Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 02:07:21 Category: Gaming

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the computer crashed which is odd uh no oh for God's sake I hate oh what's going on um that's fine okay it's back can you you hear me yeah yeah the um the computer crashed which is annoying um it's been you know it's been sort of on and off doing this all afternoon yeah I know I know um but I no it's only in Flight Sim which has happened um that I know of um I don't know what we're going to do now cuz um haven't got any auto service or anything either so uh um yeah might just load up and do the return I think maybe and then maybe play some airport CEO or something after um we'll have a think about what we can do we uh maybe we can just do some Scenic flying maybe somewhere I'll try and do that um HR flight again at some other time um come on think my game sometimes takes a while to load um but yeah it's annoying oh well these things happen sometimes not the end of the world yeah all right um it the time I get set up it's going be nine and then it's about an hour flight about 10 just off to 10 we have to think about what we can do but um yeah y uh my suggestion is that we um launch into London city and then we'll just do the return flight um I think and then we'll have to then do the um gy to London City maybe some other time uh maybe sometime next week perhaps if this computer behaves itself good bloody flight Sims they' be quite annoying sometimes can't they oh well SP it yeah come up come on yeah sometimes takes a while to load even just into the um even into the um menu it's probably because I've got quite a lot in my um Community folder oh well justes take a good few minutes oh ity ey oh lucky shush come on Sim it is loading it's taking its time yes it's taking his time oh well yeah I'm going to have to figure out what's causing the game to crash um and when I updated my windows last night um so I thought maybe that it could have been that so I uninstalled the latest update I found out there was a way you could do it um but it seems still hasn't fixed it so have to look elsewhere I think um I don't think it's the temperatures of the PC they're quite cool I think relitively speaking um what the temperatures of the PC a quick look uh where is it look is it I look at it later yeah FL is loading not too bad come here come here come join me lucky come on FL Sim oh I think it heard me oh oh I think it heard me um right uh okay so um what should we do should we just load up and do the return or should we do something else one we just do something else come back to the ATR another day um let's have a look what we could do um um what should we do I mean we could do some um flights around the UK potentially and uh you know the diamond da62 or something could we um for a bit and then yeah I think I'll have to come back to the ATR flights next week um so yeah uh let's do uh I should b or the or the um Diamond I think shall we why not uh let's do that Li there I think shall we uh right so let's depart from um let's have a look g k I think let start from sh room and then we can then uh start from um there I think so departure and then I think we can do maybe a flight um up to says get Wick um he [Music] throw North thought where's that denim um maybe just some like flights so let let's go there set as arrival I think we do some local flights I think now for a bit and then then I might switch over to um um some airport CEO a bit later and then I have to go back to the um other flights later um next week do there go fly there we go let's hopefully doesn't crash for this plane now yeah I'm going to have to I'm going to have to look at that look it up really see what's causing it I can go back down darling oh there you go right hopefully cuz lightcraft that should theoretically well find out right okay um good that's updated right so oh start it ready to fly don't SE thank you very much right so let's try and start this aircraft up then shall we so that's there right good so alternators don't need them electric master master fuel pump fuel pump uh so make sure that the uh fuel is on okay so fuel fuels on those orc pumps on as well right so diamond a62 is relatively easy famous last words to start she say there we go started I do that one come on why W you starting now there we go on good there right there we go right uh good so flat plan is in do a heading of uh I think we'll just manually right shall we was fun in put your pilot on heading around there they a Westerly heading there we go excuse me right so both engine started that's fine good uh that's all good to go so Alternators on uh um pump leave on for now P turn on for now uh right good so uh for where the lights are now where the lights uh um ah course they're up there Tech light on leave strob off for now right then so let's quick look at the weather shall we first um weather 2 4 six knots so it's going to be um of course that crashed as well uh let's open that back up quickly dear it's annoying when things crash isn't it oh well right loading that up okay and then we go there oops do the for that to beot up and then we can get cracking then I think it's not the a uh aoft aoft efb that's crashing it because um I did some testing this afternoon it wasn't that that was causing it to crash that I'm aware of so yeah I don't know what's what's causing the um what's causing it to crash really but oh well so two was it 24 2 4 5 so we're going to go take a from way two I think so we're going to go out of here kilo 4 kilo 3 follow up kilo 2 and up to kilo one um so yeah that's going to be the plan right the can go away okay let's get go then show it move Gary thank you good turn those ORS pumps off put not Flaps in okay we'll just follow this round go for keep following around hello Phil how are you doing hopefully you're okay this evening I could be better must admit um yeah I'm I mean I'm I'm okay um not brilliant uh simply because I was doing a um some AR ATR Hops uh from gunzy to London city and then back to L uh back and then back to gunzy but I was in the cruise um over the uh Channel C and then the computer crashed um which was annoying and unfortunately I haven't got auto save at the moment so um so hence the reason why we're now in the diamond da62 instead I have to do those um areni flights next week I think um but yes apart from that I'm okay I think just about yeah standard yeah yeah well normally it's the actual flight te that crashes isn't it but today it was the uh you know computer the actual computer that crashed started to slly restart itself which was odd um yeah it's done that quite a few times today which I don't know what's causing it um so yeah so I thought we'll do some Diamond J two local flights instead for a bit um and then maybe and then maybe later we'll uh possibly um caring with my airport CEO expand my airport maybe okay good so stop here for a minute poket break on okay so Landing light on strobe light on uh that's all good that's all good done these ORS pumps on for now all right let's get going then I think shall we okay right let's get going then shall we right let be live shots rate there we go perfect right POS rate gear up okay 200 ft laps up yes how was work today Phil was that okay right hand 10 oh was it use that a bit perfect good why was it boring just not much to do today or if I can there go oh really fair enough did you win at uh Poland darts or did you lose hopefully enjoyed it though it's the main thing I wish every company was like that you know we got barely to do today so you may as well just play darts and pool can you imagine oh yes thank you oh really oh okay oh was it fair enough yeah so me I'm I'm the way around I I I can't play darts to save my life but Paul I'm I'm normally very good at so to speak touchwood um but yeah 2,000 fet for go off th000 ft ta a lot off as well perfect good I do love the Sim it's just beautiful yeah exactly yeah yeah limit to what we yeah that's it if only if only I mean mean you know they they sound like great guys though must admit which is nice which is what you want from manager isn't it you know um but yeah no you you know you're right you know if only every company was like that you know um I mean you know when I was working at Stage Coach um certainly in Portsmouth um pretty much all management went out driving when when they needed to you know um you know you know some of the supervisors went out driving whenever when whenever needed you know things like that which actually was quite a lot you know quite a lot of the time which was nice um little Hampton do you believe um but yeah yeah what are you going to fly this evening then Phil conard ignore me oh well okay yeah definitely that'd be fun was that was that fully manual was it semi-auto with the Box couldn't quite remember that b was one thing I think I fixed is that random um flashing R out again that down there is um there's a glider uh place at bogno actually um hasn't been there for very long semi-auto okay okay oh really oh okay yeah now I must it's um I've personally never driven a a semi-auto box before well obviously I've driven cars but I've never really driven an a semi-auto bus um but yeah well have fun 25th is next week then isn't it next uh Friday or something yeah yeah yeah I've heard you need to pause between chaining G as well don't you um but yeah yeah okay well have fun hopefully it should be good oh wind that's saly down there sort of pagum area down here speed wise 130 knots it's fine okay fair enough that interesting hopefully don't um break down or anything like that or you don't hopefully he don't get lost either I've gotten lost a few times now while driving buses in my career the most famous One I'll tell you a story quickly now um I was working at a stage coach um out of their CHS Depot uh I was driving a uh an ADL inro 300 um but uh I think for some reason I think the turbo had gone or failing or something because it had virtually no power I should have just booked it off to be honest but I didn't um um and I'd been uh tasked with doing uh ril placement from uh little Hampton up to ham uh all stations um and on the day I didn't get given haven't to Bri well okay as looks oh okay yeah I mean I mean I mean having having to brighten it I think I think was quite nice to replacement actually I quite like it it um it's you know quite relatively simple so to speak um but yeah no so I was doing rail replacement from Little Hampton up to ham uh with this Ino 300 um and I left little Hampton fine uh go around to um arendel that was absolutely fine as well uh from arendel uh from Arend you go up to W Barry Hill and then down into ambery um trying to turn around and invar 300 in ambery Train Station Car Park was a nightmare it really was um you know there was cars parked everywhere um I had to get someone to help me back back up and all sorts of things so that was fine I got out of there eventually um um so that fine and then from there up to billing first uh pbra that was fine and then from pbra to billing first that was again that was absolutely fine but from Bringers around to cross's hospital um I had a little paper map well kind of but it was like it was on my phone um and I stupidly misread the maps um when ping off the I think I believe it's the a29 um uh around towards Cross hospital um I misread the maps and I'm all I'm going to say is I took the wrong turning and I ended up down a single track uh basically Farm Road for it was near enough for a mile I think it was um and uh it was it just kept getting narrow and arrow er uh both mirrors wi the hedges and I thought oh God no I mean I kept thinking to myself this is not right I think I've gone the wrong way but of course I kept going didn't I uh and of course driving down there went up went over a little tiny hunb bridge and everything got down to the ends and he found that was a foot path with two great big ballards um so oh God Christ um so I was like right okay I'm GNA have to reverse um but even worse I had a little audience as well uh I mean I had all the passengers on my bus as well I think I only had about 10 passengers so it wasn't full thankfully um uh yeah I had I had a guy on from Southern who had gotten on at um arendall because apparently Lots he had lots of complaints from all the coaches from the day before in um Amberly so he was with me as well so made it was I had him on board and then I had about I think about eight or nine passengers um um which wasn't great so I had to reverse blind uh with both mirors in the hedges um I had to keep getting out to adjust the mirrors again they kept you know falling backwards and forwards and all sorts of things um so I kept having to get out and do that so so I got out eventually um but when they came back to that hunt back bridge I was thought you know with the bus I had I did not think I was going to be able to get back over that little hunt back bridge um and I I was bricking I thought oh God I'm going to get stuck I'm going to get stuck um but thankfully I didn't get stuck um so I turned around then I went the right way that time after that up to um ham got ham about I think it's about 45 minutes late in the end and then just told me just to go straight back out but follow another guy follow another bus uh back to Hampton um but yeah that was nightmare from hell that Journey um it was horrible um and I've said never again you know I mean other ra Replacements like you know um J to Portsmouth or you know um Le Hampton to Brighton I could do but yeah it's just that little Hampton tortion through CH hospital I couldn't stand it hated it never do that one again um we're in ports but look um but yeah that was my nightmare from hell that rail placement Southampton to Portsmouth seing bus times as a guance what is that what you've done Phil you think about times that a bloody h [Laughter] wow but surely the passengers knew where they were going you could have just asked one of them could you or even better you should have just refused to take the bus because you didn't know where you were going you should just you know cuz technically I suppose you probably weren't really rot train on it were you so uh yeah she just well some people are different I suppose but yeah let's going and have a look at the the needles shall we on the a of white I think end up coming down coach Hill into titchfield Su turn oops oh well I suppose you got I suppose you got to destination and eventually though right hopefully yeah still can't believe that though X4 Hampton forsing bus times as guidance you are just mad you are Phil aren't you you're mad I wouldn't have done that I mean I mean I might have used like Google Maps as a guidance maybe with the bus rout doing it doing that way maybe but at a push I know me I would have probably just refused to take the bus um but yeah G around Port should have turned in left in City Center what oh my god um okay well that passenger obviously didn't know the route did they yeah that's why you got to be careful sometimes isn't it you know fashion say oh yeah I know the route do you actually though like you know you got to sometimes think to yourself do they actually know the route or do they just know their version of the route you know which I think is case half the time um you know 22 late bloody hell I had quite a long L over there to the hard 28 minutes layover normally what the ex on the what was it the X4 that's a long bloody um playover isn't it at the heart I mean when I used to do the 700s they used to get they I think we got about 12 minute layover at the hard normally in evenings um things about 20 minutes I think it will take um sometimes but yeah 28 minute layover on I oh bloody hell oh wow go mad oh a bit windy I do love this Sim it's lovely looking forward to um FL Sim 2024 coming out in November it's going to be really good I think supposed to be a lot of improvements um as I mentioned the other day the the um in FS 2024 apparently they're going to be making it so you can physically get out your aircraft and walk around kind of like a flight some World in a way you know a train World type thing but flight Sim um but yeah apparently you're you're going to be allowed to get out your aircraft and walk around and you know do proper walk around checks and things like that apparently which I mean I'm skeptical because you know flight Sim normally is you know not known for that so I just hope personally I hope it doesn't ruin flight Sim I don't think it will but I think it'll be interesting so we shall see um but yeah let going to have a look at the needles shall we but yeah ship out there look it's going out to see I wonder where that's off to bit settle down a bit speed speed's good yeah so we have to wait and see what that with um the new sim when it comes out October November I think that's up November 18th or something I think the middle of November I believe so yeah we'll have to wait and see what happens with it okay oh bit windy bit Gusty one just see needles I think and then we're then probably going to land at Leon solent maybe I think tell you what let me grab my um tracker hat bit easier there we go see oh all right there we go that's better that's better the um sure it's on the yeah it's on that profile that's good the needles the other white speed speed's good at that beautiful back up now right now uh it's over here somewhere I believe uh I think where the beach really wasn't it um it's got to be over here somewhere isn't it this I think yeah it's could be over here a bit more oh is that it at 1:00 I thought I saw it then I think it's over here a bit more isn't it I think see second then let I think there I think it's over here somewhere should CCE some touch and goes shall we I think do a couple of touch and goes and then I'll um so I'm going right back it's could be about half it's going be about 12:00 isn't it maybe 11:00 maybe they silent I do love the SIM okay going to be there it's by the beach isn't it effectively pretty much solent kind of because yeah Leon sun goport over here isn't it a bit might be a bit further actually climb up a bit it's bit further I think is it wait uh oh okay yeah so I think that's southampt over there isn't it it could be sort of over here somewhere um there so yeah I think it's going to be sort of oh Bingo found it I knew it's around here somewhere start slowing it down a bit go straight in for uh's that 02 is it I think 0 three get down just help us let stand a bit more go approach flaps there we go good don't know what approach speed is in this is it 80 90 KN or something is it I think okay go landing claps there go bre a little bit low correct right think about 100 notes I think oh oh oh oh hello hello there go and we're down technically a default uh Le on silent here but not the end of the world way just going park over here I think right okay good sock on good I should have put the things on oh well right so light off off right I think let's do some airport CEO shall we for a bit people I can you know an hour or something while it's loading I'm just going to go and shut my window e come on FL some it taking just to load tell you what just do that I think get rid of as well airport CEO this another you know um I quite like playing this actually airport CEO Bas you have to build your own airport um and stuff we go loads up there we go airport CEO all right we'll just keep playing my airport that I've been building recently do some more to because it was um bit chaotic the other day when I played thisit for it to load why is this taking so long to load down must be something in my maybe something in my computer that's on its way out maybe sure here we go there we go right so um could have sworn i' um done that but obviously not uh where that is is now um terminal is the uh um not there stru Foundation um um um stff Zone secure Zone International Zone Bome stuff from the I did this the other day bathroom security is not there desks stuff also not there um I SW I did this the other day didn't save or something uh um I worked out today the day zones and rooms and I Lounge I press um uh that sticky um operations that's fine economy St so if I've got stuff um operations all so they're all there I the other day so to Google it how to set the terminal um area Port CEO to um El yeah that's good okay more possible build need elevators build yeah um click on the box with the STA car numbers to assign the number you need time is that for need to do that so why um did a the other day so I don't know why it hasn't saved very odd yeah only accept ah hang on yeah do that think okay so right so um oh this is really annoying I I worked out the other day um but toal terminal I've got it's toggled can't drag out anything so that's all there um how do you Zone um Miss to um to um uh terminal Zone don't need to assign uh um want a quick video because I did this the other day but I worked out to do it but forgot how to do it now sing airport kind of hanging out in the central area of the airport take a look around and uh we're doing okay we're sitting on 1.3 mil we've got uh 3400 passengers and in between episodes started to do a little bit of the tile work down here in the bottom area of uh Terminal 3 I wanted to kind of get that in place before we started doing anything else and uh ran into a couple issues and uh that's I'm kind of g go ahead and pause things what's what's the trouble C1 huh that's D this would be no this would be C1 uh there's a fuel truck right there I ended up there are this is really annoying so why won't it let me um they're up they connect up here going this we come up like that I want down if we put it here okay we will be off the side actually let's come in one just make sure we got to assign terminal somebody annoying me because right that oh it's really annoying me now I worked out to the other day um okay so how do I make this bigger then how do I make this bigger H oh remember that's where I did it the other day I just can't remember how you do it um I can't remember how you do this now because I could have sworn load game um game what's going on with this then notifications okay about that right so e great that there a way I did it the day I can't remember how you do it it's not construction uh don't need tutorial staff Vehicles operations Lo controls don't need any of that dashboard nothing in the dashboard here what's going on here then teral Foundation floors walls doors oh vending machine okay lifts don't need lifts so yeah I did it's got the fence there so that bit saved so why has it not so why did it not save the um oh that's bit sticky um there we go um that uh fine that so I don't know why that how you bloody do it this is really annoying me now oh dear if I knew there was a simple I knew there was a simple answer independent building overlay T key click on the box for the stuff which I have um terminals um how do sign um not attach to a terminal um terity sa but it says it's not because I don't know why have to St there's no to security and Gates okay can Dr that zone overlay Zone one several zones reason zoning doors right SEC z um get KN out that's not fully connected uh broken terminal uh terminal it's not really been bloody answered here it's really annoying um I need to figure this out don't I because this is really annoying terminal that's not coming up either it that's the terminal bit there but I don't know how to expand it yeah I know um how to expand how to expand uh terminal Zone Prive terminal to find as a separate terminal by the new terminal tool new terminal tool ah was right in front of me there we go silly me found it right there we go that'll do then good okay so now I'm going to just um um save that there save yes there we go right so now passengers can now come in good that's good don't need to extend it good fabulous there we go that's better good right then so all these should sort themselves out in a bit as well hopefully uh these what are these have I got zones on these then have I um okay then good let's go there that that that that that that that yes P up okay so starting from points position not valid whatever that means leave that one for now okay cool good so hopefully now they'll slowly in Theory um doing their thing sorting them all sorting themselves out hopefully well eventually turn these on for now turn them on there we go good uh I think what we'll do is is uh I think we'll should we add another WR way could do good TI up here yeah let's do infrastructure Road not that one uh infu here we go um go large um H um yeah I think let's do that uh because I think then we can then just do that one so this one we can do as uh take off that's on takeoff mode that's fine over only and departures only uh so this one so we need to build um some uh I pop these on there anyway just uh in case like so uh hang on a minute that's not going to work is it I need to do that like that so I need to do uh if I need to demolish yes um I need to demolish that as well and that as well uh because I think uh we need to do uh uh yeah uh um actually in theory um shouldn't need it like that because yeah um so I think I could have just left it actually I think um let's do it sort of like up here anyway just SP the safe give a bit more room like that so that um so that's going to be uh rival Zone I think uh right good so um go that one uh go do taxway Foundation do that just in case maybe possibly uh actually I don't know um right so want to go um do that like that and then we then do a large one at the end um tell you what we'll do that I think just be on the safe side I think uh there we go uh let's do that one let's do large uh let's do that I think not that one the other one I want there that one I think isn't it is that one one that's not the one oh it's the other one in there it's going to be bit of a f sometimes can't it um actually tell what let's just do this one shall we um actually let's do that uh because then um [Music] get that one um oh uh yeah no that's right good right okay so I'm going to go there uh text away don't know if it's going to work or not but I'll try like so uh go noes so like so there we go that's fine that do there I think uh although no forget that decisions decisions we get rid of that one um I think what we'll do instead is uh Foundation uh um get rid of that there uh I think one set papies should be right uh right let's do some more then should we uh more tax away there whatever uh right okay then um the prettiest is it but oh well there that one and uh yeah no I think that should be fine there to go that one no there we go it's not pretty this is it but do job I think that node there yeah not the prettiest but it'll do I think so that one um open that one's open so that one is just uh that's take off only isn't it this one is um Landing only correct good there we go um yeah um h um yeah I'll leave that for now right so let's go uh flight planner uh Monday turn of water planet so why can't I put them in then it won't let me why won't it let me what's going on now right so now not connected to the rifle Runway well I mean it should be is it because this end's not connected I wonder could well be um okay so let's have a look then shall we so let going to D all of this let's try again shall we aircraft infrastructure so large there there uh and then Foundation uh and then let's go nodes uh yeah that' be fine perfect I can go either way that way that's good um not enough Runway ramps attached okay then so must mean I guess once another ramp doesn't it like that let's do there actually no we won't we'll do that one we'll go to there uh that way that's what want there we go right do that uh small planes I don't we really got but I'll put that any way I think um prettiest but what we'll do we do that do that another that one as well uh so we do that and then we go uh go there no there so right so that one done right let's have a look at these in shall we okay so I'm going to go uh Foundation how what is it down there yeah that's correct good so there we go right so um no in there right hopefully and then this um exit [Music] only do is exit only as well it's a rival Runway perfect so now hopefully well this traffic SED itself out as well which is good right rival may not connected okay uh repair stand upgrades connect back spr how do you connect it then that's all connected up there isn't it Direction close one way M aircraft large aircraft okay this the same medium and large yeah correct good commercial large medium CR perfect good okay so what's going on now then okay well um stand up oh okay I see um so let's go uh security passport checkpoint do that one uh and then let's go to uh International Zone there let's do like that okay so that's fine there um it's bit sort of cringe isn't it um oh my god um they've got checkpoints stand that one there hang on um oh my God this is [Music] annoying stuff desks boarding desk uh go um that's what I got isn't it I think it's because um oh hang on uh secure Zone that's fine that fine right good so let's do International Zone there we go that bit there sometimes a bit of a F this game but joys of it I think uh is that correct yeah I think so just about go secure Zone that secure and then I need to go International Zone that's fine good right okay good so um good security go passport checkpoint let's go automated once because I think they'll be so much better require less stuff as well oh oops Place something back down again because oh oh my God National Zone again uh security a voila there we go right so now hopefully in theory um that's uh International Zone down here okay so now I need to reconnect these back to the there we go okay do all of these for for the that right last one to go there we go perfect save that again quickly there save yes right so now um five so I need another three four so I need two uh s 12 okay so we need 12 more um that one um so stuff applicants security officers two three three four five six 7 eight nine administ don't need I don't think service technician some more those uh ramp pagents more ramp pagents BR good go there oh Dam it there we go try that again right so I just need another uh two six more I think don't I give or take uh security officers go that one need that moment Foundation Tower stand hanger FR lights puppy lights um um uh one good put that window there as well oh um no comment uh no comment oh no hang on uh yeah no comment oh dear god well no well no well you know to PR I did do um um some uh local flying around the South Coast um in the diamond d62 I've only been playing this airport s for the last 30 minutes I think 25 minutes half an hour I've been playing this um this airport CEO so but yeah I've just I just completely forgot to do turn it off oh well uh right so that is open good uh upgrade this one um yeah that's good just put some more of these in there we go right so uh good right let's a look at these these Cent we do that one let's do n tell you what I just tell you to plan one I think um 45 minutes I think tell you what okay that's good got what plan is on there we go perfect good so in there loaded perfect good how's try looking yeah that's not bad is it really good so we got flights uh that's good uh right so now um uh what I'm going to do now is do build um uh infrastructure

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Category: Gaming

Bonjour les gens bonjour à toutes et à tous comment allez-vous bienvenue dans cette nouvelle après-midi mode j'espère que vous allez bien dans cet après-mid en cet après-midi pluvieuse enin non cette journée pluvieuse parce que bon voilà ici à paris en tout cas comment allez-vous les gens bienvenue... Read more

Xul Mages - ITS TIME TO CHOP! - B2GM Season 3 2024 thumbnail
Xul Mages - ITS TIME TO CHOP! - B2GM Season 3 2024

Category: Gaming

No complaints can you really tank a vill and evades your auto attack well i can evade his auto attack still the winds of war are starting to h have you prepared yourself for this battle story bits are good too never doubt my skill i sense death within this place watch my videos during your lunch gotcha... Read more

Part 45 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Rd2 CFP Peach Bowl vs Miami thumbnail
Part 45 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Rd2 CFP Peach Bowl vs Miami

Category: Gaming

All right we are back we are in the peach bow tonight college football quarterfinals udub rank number five against number three miami are we ready for this you guys are we actually ready for a possible national title run tonight in year three with coach herby vers smells are we ready for this hey uni... Read more

M's Skipper Lou Piniella Rips Bret Boone After Frustrating Loss To K.C. (Parody) - ‪@SNESGriffey‬ thumbnail
M's Skipper Lou Piniella Rips Bret Boone After Frustrating Loss To K.C. (Parody) - ‪@SNESGriffey‬

Category: Sports

Wine wine wine i've had it with your excuses you're acting like a loser you want therapy i'll give you therapy get off your duff get out of here and make something happen do i make myself clear Read more

WWE2K24: MyUniverse Week 4 PPV Double or Nothing thumbnail
WWE2K24: MyUniverse Week 4 PPV Double or Nothing

Category: Gaming

[music] [music] the following contest is scheduled for one fall making her way to the ring from boston massachusetts the action champion mercedes moore you can see exactly why the arena is is full here tonight this is a match with major stakes just take a look at the champ always an event when she competes... Read more