Government Gangsters w/ Kash Patel Live on The Big Mig Show |EP345

Published: Aug 07, 2024 Duration: 01:28:13 Category: News & Politics

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All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,. Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness If Liberty means anything at all. It means the Right to Tell People what they Do Not Want to Hear. Make America Great Again. THE BIG MIG Welcome back to The Big Mig Show. I am your host, Lance Migliaccio, with my co-host, George Balloutine Rise and grind. Doing what we do. Tip of the spear. And if liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. This is the place that you know. If you don't like the truth, you're in the wrong spot. We're going to bring you the facts or source the evidence, the truth, the receipts. I don't really care what you call it at the end of the day. We're going to give you what mainstream media doesn't. we believe it's a unity party in DC. Neither side of the aisle is safe on this show. because it is government for the people, by the people. And we are trying to, you know, get us back to the constitutional republic that we are. Of course, we always want to kill them with the truth and bury them with a smile. George Valentine, my brother from another mother. How are you, sir? I'm doing good. I'm doing good. Cash had me a little nervous. Got in last second. But we know he's a busy man. You know, I'm happy. I'm honored that he's here with us tonight. I finally got him. So it's a big yes. I said no Fridays with him because he always gets pulled away by Trump on Fridays for some reason. So there are very few people in D.C. that I feel like we can count on cash. Patel is one of them. He's proven himself over and over again. He obviously understood the understands the deep state just about better than anybody before we kick off, I want to thank our sponsors. of course, original Glory beer. We appreciate those guys. They're still doing the round of crowdfunding if you want to get involved. And of course, prepper beef, you can go to the big, obviously grass fed grass. Finished an opportunity to actually fill up your stores just in case something goes wrong. And of course, Genesis Gold the big me great opportunity. The hard assets especially with what happened in the market the last couple of days. You want to diversify. You always want to think about what is going on and then of course new big, big head over there for the best price. You'll get a 15% discount minimum. They have got all sorts of products for you to prepare. obviously we always tell you be prepared better. You know, better to be prepared than not need it, than need it and not have it. listen, I don't want to leave backstage very long because he is always slammed. And we appreciate the time he took today. George, you want to throw up the thumbnail we're going to be talking about, a topic near and dear to our hearts on this show. Government gangsters. You know, we've talked about it over and over again. It's not just the title. he's had a very successful run. Cash on exposing the truth. and let's get him in here, George. All right. Welcome to the big, big show. Cash Patel. You know, I'm going to say this. Sometimes it takes a gangster to get rid of some of these government gangsters. I'm just going to leave it there like that. Yeah. Lance and myself are here at your service now. You know, it's ugly, so I love the program. Yeah. And, man, we appreciate. I got to say this. You know, when it comes to DC, there's a lot of people I still don't trust that. Are there? You're one of the few that has always stood out to me. You, Dan Scavino, Devin Nunez, Roger Stone, Mike Flynn. He was a friend of ours. We feel like those people, anybody that's been forged in fire. And if anybody's been forged in fire, it's you. Obviously. And I want to give. A lot of people don't know this. I love the fact, your background. I just got to run through it because I want people to know, you know, you've got literally, you've got a 501 C3, the Cash Foundation, where you're doing financial assistance to active duty service members and veterans, legal defense funds and education programs. You've had more than a dozen years in government. God bless you for that. You've been a federal public defender, and I want to point that out. I love the fact that you started there with the DOJ, and then you went into, obviously you were a prosecutor, federal prosecutor, national security prosecutor. You took a senior leadership position in the Trump administration, including chief of staff, the Department of Defense, deputy director of National intelligence, deputy assistant to President Trump. You gained notoriety as a chief investigator for Congress's Russiagate investigation. hopefully the people still want to see accountability and consequences for the dirty 51 plus eight and so many others that propelled that message. then you were chairman, under then Chairman Devin Nunes, as you uncover the illegal actions of the FBI, the DOJ to spy on Trump campaign and authored the famous Nunes memo, which laid out the historic corruption of weaponized nation of law enforcement. So you get out here, you're now, government gangsters, man. But before we get to that, tell me, you know, you started out probably bright eyed and bushy tailed. Obviously, you went into government, you know, wanting to serve the country. from that point, obviously things changed. Tell me kind of that path. And when was that epiphany moment, man? Yeah, I think you're right. I went to the government like everybody else. You just sign up for the mission you serve, you do it as long as you can, and then you get out and live your life. and that's what's supposed to happen for government service, I guess. You know, my first run in with the deep state was probably a little bit when I was a federal public defender. And the way, the law was applied unequally, if you are poor versus if you were rich, and it wasn't a sexy topic, but it was something we fought hard to meet out due process for everyone. And then I saw it metastasize at DOJ when I took on the Benghazi prosecutions and met the likes of Andy McCabe and company, I would not, you know, really know full circle how horrifically they weaponized government. So later. So that was my first sort of running with it. And, you know, it just breaks your, will, and belief in the American system. And thank God we are having the brilliant leadership of Donald Trump, who's leading the charge to expose it all. Without him, none of the work we do, you know, can even reach the surface. And, you know, without him taking the arrows that he does and literally taking the bullets that he does, we wouldn't be able to show the government corruption, which is why they're so terrified. Honestly, I wish I didn't have to write a book called Government Gangsters to expose the Deep State. I wish there was no deep state. We'd all be living much better lives. And I'm sure Steve Bannon probably wishes he wasn't in prison, and he was able to tour with the release of the movie he made for me called Government Gangsters after the bestseller, which we just launched. So, you know, things like that. We do the work, but we wish we were able to do something else like, you know, have a single system of justice, free and fair elections, and not have a weaponized media and government combined forces to wipe out a political enemy. You know, the system they put in place is so sophisticated. George. I didn't mean to step on it. No no, no. Go, go. Keep going too. Well, here's the thing. It's such a sophisticated system, and the majority of the American public, I believe they don't want to know about it. They want to live their lives. They want to pay their car payments. They want to pay their mortgages. They want to go to work, and they want to spend time with their families. But I feel like we're at a turning point. I feel like the socialism and communism are, you know, really going mainstream here. This morning, I guess Elon Musk called out Kamala Harris and Walch and said that they were right out an out. Socialists, he's obviously on the forefront of trying to make sure that we don't all get at least still have an opportunity for one day, at least on one of the platforms. But the sophistication of the agencies. This is what's always amazing to me how Grafica, the CIA, the FBI, DHS, they've all gone beyond the scope of their charter and they've been, you know, pushed forward in such a way by this administration and others where they're so weaponized against the American people. You were at the DOJ as a public defender, and I you know, I studied the law as a hobby. I've got a couple of paralegal briefs, not to the level you have, but obviously when you do these investigative journalists shows, you really have to understand the law. And when you start looking at the Supremacy Clause and you look at the way the DOJ operates, it's kind of crazy. I mean, a 96 or 7% conviction rate. Any mathematician would tell you that that's impossible. But how do we, you know, how do we move that around? You started, you know, writing this book, and I'm sure you, you know, you've proved yourself to the public and everybody to be a highly ethical guy. Your reputation behind the scenes in the chat rooms is a guy that the American public can really trust. And I tell you that because those chat rooms are ruthless places, they hope they will go out. It's a pack of hyenas back there. If they don't like what somebody said. Or did they talk about it? Did you see the interview with Tulsi Gabbard? She just did an interview. I can't remember the show. And she talks about how our government is not being run by the people we think that are running it. Can you comment on that at all? Well, to me, it's just another example of the deep state. And the only mission I've ever cared about is the truth. And the only document that I've ever cared to swear under is by the Constitution. And it's single application, everybody. It's really simple. It either is applied uniformly or it isn't. And we have what we have today, and we've been a weapon of choice in the two tier system of justice. And that's just not in the courts of law and the administrative state as well. It's in the application of the government agencies and departments, and they're not run just by the titular heads. It's the top. Those purchasers that were appointed by their buddies, in the Washington, DC swamp. They're run by the big defense industrial complex machine. That's after the lobbyist industry and of course, the political machinery, because they don't care about the Republican or Democratic cycle in Washington. They care about their cycle. And if they are not anointed by their fellow class of marauders, then they won't elevate to the highest position in government, and then they will come out with the golden parachute. I mean, that's the whole point of the book. It's not that we selected just these eight people in the movie, and we focus now. Guys like Brennan and Clapper and Newland and, you know, and Fiona Hill, these people are interchangeable. We stitch together what they did from Russiagate to 51in a Letter to Insurrection narrative, to rigging elections with the application of the justice system or misapplication of it. And they'll be gone tomorrow and they don't care. Remember, half those people are Republicans. They don't. It's not. It's not a R versus D thing, you know, party uniform in public. That and that was it. It was just the truth. And putting out the truth is an ongoing battle because the people that want to blind you of the truth are the people that swore to be the attorney general, the director, the CIA and others and their friends in the mainstream media will always come to their rescue to push a disinformation campaign. As long as you get Trump, that's their end goal. The reason is it's not necessarily because it Donald Trump is Donald Trump. It's because Donald Trump is the guy that exposed their corruption. And he partially took it down in the first administration. And they know if he comes back in, he's going to take a wrecking ball to the deep state. And and they're decades long. And they are terrified of of his belief in the American people. And that's what should return the government is that belief and will in the American people. And it's going to take some serious housecleaning. But first things. A marshall. The reason. We get a bad connection with cash. There you go. A little bit of oh, you're freezing up cash. Oh, there you are. I'm sorry. No, no, you froze up for a little bit, so I have a question. So, Lindsay, you're talking about, I know in the in the book and in the movie when you're nonpartizan and then when one has approached you and want you to do the all the work and find out what's going on, your your one stipulation, I know you one stipulation was that everything is put out front in the open for everybody to know what's going on, which is commendable and honorable. So when you say when you take your oath of office, you suppose like within 30 days, supposed to sign your oath to now, like, what is it? A lot of people that that supposedly never signed their oath of office? There's an ongoing investigation by a lot of independents. They're foiling a lot of the oath of office. And of course, also the affidavit that goes along with that. The law says you're supposed to have a completed oath of office, an affidavit by the time you take office, within 30 days of taking the position of when you're elected or appointed and what they're finding is that many of them have no of office or having a defective oath of office, meaning the affidavit isn't assigned also, or it's not notarized or it's incomplete. The dates are wrong, and that seems to be a pattern. I don't know what you've heard about it. One of our, you know, comments about that is it seems to be intentional because you would think that would be a natural consequence. Right? You take the oath and then you do the affidavit and you sign the oath of office and have it on file. of course, if you want to violate the Constitution, because if you do violated as a government official, you start getting into non-business malfeasance and misfeasance, right? Misuse of government influence and government power. So it gets complicated. A lot of people think that the reason they're not signing the office is because then they're just impersonating a government official, which changes the legality of what they're up to. I'd like to hear your thoughts on that. I don't know what what you believe, but the funny part is, they're these people that are doing this behind the scenes, and there's quite a few of them. And Vander Steele is working with the crew and others of, you know, and, and, she's out there and they're, they're, it's pretty crazy the amount of government officials and judges, prosecutors and others that have never signed their oath, like, yeah, I'm not tracking that one too much or if at all. But for me, it's just an example of what citizens can do to expose more corruption in government. And the simple methodology is put the paperwork out for the American people to see, go to court and take the photos and get the paperwork and just put it out the door. And that's the momentum we have built up. After repeatedly destroying the deep States machinery and proving them to be the criminals, proving them to be liars, proving them to be the architects of rigging a presidential election time and time again. And so when these issues come up, I'm happy and thrilled that Americans are getting on their feet and saying, okay, that's my lane. I'm going all in right there. And it doesn't have to be on the national level. That's the big message of government gangsters. We need everybody in, all in. We need you in at the local level more than anything. We need you in at the school board meetings. We need you in at the PTA meetings. We need you in with the local sheriffs and the firefighters and the gym, the PTA, meetings. And we need you there at our houses of worship. All of them to say that we live in an America under this Constitution. And if anyone violates these freedoms, we in our community are going to take it to the media and government and expose their unethical, unlawful behavior. And that's how you win this thing. You got to have a groundswell. You got to have it coming to the, minds meeting, understanding you are never going to fully agree with your neighbor, no matter how much you love them. Yeah, there's always going to be a difference. Yeah. And I think we all have to fight for those people. You know, I always say, I don't care whether you watch the show, if you're on the left or the right. The idea is we're trying to save the country and you have to look at, not listen to what they're telling. You have to actually look at the objectives when you go to the grocery store and groceries are through the roof, and you look at your mortgage and the mortgage rate is high, and you look at your new car loan and that's through the roof, you have to look at the consequences of what bad government does. And in my opinion, this is the tyrannical government that our founders and framers warned us about. This is clearly what they said, hey, this is going to be a problem if you allow this to happen. you know, the 17 subject matter specific to the Constitution, that's what how that's supposed to limit government. But they they operate extra constitutionally, the Commerce Clause, and they act as if everything in commerce, they're supposed to be, you know, obviously, you know, determining legally what's allowed and what isn't. I think it's gone beyond that scope and that the DOJ, you know, I think lifetime appointments of judges, this, this thing where these career politicians get in and we can never get them out. You take the Dianne Feinstein's of the world. She made $6 million over her lifetime, and yet $96 million in assets and flying around in a $63 million paid for jet. Now, you know, look at Pelosi's stock portfolio. If you and I insider traded, the FBI would be kicking my door right now, throw a couple of stun grenades in and, Taser me and throw me to the floor. And I'd be on my way to a pretrial hold. you know, and that's the problem. And that's a lot of what the American public, one of the concerns people had about Donald Trump. And I love him. We're all in for Trump at the end of the day. But of course, we really wanted him to drop the hammer. He had a chance to go after Hillary Clinton. bleach in the hammer. If you and I did that, you know, I'm sure they'd figure out how the how we destroyed government property treason and sedition, seditious conspiracy. I'm sure they'd figure out everything in the playbook to throw at us. I just am always curious how come more of that didn't happen? It round one was. Do you think it was bad advisors? I mean, again, I'm not asking to critique Trump. I'm trying to figure out why when he said he was going to lie for the deep state, because we saw people, we saw, you know, Nadler and Schiff and all the rest of them. And we saw this operation and what they did. And it became obvious that the Russian collusion hoax was exactly that. How could none of those people face the consequences? Because the DOJ is just too far gone? And can we fix it? Is it possible to fix the FBI, the DOJ, or even the CIA at this point? You can fix it. You can fix it. step one elect Donald Trump, step to the bench exist. the bench has existed. It was just selected. in my opinion, from a set of people who had a stake in the game that was an ulterior motive to President Trump in the first administration. And that's the reason President Trump and it wasn't his failure. That's the reason that President Trump's administration had failures in accountability for the deep state, because these people are part of it. And you're talking about people that most Americans don't know about, like the Pat Cipollone news of the world, who was white House counsel. And you're talking about when Gina Haspel was deputy director of the CIA and later director of the CIA. You know, you're talking about all these very senior positions, at DNI that people were, you know, got in there. And then we thought for a year or two just to get rid of that. And so all of those folks have a connection to Washington that runs through 1600 Pennsylvania and into the bank vault, in the, in the streets of Washington, D.C. the thing that Trump did was, I don't care about money. I want Americans to have money. I want Americans to prosper. And you guys are getting in my way now. We figured that all out. But it's hard to convince someone, any rational human being, that all of these people are corrupt. It's hard. It was hard enough to convince the world that Russiagate actually happened, because it sounds like a science fiction novel in the 21st century of America, let alone. Right. So these are things that were uphill climb because they were so far fetched that the only people that could actually conjure up these, illegal conspiracies were members of senior ranking governments. And that's what happened. And they use their allies in the media and they use their allies in whatever Democrat Republican party to say, you're next. Just, you know, give me my paycheck, give me my job, and you'll come in when I retire. When I retire, I'll go and sit on that board. And and it's a revolving door. And that that was the personnel of the deep state were revolving that door for decades without anyone. Anyone jamming it with a door stopper. And Trump came in there with an anvil. and they found ways around them because they were like, well, we're going to just rely on our other resources to, to to accomplish our mission of stopping Trump. So I think there's a big lesson learned by the American public that it exists. And there's an even bigger lesson learned that it is is fixable. But it's going to take a lot of people. Yeah, you're not a gentleman. Knife in your hand is wrong in a lot of ways. No, no. That's good. No, I'm the same way. I've always got something in my hand. You see, I like fidgety guys inside. OCD is that, you know, that OCD that that's what gets us up at 5 a.m. and puts us in bed at like, midnight, 1:00 every day? Glad Georgia is crashing there once Trump wins the election and he's going to win. And just so everybody knows, I would fight to the death for the Trump. But he doesn't. Some of his advisors are just not advising correctly. And we seen this from the past. And some of it's still I think it's trickling down now whatever you gotta do cash get him or talk to him. Get him good advisors because like just in the past like Gina Haspel and keeping, direct putting director and they're just the all deep state. We have to get past it. Ha! What is the path to, cleaning out the like? Like I'm just going to take the FBI, for example, because they're just a Democratic hit squad or deep state hit squad at this point, and it's a lot of cleaning up to do. I know you're up to the task. It is. You know, like I said, step one got to get the boss elected. And behind that we got to do what you just said, which is clean out the senior level positions of every administrative state agency that has been weaponized. I think with the FBI since you brought it up, I've always said we should shut down the FBI headquarters building, not the FBI, shut down headquarters and opening up the next day as a museum of the deep state, and let every American citizen walks past freely and then take those 7000 agents and send them across America to be cops, because that's what they are. The cops don't chase down terrorists. Go chase down narco traffickers. Go chase down child rapist. Go chase down sexual predators. Put these people in prison. We don't need you in Washington. We need a small contingent of people to run the FBI and also all these leadership positions director, deputy director, undersecretary, all these chiefs of staff, blah, blah, blah, replace them all. No careers anywhere. You win a presidential election, you are entitled to stock your agents using departments as you see fit. Obama did it. Biden did it. Why shouldn't Trump be afforded the same absolute right? He was a duly elected commander in chief. So should he win again? He's got to go to that bench of resources that we were talking about that does exist and say, okay, these are the folks that are coming in. So I think the good news is, and the president has commented on publicly, so I'll let that speak for itself, but that hopefully we win. And then once that happens, there's going to be a rejiggering. And that's why the deep states freaking out so much. They're saying, oh, he's going to conduct some sort of revenge tour. I mean, they're just making stuff up. It's not even yeah, of course it's not even true. They're just terrified. So they're trying to frighten voters away from Donald Trump by saying he's going to act out acts of vengeance. Yeah, he's going to be a dictator. Constitution. Yeah. They love that, that obviously they have to label people. You know, we always talk about one of the biggest problems with government are things like sovereign immunity. I believe in presidential immunity, but sovereign immunity, absolute immunity, qualified immunity I feel like is that as an example, absolute immunity for prosecutors at the DOJ has to be removed because at the end of the day, I believe it's justification to violate their own their own laws that they're supposed to be supporting, secure technologies, one of the largest eavesdropping cases in the United States history. The DOJ has been taking advantage of a technical glitch inside of Securus. They've been listening to attorney client phone calls across the country. Started it. U.S. versus Novak, 2006, in Boston, mass. And it's been continuing for there's cases over and over again that are coming across 70,000, attorney client phone calls that a hacker actually got Ahold of that Securus had hand it over in 10 to 15% of all criminal cases. The DOJ orders the desk. In those cases where the FBI or ATF, they're listening to these legal phone calls, they're never reporting it to the federal courts. But that absolute immunity gives them that, you know, again, because you only have a couple of ways you can go. And then the biggest problem is the DOJ's, oversight, OPR Office of Professional Responsibility. Seems to me like that is just how do you have the oversight be a DOJ office Pin? You know, public integrity division. It's another DOJ office. You take the civil rights division, another DOJ office. You know, you start looking at these and you think, okay, well, you know, how do we get past where there actually is a group that's supervising government officials? Because my belief is it's just like having a bartender that steals from you. He steals day one. He steals a beer, he gets away with it. Then day two, he steals two beers. Day two, he steals three beers. And I think they're they're propelled by their senior, staff members at the DOJ, obviously, because they have to put convictions on the board. They have to put sentencing on the board. They get reviews. It just seems to me like some of that stuff, they have to be held to just as accountable. Because in those cases with Securus, there's a big one in Kansas City where the prosecutors actually did stop complying with the court case. They refused to comply. And they, no, no consequences. None of them lost their jobs, none of nothing even close to that. And that's always bad when you have people that believe they can operate with impunity and impunity. And it seems to me that's one of the biggest problems with government. They created this layer of protection that nobody can pierce, you know, and they have all control. While the agency's got any thoughts on that? Well, I mean, if you want accountability, you got to administer it yourself. and that's the lesson learned. And we have to have, actual people run these separate divisions and departments within the agencies that are appointed by the president to follow his lawful command. And once we do that, we will see accountability. But accountability. It's not just DOJ indictments. Accountability comes in the form of jettisoning these people from Washington, DC forever. That's the biggest victory we could possibly have. So they don't return after a whole nother Trump administration to restock the deep state. I mean, the accountability is the exposure of this information to the American public that normally would not be, planning on reviewing this type of material. We've got to convince them that we have been saying the truth all this time from all these deep state operations, and that they are the ones that have been taken advantage of. And that should motivate almost any American to say, okay, what's next? What are they going to do next? How are they going to lie to us next and rob us of the truth? That critical piece of information is the biggest resolution or biggest resolve we can have, towards accountability. So George wants to know, and I know he's going to ask you, George, you wanted to ask Kash where he thinks he's going to be in this new administration. We're hoping OIG or A.G. George comments. Well, you know, when Trump was trying to figure out who's going to pick for VP, I offered up, you cash for VP? I said, why not? But obviously he chose somebody else. That's okay. But whatever position, I just want you to have a position where you just give you the letter, a budget and do what you got to do. Because everybody I'm looking at the chat, by the way, or your, ambassador in the chat backing you up. Love them. Right? Guys and girls. So they all want to know first is like, will there be any accountability? Me personally, at this point, I just want Trump to get in. I'll be happy if he cleans up the election. So this never can happen again. Like what happened in 2020? What was the damn border secure are drilling right here. Like he says, drill, drill, drill baby said that today on this morning on Fox and said it where any administration after Trump they can't reverse that. Like we have to get into law and just revamp the IRS code. I mean, I'll be happy with that. But will there be any accountability people want to know? Like in what position are you going for? You want are you going to get it? Look, it's not about me. It's about getting the bus across the finish line and winning. And whoever he calls on November 6th, I've got full confidence, and he's going to pick the slate. He needs to do what you just said. If he accomplishes those things, it will be a sweeping administration of victories across the deep state. Of course, corrective measures at DOJ, FBI, making sure our elections are free and fair, sealing our borders, securing our communities, wiping out the drug traffickers, and stopping Chinese fentanyl from killing our children and ending the forever wars and letting America prosper again. I mean, this is a monumental lift, a deep. It didn't happen overnight. Eisenhower warned us of it in the 50s. And this form of accountability that you're talking about can't even come in one more Trump administration. It's going to take time. We got to be it's in my opinion, it's going to be a massive instigator. It's going to be like a, you know, a rocket ship getting launched, in a second administration. And then we're going to have to just keep adding on to it as it moves through, moves through time. It's going to take years. But we have an accelerant that is Donald Trump. And we have an accelerant that is the will of the people behind Donald Trump to do all the things you guys have been talking about on your show. And it's not far fetched ideology. It's literally sticking to the Constitution. It's literally having the precepts in there, a freedom, religion, speech and press rule the day and having a singular system of justice. That's the ultimate accountability, when if you break the law, whether you're in government around a government, you're going to get prosecuted. And and the retrospective look, well, we want to get some of those people that have done it to us in the past. That's a piece of it. But to me, more importantly, is to setting up a structure so that it never happens again. I think that's a better win to the American people and that's a better form of accountability. Trust me, I want to see a lot of these folks be held accountable personally. But the bigger victory for the country is not what my personal beliefs are. It's so our children are never set up to endure anything like we had. So I want to no doubt I want to ask. So application of the law, equal protection under the law, the rule of law. We just want it to be applied equally across all people. So the government officials are just is, just as obligated to the law, like they should be, just like the oath they take to uphold the Constitution and protect the country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. George. Go ahead. So, listen, 100%, I would. I want you in a top position because you're a person that we trust. I trust, and you always do the right thing. I also like to see Devin Nunez. And Lance always says, oh, he's running true social. we can get Andrew North. All can take that. He'll be good there. Devin Nunez definitely joins. What he definitely Devin Nunez definitely deserves a position in the next administration with Trump somewhere, because the man can be trusted. Heavy cash. Both of you guys fought and and exposed to Russiagate. And by the way on that I think when Trump kitchen we should Congress should give him another extra four years because of the first four years they put with Russia, Russia, Russia, everything was Russia. And we couldn't and he couldn't focus on what he needed to do 100%. So you should get a he should get a Do-Over. They should do that. He gets a bonus four years ago, you know, there's we're going to modify the Constitution. I mean, listen, it sounds great to me. I, you know, I love Trump. Devin Nunez definitely needs to be in there. Devin, you can still have your wine. It's okay. I know he loves his wine, but gotta do what's good for the country, right? Thanks, Devin. So Kash, we obviously want to give you some time to promote your foundation and talk about how people can support. Go watch the movie. Where to buy the book. I have the trailer. Anything else? Yeah. And anything else you've got going on if you got any. Also, we're probably got a few questions in the chat. I don't know what Georgia's got in there, but just let me play the trailer. Yeah, we got to play that. What do you mean do you want. And we got to play the trailer. You want to hear something funny though? Well, let me see if it works. Rumble. Just sent me this, and I got to do it. I'm sorry, guys, but that's what I do. live read. Yeah, but this is this is a good one. No, you're not going to believe this if you're one of those people. Use the phrase toxic masculinity and I use that all along because I am toxic, because you're intimidated by real men, and you got real men right here. Cash land to myself, who embrace these primal instincts. You should probably turn this off right now. Literally. Yep. That's what the big makes about as a man. You're the rock. People depend on a shoulder to cry on a fighter, a lover, protector. Too many. We at Rumble created be naked as a brand that celebrates manhood and champions masculinity. Men with real balls that share a doozy ASM for clean non walk an agenda free products dedicate to helping you dominate every challenge life throws at you. Because we all know that life will always test us, push us and challenge us. And you see what they've been doing to Trump all along this year. So when life kicks you and you need to kick back harder, yeah, you need to tap into the primal strength. This is why you need our supplement, Naked Organs. Wow. Our signature product will help you unleash your inner beast. Naked organs comes in a pure and strongest animals on Earth. The fearless bison. It's nature's multivitamin powerhouse, delivering an endless energy regulating, hormone health boosting, testosterone enhancing Moscow rat recovery with national creatine. Go to be naked right now and pick up some naked organs to embrace your manhood. That's be and use the code studio to save 15% off your first subscription order. Celebrate being a man, getting healthy, living naked, and putting your hard earned dollars toward supporting freedom loving creators like me and noble and not the woke mob. There we go. Look at that. That's awesome. Well, all right, let's get moving. Let me let me just leave you. I got to get ready for my next hit, but let the audience go to War Room that warmed up film. And we're bringing theater. We're bringing theater previews across the country in September. We've already started in four states, but anybody can watch it. Right now we're on that film. It's basically the antidote to how to crush the deep state. And as President Trump said about my book, The Blueprint for 2024 The Roadmap of Wiping Out the Deep State, thanks to Steve Bannon, is now on the big screen. So check it out. And, yeah, if you want to join the mission, the Cache Always looking for follow excuse me. Always looking for volunteers. But more importantly we're looking for Americans. We can help. So if you know someone in need, go to the Cache and drop an application. It'll take you about 60s. And thank you guys for helping push the truth. And, you know, hopefully we'll be able to chat soon in your audience. let's see what they say about the movie. Yeah, I want to play the trailer for him, and all your links are in the chat, and we'll be in a more section later for the book. If you guys want to help, you know, get the book. It's definitely a great book. If you never got the plot of The King for the kids, get them next. Get. This is a great book for the kids. I mean, when the kids come on and you kids come over, I read it to them. Got it. You know, they got a read poem. George comes from a big family. All right, listen, cash. Thank you. God bless. God bless you. I appreciate you, brother. Tell Eric goodnight. Thank you very much. He does a lot of work behind the scenes. I know you got back. He's just a schedule. Yep. And then. Yeah, we appreciate it. Hold up. My brother. All right. Let me play this. Government gangsters are the group of individuals, career bureaucrats who have been installed by what we call the deep state into every agency department in the United States government. Had Donald Trump not won in 2016, he would not have exposed the flank of the deep state and their weapon of choice, the two tier system of just from Russia, Hunter Biden's laptop to Joe Biden's classified documents case to January 6th to the 51 in to letter and everything in between. We would never have learned that these people are dangerous and vindictive, learning from their mistakes and perfecting ways to hide their corruption. It is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation's. The trailer rocking and rolling. course. Government gangsters. You want to head over to the war room? the link will be in the chat for you guys to watch it. And of course, we recommend going to get the book. It is important for people, us at any level, to support a guy like Kash Patel. Let him know how you feel. Interact with him. if you like. If you like the interview tonight, obviously we got to keep him for 40 minutes. Almost unheard of for cash brutality. I'm going to get yelled at by Erica. Yeah, Eric is probably going to yell at us because we kept him longer than we were supposed to, but we're very fortunate, because obviously a true insider has the real information. but I want to take a minute. I want to thank our sponsor, big mic. I'm gonna throw one of the buckets right up here. Boom. Right on the table. Put it right at the camera. at the end of the day, if you're looking for prep food, you know that the there's a lot of instability in the economy. There's a lot of instability in the country. You don't want to be in a position where you don't have food. We love these guys. They've been around since 2011. It's a family owned business. Great recipes, they taste test everything. They've got a gluten free and organic product almost unheard of in food prep. That's why we went with them. Daniel's going to be on the show tomorrow. The founder of New Mana. These guys are amazing. And of course, you always want to think about having products like this on hand, just in case our store shelves are empty because of course, new emergency food. These guys are the nation's primary provider of sustainable long term food. And, we did the extensive research. We did the taste testing. These guys, the their taste was great. The meals cost less than $2 each for a nutritionally balanced meal. I can tell you that they say that these can be kept for 20 to 25 years. They recommend keeping in the basement where it's not super hot, that it's cool. and I wouldn't wait till it's too late. Don't wait with what's going on. Get some of these buckets, throw them in the basement. Go to the Newmont forge, slash the big mag mnemonics. Com forward, slash the Big Mac. It's a no lose investment. It doesn't go bad. There's always the opportunity. And of course if you need it and you don't have it, you're going to regret not buying it. George. Got to be secure, man. Got to be secure. Because look what's going on all over the world. You want to have food storage. You want to definitely have a safe phone. That one, two, We got chat phones. But yeah we're going to take a commercial break. We're going to be right back. We got some stuff to talk about our elections. What happened in Georgia today. Don't go nowhere. Big news. If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last man on earth. For me. Mike Lindell here. And like you, I see our country being destroyed daily. We face massive economic issues. And I can tell you from firsthand experience, there are people in power who threaten the values that have made our country great. I've been a believer in gold and silver for a long time, and I've searched for years for a partner that shares my values. Well, Genesis Gold Group showed me how easy it is to protect your IRA for one K or your retirement with gold and silver and with. Their faith driven approach to service and stewardship is one that stands out from the rest. So contact Genesis Gold Group now by visiting the big mig Gold hearted or always gold. Being spirited by cowards. Here at Sea of Mud apparel. We stand for what we believe in. Instead of hiding behind it. We are here to save the country. We never take counsel of our fears. We never take a knee. We never back down and never surrender. See of motive. Apparel is the official clothing of America's forgotten man and one we are American, made and manufactured by the man who just wanted to let the world find the talents of what makes America great. In every stitch where your love of country on your sleeve. Shop Sea of Mud .com today our. Welcome back to The Big Mig Show. Here we go, host George Balloutine Lance Migliaccio. And we just had our guest, Kash Patel. He had to leave. He's a busy man, but we were honored and gracefully for the last 35 minutes. I did get in trouble, Eric. And I did text me. He said I had to go. Sorry, Erica. Sorry, Erica. We didn't mean to keep him over the timeline. We only sat on here for 40 minutes total. You know, obviously, I'm a busy guy now. Erica Night on X or true social? Give her a follow. She does a lot of stuff behind the scenes to make sure cash is world runs smoothly and also and also my friend Lance's friend now Eric Reinhold. You know, he's another guy. He's close with cash. He's always on. Whenever I need something or need someone to talk to, he's always been there. So the guy I offered to him for him to come on the show, but he's like, he's not a camera guy, so what are you going to do? Nothing you can do about it. But I want to give a shout out to our sponsors, Genesis Gold Group. You all seen this week what happened with the market, how it how it lost a thousand points in one day. How how crypto is taking a dive. You just seen, Aiden, who lost 40 million in his in Bitcoin and he's filing for bankruptcy. So this economic uncertainty with this inflation that keeps rising and interest rates keep rising, the high housing market, it's impossible to buy houses. The Federal Reserve, they think they try to offer a soft landing. They don't do shit. They don't do nothing. Jan. Alan. No no no, they they're they're not for us. And if you look and it's. And I hate to say this, but a recession is coming. It's evident. And you guys all have to protect yourselves. Take your 401 case. So this all has led to a, interest in physical gold and silver and a lot of people, Americans are transferring their retirement accounts to precious metals. Why? Because, let's face it, gold, it's always holds its value. All precious metals. And then you got companies like Genesis Gold Group. They focus on self-directed IRAs backed by physical precious metals. They have experienced high demand. And they're and are taking that demand and and fulfilling it. Genesis gold Group, they're known for their faith based values, their stellar reputation. That's why the Big Mig Show is partnered up with them. They offer a service that allows individuals to convert their 401 case or IRAs into retirement account that's backed by physical gold and silver that's stored securely on behalf of the customer. That's right. I said that stored securely on behalf of the customer to roll over your IRA today. Penalty free call Genesis now at 1-888-526-7154. That's 1-888-526-7154. Or you can go to the www. the big mig And don't forget to mention The Big Mig Show Have your IRA set up fees waive on qualifying accounts. Lance, what is that little thing you got? I'm going to show my two way you do this. Well you know I'm fidgeting. You know we're talking about the big mig bar .com. This is a Genesis Gold invention. It's a multi denomination 62 gram silver bar also available in gold. The reason I hold this up is look, with BRICs going on, the U.S. dollar may potentially be in jeopardy. They're not going to renew the Petro dollar contract. You know Saudi Arabia is not going to do it. I don't know what impact that is going to have, but this is peace of mind. I recommend you head over to the big Mike Buy a couple of these. Just put them away, act like you don't even have them. If you can afford the gold ones, great. But if you can only do silver, this is a way to barter and pay for items just in case the U.S. dollar completely tanks. There's a lot of theories out there, a lot of people talking about it. Besides the fact that a lot of people are predicting the gold and silver because of bricks is going to go through the roof. So I said, get a couple of these, get the gold one, get the silver ones, put them away. That's what George and I are doing. We've got them stashed with our SAT phones. Put them in the Faraday bag. You know what I mean? Along with your two way rights and anything else you can do body armor, other things, and obviously food prep. Those are all things you can do. So peace of mind. You still never told me why you have two smartphones. we did. We talked about it behind the scenes. Oh, you want to say something? No, no, not today, not today. We're going to let the cat out a bag. All right? That's okay. I was just, you know, let's get down to Georgia. Let's get down to business, man. This is heavy stuff. Only it was three and a half years later. Yeah, exactly. Question is, why does it take so long to get this evidence when we had it from the beginning. But it took them three years, three and a half years to finally acknowledge it. And this is actually a big win for Trump today. And Georgia, the question is what will be done about it. So yeah, Georgia state election board they discussed this morning the CBO 2023 025, which is the 17,850 change ballots that were counted with no ballot images, G over 20,000 original votes from tabulators out of thin air. Let me just pull them in thin air. Atlanta's got some right there over 3900 duplicate counted and inserted via international human intentional human intervention. That's right. It wasn't a machine misstatement. It's intentional human intervention. And they proved it with me. Georgia, this is the safest and the most the safest and most secure election in history. Isn't that what they all said about this election? Well, if you're just same election, we're talking about the presidential election that they've been charging Donald Trump, saying he committed insurrection and all the rest of this garbage, the most safe and secure election in the United States history is just the one we're talking about right now, where they've actually proven more election fraud. Well, that's only in the vocabulary of delusional liberals and rhinos. Oh, so it is the same election. It is most secure election in every day said. Right, I don't know. Yeah. It's just more of the garbage that they spew out of their mouths to trick the American public. They attack everybody. In fact, election integrity is probably the reason that in the of course, the pandemic discussions we had is why we got one of our accounts on YouTube suspended. We're rebuilding now. But of course, we can't talk about vaccines over there, even though it's proven now. the whole vaccine is a whole different story. My point is, this is the same thing. Election integrity. We talk about it. Where's the accountability and consequence? Sure. They're pulling out ballots from underneath the dash. They're doing late night drops. They're using Democrats. They're doing ballot harvesting. They're doing ballot stuffing with their 2000 mules or more. You know, they're going to do all this garbage. And now they're giving illegal immigrants driver's licenses all over the country, so they can just have this ghost voter pool of 30 million illegal invaders. And then they can just say, oh my gosh, you won't believe it. They voted for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or whoever the hell the nominee is going to be. And let me point that out. You guys, you know, everybody thinks it's going to be Harris and this guy Waltz, and maybe it is, but Hillary Clinton is not having it behind the scenes. Barack and Big Mike Obama, they've got a strategy going on. We're hearing all kinds of rumors that the DNC is going to be a bloodbath. I don't know who it's going to be. I'm still not buying that. It's going to be Harris and Waltz. I think the states that have an issue that probably passed last minute laws saying that people can be replaced. Of course, the states that are the biggest problem, who knows? there's rumor that they might even try to take out Joe Biden. I do not want Joe Biden taken out. Let me be clear. I'm not calling for violence. I just think that what we're looking at is more of the same. It's a complete dog and pony roadshow con job. Hold on. So this, I mean, so there's more to today. So this is in Georgia, Fulton County, right. Who sued Giuliani? I don't want to say her name because I don't want her coming after me or the big, big show. You should actually appeal that and use this as evidence because somebody over there did it, I don't know. I mean, if I pulled boxes out from under my desk and started scanning through and, you know, they were hidden, I mean, he justified, somebody put them through. I want to play. We're going to play this clip. But Giuliani, I hope to God that you can fight your your that lawsuit and actually shoot him. They're ruining his life. It's more weaponization of the judicial system. All right, here we go. You got to hear this clip. We all know our case is SB 2023. Thank you. Dash 25. In that case, you know that it involved 17,000 1852 votes counted without ballot images. You also know that for the first machine count, 20,713 ballots were counted with what I like to call receipts. I guess the fancy word is tabulator tapes. And I always like to say you can't get out of Walmart these days without showing your receipt, but for some reason you can count 20,000 votes without a receipt. The last part of this complaint, perhaps, is the most concerning, because we've uncovered some recent information that makes it so. In addition to proving that 3930 ballots were scanned and counted, I want to say that again and counted. And I sure hope that Miss Charlene McGowan is listening. Miss McGowan on May 7th, you and your team got up before the board and said, yeah, I think Mr. Ross, he's right. These ballots were scanned twice, but we're not sure if they were counted twice. That is a lie. And we know that because the data that shows they're counted twice is on the cast vote records, and that is available to the secretary of state. Other experts know that those ballots were counted twice. Media sources know I saw Mr. DC from the ADC just walk up here not to get him in trouble, but he recently reported he thinks they were counted twice. Also. and that's from the AJC. sorry, Mark, if I'm, if I'm going too far to say stop, Joe, you're going to get me in trouble. Okay, so they were counted twice for the second machine count. We know with certainty that this duplication of ballots was not, I want to repeat, was not an administrative error. And I'm going to demonstrate to you how we know that shortly, rather, the duplication process was due to intentional human intervention. And I'm not a lawyer, but when I ran this by a few lawyers, they told me this is the phrase human intentional human intervention is the predicate for election. I'm gonna use the f word fraud. Okay, you're gonna hear me. You're going to hear me say that several times. I like it, he's dropping f bombs, fraud, fraud. Yeah, safest a sure election, my. But at the end of the day, that's where we're at, right? I'll tell you one thing. And. And the evidence proves otherwise. We've seen the machines get, George did a great job of finding that video when they were taking the machines and actually hacking the machines with a ballpoint pen. We've seen them use a little tool called the hack Bunny, which we just don't report. We still haven't got no ruling on that. Crazy. At the end of the day, we've heard about it. We know about the dead Mo Crats. We got bad voter rolls all over the country where they have all these votes. We've seen them using houses to have registered voters that literally hundreds of registered voters are actually at one address. We've seen them getting donations. One person, older lady, she made thousands of donations allegedly to the Democrats. When, when when she was interviewed, she was like, I never made any if I said anything was like five bucks. Meanwhile, thousands and thousands of dollars later, the election system is fully corrupted and I don't care. Liberal Democrat, you know, you know, on this show, I don't care. My point is, you should want free and fair and honest elections, because whoever gets chosen, we should support that pick, because that means the majority of the public voted for them, not a system where they're installing politicians like toilets and they're installing not brand new toilets, installing the beautiful top of the line toilet from home Depot. They're installing dirty, grungy, nasty, shitty toilets like Joe Biden. Listen, Joe Biden, now what do we got? They were trying to install even dirtier tampons. Damn. Well. Thunderbolts. Harrison. Hey. Yeah. You know, I like headboard. Harris. Joe likes George likes thunder once. I also like knees. Harris. We probably need to vote in the chat. Do you guys like knees? Harris. Headboard. Harris or Thunder lips Harris better. Let's see what comes up in the chat. And we're going to go with whatever you guys decide. We've been a little discrepancy behind the scenes George I like I'm like no headboard Harris. At the end of the day you know, she's the ultimate political groupie. we'll see how that goes. I don't like anything about her. I wouldn't like her if she was a Republican. I don't care what her political affiliation is. She's not smart. She's not a good person. she doesn't believe in the family unit. She tries to destroy family units. Just ask, Willie Brown. Just ask his wife. You know, we should get Willie Brown on the show. I'd love to get Willie Brown on the show. Willie Brown to do. He'd like to have you on the show. Yeah. No. Tell us how, thunder lips sucked their way to the top anyway. Exactly. George, do you have any more? I thought you had another video. I got two more. So this is now the next clips, Dennis, that he explained how it was intentionally done with these ballots. So y'all need to see this. So here we go to the heart of this presentation I said that the ballots were tabulated US President Donald J. Trump an apology. President Trump has been indicted by Fulton County. May I remind you that Fulton County has been found to be in violation of election law? Not once for the hand audit, but twice for the machine count? And now we can prove that they. Intentional had intentional human intervention, which is the predicate for election fraud. Twice counted twice. And it was not done accidentally. This slide shows that a ballot on the right over here was scanned and counted. Creates a file. Some of the experts in the room, like Garland, know this, but if it's scanned again, it creates another file which means it is counted twice. So how did this happen? This is a very complicated slide that has taken months for technical experts to develop and explain. It's also very difficult to explain still, but it basically shows that ballots were scanned on one day, and then they were randomly picked these batches of ballots and created new batches and scanned a second day on a different tabulator. So you probably can't understand this slide. So I'm going to show you how it was done very crudely. Okay. All right. So on that first chair you have a stack of ballots. You see them over there. Again my props are not professional. I'm just doing what I can to get the message out. On the second chair, you have a second stack of ballots that were scanned, let's say December 2nd, Wednesday. when the midnight deadline was for doing the election recount on the third chair, you have a third stack of ballots that were scanned on Wednesday. Now, someone or some group, I don't know who, but this is not accidental. What they did, they went to one stack of ballots, randomly, grabbed a few stacks from that. No order. I got a random group. Okay, some of them. I flipped around so that they count backwards this time. Then they went to another stack of ballots that were already scanned. You notice I'm not necessarily picking them from the top right. I'm just grabbing randomly. And one more time I'll do it. For example, they went to another step. And then the next day, they came back with that randomly selected stack. And guess what they did go back. To that. You want to follow ballots that last year over there as a tabulator. They ran them through on a second day through a different tabulator. And they did that for 3930 ballots. Who in the room thinks that's accidental? Raise your hand. I don't think so. I'm going to skip that part. All right. I'm going to close with how I started this little talk here. I'm going to read it one more time, if you don't mind. It says, in addition to proving that 3930 ballots were scanned and counted two times for the second machine count, which was the certified count, we now know with certainty that this duplication of ballots was not a mere administrative error. Rather, the duplication process was due to intentional human intervention. And I said, the lawyers tell me that that is the predicate for election fraud. And now, in closing, I remind you about Mr. Raffensperger's ex post of August 1st. If you have the data bringing it, bring it to him. Mr. Secretary, we're bringing the data to you and we are counting on you to do the right thing and investigate independently. Independently is critical. CB 20 2325. Thank you. It is all right. Good. So, you know, it's obvious I don't know who's going to make them accountable. We're talking about election interference. We're talking about, misuse of government power. There are many people that would be guilty in Georgia. Assuming all these facts to be true, who's going to do something about it? No no no no no no no no no. Stop. It's not assuming these are true. It's now proven. That was the whole point of today. This is 100% unequivocally true. But the bottom line is, how do we get them to do what they're supposed to be? If you're in Georgia, you ought to be screaming bloody murder because it means you got cheated. It means that the people that they went after down there, including Donald Trump, have been attacked wrongfully. This should be the same thing if it happened to you or your own family. This is garbage. This is not. This is a banana republic system. We're talking about you guys. We don't live in a banana republic, but we're right. I mean, we do. I'm not saying that we aren't there. I'm saying we don't. That wasn't what we signed up for. The founders and framers warned us about this kind of behavior. It's just it's awful. And, you know, and this is what they're getting ready to do. They're going to cheat again. They want to stick tampon Tim in there. You guys know what's going on with his Stolen Valor situation. you know, he ran away from reporters today. The coward that he is. First he ran from going to war because he was obviously with the National Guard unit, had a high ranking position, and all of a sudden they were going to get deployed to Iraq. And he was like, oh, I gotta go. I'm quitting the National Guard. I'm out now. He claims that it was because he was going to run as a politician. He was going to serve the country in a different way. That is not true. The timeline is not correct. So he makes a statement. We've got the video. We, found this video. so he dropped out of his army unit once he found he was going to be deployed, he makes his statement to a crowd. We can make sure those weapons of war that I carried in war are only carried in war. This guy's never been to war. What? He's done is run around with some clothes on and play, place, you know, like, soldier. It's it's disgusting. It pisses me off. It's disreputable and discredits our own veterans. You know, at the end of the day, we always go out of our way to thank the veterans for their service. Tim Waltz didn't serve. He was a National Guard guy. That cowardly stepped out when he thought he had gone. And this is the guy they want as vice president, United States. This is the guy that's supposed to toe the line so that countries around the world respect the US. Play the video. George. Hope World Cup, like many of you did five weeks ago. And dad said, dad, you're the only person I know who's in elected office. You need to stop what's happening with this. I'll take my kick in the butt for the NRA. I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt, and I gave the money back. And I'll tell you what I have been doing. I've been voting for commonsense legislation that protects the Second Amendment. But we can do background checks. We can do CDC research. We can make sure we don't have reciprocal carry amongst states, and we can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons were. I don't know about that one. Liar, liar. Pants on fire! Liar! You're a liar, tampon. Tim, you're a liar. A big of a liar. Big enough that he ran from reporters today. Let's back it up with the next video. You know, we're going to bring the receipts here on the big, big show there. That's what George Ballantine does when he's putting the production together. He digs in. He finds the stuff that you guys need to see because this is a guy once again, they want to install Harris. You know, I don't know what what racist did Harris I think we ought to have a race thing on, the big, big show on that every day. We determined. Did Harris claim she's black Indian? Mixed. What did she claim today? What races? She went with him, and we have, like, a race, a race thermometer today. She's kind of a no no. I don't know what she is, I don't know. Yeah. An Indian, I mean, like India, India, not, she hasn't claimed Native American yet, but I'm sure that's coming. She'll probably claim Native American. No. Next week. No, that's a total insult to my Pocahontas. She will not do that. Negative. You sure? she better not. She can be out there. Sure, but what if she finds out there's a bunch of, Native American Indian voters that she can convince that she's a Native American Indian didn't work well for, I mean, she did it when she went down south last week. All of a sudden, she had a southern accent when she's talking to the British. When she was talking to some people that had British heritage, she started having an English accent. I mean, she did like a community. She's talking like a chameleon trader. She just metamorphoses into anything. Like, I'm surprised she hasn't had a New York accent. Come back in and give us a call. Bronx. Come on, let's play this clip, dude. She'll do anything she's capable of doing. Anything. I mean, she stands accused of stolen valor. No response. Governor. No. Response. Goodbye again. I. Governor Vance, your stolen power. Your response. Let's run and hide. Run, run run, hide! We've got to run and hide. They're asking questions that are actually relevant. Weapons of war. Tim Walsh never served in a war. Served as a National guard on the weekends, weekend warrior, and then boom. Wow. Fear actually is going to go into a combat situation. And he ran like a little biatch. I'm just going to let's I want to play next clip. This is from a fellow veteran speaking out on what is misleading statements. Let's just say this in a way. He's back again to wage a public war of words against him. Walls. He he abandoned us, you know, I mean, what the hell kind of leader does that? I mean, he just as soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way and hung his hat up and quit. We'll get to Baron's new message for voters in a moment. But this all starts years earlier, when Barron says walls misleading statements about his military service first led him to come forward in the fall of 2018. So you try to get this message out, but Minnesota's largest newspaper checks it out, says it's 100% true, but yet refuses to print. When I hung the phone up, I said, what the hell is this? North Korea back in 2005, a warning order went out to the first Battalion, 125th Field Artillery to mobilize for a mission to Iraq. At the time, Walz served as the unit's highest noncommissioned officer, but months later, Walz would retire from the guard, avoid the deployment, and run for Congress. Tom Barron's was next in line for the position and was asked to take his place. I was like, well, for Pete's sake, this guy quit. Now if I say, I'm not going to do what I mean, what the hell kind of leadership is I? Adam? If a company would say that we're going to deploy to Iraq or somewhere and you're going to be gone for whatever amount of time, and then the foreman just says, no, I'm not going. I mean, what does that say to the 500 people that work in that factory? Barron's would go on to serve in Iraq on a nearly two year deployment as a command sergeant major. Oh, well, Walz began using that title as a congressman. Barron says he first contacted Walz with his concerns sending these letters to Washington. They all went unanswered. But then we fast forward to the election in 2018, in Minnesota. And you try at that time to get people's attention with this story and also with what seems to be a very misleading statement that he continued to make about his service. It kind of just sat there, you know, and he was a congressman. He, you know, he bragged that he was he was a command sergeant, retired command sergeant major. I'm the highest ranking person ever in in the House. And you know, all this lie that he was telling the state of Minnesota came out after 2018 after this was exposed. And they said, well, he can say that he served as a command sergeant major, but he can't say he's a retired one because he's not. And that's what he was saying. And he was saying that. And there was lots of, you know, lots of carbs coming in the mail, you know, for him to be elected. They said, right. Honor is a retired command sergeant major, just doing his own horn. Just just hang on. Hang it on the court. Tails of people that actually are command sergeant majors that went through all the process and put all that all the time in a spokesperson for the Minnesota National Guard said was wasn't able to retire as a command sergeant major since he failed to complete coursework and requirements related to the rank verify, documents show the Army corrected his service record, was reduced in rank to a master sergeant after retirement, and his conditional promotion was again asked Governor Walz if he's using the command sergeant major rank on his campaign website for political gain this year. A spokesperson said this has been in the news before, and when it does happen, the story will, Walz said, quote, normal. Normally, this type of Partizan political attack only comes from one who has never worn a uniform. It's stolen. Valor is really what it is. I don't know, I don't know if anybody else has done what he what he's done, but we know we call it the truth about Tim Walz in 2018. Baranski the story, the full court press. We we retired plans are made use of the Minnesota National Guard. You know, it is our duty and responsibility to bring the bring forth the truth as we know what's concerning his service record. But I put together and information on it, and I sent it out to every single radio station and news newspaper and TV station I put in the state. The bottom line. And all of this is gut wrenching and sad to explain. When the When the Nation call to quit, Twin Cities TV stations and the Star Tribune were silent, even after Baron says the newspaper checked it all out. The start the Star Tribune endorsed walls 18 for governor, I don't know. Quick between locked place riots unchecked find I'm in a charred police precinct appearance. Barnes felt he had no choice but again to air for a little while on that to be burned down was just like the Alamo. Get burned out. It's like, you know, you found that the the loneliest man. If you would a One Direction be hiding under his desk over there. Because that's just that's just the cowardice that I seen portrayed with. So how about when he also comes out and he calls you guys 19 year old? I tell you, I'd take, any, any 19 year old before I'd go to war with him. I don't know, I don't know how you can even auto such a state. I mean, it's, you know, it's just it's just it's just absolutely sad. So this, this election year, it's all built up again to Barron's new green bean message. He. You called Jake on Friday Jack failure. So so I was like, you know that's what he is. A Wall Street trader also made a return. I'm the last one I put together, he said of themselves to us. Well, if they don't like my job, they can help me out. So I so I rolled out, we got them out. We bought them out, bought them out. Vote them out. That's what they say. Strong words. Trader liar. this is not somebody I want in leadership. We've already had that with the Biden administration. Here we are again. Anybody that is supporting these people, shame on you. Shame on you for supporting people like this. I think there's better people, even for the Democrats. I don't know who they are. I'm not making recommendations. I'm saying even for them to put candidates in place, these are some rotten, miserable, lying, lowlife scum. I mean, I don't know how anybody can think that. Think this is a good person. He was a coward. He got the call and he ran home cheap. That simple. No excuse. It wasn't medical. It wasn't a reason. And then he continued to lie about his rank. Do you know that's a federal offense? You can be charged for stolen valor. So why isn't the government charging him for stolen valor? She's been using? He's a liberal. He's a Democrat. They don't go after Democrats. They only go after conservatives. In his campaign to trick the American public, he's listing his rank is higher than he really had. All right. I want to bring this next up because this is, we're going to end on a happy. No, because I got something funny for you guys. But this is today. I ran asked airlines to avoid flying in its airspace due to military exercises. Right. Military exercises? What do you think about those in that military exercises, I don't believe I think that they're probably getting ready for the attack they've been threatening. I mean, they've been mobilizing the drones that the Biden administration helped pay for with their billions. They've got missile batteries moving into place. Are they going to use them or is it just posturing? Are they expecting somebody? Right. Them another big fat check like the Biden administration has stopped them from going to war? I have no idea. I can't speak for Iran. I don't have any sources inside Iran. All I can do is look at what the news media, the foreign news media sources, not our own country, talking about the mobilization of forces. Are they going to go after Israel? I don't know the obviously, the Arab community in the Middle Eastern world is sick of Israel. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but I think what happened with Gaza civilians being attacked was never a good idea. No, I don't think that Gaza, that Palestine did the right thing. On attacking Israel either. At the end of the day, I don't like the behavior of either one of those countries. I don't feel good about it. They don't like what they're doing. I don't think civilians should ever be brought into combat like that. you know, that's a that's that's the innocent victim, right? A soldier knows the liability. A government official knows the liability. at the end of the day, I think it's always bad for civilians. Whenever there's war. Same thing in Ukraine and Russia. I don't like, I don't like what's going on there, but I don't think that Ukraine. I think they they caused it. I think Ukraine's responsible for what happened. They shouldn't have put the biolabs in. They shouldn't have had those CIA, bases, and they shouldn't have been getting ready to move NATO missiles. And they were warned about all of it. And they shouldn't allow those agencies to operate. And they did. And Putin got sick of it. He's an Orthodox Christian. And he just said, enough's enough. I'm done. So, you know, and we continue to just launder money to both countries. All right. Pretty disgusting. We're going to end on a happy note. So today and I'm saying happy note because, you know, Joe Biden's got to be jealous of this one. You know he has to be jealous because what did JD Vance do today? JD Vance makes a quick pitstop at an ice cream store in E. Clear, Wisconsin today. That's right. At an ice cream store. Is that like sticking it to Joe Biden? I think so we're going to show the clip because I think it's funny. How? I, I heard this I heard this at the white House. I can't was and my father. Like I. Am happy birthday is the place where. Thank you sir. I appreciate that you guys. And you know, after that, our esteemed JD Vance was actually talking to people and taking questions. Unlike Harris and campaign, him. Right. They're not taking questions. Good. Now we got to add something to that. I think it's coward tan. Can you just can you just picture this, guys, picture the debate stage. All right. JD Vance, a military veteran who served decorated on the stage with tampon. Tim, who deserted his group unit. Unit. I mean, can you just. I don't think he would want to debate them. I don't think there's going to be debate because how do you there's no way to how do you justify that? He's not going to debate. The worse it gets, the more the stolen barrel comes out, the more people talk about it. To be honest with you, I wouldn't even be surprised if they end up replacing him because this is not going well already. supposedly Biden's unhappy. He wants to get reinstalled. DNG big Mike Obama is struggling behind the scenes trying to fight for a position. Of course, Newsom still hasn't given up. And then, of course, you've got Hillary Clinton over there threatening everybody. I think the DNC is going to be a bloodbath. I still don't know who their candidate is going to be. Well, Kamala, it's you know, now they're saying that some of the, shows of her rallies, they CGI lied and green screen some of the people in the crowd. I don't know if they can, but at the end of the day, they're probably paying them. Paying it? Yeah. Talking about those people are getting $500, Home Depot cards. Gift cards? You see that one? But a rally? I don't know. As a rapper, he's got, like, huge millions upon millions of following. she'II say. Yeah, he, Kamala reached out and the Secret Service, and he is flipping mad because. But wait, let me just question what is the Secret Service doing reaching out to get her to get Kamala Harris on a show? I mean, in the weird part of the show, he was. Yeah. To get him on. wait, no, she they want to stream. They wanted to have him stream a show with her on it, because he has 30 million people that follow him. But here's my question. I don't even understand that guy. He was living in a penthouse, and now he does his show out of a U-Haul truck. Oh, is that what it was? I thought it was a garage or something. No, it's a you all truck. He's got an actual you all truck. I don't know if he's renting it. I don't know if he got thrown out of his penthouse. I don't understand this. This guy's got a crazy account. Obviously, with 30 million subscribers, he's probably killing it on YouTube and everywhere else. I just can't figure out why he's running his show out of a U-Haul truck and how people are still watching it. Anyway, explain that to me if you guys know what it is, I don't get it. But when there's a Secret Service in the job of negotiating appearances for the vice president, once the appearance is booked, I understand why the Secret Service is involved. But why are they calling him? Trying to get him to do an interview with Harris? George, do you have any idea? Because I'm stumped on this one. Because she stole anything. Well, she sucks. She likes sucking, she sucks. And trying to reach the masses. She's got dirt. Now. Just think about it. 30 million viewers just seen him rant and rave and bitch and moan about Kamala Harris and the Secret Service trying to reach out to him. They just seen it, you know? He says he doesn't care about politics. And I agree with that. You know, at the end of the day, this should have been enough reason for him to want to do Trump. I guess that other interview, that that Trump just did blew up. They get you know, I don't know if you saw that that that streamer gave Trump a Rolex watch and he gave him the wrapped Cybertruck, which I thought was especially cool right now. Supposedly that interview's already had millions of views. Nobody ever gives Trump a gift. Everybody assumes he's a billionaire. I got to give it to that kid. That was a class move. what do you think about that, George? What do you think about the whole Rolex giveaway? He did. He gave a Rolex to who? To Trump and the Cybertruck and the Cybertruck. The wrap Cybertruck again. And he's now filing for bankruptcy. Aidan Ross yeah, he's filing for bankruptcy now. I mean, it's definitely a classic classy move. Class act move. I give him credit. no matter how much a person money have, the gift, if it comes from the heart, it means something. And again, the bankruptcies in the news. I haven't been able to verify that. I only saw two sources talking about it. It's probably true, but I have no idea. And maybe now, bitcoins, you know, rebounded enough that he doesn't have a problem. Who knows who. You know, I really don't know what the story, that story got leaked. Maybe they were trying to attack him because they wanted to discredit him for what he did, but Trump was actually touched by it because I think probably, you know, listen, when you got a billionaire, you know, I have a couple of billionaire friends and I always try to go out of my way. You know, I've always made a point of making sure I acknowledge their birthdays and, you know, whenever they're in town, do gifts, that sort of thing. I know a lot of people. Well, a lot of people usually comes down. I don't even have a sugar mama. I'm single. Well, here's my point. A lot of times people look at those people and they're still people. I mean, a lot of these guys, they've inherited their money or otherwise, and they've made it. I'm sure Trump appreciates somebody doing that for him, because I'm not saying he doesn't get gifts. I'm just saying it. You know? I'm sure he shows up for a lot of these interviews and people are thankful. And they're, you know, they're actually doing the interview. But at the same time, I think it's good. I mean, he showed us he actually was touched by it. You can see his reaction. So all right, George, my brother from another mother to sir I don't let's just I don't have any billionaire friend. I'm single. I don't even have a sugar mom. Can I give him? Maybe. Maybe we'll have to put you out there. Maybe you wear some leather later. Hosen on the show? Negative. Get you out there and see if we can shop your goods. See if we get some support for you. I don't know. All right, so, listen, we've got a good interview tomorrow. Daniel is joining us from New Mana. He's the founder. He's going to be talking about lots of stuff in the news cycle. He's always a great interview. We appreciate him. We also obviously appreciate the show's support. So if you head over to mnemonics comm forward, slash a big mag, buy some buckets. Go do it now. Listen, on Friday, the guys that, did the movie Cartel Wars, and wrote the book they're going to be on, we'll have that over. Join the big MiG. Yeah. It's Friday, cartel Wars, baby. You know I love a good border. Get an interview. You know, go over to the big mag, join the big me community. You'll have all the information there about these upcoming interviews. That's on X you want to follow G. Ballantine, Richie Esparza for 80, the big, big show. And of course, Lance, you have your friends follow us. Take the short form. The long form tonight was great interview. You should grab some of that short form content from, Kash Patel. Use it, disseminate it. Just give the big make a shout out or tag us in the videos so we can also repost and comment. Happy to support you guys and doing that on all the other platforms. George Valentine, Lance Miller actually on the big, big Show and of course Richie Esparza. We're on true social gab getter, Cloud hub, Frank speech, Frank social. You can find us all over the place now on Kik. check it out. Go over there, and give a shout out to stay right here on Rumble. Yeah. We want you on Rumble, of course. Rumbles our home locals. Anyways, this is where we. Hold on. Wait. One more thing? Yeah. One thing, and then you can go. Don't forget, if you're on any of the podcasts, anywhere, it doesn't matter whether it's Apple or Samsung or Spotify or any of them. Podbean. Make sure you go find the Big Mig show. Leave a comment. You know, comment on the show. Subscribe to us. It's free. These aren't paid subscriptions. I'm talking about all that support. Share it. Like it? Any of our shows. We really need all the help we can get to continue to grow the voice. We're going to let you know about the new radio deal we've got here. Soon enough. It's going to be syndicated to four new big networks. We're trying to get all over the country to make a difference. George Balloutine, thanks. What else? Yeah. so actually, tomorrow we're going to be doing a day show. I'm not sure at the time. I'm going to say probably anywhere between 12 and 1230. Possibly. It is Genesis goal Group, the CEO of Brad Garrett. He will be coming on and talking about all the financial woes of this week and future stuff, and how you can protect your investments, your retirement. So I believe I believe it's going to be 1230, but just look for the link. And when we go live, you'll know, kind of like an emergency broadcast. We wanted to make sure you guys got the financial stuff. All right. See you guys tomorrow afternoon. Peace out. But if we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last thing on earth. You. Mike Lindell here. And like you, I see our country being destroyed daily. We face massive economic issues. 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