The Kyle McCord Show 8-27-24

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:32:11 Category: Gaming

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e [Music] train social media for being a little more social connecting with new friends game day just an AM track [Music] away all right everybody Welcome in if you're wondering what this is this is a completely new thing I'm Bri that's the quarterback you know him he's Kyle McCord here's what we're doing every Tuesday Tuesday throughout the season this is the first of our 12 this is this not my show this his show this is the Kyle McCord show Kyle how's it feel you got your own show this is a pretty big step up here I like it we're off to a hot start I like it so what we're what we're going to do here is we welcome you into Q Sports Talk it'll be Tuesdays at 11: ky's a busy Kyle's a busy guy like you got class you got practice you got games he's got a lot going on so Tuesdays at 11: uh we're going to have Kyle live here get in the chat subscribe as always to Q Sports Talk here on the twitch get in the chat let your questions fly we're going to we're going to rip it up here for a little bit but we're going to be paying attention to the questions we'll get to that as we go along so any questions you have for Kyle toss them in the chat and uh we will get to them throughout future weeks Kyle we're going to get some of your guys on I think we yeah I I think you know I can talk to your guys I think people want to see you talk to your guys I think that's going to be good that's going to be good going forward so we look forward to uh that but fill it up in the chat uh let your questions out we'll keep Kyle here for uh you know 20 minutes half hour or so every week and uh uh we'll get it going here we are man football season right this is this is the fun time of the year huh yeah it's finally that time yeah it's been a long off season and a crazy off season for you right how how what stands out to you from the last nine months as like like the biggest what what just happened in my life moment like what what is going on right now I mean I still remember uh flying down to the the ball game uh in bokeh and sitting in that locker room after coach France talking to us obviously uh ball game didn't go great to say the least uh no we we try to forget about that one um but just now fast four or nine months like you know guys that uh I barely knew are like my best friends and we're getting ready to go out and um you know play season together so it's exciting I think that's one of the more interesting parts of what we've seen here over the last nine months what you said there is that a lot of times I mean Colorado's like the craziest example right like their whole team changed over that like that doesn't happen but this team's about what half and half of guys that were back new guys in some like you in the portal some freshman that enrolled early that can be tricky right like when when you're all right freshman to sophomore to Junior to senior you know people you welcome in a few and you move on what was that like turning these like three four very different groups of people into what you guys got right now yeah I think it's a combination of a few things um I feel like the biggest thing uh is the weight room I feel like we had a really tough off season and I think when you're going through a tough workout um um with you know a bunch of guys you naturally get closer and then I think on top of that coach Fran made it a point to to bring us closer together this offseason by just having us do stuff off the field um whether that was community service or just uh a team event and hanging out with each other like whatever the case may be we spent a lot of time around each other and I feel like really it was probably the end of January beginning of February when I really started to get tight with them like it happened pretty quickly and then now it feels like you know I've known the guys forever yeah and it's it's only been eight months right like seven eight months for some of these guys it must feel like a lot longer at this point yeah no I think just the the amount of time that we spent in that facility it definitely uh it feels like it's been way longer than than that and I feel like we're all ready to go and uh count down the days now uh so you know get getting getting close uh four we're at four I I I started to count that at 100 Kyle so I've been counting for it stretched my math abilities we've been counting for a really really it was late May it's it was too much counting we we shouldn't do that much counting but I think that goes to tell you the anticipation here we were just talking about it before we started like you were out of basketball games and you know people are talking football we we've never seen an offseason like this what what was it like from that perspective Community people talking to you and what kind of excitement did you sense out there yeah I mean from from my perspective like that's kind of all I knew Syracuse to be I mean when I got here all the fans were were super excited um you know just like like I said going to a basketball game and people are talking about the football season how excited they are and they can't wait um you know wearing football jerseys to to B like it was sweet uh but then guys who have been on the team for a while like uh JB and Marlo wax and rande like they're like it's never been like this before like the the anticipation is at all-time high and so um you know I think everybody's excited uh I feel like everything's kind of been building to this moment from the time Fran took the job and so now it's you know like I said just counting down the days getting ready to get going those those three I feel are a pretty important Trio to to mention they all announced they were coming back like they all did it like on Christmas or like the day after they they got to stay clear the holidays but that that's okay to to get those three back what did that signal to the rest of you that like okay these is these are probably the three best or short list the three most important guys from last year's team that like collectively they're like we like what this guy's about we want to be a part of this thing too yeah um I feel like those three were were definitely the leaders of the team last year and for them to make their decision to come back I feel like speaks volumes of what they think that this team can be um especially you know with Fran coming in uh a lot of those guys had the opportunity to either go to the NFL or you know transfer to you know a big- time program and uh you know get paid a lot of money but they wanted to see it through and I feel like for me like that that was really telling like when you have three guys of that caliber all making the decision to come back when they could leave or do whatever they want um I feel like that just lets you know okay like we we're going to have a legit chance to be really good this year uh and certainly they all had opportuni the opportunities find you whether you've told people you're looking for them or not I guess right regardless of your names uh in the portal all right we got a p question up here on on Q Sports Talk uh we're asking people what celebration they want to see you hit what do you got an end zone move what's what's your move uh I mean I've I've mostly only uh just actually I've never ran a touchdown in before um you have one when you throw one yeah no when I when I throw one uh usually pulling uh the arrow out yeah I mean that's that's a little played out at this point uh so maybe coming up with with something else but uh I got something up my sleeve uh knock on wood when I run one in this year at some point okay okay so a little uh we got to get you in one does at least ises just a sneak good enough do we need like a a long or like do you have a distance limit on this I don't know I think I don't think I could pull it out for a quarterback sneak okay but if I I run one in yeah all right so we'll keep an eye on that maybe shoot in the AR or something well we got to figure out something for these these touch jump passes may can it takes a lot of work you could coordinate different ones with the different players that that could be a yeah I don't know if that's what too timec consuming yeah well I think the what depending if the ref throws a flag or not like if you celebrate with a teammate they won't throw it but if you celebrate on your own they will they will throw it so it's almost more important to coordinate yeah exactly so no FR we have to be working on this right now exactly yeah we want to save our ourselves the 15 yard penalty we needed like an hour of practice today yeah because we saw in the All Access thing um not this week but last week uh your special teams guys have special handshakes with everybody yeah like everybody in the world yeah Brady the the kicker Brady denenburg and Jack Stonehouse the punter uh they get to the team meeting uh the door probably like 15 minutes before the team meeting starts and they have a handshake with everybody do they both have one in everybody or they like split it up it no it's like they both have one it's probably like 300 different handshakes they all remember impressive it's impressive they do have a little extra time at practice when you guys are are out there working uh Stonehouse I love Jack Stonehouse he's a ridiculous human being does he ever roll a shirt down like ever no no never that's not just for us that's I mean he he doesn't I don't think he wears uh a shirt underneath his pads no so so when uh like we had practice uh at the Dome uh on Saturday and so the the bus drops us off and like we did like the little quadw walk whatever um and he's not wearing it like he's just carrying his pads no shirt on letting it fly I respect it I mean punters are punters are people too as we've heard they're they're a little bit different uh the hope is we we don't need to see them that much this or he's just out there holding a lot right yeah I told him my goal is for him not to see the field as as much as he last year so it's a weird goal to have right like the The Season's going well when your job doesn't matter you hang out over there whatever his mustache seems back to normal I think he re dyed it back he dyed it orange at the beginning of Camp uh trying to get other guys on the team to follow unsuccessful okay um but he's back to normal now all right we we had to deal with Fran it was the day day before Camp started two days before Camp started uh it was that week and Robert Wright was all the assistants were there Robert had a a big bushy stash going as well um Fran said that he promised Jack he was going to like die it or something once and then like get rid of it did this ever happen I don't know if this ever happened I think he he told Jack because a lot of the guys uh at the beginning of Camp did mustaches yeah uh JB Elijah Clark uh Fidel Diggs like they all they all did it and Coach Fran's like yeah I'll do it and then he he saw the the guys come in the next day with mustache he's like no like I can't like he's like I got to keep my wife interested I don't like if I have a mustache she might leave me uh yeah he he's got other things to worry about right than uh than you guys in college it is uh it is craziness again if you guys want any questions here in the chat Kyle's going to be here uh weekly we're going to do this every week when the season goes on we'll either get other guys here with us we'll get them on a video call with us so Kyle can give us little insight on his on his teammates here's one from the chat we talk a lot about you you know being in the C from the perspective of football which obviously is the main reason you're here what what have you noticed out in the community have you found any places to eat get out like have you had any free time or what what have you gotten out and done here in the yeah um downtown's been been really fun so I I Stay Downtown um a lot of really good restaurants Helm social uh is kind of my spot to be okay um so that's been that's been really good and then I think uh the golf uh was was a lot of fun uh this offseason uh golfing with guys like JB and uh Brady um you know competing out there talking trash to each other like it it got competitive um this summer but it was fun uh it was a lot of fun so that was really like the the two the two main things like you know we would work out in the morning um you know watch film do everything we needed to do and then go out and play golf talk trash to each other so it was fun it was a good time all right who's the best golfer I'm going to say myself um I'm sure if uh JB and Brady were here they would say themselves but uh it kind of depends on the day okay yeah it's it's very rare the answer is not um a quarterback a kicker or a punter yeah right it's it's almost always one of one of those three going back we saw in the All Access last week I think you and JB going out and playing I don't know if that was your best day they did me dirty yeah or did they not show your good shots like what was that I feel like that was like a a low light like no no highlights just all bad shots Miss putts bad drives so my uh a few of my my buddies from back home texted me because they were watching the show and they're like bro you're trash and I was like no they I promise you I've been playing better uh but I mean that's that's you off days like that sometimes yeah well because the scores you and Justin were talking about at the end did not match up with the shots they show I'm like that like no I just watched him shoot a 100 and he's talking about like in the 80s this is not this is not math in my head this is not mathing all right Katie wants to know did you celebrate national dog day yesterday you a dog guy I am a dog guy uh I would feel bad if I got a dog right now at this point in my life I feel like the dog would just be sitting in the apartment all day uh but my parents have a dog back home and as soon as I graduate college I I'll get one okay there we are what's your dog at home uh she is a rescue a little bit of everything um so my parents got her um for pretty much nothing uh so but she's great she's she's the best all right shout out to the K9 jere we've got that coming up here in a few weeks with a bunch of rescue dogs up about town in the Syracuse be sure to check that out uh here's one from uh may may Mayo May it's fun trying to figure out what people are doing with their screen names here I'm going to go with may23 uh he says Kyle no pressure uh my dad has not been to a game since McNab was here so so that there's the start on that uh but please keep the winds coming the Mayo's dad's really excited noted yes sir Okay so been that's McNab so that's 98 we're going on uh what is it 2024 yeah we're going on 26 years and we talk about the preseason like when I bring up preseason offseason talk people haven't talked about it like there's been good Seasons not good Seasons people haven't talked about it like this since McNab was here so how crazy is that like in Ohio State it's every year right it doesn't change yeah like how crazy does that hit you when you're hearing like yeah we haven't talked this way in almost 30 years yeah um like I I said to you before I mean for me that's all I know for for the Syracuse fan base I'm just extremely excited about the football team um extremely excited about what coach Fran is doing um and so that's all I've known and then um you know guys on the team who have been here before like telling me like it's never been like this before and so kind of having that energy it's exciting it's motivating um you know when you you run into somebody at you know like Costco or whatever and they're talking about how excited they are for the season like that's you know that I feel like guys really Thrive off of that and um especially with how long the off season is sometimes you can kind of lose track of um you know exactly why you're doing it and then um you know having that little reminder uh is just motivation you know to to keep going and knowing that you know all the work that you're putting in that people necessarily don't see like it's going to come to light pretty soon all right uh here's one from Nottingham J this is an interesting question I I I don't know if I've heard you talk about this yet what has it been like to have the headset communication what what's that been like and how different is it it's been awesome um I feel like uh it's long overdue in my opinion um NFL's had it for what ex 2025 years yeah but I think to have it it's going to raise uh the level of play um on offense and defense because both sides will have it uh but for me at least to hear uh what coach Nixon has to say stay in the headset up to it's in a cut out at 15 seconds on the play clock but I mean he can tell me the play um you know tell me what defense he's expecting like he can tell me as much as he wants up until up until it cuts out um but I think it just makes my job easier like I don't have to wait to get the signal from the sideline like I can get in the headset tell the guys what the play is get them lined up get them set um and I feel like for the defense it's going to be the same like um I think Marlo's wearing it on defense and so to have the the middle linebacker be able to hear what the defensive coordinator's thinking like okay you know second and short like I'm expecting a shot here whatever the case may be um so I I feel like it's just going to like I said raise the the level of play um but it's been great I mean coach Nixon obviously coming from the NFL um has been around it a lot and so it was kind of a natural transition uh for him it's say it's it's a great idea in theory and these things work most of the time right so so wireless audio goes a little wonky at sometimes like how how easy is it to actually literally hear what he's saying and have you been able to practice it with like noise and stuff yeah so we uh we started practicing uh this week with crowd noise um so I mean it's been good uh we uh took it to the Dome uh to practice as well um and it was good there too um and I'm sure like at some point it'll go down or whatever the case may be uh so still have to know uh the signals but um you know so far so good let's say realistically I mean you on offense you're not really going to have to deal with noise proba probably until the NC State game so that's like game six so you got a moment to get used to it Marlo it's the opposite rate on defense like the defensive guys in the home game he'll be the one struggling yeah exactly exactly so when the the defense was on the field uh at practice uh coach Fran knew what he was doing you know crank the speakers all the way up um so I mean it's good to practice though um you know because like you said the Dome is going to get pretty loud uh yeah and then honestly uh of my trips to Raleigh I mean you'll be playing UNLV I mean that's a massive NFL stadium I don't don't know what kind of attendance like the week after you got NC State Wireless singles don't work in that building at all so it might just it may just our our sideline equipment never worked there back in the day so we we'll see how that works for you uh down then all right bowling ball wants to know this what what are your expectations in for the season like what what kind of team goals and personal goals and how specific would that have you guys gotten uh I feel like for me um and I I talked to a few of the coaches about it I mean the way I I see things I feel like if we're winning that means I'm doing my job and um you know playing quarterback for for three years at Ohio State um you know I feel like the biggest thing is winning and it's not always going to be pretty like we had a few games last year like we played Ruckers they sat in coverage uh pretty much the whole game and you know I was forced to throw the ball underneath and check it down we ran the ball but we won and and at the end of the day that's all that matters um and I feel like with with the team we have um you know I think that uh we're good enough to win every game game on the schedule but at the same time if we don't show up we can lose any game on the schedule and so I feel like that's that's really the biggest thing is that like we have the potential to do everything we want and if I'm doing my job and we're winning um I feel like everything else the awards the stats whatever uh will take care of itself all right I'm going to interrupt you here we're booking guests for my show tomorrow I'm booking a fantasy football guest our guy Jake cely from the athletic on the show tomorrow people so we were talking before like do you play Fantasy Football you got one looking on the team like how how's this working we'll have a draft uh probably this week uh coming up and so I'm when I'm drafting I'm a little biased I'll just choose either guys I I played with that Ohio State or um you know guys whose game I really like um so uh but I won my League last year so it worked okay well let's see if you dra if you start drafting guys you played with at Ohio State like you can put together a really I could put together a really good roster you'll get Marvin here this year you'll have half the wide outs in the NFL was was Garrett Wilson there did you get a year with him I mean I have CJ at quarterback CJ stad that's not going to hurt you Garrett Wilson Marvin Chris olve Jackson Smith and jiga um that's all tight end Kate Stover Jeremy Rucker um defense uh feel like the Saints have a lot of Ohio State guys um I don't think I don't think I have a kicker that I played with um too many touchdowns yeah exactly um and then running back might have to be a reach I don't I don't think any of the guys that I've played with that iio state are in the league right now but all right well NE next year that's when yeah Tron Henderson and L quent you can get them in the mix in a year or two so it man in a couple years you have a really nice fantasy team exactly what who's this team yeah they're all my teammates draft yourself you know you can do this whole thing in a few years so who who's the commissioner of uh the Syracuse locker room fantasy league who's in charge of this thing uh I think it'll be Arande um okay yeah I think it'll be rande uh he he seems pretty fired up about it um I think JB will do it as well um it'll probably I mean I feel like whenever you get those things going um there's always one or two guys that get really competitive and like talk trash all right who who's going to take it way over the top like like dude um you can answer yourself if it's you no my I mean it depend if we if we start out and my team just an egg and it's an uphill battle you know I'll be you know crawling to get in the playoffs but if if we start out hot they're going to know about it all are are you going to be mad if they take your your teammates like if I mean listen if somebody's you got to get it how you can yeah I can't hate on it all right there we go I mean they're good guys like I me I don't know if you should if you're going to have enough draft picks to get all those guys like that's a lot of first few round draft picks to get all those Ohio State uh White El all right get questions in the chat here it's the first Kyle mcord show Kyle will be with us every Tuesday G game week at 11 as we roll on throughout the season uh here's a good New Jersey question for you from our guy Dom in uh North Carolina checking in live from the mail truck down in North Carolina uh Taylor ham or pork roll pork roll okay yeah is that what is is that a South Jersey North Jersey thing yeah pork roll South Jersey Taylor ham or Taylor Ham I don't even know what they call it North Jersey yeah I think that's um because I I have asked our previous uh Jersey quarterback Tommy DeVito who's currently sweating out cutdown day with with the Giants right now his answer is Taylor Ham because he's North Jersey guy it's the same thing right yeah it's the same exact thing okay uh what is it explain this for our non- Jersey because you can't get this you cross the border you can't get it in New York you can't get it in Phil really I don't think no like if you go to try to find it in Syracuse good luck no you you'll find some bacon or sausage yeah it's like a uh it's like a a breakfast uh kind of meat I mean I put it on um bagel with egg and cheese okay hot sauce can't beat it it's I I'd like to try it it's just it takes a little trip can't beat it got it's hard to I'm not really in if I'm going through Jersey like you got to drive there I'm not really there at breakfast time leaving here so it's just not quite uh oh I do have an update uh Q dude in the chat tells me Water Street Bagel which is few blocks that way has has it there you go all right you'll have to go try it out there you go yeah cuz we need like if I go try it out like I'm sure like I'm sure it's great yeah I I need you to do it for a proper I need a comparison give it honest honest feedback like I'm sure it'll be good the question is did they properly New Jersey it we need there's a right way to do it yeah I need to know if it's accurate like I like everything they do there is good I need I need accuracy that's why we need you all right another question here what what Pro quarterbacks do you watch that you're like this is this is where I'm learning stuff I like Matt Stafford a lot um I feel like he is one of the most underrated quarterbacks in the NFL right now um I feel like when he was in Detroit you take him off that team they're winning two or three games a year yeah and I feel like he carried them to a 500 record which is like crazy to say but I mean he did not have uh too much help around him I mean obviously when he had Calvin Johnson um you know they they were pretty good but I mean I I feel like he's criminally underrated he goes to La wins a Super Bowl so I like watching Matt Stafford a lot um Rogers is is fun to watch although some of the stuff he does is just like you can't you can't replicate like's one of one um so I'd probably say Matt Stafford is is my favorite to watch obviously Mahomes is kind of in that same boat as uh as Rogers like you can't learn it right like thrown behind the back some of that stuff is just on a different different level um yeah and then obviously uh CJ uh as well sitting under him for two years was was really good and then uh watching him last year was a lot of fun like I told people like before the season um he's going to elevate that team um I feel like one because of his leadership and then two I feel like his game was going to translate really well to the NFL I feel like he throws with really good anticipation uh his footwork is always uh really clean he sees the field well uh which is all traits that you need to have success on Sunday so I'd probably say CJ and then uh Matt Stafford were the two biggest ones yeah and CJ stra I mean just said one of the best rookie seasons ever for a quarterback and it was strange right like he went two in the draft not people weren't sure of what he was going to be when you're in the same locker room with a guy like that like how sure are you are there questions or you're like no this this guy like this is this is a guy yeah I mean I I think um sitting behind him obviously people see what he does when he goes out there and Saturday but seeing the way he prepared throughout the week and then on top of that seeing the way he practiced like every single day he brought it and even on a bad day for him he was really good and that's when I kind of realized okay like if if I want to get to where I want to be like this is how I have to play practice prepare every single day uh and I think just his level of consistency um just set him apart like he he every single time he steps on the field like he's going to do his job yeah we got a few more coming in in the chat uh pop your questions in the chat here uh for Kyle here's not the real Hooper this kind of goes back to our fantasy football question a little who who talks the most trash talk on the team and this may be the same answer who who is the best of trash talking on the team um could be a different answer yeah I would say uh on defense Fidel Diggs um he's going to let you hear it if he makes a play um which fine with me um and then uh Devin Grant too at corner I feel like if you play Corner uh you have to be a little crazy a little delusional a little cocky cuz you know you're on an island the entire game uh but ID say those two talk a lot but say the best uh trash talker is L quent CU I mean like he gets you with the little ones right yeah I mean I mean he'll say something and then the next play he's going to you know put his shoulder down and just run somebody over so he backs it up so I'll give L quent best trash talker yeah that's good followup like here's trash talk and then I run you over that's a good followup uh uh to trash talk all right uh somebody in here wants to know about our guy Dan valari who is this May 23 so like Dan obviously had a very weird year last year Year all the quarterbacks get hurt he's playing like this crazy role rand's out he's a tight end he's a quarterback he's a running back well what's Dan for you guys this year and we we talked so much about Arande like how much do you think we'll see both of them out there together being weapons for you yeah I think uh talking to Dan I didn't realize this so he came here as a quarterback um and then uh went through a full year quarterback and then going into last year uh got hurt in Spring ball um so he was sign lined a little bit and then came back and so this is really his first offseason fully being a tight end right being a healthy tight end and I never realized that and so seeing Dan's growth at tight end um from January when uh we kind of got back from the ball game and you know got back in that tight end role to now is night and day um and I think Coach Johnson the tight ends coach really did a good job with him uh just coaching him up and I feel like he uh is just a student of the game uh really studying it and he's done a great job and I feel like the best thing that he and OG do is they complement each other well um you know both have really good skill sets but are both very different um and so I feel like the if you can get him on the field which I feel like we've been doing a good job of getting them on the field at the same time uh it's really good and and using them in different areas and uh maximizing their skill sets I feel like it's going to present some challenges to the defense all right here here's a very important question you obviously were an Ohio State quarterback Dan's career started at Michigan as I forget is he a year older than you kind of is he one year older than you so I he would have been gone I guess before you got there but like is there is there a weird beef do you have like weird beef we actually we played each other in uh 2021 okay was he still there yeah he still there in 2021 um so mean it's c i mean hearing some of the stories that he tells uh about being at you know the other school in the ri ran and some of the stories I tell it's it's so funny um and like you know you you grow up um and then you you end up going to two completely different uh rival schools and then ending up on the same team and now I'm throwing the ball to him like it's just it's crazy how it all worked out but I mean some of the stories he tells is just hilarious because I'm on the other side of it and I know exactly what we're thinking it's just yeah it's good stuff yeah well you I mean you're both I mean you'll be a year removed from and he's multiple like well you guys watch that game later this year like is that a thing or no yeah no we'll definitely watch it together um like like I said I mean the the 2021 game when we played against each other uh was wild I mean he he'll he'll show me like uh some of videos he has in the locker room like after the game and then like that was like the first time they beat you guys forever that year right yeah and then like knowing that I'm like 40 50 feet the opposite direction the other locker room just no like you never met or anything yeah yeah so I mean it is it is pretty cool to to talk with him about stuff like that crazy crazy I'm sure he'd be happy too I maybe to never take a snap again after the end of last year my thought is like some of that stuff actually worked kind of well might like I'm sure you like the ball starting in your hands it might not be a bad idea like once a game maybe snpp the ball or something no I mean what what he did last year is impressive I think him and L Quint um it was wild yeah I think uh people owe them a lot of respect I think you go back and you watch those games like teams were loading the Box against them they got hit a lot yeah they got hit a a lot I mean Dan L Quint were you know they both tell you like it was three yards and a headache every time like coming down you're getting hit um but to to will them uh to a bowl game last year given the circumstances uh was impressive yeah won two games that way which is mindboggling all things considered all right man I I I think that's going to that's going to wrap up our first Kyle McCord show we go how you feeling there one in the books yeah I start there he is Kyle mord every Tuesday we'll try to get some guys on with Kyle throughout the season load up the chat more questions like that we'll see you on the field on Saturday good luck man yes sir appreciate it all right Orange Nation

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ESPN Saturday Night Football 8/24/24

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Football on ea sports on tap is what should be a pretty good matchup between the washington redskins and our home team i'll see you again with scores and updates at halftime but for now it's my distinct pleasure to hand things over to our broadcast team it's brandon genen and charles davis gentlemen... Read more

EA Sports College Football 25 College Football FCS Northwest vs Colorado thumbnail
EA Sports College Football 25 College Football FCS Northwest vs Colorado

Category: Gaming

The rocky mountains provide the backdrop in boulder colorado and if you're looking for the buffalo they ain't hard to find we've got a sensational matchup for you fans have been filing in and getting ready for this game as we'll see the sharks taking on a team from the big 12 the colorado buffalos glad... Read more

What Capcom Fighting Collection 2 means for the FUTURE! thumbnail
What Capcom Fighting Collection 2 means for the FUTURE!

Category: Gaming

Let's [music] go so yeah in in people's defense of either blowing chunks or you know losing their minds on my end marvel versus capcom was the ultimate impossibility because it was just never going to happen after mbci but these games did get some releases later on power stone eventually got re-released... Read more

Who Remembers👀:Jonnu Smith SPECTACULAR one hand touchdown against Ravens😳🔥 #shorts #ravens #nfl thumbnail
Who Remembers👀:Jonnu Smith SPECTACULAR one hand touchdown against Ravens😳🔥 #shorts #ravens #nfl

Category: Sports

[applause] tanana hill tosses in zone with car there the hand left handan goes out is out of bounds Read more

Madden NFL 19 -  Los Angeles Rams vs. Detroit Lions | 2024 NFL Kickoff Week 1 thumbnail
Madden NFL 19 - Los Angeles Rams vs. Detroit Lions | 2024 NFL Kickoff Week 1

Category: Gaming

Straight ahead we've got what should be an interesting matchup between the los angeles rams and the detroit lions with that let's head inside the ford field in detroit where standing by are the two men who will bring you this one brandon goden and charles davis first open in 2002 there's a look inside... Read more

98 Raúl, 97 Blanc, 97 Kolo Muani Ea Sports FC 24 highlights thumbnail
98 Raúl, 97 Blanc, 97 Kolo Muani Ea Sports FC 24 highlights

Category: Gaming

[music] o let in the moment come back morning oh my world when not so long for o la la la la la let's live in the lest come back sunday morning that's so sell when you're come and by long oh Read more


Category: Gaming

Espérate okay ahí está ya estamos ya estamos en vivo listo continuamos entonces directamente a la partida y bueno volemos a reanudar la partida perfectamente después como decía ao si cuban son aguantes que resisten ao no se diga pero cómo o sea es que la guan choteada que les dieron no tiene nombre... Read more