Detroit Lions DOMINANT Offense OVERSHADOWED By FEISTY Rams Defense!

hello my friends and welcome on back to yet another episode of MCM Motor City Mania I'm your host David teike and as always we're diving on in so again this is obviously an altered format because of the current situation that I'm in I'm trying to M you know make sure that everybody understands that because again this is not my normal scenario this is not my normal environment and believe you me if I didn't have to do it this way I sure as hell wouldn't but un fortunately the powers that be have kind of you know made it to be where I have no other options I have no other choice here because I Tred to do it my normal way and the technology just wasn't going to work so this is my you know last ditch effort but anyway having said that I've already talked about in a previous episode Aaron Glenn's defense and for the most part I pretty much just lit into Aaron Glenn I lit into how disappointed how absolutely annoyed I was with Aaron Glenn's defensive performance because for as much hype as much energy as much money whatever the hell you want to call it we put into that defense it simply is just not acceptable and that has been a running Mo with me for a long time and anybody that's been a member of my channel obviously knows that but I'm going to say this right now the one thing that I saw on Sunday night against the Rams that I was not not expecting that completely surprised me was just how out of syn and out of sorts the Lions offense was against the Rams defense because to me I thought the the Lions offense was not going to perform like that I thought our offense was going to just run away from the Rams because again you're operating with against a a Rams defense that's Aaron Donald lless it doesn't have its best freaking linebacker that they traded away to the Titans which I think was Ernest Jones they had lost Darius Williams to IR literally I think it was two days before the game and then on top of that you've got two rookies in freaking Brandon Fisk and you know Jared Davis playing so I'm like okay this Rams defense is literally young it's missing a lot of its starting talent and we've got everybody we literally had everybody going into that game all of our offensive lineman were playing tight end was playing wide receivers were playing quarterback running back we had everything we had every single component of our offense from last year playing save obviously of course the fact that Jonah Jackson and Josh Reynolds weren't there but we had replaced those guys we even had our offensive coordinator and Ben Johnson from last year hell the defensive coordinator for the Rams wasn't there last year Raheem Morris is now the head coach of the Falcons they had to go with Chris schula so they had a completely new defense with a whole bunch bunch of new defensive pieces first time they' all been together out on the field first time they had done any sort of work together as a professional defense but by the way our offense played last night you wouldn't have thought that I mean for crying out loud there were times I was looking at our offense and I'm like I don't understand what's going on here I don't understand like where the hell did our Pizzazz go where the hell did our ability to have consistent explosive plays go where did our ability to control the game go like what the hell's Happening Here I literally was sitting back and I was like Ben Johnson what are you doing because I was looking at how Ben Johnson was calling the game and I'm like dude there is no aggression there is no creativity there is no trying to even do anything that would throw the Rams off their game to try and throw them a curveball it was just like dude we are running basic ass compos you know freaking plays it just didn't seem like we were doing anything different and I'm like okay here this is making me very frustrated because there were a couple of times where we did see that there were a couple of times where Ben Johnson did actually pull out a freaking rabbit out of his hat that he decided to to get creative and oh my God as soon as that happened what happened oh that's right we had big chunk plays hm that we had that bomb freaking for 52 yards to Jameson Williams absolutely wonderful throw wonderful catch wonderful play we had the end round for Jameson Williams that made a big play I mean we saw some of the plays that made our offense such a freaking Juggernaut last year but as soon as we would call that one play maybe two we would just go right back to the very basic stuff and it's like why are we not taking advantage of the fact that this Rams defense clearly does not know how to keep up with the complex stuff of our offense why are we being so damn conservative here so Ben Johnson not taking advantage of that was something that really aggravated me because I'm like dude you should be able to recognize the weaknesses that this defense has and take it to full advantage so the fact that Ben Johnson didn't do that I was very very shocked I was very you know annoyed with so that was the first thing the second thing that definitely annoyed me was how I'm going to say that right now for the last you know Drive I would say even probably the last couple of minutes in the first quarter of the Lions game I thought our Lions offensive line you know did an excellent job run blocking because David Montgomery he was freaking you know just tearing it up he was making a whole bunch of plays but it seemed like all night long our ability to pass protect was just not there like the fact that you had Jared verse you had Co Durant and you had Turner and all these other guys and they're going up against our top rated offensive line pan Su Frank ragn now Taylor Decker Graham Glasgow zeitler and freaking Jared G is not getting his normal allotment of time he's not getting his typical two and a half three seconds hell the fact that Jared G had to scramble for a first down tells me okay here something is not right with what our offensive line is doing something is not right with how they're picking up you know blitzes they're not keeping Gap assignments they're not doing something right here because it seemed as if G was having to throw his passes a touch sooner than what would normally have been the case because every single time it looked like G was getting the ball to his wide receiver when it was incomplete it was like it was a smidge too early and the wide receiver was just not ready for it but when the timing was right when the pass protection held up again we saw a whole bunch of throws that looked like Quint essential throws from last year again the bomb to J that 30 yard throw across the middle to J I mean there were throws out there last night where I was like okay this looks like the Lions offense from last year this looks like the Lions offense that we should be having because correct me if I'm wrong the whole damn off season we were touted about how this offense looked even more explosive how this offense looked like it was making a further progression into another you know level and it was like against a defense that had lost a whole lot of it starting star Talent last year was starting completely brand new over with a new defensive coordinator I just didn't see that I did not see that and let's just call it for what it is where the hell did Sam leap Porter and AMR St Brown go in that game like those guys were barely utilized and they're are two best pass catchers like last night was the Jameson Williams and David Montgomery show and it's like that would not have been my call for that game I would have thought that you know St Brown and leapa were going to have a field day but rather instead it was demo and it was freaking jamus Williams which don't get me wrong those guys are great Playmakers but I would have thought that other guys would have been the ones that would have been taking the Lion Share of that entire production but it was the exact opposite so to me it's like okay here offensive line did not do a great job of pass blocking for practically the majority of the night run blocking pretty damn solid I will give the Lions offensive line that because again last Drive of the game in overtime they freaking did a great job and for the majority of the night they did a great job but that offensive line something tells me either the Rams were doing something that they were not they were not used to they weren't accustomed to they hadn't planned for or again because they had not played all preseason they hadn't had a chance to you know get some reps together as far as game reps again it seems to me that they just had been a little rusty in working out their communication working out their chemistry and it seemed to be the same thing for virtually everybody offense and defense last night but I will say this the one thing on offense that really kind of bugged me was that once again we did not figure out how to start fast or keep going in the pardon my language the freaking third quarter I'm you guys know I'm frustrated when I'm using that language but it's the truth I freaking threw my pen last night I was getting so frustrated but the fact of the matter was is in the third quarter once again we could not do anything it was like we just stopped like again we go into halftime we come back out in the third quarter and nothing changed it was like as if we once again were picking up the same problem we had last year we were not able to do anything into the third quarter because hey correct me if I'm wrong we went into the half with 173 lead okay and then as soon as we come back out hm all of a sudden we're looking up at the scoreboard and it's now 17- 17 oh then it's 17 to 20 then we're 20 to 20 and we're going at overtime so it's like the entire third quarter and damn near the majority of the fourth quarter we didn't do anything on offense and I was just like why what is causing this offense to Simply fall asleep going into halftime and then not being able to come out of it and do something again I understand it's the first game of the year I understand the starters didn't play all preseason something at this point now I'm seriously saying you know what I think they should get a drive or two in the freaking preseason because that right there would at least get them into game mode that right there would at least allow them to be able to be saying hey we've at least had a drive a couple of plays together here or there we're ready to rock and roll when the regular season starts rather than oh first game of the year Prime Time game of the year in fact we're coming out there and it looks like we haven't played in a freaking long time just saying so that again was something that greatly annoyed me greatly disappointed me because I thought surely after all the problems we had last year in the third quarter the Lions would have done a humongous effort to try and change that to try and make sure that in the third quarter we're not having that situation where our offense just freaking goes into a hibernation effect but again we didn't see that again it was the same thing we saw last year and to go back to the wide receiver situation just for a brief moment here the fact that the wide receivers were not able to get separation saved Jameson Williams obviously because Jameson Williams had a freaking night the fact that Aman R st Brown couldn't get much separation the fact that you know Sam leapor couldn't get much separation I don't even think khif Raymond had a single catch last night the only thing I heard of him was freaking the kickoff returns punt returns whatever and the one end around towards the end of the game CLE ramond was pretty much an was an after after thought in that whole game as far as an offensive weapon so it's was like we have these wide receivers some of the best in the league some of the best you know in the business and nobody's really making much of a difference save Jameson Williams and it's like without Jameson Williams last night our offense would have been practically you know stuck in the mud because Jameson Williams was the only passing threat that we had that was consistently making big plays and that right there is the most encouraging thing I have out of the offense last night that was the most encouraging thing I saw because otherwise I was not at all pleased with how that offense looked last night and the fact of the matter is that when Jared g at the end of the game said that that was not our best game I was like okay good somebody is at least willing to admit that that was not a good game that was not their best effort because anybody with a damn you know eyeball could freaking figure that one out anybody that was listening to the game didn't even have to watch the game could have figure that one out so I was like okay here at least they're willing to admit that that was not a good game that was not to standard because that clearly was not to standard for an offense that the last two years has literally been top five top three last night it looked average at best now again like I said with the defense when I talked about Aaron Glenn I fully expect that with more time together more practices more reps and as time goes by this obviously is going to get better because again the fact that they didn't play together in the preseason I think is a huge contributing factor for the rust for the you know a little bit off in terms of chemistry timing whatever you want to call it but again that's why for me I'm now becoming a bigger Advocate that like dude you have to let these starters at least get a drive get them at least driver or to in the freaking you know regular in the preseason whether it's in the second game the third game whatever the case is you cannot let these guys simply sit on the sideline for you know the ENT entirety of the preseason and not get any reps and I know people are going to say well David what about the injury problem dude injuries are part of the game I hate to say it that way but it's like listen if it's in the preseason or in the regular season it doesn't matter I understand that in the preseason it's going to seem like a meaningless injury because it's a meaningless game but at this point now I'm beginning to see that the preseason games are not meaningless if it allows you to have the ability to come out on opening night and be able to play with much better cohesion whether it's on offense or defense but for me I was just like you know this offense just didn't seem to be in the right state of mind last night there was no aggression it was very conservative and there was not much creativity in terms of the play calling so I was not thrilled with how Ben Johnson called the game I was not not thrilled with how the offense executed the game for the most part but somehow we came out with the win I know that's what most people are going to say a win is a win and that's all that matters and you know what for Mo majority of the part I would agree with you but what I definitely need to see is that when we come back you know for the freaking game against the bucks at the end of the week this needs to change and it needs to change in a damn hurry but anyway folks I'm going to end this episode because I've again gone on long enough about this so I just want to say thank you for watching in another episode of MCM Motor City Mania if you like what you saw by all means I highly encourage youall to watch the next episode also encourage you all to do one of these three things like comment and subscribe to the channel if by a chance you subscribed in the past and at the time you didn't do so please make sure you also hit that Bell notification icon to go along with it so that way you guys never miss any more content that I push out I also want to encourage you all to share this content with your allons friends and family members share here on YouTube share it on Twitter share it on Facebook share anywhere and everywhere you can with everybody and anybody you can the more we can share the greater the channel can grow and spread and with that being said to everybody I hope youall are doing well I hope you all got something in your life that makes you happy makes you smile God bless my friends and until the next time we meet I'll see you all in the next episode

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