Takeaways from the Connor Stalions Michigan sign-stealing documentary | College GameDay Podcast

College Gameday heads to College Station [Applause] [Music] hey everybody welcome into the college game day podcast for Wednesday August 28th I am Ryan McGee and I am doing the show if you ever listen watch Marty McGee you know sometimes I do the show from the Dodge Ram truck Studios that's not sponsored by Dodge Ram I'm actually sitting in my Dodge Ram at the beach before I jet to Gainesville for the weekend authentic as the kids say authentic no no it's it's for real Pete you know well I said this about you guys in Dublin you know my favorite part of travel is is that you think to yourself you know it's not actually like that right like it's all got to be caricatures and you know it's all stereotypes no I was in Paris in May and our tour God said oo la la twice and you you got that's the greenest field I've ever seen in my life and it rained Torrance it's just it was Ireland so yes truth is truth man speaking of Truth hey you doing you ready to go to uh listen College Station is a phenomenal place to to watch a football game and it is a show P home of the 12 man College Station [Applause] Texas looks like we are set for some football I can't wait [Applause] [Music] I'm fired up uh it is a tremendous place when you get there getting there is yeah is non nonlinear I will actually have gotten to Dublin and back faster than I can get to College Station in back that is not an exaggeration I live in Boston we were five minutes five hours and five minutes up and down on olair lingis um so I'm going to go to Austin and uh and scoot over on Thursday but no really looking really looking forward to it there's nothing there's nothing better Bring on the opening weekend of college football in sports to me than the opening weekend of college football especially now when the rosters are just putting blenders and you have no idea what to expect uh and the one takeaway one of the takeaways from the Georgia Tech upset of Florida State on Saturday was that we have no idea what's going to happen like it's just a reminder we spend eight months and predictions and assumptions get codified into like reality and then they just all blow up on one you know magical long weekend here and we get it what Thursday night going to Monday so so um we just we just have a a buffet of uh surprises and a buffet of unknowns and breakouts and new guys and just it's going to be uh it's going to be a great a great run and uh we are expecting a uh large crowd in College Station for for the show well I don't know if you know this but everything comes bigger in Texas that's what they reminds you yeah and it's and it's the truth that when you drive around certainly when you drive around cyfield yeah it's I love you're right I love the unpredictability of it and and it's always always been that way but it's now that with a nitrous oxide bottle right now it's just completely out of control and so you know I'm down at the beach squeezing in one last trip with my wife before four football and on the road you know for the next you know four months five months and I've got all the preview magazines right got them all got steel got Athlon Lindy's I got I got stuff you never heard of that they sell at gas stations down here in the Southeast and as soon as the Florida State game was that loss was posted I was like I could throw half these magazines in the shredder right now like we already have no idea what's going on and it is it is super like you say the beauty of week one is when it's over when we get to Monday we get to Tuesday and the overreaction even with the expanded cball playoff doesn't matter like if you lost oh my God what the hell are we doing we don't know what we're doing coaches an idiot if you've won I mean it's Georgia Tech and Florida State right suddenly Georgia Tech thinks to win the national championship and Florida State you know the sky's falling and and even with an expanded playoff even with a safety net um I don't think that's going to go anywhere anytime soon What everyone is talking about yeah all right so you mentioned uh the main topic of the day it's the main topic of the week um and uh it is the Connor stallions documentary that everyone's talkinging about that dropped on Netflix and uh at an interesting time the week leading into uh you know uh Michigan's opener uh and uh it is um first of all congratulations about 34 minutes in was your you made your was you standing there doing a stand up I was like there's no way they can do this and not include at least some Pete because this was your life in the fall of 2023 I thought about you a lot when I was watching it not just because um of of the fact that you were in it but the fact that you really did live it I mean dayto day for a long time for months and what was your what was your takeaway uh when you watched the the story in front of you that we all know um but maybe learned a little something extra yeah I uh I mean look the way I would say it from the macro and I'd be curious you um you know as someone who probably wasn't as directly tied to the story how you just enjoyed it like for the common listener who's you know an Alabama fan or a Washington fan or an Oklahoma fan or whatever I I don't know like how riveting it will be because I don't think there was anything that particularly revelatory if you are a Michigan fan what was that terrible Jimmy Fallon movie about the Red Sox do you remember that movie yeah well Drew bar Mo um yes yeah anyway that movie was generally not very good but I liked it because I'm a Red Sox fan right I live in Boston so I was like oh yeah Dave Roberts woohoo you know like like like so if you like Michigan you are going to like this Netflix documentary like that is it is it is red meat go Blue celebratory um there um you know the the reveal and the gist and what has been reported he's been paid to do um was you know the first the first time we hear from Conor stallions and I was generally underwhelmed by that um I I found him to be disingenuous untruthful and really maybe unself-aware Ryan like that was that was sort of that like the you know the only people who believe that he didn't run an illegal scouting were his parents who he Trot it out there to like back him up and that just like the whole thing was just like a little bit unseemly once you got into the the details like there's the entertainment portion of this and then there's like the the factbase portion of this the entertainment portion of it is fine and it's like well done it was maybe little little over dramatic I don't know if we needed to see him in like graffiti line city streets and in like creative directing on like the rear view mirror of the car right yeah but um yeah so I I just thought like there a little bit of like you you bring us to this thing don't pee on our head and tell us it's raining right like don't and you know the the the bar stool guy comes in and basically calls him out on one LIE there's there's sort of contrasting facts all over the place so if you're going to present your side of it like I just thought some of it was presented disingenuously yeah and the title of the of the documentary was looking for it is Untold sign stealer and I'll say this full disclosure the director Michael Brown uh is a friend of mine I I work with Mah I work with Micah uh on some E60 projects he's done 30 for 30s uh probably shouldn't have just insulted no no no no no what you said was very fair that's where I was going I wanted to qualify what I'm about to say and Michael has been making the media rounds he's a great guy the last time I saw michah was um he he also oversees the uh the Dion Sanders reality show that that ran on Amazon and so bar talented filmmaker and well was interesting I mentioned my wife when I watch these things I like to watch them with my wife Erica who knows about these things from the periphery just because I talk about all the time sure but doesn't doesn't know all the X's and O's literally and so it's interesting to watch her watch a 30 for 30 or watch her watch a feature I've been working on or watch her you know watch something and watching her watch this what what they did do was explain exactly what the violations were like what the rules were they did the checklist yeah and and then the interesting part to me and this is part of that lack of self-awareness you're talking about is that Conor styan when he's explaining to us what how he did what he did and him standing in front of a whiteboard and just imitating any hand signal he could possibly think of and this crazy spreadsheet he did in 2010 I think it was of every player that was signed somewhere and every player that was drafted and where they were from you know it's what my wife said watching it's like watching these Christmas light competition shows we watch and you're impressed with the organization of these people to a point and then you start thinking oh this person's crazy and and the lack of self-awareness where Connor San is telling us everyone's doing this everyone's done this I'm not doing anything anyone else is doing but let me show you how I'm doing it differently than everyone else that right and and I could have used just a little bit of remorse like you know you have one Michigan player that was in the documentary and there was one sentence where he said it was frustrating because it felt like this all overshadow what we were doing on the field and if you really love Michigan as much as Conor stag says he does and his parents did and they showed all the great home videos and all that stuff but if you really love being a Michigan man the way you say you do and I'm sorry it would be nice you know like like a real I'm sorry and there was a little bit of one in there but just a little some remorse the fact that this is still going on and and is not going anywhere anytime soon and I think this has been an overarching issue with Michigan in this whole thing which is it becomes us against the world which is fine but there has to be some sort of remorse like you know what probably shouldn't have done this and and we're gonna fix it or you know you know what I'm saying like I got like I'm sorry to the Mich players for over shatting what they were doing I mean just some sort of remorse and that's not how it ended at all it ended with him you know really joking yeah I remember around you know mid-fall last year when this was all the fure talking to uh a Michigan Staff Source Who said to me there's part of Connor that's mortified that he's jammed up Michigan like this because he loves Michigan so much they also said there's a giant part of him that loves being associated with Michigan winning there's a vanity the word was vanity he is a guy it's not surprising he befriended that local reporter right like there's there's a vanity there that he this was sort of his like forever capsule of I was tied to the winning not I was tied to the bad stuff not I got my buddy Jake cner suspended at so at Central Michigan not I almost cost the whole Enterprise by having Jim Harbaugh suspended but this was the the you know the the vanity play of Look At Me look at me um you know the same way he you know left the trail uh of the buying tickets shoot I remember being in a hotel room when we broke the story with his name on it looking at his Instagram and I was like is this real life it's like a picture of him standing next to Don Brown picture of you know with Chris part like I was like there's just there was that's again like the lack of self-awareness part of it right like there's also a little bit Michigan sign-stealing documentary of okay you had this intricate system and but don't tell me that you were you think you're smarter than everyone and red signals better than everyone when there's a notice of allegations that says you illegally scouted 50-some games right like that's if you have that information you are going to be ahead of it so like it's there's a intellectual disassociation with I'm so good at this here's my system when you don't acknowledge what was the the root of your system that anyone in football would tell tell you gives you the advantage so there was just like selective facts and selective gotify that were just you know my eyes rolled a bunch of times in it uh I thought Stuart Mandell had a good call on the athletic he was just like somehow Conor St tried to make himself about to be a victim in this you know Trot his parents out and his and his buddy from the military so they feel you know so they feel bad and uh you know some people kind of feel feel bad for him and it's like no like this it pretty pretty straightforward you ran an IL legal cheating scheme you got caught you put a100 million Enterprise in Jeopardy it worked out for them which is great and celebrated but yeah was just a there could have been more self-awareness in in in him and in him putting it together like going to the games like that takes that there's nothing smart about that like going to the game with a face mask on and that was one of the big reveals is he saw the linebacker Barrett on the field and everything but that that just shows to me how desperate he wanted to be tied to it and involved with it yep I to I took a picture of him uh during the postgame celebration I was standing on the field in Houston and I turned and you know all our smartphones they don't they don't have the greatest zoom lenses on them and I zoomed in as much as I could and I took a picture that I I could have sworn was him in a Luxury Box you know and and I I tweeted it at that point no one cared because Nation championship's over and at that point the fatigue had set in with the actual case but yeah I saw I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through it because there he was wearing that 1997 Michigan Champions t-shirt that I saw him wearing that night and I watched him that night the celebration was happening on the far half of the field I just stood there and watched him and he was acting he was I and you see it in the film I mean and I Michael's right behind him this was the first night that he actually shot anything and and he changed seats during the game you know he went from I bought a ticket and I'm sitting and understands to he ended the game in the damn Luxury Box and if you watch the film he goes back and forth and to me that's kind of that's kind of sums it up and I listen I can hear the Michigan people right now um I understand you you think we're all out to get you but the reality is it is what it is and you can't walk us through all of this stuff and say this is what everyone else is doing but what I was doing was this and what I was doing was better but just a lack of remorse I that that that that was the part of it and trying to frame yourself up as the victim yeah when you know I don't think anybody feels feels sorry for Jim Harbaugh in this thing but he's the one who was suspended and he's the one that had to answer questions every day and we were all the players had to answer the questions at the Rose Bowl media day and Big 10 Championship media day and everything they did even that post game I'm talking about in Houston they're all being asked questions about Conor stains and Steen signs and to not just say I'm so sorry you know we'll see where this goes um but I'm so sorry that y'all had to deal with this I just that that part of it I was I was surprised there wasn't at least 1% of that do you think 20 years from now when people think back to J.J. McCarthy & Blake Corum vs. Connor Stalions this Michigan title they think more of Blake Korum and JJ McCarthy or Conor stallion you know I call it the Barry Switzer rule right when when Barry Switzer was winning in Oklahoma and we're all here in the stories about gun shootouts in the dorm and you know and everybody's drunk all the time and steroid and oh my God everything's going to hell in a hand basket Jimmy Johnson in Miami right it was you know oh my God is ruin but as the years go on the youu becomes cool and you know the Sooners become oh those the good old days and so what you remember the games and so I think as time goes on we will remember it those of us who live and again going back to my wife she's like really out outside of y'all's bubble this isn't that big of a deal I go no it's not I wrote I wrote that in a column last fall when I said Michigan should embrace this Darth Vader role you know because in the grand scheme of things no one went to prison you no no one was injured you know no one stole any money none of that and and but but but in our bubble yeah we will remember it but but I chance your question I think through the rearview mirror of time no it'll be unless they take the ring away right yeah if only because it was so intertwined with their season right right because of the suspension because of that it was basically their season he loomed over it now it was a bril it was a brilliant team um you know there's no denying that they had a defiant identity great players great quarterback great tailb I mean they were they were an excellent excellent college football team who you know showed those final games through um with this whole sworl over them that they can go win on the field but uh it almost feels like a little too quick for this does that make sense Ryan yeah no 100% it's way too quick the the investigation still ongoing yeah you know they're they're about to kick off how about seeing the infractions meeting yeah oh yeah right yeah and and uh and there was some laughter right when the attorney came back with W I think the you know this is what the real thing is and it was literally laughter out of Indianapolis like we're not dealing with that you know we're dealing with this we'll deal with that later and uh but yeah it's definitely against NCA confidentiality rules now I think the one thing that's pretty certain after seeing the notice uh draft is that Conor s is going to get hammered in this and again it's like Jim Harbaugh getting hammered uh for the for the lying in their misleading investigators in the in the illegal recruiting case doesn't matter right it's whatever the joke Tom Mars had it be like uh you know having to uh having to serve detention me having to serve detention at Cathedral High School like it doesn't do a whole doesn't do a whole lot right now well just but but there but there is also an impact and who knows what the incent will be going forward you know who know you know lers as you know have a very good record versus NCAA I'm sitting in the state of North Carolina which to me is the case that really kind of hinged a lot of that right AG everyone every everyone's like all right we'll just bog them down in court until until they can't handle it anymore but that being said if we're talking about a regular run-of-the-mill NCAA investigation the rule was always and and still as long as NCAA is there don't let them on campus Because if you do they're going don't give them an excuse to come to campus because they're going to find something yes and the other part is be nice yeah you better cooperate you know it's the Tennessee rule right how did Tennessee Come Away sort of okay after the Jeremy puit McDonald's bag mess right well they they they were very nice and they were they were we sorry we had no idea and Michigan's not hasn't done any of that certainly the key players haven't and that's why I'm glad Jim Harbaugh's not g to be there um because as soon as that was announced going to go the game on Saturday to be honored and as soon as that was initially announced I'm like this is the big stumming of the nose dropping this documentary the week leading into week one of you defending a national championship to me it's disrespectful it's it's the it's the complete yeah and it is the anti- apology and so it's just I'm gonna financially Leverage The Ember Embers of my alleged Fame while I'm hot right now yeah and do it and do it now 10 year five years from now you know nobody's nobody's going to uh nobody's going to care I'm very curious how much they paid him you know like yeah because I mean he had to sit through some you can just see him smirking right like that was you know when when he had to answer like the straight questions and then the I thought it was funny when the guy from bar stool dimes him out on the central Michigan thing to go against the uh you know we all know it was him on the sideline there would I don't I don't I don't think it that and to me that moment sums it up him holding the picture looking at the picture of himself I don't think looks like me and smirks and it's like yeah just just just I anyhow it just but the payment officially he was not paid to make the film um but he was compensated for the footage that he provided and what that reminded me of was uh when I was a student at University of Tennessee man years ago worked on the Johnny major show and the University of Tennessee made a really big deal out of the fact that that Johnny Major's his salary was only like $150,000 yeah well he got paid I think 500,000 to host the Johnny major show right yeah so so the money the money is going to get there one way or the other but but it's uh it just was if he didn't get a lot of money he's really not very bright right because he you know he was a central figure in American pop culture for that long and this Aura of mystery I it would be stunning if there was no real real money to changed hands again you can you could cast it how you want the vehicle of payment like you said but um there is H you know clearly I don't think he would have himself out for that if uh if there wasn't anything and look like this might be his last chance to cash in now again guy's military background he's high school coach now I don't think the highest levels of football are really going to be uh a part of him because you talk about like distraction you know if you hire him like and what that and what that brings and I would think that the NCA especially because he just thumbed their noses to them by you know breaking the confidentiality rules in this um I don't think they're going to let him Coach college football at least F level for for a very long time that just that is again I'm predicting the committee on infractions which is a Star Wars bar room of people from very backgrounds and stuff so yeah I'm using your I'm using your ver appreciate that reference yeah I appreciate you taking us to the canteen no but but but but that part of it is just um uh it it felt like someone like you said trying to extend you know what they have rolling right and it felt like someone presenting their resume I I do all these things you know maybe I could help your group too and you know the NFL doesn't care if somebody wants to hire him they will but yeah um it just was I could have used just a little bit of you know I'm sorry and instead every time I felt like I was gonna get that um I got a smirk and I don't I don't think that plays very talking about living in bubbles that plays very well in the Michigan bubble sure um but outside of the Michigan bubble and I maybe he just didn't care about that I don't I think it the reaction has been pretty strong so as it has been uh as has been with him all along as you know sting sit in hotel rooms siting through Instagram accounts yeah no there's uh it is it is definitely a memorable story uh our friend Dan wsel from Yahoo's featured in there uh his great line was he calls him content stallions yes because it is undeniable the amount of content Conor stallion has yielded that was uh when he said that I was like I look at my wife and I go that is the most that guy line that you're ever going to hear so which which is which is why we love so but yeah it's but you know it's worth to watch if you're college football fan and if you want to do something before game start um or you want something middle of the week when there aren't any games going on but but it's um but but but the most people I've talked to have this opinion that includes some Michigan folks so we will uh we'll see going forward all you getting fired up man when do you leave to go to uh College Station so I'm gonna leave uh first What to expect from GameDay at College Station thing Thursday jumping through Austin and then uh and then hauling over I mean I can't wait man I'm uh I am uh I am fired up up uh we've got some uh we've got some fun elements in the uh in the show I can't give too much away but we're going to uh we're going to be in our bag on uh on Saturday morning we got some really uh some really fun stuff I spent some time with Riley Leonard uh a couple weeks ago in South Ben we got a feature on uh on him he's obviously one of the central figures in uh in in that game and there's uh yeah there's some there's some really uh really cool stuff and it I don't know if there is a more quintessentially Collegiate environment than A&M right you got the you got The Swinging Press Box you've got you know what Mike Leech would call the pirate stuff you know they have all these quirky littlea everyone has their quirky Traditions but they seem more overt at uh at A&M so there's so many there's so e e King Gil the statue of him stand who never played by the way when you know that the statue changes like it goes from I thought I I grew up thinking E King Gill the 12th man ran in and won cottonball yeah the reality is he just stood there and held his helmet which is a great story and then then there's the Rev cemetery and all the lady are buried in the cemetery right outside the stadium and it is all their headstones are slanted toward the St toward Kyle Field so they can watch the game and then Pete when they when they encl hard dude when they enclosed the stadium people complain Well the lady Reves the the the pass on lady re they can't watch the games so they installed No Lie an electronic scoreboard which sits on this little burm with all these headstones for all these little dogs right outside cyle field so I if you think that's cute go check it out if you think it's very pet cemetery go check it out too but it's certainly unique to College Station Texas amen the thing by the way we'll be going to Gainesville for Marty McGee Nation we we're GNA have uh Billy Napier is going to join us on Marty McGee probably about 9 quarterback former fman quarterback uh Billy napy I always introduce him as the third greatest firman quarterback ever and always makes him mad but Frankie de won a national championship and uh and Bobby lamb set records so all so but Billy Billy's the man and I love Billy I want Billy to succeed um it's gonna be tough but there's a lot of reasons to love Billy but Billy's a good human yeah first and foremost cuts his own hair which you can tell just looking at him he's said why would I waste time going to get a haircut literally just cou his own hair with the Clippers like in the efficiency yeah yeah most of these facilities have like barber shop by the way I bet he could take 10 minutes to walk downstairs and you know yeah you would think so I I have a quick question for you before we wrap this up I have a column a piece that'll drop on on uh on espn.com second half of the week and I asked the question who is the face of college football now that Nick Sav is gone and and I I kind of go through some coaches and I ask I asked abos Sweeny I asked Kirby Smart I asked Dan Lanning asked a lot and then also players um you know shador Sanders name kept coming up um you know uh Greg sanki commissioner of the sec's name kept coming up um the kid at Miami who's in his ninth year of col Jam McCormick his name came up just because he's the face of the Pand if you had to pick one not to put you on the spot but I am if you had to pick a face of college football or a potential face of college football going forward now that Nick sain is with you guys Nick in Nick savin's words it needs to be someone on in the arena so yeah I would pick Kirby Smart yeah I think uh look Dabo has obviously the the two titles right but I just feel like Kirby Smart has the most consistently best he's had the best and most consistent production in the last five years so um and like he's a D in the will college guy right like that's just who he is he's D in the will Georgia guy he's done an unbelievable job pushing that program forward and building it to where it is um so yeah just think if I had to pick one I'd go with Kirby yeah I'm with you I ask uh well I kind of land on the potential of Dan Landing because he's good man well Kirby said Kirby said I don't want that job that's Nick's job and then dbo was like well I'm kind of backing up a little bit from from making the big broad statements but they all agreed they want to help but and Greg sanki said no no no this should go to a coach but I kept landing on Landing because he hasn't won an N Championship yet but but but he certainly he's only 38 he certainly seems to be that guy going forward when I asked Dan do you want that job he was like no I think it had three explanation explanation points he said he said it should be Kirby or for entertainment purposes Lane kein and I was like I ain't thought about Lane kein so that would be interesting we're in the we're in the content business Lane kin gives us some content so the look on your face though when I said that it was like it was like you uh it Tex a they was standing in the heat on Saturday I need to know if you've heard uh from the Grammys yet for your musical debut with the college football we didn't start the fire lit the internet up how did that how did that come Ryan McGee parodies Billy Joel’s ‘We Didn’t Start The Fire’ together and are you going to be the southern Eminem uh I I I would say I'm already the southern Eminem Marty Marty and McGee I would say is Eminem right that's Southern Eminem but are two yeah so great producer at ESPN Andrew hin approached me a few weeks ago we have an idea I'm like hey man I don't know and I go you know and and I talk to my wife and my wife is actually a singer she's a performer when I met her in college at Tennessee she was a singer at Dollywood now she writes musicals and and she travels she's headed out this fall to go to go sing and so I go to her and she's like are you sure you want to do this I'm like well you know they got the auto tune and you know they tell me they're gonna put the autotune on it it' be great you know like they do with everybody they make anybody sound good there's no autot tune on there they they there's I I watch the first time I saw saw it was on television and I text the producer I go looks great great job you didn't put any autotune on oh we didn't think we needed it I'm like I don't know but yeah you should have seen Pete me in my basement which is where I do all of my Vos for for game day everything else me down there singing my face off and my wife the actual singer like what in the hell is going on down there but I appreciate it and cartoon cartoon Ryan is much more attractive than actual Ryan so I appreciate you look pretty cool as a cartoon I hope I hope if I ever have a cartoon version of me that I get the same person that was flat that was a flattering cartoon I appre well the the one that ran during the summer was a preview of the series of the of the of the season and it featured me on the beach and a guy a guy walked up to me on the beach back in July and said hey man I just saw cartoon you on the beach and he goes it looked exactly like this I'm like awesome well good because cartoon me is in way better shaped than I am college football fans are you ready DAV Sweeny Ryan Day Jim har to La shiron Mo coach to Garrett nus Conor wman Travis Hunter Kai Kroger poor Kai Kroger had to be ided yeah yeah probably for rhyming but well what what you learn how long did it take you to write that well it took so that's how you know obviously that's that's we didn't start to fire Billy Joel by the way Billy Joel people had to Greenlight this thing how about that and they actually sent like an edited version of the actual audio track whereas when I when I recorded what we call the scratch track the rehearsal that was on like just a karaoke deal like that was just a and so then then it didn't match up but yeah but the the enunciation enunciation isn't my strong suit anyway Pete that comes with that comes with the southern gig and now I got to pronounce those things at a high rate of speed and had to explain I wrote iot wrot about half of it producers wrote about half of it I had to sell them guys if there's seven syllables you can't write 14 syllables it doesn't fit like we can't if there's two syllables it can't be a seven syllable name so we didn't get an i huh no no you did not you're probably not gonna get that from me anyway but yeah we definitely we definitely did not dj you that you r a lot with you that there's there's a long centuries of American songwriting where you rhyme with you so there is a Nico in there but that's but we stop but we stopped at Nico because I wasn't going to I wasn't going to certainly was not going to sing it so yeah but yeah I appreciate you bringing it up yeah so call call the Sports enemies call the Grammys I me call them all so yeah I don't know what the animation awards are call them all Andrew helpin thank you but Hey listen have a great trip yeah enjoy satchels A must-try spot before/after a Florida Gators game? Gainesville staple good salads good pizza No One Believes there's good pizza in Gainesville they're wrong it's excellent no Friday I will be there uh re probably doesn't believe that because he thinks Pizza is only made in New Haven connetic so so yeah but I'll go there all right appreciate it man uh and we will we'll be back into of the week for our pck show uh with Stanford Steve and be my pck debut so I look forward to steering everyone's money the wrong way thanks man cheers bud this has been the college game day podcast please download the podcast wherever you prefer to get your podcast or better yet subscribe so you never miss a single episode [Music]

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Category: Sports

I i don't know we'll find out handshake deal huh come on michigan man you know he's a michigan trust brand ladies and gentlemen nfl defensive icon stepping on his microphone and his ears tangled up got the belt everything you can put that up there if you want and a coach coach r mo national champion... Read more

ESPN’s Dan Murphy on a Possible Sherrone Moore Suspension for Stalions Scandal | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
ESPN’s Dan Murphy on a Possible Sherrone Moore Suspension for Stalions Scandal | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

The co- line pieace on espn and espn.com certainly caught my eye about uh the university of michigan and the man who wrote it along with pete famill here on the rich isen show dan murphy staff writer of espn good to see you dan how are you good rich how are you i am well sir so i have lots of questions... Read more

Connor Stalions to APPEAR in Netflix Documentary August 27th | Untold: Sign-Stealer and Michigan FB thumbnail
Connor Stalions to APPEAR in Netflix Documentary August 27th | Untold: Sign-Stealer and Michigan FB

Category: Sports

We are getting a conor stallions documentary and it's soon august 27th now it's coming out on netflix it's the untold series which you know we we've seen the untold series with johnny manzel and with the urban meyer era florida teams like the orban meer florida one like they should have just called... Read more

ESPN’s Dan Murphy on the Timeline for NCAA to Levy Michigan Spying Punishment | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
ESPN’s Dan Murphy on the Timeline for NCAA to Levy Michigan Spying Punishment | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

Where do things stand right now so where do things stand right now dan so yeah we're still waiting for the final version of the notice of allegations could be different than what you got a copy of correct yeah there could be i wouldn't expect it would change materially but it could be tweaked how let... Read more

ESPN’s Dan Murphy Talks Michigan Spying Scandal Punishment with Rich Eisen | Full Interview thumbnail
ESPN’s Dan Murphy Talks Michigan Spying Scandal Punishment with Rich Eisen | Full Interview

Category: Sports

Intro the co- line pieace on espn and espn.com certainly caught my eye about uh the university of michigan and the man who wrote it along with pete famill here on the rich isen show dan murphy staff writer of espn good to see you dan how are you good rich how are you i am well sir so i have lots of... Read more

McAfee says sign stealing can be a 'WEAPON' for coaches | The Pat McAfee Show thumbnail
McAfee says sign stealing can be a 'WEAPON' for coaches | The Pat McAfee Show

Category: Sports

Let's listen to coach team mitch here defensive coordinator for the arkansas razer backs and if you do recall he's the one the freestyled in front of the team and they all said yeah coach in the middle of it had them all bought in here's what he had to say about s once again remember dog on the football... Read more

Southern Utah Thunderbird vs. Utah Utes | Full Game Highlights | ESPN College Football thumbnail
Southern Utah Thunderbird vs. Utah Utes | Full Game Highlights | ESPN College Football

Category: Sports

Today marked 606 days since cam rising was last on the field for utah it's been more than 700 days since brandt keithy has played a game for the youths these utah fans glad to see seven and 80 back on the field tonight utah won the toss they deferred to the second half so the youths will kick it away... Read more

Alabama are a playoff team NOT a championship contender?! + CFP predictions | Get Up thumbnail
Alabama are a playoff team NOT a championship contender?! + CFP predictions | Get Up

Category: Sports

Great heather den and the great paul fine bomb we've got some berries burning questions to get to as we embark on week zero and it's going to be fun heather first up who is the biggest threat to florida state in the acc barry i'm going with miami on paper they might be the most talented team in the... Read more