hello Lions fans and welcome on back to yet another episode of MCM Motor City Mania I'm your host David T Pike and as always we're diving on in so my friends we are back and we are going to be talking about a piece of news that has come that has come out kind of very recently after the game against you know the Rams I'm going to try and wrap up talking about the Rams here today because obviously we need to start talking about the bucks but this was something that I just could not let go I could not make an episode about this because I'm going to tell you this right now when I hear people who want to complain who want to throw you know accusations insinuations whatever term you'd like to use against the Detroit Lions for me that's something that gets my ey up that's something that really bugs me because I'm the type of person that I take football very very seriously I'm very passionate about it I'm very passionate about my lions and I know for a fact that when it comes to coach Dan Campbell he is very passionate he's probably one of the most passionate individuals on the face of the earth when it comes to football and as such when accusations get hurled at the Detroit Lions that bugs me because the accusations that we're talking about specifically in this video is that there have been fans and I'd be willing to bet it's mostly Rams Fans but I wouldn't just say only Rams Fans but there are fans out there that are insinuating they are claiming that the Detroit Lions cheated in the game against the Rams on you know Sunday night and I was like how in the hell could you say that the Detroit Lions cheated I mean I couldn't understand where this was coming from when I actually heard that that was something that was being thrown around because I was like wait a minute here how could we be cheating I mean you know you guys came in already you know with a whole bunch of players injured more players got injured I mean you can't say we're deliberately trying to hurt you so I don't know what exactly the whole issue was but I'm going to tell you when I actually read what people were talking about as you know the quote unquote accusation of cheating I just was like dude this is some petty freaking stuff like this is stuff that's just absolutely ridiculous because for me the accusation that the fans are making and again I'm trying to keep it very broad here but again I'm willing to bet it's mostly Rams Fans the accusation is is that the Lions somehow camouflaged Kirby Joseph with the back wall padding and that was what caused you know Matthew Stafford to throw the interception because Kirby Joseph was so well camouflaged that he blended into the back wall that you know Matthew Stafford didn't see him and I was like wait a minute here so you're telling me that you think the Lions deliberately set up those back walls with the full intent that somehow some way that was going to lead to us you know getting a freaking turnover at some point in the game because we'd already predetermined that that was going to happen like somehow we could look into the future and say hey you know what this could come back and actually be a benefit to us I'm just like dude that that makes no sense like how can you even think of that as a possibility because the first initial reaction I have is it's just playing out stupid first and foremost because those back walls they're blue obviously and I'm just going to say this um for Matthew Stafford who was the quarterback Matthew Stafford has played in numerous stadiums he's played with numerous teams numerous color jerseys whatever have you trying to say that the back wall somehow made it to where Stafford couldn't see Kirby Joseph because he just Blended in I don't understand how you could use that as an excuse because Stafford's been playing this game what now you know freaking 14 15 years or something and for me I was just like you're trying to tell me that somehow Matthew Stafford this highquality caliber quarterback somehow couldn't see a player just because he blended into a blue back wall that to me just doesn't make any sense because wait a minute here the Detroit Lions jerseys are blue but last I checked they also have white and silver mixed in so it's not like you know that the lion whole uniform was just blue because oh that's right the helmet also has silver in it the helmet also has some black and a couple of other colors in it so it's like to try and say that somehow Matthew Stafford just couldn't see Kirby Joseph because he somehow blended into the background is just absolutely ludicrous at that point you're literally grasping at straws you're trying to come up with some lame brain excuse to try and say oh well we shouldn't have lost that game and we're going to try and blame it on XY reason and it's like dude you literally are being childish about it at that point but the second thing that bugs me about this is that okay folks the Lions have literally worn the same colors forever almost like we've always worn blue I if I recall correctly and for me what I find particularly funny about this is that the Detroit Lions have always worn blue at home that is why we are called the Honolulu blue team because we always wear blue as our home color well here's the thing Ford Field has been around since 2002 and unless I'm wrong but I'm pretty confident I'm not those back walls that are you know on the walls around the freaking field particularly at the ends of the end zones they've always had blue padding on them so it's not like you know all of a sudden the Lions had you know not put any padding on there and then just decided to start the game and say hey you know what we're just going to put this up here because again we're trying to cheat we're trying to find any advantage we can I'm going to tell you this right now the Lions don't need to cheat the Lions don't need to get any extra Advantage first and foremost one of the most talented rosters in the NFL number one um number two when you come to Ford Field especially when there's 66 67,000 screaming raving fans why would we need something else when the fans are going to do more than enough to disrupt an offense's ability to get on track and have rhythm because they can't hear themselves think so you're talking about something that even if that was the case you can't Bet On It actually working because there's no chance of actually knowing when there's a potential for some sort of a turnover to happen in the end zone and that actually be a throw but then at the same time those back walls have always been there and they've been the lion's home color so again it's not like the Lions just had some master plan and just thought this up so for me when you take a look at this this whole idea this whole insinuation that you know the lions are somehow cheating or cheated just to me is absolutely ridiculous but that's only half of the story when we're talking about this podcast the thing I find funny particularly in this situation is this people are always quick to try and point the finger at the Lions for somehow cheating somehow doing something at and I'm talking about pretty recently here for somehow trying to do whatever it is to try and get the game to go in their favor cuz think about it we're talking about this particular situation right now with the Rams in the stupid back wall camouflage story okay let's go to last year shall we with the Cowboys game about how everybody tried to say the lions were trying to cheat by confusing the refs which again I thought was rather funny because according to Dan Campbell all the refs save the head ref which was Brad Allen was in the locker room meeting where the Lions specifically told the referees oh by the way these are the plays we're going to run that are trick plays and we're going to draw it up exactly how we're going to run it so I find it funny that the guy that threw the flag that didn't know what the hell was going on somehow you know people are going to say that the lions were trying to confuse the refs I don't see how that's even remotely possible because all of the video evidence everything that has come out since then all points to oh Decker was going over to Allen to report in Decker did that Brad Allen somehow someway either won didn't care didn't listen whatever it was and because he didn't know what was going on he covered his ass by throwing a flag because he didn't know what else to do but yet somehow the lions were trying to pull a fast one on the Cowboys and also on the refs that to me stupid there's no basis of evidence for that but that's only that instance as well because oh that's right I remember I don't remember what game it was but after a game where the Lions lost and Jared G didn't have a particularly good game and I think it was sometime last year there were fans that were saying that maybe Jared G was shaving points because of how poorly he played and I'm like dude that again is ridiculous every quarterback is going to have a bad game once in a while even Tom Brady's had bad games Peyton Manning had bad games Joe Montana had bad games to say that Jared G was point shav because he had a bad game against a you know a specific opponent I think is just ridiculous but that's the kind of stuff that's happened over the last you know year and a half but what I find funny is that oh that's right going back to the Cowboys incident with Brad Allen the lions were definitely cheated out of a victory in that instance because we did everything right we followed the rules but the ref because he didn't know what was doing covered his ass by throwing a flag and said well it's an ineligible man downfield and on top of that he shouldn't be touching the ball when in fact he did report in there's Visual Evidence that shows he reported in the ref just didn't know what was going on so he covered his ass but that's only one instance then let's go back to another Cowboys instance oh that's right in 2014 when the refs picked up a flag for a very flagrant pass interference and somehow nobody really questioned that one even though it was plainly obvious that oh yeah that's right that was pass interference and the lions got screwed out of a playoff Victory once again nobody wants to talk about that okay then let's talk about the Packers game if I recall correctly I think it was on Sunday night or Monday night a couple of years ago back when Matt Patricia was the coach who remembers freaking the two hands to the face call that were again not even close to reality the hand never got anywhere close to the face never got to touching the face mask anything even remotely close but yet two specific times in that game we got called for and that was a big reason why the Lions lost that game was because of those ridiculous penalties once again getting screwed over by the refs by the NFL oh and then let's not even talk about you know back in 2021 when Justin Tucker kicked that record 66 yard field goal in Ford Field after the game clock had expired by at least a second or two but somehow nobody thought to blow a whistle or throw a flag for delay of game which then allowed the Ravens to kick the field goal and obviously to win that game so when you have people that want to say oh well the lions are cheating I'm be like wait a minute here time out I would be hard pressed in my mind to think of a franchise that has been cheated more than the Detroit Lions over the last 20-some years so let me say this with all freaking feeling and animosity I can go and cry me a damn River I have absolutely no sympathy I have absolutely no you know remorse when I say that because to me it's like dude the idea that you know the Lions cheated first and foremost is absolutely asine it's insane but the fact that you and a lot of other people over the last couple of years have tried to say oh the Lions have been cheating and they're trying to do this that and the other thing it's like okay I have no more time for you I have no more patience for you and at this point it's like dude you know go pound sand for all I care go cry me a river and get the hell over it point of the matter is we won the game the other point of the matter is Stafford threw the interception nobody thought about it being a cheating thing uh the refs didn't call it nobody even thought about it but yet somehow someway a whole bunch of fans after the fact are trying to come up with some lame brain excuse to say oh well if this hadn't have happened the the Rams would have won and the Lions would have lost right and I also know that there's one potential day that maybe I might become the king of England but you know what I'm not banking on that one anytime soon either just simply calling it for what it is but having said that I'm going to end this episode get off this topic and say thank you all for watching another episode of MCM Motor City Mania if you like what you saw by all means I highly encourage you all to watch the next episode also encourage youall to do one of these three things like comment and subscribe to the channel if by chance you subscribed in the past and you forgot to do so at the time I highly want to encourage y'all please make sure you hit that Bell notification icon at the bottom of the page and also always Please Subscribe if you want to I also want to encourage all please to share this content with your Lions friends and family members share here on YouTube share it on Twitter share it on Facebook share anywhere and everywhere you can with everybody and anybody that you can especially your Lions friends and family members the more we can share it the greater the channel grows and spreads and with that being said to everybody I hope yall are having a great day I hope you all enjoyed the content whether you're a longtime subscriber or you're a firsttime viewer I hope you all enjoyed it and I hope everybody has something in their life that makes them happy makes them smile God bless my friends and until the next time we meet I'll see you all in the next episode

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