The sinner allegations are false!!! (Nightshade SMP)

n [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello okay um I don't know how loud I I I didn't it's hard to do a volume check because I have to actually log on to do a volume check so I'll guess I'll wait till somebody else shows up um okay welcome this is a server called The Nightshade smpp and it's a modded smpp um I haven't streamed on it yet I have played on it like a fair bit and up till now I've just been recording my uh perspective this is my first time streaming it um so as you can see I kind of have like stuff already uh and that's just you know that's just be from me playing oh I hear somebody Maybe okay hello hello can you help me hold on I I need I need a volume check I need to make sure can you talk [Music] okay okay let me hear that was good real quick can you help me hold on I I need I need a volume check I need to make sure can you talk real [Music] okay okay I can make mine voice a little bit louder um can I like is this good like is this good um I think it's probably okay I think I'm gonna also lower voice chat volume okay uh cool okay where did it where' they go okay well uh I don't I think I said my Spiel already it's a modded server already already played on it a fair bit and I've been recording my perspective buffle now uh that totally came out as real words been recording my perspective not streaming but this is my first time streaming um or not ever but streaming This Server I have some I went on a little bit exploring yesterday and I have some stuff I need to kind of put away so I'm going to do that real quick um hopefully it's okay to just toss that there so I'm trying to think how to like explain the server um I need more storage sorry I'm trying to like get on my things together uh uh gosh okay I might just so okay basically the premise of the server is that we're sort of in like this purgatory area and we're trying to fight to get to heaven or hell or we're trying to get to heaven um it's a bit role play um I don't know how into that I will get that's just something we'll see I've done a little bit I've done like a little bit I have some ideas and stuff so yeah we'll just we'll just see we'll roll with whatever whatever happens so I'm just real quick there's going to be a anyway there's going to be a challenge today um and it's a fighting like we have to kill a thing we have there's some like angel that we're going to have to kill today this is incredibly unorganized this is kind of painful but I didn't I didn't show up to to organize I showed up to game um so yeah I'm going to hello okay I'm going to restock a bit I need a bit more carrots and pearls and then I'll probably just kind of like go around see what see what everyone's up to um I have a teammate so we so we have a little village hall here I have a teammate uh who's like it's like a dorm where like we're in dorms and so he's a dorm mate he's also like a teammate uh it's Adam he showed up just a little bit ago and yeah we're part of a we're part of a speak of the tble uh his his name is fancified he also is has been streaming this more than I have I don't know if he's streaming right now if he is I will link it in the description of this but I don't think he is right now nice fire red okay I'm just going to take a little bit of each okay oh emeralds are gone I mean it's probably it was probably him who or yeah it probably Adam who is like traing and stuff so I'm just going to have to get more emeralds now real quick cuz I just like I said I just need to restock up on pear and gaps or not gaps uh carrots and then I will head to like the center spawn area or I'll try and meet up with Adam server is a little bit slow but that is also because everybody's on since there's like a challenge happening today so a oh I can do the free members too I think right I do I'll I'll save that for a little bit in a little bit but actually I I can I can I have 10 so I'm going to do gift five now and then I'm going to do five more later just for funds h I might just like craft carrots since this is coming along kind of slow I have a lot of gold uh-oh that's not a good sign did I break it by trying to teleport I think I did oops yep okay or maybe that I think that might have just been me that timed out okay yeah they said restarting the server um all right it looks like Fancy's going to stream so I'm gonna get their twitch up because I use twitch and I'm to just put it in the description real quick it's fan yeah okay okay oh okay okay um I don't I don't know I don't know what to do in the meantime here oops I just I need to uh I need to keep the attention span oh okay never mind uh okay woohoo okay uh what was I doing oh I was trading for villagers damn we're way back damn we got like time traveled okay [Applause] unfortunately I did not use that to my advantage I don't know how I would have but h h okay I just slipped what do you mean what do you mean it's still okay that's what I thought okay um oops I haven't used uh ji yet at all this is my first time using it so I want to figure out the keybinds real quick J here we go oh recipe here we go uh show uses okay so like if I nice okay okay okay cuz there's a lot of items here that I have no idea what they are cuz you know it's like crazy modded like blood wait that's awesome I'm going to need to do that okay I'll just like trade gold I have so much gold although no I shouldn't because that's like actually stupid cuz one gold wait cuz that's like actually so not smart cuz I'm just going to buy golden carrots h okay I'll just put here uh gold okay and they re stocked by now [Applause] anyway all right now I'm going to actually refill my water bottle just real quick and then I'm going to head to the spawn and see what's up with everyone oh I hear somebody oh hello hello hello hi got your stream set up yeah yeah nice okay I already put you in the on mine oh okay okay I'm going to be right back I'm just going to refill my water yeah that's fine okay this is the little spawn area this is where everyone hangs out or this is like the center Central kind of yeah people place don't see anyone around though a little post office right here do I have any mail no nothing new I you know what I'll just give a tour while in the meantime and see if I run into anyone and while I'm doing this so that was the post office right here this a little Bakery um did we we had a little fun event here that I recorded in the Stream though I think Adam recorded it though so it's cute yeah um and then we have a little community garden right here Greenhouse just if you need food and then here's a library that's crazy um there's like a bunch of like hidden stuff around here but I won't go into that that right now uh there damn okay um and that's that's kind of like this main area and then there's the dorm rooms here it is um here's all the different dorms this one's the this one's uh me and Adams we passion flower and we're the purple it's our little little house um and then here are rooms uh my sign was blank when I showed up so I just wrote whatever I wanted on it this is my room uh I I wanted like decorate it maybe but I don't know I think I'm probably going to end up just making a separate house somewhere and focus more on that but for the meantime I added these little crystals that like match my my colors or yeah it's not perfect but it's still nice and then I just have a bunch of stor storage and stuff this is Adams he's like he's got a pet and everything he's better decorated than I am um although that's bothering me I hope he won't mine if I oh there we go yeah and then we have our little and then so this is in the recording I don't if I ever make a video of it this will all like be in the video basically I escaped the Gazo area I came to this beach and I named it evil Beach and so we just kind of set up a little area with a bunch of storage here and then we made a village in an XP farm and yeah oh hello hello hello I'm looking for everyone to be honest yeah I like I have no idea where everyone is I just went all around this spawn area oh maybe wait I have an idea wa wait let's go to the uh stage oh yeah no okay okay that's fine okay CU I'm wondering so the where we're going to fight it's going to be in an arena of some sort yeah but then how are we going to get to that Arena I'm assuming they're going to have a teleports thing set up I'm just trying to see if we can find that teleport thing before everyone else I guess I don't we can look at the announcement maybe there uh can I get up there oh I can wait there's easier way get holy [ __ ] that's true there's way stones here but they don't they're not they're just like unnamed and they don't need anywhere oh we definitely what I don't I don't think there's anything up here for us that we can I don't think we should be up here [ __ ] okay that's it's not looking good I just P okay I'm going to what happened do you have Frost Walker no wait what what biome is this Mystic Grove it doesn't seem like it should and it's weird cuz it's like freezing blocks around it it's not freezing the block itself I only have blue eyes so blocks don't ask me why that specific block I couldn't answer that yeah okay um all right I don't know what I don't know if we can fix that yeah let's just here I'm going to check I'm going to check the like the very first area that wasn't us okay anything here no okay I don't think there's anything at all this is the same yeah I don't want to stream snipe people but there's a couple of people live but you yeah just saying what mean oh I guess let's go to the Wilderness Area I guess then cuz that's going to be where most likely we'll run into people yeah it's 10 minutes and oh wait oh no I so name tag oh we found a person one person amazing this is can I help you to we're just like looking for people yeah I think they're all preparing for you know I think so too um it's in 10 minutes and you haven't seen anyone I actually I have a I have a um I have a really funny bit idea and I'm assuming you have like you have like powers to like create [Music] items um okay okay okay I'll bother I'll bother a different admin is anyone else there's who uh maybe someone's here oh it's just left open this is yeah but I know that blue said that wait wait wait blue said we shouldn't go in their live so okay well the door is just open the door is just yeah but also TX said yesterday that we should let go get there live okay so you know uh he wouldn't go in there personally okay hello okay that's cool that's cool okay God oh person person people people why people oh my God my is my internet dying is a the server both probably we're upgrading we're upgrading it soon nice people people are grinding last minute so that's also why yeah yeah we we grinded not last minute yeah we just grinded for the last yeah you made it smart choices Yeah couple of weeks I know I got go got Stu before it starts wait wait wa wait real quick do you have powers to create items yeah okay I have a really funny bit idea that I'm I need we can what do you need okay I need uh my own head because here I'll I'll I'll explain the bit so that so that so I have this this item and for some reason when I put it in one of my head slots and then toggle the visibility my head disappears and so I'm thinking it'd be really funny if I kept like the head of my item around and I'm just like uh I'm just like walking around and then I'm like and I'm like a chew and I throw my head down I'm like y my head came off I got I like that okay thank you I like that thank you thank you thank you okay okay I got to go do L okay where I legit don't know where any one I also don't know this is maybe they're in DMS we can yeah true I can look they're probably not hard DMS oh yeah I guess we yeah we can look at them yeah we can spy through their Windows exactly anyone hello hello okay no no I don't think there here if there's Nobody's around I guess we can like plan out our our our our scheme more our plan yeah I'm thinking I feel like okay there here's the thing oh wait wait wait what do you see that oh my goodness that is wait that might be it that just like straight up might be it yeah I think that's it it looks like an arena is there a way in [ __ ] I mean we can get on top yeah you don't have that many to I do I can give you more if you need I'm not sure I think we can win easily yeah huh oh yeah oh yeah is this is definitely it um okay I'm going to turn the shaders on actually okay so I saw so there's barriers here but I saw I saw something that I want to see if I can what item is it holding is it good question I think that's the fire sword maybe yeah so we need the oh actually ohot yeah I saw I remember seeing a bug somewhere where you can like clip through the ground with a boat and water this is I holy [ __ ] it's in three minut minutes and I haven't seen anyone yeah oh speaking of in the pillagers in the chat I did find a Pillager Outpost oh that's Co okay I don't think this going to work I put a way point down I didn't really do much anything with it but I'll I'll bring it to you eventually here I'm kind of confused about that wait this might work this might work oh yeah I still have some things for other people that they ask me to get so you think I get just Pearl in oh yeah left in oh maybe not it's down so I'm not sure about yeah okay I can oh almost bad there's dispenser I just want to like see if we if we're able to put it in a boat that's my main thing okay here's the thing I checked yesterday uh with t and uh I don't think you can but maybe it's you can put it on a leash depending on what mix settings it has because it's from an easy MPC yeah the mod and there's you can check that you can put it on the leash but okay I'm not sure if they would like enable it um here I'm GNA just real quick grab a lead yeah I'll be right back just in case I know I put a lead somewhere here okay okay oh there's wait there's a Sher box oh there is is we it's be okay you can there is a way to get there oh oh no okay Hello Apple King yeah it just gifts random it just gifts random people memberships it just like chooses by random welcome you aren't meant to be here yeah oh hi you see okay damage apparently hello um I just I just got I just like I just got teleported here I don't know how I got here oh you got teleported yeah f d Don I have full fiery armor but I need to get Pro before the challenge starts I can get you Pro they're telling us in the announcements to make our way to the stage way point okay okay uh I'll get you Pro like real quick do you have a waypoint here that I could save so I can teleport back yeah there's a way point by the chests okay I just need three books uh do that's good oh do you oh you just need books oh that's that's no three prop books oh okay okay do you have emeralds that I could use I only have two emeralds okay that's okay if you need emeralds I have plenty uh where you at uh one sec my emeralds uh I could go into Wilderness if you want I don't know where I am oh wait all right you figured out where you're at it's over here okay okay thank you thank you uh I might pop in a Twilight Room okay I'm at Wilderness cool how many you need um like like I don't know like a stack and a half maybe Jesus I have 18 okay okay that's still better than nothing thank you I have 18 stage in um in uh the Discord okay oh stage in Discord [Applause] h [Applause] that's one I don't think I'll be able to get them that many books three I think I might only be able to get them like two h m come on buddy I got someone hi come here come here come here come here D come here D come here okay buddy we're friends right we're buddies yeah repels don't do anything stupid okay don't do anything stupid D what are we talking about I'll believe my team might I can't I can't promise but I'll I'll I'll uh okay okay hold on I've got a sneeze coming in stupid ah my head my head I dropped my head my head came off my head what in the world you you got my head you picked up my head that's [ __ ] hilarious what the [ __ ] that's a I actually had his head it was in my [ __ ] inventory the hell to sit and seats so bad oh my God Sor my bad my bad happens sometimes I go casually threaten someone hi Olive hi hi Arlo hi guys olive olive somebody uh I wasn't able to get three I was only able to get two but can you not see anyone thank you yeah all right I think you dun is in what's your prescription dun is not yes he is what no dun Is Not [Music] Invisible guys you don't know what I know you don't know what I know you didn't see what I saw you're insane what I you're insane Liz I don't think you yeah I have 137 if you want one yeah oh damn I've got 12 okay stop talking about you 137 levels guys my my guys got a flex of it did you use Emerald as trim oh my God no I did use emeralds SM with emeralds even if I did it was only one Emerald I just used die I just used Cactus you can use Cactus for trims yeah that's crazy that is a fun potion what are they doing wisely it's secret secrets secrets secret come here let's F let's just say Flair Flair didn't die naturally I'll give it back flare didn't die that wild anyway um anyone want to anyone wants some some potions I got potions yes I have healing potions I will forget I have them so I'm going to stick with the two that I have I know I don't only only the gang why is your share with other people 10 cm above your speaking of which I have food anyone I have too much food okay give me one sec here one sec I'm just going to put I'm just going to put the backpack on the ground does anyone I don't mind giving people free you can check in here and just take whatever you need you took my food buddy I didn't I don't have any food I do not have any food I mean I have my food let me just also make sure that my mic is good during all this can okay yes it's good uh I don't know maybe do you have an axe you got one of these I've got an axe I'm good but how much damage does yours do um it does nine damage n yeah mine's a little bit better at at 13 okay let's go sit in the seat so we can be counted oh like we're in elementary school oh oh see Tak [ __ ] play duck du with you [ __ ] du that's mean oh yeah everyone everyone huddle around me when when the game starts what that's throw one big bomb I promise I won't blow everyone up yeah I mean yeah whatever they like not if we huddling around them whatever they throw it'll also I will kill you no I mean I mean oh wait we can s on the same seat hello oh yeah Stack Up stack up I am you I am you app I am you oh my God make it really easy to count get get Ash get in Ash get in Ash get in get in Ash get in I will blow you up get in i i g get in I [ __ ] gun get in get inck the damn chair I a gun I can kill you right now us get in here one of us one of of one of us I think genuinely everyone is here except maybe one person speak now or forever hold your peace if you think someone should be here peace speak speak P about to I'm about to end end this Generation Y yeah I can't okay um actually sit in a seat when you are ready if you're not sat down we will not start you're fine these [ __ ] uh suon blew up I'm shooting the thing stop throwing bombs there's no one there for you to hit me right now well that's not true someone oh my [ __ ] god stop throwing bombs I just shoot someone I just shoot someone you might hit them oh yeah what the heck Olive yeah Olive what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] Olive what the heck what you get in real big trouble for doing that how could you how could you okay yeah I said Leona H are you good you're on fire okay yep why are we all sitting on this side like I mean cuz that we can hear each other then that way yeah moons ofen moons of Venus come get over here get on the cool side [ __ ] I guess get on the cool side yes I'm going to leave done I'm just such a TR oh yeah such a TR Setter aren't I I came here Y Must me such a trend set what can I say here you get a pork chop don't you get a pork chop and you get a pork plenty of time for that I can now make a burger let's go I'm ready to kill awesome Olive you've just been waiting for this moment haven't you I'm ready to kill it's slightly disturbing how ready they are I'm ready to kill okay maybe I get the m i get the hey hey hey hey who is not in the Discord right now there's two people missing oh wait we supposed to go to Discord oh my God if I crash mid game don't don't vote me out please it's because of my dog that ate my [ __ ] PC based on who reacted to the message saying that they could make it I didn't guys I didn't I don't think I um okay where is the m let see this okay flare yeah Ash here Soul Olive here dunco here apples hi Liz howdy howy fancy hello hello Finn yep confused queer R okay stumping you were called out public publicly your career is over yes nice did someone say public execution I'm ready I have the a oh my God oh my it's over R you called out publicly I'm just going to order some food quickly dude really Qui going to order door Dash uh it's just eat just eat uh let me know if anyone gets a response from ramu H yeah I DM him ah damn that need we are waiting on Mr mu Mr what is he doing 10 or 15 I [ __ ] up okay we're waiting like 10 minutes that is what I'm hearing yeah okay oh I might just got a response oh yeah I know I'm running a few minutes late I had an emergency chill oh yeah okay um people are streaming I mean he can see the announcements I could do a dance he had we can do spare minutes he had something happen minutes um oh holy [ __ ] that's insane oh sorry my bad why did we all just say yo because all does anyone need I will give out free food to anyone who needs it I've got said it's your it's your it's your favorite please wow said that who said that Apple huh me Prett please s from the than you bless I'm going to join I'm going to join you oh yeah this is awesome do I there of you need food what the [ __ ] no I'm good is he is he still going like he's still going guys say hello to game [Music] master is that you guys it's a cool fun trick I learned don't go one he's going to heaven oh my God he won D [ __ ] D wins dko wins Oh my he went through the [ __ ] ceiling D dko was the best of us huh he lived how he died how he liveed well I guess we don't need to be here [Music] anymore Mr all right oh goodness I told him no it was just a it was an optical illusion that's all it was Obed him at the doors yeah it's okay D we love you despite that oh I've put my weapon from my foot That's not healthy notu I got the thing hear no way I tried to get you another one but I but I didn't have good good all good all good you know I have I'm good also apologies if anyone blows up in the event actually wild it's not my fault if anyone blows up apologies for bombs yeah um because of the way the Stage Works I cannot hear what any of you guys are saying and I'm going to try like tune you guys up but I will be like floating like right here so I'll hear you a little bit but I I have the power to do SL kill I'll e no no to see you try I love starting random vocal noises it's my favorite thing ever the the right side can die yeah no it depends on which way you're looking from Hello everybody they can die they can die welcome to the first challenge I have a gun oh my God what the [ __ ] I also I feel no need to introduce myself some of you know who I am or rather what but I am hi she hi I'd like to welcome you to your first challenge you have already been introduced to the way that these things work you will be participating in the challenge and we will announce the top three and the bottom three participants in this Challenge and it is up to your discretion regardless of who we announce who you would like to vote out at the end of the night top three oh jeez if you are eliminated you are guaranteed a oneway track to hell o I'm going for number one I will win we will all be supervising this event and we will see what will be happening um I'd like to let you know that um you can sabotage people some of you already know this there's no consequence for sabotaging people other than the social repercussions you may face and whatever sins you may commit thank you Olive direct I contact soon you will all be transported to the location of this Challenge and we will locate you back here after it is finished you will be able to respawn in the challenge there will be a bed there for you there are some announcements to be had after the challenges but I don't think that I have anything else to say Can anyone hear the music that NASA's playing right now I am not playing any music yes you are what yeah I don't hear anything hello something you hear the song You Hear the trumpets they're playing they're playing yeah actually the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse when you unmute music you're playing a Groovy Kind of I know I'm oh my God I think you're tweaking right now in the like okay yeah in Discord if you're in the waiting room for the stage it makes like elevator music so that might be it but okay when I uned it for the first time cuz I was curious you were talking at the exact same time that made it sound like you were just blasting elevator music out of your yeah that's actually I was like oh my God n fourth game master is actually just really [ __ ] sick oh my God I'm going to actually cry okay sorry I'll shut up now oh that be is oh my Lord I can stop dancing like six planks okay that was really [ __ ] funny holy crap this is okay I'm done now I didn't even know there was I've also got Stone I'm kind of I believe that's all do we want to get started unless Ric has something they want to say I don't think I have anything else to add realiz this all right um Good Luck guysle okay guys game plan be so cool kill it [ __ ] it up let's go what yeah go [ __ ] on three on three on three bombs on three bombs on bombom wait I don't have bombs on me two no no no say the word bombs oh oh okay okay okay yeah that's something good to clarify y got it one two [Music] three wait I but here's my game plan right so I'm going no so I'm going I'm going to go up to it and I'm going to kill it no that was my game out all of I'm so proud my game the theme of this everyone around I the theme of this SMP is we're trying to fight to get into heaven and we're doing little challenges to do it I don't want a Christmas all right uh there's one uh there's one over there um here's one thank you her thank you B do you have a you have a speed potion here take one I nine I got nine of every potion speed I just realized I my head's gone my head's God Jesus Christ encouragement hey guys guys are we ready we're ready we're ready we got this may on my but I got this not right okay we're ready [Music] anyone I'm just casually playing Christmas music hold up Christmas can [Music] I oh my God [Music] me stop got a Christmas party get it wait what's happening oh that's what it is I didn't know gun was explosive oh okay guys so oh didn't work where is it hello oh there I up my around where is how do you think it be this fast god it runs so fast it does oh my God oh my God come on it's [ __ ] te it's going fast from me it's too fast it's [ __ ] it's too fast oh my god oh I'm do oh the lag I'm killing the wrong holy [ __ ] guys please stop cling water oh that was good okay what's going on I did something my god Set my SP I did not set my spell oh yeah I didn't either I don't think we got the chance to okay I'm putting out the fire why the [ __ ] is it going after me I think cuz you're the first to hit it yeah wait hang on because I'm goed get in the corner get in the corner I'm goed oh yeah wait wait let's TR trap it trap it yeah oh there's a I'm going oh [ __ ] nice oh it's traps almost wait there we go there we go hold on hold on don't build up all the way over there no we got it we got it ow we can't we literally can't now why did you break that why did you break that bre that why did you break what the hell who did that that was Adam oh [ __ ] oh guys I'm going back okay I'm going back I'm going back okay get it close it close it oh my God come on there's so many okay okay fing run out okay is it stuck in here again yeah where is it get it hold on let's give it let's let's get some more strength yeah thank you thank you thank you oh no oh no let me out do you have a no no no we can Boat Boat Boat Boat do you have a boat yeah boat okay never mind let's go let's go please do not fire armor actually just [ __ ] you holy crap it's not just me okay okay Jesus Christ oh my God oh my God three Ang has a somebody broke it somebody broke who the does the [ __ ] ever think guys Ellie why are we breaking it I'm I'm not break I'm not breaking anything it's not us we're trying to hit I it I it I it put water put down water put down water put down water please you up Jesus I'm going to die hold up I love lag [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this is actually so bad I'm how many does it have oh my god oh shoot my water's gone my water is totally gone someone someone please pull up water got you here I can give you fire R if you want what the hell if you have I was all my water hold yeah I had water but now it's just gone can use water who got it who got it who got it guys you shouldn't vote me out I was it was guys if you vote me out I'm going to kill myself I mean nothing nothing it was the firefighter okay so um [ __ ] good job um um um we tell no one about these yeah that was really good did you get anything allive or no youer we didn't get anything no we can trust him we can trust him okay we can trust him can we trust the fre we win gu watching yeah you I'm going to give both you guys my Sher five villager and my P four villagers okay we'll show you later any we win these I am invisible which way are we going this way am invis oh has a camera my bad guys my bad y'all Y oh my God it's playing I'll Be Home for Christmas I have so much blood on my hands how many people did you [Music] kill so many people the plan I have no I don't think it said who got the final kill I didn't say whoar me out hear me out me out hear me out we vote someone who didn't show up because everybody here showed up yeah yeah yeah yeah we someone who show up okay also do we know show up like do we know everyone's names like uh I don't know mean we have footage pick a name where we going where we where we going V stage everyone go to stage oops that's not stage water water water can I I have my 137 levels back pretty much yeah if I could have my levels I'll get I can get you some uh I can get you some XP bottles I don't know if it's going to be enough but Prett pretty please her dying gave me potions like their potions back cuz I don't after after this everyone come to me and I'll give you guys your levels [ __ ] points okay I definitely oh hey there we go I didn't lose any so I'm good I didn't either I need R okay so I swear to I get Ved this ising I'm going to I'm just too strong I the most the fire armor was just a little oh yeah the firearm the is overpowered what do you mean I am so well that's I think that's also like why a lot of people were getting well maybe should have I was I was only killed from all my biggest threat was the fire armor for real no Adam I think you'll be you probably because it was AG on you you probably did like the most damage I'm shaking it I'm shaking my no I don't think so I had to he like all the time I'm Sor because I I didn't have any water and I kept getting burnt this Arrow fatal pois that's why I'm so glad I had Enchanted gold apples cuz that's fire I someh the best item and I don't know live love love yeah don't go for giving me [ __ ] fire r h do that so allive would keep burning my ass off it's not my fault you were hitting me bud you were also hitting me with your fire the angel the angel had fire the angel yeah the angel had a fire okay for blood doesn't mean I want to kill you thank you I maybe her but like oh my God I'm taking off my armor [ __ ] this oh same yeah it's ugly I don't want it anymore okay see sorry let me swap off my my hats oh my yeah Olive you should put that you put the cowboy hat back on okay put the cowboy you're easier to take seriously with the cowboy hat like just no literally I mean you are you can keep the pants keep [Music] are you wearing swim trunks guys you look like you're wearing floaties my first day in school [Music] guys your first day of school first day of school first day of school oh my God that was a bomb you know what I keep my clothes on oh D how's it going hey how's it going I have a I have I feel like a sneeze is coming on oh my head what happened what happened to you I don't know what happened in retrospect in retrospect what the [ __ ] did you do my head came off again that's czy who picked it up who picked it up I can't see D's a [ __ ] dun's head I have his head I please give it back the head back give God Dam it I'm taking everyone's [ __ ] hold on you have your head you have your thank you thank you thank you come over here real quick how do you have Jers what the [ __ ] uh this is just this is just temporary until I finish a build oh okay Jesus Christ oh my Lord I'm not keeping them no I'll be right back nobody take my seat no [Laughter] hold on let me where where's guys let's just all sit down and be quiet it' be great time here we go no we got to have fights that was looks awesome sorry just been dressing the boy up Arlo Arlo I love the outfit it is is really the dress is almost identical to Arlo's skin tone it's pretty I didn't see it Final on the angel that is why I made a secondary dress guys guys you look fabulous what if weone sit down everyone sit down everyone sit down people like like from theorum some all right Liz could I ask all right could I ask who you all believe had the final hit on the angel me me I think Adam I don't think anyone know I believe I did I think it was me I think it was Adam I definitely should I age I age think AG on me I believe I imag Adam maybe ad orive I don't know who I believe I should I think it would have make sense of was Adam who who hit it the most I mean I've always wanted to know what Angel tastes like and I found out what it tastes like and it's like chicken everybody has the final fit was the that we made along the way exactly along the way oh my God that's what happened to me all work together exactly and there were no plans to sabotage anything no no there wasn't dko right right Jesus Christ I don't know why I got name dropped there I wouldn't do anything yeah exactly no old man screen bro no ramu please I'm begging you not to now I'm curious got to do it got so you ever heard the grandpa from happy no Jesus yeah Jesus Christ do not copy it please Jesus Christ my leg congratulations everyone sorry he he went to hell what just I I behind you what just happened oh I don't know I don't know uh anyway how are we doing today guys I help would shake the street so ala I'm I'm so happy you me over here Arlo what do you we get where did you hear that I just I came up with it I kind of came up with it well well no but like I I heard that from one of of my PO buddies hey guys a voice I'm heing a voice shut yes congratulations everyone thank you you have defeated the angel I think that the thing would have liked to announce this more than I and I believe that it has revealed some of this to some people but that angel wasn't just any Angel uhoh oh there's a little process that we have in purgatory of sorting out the souls and this angel had a part in that the angel that you had just killed is St Peter oh [ __ ] as such I know that guy yeah totally until they realize their little door man has gone missing heaven will not have their eyes on us anymore for [ __ ] sake oh oh guys we might have messed up hey hey I think we should meet I think we should m oh this is what from song this is what the thing was talking about what the was talking about this is what the thing was talking about and those one to be safe anymore as Vivian said oh [ __ ] oh now that this has transpired you might want to be more careful around the thing and the other Demons of this place and frankly even my denisons but with that aside I have the top three participants and the bottom three participants in our little challenge congratulations to Olive for having the most participation in oh killing St Peter let's go I'm so congratulations also to duno for having the second most participation let's go and congratulations to ramu for having the third most nice got you flipping out now is for the bottom three in the participation in this event we have Zen oh no we have ath and we have Finn can iess I got some hits in can I know where where I place yeah was the firefighter yeah Finn I feel like we should like take Finn out cuz fin we like saing everyone I feel like hello the standing in our little competition does not mean anything to who you vote out that is up to you you get to choose between all your little friends who you want to send to hell so does that include people who aren't here right now out of character some of them have a pardon because they actually told us they weren't going to be here like who has a pardon who who didn't have a yeah I'm going to I'm going to look at like so I was more focused on participation as in like counting how many people were here and removing people who weren't so I'm going to go ahead and go and see is in here send it back to Hell between now and then under the stage is a little seating area where you can all talk about what you've experienced today but we can't and maybe talk about who would like to vote out in theory you may leave but it is not suggested okay assumed was be the an ass opinion personal opinion I think okay ramu uh come over here my Arlo get out of the fire pit okay Arlo honestly that was very so does anyone actually like know what it what hell's like like uh probably not good well yeah like that's what they saying but like what if it's actually like not that bad well I mean if you want to volunteer and well well like why can't they tell us why can't they tell us if it's really your head already comes off every time you sneak I think hello that's kind of rude what the heck doing I'm just kidding I'm just kidding head off you you'll be able to survive I feel yeah it is bad that's what I'm saying like what if it's like what if it's actually like pretty chill I'm in you I'm in you I'm in and what if what if Heaven's like actually not that great hi hi hello I think we should uh what okay I say we vote someone that wasn't here because they're being an [ __ ] you know I think I I mean the thing wasn't here I think we should I agree no I actually really want to see what would happen if we just all voted the thing yeah I mean are we all down I'm down I'm 100% Downy we're get in trouble but let's have a secondary let's have a secondary vote just in case they would they would who's the second yeah who's who's our who the second person do we know who was excuse wa wait wait her does to be someone in this group or can it be someone that wasn't here one for someone that has to be here like a bottle person that has to be here I think it's have a pardon we don't know if who got a pardon or not my my door for sure has a pardon because they have graduation got a pardon though that's I want toe someone else that got a pardon couldn't do nothing about it can we possibly figure out they're probably figuring that out right now I think they are anyone have like some some crayons maybe CR we'll get you some cray bit I can give you I know honey we'll feed you P later I've got anyone would like sushi that's a Oh sushi close enough oh it's wait Angel oh you guys all hello welcome Adam I have a ton of I have a ton of skeleton skulls if you need if you we're getting more no guys we're getting we're getting more questions we're getting more questions oh yeah yeah yeah qu P me yeah yeah get get it on real can we get back on back on three more can we can we get more questions questions three questions three I Ask of the what is happening H what's going on what's going on sweetheart okay I can't I can't sit to to the left of you just sit here on the end of the bench excuse me excuse me oh there go ladies and gentlemen she is trying to speak with you silence um hex was not here Fuji was not here Sona was not here koi was not here faceless was not here lumaris was not here ER was not here and Lumi was not here because you guys are [ __ ] annoying to deal with SL silly um what what you do are um wow you got a pardon heex Fuji Sona and koi so and faceless because faceless just joined Lam Mars did just leave before so wait wait wait who who got V Mar is still in the process of getting um replaced okay oh so we just like no we're voting the thing yeah we're as a secondary uh V you can we just do lumaris then if they're already being if they're already disappearing what do you mean they're not disappearing disappear right now okay yeah wait so cuz very soon that an entirely different person okay okay okay got it who so yeah the entire list has a pardon because some and some I feel like it's not fair I feel it's someone that wasn't here that means it needs to be somebody that is here everyone on that list is guys I got all the hits on me okay so the list of the people being on fire I know I'm going to say the three people that were at the bottom it was little thing out of but also kind of in L because it relates to lore um so do not vote for people who have a pardon but the fact that they were not here can influence your next vote and votes following because to allow people to just have because they told us they weren't going to be here so it will at least like you're allowed to let it influence your decision okay yeah so should we have like a thing where the people who are the lowest like make their case or something I don't know oh I feel yeah I think that's the most reasonable yeah that's that's fair okay so who was it ramu I forgot uh the list was eth Finn and Zin okay so want to go first I guess uh I'll go first oh okay cool I don't have to do anything so my case is going to be the fact that while I did didn't get very many hits in I did I was constantly putting out fire and trying to make sure people weren't on fire I also had food and was giving it to people beforehand if they needed it although that turned out to be people just got food anyway but I was trying um I also didn't die at any point so I did stay alive the entire time okay and was on support who's next I'll go next um during the whole battle I was taking off the side Minions that were being spawned while everyone else was trying to group up in the area I didn't want to hit anyone so I was just stay in the back clearing all the mobs are being spawned okay I mean yeah um I was also doing that but also I had a water bucket and I was just putting it down and I I mean I didn't say anything cuz I didn't but I was putting it down as well uh probably not as much as everyone else was but I was just trying to do what I could because I had to get be given my gear I but that is once I died once because I got burnt to death yeah wasn't my fault most of it was me burning to death and I was just trying to stay out of the way because I was getting stabbed and burnt a lot and I was just trying to pick off the minions and I did I think I hit the the the angel at least once or twice I don't remember but I tried to do some damage but I was mostly just support I would also like to say I do feel bad I think they just appeared so they had like no time to prepare like all of us I've been living cave I don't know is literally a support anyone or anything the bot were all supporting and they were all a lot of them just since the bottom freak were allting can I make a case for myself I think you have immunity no no because no one has immunity okay okay so the angel was attacking me the whole time so I obviously had to heal up uh also I did give uh both uh Fin and apples uh things before the fight uh so I also supported people and uh I put down the cobwebs so it couldn't run around as much so I think I should get excuse for not being in the top threee because I did have to do a lot of other things oh no for [ __ ] sake okay guys I have we're out of time guys I have something to say I have something wait I actually hate this so much I hold up hold up guys guys guys guys guys wait wa wait I have something to say real quick I think what if we just don't vote holy [ __ ] I feel like that was a problem yeah wait wait what if we do like what they what's gonna happen does vote yeah that's the problem if somebody votes then it's random or up to the game Masters so I you have 3 minutes to make your decision before we make the decision for you I mean the stage I I personally believe fin should be excused um I agree regardless of personal reasons cuz I I do out of bias they were helping a lot I was helping put out fires with them as well uh also get stuff to people so then should be good I'm going to be voting the thing dude they haven't hey out of everything out of all of the rules they've set they haven't said anything about voting the game Masters that's all I'm going to say I'm not going to lie my vote's going to be I'm going to spin a wheel for my vote I don't know you got AEL on couple names I do got a wheel on me almost like a wheel of cheese to moons uh new moons don't do that don't do that it's un you want to win right I don't I mean I don't want anyone else to go I have no idea what's going on me nether you have too much humility and I and I can't be mad at you for it it's tough cuz the bottom free people all have you know we're new mostly yeah youand new was purely support rather than attack when cuz I I had work in the morning so I couldn't even get to prepare you have two minutes Anvil who you want to vote out give it to Angel where are the anvils where are ANS oh I see they're over here oh they are the pillars oh who am I giving it to Angel oh my God is this angel I feel you have a minute and 30 seconds okay everyone anous where where do I do it where do I do it wait just thr angel throw it over the counter Angel put them in the chest that's to we put a name on it where do I do that there's anvils on the no no no no no no no no no no everyone put one in sit down if you put one in I don't like this I don't like this like I feel so bad I actually hate so much I actually hate so [ __ ] much dude you have seconds every did everyone do it whoever whoever gets out I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I wait are you everybody voted Olive I feel so you committed Mass genocide are you you just brother are you going to them out you have 20 seconds has everyone voted ramu shut the [ __ ] up what a hell of a second day okay that is crazy I feel so bad I feel [ __ ] terrible I'm so sorry I'm so sorry wait are they going to read the names out loud or they just going to tell us who lost I think they said they may it wasn't my fault okay Olive didn't do anything please say the angel was setting people on fire too yes yeah that too yeah I'm only one committing Mass genocide stage oh my God I'm going to sob so hard D oh I'm going to cry this is so hard I feel so bad I feel terrible I feel [ __ ] terrible I feel like I'm a horrible person yeah it's a for situation that everyone's been put there you don't have actually sucks whoever gets out I'm so [ __ ] Sor slightly not enough seats over there apple apple come on come on guys there're literally a seats come on sit down no we moved over there cuz there wasn't seats there are seats though [ __ ] now there is I'm just sitting here because of squad goals I'm sorry I get claustrophobic what's up family what you just here I'm sitting up here then come here okay fine I'm the I'm the one uncle that just does not show up to any family events we love it we love it we love it oh my God I don't want to trade these [ __ ] like Pokemon cards and every everybody turned in one right so yeah okay cuz I I think what's worse than us voting someone out is the game Masters voting someone out yeah or being random iand I would let it be random but like I don't want to get voted out so like yeah yeah anyone want to I'm I'm going to change my music from Christmas music I'm good I can't I I'm so stressed I can't I have my immunity idol I swear to God okay pal I'm going to drink soup wait did you the golden chis McLean I did I did guys I have a marshmallow I have I have those as well I I have a ton of these as well so iconic L this isn't working super well I'll just okay I'll just I'll just give che che hey Ellie I have a gun I see that Ram I see that you're pointing it at my face do we have an issue Ram hey uh can I get a close give me the money I don't have like any money just like me up I'm not doing that in front of everybody not be reading out the votes oh God oh my God oh my gosh I may afterwards but Russia and roric are deciding who they would like to announce they announce oh Lord fre did we tie oh did they tie oh [ __ ] quit throwing what the [ __ ] all the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] all what the [ __ ] dance Jesus Christ all guys guys should they spell it should they spell it dude [ __ ] oh my God I'm sorry I have my minions Angel's just dancing Ang shut the fu up we're having shut theck up shut the [ __ ] up should we have like a graveyard find out first to hell I'm I'm committed to hell in the very first competition oh my I know that's happened to someone well think about it like this in number one you're the number one recruit do you just become Satan's right hand man or something I don't know man I think you have to work your way up to there I think you have to work your way up there yeah yeah oh my God okay if need be I can assassinate [Music] oh my god oh jeez for [ __ ] sake for [ __ ] sake for [ __ ] sake for the votes to be read off no no in last place as far as voting went um there were technically two votes for the thing oh there were two votes against soul three votes against eth and in the unfortunate spot to be hell six votes for Zin oh oh I'm so sorry I voted the thing by the way just saying saying you should have you should have committed to the bed okay shut up some of you may recall little Whispers of contracts and I think I'd like to discuss this now considering the necessity for them is blatant in this moment you may have heard of the Soul contracts that you can make with the devils and the angels but you can make contracts with other players I'm sorry the what if someone you know and someone you don't want to be sent to Hell ends up in the unfortunate position to be voted out by the end you can make a contract with them binding your participation to theirs meaning much like the Hunger Games if you both end up winning you both end up in heaven or another chance at life but if one of you gets voted out you both will be voted out once again oh so what if we all sign a contract with everyone what if we all sign a contract together oh yeah yeah yeah I a contract is between one person and another person I believe I will leave it up to the game Masters oh my God for [ __ ] sake if you can have multiple contracts per one person if we make a contract it'll be saved oh my god well did oh cont did he have a oh wait did he yeah did he have a soul contract I don't think he made one that quick did he make one no they're just staring at him okay I think we should stare at him too hang on we will provide you with all the contracts mom sit down and I will let you know that there has to be a deity or entity present when you are making it okay got it if I could have your attention please the thing may be present for your contract and initiate the terms of it Angel may be present for it Russia may be present for it I may be present for it roric can be present for it and Clyde can be present for it so long as one of them is present when making your contract it is legitimized and we will recognize the terms of the contract I would like to remind you that this is not a soul contract it is essentially like a landlord's agreement there is no metaphysical importance to these contracts other than a verbal and written agreement to another the only powers that legitimize these agreements that you're making with each other are the entities that are witnessing and legitimizing them this does not apply to Soul contracts which which with of which you can make with demons or angels with all that said Zen will be still present in purgatory until the day when we send all of the people who are eliminated to hell so between now and the final Challenge and the final day you may make a contract with Zen and anyone else who is eliminated thank you for participating my God wait so if they're already eliminated you can make a contract with them so if you win come back they can come back wait I think so yeah is that a soul contract or is that the other one no it's not a soul contract you we can't make Soul contracts can we can we get this written down because I don't understand this at all binding then how does that work know I think I think if somebody were to make a contract with Zen and if they win then Zen can go with them and they can get out of being sent to hell okay stop questions qu holding it up if you if you make a I'll just do that in the announcements so if you make a contract if you make a contract with someone who is eliminated they will be back in the games okay okay and then if either of you are eliminated then both of you are eliminated same with if you are in heaven yes we may need to change it from the like to the last game because like I just brought up to MAV um for example say like it's just Vivian Olive and Zin and like it's it's the last game and it's Vivan versus olive if Zin makes a contract with either of them all they have to do is Vivian and Zen vote out Olive and they both get a free pass that doesn't um we can just not give them voting power yeah okay then who and okay you is I think what we originally yeah they also that you guys don't know this in lore yet uh but there is such things as like double eliminations here and there too so Jee big oh my God we will write down and give the details of the finalized contract system but for now I believe that is all unless my companions have anything else to say I just say wish you all luck yeah uh you know stay safe and have fun playing the games oh this wrong word okay okay I have I have some wait wait wait I got I got something to say they counted the votes for the thing how did you get those [ __ ] what what did you say they counted the votes for the thing say they would do it ask um what do you mean [ __ ] if if we weren't allowed to vote for the thing they would have just discarded our votes oh oh hey yeah yeah so is it possible then I don't know but they haven't said it's not unlike they've said it's it's not possible to not vote okayy yeah so should we consider voting the thing next competition well if it's not well I think we I think we should vote the thing except for one person who or one maybe maybe like a small group of people who vote for secondary you know secondary people if possible so that it isn't left up a chance yeah oh H yeah H yeah oh my God Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Olive I swear to God we put our armor away do um do people want to have a meeting yes yes yes yes come on Mo meet new moon meet up shut the [ __ ] upo are we bring we going no I mean are this close to people where we going huh you going to this group thing for [ __ ] so sorry Pooky I knew it was me I I'm sorry to you too A I voted myself because I didn't want the I didn't want them to be voted oh my God that's so sad only two other people voted for me which is I was expecting four well all of this group wanted to vote me this what they decided oh man that's why dude which I had a feeling was going to be the case in the beginning it does seem that oliv's group or the group that that group I guess we'll go with does seem to be teaming up I would just watch for that later on in the games like they said they're going to have a meeting mhm try to see if there's any Noe doing my snooping perfect do I have my boat still no it's a lot quieter way of doing it Maybe Okay so hi oh hello hi you there yeah hi oh sorry my mic was M hello uh I have something a proposition to for you okay uh if you would like Follow Me Maybe the to the way Stone uh so there's this thing that you probably heard like it's a bunch of people uh that are here to investigate and learn things okay uh mostly about how to get out yeah uh so if you could get in the boat if you want to yes I mean that's kind of sounds like what I'm doing already yeah so okay let's go oh actually okay oh this is fancy hello I don't go hello sit down sit down this is so fancy oh my gosh okay fancy oh my God shut up shut up I will blow you up minute one minute are you okay can we can we all can we all be quiet for a second we were friends at one point while I was up there I'm sorry that's yeah fine I'm more concerned about future circumstances now yeah like if if the thing could bring one Angel down here what's it say they can't bring more down that's more but angel you're a part of this group so just we have your back we do we do yeah say you are just as protected here as anyone else do you have a chamber if you ever are in trouble please tell us we'll bring you here you'll be safe I'd rather take the hits for you guys than the other way around I'd rather you not take any hits I'd rather none of us take hits well if if need be I will be taking hits I'm the strongest here no no you're not okay I mean well compare well compared to Angel yeah but like I think nobody here should take hits yeah I can take hits the whole point of this is to support and protect each other and that goes both ways okay now I have another question we are public because of somebody that is official we are now officially public okay well maybe people didn't hear no no ifs and but you were screaming I mean I can as somebody who had no idea about this until then I can say despite uh despite the publicity it's I've no like I don't like I don't know what it is also I don't think anyone knows who's in here yeah also true guess guys we all did R we did huddle around and talk about who we wanted I don't know if it's not public but you uh go to the night Discord I think and you can probably ask if you want to join which is not ideal but what can I suggest that we label ourselves as a group to help and protect people just not reveal our location to anyone I think keep on the down I agree I think if someone is in need of help we can label ourselves with people who can help and shelter people in need but I don't think we should be like going out and telling people who we are you know what I mean if you see someone in especially trying to keep it from the thing as much as possible yeah wasn't there so I don't the thing doesn't know could we could we possibly lock people under contract if okay I don't like making contracts but hear me out if we have somebody who's in need of help and one of us offers our help to them disclosing our location disclosing the fact that we have shers around us and are are a protection from the thing we could put them into a contract making it so they can speak of this place exactly I mean Angel could be there Angel's a part of the team she can count as someone that can Overlook these contracts and that would make us stay safe while keeping them safe which is our main priority is to protect everyone here I don't know I feel scummy about that it's just to protect our location there would be no other dead ends I would not ever put someone in a contract making them owe anything other than to protect us and everyone in this room so is it okay that that I'm streaming yeah okay okay peopley people I mean is it okay that like I don't know some like randos like in in the real world I like reading my mind or something it's fine okay Adam's live okay just wanted to make sure just want to make sure most of us your head head yeah I got I love my it's actually really cool though whenever I take my head off they go away that's czy that's crazy yeah can you do it right now yeah I can do you like pop it on like a Lego figure or like that is terrifying how are you able to do that are you so I don't actually it's just like I think my like spine's weak I don't really know did did you die that way or or is that a is that an afterlife do you know I no I don't oh yeah it could be an afterlife effect yeah I I'd say that's that might be it I like I thought when it first happened I thought everyone could do it but do we want to here let me help you we can try I lost my head I want to see if I can can you try it yeah yeah attention yeah sorry I kind of Sidetrack this oh should we get like a bell [Music] okay um stuck darn it I was saying previously about the contract we want to vote on if that will be a thing or not can I make an addendum are we able to make amendment I don't know yeah like would make a contract chain no no no what video was saying about keeping our location private I think it's a it's an idea for the location but that doesn't mean we don't help them even if they say no yeah we can help them but we cannot reveal our location to them then yeah so yeah how about how about you make them sign the contract beforehand and say if you if you like you they have the option if they don't sign the contract they don't have to but then you just can't do that yeah yeah or maybe we just have a separate Storehouse for people do like a second location yeah like maybe we just have maybe we have I'm anxious I'm anxious that we I think we need multiple I'm anxious that if there's one then it could be easily disclosed I think there should be multiple I think what if everybody has a secret location somewhere in the world everyone make room we can all don't don't don't make it at your house don't make it near your house make it a little bit further away so that you have that location to bring somebody if they need your help that they only know about one of our locations or one of people in the community or not Community but in the organization that we have here that might be smart to Keep It sped out so in case if one of our locations gets someone figures out about it it's compromised then we can either use one else uh version is 1.20 on can make a new one yes yeah that sounds good I was already scouting out like a place to make a little house so great a huge mountain so it' be pretty easy try to make it a little bit further than your don't make it like directly underneath it can be close but I was just not making it at your house um make it have shers around it um that was I think the only requirement okay uh I have several questions yes go go ahead AR starting with the shers what what is their purpose what do they do the thing thank you it's not actually my idea I'm just I'm just joining I'm just a part of it seen them big ass ears I mean true I believe you know that the Shakers I mean yeah I know that the thing's sensitive to them but I'm just curious on how they work they just keep it away just it doesn't like them I think it hurts them in some way is there any easy way to get a Sher or should we just go to a deep dark for them there's a deep dark directly under do you have some perhaps chance like Spread spread a couple around P chance if needed I do have a deep dark under my home okay I have a direct oh thank you thank you say she has just make sure to put one on each side of the wall or and we' also need we also need a sensor for them too I believe go thank you thank you I'll take a cut thank you I'm sure we Cas we can find more together this is the mod list it's a just a bunch of like a ton of mods bring up uh just I think our next course of action should be to have an Armory since we weren't very well prepared for this I mean somewhat but we could have been more coordinated I I will say me and Angel while building this location did plan to make a um sleeping location I think it was an Armory and then a medical room in case that we just haven't gotten to that yet yeah yeah it was going to be behind each Moon so in case people needed to sleep somewhere or live somewhere for a poral amount of time oh holy [Music] [ __ ] AR I think you just B your your mic just like exploded for a second I think your lungs collapsed sorry anyway so yes I think we we we planned on having those be a thing we haven't gotten around to it the secret thing I don't anything else I I just got roped into this do you mind if yeah we're trying to make even sleeping qus aren't done do you mind if I like sleep down here for a couple days after the competition no yeah of course thanks we did insult the thing enough that I'm a little worried about it so no anybody's looking to be here anytime they want this isn't just a meeting place but don't s bags there's also going to be a library installed in um training rooms and such so God I should talk to R about getting the book that I need I wanted because I want to read something oh I'm tired AR you're say I I am unsure uh me me and the thing I don't know if I'm on the best of terms not with them they did back me in a corner of a library AR I will let you know lot of the people in here have either been killed or terrorized by it it's okay yeah I have not been terrorized it has had civil conversations with me but at the same time it threatens me I I've had that same thing but it's either terrorized or kill people in this room so you're okay yeah this this organization is to protect people from it mostly think it's our main ideals anything else I do too everywhere get [ __ ] everywhere the voices the voices voices the voices the voices is there anything else anyone wants to say no if any of yall need I have not watched evb before I don't know what that is just just just let me know I got I got busy okay my plan for the next little bit is I'm going to set up a little food Hut in a round spawn that's just free food like I know we have the garden but I want to make free cooked food for people okay I think supporting the community would be smart I think that would be a wise idea uh I had one idea can I put yeah uh can I put a moon sign on the building I'm going to make just so it's like Affiliated kind of yes I was point to on to that I was saying make yourselves sa safe places and make it obvious to people tell them if they come and visit be like hello if you need anything literally anything a safe place a place to be just calm I can help you make yourself an obvious safe place people know who to go to when they are in crisis or where to go to too MH I think we should have a vault or a TR yeah we can make one in here somewhere I think so right Angel yeah okay we can put it behind that painting probably you can also make a secret I am not an admin here I'm just a I'm just a dude just chilling the IRS exist and follow follow question can I can I make the IRS why would we make yeah that's like the opposite of what we want to do don't want to be taxing people no well no or not not the IRS but you know maybe maybe I give out some loans no that well if you want to do that on your own go ahead but us and no I would like also to get this out there and we can vote on that this is the thing or not but I would go so far to say if someone were to join the thing if someone were to Aid The Thing If It Wasn't they were being threatened to death if someone were to try to bring harm to this organization they would be rooted out all fair yeah obviously if anyone betrays the group in any way then something has to happen listen what happens in in the new moons of Venus stays in the Moon new moons of Venus should we make contracts I think we should have I think we should have a group rule back uh about I feel like there should be something to bind this because I trust all of you at the moment but I don't know truly and I'm sorry to say this I don't know truly who any of you are we just met each other that's totally fair are we able to make chain [Music] contracts um is there a way we could make a contract with perhaps Angel as a group to say that we wouldn't disclose his Lo won't that would be possible yeah it so a promise to Angel that we won't betray the group and what would be the punishment if we did would there be a way to I mean they just respond would there be a way to erase memory of some sort so that this person would not be I don't know they're [ __ ] Angels and Demons solitary confin I think Mega Death no would just erase their thoughts of what this place we're not murdering anyone I don't want to murder anyone either that's what I'm saying memory eras that works I don't know if Angel has that ability but if we could erase the memory somehow of this location and this uh organization that would be an easy fix I just don't know if that's possible I don't believe that's possible damn it you can like Blacklist them in a sense where we tell everyone in the community like everything about them and they affiliate themselves with the thing I feel how about that good what if we just V them isn't that kind of they're allowing everything about them to be known no they're betraying us then available information becomes public isn't is doxing them I if somebody wants to step away from the organization that is fine but if someone is obviously on board betraying us I mean people should know who they are they made themselves a safe place and then they have become not a safe place I don't think people should go to that person anymore and people do not know that that person is unsafe anymore it will continue to go to them that is what I fear that is why I'm suggesting that we open information about them to the public no I I thought you wanted us to to tell their their their their full name address um social security number just it's similar to how we can make just I don't know reveal everything about them that they didn't want to be revealed I'm sure the game Masters know if Angel if you're okay will you Aid us with this want to make sure you're okay with everything thank you I can yeah I know mostly everything about every soul within here so then there we go so that's the retri oh oh hello her how can I help you oh put back down a you need anything from me um wait don't we have a burn book hang on not at the moment can we make one can I yeah let's let's make a burn book yeah let's make a Works than you for being name long time subscriber what what their what their full schedule is um where they where they tend to hang out you know the works all right um it's currently being created I promise we everything will go as you'd like is her the like shadow figure that we took pictures with that's that's that's not her that's not her she I don't think she's revealed herself no that was that was the shadow a second what are they do I don't want to sit next to all of any what do you mean you can trust me I'll trade you I'll trade you Arlo I'll just chill but I get it yeah you're right I am chill yeah chill with bombs uh oh oh don't any bombs in here okay no no you're right I am chill hey yes I'm making a section for you everything is documented and you may read the you can uh you can pause the stream here I'll show you the mods again and you can pause the stream to I swear to God also you can also go back and this there'll be a VOD afterwards so you can look back on it do we have anything new that we have discovered about anything uh oh I mean I can help in that department I I travel quite a lot and take pictures of things okay second oh yeah weren't you gonna do weren't you gonna do something with a newspaper or was that oh uh I I mean we could make no I believe thank you for your concern um if I the lar times let me just check through my gallery um I might as well just do that while I'm here who else is missing levels um thank you I didn't die right uh yeah that's an issue see my old album got uh accidentally destroyed I got pictures of of the of the the dad you still have pictures of the Shadow yeah I think had um I do I also although no longer have photo evidence I have traveled a bit and I found a floating upside down house and we' been there since disappeared from IT location yeah we got kidnapped from there and murdered oh yeah I got into a hole this was when Olive and Finn were killed and I was also killed I was just killed at the yeah yeah it it happened it happened before this became a thing I'm sorry we should have talked about was that the be thing Adam was was that one yeah that was [Music] when yeah sorry Adam also like to say I just want to get it out there that um I I did say to her that there is a location where I was going to write down you know we have our archives obviously and I've made those archives available to her and I've trusted her with them and I wanted to make that obvious to all of you so that you were not to be surprised or think I was trying to hide anything from you but I did I trust her fully she is someone who is above all of this and I have a feeling that she isn't out to get us but she isn't out to quite help us either she's just a curious Watcher ouch if people are against this please let me know we can talk I'm not against it but shouldn't they have to put up to a vote yeah it kind of happened before became official so this happened before all the official stuff happened and it was a maybe and so I wasn't even sure yet um what's the archive we uh all of uh no sorry not all um Angel has been writing down what has been happening at each meetings okay and we were going to Archive them in case somebody new me uh members come you may read the first book whenever we get that archive set up people can remember things or remember things that we discussed in meetings we need to reference back to something I'll also let you know in honestly she could have looked at them if I given her permission or not she is everywhere all the time so that was just me being respectful out of anything but I doubt she would take me saying no as an answer anyway respectfully so um yeah just like to get that out there okay um hello I cannot see the sign it'll be on this side something the other side no can thank you thank you her I appreciate that I appreciate that thank you Vivian yes what do you think of [Music] this I think I myself with hot broccoli we did all agree on the punishment thing though right yeah okay no we did not on death I have not I have not watched GRS MC maybe I have but not like regularly name doesn't ring a bell I mean imagine it's going to be harder to do some we're no better than forchan I I am I okay with this I will sign this right now okay I have sign it sign okay does that mean getting adjourned angel angel apprciated the contract oh got it wait hang on should any of us make contracts like in case we lose or should we like wait until should waited until later later until until one of us gets out and then we yeah I feel bad for then but I don't think I'm the right person I don't think contract should be made at the moment feel not that hold on can you give me that hold on I think you got the unin one okay but I me with with each other if one of us get out should we say I can I can if people want I can read out the contract right now so everyone can agree and just immediately sign so not everyone has to read it uh yes not reading the terms of service has always been a thing that's never harmed anybody uh I'd like to read read it please okay one more can I got another one oh eat I see we have wine SW T oh sorry yeah yes sir okay I have a question yeah what uh Angel are you a game master yes so okay so I have a so what is oh yeah mine's a sign here dun go too let's go don't to all of our cont angel please move oh okay what did you want to ask yeah okay so what is Heaven and Hell something for [ __ ] sake what is what and H can you elaborate what you mean by that okay so say somebody goes to hell what yeah where do they go hell well yeah but like what is hell that's just a word to me like I don't know are you asking if there are like rings of hell or no like what like what is it like when you say you're going to go to hell like I don't know what that means like hell is just a word you know it's I could say oh you're going to go to the place you know like you don't know what the place entails I don't know what hell entails I don't believe I would be well sued to answer that question we'll make something we'll make something for okay what about heaven talk you been there um yeah okay pretty so what's it like then well like heaven I don't know I don't know if you're like religious people or not but like uh fluffy clouds Paradise uh Angels yada yada so is it like the ather I I would say the ather is pretty close to what you could compare it to okay all right are we signing this so is so comparatively would oh I'll sign mine okay has everybody signed one I did yeah to go through I got handed a bunch of stuff I'm just wait I don't know if everyone gave me it or not yet they gave them I would imagine The Ether resembles heaven and then the nether resembles hell in some sense yeah Angel but what's what I find interesting about that is the nether is not that bad it's not okay so and I mean aesthetic wise okay okay would be if if somebody continues to spawn those things in this room they will no longer get to have anything in this room and they will have to drop off all of their [ __ ] at the door I guess for me what for me I'm just struggling to like oh this whole thing we're kind of threatened we're being threatened being sent to hell like that's the whole thing or we're trying to avoid that but I like I don't even know what that like I don't even know what that means you know that's the thing is I'm just like does it explode back up oh it exp like it could be it could be anything it could even like not exists and I have no idea all I know is that it's a place that we're trying to avoid going to but I don't even know like what if the thing we're trying to avoid isn't actually that bad and so that's just that's like the our whole whole purpose here is trying not to go there but we don't know anything about it a are you willing to take that chance am I here let's put it nicely do you know who Ace is no not off the top of my head I probably do but I'm not guy you know what to put it simply other than the thing all other demons here have made contracts with someone just to leave that place I don't think you like it much here either I love it here this is awesome I mean I guess I don't really have much to okay it would be it would be paradise if the thing wasn't here I don't have much to compare it to but from what like other people have said about their lives before this it sounds like a lot of people's lives before this sounds like hell this is not that bad in comparison no it's not I need to mention something before handing this contract I am currently in contract with the fan what you're in what I okay finally I I don't want to ruin friendships I I I enjoy finally knowing what friends are um so I am being open I am currently in contract with the thing on a uh a small mission what's the mission are you able to talk to us about that or I I mean I have talked to Olive about it uh before knowing about this group and you didn't tell us anything about that Olive I don't want to be dick okay well we should have probably known that the one thing that you know we're up against I'm not the smartest if you were TR to keep a secret you wouldn't keep it I I could be friends with the thing but seeing their aggressive nature maybe not now um they burnt me at the steak I didn't see oh they didn't do anything to me they tore me apart they gave me a music disc but that's kind of like about my encounters with them but like I I kind of get the Vibes stillo to put it basic I look me I need to help the thing get into an area what area oh uh within the library oh okay that's not as bad it's not harming anyone that I know of uh but h i mean we don't know the invisible got kidnapped so I mean I I mean as me and Olive were just talking over there it could maybe help if I was to go through it and get information um information is part of the contract can they force you to tell them any can it force you to tell it anything about this group uh I don't I didn't know that there was I don't think it about the no but in the future no it is a oneandone contract okay all right that's so it's just information on the library and then that's all you have to do is I literally I help them they help me kind of situation and then that is the end of the contract so then what are they helping you with who is wrong who talking uh that's the point is I help them with the library they give me information oh okay okay okay oh that might I can ask any singular question to them and they will answer having having an insire would be a good thing I think actually I feel like that's true and I don't I think I don't think that that would break the contracts like that we have the yeah again I I was reading contract I don't feel like this threatens anyone got it all right I I'm with you on that but don't make another one please if they offer another one I will talk to to to to the group that sounds good to me before accepting got it uh here's my contract then I thought it' be best to be open with that yeah it was thank you for sharing thank you I don't I don't want to ruin having friends friends are nice true I mean I don't think anyone wants to go up against me other than like Adam maybe Arlo if you hadn't told us the thing could have used it to drive a bigger wedge in our friendship so it was really good decision to do it now reminder you may ask me about absolutely anything about anyone that's what she says for those that cannot be the sign I will admit I was distracted by birds whilst making the contract with the thing so it's a good thing there aren't Birds here I can get a bird well no don't Sanctuary I have a bird sanctuary if you ever need any kind of bird nice I crafted a uh a pigeon backpack a while ago and I don't know what it does and I never figured it out so okay is that all the meeting because I do need to head out soon I would like to say one thing before we go y all right yeah I also made a contract with somebody oh it is don't don't make a contract you said I don't suggest it no I don't because my consquences are grave I was in a situation apples I was just torn apart by the thing I'm practically my second day here I was in an emotional state why wouldn't I respectfully my contact is not with the thing but there are some things that I cannot say because of my contract that is all I'm saying and I just ask you to trust me wait I I want to just talk about like because uh the thing that was said during after the event like that Kevin cannot look at what's going on here and I'm not sure what the consequences to that will be and probably terrible so yeah exactly would not like what's going oh hello thank you that means hang definitely terrible what if what if we that's got a message to Heaven about what the thing's doing could be how would we get that's inging how do we get a message to Heaven could we get it through angel that is a possibility wait wa wait wait could could I no do you have anything related to just give me 10 seconds no bottles no bottles you can't no no bottles I don't allowed to say This Hold Up Wait am I to say This Hold Up Wait I don't want my contact on me [ __ ] I'm a bit stupid I'm a bit stupid please please please don't please don't get angry at me okay is there a way I can get another this shouldn't be breaking my contract what would be so I can talk to him about this correct this isn't B by anything I know what I said apples this is for the group can't remember if this was I don't think it was I just TR to be careful very very safe right now yes okay so I will let you know I have sent a message to Heaven before um it was a personal message it was given hello oh um thank thank you question oh oh okay can you tell us what the message was it's my contract e oh let me let me check over real quick guys I believe we should be fine yeah [ __ ] do you know anything that Russia likes oh yeah I was going to check in on them but I don't have time today oh yeah we should okay yeah yeah yeah yeah this should we should go we should check I know they I believe they like birds and white ather flowers as well as books you okay so I will let you know I have made a contract to Heaven before it was not a contact sorry a a message I sent a message to Heaven it was something given to me as a gift oh [ __ ] and I would be allowed to make it up the contract was a personal contract so not oh [ __ ] I keep saying contract the message was a personal message it was not whatever they're doing have anything to do with the world around us it was a personal message and I can send another one I would have to make another contract though I not I don't think that's a wise choice yeah we will save it for future the future theyve that knowled should probably look towards looking angel to sending a message I don't think can B can you we got confirmation possibility you can yeah could you possibly send one then goal for the future check in uh get see if angel can send a message to Heaven uh check in on Russia and anything else we need to think about for the future sad goal Squad go Squad goals uh keep investigating things about Venus yes oh yeah uh if you get anything weird in your mail please tell me I've gotten one weird message message and I'm hoping that there I only got did we all get the ti Tok Tik Tok message yeah I got that ages ago I feel yeah it's this it's not sent by Vivian it might have been sent by Venus and word say do you know about that you you're just I soed away the moment you mentioned Venus can you say that again crazy I said do you know anything about the uh Tik Tok messages we all got them and we've all been confused them I've said this before have you I have no idea who said okay who the [ __ ] did that it was a player it was a player because okay wait out of in L as the game master I have no idea okay okay okay okay oh fun fun okay probably Venus but who has seen Venus since day one no one no one the whole thing yeah y uh real quick all right you think she I need to head out okay we can we can discuss this next meeting this going to be discussed next meeting thank you by the way I still need my levels bye czy how many Pooky uh like 50 okay okay yeah I understand hey um wait real quick H could you tell us if there's any new buildings I please I don't think there is there's no new buildings but I I've added some things to other buildings oh we need we need to go back and you want to go back and check the building real quick wait wait wait the building wait hold on where's where's the archiv the AR it's not it's not done yet wait Olive where are you guys going you don't have to them unless oh wait could could you teleport apples with us I'll hold his hand hold my hand why is there aun what the f i you know I'm I'm I'm not happy about it either I'm trying to mute whenever it happens but take a big old Roomba no there's a really big there's a really really big drill no it uh they're using a chainsaw oh awesome cool hell yeah right now me these [ __ ] these gummy shs he [ __ ] SLA my Dy is but my mouth is entirely blue okay I'm holding your hand while we tort oh never mind hold hold my hand poy I went somewhere what what what what's going on do you see anything for within your archives okay I'm just going to save this book for later reference I need a ender CH put my Ender Chest can I my inter chest is way too full I'm going to make another Barrel or two okay let me get this guy like way up the top here let me bring Adam to the Pillager Outpost uh I don't know if they're here though ah my voice is starting to go that's not good okay let me see if I can find the other people oh there he is okay okay wa Adam hi I'm someone righted so I'm just making another oh ni uh I was going to take you to the Pillager Outpost I found oh okay that's fine uh do you have a boat on you uh I do okay cool let's go uh I have so many way points here it is yeah same okay right here why is it at the [ __ ] W what the [ __ ] that's just where it was I'm you know that's just that's just where where I found it uh okay oh I see a guy yeah I haven't like fought him or anything I don't even know if I haven't seen I haven't even looked I just kind of showed up and I was like oh I'll save a waypoint here and then I left yeah know also we probably shouldn't stay here too long just because it's so far out it might lag yeah yeah so I'm head back where am Ione else be said they were going to check out the dorms I guess I can see if oh wa this is pretty what the heck uh I can probably turn my particles back on I turned it them off earlier because there was I was having frame issues but might not be might be okay why is why is everyone else's dorm so pretty I we need to we need to make we need to make ours better okay maybe not okay I don't know where everyone went mainly looking for Vivian because okay for hello do you know where Vivian went no do you know where Russ is also no actually wait wait wait wait were they the one I think no no no never mind sorry other other R name ramu right my bad uh do you know where the basement's open no I don't and uh I look I start peeking down there with Adam and Adam said to not go down there on stream so ah well luckily I'm not so I took a long long Peak nice I don't know if that's intentional or not but I don't I don't know either oh roic's right over here oh no that's not the one I need what oh god damn it sorry it's all right it's all right our names you got an excuse I I found I found every single R name that you didn't need it's fine you have a detach fore head yeah well not right now not right now I don't it's it's okay okay oh hello hello hello oh where would they oh my god do you know I'm trying to find uh I'm trying to find Vivian I could probably just message them but yeah I have no idea okay where they are all right hello for D oh hello hi so wait what did you get from her okay so it's a book that says I've asked Viv to give me a chest or something in my section within your archives feel free to put a book asking me about pseudo Realms and the Realms of heaven and hell and I will answer I feel comfortable with that okay what's your question where oh so you know how she we're making an archive for so she can see what we're talking about there will also be a location in that room that we're going to make so we can have a book where everyone I will write out instruction on that book but pretty much you'll be able to write a question to her and she'll be able to respond in her own time if she chooses to okay so it's not so it's like a work in progress thing it's not existing yes okay yeah I'll and the once I finish it I'll tell you guys a meeting um so yes okay cool thank you that's what I was I I because I asked uh I asked Angel I was like where's the archive and they're like it's not here yet and I'm like what yeah so okay thank you don't worry don't wor of course of course of course also yeah what did you what stone did you use to make your trim with I love it uh rose quartz it's it's in the nether I have a bunch I can give you if you want oo that's say cuz I love the color like me too thank you okay okay thank you thank you thank you ol what the [ __ ] why what I was having a private conversation I just got called smelly okay Olive come on um okay well in that case I think what I'm going to do since my voice is starting to go a little bit I think I'm GNA scout out an area going do a bit of exploration and scout out an area for this cuz we we're making our own little secret Areas I'm I'm going to do that um um wait I've got a perfect spot that I already found I haven't broughten anyone here yet I was going to bring Adam here but I forgot about it this would be perfect oh my gosh wait actually this is genius okay I'm going to set it up here then uh but I need to figure out what I I've been practicing I've been learning how to iess yeah I've been practicing make building to hopefully get better uh mainly because mainly for like Donnie videos and stuff but um orange mushroom okay so I want to find I I remember seeing no freaking way no way no way oh my God it's the Among Us oh this is sick oh let's go oh I'm so happy okay this is definitely where I'm where I'm setting up base um I remember seeing a uh what do you call it a redwoods Forest I want to see if the Redwoods wood is something I would like to build cuz if it is cuz you know I like the color red and if it is the right um color and that I'd like then I'll build with that if not I'll probably go mango over Cherry Maybe it was back this way this is just from memory I might be wrong I think no I'm pretty sure it's right hopefully stream sniping isn't allowed because I've shown my debug screen twice now in this place that's supposed to be secret but it's probably going to be okay for Trident I'm trying to get a trident too I haven't had L I've only found a few guys with Trident but even though I have looting eh had much luck and if you got Trident there is a good trient guy come on come on damn it is there any more don't think so oh wait yep there's one more come on nope have you got Trident no okay oh well I did find a really big river the other day so I'll probably if I don't if I if it's still I'm not able to after finding some more I'll probably just try and farm there a bit cuz from my say big rivers go crazy with the drowns and you know more drowns means more Trident so sorry just just doing some organization real quick now that all that fighting is over I still have all these potions might be good to just keep for now I mean they're yeah I'll I'll probably end up putting them back just because I'll need the room for trading with villagers okay I think it was near here that I saw redwoods maybe maybe not it was a bit ago that I was doing all this exploring so I might my memory might be faulty warped o warped also might be a good I don't know that like warped kind of thing I might that might be a good one too for like being in a mushroom biome Ducks excuse me for how far was this I thought it was like right nearby where the Redwoods was but maybe not might have been close to the Pillager Outpost at this point dolphin please give me your grace yeah for just going I have infinite pearls basic Bally we have a villager so guess I'm going to grab one of these trees too I don't know what the wood looks like but it might be cool not that good but for what you doing I'm uh I'm looking for a redwoods Forest I saw one a while like not a while ago I guess it was probably a few days ago over this way because I want to see because you know I like the color red and so I want to see if the Redwoods red Redwood wood is a nice color and if it is then I'll use it to build a house yeah it's it's under it's um yeah sorry hold on I'm thinking of a joke uh it's uh yeah well oh it's under there uh what's up dog how far is this red with fors I swear it was like I was like oh well it's not that far but apparently I'm crazy how many people on uh I can't count that many people going to be one less soon because I'm going to get going in just a bit but for nine people yeah that's crazy you're also going to stream soon wish good luck I I mean I I don't know if that's something I mean I mean I guess good luck you say that like it's like a challenge that you're going to have to overcome I hope you have fun on your stream whenever you do I think I already got this Waypoint for this Village yeah it looks like I did these are pretty flowers FL I'm going to take some of these what color do they make magenta okay makes sense is this redwoods no it doesn't look like it maybe it is looks like spruce oh here it is here it is I think yeah this looks like it that's a nice color these OTS are cute I'm gon to will this chop the whole tree down if I do this it's trying oh oh it's trying is this lagging the server too bad I think it might be oh maybe not I crashed it I crashed it wait is this timed out is this timed out or is it is it like server server is this just me or is this everyone uh this this is this is embarrassing for I think that might might I I don't know I think it might be it I don't know if the server is going back up uh oops all right well I guess you know what that's fair um yeah all right well thank you everyone who showed up uh I guess I'm gonna I guess that's it for today I mean I was going to end soon anyway so um yeah I hope to do more of this this was fun [Music] and I don't really know what to say hopefully hopefully this is something everyone's like vibing with because I'm having fun and hopefully be doing more so yeah um oh let's back up I'm still GNA get going though yeah uh I guess I don't know if anyone's still watching at this point or if there's any VOD watches or anything um museum videos coming along really slowly but I'm like getting there I'm getting pretty good progress on it it's just mainly I have school and work to do so it's a little bit slow but I'll definitely I'll definitely have it done pretty soon um let me get a do I have right what's happing okay cool okay so I'm just gonna where where did I put it here okay I want to bring sorry I'm I probably should be doing this off stream since this is kind of boring so I want these these two to go up want this is probably good for right now cool okay I'm probably just going to go on a single player world at some point and experiment with like building with different Woods just to see what looks good and stuff yeah okay thank you everybody I'll uh I'll see you around where is it here it is yeah I'll see you all around

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FREE FIRE Di MINECRAFT 2024 ‼️ thumbnail

Category: Gaming

Bang main free fire bang bw ff bang bang minimal bang ff di minecraft bisa gak battle royale bempur oke guys sekarang kita sudah berada di pesawat dan let's go kita turun naik parasut coy let's go jadi kita turun di factakory ya guys nah sekarang gasen kita looting-loting santai dulu coy mantap banget... Read more

1 NACHT auf dem HORROR ONE BLOCK thumbnail

Category: Gaming

Oh mein gott der herobrine wither einfach oh mein gott h ich wurde einfach gebannt leute heute spielen wieder eine fresche neue folge minecraft one block aber heute mit einem ganz besonderen block die sieht auch ganz ganz komisch aus leute ich gehe mal hier in first person leute bum das hier ist der... Read more

Johnny Has SUPERHERO HEARTS In Minecraft! thumbnail
Johnny Has SUPERHERO HEARTS In Minecraft!

Category: Gaming

These are superhero hearts in minecraft spider-man's heart makes you web swing and thor's heart makes you summon lightning what other superhero hearts can we find watch until the end to see us defeat the ultimate villain and done guys check out our new survival house it came out so good wow that looks... Read more

Trapped on ELEMENTAL ISLAND in Minecraft! thumbnail
Trapped on ELEMENTAL ISLAND in Minecraft!

Category: Entertainment

You know zoe i don't know how you get three of those iced caramel frappy macchiato all the time yeah that seems kind of unhealthy not going to lie oh but they're amazing it took me an hour to even finish my one coffee yeah that was honestly a small one this was a small yeah you didn't add any cream... Read more

Minecraft Realm (Bedrock) - Building A City Underwater (with Members) - Live thumbnail
Minecraft Realm (Bedrock) - Building A City Underwater (with Members) - Live

Category: Gaming

[music] [music] for [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] yeah [applause] [music] [music] oh [music] [music] [music] [music] oh [music] hey hey hey everybody what's going on good morning good afternoon good evening depending on your time zone... Read more

Trailer MINECRAFT LIVE ACTION Akhirnya Rilis thumbnail
Trailer MINECRAFT LIVE ACTION Akhirnya Rilis

Category: Gaming

Trailer minecraft movie yang ditunggu-tunggu kini sudah rilis film yang dibintangi oleh jack black sebagai steve lalu jason momoa dan lainnya muncul di dunia minecraft melalui portal dan berdasarkan plot yang dibagikan film ini akan memiliki fokus utama bagaimana orang-orang tadi dan steve mengalahkan... Read more

L'ÉQUIPE DE BRAS CASSÉS MINECRAFT...(Best of Nmkz) thumbnail

Category: Gaming

[ __ ] mes touches nigre nécessaire oui c pas nécessaire [musique] no jouer à class c'est quoi ça c'est l'avenir c'est quoi l'avenir cherche sur google tu verras que bon on lance et puis on attend vas-y vas-y vas-y ouais c'est vrai ta mère ça fait combien temps tu [musique] l'asain je exaspéré sa mère... Read more


Category: Gaming

Introduction so after reportedly being in the works for over 10 years at this point we finally received our first ever look at the official minecraft movie and people are not happy at all that is why in this video i'm going to be taking you through everything we've received so far about the official... Read more

Rizzing Girls With The NEW $50,000,000 DEADPOOL Car In Roblox Driving Empire! thumbnail
Rizzing Girls With The NEW $50,000,000 DEADPOOL Car In Roblox Driving Empire!

Category: Gaming

Bae please can you get the new deadpool car i'm such a deadpool fan megan i'm about to make the coolest deadpool car and i'm going to be the coolest one in the group everyone's going to love me yes babe and you're going to drive me around and we're going to be the coolest couple ever all right come... Read more

😍 This Cute Police Officer Has a Crush on Me in Minecraft... thumbnail
😍 This Cute Police Officer Has a Crush on Me in Minecraft...

Category: Gaming

ओए मैं रेडी हूं बॉल फेंक जल्दी से अभी भाई देख तु मैं मारेगा जल्दी ये लोल अंपायर को लग गया गया भाई आउट हो गया भाई आट नहीं आउट नहीं चल अंपायर को लग गई वो हटा क्यों नहीं मेरी थोड़ी गलती चल अरे अरे आउट है भाई अबे जल्दी कर रे अभी देख इस बाउंड्री की पूरी कॉलोनी के बाहर जाएगा बॉल भाई जल्दी करयो ओ भाई सिक्स मार दिया मैंने लेट्स गो श्री की आवाज कहां से आई रे श्री कहां पे है क्या कर रहे है तुम लोग यार तुम लोग अभी भी गेम खेल रहे हो यार कितना टाइम... Read more