🔮 Zepbound Vials Pricing and Timing Speculation

morning I hope that you're all doing well I hope that you all got the chance to watch last night's on the pen live episode it's a weekly show that we do every Thursday night at 900 P PM it's a talk show for glp1 users and uh we're having a good time over there our 78th episode last night with Tik Tock glp1 sensation Jack lame uh we had a great time so uh hope hopefully if you didn't catch that you can go back check it out but today we're talking a little bit about some Zep bound vial speculation so there hasn't a lot of news to report since Eli Lily reported that they will be releasing the vials and I know that many many of you have many questions about what is going on with the timing what will the pricing be and we're starting to hear some rumors uh and speculation based upon what some people are seeing out there and I I want to preface everything that I say over the next well for this entire video with the fact that this is 95% speculation uh based upon what I'm hearing within the community and people who are in the know hey Tay how are you today thank you for being here if you're just jumping in here and you're new drop an n in the chat next to your name let me know that you're new I'd love to welcome you by name also hit that Thumbs Up Button as you come in here because as you know that makes all the difference in the world on YouTube uh so we're going to jump into uh the speculation that's going on right now about timing of the vials when will we actually see them and then also pricing and there is some interesting hubub that I will be working over the next uh few weeks to verify uh with different sources so again this is speculation uh not to be taken as fact uh but this is sort of what we're hearing and what we're working to confirm or debunk right now so the first thing on the timing uh which is it's less speculative based upon what we've heard from Eli Lily so when Eli Lily announced uh the single dose vials would be uh coming out within a matter of weeks that was the language that they used it's the language that Mr Ricks used with me on the phone within a matter of weeks it was the language they used early on in the earnings call it and so what you have to understand is that later in the earnings call during the question and answer session uh where the investment houses were asking their questions Lily had updated their guidance for uh their re projected revenue for the year and the question that was asked was will the release of the single dose vials for Zep bound be a big contributing factor to the adjustment in the projected Revenue right they said we're going to make more money this year uh and the answer was no the answer was no that they did not see the Z bound vials as contributing to that and I believe that the reason would be is that they don't anticipate them launching until later in the year so late that it wouldn't really affect their revenue numbers because obviously if you're going to release a bunch of vials onto the market you've increased your sellable doses by a a astronomical amount that was the whole idea behind the release the vs campaign was give us more medicine uh Karen is new and it is great to have you here uh Karen so here's what I'm thinking um I would be very surprised to see the vials before December which is crazy given uh you know the the within a matter of weeks right um everything's going to happen within a matter of weeks if if you're if you're technical about it right um I am 39 years old within a matter of weeks I'll be 40 uh that won't be until next June but in a matter of weeks uh so so I think it was just clever language cute so to speak hey Don thank you for being here if you're new here hit the Subscribe button uh so before December I would be surprised to see the vials now this is where the speculation gets very interesting because there's a lot of concern about compounds the future of them pricing all of that and I want to just tell you sort of some of the interesting things that I'm hearing that I am hoping to be true but will be definitely working to to either again validate or debunk over the next few weeks based upon uh connections that I have within the industry so the first thing is that there is a a rumor going around based upon what some uh pharmacies are seeing in in their portals that there may be different pricing for the vials based upon the dose that you're purchasing now of course we were told by Eli Lily directly that it will initially be the 2.5 and the 5 mgram doses of zet bound that will be released in vials to to increase the supply of the upper doose pens right hit that like button if you're enjoying this uh live stream please um so that would obviously be a big tell as to whether Lily ultimately expects to release higher doses of the vs because if they're able to charge more for the upper doses there's less concern about a loss of revenue from people splitting doses at the higher levels right so that's one interesting uh sort of tidbit because we've been waiting to hear what the pricing will be again that is speculation uh but would be very interesting to see if Lily would uh bring those to Market in a different tiered price which would be countered to the way that they pric the pens no matter what dose you're on it's the same cost this would be the inverse of that the second thing that I have been hearing a little bit more lately and this is really an interesting thought and really potentially um you know when we talked about release the vials um on the live stream that we did I believe that I mentioned at that time I was really hoping to see Eli Lily potentially do something that would help our people who have no insurance at all and people who are on Medicare because those are the people who are really left out in the cold can't take advantage of the manufacturer savings card so they're 100% out of pocket this rumor has to deal with El Eli Lily direct and what they are uh what the rumor is is that Lily direct will potentially be offering or could potentially be offering a special cash pay price for Z bound which would be an amazing piece of news for anybody who has no insurance coverage or anyone who is on Medicare uh because that hopefully would be something that would sort of compete with the with the price of compounds so obviously the goal uh you know the in an Ideal World everyone would have access to the Branded medication if these if especially the Lily direct rumor turns to be true that would be a a massive Boon for people who are uninsured or people who are on Medicare and so I I'm hoping that we see this um I'm really hoping that we see this bit again it's 100% speculation at this point as to both the pricing and this RoR about Lily direct offering a special cash price we'll have to see what happens Deb Zimmerman with a 9.99 Super Chat thank you Deb that was a very generous of you thank you so much for that I appreciate it I do want to open the the forum for a couple of minutes I got about two or three minutes here to answer any questions that anybody may have um I would love to take any questions if you're here and you're new uh put an n in the chat next to your name let me know that you're new uh if you are an OG uh thank you for being here hit the Thumbs Up Button there's 85 people in here if you're new hit the Subscribe button uh I'm Dave natman on the Manjaro I talk about all things glp1 and similar medications we talk about obesity type 2 diabetes I'm the host of a show called on the pin live happens every Thursday night it was last night go back check that out if you haven't ever checked it out it was a 79th episode we've been doing this for a very long time one of the four runners for G One content on uh on YouTube Lisa thank you for being here John thank you for being here Heather Guido thank you for being here hit that subscribe button um thank you thank you thank you for being here and then if you hit the Thumbs Up Button there's 80 people in here hit the thumbs up button that really helps the live uh stream as well uh what would be the time frame on FDA uh FDA what what uh can you be a little bit more specific on what specifically you're talking about about the FDA sue the dude said could you repeat what you said about no insurance and Medicare yes so so what I was saying Sue is there's a rumor 100% speculation at this thank you for the 499 Super Chat Jay that's very kind of you uh very generous um so the Lily direct the rumor is that Lily direct will offer a special cash pay price for zet Bound for people who are uninsured and paying just straight cash which would be people who are uninsured or people who can't get access through Medicare right uh the part D plans still do not have zet bound uh so they're they're left without the benefit of the manufacturer savings card which nobody should really be paying more than $550 a month for zound unless you are not insured or on Medicare right so this would be something but it's 100% a rumor at this point I'm just hearing it more and more um and so you wonder what the source of that is uh but again it's speculation will be working and on the pen to to get information on this I may may leverage some contacts that I have uh but this would be a huge announcement uh from Eli Lily uh if this were the case again that would be through Lily Direct that's what the rumor is so we'll have to see uh I I hesitated as a weather even to share this stuff because I don't want to get people's hopes up but I also want uh want to be able to share um you know what uh sort of the scuttlebutt around these medications are and let you know what I'm working on it on the pen right now behind the scenes because there's often news that's breaking uh that you know we are working to leverage uh contacts that we have to to validate or debunk and so that's sort of what we're working on right now I'm hope really really hopeful uh thank you for being here if you're new uh thank you if you're not new for being here uh and and being so loyal to what we do here on the pen tay with a 499 Super Chat thank you so much Taye uh thank you Tay Jay and Deb thank you for the uh super chats and super stickers this morning um any other questions anybody has State please I didn't hear Adrien po extra uh hit that subscribe button if you're new here uh also hit the thumbs up uh the two pieces of speculation this morning are the potential for Z bound vials to be priced in tears based upon the dose that you're on which would maybe be an indication that we may see higher doses eventually um the reason being is if they're priced higher the higher you go the less likelihood of there being a benefit for somebody splitting doses which wouldn't be something that you would want to do with a single dose V anyway uh the second piece of of is more of a rumor than speculation uh the rumor going around right now that we're working on sort of hopefully getting some some information on in the coming weeks is that Lily direct may be offering a cash price uh for people on ZET bound a special cash price because right now if you're paying cash you don't have insurance or you're on Medicare uh you can't take advantage of the manufacturer savings card and so they're the ones who have to pay uh full full Freight right the $1200 a month uh where most everyone else should be at at at the most $550 a month for Branded medication and many people paying $25 a month um so the FDA so did we get clarification on what Michael wanted to know about the FDA um on compounding decision okay yes so the compounding decision is still um there's no update on that they have they have uh to this juncture um basically refused to remove z uh tepati from the FDA shortage list though Lily is reporting all doses uh so for the time being uh compounds should be safe we're hearing from the uh president of the uh compounding Alliance I can't remember what the exact organization is but he's been very vocal about this um that uh they will continue compound pharmacies can continue legally to compound the medication from their vantage point and so I don't think anytime soon we're like to see litigation right and and so but now as as of right now the FDA has made a decision that decision is that they're not removing a Zep bound or mararo from the shortage list uh right now right that's all we know um kagara speculation what uh what kind of speculation are we looking for uh 2026 is kaga's uh you know stated slated uh release year so we still got another full year uh before we see kagem of course 2026 should bring us high does tepati as well uh 20 and 25 milligrams respectively uh so that will be a great year 2026 will be a great year for us and I can't believe that it's it feels like 2025 is already knocking on the door and it honestly feels like we just got started with 2024 I I can't believe it uh litigation to test the legs of that Chevron decision for sure it could it very very well could there's been there's a lot of like um a lot of people that believe different things but the chevron case just to to bring everybody up to speed the chevron case was a case um that was I think from the 1960s or 70s uh that was overturned recently by the Supreme Court basically having to do with um with government agencies being able to interpret and then enforce vague law and basically what what the overturning of that said is that that federal agencies don't have that don't have that luxury right and so some of those those um it all stemmed from some fishermen who didn't have according to a federal agency the proper um technology on their boat to be fishing and uh they took it all the way to the Supreme Court and won and so so now that leaves sort of open but there are some that contend some of the legal folks who have waited on this contend that that the law is written in such a way that the FDA does indeed have full authority to determine shortages and to Define them but uh we'll see we'll see what happens with that chevron case um any other questions that I can take before we go there's 100 people in here if you could hit the thumbs up button that would really help me out uh and also hit the Subscribe button if you're new uh C Karen's looking forward to ratri tide or ratr Tide she's wondering if it will help someone like me who loses very slowly I think it's likely to help people who are less responsive to the current treatments because it adds that glucagon component which really seems to rev up people's metabolism and uh so it acts we talked about on on the episode of on the pen live a few weeks ago with Dr Beverly changen a renowned obesity expert uh she talked about how all the treatments right now are more uh Central based they act in your brain uh to to reduce uh or to to basically reduce the intake of calories where ratri tide actually revs up your metabolism and acts more uh uh on your peripheral weight loss so it actually helps energy expenditure so you're hitting it from two angles you're reducing your intake but you're also ex expending more energy and that's what the beauty of ratri tide is ratri tide or R rut tride ratu tide uh will be on the market probably sometime in 2027 as the final um the final trials don't wrap up until late 2026 so that that would be 202 seven so well thank you all for being here on this uh impromptu live uh again everything that was shared on this live is speculation please take it as such just trying to give you some insight into what I'm hearing into what we're trying to validate of course as soon as we have uh real solid answers on this stuff we'll bring them to you but that's what we're working on it on the pen if you enjoy what we work on here hit the Thumbs Up Button hit the Subscribe button and share this video uh somewhere where people talk about these types of medications I do want to uh address Justin's question on sleep apnea approval that will be submitted uh soon to the FDA and they are expecting approval late or early late 2024 or early 2025 which would be a backdoor indication uh for people hopefully get it will be the it will be the first medication uh that will be out there for uh for sleep apnea and I believe it's gotten they're going to get a special designation from the FDA because of that so that'll be a great option for many people especially if you're on Medicare and you have sleep apnea that might be your back door way into getting a prescription for Zep bound Big Daddy's down 100 pounds 20 more to go congratulations on all the progress it's good to have you here a lot of lot of uh great uh people who have who have been here for a long time in this live stream today and many people who are brand new so thank you all for being here thank you for being the best part of what we do at on the pen uh make sure you go back and check out last night's episode of on the pen live it was a good one thank you all for those who are there thank you for those who leave comments and likes and thank you that's the best uh that's the best form of advocacy E I should say the easiest form of advocacy that you can do is share share good information uh hit the thumbs up button it's easy things to do thank you all for being here we'll catch you

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