I hid my STEAM POWER STATION in Minecraft Create Mod!

last episode I not only installed the start of our storage system I also built a couple of buildings on our steampunk Main Street today however is all about power and our extreme lack of it currently and I'm also going to build a huge chunk of Main Street Ready for the World download but we'll get to that later now when it comes to generating power there's a few ways to do it in create we can use water wheels of various sizes we can use a windmill or we've got steam engines which I I can't place cuz it needs to be attached to the side of a cober tank didn't really think that's through but we've already done water wheels in fact we've done lots and lots of water wheels all of these are full of them and we've also done windmills kind of but for the amount of power this Park's going to need I think the only real option is to make a massive steam power plant the problem with steam power however is it does need a fuel source to keep it going and that can be anything that burns such as coal or blaze rods wood but of course we're going to be using lava which means we're going to need well lots of lava lots and lots of lava in fact we're going to need an infinite amount of lava which is usually not a thing in Minecraft you can get infinite water but not infinite lava in create however we can get infinite lava we just need to get 10,000 Source blocks of the stuff first which means I'm going to need a great big hole probably over here somewhere that we can then put 10,000 lava source blocks in so I guess we better go make a whole bunch of drills to get this done made a whole bunch of drills and a rope pulley so this should enable us to do what we need so I just need to go underground here and Mark out where we want to put this I've worked out if we do a pit that's 20 blocks on all sides so width length and depth then we should end up with 10,000 blocks right well that should just about do it I've actually done it as 22x 22 cuz that way we've got an extra block at the side so we can put in some blocks just so if we are digging underground we don't dig into the side of our lava that would be bad now I just need to place loads of drills and if we do a 10x 10 square in the middle here and then stick another row on each side that will give us our wall placement area as well we're going to want to stick a couple of chests to the back of this as well then let's just get all of this glued together then what I'm going to do is stick a block on the back of that and we're going to put the Rope pulley next to it or on top of it I should say then we just need to give that some power so what I've actually done is just brought a few water wheels we'll just get these blocked in and throw in some water and that's going to give us power but I want control over the speed so we're going to stick in a speed controller down here then I just need to get this linked up to the Rope pulley well I think we're just going to have to use a couple of vertical gearboxes here and if we do that okay so it's all connected it should work I just need to change the direction on this let's go and then we're just going to reverse Direction and pull that back up and I just need to do that three more times and we'll have a massive pit here there we go a nice big hole that should be enough to hold the lava but I will just make sure with my calculations by placing a whole bunch of blocks yep that's 22 wide as is that side that means at least the inside is fine now let's just make sure it's deep enough it certainly is we've even got a few blocks to spare wonderful the lava hole is complete now we just need to fill it up and to do that we need to go to the nether firstly to hope that we've actually got a lake nearby to that pit and then secondly to build a system to Pump It All Out going to need some pipes pumps spout and an item drain a bunch of buckets bunch of obsidian flint and steel and we're going to need a couple of Hose pulley and that should be everything we need hopefully get this to work so first up let's see what we're dealing with on the nether side all right we've got a fortress right there but there is a lava lake just down here perfect that's a big old Lava Lake which means it's going to be infinite as well now what I need to do is sketchy bridge out over this put down our hose pulley and then we're going to use a hand crank to lower this all the way down to the bottom I don't know why the color's gone weird though then I need a bunch of pipes so we can pipe that lava over here somewhere I don't know what's going on with this rendering but uh yeah for some reason stuff just isn't rendering properly in the nether but we're going to have a belt going that way and basically feeding our full lava buckets into the portal so we need a spout above here and that pipe just needs to go to there we are going to need a pump however once again not rendering properly and now we need to give this thing some power so what I'm going to do use another speed controller stick that in the top there turn this up see if we can get max speed out of it that'll be nice stick a bunch of water wheels in here oh it all looks so weird when it's not rendering I don't like it but obviously we can't use water because we are in the Nether and that's just well it's just not going to work is it but I believe we can instead use lava so I just need to go down and get some of this and that should work just like the waters do yeah perfect and that's pumping all the lava that's going up into here wonderful let's just make sure I don't actually fall in this lava cuz it's the kind of thing I do now I just need to grab this get that power over to there which I assume is working it looks like it is now I've put a chest there you'll just have to believe me that it actually a chest then we're going to put a funnel oh they render oh don't want that one and if I stick a bucket in there we should get a bucket of lava and that should go through the portal wonderful and that seems to have gone directly into that hole okay that's good it tells us exactly where it's going to come out wonderful so we just want to send those this way going to want water wheels again but I don't have any water on me I've only got lava that'll do so that'll send the buckets this way then into this strain then we want to send the empty buckets all the way around so yep don't need that one so this should do the job the buckets of lava will come out they'll go on here they'll get emptied into this item drain and then it will go all the way around and back through the portal that's a fluid drain not an item drain and then what we need to do is to pump that lava out and into our pit which is where we need another one of these hose pulley and of course we are going to need a pump so what we need to know now is where they come out on this side and do they actually make it all the way around the section let's go find out I'm hoping it's going to appear right about there oh hello buddy you trying to get to me let me help you out well nothing's come through yet which tells me I need to make everything a little bit faster on the other side or I need to fix my belts what am I doing there right well I've made some adjustments on this side everything's moving much quicker okay so let's see what happens now that should go through and hopefully it's going to come out yep right about here okay so as long as we put a little bit of a barrier there what we could do is Jam another belt in here another weird red invisible type belt want another one here and one here this certainly makes things more difficult that funnel should feed the lava back into those I just need to get all these things powered now and hope that we can get them going the right way as well considering we're basically blind here okay I think I've got everything set up on this side as well the last thing I need to do is just adjust where the hose pulley is sitting on the other side and hopefully we can start generating infinite lava oh so nice to being able to see everything again okay let's get this lowered and we don't want to go down too far cuz it will only fill as far as where it sits basically so if we go there that should fill it up to that level or it might stop a little bit early if it gets to 10,000 blocks because once it gets to 10,000 blocks it will stop filling it up which is good cuz it means it won't overflow and now my hope is if we just Chuck a bunch of buckets on there they should start filling up with lava and coming back yep here we go look at this that's working wonderful and is it all going down here yes look at that look at it go hopefully in a couple of hours we'll actually have a full lava pit wonderful this seems like a good excuse to go make myself some [Music] lunch so while we wait for the lava pit to fill up we need to actually do some prep work because well we've got nowhere to put the Power Station at the moment which means we're going to need another building and I've got a little bit of a confession to make with this one so I was staring at Main Street for quite a while over the weekend and I was a little bit stumped on how I was actually going to extend it and how I was going to do the building so I jumped into creative it was only supposed to be a flying visit but I ended up staying there for about 12 hours so much so that I designed a huge portion of Main Street and instead of rebuilding it all in survival block by block which will take absolutely forever and the fact that we're about to add six buildings means that it would have been well probably about three episodes of me just making buildings you don't want to see that what we're actually going to do is take advantage of one of creates features that we rarely use and that is to use schematic so we need to make ourselves a schematic Cannon schematic table and an empty schematic as well in fact we're going to make a couple of these cuz it's actually two separate schematics we're going to be making right that should be everything we need I've also got myself a couple of clipboards cuz we're going to need those for generating the resource list what I'm going to do is just show you how these schematic cannons work so what I can do is just dump this cannon down in the middle of the street then we're going to use the schematic table to load up our schematic of what we built in creative and then we get this giant box here which I can then place in the real world bu so if I put this roughly here that is not even slightly in the right place let's just bring this forward a bit there and on this side we'll put it there and yes that is what it's going to look like at least this side of the street so yeah lots of building to be done it's missing a couple of the finer details like the signs and so on but I'm still going to have to collect all these resources I just don't have to manually place them I can leave that to the cannon over here but in order to find out what we need I need to put in a clipboard and this is going to give me a material checklist and look at this this is all the stuff we need to be able to get this build complete and it's a whole lot of stuff 14 pages that's crazy but once it's done we'll have some lovely looking buildings here that are going to look a little bit like this sadly these ones are just in ghost form at the moment I can walk right through them I also have a bunch of buildings designed for this side of the street which is going to be a different schematic but I'm not going to spoil that one for you you'll see that appear during a time lapse no doubt so I've got two giant material checklists and I believe I have a future of resource Gathering that's pretty much all I'm going to be doing for prob the entire afternoon maybe even into tomorrow morning we're going to need a lot of resources for this so you can enjoy this lovely resource Gathering montage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 7 hours that's how long that took 7 hours it's now half 7 in the evening which means I'm going to get in trouble if Mrs B catches me recording but we want to get these schematic canons up and running and look we've just got so much stuff in these boxes not so much in that one but these backpacks are absolutely rammed with building materials and that means we can do both sides of the street I'm going to do one side at a time though just cuz it'll look better on the time lapse and I'm nice like that and once both sides of the street are up I'll give you a little tour of what we've got and then we'll go build a power station in the building that's going to be there all I need to do now is hit play and that's going to start doing it thing let's go get somewhere safe and then I'll get you a lovely view for a time [Music] lapse bad luck what should I do [Music] what should I [Music] do now this is what I'm talking about this is starting to look awesome around here although it was a bit of a weird time lapse seeing it all get sort of 3D printed like that but it was either that or you get three episodes of me just building buildings and talking through them and you really don't want that instead what we're going to do is just take a look at these glorious buildings you can see here I do still need to make the connection between the two buildings but we'll sort that out shortly and I don't really know what these buildings are going to be used for apart from this one which is probably going to be a restaurant cuz it's got tables and chairs outside but all of the Interiors are empty I've knocked through some of the walls connected some of them together and upstairs we've got lots more room for storage I'm also loving these different types of train holes and boilers and things we've got they really do sort of add a lot to the top here I think and over here I've made a funky sign we've used immersive paintings to add a picture which I definitely didn't just grabbed from Google I may have grabbed it from Google and we've also got a smoke pipe at the top here which you can just apply Dy to so I've applied white dye just to make it look a bit more steamy instead of dirty but that side of the street is looking pretty awesome and then over this side we've got another four buildings and these little sort of window ledge things these bay windows once again the boilers coming in clutch absolutely love them I also try to get a splash of color into this one and we've got some cogs and a few other the bits going on we've got a shop sign hanging out the front here which I know doesn't actually have anything on it as same as the one over there there but I think it still adds to the area and looks pretty cool on this next building I will get that bit there spinning which I think would look quite good but overall it's just well another sort of static building really but then we've also got this walkway here and a little bench and this goes up to a walkway at the top here so oh we're missing a chain there but from up here you can see down the whole street and you can also get a sort of view of the monoral train coming in the idea is this is just going to be some kind of viewing platform and once again I have used immersive paintings to definitely not steal an image from Google to put a giant poster at the back of this walkway here and once again I think these lights are working really well in this area too next building I've got a bit lighter we've got some Sandstone we've got these weird sort of copper tanks on the side for some reason but I think the Crimson roof really makes it pop and out the front here I've got some kind of weird mechanical Contraption for some reason but I think it looks quite cool and once again it just adds a bit more movement to the streets and then lastly we've got this big building over here with a very weird Contraption in the top there once again just wanted to get lots of movement in the building and I think this is the one where we're going to be building our power plant because well we've got lots of space and yes we've got our lava pit still building up down the bottom there it did actually fill up the hole that I made but it turns out that I can't math and 20x 20 x 20 is actually 8,000 not 10,000 so what I've actually had to do is extend the tank up so it will fill up to this line and that's going to be 25 layers deep and then it should be an infinite lava pool hopefully I've done my math right this time so it's still got a little way to go but eventually that should say infinite lava source on that little window we've got popped up there from our goggles but until it says that we'll leave it doing its thing I do have a couple of other tricks up my sleeve for this street but we'll get to those at the end of the episode and it's really going to sell the atmosphere around here but first I think I want to sort out this little storage connection Bridge here first thing I need to do is move this door over and move it down a little bit as well so a couple of CopyCat slabs should solve this problem then a couple of panels there just to solve any head height problems should be able to get quite a nice sort of iron walkway looking Bridge across here just use these iron catwalk blocks an and aight walkway Rail and we're going to use copycat doors here cuz I just want them to be sort of industrial panels like that and these ones should be the same that's pretty much all I want for that and for now I'm just going to put these blocks in here but we will be swapping those out for a storage drawer connection at some point in future and that gives us loads more storage space look at all of this not so much on this one I guess but in general lots more space to work with maybe get a couple of brackets on here I think give that a bit more structure all right I'd say that's looking pretty good from down here next up power station and to make a power station the first thing we're going to need to do is grab ourselves a few more blocks and we get to make some new stuff too how exciting so to make a steam power plant we need a few different ingredients I was hoping we'd have copper in there but we don't but it's okay I think we've got plenty in storage yep there's almost 1,000 there perfect and hopefully that's going to be enough so let's get all that cooked up and in the meantime let's turn this into ingots and we're going to need lots and lots of copper sheets cuz we need to make about 220 odd of these flid tanks which is about 3 and 1/2 Stacks hence all the barrels in my hot bar so hopefully that's all the fluid tanks we're going to need next up steam engines and we need 27 of these we're going for Max siiz steam power plants here so that means they can hold up to nine engines although in fact if you get them to level 18 by using blaze cakes they can actually hold even more but uh yeah nine will be fine let's just squish that gold and get those made so we're also going to need 27 Blaze burners which means we need lots of iron sheets and some Netherrack just like that and if we fly back to our fishing shack over where we first started we've still got our Blaze burner there so this should be nice and simple it looks weird Flying Without Wings feel like Superman I mean I do have wings on I just have my armor hidden so you can't see them let's just grab these and what I should really actually do is turn that thing into a mob farm because then I could actually get some xp that' be handy wouldn't it but we'll deal with that on another episode we're busy so I'm also going to need a whole load of pipes I think I've got some in my backpack here yep there we go we're also going to want a couple of water wheels just so we've got some backup power we need a couple of pumps fact we're going to need about 12 we'll also take some belts and cogs and encased things and stuff like that that's definitely going to help us stomer might come in handy and I think for the most part that's pretty much everything we're going to need except maybe some gear boxes so let's take some casings just in case is that all we've got it would appear so well that'll have to do let's go build a power plant okay so the first thing I think I want to do here is to dig a nice hole because I think I want to sink the plants down just a tiny bit then what we need to do is put in a whole bunch of Blaze burners so we're doing 3x3 steam boilers here so oh fell off and we're going to have three in total so what I need to do is actually make a little bit more space here and there's a number of ways we can actually feed fuel into these things and the proper way to do it with create when you're using lava is to use mechanical arms and you essentially have a system that fills up buckets of lava from the pool below those buckets then get fed into the burners behind me and it just goes around in a big loop with the empty buckets but that's what we did last season and last season we had quite a lot of lag and frame drop in an area where we had lots of stuff and because this is Main Street I want to keep it as frame friendly as possible so with that in mind what we're actually going to be doing is pumping the lava directly into the blaze burners we have a mod on here that allows us to do that we just need to wait for the rest of this tank to actually fill up it's still got a bit further to go that way and then it's got another whole level but then we can start pumping lava into these so this will eventually connect up over here somewhere in the meantime however we can focus on everything else let's just jump our way back up here for now and what we need to do on top here is build some giant tanks and there need to be eight blocks tool there are 3x3 area here that also means we're going to need to knock through a hole in the ceiling oh I haven't made enough I need about another 20 or [Music] so all right there we go that's better and next up we need to attach the steam engines so we're going to do a grid of nine on each one like this then we need to add shafts onto all of them so if we put these in like this connect all those with the belts next up we need to sort out water so we're going to stick a couple of water wheels down here paste chain drive there and there I'm just going to block off this back wall here I think we'll swap out these as well next up we need water so we'll put some in the bottom here that'll give us power and I've also made a Channel at the back here which is what we're going to use to actually feed the power plants I just need to get this spread all along make sure we've always got infinite water perfect and if I stick pumps down here we're going to have two pumps for each one that should maintain the water sources hopefully just going need cogs in between each one of these and I imagine this is going to be way too slow to keep up but for now we can at least start getting a bit of water into them wait a minute don't I need to lift all this up by one silly beardy right there we go that's got everything spinning we just need to make it much faster which means I need a rotational speed controller back in a minute all righty so how are we going to fix this this one of them in there in fact it might actually be better to put this down here we can put a big gear in gearbox and a couple of small gears I should do the trick let's just put that water wheel back there and speed it up oh it's already working though see we're uh getting a little bit of passive power so now that this one's getting passive water what we can do is hop across over to here and we're going to mess with this just a little bit I'm going to put another speed controller there with a cog we'll have that come down to there we'll have those come out get that attached back to top here and with that going at maximum speed what we can do is get that linked all the way over to here so that's got all the other pumps linked up around the back there what we need to do now is see if we've got infinite lava we do look we have a bottomless Supply wonderful so now we need to wind this all the way down to the bottom of the tank and it's still saying it's a bottomless Supply this is good so let's just go down here and turn this off we'll tear all this down properly in a little while what we need to do now is pump all of this into the lava tanks or the blaze burners I should say let's get that going that way and there we go it's all kicked in we've got the pump running we're generating lots of power in fact let's have a look so if we just stick this on there we're generating 289,000 which doesn't add up wait a minute this wasn't connected up to the top there we go that's better 436,000 stress units that should keep us going for a while so it is a bit weird just having a power station jammed in on Main Street Street like this at least looking how it currently does so I think what I'm going to do is turn this into a bit of a walk through attraction fact what's on the other side of this wall here so if I tided this up a little bit we could have a little walk through bit here that then goes into this building with something else over here potentially and then that comes outside in fact it comes out right by this that's actually perfect so yeah maybe that's what we need to do mess about tidy up and turn it into a fancy little walk through attraction [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] an hour or so later and I think we're actually done with our first walk through so now when we walk into the power plants we have a little bit of a power Museum kind of thing going on so we've got examples of all the different types of power we've got large and small water wheels we've got a windmill and of course we've got our steam engine which is actually providing the power although I do need to get this board showing some information but we'll do that in just a moment I've also added in some other smaller details like some switches and pipes and beams and things like that just to clutter the place up a little bit more as well as the lighting of course and I've also made use of straw statues just to put in some models here so we've got throw lash turning this valve and we've got a couple more as we go through I've also put in an access over here to the upstairs area so if we go up here it brings us onto the walkway and if we go in here we can see the top half of the power station so I've just opened up this side here so you can see a bit what's going on in there that's the same thing we can see from outside we can see all the steam engines running and we've also got a walkway to go up the top and just look down on the whole area but in general I've tried to keep it fairly simple up here however if we go back downstairs I've also knocked through this wall here and I've put in a crushing setup so I can put anything I want in there it'll go up it'll get crushed and then it'll come out in this box here and we've also got a very confused looking ad craft standing there as well but I think that's looking pretty good and works quite well and then anyone visiting this area will go outside they'll see our weird Contraption out here and in fact we have Mrs B doing some maintenance out on this side and in fact I do need to give her a wrench there we go but we'll have to use our imagination that these are animatronics and doing a little bit of movement but overall it really does sort of bring the little attraction alive one thing I do want to do to get this finished though is to actually display how much power we're generating and get that on here in fact what I might do is make that a little bit taller and that'll give us a little bit more space to work with and what we're going to do is use a display link here so if we right click on this board here and then stick it on the back of this stress ometer here what we can do is display some information so on to if we show how much Network stress we've used and we'll do that in actual numbers it looks like we may need to make our border a little bit bigger or maybe we could just remove the label we could potentially color code it then we're going to stick another one on top and then we're going to display the remaining amount of power we have which is 432 wow and then we're going to add one more and this one's going to show the total capacity then we'll just use a few copycat boards here to cover up some of this mess and then the last thing we need to do is write on a clipboards put that on the top rope and then apply a little bit of D so that's our total that is our available and that is our used I think that works quite well and I can happily say our power plant is now open excellent stuff out here on the street though despite the movement and everything we've got going on it still feels a little bit lifeless but I've got a mod on here that's going to help with that in a weird way and that is this the create songs and speakers mod which is a fork of I am or I music player but this is going to allow us to do some very cool things we just need to make a couple of items first including an audio station a speaker or two and a parabolic antenna which if you've been playing this pack at all you may have been finding some of those bits in loot chests around and about I have noticed they around but I've not been picking them up so yeah we're just going to go craft what we need so first up we're going to need two parabolic antennas which means we need eight of these going to need some Redstone links and that'll let us make those next up we need an audio workstation so I just need some glass panes and a couple of belts so that should be our audio workstation and lastly we just need some speakers which means I need note blocks and jukeboxes we'll get a couple of those few of those and that'll get us a couple of speakers wonderful I think what I'm going to do is just stick this audio workstation down here in my bedroom now let's take a look the first thing we need to do is to create a playlist we're going to call this one music we'll set it to private and read only then create then we're going to select that we're going to add a track to it and we're going to upload our music and on this occasion we're using something called back to happy town then click add and that should now be on our playlist look at that wonderful but I also need a second playlist and this one's going to be for sound effects we'll set it up in the same way add a new track upload our sound effect and add that to our playlist and we should now have two sound effects excellent now we're going to go put these into use and I'm hoping this works and actually sounds good but I guess we're about to find out so first up what I want to do is hide a speaker around here somewhere so that this machine here has lots of its own sort of clunky sound effects so if I sneak a speaker down here give it a parabolic antenna and click this button then I can select my sound effect we'll go for this here put it on Loop turn it up to Max oh that's awesome it's only a subtle thing but that sort of rattly squeak and turning of Wheels I think really does sell it and we should be able to hear that all around here but then when we get out of range or block it by a wall for example yeah we can't hear it so it just comes into effect as you walk past which is awesome in the same way that we can hear the steam engines when we walk past the door I love that oh and it's got a little Bell in the sound effect as well awesome I guess we're going to need to add a bell somewhere to make that make sense but I like and for the second speaker I want to hide it about halfway down the street somewhere and I'm thinking maybe sort of up there on the side of that building could work let's just fly up here oh I missed so let's just casually fly up here and definitely land it first time there we go what we're going to do is stick a speaker in there once again put the parabolic antenna on we're going to go to this tab here go to music and we're going to go for this track here set that on repeats and now our street has [Music] music that really sells it as a theme park entrance I think and it cuts out perfectly just as we go under the bridge well I don't know about you but it certainly fills a whole lot more theme Parky around here just with that music and of course with our sort of machine going off over there as well this is awesome I love that Bell and the good news is you'll get to experience it for yourselves in a couple of days because the world will be available for all YouTube members and Patron members of any level and I'll be getting this uploaded on Tuesday as soon as I get back from my holiday but sadly that's all we've got time for today I hope you've enjoyed it and I'll see you on the next one bye-bye now [Music]

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Mr. Krabs Pakt Al Mijn Geld Af! (Brawl Stars)

Category: Gaming

We beginnen de video meteen met de knokker en we krijgen bus en like deze video als jij wilt dat ik in de volgende video heel veel legendary knokkers ga kopen alleen vandaag gaan we wat anders heel erg leuks kopen ik moet namelijk nog maar drie trofeeën dan heb ik er 400 en dan kan ik incy crabs en... Read more

Illinois - Minecraft US State Flag Map [Part 11] thumbnail
Illinois - Minecraft US State Flag Map [Part 11]

Category: Gaming

Hello everyone my name is mc atlas and welcome back to another us state progress video in today's video i'm doing only one state but that state is the one and only illinois illinois is very well-known and popular state with it being home to the us's third biggest city chicago which is a population of... Read more

Bayernliga Süd [Matchday 30] 🥨 Türkspor Augsburg - 1. FC Sonthofen thumbnail
Bayernliga Süd [Matchday 30] 🥨 Türkspor Augsburg - 1. FC Sonthofen

Category: Gaming

Herzlich willkommen zu diesem spiel bei dem die heimmannschaft vielleicht ein bisschen bammel hat sebastian denn zuletzt haben sich die gäste durchgesetzt ja es war ja häufig eine ganz enge angelegenheit zwischen diesen beiden teams und ja ich bin heute mal gespannt wer die oberhand behält ich freue... Read more

A Minecraft Movie Official Trailer Reaction thumbnail
A Minecraft Movie Official Trailer Reaction

Category: Film & Animation

This can't be real starting out with the beatles is a good sign for me um okay right this way the graphics actually look kind of cool what what is jason l moa wearing why does he look like that that's not terrifying what the hell okay bang crafting table baby dream about here you can make who are you... Read more

A Minecraft MOVIE!? | Sonic & Tails REACT thumbnail
A Minecraft MOVIE!? | Sonic & Tails REACT

Category: People & Blogs

Minecraft minecraft what about minecraft there's a minecraft movie tales there is yeah and the trailer's out now what yeah you want to watch it yeah all right before we get started make sure you like and subscribe and the link will be in the description below so without further ado let's get crafting... Read more