Dr. Carol Swain REVEALS Top TACTICS To End America's WOKE Infiltration | Kirk Cameron on TBN

I can remember uh as a Christian when we were mocked as being anti-science but we find that when it's convenient for progressives they will throw science out the window to push an agenda Dr Carol Swain has been a tenur associate professor at Princeton and the professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt she's known for her sharp cultural and political commentary and multiple book releases could you give us a little of your backstory and explain why the American dream matters to you so much well first of all you know I'm probably a lot older than most of the people I'm part of the bo baby Boon generation the early end of that and in my day we were told that the way to make something of yourself was to work hard and get an education and so education mattered but I happen to have been born in a family uh That Grew uh to 12 children rural poverty Southwestern Virginia I dropped out of school after completing the 8th grade not because of anything except the poverty I married at 16 not because I was pregnant but back then if you could get married that was a way to get away from home so I married at 16 had my first child at 17 by the time I was uh 21 I had three small children and uh I suffered with depression the suicide gestures and I can tell you that uh within my family it was an uneasy fit I can remember as a child feeling out of place and almost feeling like a participant Observer and anyone who's done social science research know knows that there's a form of research where you sort of immerse yourself into an environment and you do what the people in the environment do but you're really studying them and I can remember just watching my family and feeling like first that they were strange they were not like me but feeling like I had been dropped from out of space and I also can remember being very serious as a child my mother uh told me frequently that I was not like her other children and now you know as a Christian believer who had a conversion experience in my 40s I understand now that probably I was experiencing the call on my life I had no idea that I would end up um becoming a university Professor uh I went to a community college I got the first of five college and university degrees I never sought to become a university Professor but I can say today that God put people in my life who steered me in that direction and uh and and I excelled and I had no idea like when I was in that depression when I was suffering that I would become who I am today and you've had such an opportunity to study and to work at prestigious universities um why do you think God included that in your story because he has a sense of humor if you saw the poverty that I grew up in like the early part of my life it was a two- room Shack no indoor plumbing so when I think about um my life it wasn't supposed to happen and would God did was bring people into my life that steered me and the first person that changed my life was uh a uh medical doctor who was a resident at the hospital in the city where I was at at that time I had moved to the city and he told me I was intelligent I was attractive I could do more with my life and that startled me because I was 20 or 21 had never heard that before and because of his encouragement I got a high school equivalency a g GED and then I started working outside the home and I met an African orderly who told me that I was smarter than people he went to college with I should go to college and by my acting on that encouragement they open the door to who I am today and then once I stepped out other people sort of encourag me and pushed me and I was um an honest student me the the Dean's List a couple of times M and then I tried to get a job as a store manager that didn't work out I didn't get hired I was told I needed a four-year degree and I made a decision to be an honest student and I uh purchased and checked out books on how to make a in college how to take sa exams how to do objective tests I applied the principles graduated Magna Kum loud for working 40 hours a week nights and weekends at the Community College Library H I love that story it's a god story it is a god story wow we talked a little bit earlier about the American dream being possible and so important to you what what do you want our viewers today to to to to consider when thinking about the American dream why is it so important well first of all I want them to know that where you start doesn't uh determine where you end and that you know you can start at the bottom and achieve the American dream but you have to believe that's possible or you can be someone that has every Advantage you had uh your family everything was handed to you and you can end up at the bottom and lose everything but um I think that one reason why America became a great nation and I don't know where we are today but we became a great nation because it was possible for people to work hard and overcome the circumstances of their birth and I think they are different um people have different ideas about what the American dream is for them for some people it is just being able to pay your bills you know have a nice house uh have your children grow up to be decent people uh but whatever your American dream is I think that unless you can see it and believe that it's possibility it will not happen and unfortunately a lot of what we get today is negative and uh people feel that because of their race because of their sex because of whether sexual orientation whatever you know Society is saying that they cannot you know experience the American dream and I think it's important for people to know that um a lot of what happens to us we I think we are responsible in the sense that what we believe if you believe that everything is stacked against you then I don't think it's possible for you to achieve your potential if you believe that you're a victim can't achieve your potential and I think that for the American dream and for my generation you know we were taught about the possibilities and it was positive and I never felt that I was handicapped because of my race and my uh level of poverty but I also was blessed by coming along at a time after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 I would argue that it opened up enormous opportunities for people like me and I was able to take advantage of those opportunities and the Goodwill of people who didn't look like me mattered because the people who pushed me and encouraged me uh for the most part you know they were not people who look like me that's so encouraging to hear and we hear such a different narrative today and young people are hearing such a different narrative today and that's why it's so important that you're talking with us uh from your background with your experience and to see the story that God has been writing in your life um how can parents instill in their children that can do spirit that that uh belief that God is writing a story for them regardless of where they've come from and that this may be the best place on Earth to uh to achieve their dreams well the first thing every parent needs to know is that they're competing you know with all kinds of influences that you know we didn't have TW even 25 years ago and so they have you know the opportunity to be the first teacher of their children but our world our society everyone surrounding them their friends may be uh you know pushing that coun of narrative that you're a victim because of certain things or if you're privil if you're white for example and you happen to have two parents that are normal that love you then that's being dismissed as white privilege and so there are some kids that feel guilty because of that in fact I had a friend in my Sunday school class that her daughter uh was quite upset that she had been raised with such privilege and the privilege that she found so disdainful was that she had a normal family who loved her and so like you know white is black and black is white Up Is Down and all of this stuff like that I think parents need to know that with the other narratives that their children are experiencing and ideally if they can have a relationship uh where the child would just talk honestly about what they're feeling what they're thinking what they hearing from their friends uh unless you can have that kind of conversation I don't think it would be easy for a parent to caner those messages and those messages are not just um coming from Friends they're also coming uh from uh in schools even private acmy even Christian Schools uh the the message about victimization and and uh you know privilege they're coming uh from places where you would not think it would be including some Churches and I wish I could uh that was not true but it is true and there are very few safe places where your children uh will not be bombarded with messages that are not conducive with them being the best person they can be or achieving their full potential when it comes to parental rights in reference to education what are some of the important things that you want parents to know about their rights with regard to their kids learning well first of all I have to confess that I'm a strong proponent of homeschooling and it's because I feel like in America we have sort of lost control of public education but also the uh private the private christiany um and I'm going to cover an exemption for classical Christian schools because for the most part the ones that I'm aware of have not followed the CRT uh diversity Equity inclusion route but for the most part um if your child uh is in public school you know you do have a certain rights as a parent but we find that with the government whether it's through the state laws or Departments of Education Nea teachers unions we have a a mechanism that fights against uh parental rights and so uh you know you would think that parents would have the right to be involved in uh selecting uh uh the the curriculum not necessarily selecting but monitoring the curriculum what in the library well we find that again and again that that is being overwritten that's being trampled uh I think parents need to know that their schools are not necessar neily safe places and their private are not necessarily safe places and that they really have to monitor what's taking place at every kind of educational institution and I think that with some parents they feel very um Christian parents that they send their children to a Christian school and they think they're in a safe place and that's not necessarily true and it's not certainly not true for the colleges because we know that they have been infiltrated but also theem have been infiltrated so there's no substitute for Parental in um involvement but also for actively sitting down talking with your child finding out what's on their minds finding out what they're being taught and one of the tricks that's being done now is that in some Schools they're not sending homework home with the children because they don't want the parents to know what they're doing wow my father is a public school teacher and my grandmother my grandfather were Public School teachers uh but we came to many the same conclusions that you did and and so we ended up homeschooling our kids and and we found uh that there were challenges even in the private christiany that you're talking about uh they're not necessarily safe places and so parents being involved and um really taking the leadership position in their children's education um we we had to learn is is is critically important important uh Dr SW what would you say to the overwhelming the overwhelmed parent that is seeing that their children are learning a different set of values in school than the ones they're being taught at home what can they do well I mean that it's definitely happening whether the parent has recognized it and uh and whatever you saw you know years ago with the um with the uh christiany everything is much worse and awareness is like the beginning uh you know parents can exercise their voice they can move their children and if the resources are there I think it's important for for parents who can afford to do so to choose um the homeschooling option and it's not something that has to be so difficult one parent you know teaching all the different uh subjects because they're homeschool co-ops they're way to make it easier but even with the homeschooling and I've spoken at many homeschooling conferences apparently uh the the curricular that has been infiltrated and some of the homeschooling groups have parents in there that are progressive and they're pushing things onto homeschoolers and so there are no safe places on the earth and as Christians we um I guess we should expect what we see and I think that uh parents it's a scary situ situation that your child will be exposed to values other than what you're teaching at home and I think the best thing a parent can do is to have a conversation with their children about uh what they're hearing or or you know what they're going to be told because some of the indoctrination it's um it they're being IND indoctrinated along the same lines because if it if it relates to race if they are white they're being told you know that uh are responsible for the sins of their ancestors that they have white privilege that they are racist and so with a lot of white children they've been shamed or they've been bullied because of that if they're affluent they theyve been guilted out because of the affluence and so people need to know uh some of the ways they're being attacked and then when it comes to a sexual morality we find that uh there are clear uh agendas that there are people that will enroll their children into a private school or into an institution where they may want to push um their they may enroll a child and then say that that child identifies with a different gender and they begin you know to dress a little boy as a little girl or vice versa and they try to make the school go along with it and that's a political strategy that people are using their children sometimes as weapons and the parent today has to be vigilant but they also have to know what God is calling them to do sometimes it's to save your own child and sometimes you have the child that God has called and equipped to be in that public school and that's the child that is taking notes that's bringing the information home right because if it weren't for the Christian teachers and some of the Christian students we wouldn't know everything that's taking place in the classroom there have been successful lawsuits there have been people exposed just because there was the right child in that classroom that was the right teacher the teacher you know they they're constrained but they're there because God has them there they're getting the information and we need those people that are being placed so there's some children that are called to be in those institutions but there are some children that will be that can be destroyed by them because uh you know they they just are not ready for the battle that's right boy that so well said I know that that what I'm about to ask you could uh take up the rest of our time together in answering but it's always been on my mind uh you you're concerned and involved with teaching not only in education but political science and you said that sometimes these uh strategies are used as political strategies and the children our weapons yeah what kind of person is trying to push ideologies of calling little boys girls and little girls boys and making white people or black people feel guilt and shame and full of racism what good does that do and why would somebody push that kind of an agenda well you know my book Black afy for America uh we talk about critical race Theory and critical race theory is connected you know to diversity equity and inclusion but at the root of all that is Marxism cultural Marxism neomarxism and it's about destroying Traditional Values and structures the family and people believe that Western Civilization that Western Civilization is corrupt Western Civilization needs to be destroyed and that the ends justify the means there are parents who care more about the ideology than they do about the well-being of their own children and so they you know Endor this crazy nonsense that you're not born a boy or a girl that your sex is assigned at Birth and by doing that they reject science they reject uh DNA they reject everything to push an ideology and I can remember uh as a Christian when we were mocked as being anti-science but we find that when it's convenient for progressives they would throw science out the window to push an agenda and so our children have been you know weaponized and targeted and uh and and they have destroyed relationships but I am encouraged I'm encouraged because you know recently even the New York Times had an article about people young people who were detransitioning they had been transitioned to the opposite sex as a child and then they realized you know that they made a mistake and so the New York Times has finally said that there are some radicals you know that are are pushing gender affirming therapies on children but when I look at what has happened across our country and just how easily people have endorsed all that in various States uh it just makes me wonder uh what happened to America that we stop protecting children wow sometimes uh I I I I think conversations like this they they they're about ideas and we're rooting things that we see happening on a Tik Tock video or an Instagram platform back into things like Marxism and critical race Theory diversity equity and inclusion some people say I don't know I don't understand all of that well they better understand it because it's affecting every aspect of their lives their churches the military every institution has been infiltrated with it and at the root of Marxism is really a rejection of God a rejection of the family a rejection of everything that's stable and it's all about conflict theory keeping us at each other's throats and so there's nothing good that comes from it burning your head in the sand will not make it better I I love the way that you just said that so when those of us who recognize the evils of Marxism have landed here in America and not just out there somewhere but but right here inside of our homes and in our children's schools it can make us feel angry and it can produce that that that uh that desire to want to get into conflict to defeat that Marxism but is that playing right into the strategy to keep us at each other's throats or uh or or or should we have sort of a righteous indignation should is the response to remain peaceful and unify and and peacefully overthrow bad ideas or is this leading to a giant conflict uh and and some sort of ideological Revolution that's going to be real uncomfortable well we've been in a cultural War I think for many generations and I think that there is a place for righteous indignation when you look around and see what's being done not just to your own child other people's children and one reason I don't argue for everyone all the Christians pull your children out of public schools is because if you pull all the children out of public schools there will be no no no one there to defend the kids who don't have parents who can be Advocates and I believe that God has his people positioned everywhere and I think there are different strategies for different people and so everyone's not called to fight the battle in the same way and as Christians you know we are to we're told to love our enemies and when we look at many of these people they are innocent in the sense that there is such a deception over them yes I always pray for eyes to be opened that they might be able the scales would fall from the eyes that they'd be able to see and um and then there's so many parents and so many people in churches that they may have a Biblical worldview until it affects their family until it's their child or their grand child their grandchild then they start rethinking uh biblical principles and trying to excuse certain types of behavior but the Bible is so clear about consequences of certain kinds of sins and I think the most important and loving thing we can do is to speak truth even when it's uncomfortable uh because at the end of the day we benefit no one and certainly not ourselves when we lie and we make excuses we pretend that we don't see what's taking place and I applaud you know the men the women the teachers that have stood up to the public pressures and they've been very successful lately in winning lawsuits and uh in my um in you know in my books like there's one the adversity of diversity where I point out that um the Civil Rights Act prohibits all kinds of discrimination white people are protected Christians are protected because Christians and Jews have a Target on their backs at this time and uh men uh often have a Target on their backs and it's so important for people to document discrimination and uh me as a as a racial minority you know I'm accustomed to I know what to do you know like I've always known about civil rights and uh but for many white people they've never even thought that they had civil rights men always thought that uh women were protected but they didn't see themselves as being protected we do have some laws in place people do win some court cases and it's important to get knowledge and I think the most important way to protect yourself and your family is to get information and don't pretend you know that you don't see what you see God will take care of it in the end well God may be calling you to use the brain that he's given you to use your wisdom and to step out there and fight if not for yourself but for someone else

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