WHY DOES ZEPBOUND COST SO MUCH?! Options, hope for the future and more! ZEPBOUND WEIGHT LOSS

good morning everybody welcome back to the channel happy Monday welcome back for another video today um it is Monday the first official day of school for my kids which means that I have some free time to catch up on doing some filming I've been writing out some videos this morning in my handy and dandy notebook with this pen I stole from my daughter and um we're going to do some filming now that I still have some peace and quiet for at least a couple of more hours I also have a protein coffee here with me today I'm going to be showing this to you guys I'm going to film a what I eaten a day video probably for Friday's video and I will share with you guys this recipe I'm not like I'm just going to share with you I'm not like selling you anything or you know y'all know I don't like to do that delicious though okay so I have coffee I have some notes we're going to film a couple of videos today so the first one we're going to be talking about on this beautiful Monday I thought was prudent since we got the news last week from Zep bound or Eli Lily saying that they were releasing the vials of Zep Bound in the two and a half and the 5 milligram dosage and so with that news a lot of new talk of mararo and zound pricing and whether or not the vials will be cheaper and why is it so expensive in the first place there's just all of this talk within the ZET bound manaro Community about cost right now especially a lot of people that are on compounding that are scared that compounding going to get turned off or shut off or shut down or whatever so I thought it was prudent today to start with this video so I made some notes this morning and I'm going to go ahead and talk about it so if you are new here though first I would love for you to hit that subscribe button my name is Britney and I have been making videos on my manaro Zep bound her zeppa tide Journey for the past oh my goodness in November it'll be two years so we are at like a year and nine months now I've lost 85 PBS and still counting because I can't seem to get uh the weight loss to stop that's another video for another day but yeah I've learned a lot over this journey I share a lot about zound manaro gp1s in general and would love to have you join in and you know stick around for some fun some good light-hearted not trying to sell you anything just trying to have a great Community fun so with that being said mandar's up on prices so why the heck is it so expensive why is mandaro so expensive in the United States especially compared to other countries so in the United States the price of Zep bound or Mandara which pretty much Run for the same list price can vary anywhere from $550 and that is if you have the coupon that you are able to access by just by going on the zip bound website you can sign up for a coupon there so if you get the coupon you'll pay likely around $550 all the way up to3 $100 a month one big kicker with the coupon is that Medicare patients are not eligible for it so first off Medicare does not cover weight loss medications and you also cannot use the coupon which is like a super bummer super bummer that's what I say to my niece when she when I'm naning her and she says something to me like my milk's all gone I'll be like oh super bummer super bummer so that's a super bummer right okay so people are asking why is it so expensive there are some reasons obviously first off it's a very small Market you have zip bound and you have wovi and that's pretty much it right now and that's going to be it for quite a while like it's going to be probably another 10 plus maybe 15 years zound or Eli Lily owns the patent for zound until I believe it's either 2036 or 2039 one of those dates is correct and so it's going to be until that point that generic manufacturers are able to start and that other competitors are going to be able to use tepati to make competition to compete with mararo zound so that's the first reason they are one of two major weight loss medications people want to lose weight in America we have the most obese country in the world and you put those two things together you will get a group of Americans that are willing to pay an arm and a leg for this medicine and a pharmaceutical company who knows that Americans will pay an arm in a leg also I'm getting ahead of myself here but there's also the whole government role in it right so first things first it's a very small Market they don't have any competition so they set the price the government doesn't fight them on the price and then it is what it is number two I already mentioned it but the patent so right now the patent that Eli Lily holds prevents any other companies from using tepati using the pen um to make Zep bound or mandaro under different names and they hold the patent for a long time and so the price I mean I kind of tied one and two together but the price is driven by demand by the fact that they know people will pay for it and by the fact that they made this discovery right like I don't want to take away from the fact that Eli Lily made this amazing life alter for all of us Discovery right and so I do think that they deserve to profit off of that Discovery and they also probably know that in 10 15 years time the market will be super saturated they won't be able to charge nearly as much as they did now previously and so they're you know making bank as they go this is not a video where I'm going to like trash Eli Lily and say that they should not charge as much for their medicine because I like the business smart side by the way I do have a business degree the business side of me understands that they're doing this because there is a very limited window I mean 15 years is a long time but it's a limited window to which they can charge the full pricing for their medicine and so it's kind of a thing of making the most profit as you can within the time frame that you are the sole comp like when you don't have any competition against you so once the generics become available once we're talking the 2040s which good Lord I will be old in 2040 when when the patent is up I was just sitting here thinking about that I'm currently 36 so we're talking me being over 50 at I mean not old but 50 is not old don't come at me 50 is not old but like for me to sit here and think it'll be when I'm in my 50s before generics of this medicine start to come out that's like JW dropping to me that seems like it's just so far out of the picture and to sit here and think that I'm going to have to pay these full pricings for that amount of time also kind of scares me so it's a whole thing that I know a lot of us are dealing with right now and yeah so the government as I touched on again Eli Lily made this medicine they made this huge Discovery they deserve to profit from it but the other fact is that the government in America sucks in terms of keeping up regulating the pharmaceutical industry and keeping up with price gting and all of that there's just not a lot of laws in place that help prevent the price gouging there was a recent Act passed I should have written the name down of it but I didn't uh that Biden Administration just passed or proposed speaking to like sort of expanding Medicare and having them cover it was a it was a list of like 15 more drugs that they didn't previously cover however no glp ones were on that list um quite frankly when my husband went to his uh open enrollment period this past month or this past May I'm sorry he actually sat down with his person they had a huge meeting and then they meet with them one-on-one to discuss things and he brought it up to them he said listen my wife is on a gp1 you know I just want to kind of get your Insight on why these medicines aren't covered or if you ever think they will be and the answer was pretty simple now of course this is a representative for Blue Cross bu Shield that the company hired because essentially your company tells them like it's based on what premiums they want to pay to what you get offered right like they opt into certain coverages but essentially the uh representative was saying that they are paying more per month for the glp1 medications the ones that are covered than they are for cancer patients that's absurd well obviously it's absurd because it's so expensive but cancer treatments should be cheaper like it all should be cheaper right so that's just to put it in perspective though like they're paying more than they pay for chemotherapy treatments for this once weekly injection so it is expensive for everybody and again it's not going to get any cheaper for the next 10 to 15 years uh but yeah that really like brought it down into perspective for me like oh it it it made me realize oh they also like it's costing them a lot of money and in order to offer the coverage they would have to charge us a lot more and then what are we doing is that really doing anybody any good you know so the government really is has a lot to do with it here in other countries I believe the UK correct me if I'm wrong but they have like caps on what can be charged um and they're so sort of to prevent the price scouting that happens in America um they have sort of limits and caps within the pharmaceutical industry that the government oversees sort of like the FDA regulations over there that we just don't have here and um it's unfortunate when I was doing research for this video um a lot of the different articles that we're talking about prices of medicines in the United States not just gp1s but prices of any medicines within the United States that they are typically higher than in other countries however the United States tends to offer coupons and rebates and stuff like that that a lot of other countries don't so the article sort of made it seem that like a lot of it evens out but that is not the case with zound mararo OIC orovi because the rebate coupon only brings it down to 550 a month which is still let me just make sure before I say I have a list of countries here which is still more expensive I have four other countries here that I'm going to tell you their prices and um even with the coupon we are still more expensive than three of them so that tells you something right there um that even our coupon leads it to still be more expensive now to compare cost in other country is sort of what I'm talking about here so like I said let me tell you again what it cost in the United States between $550 with a coupon all the way up to $1,300 monthly in the UK and again I sort of gathered all of these numbers off of the internet so if you are somebody that is from one of these countries and you can help me out and correct me if I'm wrong or if you were from a country that I don't mention and you can you know give us your country's pricing would be great uh but the UK the range I found is anywhere from € 229 to €299 and that is for four monthly injections or uh they also have the quick pens and the vials and it's the same price No Matter What in Canada the average price and this I found actually on a Canadian phy website like what they're selling it for was $639 I tried to look up Australia and you can see that I even like scratched it out I know that somebody um has told me before in my comment section like what it cost them in Australia and I know that Australia has had a lot of like recent things changing they're banning compound they you know whatever um but I just couldn't remember and I couldn't find it anywhere I could not find a price I looked for a solid 20 minutes just trying to find the cost of zound in or gp1 in Australia so if you're from Australia let me know Down Below in Japan the average cost is $319 and in the Netherlands $444 and that is the out-of-pocket uninsured price on all of the above so that just goes to show you now I think it goes back to the fact that Americans will pay and Eli Lily knows that Americans will pay also Eli Lily can get away with charging that much more here because of the different laws and regulations that we have in our country that others that we don't have in our country that others do in theirs now again I'm not sitting here bashing Eli Lily I think they deserve it I think they deserve maybe not that much of a profit but I think they deserve the profit now what other options are there for us um because I think it's important to remember and important to note that there are options they're all going to cost us some money I mean I think that glp1 should be available to everybody in all walks of life that needs them because they're such a life-changing medicine and just wealthy people should not have the privilege of this medicine and all of its benefits I think that it should be available for all but in the moment that we're in right now it's going to cost us all some money no matter which option we go with so the first one is obviously compound although the future of that is a little unclear right now I'm seeing lots of different things from lots of different sources and so I don't even want to really like speak on that now there's been a lot of new stuff come out just since they released the vial and I think that it's all so confusing and there's all of this he said she said right now in terms of the Z the ZET bound vials and the compound and the shortage that I don't want to speak on it and give misinformation but as of today that is still an option and even if the compounded tepati does not stay as an option there is the compounded semi glutide and for the foreseeable future it looks as if that will still remain on the shortage list so if all else fails there is that backup and I know that a lot of people myself included know that tppd works better but but if you're in a life situation where you need to change something you need to do something different for your life it's going to help the the data on seml versus mjara or versus tepati is it does lean in triptides favor however it's very slightly in its favor so if you got to do semi glutide for a while like there's nothing wrong with that if I have to eventually switch to that then that's what I'll do to keep on a glp1 um so again that's always an option compounded will cost you if you're getting it from a reputable pharmacy from one of the 503a 503b pharmacies um you're probably going to pay $300 to $400 a month I've not really seen it um some places they offer that you have to pay a subscription it might be in the 400s range but I don't think I've ever seen it above 500 if you're looking for a compounding place I have a link to orderly down below that I that's who I go through that's who I use my meds come from Red Rock um and I have absolutely loved them and if you're on a starter dose I specifically asked for a code um to help you guys out so if you're on one of the lower doses that link will get you $50 off I don't work with them I literally emailed them and said hey I'm sending business your way can you give me a code and he did it like I don't they don't pay me to do anything with that but anyway so that's the first option the second is to this is a sort of taboo one some people love it some people are like I would never do that but that is dose splitting so I have an entire video on dose splitting it is literally always Linked In My description box um because I linked it in the beginning when I first made it and then I just left it there so it's literally always there so you can go there and watch it now but essentially and and in that video I show you like what products you need and all of that stuff but essentially you could take a 15 mgram pen and turn it into three 5 migr pens or a 10 milligram pen into two fivs or whatever it is you need you can break it down that way and make it a little bit more cost effective because even if you're paying the 550 if you make so say you get 15 milligrams and you turn them into 7 and A2 then you're making that 550 last two full months so eight doses instead of four so that is that's an option it's something that I've done it's something that I would do again I had no issues with it and now having been on comp for a long time realizing that it is literally the same thing um as you know they're mixing the peptides and backwat and I literally shot my shot into a vial and added some backw so it's very similar and as long as you keep clean and all of that then yeah it's an option it's a viable option and then the final one I think I feel like this is one that like some people are going to be like blah it's a sacrifice so you something that I think is prudent to remember is that if you decide that you're going to spend the money on Z bound you're going to spend less money eating out I promise you you're not going to want to eat out you're going to spend less on that you're going to spend less on your grocery bill because again you're not going to be eating as much you're not going to be craving the snacks and the cookies and the cake and the ice cream you're just not going to be buying it um so just those two things alone decreasing that amount can really help also cutting out subscriptions that you don't need there's plenty of people who are like I cut out my Netflix I stopped my audible subscription stopped with my other like other random subscriptions that they were paying for they discontinued those and you know they made sacrifices so that they could prioritize their health and I know that in this economy that's not an option for everybody but I think that for most of us if we sat back really looked at our income and our budget and what we're spending our money on we could at least make a little bit of wiggle room to go towards our health um just the alcohol if you're a drinker like I have not had the urge to drink in a year and a half so just that alone is a big money saver so the final thing I have for this video do we think that the vials are going to be any cheaper short answer is nobody knows for sure long answer is I don't think so and there are a couple of reasons number one again they're in a soul Market they can charge what they want we don't have government regulating price gouging uh and that's pretty much the only reason you need right there but also Al in other countries where there are vials quick pens and the other ones the cost is all very similar it's all about the same so just going based on past data from what you see in other countries and given the fact of all the other stuff the factors that we have here in America it doesn't seem likely that they will increase the vs could I be wrong yes do I hope I'm wrong absolutely but then another good thing or another thing somebody else pointed out on one of my uh videos some may commented that it's unlikely that decrease the do or the price for these lower doses that are in vials and then all of a sudden you get to seven and a half and you have this major price jump that people are like well can't do that right uh because then you would have people quitting so keeping it more Universal throughout the dosages just seems to be a lot more likely at this time so I hope that you enjoyed this video I hope that it gave you some insight on why manaro Z bound is so expensive what you can expect for the future and hopefully gave you some ideas to making it more a affordable for you if you did like this video please give it a thumbs up drop me a flower emoji down below cuz I'm looking at them flowers and I hope you guys have a great day and I will see you on Wednesday bye guys

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