SERVER ISSUE BUG WORKAROUND - Space Marine 2 Optimized Settings & Keybinds for Performance

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 00:14:14 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: space marine 2 server maintenance
Intro welcome back brothers and sisters today we're going over a workaround for the infinite load screen bug alongside all the best settings to fix performance for most PCS in keybinds that make mouse and keyboard feel very fluid and responsive because the default settings are absolutely horrendous and we did cover most of this on stream last night so this is just going to be a summary and most importantly there will not be any spoilers from the campaign in this video but there will be timestamp links down below to show off some of the things I do talk about that do have extremely spoilers so in the description do not click on the thing that says Omega heavy spoilers if you don't want the campaign spoiled for you the main point of that being there is to show off how beautiful these settings can really look in like a crazy situation with like everything on the screen happening that could possibly happen at the same time while I was streaming and having a a really solid performance across the board the other time stamp is to show you what happens when you run into those like unavoidable problems in some of the unoptimized areas but that also has a spoiler so like this off we'll start this off fast with how to get around the infinite load screen bug so you can play the campaign and PVE Spec Ops with your friends consistently so this work around is for Server Connection & Infinite Load Bug Fix both PC and console you want to open the main menu and then uh click edit Squad and then navigate over to the person that's stuck in the infinite load screen and transfer party leader to them with mouse and keyboard you do have to do it with your uh d-pad your like arrow keys on your keyboard I don't know why that's a thing I don't know how it works on Console it's probably a lot easier to use uh but either way what this does is it transfers part leader to them obviously but it snaps them out of that infinite load screen and puts you in their Lobby so you do get a load screen and if you get stuck in infinite load they can just transfer it back to you and the most times we had to transfer back and forth was uh three times for both people getting stuck in an infinite load screen trying to join my game so I transferred it to my uh first friend and then he transferred it to the second guy and then it transferred it back to me and we all just ended up loading it together and after uh about an hour of trying to figure this out and just infinite loading trying to play Campaign together it we finally got it locked in uh another way to fix this is if you're all playing on the same like thing you can turn off crossplay but it was just so nice to be able to like see see my friend after a while Load Screen Example this is an example of me being stuck in an infinite load screen and like as soon as I get party leader it just it starts loading almost immediately and it's just like I'm going to be honest like again like we were stuck doing this for so long just trying to play Campaign together it was like an hour and a half and I know so many people are having this problem and uh my friend Armando put me on this and it's just it's such a game changer because like it sucks to just want to campaign blast with your friend and honestly this is one of the best campaigns I've played in years so see there's my party leader and if anything just share how the fix works so that way more people can start playing together start doing the campaign and if you need some people to play with make sure you drop my community Discord link down below seriously though we're all going to be grinding this pretty hard for the next few weeks and if you want to see what I'm streaming that's where I announce it first and I'd love to get some in-house PVP matches going but moving on we'll go over all my best settings to fix crashes and performance as a reference point I use these settings on stream and had little to no lag after we locked it all in outside of those specific unoptimized areas the second link in the description shows an area that about halfway through the campaign that I won't be bringing up now that showcases like what lag looks like uh when it's out of your control but in general these settings will be to make your game look stunning while also maintaining performance and not running your PC too hot and streaming takes a ridiculous amount of resources away from your computer so you could probably up your settings quite a bit but I think that this is the perfect lock in for everything uh so my main setup is with an m.2 on a 10700k CPU 128 gigs of RAM and a 3080 but I also did test my old rig that has a 7700k 16 gigs of RAM an SSD and a 1070 so we have a range of what most people will be using for their PCS either on medium to high and low end and then I know a lot of people that were in my stream that have crazy like basically mid Max PCS uh had to swap over to my settings and their games were running perfectly so this is probably Optimized Settings the best room to show off the settings because it has such a heavy load on your PC so the first thing we're going to do is Click settings go all the way down to crossplay turn it off immediately this has the the most problems when you're connecting to random people so if you're trying to PVP you're trying to PVE whether you have friends or not uh this is going to stop the majority of infinite load screens not all of them uh which is why I recommend that you have your task manager open on the other screen in the foreground not in the background that way you can always uh task manager the game but everybody that turned this off yesterday that uh I was talking to in stream was basically had like all their issues solved so uh that's the first thing you need to do I also think that the connection problems are going to get worse on September 9th when the game full launches and this should be the first thing you do uh pretty much always at least until they have a full fix out in two to three weeks uh it does suck if you're trying to play with somebody on a console and you're on a PC back and forth whatever the main thing you do though is you can snap yourself out of the infinite blood screens because you're playing together anyways because I just showed you how to do that after that we're going to go over the video settings and render resolution is what's going to have the heaviest performance drag on your PC you can see my GPU utilization it's about uh 70% up the top and what we'll do is we'll switch it over to Native and show you the difference immediately goes up to 90 now while the candles might not look much different some things do and this is going to be what runs your uh machine the hottest and in those unoptimized areas this is going to be what cooks you so before I get cooked in my room I'm going to drag this back down to Performance the next thing is resolution upscaling I'm using dlss if you have a 3,000 series Plus card I'd recommend using that if you don't just use FSR 2 I think that it looks better the vast majority of the time than TAA but I think that's probably going to depend on your own personal system I again uh when I was using my 1070 rig this is what I put it on and it worked as good as it could uh basically after that uh motion blur off pretty much immediately and I cap my FPS at 60 because on stream you can't see more than 60 FPS anyways so you can go up from there but do not put it on unlimited because it will just suck as many frames as it can after that moving into quality presets we're going to start with texture filtering I think that it's so cool that you can see on the right side in the little picture like everything that's changing when you do change your settings uh but we're going to be doing medium texture filtering uh medium texture resolution as well because there really isn't that big of a difference across the board here other than the little uh Rings changing so outside of that Shadows uh this is one of the biggest performance drags that I've seen there was so many areas that I was running into where it would just nuke my FPS so I just turned them on low because they seem to have the most problems in this game and they don't really take that much away from it by putting it on low uh screen space you can also see the off is like brutal but default looks almost the same as maxed out and it's just to save you some performance and same thing as screen space Reflections the problem is if you put this on off everything looks very flat and I didn't really like that so default was fine because it really was a difference between high again uh and then on the volume metrics uh you can astigmatism on low like I have in real life which sucks but medium seem perfect after that effects this is the most important thing to have on high if you can this does really uh start getting weighty like on my uh 1070 PC when I tried High effects it was not great the blood it didn't like the blood so uh you know you kind of lose that a little bit on the coolness Factor but if you're playing on a lowend rig you get it is what it is right uh so I ended up getting this on high uh details on medium just to show you the difference is like some little bumps on the ground really nothing insane and then cloth simulation I didn't notice this have a huge CPU drag but again if you are having problems I'd put that on low uh either way the difference between this being on high and low is also like so minimal that it's it's very very odd so those are all the main settings uh also I know I did talk about having my 7700k 16 gigs of RAM uh 1070 build and I basically had to put everything on low and then I also had to put this all the way on Dynamic so I know that's not what most people want to hear but like it is what it is the game is definitely needs an optimization pass for sure I know that the a recommended setting said that it was going to be a little bit better but I was my my low-end rig was having a lot of problems in pretty much every aspect of the game until I dropped everything to low and then I was getting a pretty stable 60 FPS outside of like the really crazy things that were happening on screen so hopefully this helps you guys out with the settings uh the next thing we need to go over is the camera mouse sensitivity for me is eight uh this is usually what I play on my mouse overrides this for the most part but this works great the next thing you want to do though is turn off camera Shake I think that this is I know some people like it because it's like immersive or whatever I really really dislike camera shake it feels like we bra liquid when it's on so not on weapons it's like but it is what it is turn that off next thing in audio uh push the talk please thank you don't really need to say why and then uh if you want a more cinematic experience sorry uh teamate overhead markers you can turn that off I turned it off just to have like the full cinematic experience but if you are pvping pbeing you can turn that on it's just a personal preference and for accessibility all the way at the bottom is color blind mode you can really just do whatever you need to if you are color blind and I think that covers almost all of the settings now there are some windows bloatware things that you can turn off right but I did that one time a couple years to go on Lost dark and I never going over Windows things ever again because people do not follow the instructions correctly and then get very upset when they like nothing's working correctly never again you want to know how to turn all the blo Weare off you go ahead and find a video for it that's where that's going to end we're going to Best PC MKB Controls move on over to controls because the default controls for this game are so horrendous that it's almost unplayable after you play I the first campaign mission I promise I know you never trust anybody that says I promise but I promise that the game feels very fluid as a comparison I built the controls to feel very sey r esque as well as dark tide so if you play either of those games before uh these controls will feel very familiar to you have a very flued feel and after you get used to it uh it makes the game playable in a way where like people are saying the game's almost unusable on mouse and keyboard this makes it basically perfect and it's the best way to lock it in so the very first thing is turn Sprint activation uh on hold instead of toggle because toggle things are horrendous there is also an aim toggle that we'll go over after default these are fine uh Dodge I was testing it on space and control for some reason it was very responsive on my control so I just left it on space but that's up to you uh after that there it is aim put that on hold as well do not have this on toggle it's very odd melee this is the first big change I switch it over to left click the main reason for this is it is a hacking SL game where you spend the vast majority of your time in melee so you're spamming lmb basically the entire time you're playing and I felt like it was more appropriate to have that on my left click now if you are playing something like the heavy class you probably want to switch that back but I still think that this is the better overall option uh e for your finisher is okay but I switched my Q to Perry / Shield default this is your ultimate but that feels terrible and in seyo I also had my perry SL block on Q and this was the perfect one to one for me uh one other thing to note about Perry that I know a lot of people are having problems with is that it's animation sequenced so if you left click and then immediately Parry you won't be able to Parry because you're still doing the animation for your melee attack the best way to counteract that is is to shoot and then that will cancel your melee attack most of the time and then you can immediately block off of shooting so that is the little animation cancel text you be able to Parry easier after that we have the shoot on right click and the zoom heavy stance on the little Tilda to the side there after you get used to playing like you can change this key to whatever you want for me personally this felt uh basically perfect I hold that I can shoot it works great you can zoom in with the scroll wheel like I think I'm used to zooming in with the scroll wheel for the most part I know some people would be used to zooming in with shift though so you can kind of play around with that but for me this is the way that it worked and a again after I played my very first campaign mission everything felt crispy so uh this is the same lock on Target as x v is switch weapon R reload no problem use ability swapped over to F this is just because on Dark Side the ability is on F and it was just a one to one perfect crossover for me it also feels a lot better to have your ability on f it just the overall hand feel uh this is a lot more fluid and I in my opinion this should be the default settings for the game but it is what it is uh after that just pretty much normal stuff across the board here outside of us swapping our C to medase Stems I can't remember what we swapped off of C but this feels really good as well uh it makes more sense for a heal and then everything else is pretty much normal outside of focus attention which was the um like the Ping in the game so that's your middle Mouse button or whatever you can obviously change this to whatever you want I found that most of the time nobody's really pinging anyways and uh old problems die Final Thoughts hard so hopefully this helps you guys out I really do think that like after you tweak everything the game feels infinitely better and this way you at least don't have to play the controller it's everything that's been working for me it's keeping me my pc at really solid tempts with a very stable performance I've only crashed like one or two times before I locked all my settings in and again the controls are just like such a drastic difference in game feel that after you use them just for a one Mission you will feel so good after that so if you do have any problems drop a comment or ask in my Discord and hopefully someone can help you but that's going to be all for now so I wish you the best of luck out there and hopefully I'll see you at the stream later

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