Category: Sports
Hello everybody zach 399 looking back at the dallas cowboys versus cleveland brown game week 1 2024 season it's happened last weekend as i recorded now we see dak prescott throwing to his reliable tight end jake ferguson who takes a a really bad fall and was grabbed and his leg was twisted awkwardly... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
What up youtube it's your boy nick wayne i'm here with a youtube tutorial on how to create your first nfl analytics predictive model we're going to be predicting touchdowns it's gonna be really easy i'm gonna walk you all through it and if you want to follow me along you can follow not just this video... Read more
Category: Gaming
Let's [music] go so yeah in in people's defense of either blowing chunks or you know losing their minds on my end marvel versus capcom was the ultimate impossibility because it was just never going to happen after mbci but these games did get some releases later on power stone eventually got re-released... Read more
Category: Gaming
All right we are back it's time to go from year three to year four here in our husky dynasty we just won the national title game here in year three a last second field goal against georgia to win 20-7 the number one ranked washington huskys 15 and two let's take a quick peek here we got staff moves... Read more
Category: Gaming
Jet motion hear me but basically all i saying they deong ass walk back let's [applause] for about 10 half y look right at that line game it's a really good call out this is a very experienced spate offensive line 210 combined starts between them and their heth is going to be a big key they just come... Read more
Category: Gaming
Me quiere sonar que nos tocado un buen equipo hoy eh tío contra un buen equipo [música] venga mando y el leo camin los play gente li 4 nada mal estamos bien nos tocaba miami ten más había a de bay general son un equipo decente aunque fran le saca mucho al martin es y yo también al ros pero ros no va... Read more
Category: Gaming
Between these iconic hedges the field or some of college football's greats have called home sanford stadium in athens georgia where these fans are ready to turn the dogs loose today two teams collide in an oldfashioned sec showdown as we'll see the kentucky wildcats taking on the number one team in... Read more
Category: Gaming
E for [applause] hi everybody this is brad nestler with me as always lee coro and kirk herb street it's a sweltering late summer game today here between the clemson tigers and the seols of florida state the early season continues and we're here ready to bring you appears to be another fantastic college... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musique] bonjour madame [musique] lal est-ce que vous m'entendez allô non vous m'entendez je vous entends je vous entends ça va ça va vous êtes un peu à contrejour est-ce que ce serait possible de changer l'angle alors je vais essayeresser mais mais un moment il vaoir choisir entre ma prise électrique... Read more
Category: Gaming
Allez dernier match bonne soirée cobra merci pour le ra la bise alors la france les deux ont tout intérêt à gagner parce que je sais plus en terme de victoire où on en est en terme de nul en terme de défaite je crois que la suisse john il a enregistré sa première victoire donc tout à son intérêt de... Read more
Category: Gaming
Alors attendez je change le titre team monoratage monomis [musique] 0 % précision [musique] [musique] attends mais du coup on doit jouer que des attaques qui ratent mais c'est incroyablement dur [ __ ] on a même pas le droit de jouer d'attaque de soin du coup [ __ ] tu as pas un objet qui baisse la... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] [music] he [music] [applause] h [applause] m got it ah yes bl get him me and him uh it was a good game it it was a good game me and him had until the second half like i i underestimated his ability to make adjustments cuz i was killing his ass in the first half and then i was just doing the... Read more