Category: Entertainment
Intro man stelle sich einen architekten vor der einen turm bauen soll den besten größten tollsten turm den die welt jemals gesehen hat und dafür bekommt der architekt mehr geld zur verfügung als bei jedem anderen turmbau bisher ausgegeben wurde gut und was macht der architekt er baut einen turm der... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I was in your place once in the eldest of the elder days for chosen to be blessed of morgoth's hand with the promise of power a new birth i was led up to a dark and named peak chained and after what seemed endless thirst and hunger i saw it his servant's face sauron's face and it was beautiful he offered... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Sauron what are you talking about halber my name is not halber take it then you're not a king not a king not a southlander not even a mortal what are you there are forces in this world beyond evil you cannot expect me to believe that you are a messenger from the valard sent i'll run a storm is coming... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] shra st ky nine for mortal men doomed to die [music] [music] i am not [music] alone are you you in need of assistance my lady you should have stayed dead [music] rel come back come [music] back is here yes the darkness has [music] returned stand climb on he is weak he cannot remain here is training... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Am 29 august also diesen donnerstag geht es mit amazon serie die ringe der macht staffel 2 weiter ebenso wie zu staffel 1 werden wir auch dieses mal zu jeder folge eine analyse veröffentlichen wenn ihr also nichts verpassen wollt dann solltet ihr jetzt unbedingt abonnieren die ausstrahlung der ersten... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] this is the work of s there's this great dramatic irony in season 2 because the audience knows sauron's identity but a lot of the characters don't so what's it like playing sauron as this conniving trickster as opposed to the you know all powerful evil entity we know him as in the original series... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Im jahre des herren 2017 kam amazon mit news um die ecke die so manchen tolkin fans die hobbitörchen zucken ließen eine herr der ringe serie im game of thrones style mindestens fünf staffeln for adult audiences wie es heißt soll jeff besos persönlich einen narren an der idee gefressen haben und hat... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] oh my god is funny Read more
Category: News & Politics
Ladies and gentlemen it is rings of power day how amazing for everyone involved right now at the time of watching this video you can be treated to not one not two but three full episodes to potentially drive up watch hour so it looks at least like somebody's paying attention to this crap it's not about... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Ah [music] sorry sorry sorry i'm so sorry i thought you were an orc it's all right doesn't hurt doesn't hurt of course it hurts i just stabbed you in the thigh could have been worse here let me pull it out no don't you meant to leave it in was i yes whenever you're stabbed you meant to leave it in i've... Read more
Category: Education
No haga caso esa jugada son rumores son rumores rumores rumores informe deida de la temporada 2 de rin of power ampliará a sauron de formas nuevas y enormes rumores rumores me dejaron este mensaje muchas gracias andrés de rumores que hay respecto a la serie de amazon prime así que vamos a revisar los... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hi king harold elon carries three rings a means of halting the fading and saving our people we will discuss the rings once you have answered the question elron just informed me your companion this hal brand was not who he claimed yet you chose to withhold this from him and calmor is it true yes who... Read more