down here cuz we was going to get a show and this officer right here said she was going to do handcuff me okay I said my pink ones are back at home so I can't do that right wink wa you're offering I will put you on [ __ ] pull if you keep it up I'm not I'm not sure how to react to that timer right now all you got to do it starts with a whisper and that was when I hey are you single no [ __ ] nice try hey I was working on it you know yeah you try you shot your shot that's the important part right exactly you know I got to take a chance and I tried but you know you miss 100% of the shots you take something like that I don't know yeah like you can only take so many oh and you want to know my dirty little secret yes you know there's this uh there's this one game I play and there's this place in there called S I actually like the place this [ __ ] she got you that yeah yeah yeah that's my dirty little secret you know my dirty little secret no but I feeling you're about to tell me I like to play a game called a little bit of Blackwater and go after all the Marshalls anyone in this you know I'd believe it I bet with your Rhymes earlier I bet you make some great poetry oh yeah but I got I got a few in my back pocket ready for uh Romano actually Romo your wife yes Jack Johnson right yeah well you know about to say Henry I told you everybody knows about it no I've run into you like twice two years ago you're the only one like you hey I'm Henry I am the only one like I am Jack Johnson Jack Johnson I'm sker yeah and I do remember Romano talking like she I don't know she just seemed really emotional you know she loved it yeah cuz I went to prison for murder oh yeah you know that would do it and she was very upset about it because it turned into a big big deal and well but now you're back I'm back and I'm clear everything's good Jack you know I'm back Jack you yeah Budd you're back you're back Jack I her a present you know did you get her a present though I haven't seen her somebody told me she's just not around not even you got to have something ready for then I got some trash for her okay you you got a dirty rag you can throw that on top huh not a bad idea Hey listen let me ask y'all something all right so if you get married under the bridge down there I tell you what she got walk up there and got sit down she give me D on ring and whatnot boy I tell you she come over and smileing like d on ear to ear and [ __ ] boy I tell you when she come down there go hog tied and whatnot you give me a d on tent down there boy I tell you what she turned around got oil D on W all that [ __ ] down there boy tell Henry came over and said he love me and [ __ ] down there I tell you one up being my child last week and then he didn't know what the [ __ ] was going on and got down there and turn around got old bacon grease [ __ ] up in his eye turn around hot sauce you know what I mean oh you might want to go to the doctor for that yeah yeah yeah but I mean if rer was there you're fine is that yeah that's just yeah you're fine if rker was there and and then you you had a witness right the witness was this is the rker yeah Riker yeah so you're you're fine the I think the wedding under the bridge yeah yeah yeah the the you know the it was under the bridge you had a witness I'm not under the bridge you know what I mean oh water under the fridge yeah yeah I mean I'm not I'm not seeing a problem with any of that I'm not giving him his allowance he's been in trouble huh damn Henry we got to go playing a a welcome back weddy oh you could renew your valves renew our vales that's what I was trying to say yes yeah yeah just do that and you know what I saw rker the other day invite her Hey listen if you say Romana yeah invite right can you just like maybe set up a time for me to meet up with her look I'm GNA give you my number I mean if you got yeah if you got my if I get your number I can uh we can set up like a whole um I [ __ ] knew it we can set up like a whole plan you know like PD can escort her down to the church oh so it'll be like official yeah and then we can just like end all the rumors because everybody said you're married you're not married I'm married I'm not married you know what I mean yeah definitely R and it'll be a good surprise I'm sure you know what I'm a rider a home I I love surprises and you know just people were knew their vs it's just H it's great I'll even have a bottle of whiskey ready for you guys oh yeah oh [ __ ] me I tell you what come on we got to go to fishing bucket Henry all right y'all have it going you too all right you got everything you need here hey did you get their gun out of that glove box yeah I got I got the gun out of the cop glove box is that what talking about check the check the glove box real check the GL box oh my God Henry what there's no plates in there I had to go I had to go make plates Fu it's all right I can make plates yeah I found a PD armor oh [ __ ] it's just chilling in their glove box y y know good condition do y'all know who that was uh it's like what a third do y'all know who that was I'm going give youall one guess they might know who that was cuz it makes it so much better it makes it so much better NOP all right so uh that was um Dallas Cordova Cordova from Red car there Dakota Fox's uh I guess they were were they married in red in that's why he that's why he said you know a little bit St Denise you know like I like to you know a little bit of uh you know um I don't I'm I'm flabbergast I don't forgot what I was going to do that's funny I like when people bleed [ __ ] over like that it's it's actually pretty hilarious all right I'm tired of driving around what are we doing we're going mrpd that's what we're doing what' you say we're going to mrpd Bubba was telling me yesterday that there was a receptionist up here was giving you a hard time it wasn't me I don't know what you're talking about no it was uh sker why can't I get out of this car oh never mind I figured it out I judge you're hello hey how's it going how are you good how are you not doing too bad tell you what you look damn good in jeans and boots thanks you're welcome how do I get behind this glass oh I forgot my key and then somebody let me through damn it do you have any photos or anything she's here where I don't think she's here oh is she the receptionist hello all right she a here a block party or how to drive [ __ ] I know who we're calling are you I mean are you okay yeah do you need help yeah I'm trying not to scratch you up you know wait for that that looks like damn Goldberg it does I'm looking for the um oh I'm G call Tiger I think Ezra's awake too all you call Ezra I'm gonna call Tiger these notifications need to get the [ __ ] out of the way oh my gosh add Margot to the group too if that's okay what group text just regular text can you send a text cuz I kind of left it where you at where is litter all come to mrpd turn that [ __ ] off we're turning you in for being you y [ __ ] are illegal here ain't a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] we need uh you're a mark ass [ __ ] Garrett jobless you're the up all let text holy [ __ ] all right yeah what up dude what up what's going on how you doing we're just uh trying to get some mining done and uh just having trouble finding noes are all out but uh trying to get my C rep up man I'm trying to you know it's not looking too good for me right now I hear that buddy I've been trying to I've been trying to get the damn DIY [ __ ] I can't I just I ain't got the patience to do electricity yeah I know I know I uh I'm at I'm at four with electricity right now so I'm trying to get to like at least six that's that's the one two three four got money to buy pressure wash equipment man we got a pressure washer gun I'm trying to get a trash Einstein oh [ __ ] that's the goal right now what do you get from that or you don't I go I rub through a lot of trash I want to be a more I rumed through trash and I'm not getting nothing what do I need to be under for that get the regular stuff all those parts and materials which right now I anything has a use man I have so much stuff nobody wants it yeah me too I I went and did Salvage for 5 hours together I got I got a whole inventory full of Salvage [ __ ] to while you're in the group i'ms I don't I'll you the the uh the Salvage guy isn't up there no more like I don't know what to do with the salvage parts like he's not there to you know trade and there's no Mech shops open so I don't have anybody sell [ __ ] to but you get like all the normal [ __ ] like GL even all that stff you get from salvaging you don't even use it yeah you don't use it for crafting or nothing they don't they don't use it for uh let me call you back all right yeah call me back I'm [ __ ] trying to figure [ __ ] out yeah they're added all righty love how you can text people there other people's contact oh it's so [ __ ] nice it's Bible makes me want to shoot somebody in jack off let's do it maybe shoot somebody with my jack off maybe shoot each other with each other's jack off oh now I'm horny why am I get why am I hurting to let's just go to the hospital get it over with am i h I'm hungry why am I getting so hungry all right where are we going who we going to pick up uh I think Ezra's on his way here oh [ __ ] all right that's right maybe let's just make him chase us [ __ ] it um I need to call Tiger oh hit go ahead and put that money back in the blood box oh yeah cuz we we can't throw it anyway yeah I'm going to start doing some deliveries tomorrow start washing some of it yeah I need to start making money too just text me text me and tell me how much you gave me okay think it was seven and five or seven and four something I don't care really I just want to know how much there are each right you can keep whatever you get from that [ __ ] there's not much all right yeah I'm not sure how much it is somebody could probably tell us we could probably find out thinking about starting to wake up and grinds here and there around noon oh [ __ ] you do that and you know my grind with damn rookie check I we don't have gasoline listen I holy [ __ ] I will never do that in my life God damn yeah you got to be an Advanced Locksmith nobody I'm telling you nobody in this whole damn city will ever be able to lock pick a cop car yeah I promise you that yeah you got to get better at lock picking oh hey somebody's trying to steal a cop car over there somebody cop carbody yeah somebody stealing a cop car red garage running every one of them's going over there Hey listen all five of those cops just left and went to do you want to get a [Music] tow ain't nobody calling me do y'all want to get a tow truck city morg it's the city morg y'all want to y'all want to get a tow truck and [ __ ] with people I said this is the city morg it's a joke I kind of want to tell people where you at let's do it Uncle Jack don't know what you said but let's do it I I kind of want Jack go to mrpd where Ezra is all I'm going I'm going way anyway B what oh my God he's going to want to go to the hospital what's up homies what the [ __ ] hi ah what's up homie what up homie what's wrong with you I got hit by a car I got to go hospital oh God I got him back for you ASA thanks Henry it's what Henry does the dangerous game set back there Henry good thing the back windshield was broken I could just crawl right to you he locked it all right it's time we need a gun well let's go piss somebody off or something [ __ ] we can't go or why don't we go let's go rob some houses yeah let's Rob some houses let's go to the hospital real quick okay we'll do that and then we'll go rob some houses I'm I'm going to go ahead and create a group okay yeah I guess we'll bring the RP to us everybody join it I'm at the bottom okay get on top of me you're always on the bottom the Bottom's the best is it not okay it is a't nothing better than looking up at them T old bitties I don't give you that especially when they're Bubbas oh I feel so good right now things those are the greasiest ticko Bitties we four beers deep homies how many y'all drinking tonight I'm not drinking at all okay be don't drink p a smoothie just say you're a [ __ ] I don't let people dictate the health of my liver just say you're just say you're a [ __ ] I will let people just take the health with my liver but nobody does so I just smoke a lot I only have half a liver all right come on a yeah I might as well go see her get out my damn truck hey quit bumping me hey hey how are you hey I remember you you do I'm aora I used to put my hands inside of you that sounds familiar oh [ __ ] you remember I do I have a baseball bat now instead of a sledg but I'm the same don't you remember I do remember what are you what are you doing Aurora crime because they won't hire me as a doctor again why but that's okay oh also stripping oh you're stripping well let me get let me get your number I've decided that I'm going to shake my brown eye for the whole world to see okay yeah Chocolate Starfish I'm digging it I bleach mine so do I why won't they hire you as a doctor I don't know there's nobody ever here all right here you go Miss Baxter oh you got to give him that H too and spit on that thing you get I got to go let Nancy put her hands in me before I pass out have fun my God I me and Nancy are about to get it home Nancy [ __ ] hurt me last time I had to go see her again in the bed the doctor yeah it's Aurora the doctor I was like what the [ __ ] bet you do yeah come help wa what come help 33 seconds man I am literally I'm debating on if we should blow [ __ ] up and get that [ __ ] started or or rob houses and let the people come to us I really want to get a to Che though going dump some cars in the ocean do [ __ ] for me I love Nancy she likes to touch me don't let him take me please what in the hell happened to y'all no he do want you to take him I'm going I'm going to take him no no no trust me this person is really dangerous you need to you need to let me I don't know this girl we need proction uh I don't know yeah but try to thinkon do it you won't do it all right we need progression stories I got an idea I but I can't do it yet I got an idea I [ __ ] maybe we shouldn't help him no more about that life now she we were helping him and now she's threatening azra well go beat her ass about that no let's just get the hell out of here take your car just somebody in the car actually I'm going take the truck cuz we're going to hit houses let go [ __ ] run help I I could have swore I bought [ __ ] lockpicks oh right by the store yeah I need I need a everybody get on the radio I don't have a radio I can't right now you got an extra radio welcome Coco I can make you one I have to craft one I'm not high enough reputation though I need to really get working on this electricity tomorrow do you need any of this [ __ ] Jack I got I got broken Electronics Rusty Nails Rusty screws old Keys dirty Claws and dirty rags I need the dirty cloths and the rags all right they're in the GL box perfect thank you more of the apartment I'll get later I mean I'm pretty sure I bought this [ __ ] but I guess not all right let's go I buy some binoculars where's Henry oh I got to get in radio what's the thing uh eight n no wait eight um hello yeah that's it oh my God cuz I put him in my hot bar brother cousin thing oh my god I'm an idiot bro I'm actually [ __ ] dumb hello hello my name is sker what's your name uh AA nice to meet you I'm going to meet you going to look like a [ __ ] what you look in a mirror are you a mirror I don't know what you're talking about you just look like a baby bag [ __ ] you look like a mark ass [ __ ] you sound like you're I did I did you make you a sticky not I didn't want me to Pro on you wouldn't you I mean don't King in 2024 bro not cool I project all over you h proje on your mama wait where are we going uh I got to the house guy Henry [ __ ] up yeah we'll grab we'll find a fuel oh good point only a [ __ ] doesn't fuel his car well those people we show from Hello IDI what you doing going to grab us the job real quick [ __ ] city bus H's getting a job right now that's where he is I'm passing the courthouse right now all right where y'all want to meet up at um I got that Dodge truck it's a really nice truck to haul lots of TVs with oh you got the Dodge truck all right yeah the Dodge truck's going to be really nice okay yeah get in the back [ __ ] get you call a [ __ ] [ __ ] uh your dad I mean Bubba's Dad wait Bubba's here Bubba's Dad sker here what Bubba doesn't have a dad oh yeah you're right he was made in a he was made in a lab pretty sure skater is not a real person but came from my nut sack pretty sure a skater is what uh is boss baby trash where was this you ever heard that TV show called boss baby oh yeah boss baby yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a skater he's a boss baby not so much a boss though is it because he's the leader of the hobo gang no it's just cuz he's wearing a Dapper wait is skater the leader of the whole b game he still I might have to be a little bit nicer to him I'm a little rough on skater all right started the job where should I meet you or I'll just meet y'all at the house when it comes to we're at we're at the place where you get the job oh [ __ ] I just left there I started the job yeah we're here come get us okay I'm coming back yeah they just pulled up we got them right here we got them I'm just kidding we got by con oh hey green car thank you I'm right here all right now we have four is why Ain y'all in the radio a [ __ ] this truck's broken we are in the radio you're not have a radio I am in the radio what Chanel are you in hello 8971 hello yeah we from radios what radio we we're in the radio yeah what channel we're in the the same one you're in 8971 8 91.7 Henry idiot you know it's bad as I came up with that stat yeah you did it's Bas it's based on my birthday I couldn't remember it 8917 oh my you were born in 2017 huh exactly September 9th yeah this truck smoking pretty hard fellas all right well let's get a maybe if you weren crashing like a goon talking about wow why did somebody fly out is everybody in the vehicle yeah yeah what the hell I saw a body maybe somebody was hiding in the trunk often see bodies Jack what do you mean are you seeing things Jack okay this should be awesome we I wish we could get a golf cart pink congratulations here it is pink your spest get proud of you dumbass God dang it I'm hungry again there's no way did you buy a bunch of food yeah I bought I bought yeah I bought food I got food I don't know why we it's stupid how fast we get hungry so hungry all the time wow uh I need a I need that gun Bubba has hey beautiful how you doing what up homie you want a date with four awesome men in a limo a pink limo I'm all right I'm kind of in the middle of something we got a nice house that we're going to take TVs out of yeah real nice one y'all have a good one yeah she shut you down so fast skater can't even see me yeah but she can hear face shut you down and didn't even see your face playing hard to get trust me what do you mean met some chick yesterday that wants me to take her on a date yeah who's that let me look Zoe Zoe Marie you know what that reminds me contract oh it's in the Hills too that remind you ja I need to call Zoe said hi if you would change your damn diaper people wouldn't you know sir close slow the damn car said I was cute really yep want take are we really not like concerned about your fact that willly just back and you're like after five years shut up who gives this [ __ ] just be just be happy yeah why can't you just be happy for us why can't you just be happy drop it drop it what you me drop the [ __ ] be happy he's been here the whole time we got more family what don't gas me like that Jack don't [ __ ] do that to me he has been here the whole time what are you talking about never left he told us he was working for Dr claw and he uh did all his stuff and he could cousin you think i' be a little more upset if he was dead wait what the [ __ ] is this what has this house always been here no I don't think so NOP not at all let's see if we can go inside what that's a big ass house [ __ ] scroll brain it's locked clearly anybody got lock picks to Rob this house uh I do how about a screwdriver I do you think by the way Uncle Jack I got the hacks easy now easy no bu all right you that means no problem in Spanish y'all know that no bueno means no problem in Spanish uh screwdriver one I easy okay so explain to me yeah explain you just got to put the green thing in each of the slots that's it what you ammo on the ground whenever you're picking the lock you know you just you know you got to eat it every time it gets in one of the slots the pistol ammo I don't know what here who wants [ __ ] is it this door right here know might be up the stairs yeah it's on this one I got the alarm though EAS maybe make you're on your back no y'all let me go in cuz I got to get that alarm yeah no I think you just let the alarm go off it's even better let it go off Henry just let it go off oh W they want to deactivate the alarm that takes like make all the fun out of it I want you safe all right do the safe I forting some oh yeah radio why' you do what I mean what I got it but the damn thing shocked me so I don't know if the alarm's gonna go out or not I got it but I don't know if it's GNA work yeah but I'm [Music] tired he you know what we should do oh [ __ ] I got USBS holy [ __ ] okay damn that was a good find right and motherboards oh God oh God why are you standing behind me in your underwear in the pretty hot my shot let's go what I got it got what got saave [ __ ] I think it's everything all right what are we missing we missed something oh the fridge fridge I got it Henry pick that up yep I'm getting it all all right let's go that's Ry I guess I got the alarm cuz it's not going off yeah yeah that's a bummer I'm the like do you get Henry's the damn best nobody's better almost landed in the trash can I don't want to drive but I'm just going to carry this cuz we're going straight to the uh the place ain't we uh not for a couple hours we're not going to PO what a couple hours skater's not in here is he yeah he is wait is SK here skater no skater's not here skater he have a radio jack what SK right here oh there he is get in the car you stupid old bastard I take a [ __ ] oh okay yeah sorry Henry but I couldn't hear the clicks cuz you were yelling yeah you dumb [ __ ] yeah dumb [ __ ] Mark ass [ __ ] a [ __ ] you no good [ __ ] 22 with the [ __ ] Ed [ __ ] over medium [ __ ] you SPO egg look at [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] young [ __ ] Grand Slam breakfast [ __ ] use conom full seing young [ __ ] think Kaa house is better than Denny's [ __ ] Express orange chicken and rice bowl [ __ ] Pano [ __ ] I really got to take a piss shut up stupid [ __ ] why your [ __ ] Commonwealth does that mean it's all ours everybody's does it belong to everybody I think so you know that's actually Tony Mill House just saying Mills he sounds like a [ __ ] he gut you in your sleep son sounds like a McDonald's hash brown [ __ ] oh watch how which how FES out first it's like a game right want's a breakfast what kind of breakfast do you want see I think this is just me right I think disabling the alarm takes all the phone away do you get anything for disabling the alarm does it help your perk I would imagine it would it has to right kind of like electricity it would probably help DIY I can upgrade like hands what what oh [ __ ] what should I pick I don't know do something the [ __ ] is a Petman Pat what pickpocketing about a glitter bomb oh yeah but how many packages do you actually find maybe I'll go with pig pocket and we cannot use this car again well y Dr into the ground literally it keeps drifting to the left when I'm driving almost like the front left end smashed in that's crazy why yeah it looks like we have a we're driving a [ __ ] Arrow now oh got it I almost had it you almost what are you doing hit the dividers satisfaction my God you suck it's drifting on me yeah sure oh my God it's something really hard it's drifting on you oh sker he called you out buddy he said [ __ ] oh I heard an idiot I thought he was talking to Henry oh my God watch out [ __ ] cement truck floating cement truck what the [ __ ] oh god oh not even close baby you didn't touch him well I didn't want to hit him oh God Henry fell out yeah I know are see his dumb hair through the [ __ ] roof you can see gut you can see his gut through rear view mirror damn that's that's wild man I I man I tell you if this thing was a little bit faster I'd get me one our [ __ ] trunk is half gone the I hope the TV's okay this thing has a really good like drift on it you know imagine put some slick tires on this thing oh yeah so we're really going to pretend like nothing ever happen just go that [ __ ] hurt I drifted into it my bad I don't know if that hurt anybody else but it hurt me pretty freaking good uncle jack you better learn to drive or I'm going to kill your ass with a hatchet at the at the damn Pier up here wow too soon in it yeah too soon no it's never too soon that's my thing why why is everybody so violent shut up Ezra you know get [ __ ] talk about I better talk about this with you in private on what is in the water in what water something's in the water I feel possessed um I guess he's got you got everything everything yes sir all right well I'm strong as [ __ ] I've been working out pun your master Uncle Jack anybody got anything else no how much we make up that I haven't sold it yet I got gold coins $284 that sucks ass you guys want a chest table you can't pick that [ __ ] up anyway it's broken he PE in the water bottle mhm mhm all right I'm I can't no [Music] oh no I can't riding that slow ass car anymore so are we are really really just going nothing ever happened what really yeah we watched him die Jack like yeah and you know what he told me he told me that you are working with Dr claw and I said will that doesn't make any sense cuz he's been with us the whole time and then he said well Ezra was there and then he said who's been around the whole time doing all this I said will you're really starting to act weird he tried to choke me Jack while I was in your hospital that's what I'm saying and when he talks to me it's like he's talking to me out theide of his mouth I sound like anybody out there H hang on we got a car just rear ended us and kept driving we're going to go kill them real quick all right are they're going to the pawn shop BR yeah they are never mind we won't mess with them why not why I mean I guess we can but they're probably going to kill us hey's being a little [ __ ] driving away now anyway you hit our B and then just kept driving through them huh you hit our friends and ran right through them yeah didn't I didn't hit nobody he's laying on the ground back here I didn't hit nobody man honestly I mean his car is not even damage again my eyes it's not mine it looks brand new again man I didn't hit nobody I was just driving hey homie next time you watch where you drive and you rear ended us you could have killed somebody sir I didn't hit you no you hit you hit the [ __ ] out of me not my eyes I did not sir so okay okay if it wasn't in your eyes that's all right I'm sorry I murdered somebody but it wasn't in my eyes I'm going to use that one I'm going to use that one in the court of law where are we going uh we need we need a we need a gun and some gasoline made us uh okay we're going to follow y'all and after that I got a spot where we can go just tell us where we're going y'all see a Dodge truck we need it what we can't do this job without a Dodge truck we're going to do a construction Rob want a new construction yeah I knew said we need a truck maybe we can go test our look a [ __ ] we're going into the ocean [ __ ] you skater well guess going to need a recovery where would he go in the ocean at right up here probably I your truck you want to grab you out yeah yeah it's not the right one though I mean it's a truck H where are you we're on the beach he made it got the car running we we going back up up your road we we found your truck and I got a good fast car okay okay we're coming y'all just sit tight Jack did you hear him say [ __ ] Yeah but I I can get them faster than they can get up there where you at man this like Hall's ass yo what up K us Casino where yall at on your way we just got back on Road what what part to kill us uh we're coming around these sharp ass curves right now wait where we're back here in pedo PLO we're up here way up here somewhere how you okay meet us all meet us at the hospital oh my God all right I hear the hospital one more time today I'm probably going wait hey yeah the hospital is CL the hospital is close to where we need to go anyway for this job all right hold on this truck right here wait that's the same truck I got Ezra is it yeah we need a small pickup truck we need the short small pickup truck six-seater how you doing Chaos go go [ __ ] y still hear me I'm good hell yeah all right meet us at the Route 68 gas station uh it's got to be a specific truck I don't know just okay just uh I don't know I have no idea why this one wouldn't work but we know the only one that does work cuz we tried this one and it it wouldn't load you couldn't load anything in it I think it's I think it's job specific like the truck has to be that specific truck to do the job probably I wasn't paying attention I was looking at chat we need a little bit of pickup trucks looking looking looking that's on it here's our Ry okay don't tell me there's no way what happened Henry did somebody fart there's no way oh somebody somebody farted oh my God put him in the truck so we can go to hosit Jack you killed me you ran out in front of me you killed me you're a murderer told to You're a murderer just take me to pedo pier and drive me off like you did Bubba I didn't that wasn't me where do her go Andra you I'm coming back no it's fine it's fine we're gota go to the hospital Henry's down right I'll meet you there yeah I might as well God damn y'all got in this truck and it's like 10 times slower theery keep your eyes open for that pickup truck this not it no it needs to be a Dodge I think I love it okay we can try it with this but I think it needs to be a Dodge are we trying I thought we tried it with this and couldn't load any oh yeah we did yeah it's got to be a Dodge there got to be that little Dodge Dakota if we have to we could go rent one no I don't like rent [ __ ] yeah me neither we got money for that what are we loading into it uh material construction equipment I don't know where to sell it though that's another problem a big truck but you could fit some [ __ ] in there yeah I don't know why you can't use like a moving truck you know like I'd be just as good how many times y'all go to the hospital yeah you ain't [ __ ] lying all right let's check by the apartment see if you my left one sitting here where do those trucks usually like locally Drive are they just all over all right good to what always so needy Jack uh I think there's like southide I think I've seen a bunch oh right here it's blown that's the one we had earlier we still it's still here Southside I think southside's usually where they you see them a lot Southside or Sandy no no south I mean you probably Sandy you feel 100% yeah me I actually feel pretty good feel like I see him over by the strip club by hoboville a lot yeah yeah you're right landed it is that new what Casey's derer did I use to be a pizza joint Pizza Joint yeah maybe it is still a pizza joint where' skater go oh [ __ ] he left our group oh right that means his head pop is that no is that the right truck let's take it it's a different truck we can try it we might as well take every truck we can get lost Iran hiker what's up brother what I'm getting it what cat blue-eyed [Music] Yankee on let me put this somewhere for what road was what road were we on um I got it never mind it's all good it's all good it happens it happens it happens I need to figure out how to get that pure mode to where it doesn't restart every time ask ravage if that's even possible there under attack again no it's just a it was a bad crash in a specific location [Music] I wonder if they're uh G crash P anybody yet I really need to restart my computer uh I've seen videos on YouTube but never watched them yeah I need to check them out okay this is crazy need some music is are waiting the sound is deafening here we go there we go there some Hobo game music in there name ja joh wow this is crazy yeah I want have to look it up want to see it's it's quite annoying when you have to restart every time there we go [Music] [Music] I can't believe it's already midnight man I got to start getting on earlier [Music] is De Deputy sman prodigy all right [Music] [Music] damn it um popular Street that's what it was Henry Henry I'm hurting Uncle Jack help me help me I'm gonna die Henry I can't get you get off of me get all get the truck off of me I can't get them mobile gang is funny as [ __ ] love the story lines H yeah appreciate that we haven't even got started like we're literally just picking around I literally can't pick you up Henry I'm right here you need to you need to get kick me no Henry you're back here how'd you uh get lost how' you find me on YouTube I'm curious all right here we go hey can you get on radi on call in 9:20 1076 to the hospital show us in at 1038 cuz I'm mother freaking dead we're 10138 get me to the hospital need all units to respond right now there you go 103 a 1013 a get me to the hospital I'm going to die I'm going to die going to die get somebody up here I need help right now sounds about right idiot I smell [ __ ] oh never mind sorry no that explains it crash that truck really hard yeah we uh we had a headache let me go Che hey how are y'all doing what's your name what's y'all's name sorry I'm Jack I'm Jack I'm Catalina Catalina W mixer here you go now I can hear you Catalina yeah Catalina wine mixer what no nothing uh Jack Jack Johnson you know hobo hobo gang you know I oh Jack Johnson you got the same name yeah wait is your name Jack Johnson no it's Jack Pier oh well then we don't have the same name I think it's the same Jack yeah well if you saw me on the side of the road would and I was stuck on a bridge would you help jack off the bridge I would help Jack on I'm Prett hell yeah that's what I'm talking about Buddy again uh hey I can hear you sorry my daddy my son here needs to go get creamed by the clowns oh it's creaming time love you bye Me So Horny holy [ __ ] oh God that's a person we got to go get that truck out what truck the other truck that you left behind for this truck I know this is the truck that we wanted to get is this a good one you think I mean I don't know oh we got to create another group again that other truck we know doesn't work we tried it when we were looking the other day remember I made another group um I need a gun yeah good luck with that hey everybody join my group oh wait Kinsey called me y'all join my group hi Dad hey baby girl what's going on um is there any way you can get me some armor uh what kind of armor you need uh like armor that will protect me from bullets I mean I got I wonder if I can put some plates in this PD armor I got to try it um yeah just I I'm going to need a lot of like I'm going to need a lot of armor what's going on um just you know a little beef going on with with a certain family want family uh I don't know if I can say you can tell me come on who you got who you beefing with um T am I allowed to tell my dad who we're beefing with um we're beefing with CG and we just we just lit up Carmela and Paris oh [ __ ] oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna need some armor yeah you join my group skater I'll have to I'll have to see if I can make some I'll see what I can do okay let me know and then I'm sure I need a gun to blow up a tanker truck you got one um I I can possibly buy you a gun but it's going to be under my name or I can no no I don't want it to I well hold on hold on listen T Tiger's not awake yet but I I think he will be um I can see if he can if he has enough to make you some gun well if he doesn't tell him I got a I got a whole apartment full of materials I'm telling I got more materials than anybody in the city right now do you have an upper and while you no I I can make them though I'm saying I've got I've got the materials to make whatever okay I'll I'll see what what he needs to make the gun parts and then I'll let you know all right yeah just let me know okay thank you all right I'll I'll holler back at you a little bit try not to die yet oh I think I think it we're good right now so well it's kind of mutual ground so I can probably you know call CG and just be like hey you got you know see if I can catch wind you know cuz they like me they don't like yeah well they liked us before but you know [ __ ] happens wait what's the name of y'all's group I'm sorry below below zero right yeah Bzz aren't you guys is Ricky with you all uh he was and then yeah and then there's just like an ongoing beef between him and tiger right now [ __ ] man I hate being in the middle of everybody's [ __ ] yeah I I was just gonna say if if if Ricky does try to involve you just know that it's he's trying to go after tiger and tiger is your son-in-law now yeah I don't think he knows that that's the funny thing well he should because he he he saved Ricky from you guys before two years ago wait don't we need sorry don't we need the other group not that group oh yeah yeah yeah yeah all right go ahead sorry wait you said Ricky was trying to talk to you two years ago while you were engaged no no no no no no actually y'all are already in it I think when when you guys kidnapped come here skater oh yeah yeah did you or did you get that okay you got it I mean I like Ricky but damn he talks a lot does he yeah he a a weird individual we're good all right well I'll get off here and I'll see what I can do about armor I got to go rob something real quick okay um and then I'll try and get in touch with tiger when I hear from him all right all right thank you love you yeah I got I I already talked to him I got the email I got the email oh [ __ ] I didn't uh it says construction site the location is marked on your GPS all right now look at your GPS you're looking for a red circle yeah why didn't I get the text that's a tiny ass red circle either we got to talk to him too Henry let's I don't know let's try well I mean we're we're literally friends with everybody J million sent me hell yeah yeah uncle jack it looks like just you and Ezra can see can do this oh wait no I see it now I see it all right a damn so I didn't get on the radio hold on to follow you I can't see it so uh apparently bz is at that they got a beef they just shot up Carmela and all them and now they're going back and forth with CG who's bsy that's uh Tigers group below zero oh [ __ ] I didn't know that how many people they got they Rolling Deep or what they're rolling I mean I'll always back him up oh yeah I mean for sure I don't mind killing Mr K he kind of done us wrong we did a lot for him in the past and guess what he never [ __ ] paid us Uncle Jack you know what let me you're right let me we never got paid for all the [ __ ] we did for them and we and you went to prison for that so we I'll kill somebody let's go kill Mr K uh I was just I was just talking to Henry and we're basically like [ __ ] CG right now so cuz Mr Kate owes us a lot of money from like years ago and um if y'all need anybody else to like call Ruckus with them you let us know okay okay I'll let them know uh we will bring bulldozers and gasoline and tanker trucks all the way there but I appreciate you all right all right love you all right I love you I'll don't ever give her a chance to say love me oh Henry look at all the copper wire I got please tell me I can put this in there oh yeah it works oh is that it I guess we got look up here too no we're barely outside the bubble uh hello hello what are you doing just waking up you sound so s what's wrong well yeah what's just nothing been really really busy just waking up it's late just waking up You' been jacking off a lot uh hey you ever got your finger stuck in your ass and you couldn't get it out and you got worried and you had to go and act like he was pooping to get it out hold on I got to put this gun away uh yeah I think I did one time you know the the best way to save toilet paper is you just take one sheet you stick your finger through it and then you just kind of like wipe your ass and then you use when you stick your finger through you know that little circle that comes out you just use that fold that into a triangle and then clean the [ __ ] out underneath your fingernail and boom you only use one piece of paper I mean that makes sense yeah yeah I need I need to get rid of this gun man yeah I don't see anything else Henry you need a gun think there's everything I do need a gun actually do you are you trying to shoot somebody right now no I need well Kenzie and beer and wait basically shooting up CG and shot down Carmela and a bunch of the girls so now so we're going to are we going to go protect them uh I I think we're just going to be like the middleman you know and just like call [ __ ] while they're doing their thing we're going to kill them all oh perfect um Can are you able to come oh there's a screwdriver laying in myoor let's go back up here except oh and it's not even broken go back up perfect Drive in he let's go we got to talk to that guy now what do we got to do what do we do with this [ __ ] Bubba Bubba just woke up uh let's go pick him up on the way and uh I think you a pistol I'm not sure uh yeah we're going to need a pistol to blow up a tanker we'll try to see I got the pistol I don't know all do you remember where we got that pistol yeah I stole off that fella remember okay so it has a serial number on it yeah yeah yeah good deal yep I do need to go to the hospital though uh so if you're able to come pick me up I'd appreciate that I'm at the I'm at the apartment and I got your [ __ ] we're we're up here at we're heading to the house robbery guy first uh okay I'll join I'll join all right join uh Henry all right I love you bye love man I what do we do with this I don't know Uncle Jack all right so ask uh ask that guy that we always ask for pretty much all the information that's teaching you about the tables maybe he knows the guy that we robbed you want re oh yeah hey I'm I'm stuck on this H never mind thought that was somebody else he Andre you in radio you're not in radio yeah I am you're not it's 8971 I'm in the radio you're not hey uh radio check no it's 891 7 8917 you guys are in what radio are you all in I mean nobody's answering I'm in 8971 maybe it's 8917 it is 8 91.7 hey radio go talk to them in there you're the party party leader hey e you in here yeah hey call somebody that might know a lot of information and ask them where the hell we can sell construction equipment how about you ask nicely dou I mean you know this benefits us all I'm not really I'm not telling you to do it but I know you got a connection so now that you ask me to ask nicely I'm not going to act nicely I don't [ __ ] care blow my damn eard drums out um Ezra do you know anybody that uh knows that what we can do with this construction stuff I hear Henry laughing up there and yeah I'm already looking for somebody yeah cuz Henry is acting asking like a douchebag I'm not being a douchebag Uncle J we under that good buddy Uncle Jack just said that's what he [ __ ] thought you [ __ ] yeah okay Bubba is white as well and and Bubba said it too did you know that's the other apartment right there yeah wait where why is there an electronic store in there I don't know I don't see it welcome Raiders y z Choose Your Fate watch the show or watch the or watch the show thank you that's a b machine yeah but why is got a computer yo zeff I appreciate that raid oh it does thank you so much oh [ __ ] hang on let me go to these ATMs real quick I got $400 on me I didn't even know it they moved the cell phone company all got wait hello hey did you know they move the cell phone company finally starting to get a come up Uncle Jack you're starting $15,000 I got $155,000 we're getting close oh really it's working no I only got $2,000 I got $2,000 I had $2,000 and I bought like five lock picks freaking crazy I got a screwdriver you still got lock picks all right hey what did you say you said you got the information sure you all right where do we got to go get rid of this [ __ ] do we have to export it no it's the same place we have the other we see the pawn shop yes sir oh my God that's what I thought let's just keep this you guys where you atber I'll just come to you we're doing a house we're over by building too yeah we appreciate that too wait are you in a house robbery right now I don't know we in the house or you right now yeah I just started I forgot to do that earlier I did join that group yeah did oh hey what's up hom do y'all want this [ __ ] in the back of this truck wait you're at house number you're number two I'm here we're at building two not we're at apartment building two let's ride Jack we're waiting on a contract [Music] ain't no way he's playing myong hell yeah hell yeah oh we didn't get another car why let's keep this [ __ ] what's wrong with this it's slow as [ __ ] it doesn't matter who gives a [ __ ] all right well dirty I want to I want I want to I want to sell this [ __ ] we it might be was some well here's the thing all right let's not do the alarm all right why why are we doing the alarm why would we not I there's a chance a chance what to not have to get cops up there why would you not want the cops up there Henry do you want the cops up there yeah well fine we won't do this long let's get a fast CI why does that sound like [ __ ] number chaos destruction our that's copper wire brother what you want to hear Fu you want to hear another song that's really nice yeah s baby how many does it pay good 160 I think holy [ __ ] a piece Uncle Jack all we're going up there yeah we're selling that [ __ ] 160 a piece yeah you [ __ ] no just $160 whole thing but that's a lot of money no I mean $160 for one roll yeah hey we're going to the pawn shop in P yeah 160 for one roll that is a lot of money we ever sell the stuff from the other one yeah oh yeah we yeah we did I still got it right now we made like $200 so it'd be like 50 a piece on that all right I'm going to uh we're taking this construction stuff up there found out this stuff might be worth a good bit of money oh cool let me know also do we uh are we picking up Bubba where's he at uh he's right behind us with uh Reese and he's got Reese in the car and a couple hey can you drive Uncle Jack I got a lot of I got I got a a lot I got some beer in the glove box I got to drink yeah I [Music] bet no Bubba is a [ __ ] crazy Bast [Music] I'm stuck [Music] help oh we're [ __ ] back up no we're [ __ ] all wait whose phone numbers step bro my name Bubba help me oh Bubba oh Bubba I know you you're stuck in the let's hurry up and sell this [ __ ] I I can't the [ __ ] car is broken oh what the hell we going to do Bubba came up and reuin me and got me all how about this I got an idea y with us anyways everybody d Everybody grab one thing everybody grab one thing we just hop in here we just hop everybody hop in the car grab one thing there ain't nothing else in here Pop the trunk no no I drive how you going to drive [ __ ] back don't worry oh [ __ ] wait bub can I get your number open the trunk grab your phone it is open it's not opening up somebody keeps closing it I'm not even touching it here here's my number all right come on R hey what you doing on that t why does it minimize are you actively hacking an ATM now I'm trying to get in wait there's uh there's more stuff in the trunk ride more stuff in what trunk in the truck in the truck oh no okay all right we going to the PO should we play should we play the anthem song again yeah yeah let's do it turn it up to 11 uh is that good level yeah we house okay Shadows grow stories Whispers In The Night people say don't trust AO they might be right we feed the ocean moner in the dark we played ch destruction that's our daily grinding Santos leing it [Music] behind bad I'm sorry I just want to look at something on the Internet real quicking the rain Rusty and cardb that's our thr [Music] Auto mod I appreciate that thank you for blocking stream dropped out oh it's been good for two [Music] hours and number three we beat the day away oh my God it did drop that destru our we been it behind yeah refresh if needed it'll fix it I can't minimize my [ __ ] for some reason without closing the game anymore I don't know why it was all set perfectly and then it just like it stopped working oh my neck why why you just rear end us like that was trying to jam out you know what I'm saying my [ __ ] and my crack help me open maybe I don't that's my bad are you okay you give me $5 this will be okay all right5 I'm hurting so bad we got a location to go to boys back wait my back my crack my [ __ ] in my ass oh my God open the trunk open the trunk the trunk thank you so much I didn't get it but I appreciate that somebody did I'm feeling better let's ride let's go before they sue us come on it's all good all right see you [Music] guys ah is he in oh no here we got put put him in the car put him in the car wait are they rolling with us are you guys hubo gang too I guess so hubo gang wait are we missing somebody no I think we're wait there's a cell phone in the road now [ __ ] it that's a baseball bat hey we H gang H gang the king of streets the dark alley mate damn yeah right we H about G all right all right now we got to do um hobo heartbreak I got a heart that r no place to call it home [Music] [Music] walk me sh [Music] wait what are you send me the link to the docking station or whatever it's called you use I don't use the docking station what do you [Music] mean I got I think do I have stuff on me I don't know and don't know how do you have because my graphics card right there yeah yeah just hanging out buddy you know hey how long does the location stay uh good for oh that's a good point I haven't thought about that yeah we been we got to go to the location still yeah we're talking about uh the house minutes ago8 minutes ago they gave it to they told us to go eight minutes ago you got about like two minutes probably oh it's only 10 minutes I think so it might be more it might I might be talking uh you you can get a docking station for uncry like $19 from Best Buy I can send you the link for that here take this one too they only gave me $57 but they told me I could probably sell it for more on the streets and I don't know how to do that there's got to be a black market to sell that [ __ ] are up Uncle Henry 9 minutes ago we were supposed to go to the location more get more on the streets hustling oh you right you could probably put it you could probably hustle it holy [ __ ] well no copper wire you might be able to throw that on your bench and like spool a bunch of copper yeah I'd snort go off his dick too what I would put a straw I would put a straw on his ass and blow cocaine up it y'all coming about to oh we thought you were going to a house I mean we are well we got to get jacked yeah we got to get back on his feet first yeah oh yeah that's right I think we'll probably uh we're probably going to run out of time after the the hospital yeah well we're probably going to run out of time a good we might not well oh it's been 10 minutes and since the Lo since it we got the yeah we're good yeah how long it it last like five hours hours oh I forgot I was hurt oh St it's all right Uncle Jack daddy Jack you're in shock back Daddy I'll I'll just lick your wounds later I ordered one before but I guess there was the wrong one here um I'll order I'll show you my phone you can't ride in silence so well you said something wait wait wait wait do uh hold on do um the one about romano and Jack yeah hobo love is that it is that hobo love that one yeah that one's hobo love yeah we got hobo hustling hobo love I mean hobo law yeah [Music] I'm looking for [Music] night [Music] the as a witness and the stars above they [Music] forever got yeah that song took me like three hours to record hey Hospital meet us there love you bye yeah if you guys didn't know so Jack is actually a musician and he actually plays the drums and guitar and sing and he did the whole album himself that's crazy y good job he's very [Music] talented he's so full of [Music] [ __ ] unck [Music] Johnson [ __ ] [Music] believe word he [Music] says oh I meant to look on Spotify it was funny cuz I got a message on Spotify that pretty good D Jack pretty good there hello yeah I hear you oh okay well [ __ ] me then what what else we got we got hobo hustling hobo the hobo way yeah hobo hust the hobo ways hobo W that one's good all right [Music] these these people in the back are probably like what the I'm crashing [ __ ] man every time I come near Legion man I crash all right it's the same one uh let me save this e who what uh last time a hobo got famous for their music they left the hobo gang what are you talking about are you talking about uh Wicked W never did any music for hubo gang well he did for what's his face that one guy who [ __ ] crazy he made that song before he was even a part of hobo gang to join hobo gang it was weird you know what I mean oh Henry crashed too he was a rapper yeah it was it was wicked that was um what was his name uh I can hear his voice in my head bow time that was bow time is that who you're talking about he was never act I mean he was never actually part of the Hobo game he was just hanging around he never got famous like I mean he's he's no he's well known across the industry but like he didn't get famous off that he made one hobo song that's what you're talking I think that's what you're talking about I love I really love having these extra monitors because now I can actually see all my stats and stuff for stream string I made this song for Bubba because he was uh per he was going to Perma but we wind up turning it into a story here's a stat for you get some sunglasses I had some professional streamer [ __ ] that will be a 19 that's crazy I got to wait another four minutes I don't know if I can answer this cuz I'm unconscious help help oh Lord thank you thank you sweet what you Jesus I had I had a really bad headache and somebody was taking me to the hospital and I didn't make it oh no yeah I flew out of the car alll hot to a girl oh yeah yeah I know her personally I'll give her a call me call right now you're going to be okay I promise [ __ ] oh oh oh what's hurting hurting what's hurting buddy just a bunch of oh it hurt over all right hey I me to clean it up all right we G to get it all nice and clean we're going to put some bandages on it all right uh you got to get a USBC USB port adapter you're going to be like new brand new all right all right yeah you need a USBC to USB adapter they're like $4 oh yeah I appreciate you taking care of my boo boos oh why this what I'm here for I do know you need a courtesy ride um I think I'm going to walk I feel pretty good you look like you need to go to hospital I I do I honestly do all right well hey I appreciate you stopping of course you stay safe okay all right thank you sir all right no problem all right love you hello Henry Johnson Sperm Bank you squeeze it I will freeze it how can I help you today don't worry EMS picked me up on the highway and fixed me up on the side of the road [ __ ] sorry about that what' you say uncle jack um at lower pillbox you're at lower pillbox yeah yeah I went to pillbox instead of the other hospital all right well we're at the hospital soon as we leave here we're coming to get you I think every one of us might have fell asleep there I hope we can still start another a house robbery or something what the [ __ ] are they going to open all right we're going to talk to be right back love you by see it lower power all right love you are they going to open up pillbox or is it already open is it already opening I'm dumb is it already open and I'm dumb yeah one more doors are probably locked I'm guessing I would love for pill box to come back oh it's all boarded up damn it it's all boarded up right now I wonder if they're going to open it that's going to be sick knowledge is power pick a lane so sad I'm going to protect you sad what happened to your EMS truck wonderful day wait know you too you be safe all right um all your all your family is at the hospital looking for you oh really I well I want up finding you know something even better you you are married to Romano you want me to tell her you're cheating uh no I'm not cheating I'm just saying I found somebody better to hang out with you oh hanging out with oh yeah I I won't tell her that you're trying to strip for me so it's crazy we all know we all know that didn't happen what you rank my my uh my what are you an are you just an officer like you senior senior officer I'm just an officer how long you been on the forest uh for years oh you like biscuits uh biscuits and gravy no do you just like biscuits yeah you like your biscuits buttered depends by whom well uh what do you mean there's only one type of butter you get no it's not that's different kinds of type of butter what types of butter are you getting I like garlic butter thank you very much I like I like um what kind of butter do you like was it Crocker yeah I like Crocker that's my favorite kind of butter can n that John actually I like I I Can't Believe It's Not Butter I like that stuff that's that's good too sprayed on bread you know the spray kind the spray kind and you just soak your bread down and you put some garlic on it I'm in front of mrpd um I don't like s g I know you're in front of mrpd why would you tell me that I'm it's my Cadet oh you got a Cadet yes are you still with h Fox yeah it's Fox it's still Fox oh me and him are like best friends now a oh there goes Jack oh hold on hold on oh man I almost di making me one I know that was your boys they almost killed me call them up can you arrest them about to you ought to because that's reckless driving and wanted endangerment yeah it is so that's a felony I'm because I probably might make them go scrub the dirtiest [ __ ] in in the cells if they keep that up but you know you got to do it times 10 because you know I'm just like I'm worth it want it hey would you be upset if I stop start blowing up [ __ ] at mrpd yes all right it's Reckless it is reckless but I found I found a really big tanker and I'm really want to use it yeah well I'm going to find the biggest cage and I'm feel like I'm going to use that here soon if you're going to blow up my station all right I won't blow up your station but I'm going to blow up all these annoying parked cars in front of the apartment what apartment the apartments oh God please no there's like 18 cars that are always parked there and it it looks like a junk junk it does and I do go down there quite a bit and try to impound a lot of cars yes you know uh you're messing up my wrist hold on oh [ __ ] oh ah never mind all right well see easy got rid of him for you hello uh hey Jack where you at homie I'm over here where you almost smashed me in between two cars I never smash you where you at I'm at mrpd getting ready to get hit again a [ __ ] can you stop you [ __ ] holigan hey sorry about that I'm trying to pick up my daddy yeah get out you [ __ ] almost killed him and you're trying to kill him again I didn't almost kill him I'm trying to get him to the hospital he's hurting watch your damn mouth when you're talking to me lady you up I love you I'll shoot a I'll shoot a pistol right now y'all messed up my I'll shoot a pistol right now you need to go to the doctor no I've been to the well now yeah no I don't I'm fine I'm fine why you taking us down the street around we're such bad boys stay away from this turn around hey I'm starting a group right now y'all better join it or else I'll [ __ ] you up you hear me as long as you turn the [ __ ] around join my damn group there ain't a group in here to join you're pissing me off I'm so pissed off I lost my goddamn backpack the other day join my group right now you shut the [ __ ] up Henry [ __ ] I'm pissing me off turn around Henry don't go down the street H don't go down this street where are we going we're supposed to go over there the other way yeah stay away from Street all this is really annoying we got to get the your perfect drive right now I don't think he should be driving I think he should get out of the road help he's kidnapping us we're against our wheel right now yeah they better [ __ ] run I'm goddamn ball around here y understand me right now I'm the goddamn boss put your hands down put your hands down what's wrong with you look my no hands I don't I don't dance I went w I went fla I think I deserve a chance I'm a bad [ __ ] go ass a [ __ ] I don't remember the rest of this song but I'm going no I I just don't Chuck yo little bit of a show now from Henry Johnson oh SK SK God you just [ __ ] me up hitting that wall yeah now I got to go to hospital you dumb beding now I'm Bing tell me tell me you're a [ __ ] without me a [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't like how many you I don't like drunk Henry how many beers have you had two or three you're a you're a weak [ __ ] yeah my community is weak [ __ ] like Bubba if what's a what's a weak pissy what's a pissy oh my God would you stop crashing your [ __ ] ass up man we're goingon to be dead here in a minute who [ __ ] cares we're not supposed to be healthy shut the [ __ ] up you [ __ ] St Ruby [ __ ] get this [ __ ] drunk stepen Ruby St Ruby do the thing sh the [ __ ] up St Ruby's a [ __ ] so is Billy deasio so is Nick Anderson so is all the [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] upy y y'all hey y'all come over here so is DoD so is sock so is Lori so is everybody shut the [ __ ] up do matter I'm the goddamn boss hey hey someone dropped 10 subs and I'll [ __ ] shoot this [ __ ] right in the head someone suck my dick Bubba how about that I'm trying to get [ __ ] we going to rob a house you oh my god even even skater getting annoyed yeah even SK annoyed by you what's up homie I need a rob a wait you got a black tank top yeah I didn't know you had a black tank top yeah I had it made we waiting for contract we [ __ ] let's go I got to smoke a cigarette cuz I'm stressing because of your [ __ ] ass you're stressing cuz you're fat and you don't stop eating cheeseburgers I need a [ __ ] bed pack I need a goddamn I need to take a nap I bet you do wait why you got to take a nap Jack stressing you out I don't know I'm feeling like some feeling like I need to get on the right side of the law you're feeling like a little [ __ ] you wait what do you mean you're going to go you going to go do cop [ __ ] hey y'all take his car somebody take his car all right all right all right all right all right why people just leave their cars on I don't know we lock people stupid you tell they've never been a cop wait you've been a cop Jack are you a cop shut the [ __ ] up H Jack are you a cop go to the is Jack a cop hey bu Jack's a cop oh my God W on a contract waiting on this guy to shoot us an email that was awesome hey we need to go to the Playboy Mansion where's it at oh ain't nobody there these boys are I think that guy owns that car it is a four-door it's pretty nice hey we got a four door where piit your perfect Drive let's drive back by that house see if they got Ste we're on big for Drive wrong direction this is the way the house is I think no it's the other direction no it's this way it's right up here yeah you're right I think it's him trying to steal a car he stole your he stole your car they about to be chasing us Bubba yeah they're about to kill you he said I'm going to kill that some [ __ ] did he I didn't hear that just follow us we'll get you out of where's trip Jones never heard of her he's a beautiful son a buck he was me a sandwich he sounds like a [ __ ] and that's what I call the 4, pretty cool move wasn't it was $40,000 worth of property damage game mode I'm feeling like 20% myself yeah I'm about 5050 20% what a [ __ ] how about now 20% dumbass oh God damn it what the hell's going on Bub's [ __ ] us up this is what happens when hobos drink all right style points for that one style point we call that one to 360 location location location mark it on it mark it on GPS for me I got it not like we're going to get there alive either way oh [ __ ] 10% now you're bleeding ain't you he just keeps [ __ ] hitting everything why you use a bandage you little [ __ ] I'm not bleeding why don't you eat some food stupid [ __ ] he's not hungry why don't you stop wrecking you stupid [ __ ] I was bleeding yeah I ain't hard to even wreck this car get the car Uncle Jack there's the cup here there's literally cops right there it's all right let's get in which door is don't be a [ __ ] got to find it there it is everybody block him so nobody sees get off of his ass so he can do it so do I do the alarm or not Uncle Jack no just just grab this [ __ ] you I mean I know how to do the alarm it's easy but okay [ __ ] okay one cash roll how many is that bullets on the table got it where's all the stuff at I'll just hold it you driving I I know I need the keys all right hold on I'm getting this car oh my God water help why are my lockpicks breaking cuz you ain't no good uncle jack I got it an idot is attemp to reach you on your hello all right see you at the pawn shop Love You by this car sounds so fast but it's not what do you mean he left him in the apartment this be my last run I'm going to bed my last one that's electric yeah hey Henry what uh I don't have to make my RV payment yet it's next week what have you seen your backpack I lost my [ __ ] backpack Uncle Jack please get it back for me can you know where it's at have you seen it yeah yeah I got it it's in my pocket give it here right now or I will kill us both all right listen it's not my backpack God damn it I don't like Robin houses it's dumb I need all right tomorrow I'm going to uh I'm going to start the pressure washing business all right I think um Bubba stole your backpack he was uh all right I'm going to kill him he was putting sandwiches and [ __ ] in it all right I'm going to kill him I'll kill him no understand I mean we already attempted it once it's another time you know what is tomorrow Friday I might do uh PD stuff right I don't know we'll see what proba yeah yeah all right that kind of hurt hello H get lost no we're almost there okay if you don't hotkey your cell phone I don't know what you're doing wait where's this place at did I miss it by like two blocks yeah you're in nice your scroll muscle real hard what is it your scroll muscle real hard oh what the [ __ ] yeah it's called put everything you got in the trunk I I can get this uh yeah I have two I have two stream decks y'all got anything else or is that it there's all just the toaster now there's all kinds of [ __ ] in this trunk I already got the trunk oh that's it then ow R be [Applause] 360 baby [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] TW get [Applause] him help that's what you get you little [ __ ] a [ __ ] I might be a bad person to be doing this right now somebody else might need to be doing this right now hold on hold on hey we lost a tire we lost two really really [ __ ] now we need that little car hold on the brides we need that Dodge truck Uncle Jack what are you doing flip it around let's go after it it's already gone no it's not it's still back there you got time turn it us around drive forward we got this there'll be another one I'm about to die it's right down here I don't have any lockpicks left I got here let's just get in a car with him how you like that this ain't my car I don't care oh man let's go check out it let's see if we can rob a a shoe store or something a clothing store how anybody know how to do that like can rob a gas station well [ __ ] it let's do it hey this one right here we got about 20 minutes till we can do another house we honestly don't need to be on the highway up here anyway stay away from put moneyy ATM somebody can stand at the entry of the door of the store stop it from closing never mind oh [ __ ] here they come you guys are getting no that's an EMS I got this gun on me okay don't hurt me I'm sorry truly oh ly did he give you a code no he didn't give me a code we need a sequencer for this anyways yeah I know we can steal the food and [ __ ] oh yeah you can steal the food already been hit though pick me up oh Jesus Christ what happened Henry hit me with a baseball bat ain't no way how you like your appes Henry what you what you talking about D now now we here Bubba all right let's go to the next door so you guys can rob that one stupid Uncle Henry anytime you do something stupid tonight we're all going to jump all right yeah shut [ __ ] fat ass fat oh remember going into town remember take the take the exit oh yeah don't go all the way in town yeah he's PMSing all right who yep I wonder if my girlfriend Burberry is doing good Zoe call her yes zo you wanted me to take her on a date the other day oh thought it was cute yep perfect who next I'll hold the door I got it you got lock picks nope I got a screwdriver oh I can't do it yet why did you rob some at the last one yeah oh that's why you shouldn't have robbed anything at the last one Uncle Henry did you rob anything at the last Rob anything where the last one no I don't think I did then go hit this one I got this homies oh my God hold on you're a thief it pushed me out did it go off because we were stealing [ __ ] off the shelves by [Laughter] fellas hold on I no way this works no way you see me up here this is power gaming as [ __ ] what the hell hey Henry where you at I'm on a roof holy [ __ ] you're Spiderman it's Spiderman how'd you get up there spiderjack spiderjack does whatever a spiderjack does hold on to the seal tows I'm not that no I'm not going to do it oh yes you are going to give it to me you know what you don't scare me give me your [ __ ] money you fat [ __ ] I'm not afraid of that that's wild I'm not giving it to you okay I need some medkits man hey anybody got a lock pick this one broke then the car I just refilled it in the car is uh need a lockpick can you put it in the glove box I don't have one I have a screwdriver uh can you use screwdrivers for these uh no cuz they're personal vehicles yes you can yes you can you can use just it was too hard what was too hard because you can't use them for personally owned Vehicles think I'm going to go to sleep guys over that bush good night I love you never good night damn it oh [Music] [Music] all right let's go you got to have to lockpick you Uncle Henry n you can lock you can hot wire this [ __ ] yeah hot wire then [ __ ] easy [ __ ] you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you [Laughter] dumbass oh [ __ ] it's easy boom with you all right y'all have a good night you better stop that [ __ ] right now you're not going nowhere I'm going to bed no [ __ ] you ain't no you ain't I am no [ __ ] you Ain I'm going to crawl out of this car to a bush right back here he you right how long Henry got to be awake for till we [ __ ] tired well you still you got a time limit still no it ran out not since a couple days it ran out yeah we on Henry's time now oh he's a all balless [ __ ] can learn who the damn boss is around here it's Henry it's Uncle Henry it's always been Uncle Henry all right Dr Henry Henry's Dr claw you're well drunk I got a piss yeah figures gonna piss myself all right have a good night shut the [ __ ] up Jack y'all ain't going nowhere all right I'm going to bed no [ __ ] you a all right let's uh let's send you guys somewhere let's let's figure this out let's figure this out together all right who's still streaming that needs some love what's send you guys over to tun send you over to [Music] talun all right you guys have a good night we'll see y'all tomorrow [Music] I love you love [Music] you yeah we live down low underneath the freeway where the Shadows grow

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My Man Just Dropped Everything #fortnite #update #ultradoom

Category: Gaming

He shouldn't have tried the flank all the time was it just a game to you but i [music] so you know i'm such a fool for you you got me wapor around your finger do you have to let it linger do you have to do you have to do you have to let it linger oh i thought Read more

College Football Network Live Stream - EA SPORTS COLLEGE FOOTBALL 25 thumbnail
College Football Network Live Stream - EA SPORTS COLLEGE FOOTBALL 25

Category: Gaming

[music] ooh att [laughter] what the heck e [laughter] yeah let's go [laughter] he about to kick off to get things started and he takes this from inside the five he was looking for some running room but not much to be found as he stopped at the 18 so usc off will take the first swing of the game and... Read more

BUNDESLIGA Showdown: Wolfsburg vs Bayern Munchen (FC 24) thumbnail
BUNDESLIGA Showdown: Wolfsburg vs Bayern Munchen (FC 24)

Category: Gaming

A moment that's what today is all about a meeting of two talented sides ready to go at it in front of a capacity crowd not to mention the eyes of the wider football world complete coverage on the way with [music] eatv very warm welcome to the volkswagen arena i'm guy mo and along inside me for commentary... Read more

Jonathan İrons and Atlas Company thumbnail
Jonathan İrons and Atlas Company

Category: Gaming

An operation on foreign sovereign soil it would be an act of war without congressional approval atlas is an internationally registered private company we don't need congress gentlemen are we operational we're at ready sir you're the trigger i want your team on the ground in 6 hours on whose authority... Read more

The Deliverance Review plus snippets from film thumbnail
The Deliverance Review plus snippets from film

Category: Film & Animation

Hello everyone my name is virtual vman today we're going to be doing a review on the new film the deliverance it was released on netflix august 30th 2024 this is based on true events of the life of latoya amens who lived in gary indiana with her three kids uh the home that they were living in was known... Read more


Category: Gaming

Ety bien salut tout le monde c'est j gamer aujourd'hui on se retrouve pour une toute nouvelle vidéo et aujourd'hui on se retrouve pour une petite présentation du nouveau véhicule de police la petite m sz donc voilà c'est une voiture qui était déjà disponible dans gta online et du coup il viennent de... Read more