Jack Hibbs: The RESTORATION of LIBERTY Depends on THIS | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Freedom demands and anticipates logic reason responsibility and frankly the fear of God Sir Edmund Burke said all that evil needs to do to Triumph is for good men to do nothing allow me to say it like this please do the right thing that's that's called doing righteousness it's when nobody's looking or when everybody's looking you do the right thing and the right thing is to vote to defend the Republic that God has given us as Believers and so we need to be good stewards over the freedoms that God has given us if we sit it out Kurt then we are then we're throwing uh the gift God gave us through our founding fathers we're throwing that right into the camp of the enemy and and and and it's not it's not any longer well I don't know if I'm G to vote or not in this country thank God still to this moment we don't change governments with bombs and guns we're not like some Banana Republic somewhere in the world we actually change our government by using a pen and a ballot it is absolutely amazing my fear Kirk is that too many people have gotten content happy I don't know lazy they're not defending what has been given to us God bless our military but listen our military is trusting us to give them good leaders and our part is to vote in a way that honors a judeo-christian worldview value granted not every candidate can walk on water Jesus's name's not on the ballot the Messiah is not coming on Air Force One but there's somebody on the ballot that is better than the other guy or the other gal and we need to vote for that person who holds closest to our Biblical worldview value sometimes you talk about the difference between being political and being influential what's the difference and and should we be doing both yeah I think there's a big difference uh you mentioned the word government numerous times and so you should have according to the Bible in the book of Exodus God is the one that instituted government it's one of his sacred institutions marriage the church and government well what's wrong what's happened we have politicized government we've made we've taken government that was to operate under the rule of God and we have injected man's sovereignty man's Authority and that's called politics that's where we step in as Believers with good stewardship and we get back to the government that God has given us like you said amazing Declaration of Independence our Bill of Rights the Constitution nations of the world covet our founding documents our nation's birth certificates we need to get back to those things if we don't then politicians will politic our citizenship Jack help us understand how our faith our Christianity informs our understanding of what freedom is is freedom uh anything that that we want to do or is freedom something different for the Christian I believe that Liberty and freedom I happen to agree with not only the Bible but Samuel Adams articulated this so well that Thomas Jefferson is the one that said there never would have been a revolution without Samuel Adams's understanding of Liberty and Sam Adams said I got my understanding of Liberty from the pastor at the church I go to Liberty is something God puts in the human heart man craves to be free in the book of book of Galatians chapter 5 verse1 the Bible says to stand firm in the Liberty that Christ has set us free and no longer become entangled in the things of the past are the things of this world absolutely the believer should understand Liberty better than anybody we should be the greatest uh I think Defenders of Liberty and I think that we as citizens who love the Lord first and we thank him for our nation we need to speak up and we need to engage people to protect the liberty of this country imagine Liberty to go out tonight if you want to eat pizza Liberty to sleep in your own bed Liberty to spend a dollar the way that you want to Liberty to go to the beach on Saturday and church on Sunday if you think that's important then you need to vote for the right people I mean this is absolutely essential to our existence I'm so thankful that uh we can be liberated not only to do the things that we want to do in this country uh because we have the freedom to do that but we're also liberated internally from the power and the penalty of sin which actually gives us the right perspective to know what to protect there is a liberty and freedom that is responsible and then there's a liberty and freedom that is perceived that leads to bondage if I exercise my right for example to go do whatever I want you are actually changing the definition of Liberty you're changing the definition of freedom because okay yeah sure I'm free to go get drunk and and and go do whatever and if I kill somebody I'm immediately led into bondage that's not freedom freedom demands and anticipates logic reason responsibility and frankly the fear of God this is the key we must be an awe of God again as a country and that's caus me to drive the speed limit that's what's going to cause me to be nice to somebody I don't like I don't like them but God says Jack I love them and you're to bless your neighbor so I obey him instead of me and everybody is blessed but when I choose to be my own leader then I'm going to do what's right in my own eyes and then you'll have Anarchy and you'll have of the country and in some of the cities where people are doing whatever they want and they're not free they're laying on the streets of LA today wiped out on fentanyl because they thought that they wanted to be free from God never works right in our culture right now there are so many concerns so many things that are worth fighting for so many things worth protecting how do we as Christians discern the top tier issues I think number one is that we are to have you and I talk about so often on and off camera is a Biblical worldview that means that I'm to view the value of things around me based upon Christ assessment of things and the Bible's very clear about this I'm to love my wife my kids right I am to be involved in the in the in the bringing up in in my family in a Godly way I can't run around and save the county and save the city unless my home right is being loved and taken care of when we seek first the kingdom of God as Matthew 6:33 tells us Jesus is speaking everything else falls into its place so we must do the right thing but there's some things that the Bible assumes that we're doing as Believers and that is that we've got a heart to follow after God and even tonight if we just decided I'm going to pursue God from this moment on California Texas wherever you're at Colorado you could wake up tomorrow and actually be taking your Comm Community by by taking your home husbands praying for their wives praying for their kids I believe God will honor that and he's going to take care of all of the other things that are happening current on the on the extremities take care of the core and he'll take care of the things that are outward I can't save Los Angeles but I can sure get my granddaughter and grandsons and my wife and my children uh loved on by the example Christ has called me to do and so that's where we start I know that sounds simplistic but we can't do it by the way without the power of the Holy Spirit but we've got to start there we got to go back there Jack one of the phrases that we often hear within the uh Christian culture is um that that we are in the world but not of the world what do you think about that phrase sometimes I think it get gets used uh and it gets filled with with with a with a right meaning and then and a wrong meaning maybe it needs to be nuanced a little bit uh how do we apply that concept boy I tell you I hope people keep watching after I say this uh I kind of find the same statement connected with the same uh announcement well brother uh I just preach the gospel I don't get involved in that other stuff I see those two statements trafficking together um we need to realize something Faith true faith is active faith is a verb um if you tell your wife you love her and never do a thing to express that or defend that or to uh uh promote that she's going to wind up doubting if your statement's true so I think it's Augustine that said uh preach the gospel always and if necessary use words I love that we need to be active showing our faith and that is in every area Jesus summed it up by saying let your light so shine before men that when they see your good works they'll glorify your father which is in heaven but what do you say if I could push back here Jack I want say the guy who says well wait a minute no no no what we mean is uh my kingdom is not of this world I'm I'm with Jesus in heaven that's what I care about this world not so much so hey I'm just biting my time enjoying my uh my Chick-fil-A and decorating my house with Hobby Lobby waiting for the Rapture I don't need to get involved in the midterm elections yeah exactly I would have them read the Old Testament and the New Testament both of those Testaments have got Believers involved and what's happening around them aw toer said it has been My Discovery to find that those who have done the most for this world are the ones who have waited for the world to come so here's the here's the thing is that when we say I'm all about I'm I'm Heavenly minded I don't need to be Earthly minded no you're you're to be Heavenly minded so that it makes a difference here on Earth we cannot be passive in the face of evil um the Old and New Testament knows nothing about us being passive and disengaged we are to be engaged and it's Crystal Clear on that and I'll put uh I'll put a cap on it this way when they brought a a a coin to Jesus they said Jesus uh regarding taxes and authority and all who's uh this is a coin uh for Caesar so Jesus held it up and said who's who inscriptions on the coin and they said Caesars and so Jesus brilliant Jesus said then render to Caesar the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are Gods we don't get that in the western world but they all got it in an instant they knew Rome belonged to God Italy belonged to God the Roman Empire belonged to God Caesar belonged to God the coin belonged to God Caesar's Palace Caesar's salad it all belong to God and they got that everything Sacramento belongs to God Washington DC belongs to God so that means it's under my jurisdiction to influence for good but Jack someone might say God is sovereign you know we can we can toil away and do what we want and and you can get involved in politics if that's your thing but in the end God is going to determine everything so what is God's job and what is our job yeah first of all our job is to follow God who is at uh faithful at his job okay so here's the thing um this way God tells Jonah right go to Nineveh and announce to them I'm going to fry the place okay just walk around it and tell them they're all going to burn up I'm going to let him have it so Jonah's very excited because the Assyrian Empire was horrific and the capital was Nineveh and so Jonah being a good Jew was so delighted that God's Gonna fry their enemies and so he announces this horrific message of hey you know 40 days and you guys are gonna fry and what happens is the people begin to cry out to God they repent everybody's fasting including the animals and they go into a state of mourning these are pagans crying out to the god of the Jews and God says okay wait stop press destruction press the pause button and God gave them 40 Years of mercy God is Sovereign but in his sovereignty God is buil in his option to exercise Mercy the same goes for us listen God has given us builtin sovereignty we are to choose though we're responsible for what we choose and what we do not choose knowing this we don't get all the glory for being able to choose we thank God for giving us the ability to choose but that doesn't mean we're not responsible for our decisions God's not going to make you do something thus obedience that requires Choice doesn't it God says obey me which means you have a choice God didn't make robots he made us in His image you and I can create we can love we can choose to hate if we want to we can listen this is a serious issue I'm glad you brought it up we must choose to obey God that because God is Sovereign and I'm called into obedience if I disobey it's going to cost me and so look I believe the Rapture of the church could happen right now but I'm also fighting for my grandchildren and somebody might say how do you do that it's easy the Bible says occupy till I come and that's what I'm doing what are some of the things that you're hoping that Christians are doing practically speaking uh praying uh researching educating I mean what what are some of the things that we should be mindful of doing number one thing yes to what you just said but don't do it in a bubble make sure that your kids know that you sit your kids down show them the Civics that you're starting to do you're you're looking at websites you're you're looking at voting records you're praying kids let's pray you guys we have an election coming up let's pray right now let's pray that God gives us the best mayor or the best governor you get them involved and you get them involved in the process but by all means here and now the uh the voter needs to baptize themselves into the things that God has given us the ability right here now to be responsible for Kurt this is a tremendous thing that I'm about to say most people don't even know including those in the Pulpit they don't even appreciate the scope of of responsibility that God has given us to be stewards that this nation I don't believe this nation is in the hands of Sacramento or DC I believe it's in the church's hands and that means I believe it's in the pulpits hands the pastor's hands the pastor in this hour oh my gosh this is our moment to be so on fire for Jesus it's so obvious that we're living at this amazing moment the hour is ours if we want it he's extending us the opportunity of freedom to exercise if pulpits caught fire fearlessly right now this nation would turn in a moment because it'd be supernaturally blessed by God and he would turn what seems impossible including California look I've not moved from this state I'm here fighting because it's my home and if any good thing can come out of Nazareth well it did if anything good can come out of California well it just might because God could do a work here and I'm committed to that and I pray that everybody in every state and every city would just do it for Jesus can you just get involved for jesus' sake lay aside your reputation lay aside what your friends might say or or not say about you do it for Jesus let your light shine like you learned in Sunday school don't put a basket over it just let it out there

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