Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:59:26 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: will johnson
Mr President I'm so optimistic that you are going to win in Pennsylvania you're going to win the presidency for two reasons number one when I'm uh going across our great Commonwealth the thing people say they want is common sense leadership the kind of Common Sense leadership you showed when you were president but the second thing the second thing they say they want and I tell them I say listen uh I was there with Mike Kelly and Dan muser and Butler I saw you get shot I saw you come up and I saw strength when you said fight fight fight thank you Mr President we're glad to have you with us here today Ah that's he was there by the way he he had just left the stage actually that was good timing that was good timing just left the stage right I said say hello to Dave and then it began a horrible thing also with us are Bob and Sherry kka where's Bob I gotta see Bob where is he where the hell is Bob my golfing buddy Bob cap so he's a he's the son of two great golfers and they're both phenomenal people one is Brooks he's one of the best in he just won last week that is some oh look at him he's shooting me as I'm talking you you can't you can't do that you're supposed to be standing up listening to every word he's shooting it I can't believe okay so hey Brooks your father's doing a great job your family is the greatest but Brooks is one of the greatest players in the world he's got five Majors already as a Young Man five Majors that's Hall of Fame all the way right Steve and I'll tell you he gets it from somewhere he gets it from that guy cuz that guy can play we play each other but Trump can play too we play each other we have a good time right we have say hello to the family you two boys everybody okay thank you thank you both Sher thank you great guy great guy great family and two amazing PTO Rican musical Legends their Legends Justin kelus and onwell do you know who they are do you know who the hell they are come up here just fast fast fellas come on cuz I don't know if these people know who the hell you are but it's good for the Puerto Rican vote every Puerto Rican is going to vote for Trump right now we'll take hi fellas thank you Mr President for having us here for me is a real blessing to be here I'm from Puerto Rico we've we are yeah we a big part of United States we really depend on the United States since Trump Trump hasn't been around Puerto Rico's yeah it's not a secret we've been going through a lot as a country and yeah by didn't always promis promis a lot of politicians always promis through the years but all of us know the world knows everybody's experienced it the world so all my Puerto Ricans let's stay United let's vote for Trump personally spoke with him to help Puerto Rico grow seed as a country so let's stand all tall and United and we all want remember that he he wants to keep helping Latinos in the US let's do things the right way and let's keep growing let's keep growing as a family and let's make America great again God bless y [Applause] I like you I always say this you're not a puppet I love that about you yeah I really [Applause] do I saying things how they not people and that's very a lot of Latinos we stand strong next to president Trump a lot of Latinos we love you as well thank you for Shar sharing what out there that how important building back Puerto Rico is and not only Puerto Rico but let's make AER again let's [Applause] go wow that's great that's really nice great honor fellas very talented guys too uh just one final a friend of mine who's been a friend for a long time one of the most successful people in New York and Florida and all around wherever he go successful he never fails he really does it he's very extraordinary Mr Steve witkoff he's right here Steve stand up thank you thank you Steve thank you got one of the great families too one of the great great family he's got a one of his boys is looking down right now very proud of Dad right looking down yeah Brothers he's looking down saying I'm so proud of my dad but Steve is just extraordinary thank you Steve for being here appreciate it thank you from the moment we take back the White House from Camala and crooked Joe we're going to have four of the greatest years in the history of our country it's going to happen we're going to get it done F starting on day one I will seal the border and stop the migrant Invasion into our country we will carry out the largest deportation operation in American history we have no choice we will halt The Invasion and Deport the illegals she will let in the next 15 million people and if they won in four years we will have had over a 100 million people from all over the world enter our country and many of them likewise will be from prisons mental institutions gang members criminals do it she will destroy this country she's worse than Biden cuz Biden wasn't a real believer in the radical left she is that's all she knew that's what her father taught her a Marxist Professor that's what he taught her we will defeat inflation very quickly and we will make America affordable again afford to live here we will make America the dominant energy producer in the world by far I already brought it to number one we were energy independent four years ago look what happened we're energy we're going to be energy dominant very soon we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country in the world and we will use it to reduce taxes and energy costs for our people we will also start paying down debt very substantially in 20 we will cut your energy bills in half we will cut them in half and that includes heating air conditioning electricity and gasoline I will the United manufacturing superpower very quickly we're ready to do that we had the most successful country economically in the history of the world back very fast we will no longer allow foreign countries to take our jobs and steal oural in Mexico that's why the people are for me within the UA United Auto Workers but they're building massive plants they're owned by China they think they're going to make cars sell them into the United States no they're not I will put a 200% tariff on every single car and no car will be coming the United States we will make our own products and byy far less from foreign countries that we are buying right now other countries that make us pay a tax to do business with them will be charged the same tax or when they send product into the United be called the Trump reciprocal trade act so if China or any other country chares us a 100% or 200% tariff for tax we will then charge them a 100 or 200 mandate I will cut every job killing regulation of the Harris Biden ad I cut more regulations president history I gave you the tax cuts of any president in history by far and make our auto manufacturing business stronger than ever before going to bring in tremendous numbers of factories that going to all be brought in because it's going to be too expensive for people to make them outside they're going to all come back we're going to bring it we've L 72% of our Auto automobile manufacturing business over the last 30 years it's going to come back when I'm back in the white house we will pass large tax cuts for workers and no tax on tips no tax on tips so if you you're a restaurant worker a bartender a Hospitality worker a caddy a barber driver or anyone else who relies on tip income your tips will be yours you know they've given you inflation they've taken all your money away and you know she heard this and two three months later she said there will be no tax on tips how original that's why we we talk about the American dream she heard that the other day so she'll start talking soon about she's going to bring back the American she doesn't know what the American dream is I will fight for and protect your Social Security and Medicare with no cut whatsoever and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits for our seniors no more tax yesterday I made a major new announcement if I'm elected this November for the first time ever your government will pay for or require insurance companies to pay for all costs associated with IVF fertility treatment we want more babies to be born in America we want more babies we need them we need them we will cut wasteful and unnecessary spending and we will terminate the green New Deal and spend that money on roads Bridges real infrastructure and paying down debt not fake infrastructure that has caused massive inflation with no benefit whatsoever to our country I will settle the war in Ukraine and I will end the chaos in the Middle East and I will restore peace through strength very quickly we will end the weaponization of government against the American people we will protect religious liberty and we will end the war on Christmas is back remember 8 years ago said there's a war on Christmas they were afraid to say Merry Christmas and we had it won but now was how much can it take but we will stop that very quickly just don't buy anybody doesn't say Merry Christmas you don't buy and that'll be back very very quickly when I return to the White House I will also stop the indoctrination of your children and protect your parents rights we're going to protect parents rights we will rebuild our cities including Washington DC making them safe clean and beautiful again in Washington DC you leave the Commonwealth you want to go see the Washington Monument and you end up getting stabbed you look at dirty roads with bad barricades with graffiti all over the marble it's going to be cleaned up real fast we're going to take it over we're going to run it properly and we're going to have tough law enforcement people aren't going to to be shot in Washington DC anymore and we will keep the US dollar as the world's Reserve currency it's fading we're not going to let that that would be like losing a World War you can't let that happen then we would be a third world nation this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Camala and crooked Joe we will unleash safety prosperity and peace for Americans of every race religion color and Creed together we will deliver low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car and a home we will stop The Invasion end migrant crime support our police strengthen our military build a missile defense Shield all around our country other countries have it why shouldn't we we're going to all make it right here in Pennsylvania and other places going to make a lot of it right here in Pennsylvania from what I hear but Israel has it it worked 300 rocket shot 299 got shot down one got pretty seriously hit but if you think about it it's amazing technology you know Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago but the technology wasn't there but now the technology is there we're going to have it built we're going to have that Dome built right over us we're going to have a beautiful safe country one way or the other we're going to keep it safe we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our schools and we're going to keep men out of women sports we will defend the Second Amendment restore free speech and we will will secure our elections everyone will prosper every family will Thrive and every day will be filled with joy and opport defeat Camala Harris a Marxist and we must stop her country destroying liberal agenda once and for all we have to stop it and I think a lot of things are happening look people are seeing who she is all you had to do is watch yesterday give me a break that's not the Pres president that's not a president that's not a president and we can't let that person destroy our country so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get the hell out to vote okay Front Row Joe right because we want a landslide that is too big to rig too big toq too big to R and go to swamp theot swamp theote on November 5th we will save our economy we will rescue our middle class we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders we will put America First and we will take back our country together we will make America powerful again we will make America America wealthy again we will make America strong again we will make America proud again we will make America safe again we will make America free again and we will make America great again thank you very much Pennsylvania God bless you God bless you thank you thank you all right everyone there it is our great president Donald J Trump Sean thank you so much for joining me hey well good to be here um it thanks that we had a a choppy feed but we all get the point and we're excited to see uh what happens with uh Pennsylvania I think Donald Trump's Tech guy tomorrow is on The Chopping Block if I were him he's out they have a live view I mean you know they should be able to figure it out right listen if Newsmax can do it if rsbn can do it if Fox can do it he should do it but it's okay you know what usually he's their their their feed is good and I know it's not Trump himself that caused the problem it's it's probably some sort of internet thing you know maybe they need Elon starlink I have no idea they're probably deal maybe they were dealing with dialup we said it was a gerbal uh running on a wheel to keep it going so the Geral gets tired right you know you can't run forever hard let's make sure we keep the deral away from the Liberals that might end up with monkey pox I'm just saying yeah you know you never know where they put those JBL right sometimes you know we'll ask Pete Buddha judge he might know a thing or [Laughter] two oh wow so I you you make it you okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm good I'm good I forget you uh you have me dying every time I'm watching your videos so let me let me ask you a question really quick cuz this is been one of the things that's been like a pet PE of mine and you have CA Harris she's completely Indian she was running as an Indian in 2019 2020 and she's never said anything otherwise except for when she went on The Breakfast Club of course you know like it reminded me when Hillary Clinton went on to The Breakfast Club and she had hot sauce in her purse so of course she goes on there and she says she smok weed and then doing while she's on The Breakfast Club only while she's on The Breakfast Club then she's black right so can I want you to do a fa do me a favor here because last night when when she was on with Dana Bash she asked Camala here a question are you black can I get you to ask me if I'm black and we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna play that out we're gonna play that this is how it should have gone all right so we're gonna role play here so I'm gonna say Mr will Johnson are you black uh yeah I absolutely am my parents have you been black your whole life I've been black whole yeah you know my parents are mixed somewhere down the line of course but yes I am considered black in in America well that was easy that seemed to be pretty easy right you know are you black yes I'm black you know you mentioned that KLA haris ran is an Indian and that's pretty funny because one of her counterparts you know especially in the 2020 debate uh 20120 uh Democrat presidential cycle Elizabeth Warren also ran as an Indian but she's not actually Indian so you know I don't know what it is about the Democrats and lying about not just about their race they lie about everything the governor of Maryland Wes Moore just got caught saying he never received the bronze star uh Pocahontas you know Elizabeth Warren says that she's Native American that's not true kamla Harris has been Indian and black but she's never been both at the same time so we don't know what's going on there and here's my thing right and here's what I just want okay I don't this is this is the the the complete and total truth I don't care what race will Johnson is Sean fish is Jeremy Herold is Elizabeth Warren or kamla Harris or Donald Trump how are your policies going to make my life better and or Worse that's all I care about right and I think that's all we should be looking at I mean Martin Luther King said content of character right so that's all that matters are you a good person who are who is is going to do good things if that's the if if that's who you are I don't care what you look like I don't care if you have seven arms I don't care if you're black if you're white if you're from another planet are you a good individual who are going to do who's going to do good things for our country if the answer to that question is yes and you can prove that and I believe you you know I believe you're being trustworthy that's all we need I don't care about race and it's not Republicans that bring race it's not us that brings race into the equation thank every single time it's them thank you that's that is exactly it it's always the left if we if we could get rid of the demon crats we wouldn't have racial problems in this country I'm pretty sure we would find something else to complain about but it wouldn't be that if we didn't have demon crft we wouldn't have gun violence the way we have it in the country right it's always a Democrats and I the only reason why they introduce race into everything is because they they've used it to control they used it to control to get in the emotions of black people because they know black people are highly emotional I mean because if they weren't they wouldn't go out and Riot and stuff simply because a police officer takes down a a thug I mean a criminal they wouldn't Riot but that's what they do we see it all the time so let me ask you this so CA Harris last night in her interview with Dana Bash she made the statement that she didn't know Joe Biden was going to step down she was just cooking she was just cooking you know was a Sunday afternoon she's not doing anything she's not paying attention she's oh the kids want more bacon I mean come on come on I mean is it just me or like it's all production it's so staged yeah well I I don't trust anything that comes out of her mouth now whether whether or not she knew he was going to step down or not um I'm not I I don't really care about that much to you know I do care about it because we need to know what's going on behind the scenes but the the point is she knew what condition he was in that's the point whether he stepping down or not is to me not something that that I'm going to focus on not that we shouldn't talk about it because it is still important but I think the bigger picture and the bigger story right is that for the last three and a half years because remember I mean we all knew will that Joe Biden was a mess we watched him in 2019 we watched him in 2020 getting into the into the presidential uh you know election into the campaign into the primary cycle of Democrat Party talking about hairy legs and corn pop and all sorts of crazy stuff that you know you're a lying dogf face Pony so all of that right challenging people to push up contest you a black you ain't black you ain't black yeah that was a good one yeah remember remember again again he's not a republican he's not magga he's the guy who brought race into the equation and that was actually on The Breakfast Club wasn't it that was on The Breakfast Club uh show he told charag the God and all of his listeners if you don't vote for Joe Biden then you're not black so here we go so will Johnson just answered my question before when I asked him if he was black and will Johnson said yes he's been black his whole life but I don't think will Johnson voted for Joe Biden so now we are at what we call a Crossroads so we have like will is like at the fork in the road and it's if he goes right he votes for Trump and is not black even though he is black and if he goes left then he V votes for Biden and he's definitely black just because Biden says again it's the left and they play these race games but you know what's crazy about it is I think the biggest story is that and and I was saying this ever since June 27th and this is the this is the the overarching thing right so again we all knew Joe Biden was in trouble we all knew cognitively he was a mess we've been watching this for the last three and a half years but the overwhelming amount of Maj uh the overwhelming majority of Americans who are not as dialed in as we are politically they didn't find out and this this kind of sounds condescending but it's I don't mean it to be it's kind of almost funny they didn't America didn't find out that Joe Biden was old until June 27th like we knew but they the rest of them didn't know because they weren't watching you know they got Sports they got kids going to school you know and then all of a sudden the debate and they're like holy cow Joe Biden's old like this is crazy but we knew it like we heard about what happened potentially at the Vatican in front of the Pope we saw him getting lost in Italy where the Prime Minister had to like bring him back we saw Barack Obama tug him off the stage you know we seen Jill Biden had to guide him yeah Jill Biden we saw him in 2022 asking where Jackie wski was after she passed away like she's you know oh I didn't think she was G to be here oh you didn't think so you know maybe because she passed away you know so before June 27th again we all knew because the cons the the quote unquote conspiracy theorists years ahead of the news cycle right where Snopes finally came out and said oh yeah the very fine people hoax was a hoax we're like well we've known that for seven years where have you been so like Joe Biden we've known Joe Biden was a mess for a while but the rest of America didn't but the fact of the matter is kamla Harris knew because if we knew she knew she's been in the white house with him for the last three and a half years right so that's the that's the story in my opinion the story is that she presided over the largest and most con quential cover up in American political or American presidential history yeah the fact that she did not let anybody know in this country that her boss her direct Superior the president of the United States was suffering from a cognitive impairment and a Severe one that was getting worse and worse by the day yes and that's that that's where she could tell us oh I didn't know he was going to step down which I don't believe cuz she lies about everything all the way down to her employment at McDonald's but you know and that's that's a story in of itself but she knew he was beyond damaged goods for the last three and a half years yeah would you say it's because of TDS I mean because think about it they the media knew that something was wrong with Joe Biden she knew something was wrong with Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi knew something was wrong with Joe Biden you and I we all knew something was wrong with Joe Biden we knew something was wrong with Joe Biden in 2019 it was no secret then that something was wrong with him we were all talking about it because I believe because of TDS they're willing to look past all of that and just like right now with CA Harris they know something's wrong with her they know something's wrong with her but because of TDS they're willing to look past it because of their their their TDS they're affected with TDS so bad they're willing to look past Camila Harris with her issues and president Trump is right about her she's Dumber in a bag of rocks I mean she's not a smart woman she's really not she can't even she can't do you and I are having a conversation I didn't send you any questions you didn't know what I was going to ask you of course we're going to talk about them but we're talking off the cuff here we're having a conversation but she can't do what you and I are doing what is that no she can't oh she's not she's not smart she's but she's not smart and you know this is this is a good point that you bring up that she she can't be a normal person so she has to fake it right so what are we seeing we're seeing her you know talk to a group of high schoolers about teamwork this is a band by the way I was in my high school band I never had a pep talk like that from any guest speakers like oh we could be a team and do this great stuff you know uh we she she has to lie about her work history to seem relatable I worked at McDonald's I did the French fries I made the ice cream Qui really quick cuz you know you put a comment out there about her and the McDonald's and then my producer went and looked at snoops have you looked at snoops Shannon because she went to looked at snoops right afterwards and you know what snoops said they're investigating it they didn't you know cuz most of the time they come right out and say this is false and then they'll change it later on but I was really highly surprised that they said they're investigating but I've seen other reports about it other than yours where they're saying that McDonald's they have actually come out and said it said that she never worked for McDonald's as well well McDonald's as a corporation does it kind of two ways so there's like the corporation and then there's the individual stores which are franchises so so the corporation may not have those records but here's the crazy part so uh Paul Sperry who's been an incredibly reliable reporter as a matter of fact if we go back to uh Spygate where you know the whole uh they spite on Donald Trump in 2016 to rig the 2016 election he was all over that from the beginning he was on it you know at the very beginning with guys like Dan Bonino and Devon Nunes and Mark Levin Paul sper if we go back to 2020 when uh the China virus started breaking out he was the first person that I can remember reporting on hydroxy chloroquin uh even before anything was shut down in the United States he said there's a promising new treatment in uh in South Korea it's hydroxy chloroquin and uh and it's been proven to to work right it's been proven to be effective it's lessening fatalities it's lessening the mortality rate of the virus uh it's no surprised that after uh Paul sper started tweeting that that a few months later Adam Schiff was petitioning to have him banned off of Twitter and eventually that happened wow uh where Paul sper had to find a home on getter um and now he's back on Twitter but anyway um Paul Sperry came out and tweeted and posted today on X that uh that he reached out to the campaign they're not getting back to him uh and that many people have reached out to the Harris campaign and the Harris campaign is no longer referencing any sort of employment at McDonald's and they're not going to the they're not going to the you know they're not giving you the specific McDonald's that she worked at well you know we have an expression on on my show Brennan my wife you know she she made a little silly thing when we turned it into an inside joke you know people with nothing to hide we say hide stuff it's it's sarcastic people with nothing to hide hide nothing right so why are you hiding it if it happened you know you don't think she could produce a single pay stub or a picture or a friend or somebody who worked at that McDonald's with her in college you look at her her memoirs it's not listed anywhere I mean when I tell my story about how I learned how to do Donald Trump's voice I always go back to a job when I was selling for a thirdparty seller Direct TV that's where I learned how to do it and I could find somebody as a matter of fact I had a friend of mine who I worked with text me out of the blue um about a week and a half ago watched one of my debates with ese the Kamala and he goes hey uh we haven't talked in a while but this was really funny and you know I could get him and say do you remember when I did this in our sales office and he would say yes because it's the truth I could produce it the fact that she has to yeah the fact that she has to lie about something that she thinks will make her look normal or relatable shows you as you had mentioned she's not a normal or relatable or even a smart person did she not think people were going to dig did she not think people were going to look for that you know and she's talking about how she made the ice cream at McDonald's anybody who's been to a McDonald's knows the ice cream machine never works anyway you didn't make anything so if anything she's the reason why they're all broken exactly and and my producer just looked it up and on snoops they said the same thing that they reach out to the Harris campaign and they have not received anything back from you would think out of every organization they would reply to snoops I mean come on yeah they would not I mean those are their friends right those are the people who propped up the fine people hoax for seven years and like the fact that nobody can get a straight answer from the Harris campaign about the McDonald's thing and I get people oh it's not a big deal it's just McDonald's no no no no no I don't care if it was McDonald's or if it was Kmart or if it was Modell's that doesn't matter to me what matters to me is she is lying about something that is supposed to make her look relatable right because because why will because she's not relatable I mean it's the she can't go back to any other experience oh I lived in Canada for a while in a beautiful house and my father was a Marxist Professor I don't know many other Americans who could relate to that you know but the McDonald's thing is something that's relatable yeah really you know and she there's no reason to lie about it the same thing with Tim Walls there's no reason to lie about the things that they're lying about and it's just like you said because they want to be relatable they want people to think that they're just everyday average people we go through struggles we had to work hard to get where we are why don't even talk about it just talk about your policies but they don't have any policies to talk about either so they can't do that Sean thank you so much you know I know you you were on for an entire hour thank you so much for coming on with me I don't want to you know take up too much of your time but just really quick I got one more question for you and then you know remind everyone that your show comes on right before mine mhm the censorship because you just brought it up how you know Facebook and and Twitter and everyone was you know censoring president Trump censoring conservatives or the Russia laptop you know Hunter Biden laptop etc etc now that Mark Zuckerberg has released this letter basically apologizing for censoring president Trump and other conservatives on the fa on Facebook do you think that we're going to see any change when it comes to Facebook and even screw tube you know what that is right even screw tube do you think that we're going to see any any you know retraction or them stop doing the censorship or you think they're just going to double down and they don't care what Mark Zuckerberg says no well here's the thing if Mark Zuckerberg was sorry what's the old cliche actions speak louder than words I have a friend of mine who texted me immediately after that letter came down and goes you know this is interesting because here's Mark Zuckerberg basically saying he's sorry and wishes he'd spoken out about it but here's 14 notifications that my posts were taken down on Facebook and here's another couple of them that were taken down on Instagram and here's my reach that's been throttled etc etc and I have my own experience I've got Facebook you've got Facebook you have 100,000 followers on Facebook I mean I I see what happens to your page I I I that's that's ridiculous and same thing on on on my page on on Instagram on Facebook as well so Zuckerberg can come out and say yeah you know I wish we had been more outspoken there's a term for that it's cya that's what what he's trying to do and I think he sees the writing on the wall I think he knows that Donald Trump is going to be reelected I think a lot of people see that that writing on the wall and that's not me telling anybody who's watching to take it easy or put their feet up and Coast we got to work really hard in order to make sure that that happens but they know that it's a realistic possibility and I think that Zuckerberg is looking to try and play nice right now so that he's not on the receiving end of some really brutal punishments if Donald Trump is reelected if and when he is reelected and so you know I don't think he's sorry at all I think you know what I think he's sorry about I think he's sorry that he got caught I don't think he's sorry that he did it I think he's sorry that we found out if he if we didn't find out we wouldn't have this letter if we hadn't taken over the House of Representatives by a couple of seats we wouldn't have had this investigation into the weaponization of government we wouldn't have had this letter he wouldn't have had to say it so he's not sorry that he did it he's sorry that we know and that's a big problem because all of these people will continue to try and cover up these what do you want to call it misdeeds the censorship whatever you want to call it you know they're upset that we knew we all knew we all knew what was going on in 2020 we all knew what was going on to our accounts we all saw the trends we all saw what they were doing but we didn't have the proof we just said hey look this is what it looks like is going on and they said you're a conspiracy theorist well fast forward four years now we have the admission right we have the Twitter files we have the admission from Zuckerberg they're not upset that they did it and and that it didn't work work out they're upset that we actually got the Ironclad proof that we can say see we were right now you should trust us next time when they all start to discredit us again if Mark Zuckerberg was truly sorry he would completely erase all the censorship on his platforms but he hasn't done that no and I think you know just because he said it the people working inside of Facebook they're they had the mindset that I don't care that he apologized we're still going to censor people I remember there was a project veritos video out of a branch in a Facebook branch in Florida where this black woman down there she said every time she saw someone post a word saying America USA she automatically would remove the post or you know Throttle Down The Reach she say she had fun she said she spent her entire day searching for people that was promoting positive things about America and shutting it down and what happened to her probably nothing she probably got promoted probably went to Kam Foria and say oh we're going to put you up here it's well you still can't post the name of the Whistleblower from the first Donald Trump impeachment hoax Eric charamel right you still can't post if you post it it won't show up okay or or you'll get a strike so no you can't there's there nothing has changed over at Facebook and right he he could say he's sorry all he wants I don't believe him I was just going to say you know and I hate the self-censorship but there's 's a lot of good people that still you know post on Facebook I got family members I got friends that are on Facebook I see your post on Facebook and a lot of times I try to engage on yours because you know when we engage in each other's content that it it you know it helps out with the reach but Facebook they won't allow you to say certain words like you said and just made me think about it I don't say ca Harris on Facebook I say wicked witch and Tim Walls I say Warlock and when I refer to president Trump because even when you say president Trump's name they have an issue with it I say king of the jungle so that's how I refer to him and doing that people know exactly who I'm talking about they know exactly who I'm talking about but because the the AI that they have in place the agor rithms they're looking for Cala Harris they're looking for Tim Walls they're looking for USA they're looking for president Trump they're looking for you to say Obama you cannot say anything about JY about uh Karine jeanpierre oh my goodness she's like protected beyond belief one I did a video talking about Karine jeanpierre and man they came down on me and I didn't even say nothing bad about it I just said you know other than she you know mophead and everything else but but I say these key words just because the self-censorship and I think part of the reason why pres uh Mark Zuckerberg put out the letter is because he sees president Trump winning and he's trying to get in good graces right now with President Trump saying look I admit it I apologize you know don't come down too hard on me I want president Trump to break up Facebook I want president Trump to break up screw tube Google these tech companies need to be broken up and they need to be treated like utilities I'm so sick and tired of them block blocking your voice blocking my voice they baned Jeremy on there 100% completely remove them and Jeremy's not on there calling for violence he's only talking about what the left is doing the same thing that we do and it's just right down disgusting right down disgusting man thank you so you know yeah just the bottom line on that is you know and and you mentioned the self-censorship and and it stinks that we have to do that but in order to continue to spread the truth in enemy territory we do have to do that so you know I'm still on TI right I'm still on Tik Tok and I don't hashtag certain things you're on Tik Tok see I've been really funny on Tik Tok it's fun you know what if you go on there you may have to make 40 accounts but you can still spread the message over you know you can still spread the message over an enemy territory and my thing is if the enem is going to give me a platform then I'm going to use it to hurt the enemy right um now you know you look at the the way to break these companies up and obviously section 230 is is what protects them but it protects Publishers it protects platforms not Publishers I believe is the is the the terminology and a platform is basically uh is basically uh you know an entity that allows anyone to get out and speak and a publisher is somebody who will you know put set forth an opinion the New York Times is a publisher and Facebook you know says well we're a platform um a and in order to break these things up we have to reform section 230 so if we can get Donald Trump in and then go down ballot and I understand a lot of rhinos are going to slip through the cracks and we'll have to weed them out in the midterms but if we can get Donald Trump in we'll flip the Senate if we can expand our majority in the house we may be able to make these meaningful changes so that the internet and these social media companies if they're going to act as Publishers they are not they are not protected by section 230 if they're going to act as platforms what they must do is do what Elon Musk has been implementing and everyone has a voice as long as not breaking the law now he does have the whole freedom of speech not reach and there is still a little bit of subjectivity there with what should be demoted and what should not be but if I were to post on there you know I love Joe Biden or I love Donald Trump or I hate Joe Biden or I hate Donald Trump that's not in violation of the law so I would at least be allowed to do it my content can live there on Facebook you cannot speak the name of Eric charamel wow the impeachment hoaxer from from 2019 right so you know that then they are not operating as a fair platform even though he was telling the truth even though he was telling the truth right so it's crazy it absolutely is and you're right on X I've noticed that I can put just a simple comment on X I put a comment on it the other day and you you actually comment on it as well and last time I looked it was at what 320,000 views you know Impressions on it just from a simple comment and I don't know why I don't know why it is but if I put a video on there it doesn't really do that much if I put a picture on there sometimes it will do something but when I put a comment on there why I don't know I can put comes are the way that that platform loves convers the algorithm on X is geared to facilitate conversation yeah they want users to interact with each other again they're trying to build a global Town Square whether you agree or disagree as long as you're putting not hateful stuff right instead like people will go on there and drop four-letter words and call me all sorts of names and I'm like man like I want to write gfy back but I also don't want to lose you know favorability with the algorithm so what we do is we'll just say hey you know you seem angry and I really hope your day gets better and hit go and then leave that conversation before I say something stupid you know but no the you're you're your comments your P pictures and videos are going to do much better the algorithm's going to change but your your replies your comments the conversations on that platform that's what it's geared to and it's that's healthy that's a good thing so I'm excited about that yeah there's nothing wrong with conversation we should have conversation it shouldn't be blocked right it should be blocked conversation if you don't want to hear someone then there is that option for you as an individual that you can block that person and that's the way it should be it shouldn't be the company saying well I don't like it because I'm in the company so because I don't like it I'm going say others don't like it too I actually had someone from Facebook send me a an email once before and they told me that well because they didn't like my content any they didn't like my content no one should like your content and I'm like are you actually telling me this this was this was a couple years ago that this actually happened I mean so man you know what do me one quick favor I got to ask I got to ask cuz you you know you're very good at it and my my producer she loves it when you do it go ahead I got a surprise for you yeah she wants you to do the uh the Trump voice you know she loves it when you do it she said I love it when he does that so if you would can you treat her please her name is Shannon here we go her name is shannonn yeah producer Shannon here we go check it out ready yep we love producer Shannon she is a tremendous person I have to say that she really does a phenomenal job with Will Johnson and culture wars this is a beautiful show and uh and they're doing fantastic things 6:00 every single day eastern time of course you don't want to walk into it six o'clock another time you're not going to see beautiful will Johnson uh and Shannon but they're doing a tremendous job culture wars on LFA TV you gotta watch it you gotta watch it uh and they are doing wonderful things to Safe our beautiful country that much I can tell you oh my goodness that's great Sean thank you so much you're welcome guys I always have my trump head off to the side so I could always throw that up whenever we need to yeah that's awesome thank you thank you so much sir thank you so much hey thank you everybody make sure you watch will show every single day six o'clock Eastern Time right after ungoverned get in there and watch it he's a great guy yep absolutely all right take care thanks will all right okay everyone we're gonna take a quick break and then we come back and we got to talk about your girl Camala we'll be right back don't go anywhere don't go away it's going to be really good it's crazy she did say she was black [Music] right a voice spoke to me and said I've got something I want to show you I was so sure God had talked to me and I was stunned by what I saw a direct fulfillment of this over 2500 year old prophecy the United States will stand with Israel why haven't I ever seen this before one3 of humanity will die what do these beasts symbolize the lion the bear the leopard the combined beast from Revelation 13 represents the end time government of the Antichrist understand the end [Music] [Music] time barma hats are where style and leather come together to create exceptional headwear proudly made in the USA experien craftsmanship like never before and their 100% leather hats handcrafted in the heart of Minnesota USA their premium full grain cattle leather ensures unparalleled quality and durability for all your outdoor Ventures amazing features include 50 plus UV protection water resistant foldable design that is convenient on the go effortlessly Stow your hat in the free travel bag provided and the vintage oil wax finish that only gets better with age whether you're hiking through rugged terrain enjoying a day at the beach or simply strolling through town these hats are the ideal Choice as a UFA producer you see me 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response to it is completely crazy but let me let me let me lay it out for you I've never ever known for a black woman to be asked a question if she's black and she reacts the way camela Harris did if you ask a black woman are you black she going to she she'll act like this what you mean her head it get to spinning what you talking about she start doing all of this of course I'm black how you going to ask me such a question and then beep beep beep beep all of the language comes out there's not a black woman on on planet Earth that if you ask them are they black and they're going to go uh next question please that would never happen well listen to cala Harris here it is right here listen to Camala Harris she could have nipped this in the bud she could have nipped it but she didn't she left it open for interpretation ask you about your opponent Donald Trump um I was a little bit surprised people might be surprised to hear that you have never interacted with him met him face to face that's going to change soon but what I want to ask you about is what he said last month he suggested that you happened to turn black recently for political purposes questioning a core part of your identity yeah any same old tired Playbook next question please that's it that's it just say yes I'm black I mean it's really that simple just say yes I'm black but she did not do that there's not a black woman I'm I encourage everyone you know on social media when you see a black woman ask him are you [Laughter] black see I know how to trigger I'm telling you right now if you go on social media especially on X you know just like we were talking if you go on fascist book or you go on screw tube and you ask those question they'll probably ban you or block you but if you go on x you can ask an innocent question when you see a black woman ask them are you black they will either ignore you because they know what you're doing or they'll respond of course I'm black what kind of question is that then why couldn't then you respond back then how come CA Harris couldn't just say the same thing you just said maybe you should be VP I'm telling you that's how you do it ask them now I'm going to start asking them and if you haven't connected with me on X please do so also let me tell you about our sponsors really quick before we get out of here cuz time flew by today time flew by canala deine canala dine actually canala dine if you ever suffer from Pain and if you if you listen listen up closely to this message okay what we know about pain relief is changing forever as we age aches and pains become normal and and all of the research for effective ways to relieve pain without side effects and addiction has become the number one thing let's be frank we've all seen the whr of the opioid crisis you may even been affected personally yourself and that's where a Pioneer medical scientist comes in Clint Winters you may have seen his world-renowned health expert featured on a national media as he 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going to be beautiful gold and silver is going to go up so Now's the Time to do it cuz I decided to partner with our sponsors Colonial medals group they helped me set up a safe secure self-direct a IRA where I have access to my assets no matter what the stock market is doing or for that matter no matter what the government is doing let the team of experts at Colonial medals group help you protect your family's future we put together a special offer for the LFA family right here just click on the link in the description below or call the special 800 number and you could receive a safe and up to 10,000 free server but you got to give him a call today and of of course tell them will Johnson from LFA cental will Johnson from LFA cental and of course you got to get that t-shirt you got to get it fight fight fight fight fight fight it's such a beautiful t-shirt such a beautiful t-shirt lfat tv. us everyone it is Friday God bless you all thank you so much for tuning in stay safe out there look things are going to get real crazy it's going to get a lot crazy and the days to come but we need to depend on who our Lord Jesus Christ how many major networks will you hear say that we got to depend on our Lord Jesus Christ things going to get real crazy it really is but we know God got this God got this have a blessed weekend everyone take care [Music] [Music] imagine a world where your phone works anywhere no dead zones no drop calls that's what you get when you go to prep gear the aridium 9555 satellite phone gives you the freedom to connect from any corner of the globe plus they offer family shared plans with up to three phones why satellite phones they're secure encrypted and used by the US military ensuring that your communication is private and reliable in a time where the sale networks are increasingly vulnerable the satellite phone is a beacon of stability don't believe me ask the tens of thousands who were left without service during the AT&T outage or the heroes in 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