Trapped on ELEMENTAL ISLAND in Minecraft!

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 00:27:36 Category: Entertainment

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you know Zoe I don't know how you get three of those iced caramel frappy macchiato all the time yeah that seems kind of unhealthy not going to lie oh but they're amazing it took me an hour to even finish my one coffee yeah that was honestly a small one this was a small yeah you didn't add any cream or too well why would I need cream wa what's going on with our houses Mark what is all this stuff around our houses oh we're just performing some construction y'all had some destruction happen over here and um we're fixing it all oursel don't worry won't cost a dime out of you guys well can we go in our houses no they're a little bit destroyed but again we're getting it all fixed up don't worry I want to see no I kind of need a place to stay tonight you guys can go somewhere else for now it'll be done in the next couple hours here how about I give you a flyer for a little island you can go off to a why would we want to go to an island because if you go in the water over there there's little fish that'll come eat your dead skin on your feet oh well that sounds cool yeah it sounds healthy this could be cool I think I know who needs that are you looking at me it makes your skin all smooth and nice gives you like baby feet okay Mark and you guys can come back in a couple hours just try not to get lost on your way there well Nico you got the directions for it right is it on that flyer or what yeah but it says we need to head to the docks okay well let's go there mark when we're back I expect my house to be normal again yeah it will be don't worry I'm calling up some contractors all right Nico it's time to go over to these fish that eat your dead skin I don't want that I do I want to have baby smooth feet you know what I mean okay no what all right are the fish over here Nico uh I don't know turn around huh oh it's Tanner what are you doing over there yo what's up Bros and beautiful ladies oh great how's it going we came over here cuzz that's where Nico told us to go now he needs to lead us to the next area oh yeah I just got five boats for yall in the chest right here oh cool so we could use these yeah lightning strike yeah ow what was that for well where did that even come from testing out my new abilities okay well we're going to go over to that island where they got the fish all right I would probably say leave a little later man there's a lot of sharks in the water right now what but our houses are under construction we got nothing to do right now just like chill at the boardwalk or something it's fine I think we'll be fine I'm not seeing any sharks in the water or uh me and Zoe you guys could take a dip in the water with me I'll protect you from the Sharks I'm going yeah I don't swim and I don't like you so yeah I think we're just going to take the boats Tanner thanks for your help though I guess yeah it's all good my other girls are on the way yeah whatever shark infested waters what is he talking about there's nothing down here yeah we're literally going to be in a boat we're fine all right now which way is the direction to the island uh follow me what this way for some reason do not trust Nico I think he's lost are you sure it's this way uh wait is it this way I think it's this direction bro Nico what MIA just pull out your phone for the GPS okay go straight 400 ft oh you hear that guys go straight oh what is that under US ah there's a shark yo guys there's a okay I'm turning around no ain't no way it broke the boat the boat go this way go this way it's trying to attack us make a uturn no I'm not making a U-turn Nico turn around bro there's a shark right under you oh no I I am getting far away from that thing good luck with that guys make a uturn turn off the GPS sorry okay I think we made it to land finally wo let's go I told you we didn't need that GPS we could find our own way through this place cash good job yo is this the island that they were sending us to in the first place though it's got to be right this was like one of the closest Islands nearby how many islands could there be Shady let me count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 30 40 50 16 17 18 19 20 okay that's enough I don't think there's more than 20 Islands in square City hold on hold on you missed the goated number 21 how's that goated shady you're so funny oh my gosh I don't get it okay so where's the fish that come to uh you know nibble on our toes it's probably by the water oh true well we went to the water and I wasn't seeing any fish here let's double check oh gosh Mia check the GPS how far does it say the destination is oh what 1200 miles what so 1,200 are we on the complete wrong Island oh no oh man go you guys didn't follow the GPS not my fault it's okay we could just use the boats and turn around let's go back in oh never mind I'm not going hey shark what's wrong with you bro he just ate our boats right in front of me yeah Brody does not like you why did he follow us all the way here anyways maybe he's just bored ah well now we're stuck on this island oh great hey I was trying to say was this the right Island you guys seem convinced well I thought the GPS would lead us to the correct location I guess we did kind of go in the complete opposite direction though well it's fine this island looks even cooler we could probably vacation here way better yeah if you look on the bright side cash it's all good maybe we can find fish to eat our feet here I don't know if I want that anymore to be honest yeah and that just sounds weird in a sentence yeah it's got to be the little fish that eat the dead skin not like big salmon no okay I'm not going to dip my toes in shark infested waters true what about big papa Shady no definitely not that either okay I'm going to just explore this island by myself you guys can come with if you want okay so then it's not by yourself we're all as a group well I gave you the option if you guys wanted to come with you could oh we're coming with there's a cool cave nearby and there's a is that a volcano a volcano oh that looks scary wo this island is huge okay you know what I'm going to start mining some trees I'm getting some logs okay me too broy playing Survival we got to get some materials so we can make some tools to dig in that volcano you know what I mean here I got some materials oh thank you Zoe is it a sapling no this is tulips what they're very helpful what am I going to do a tulip wait I could turn it into orange dye no you should eat them I'm not eating the Tulips Zoe well great now you may die that's useless okay so Zoe wants to eat flowers so somebody please keep her away from all of the Farmland what are we making well the first thing I'm going to make are some sticks okay so that we can craft some tools and then I'll make a wooden pickaxe and a wooden shovel I probably could have made a sword why not just make a stone shovel oh I guess you're right there's Stone right here for us to grab you just stole one of my pieces and then we can make a stone Axe and then we can mine all these trees down and once we have enough wood we can make like a little log cabin or something let's go yipp guess what I just got what mailbox why'd you craft a mailbox what do we need this for what do you mean there's nobody that comes here to deliver mail this is an abandoned Island exactly which is why I built a mailbox in in case anyone wants to send us stuff well I'll build something useful like a stone Axe and a pickaxe and now I can actually mine down some stuff yeah that's more useful than my 64 sticks what why'd you make 64 of those we don't need that many we don't need all those sticks actually I'll take them why not and you made buttons of course I did all right Zoe I'm sorry what you're going in the Box oh not again go ahead thank you all right now that Zoe's in there we can keep mining the rest of these trees and now that I have a stone axe I could break this much quicker we can get all these trees out of the way oh yeah yeah and if you break the leaves you get saplings from up here so help me break these too these trees are thick there's so many leaves to break through here I'm trying to get through maybe I should use shears or something that might help a lot but I got four saplings already if there's any more dropping from the leaves then just grab them what the Martin just dropped from the leaves what you got an orb Earth core hey give it to me I want it there's another one W holy smokes guys look at what dropped from the leaves wait I want one I want one just break them down and it'll drop I want to see all right fine I'll let you out Zoe look at this it's an earth woo what does that do I don't know but I want to test it out oh my gosh I just planted a tree wo oh ow I poisoned I think I did that hold on Zoe hold still boom yo okay this is sick we got Earthly abilities with this thing I do not like that thing I'm going back in my boook hey who is that I got a delivery for Nico oh hey what's up there's actually mailman's on here yeah here you go here's your delivery oh thank you sir all right what you got a full set of Swamp Steel stuff I'll see see you guys later I saw the chicken in there you better share hey no share with us now okay fine I'll give you some lemon chicken if you want it oh cool I want this wait wait wait hold on was that not a delivery for me the box was yellow he said it was for Nico wait open it what is it it says package for shady dang Nico stole your stuff oh he is so done for anyways as I was saying if you break the leaves you get this Earth core it's kind of cool wait so I can get one too yeah I think so nothing's dropping cash well maybe you're not doing it um I think I just exploded the ground oh my gosh hold on this might be good maybe we can build a base down here ooh like an underground base yeah watch this I'm going to do it again ready hugy boom I don't know if that worked let me go back up real quick okay if I stand over here and I hold the Earth core boom oh my goodness okay oh jeez this can totally clear a space for our base oh nice armor Shady thanks where'd you get it from oh nowhere oh okay um Nico was wearing that I'm going to keep blowing up the underground here and then we can fill this in with whatever we want this is bgie now I'm just to use my shovel to clear up the rest of this grass and Sandstone at the bottom okay I'll help you all right all we need to do is clean off the edges so we can actually build an interior really who was that sorry did I blow you up yeah you did and I'll do it again no don't blow me up again I'm just trying to clean up this space okay okay well I'm going to blow up over here okay how about you help us clear out all this Sandstone boom it'll go much faster if you helped you know okay fine stick attack what was that for wait you're not shady oh gosh Shady's right there he's coming to kill you Shady give me that arm back no oh you're getting a lemon chicken to the face Nico the package said it was for shady I'll take a lemon chicken to the face bam he ate it you just ate it oh yeah that was busting it looks like Mia and I are the only ones locked in on this right now well yeah obviously can someone let Zoe out of the box oh she's already here hi you want to come help break all this okay we're just making sure the edges look smooth what are we building a base an underground one you like that idea yeah how did you get this big explosion was that shady no I used my Earthly Powers oh interesting yeah and it made a huge hole in the ground let's show them our Earthly Powers cash no don't do it again hey if we break more of this stuff we're going to ruin all the work Mia just put in on making this floor flat yeah it was pretty messed up hey that was me too I guess Nico helped towards the end now we just got to make sure the walls look good that's going to be a bit difficult the explosion made it look a little funky yeah it's a little wacky but if we just fill it in with dirt it should be fine Shady you're not flipping them at the right time nah who taught you how to grill hey I know how to grill oh sweet bro and I have a rare plus steak they're making food over there I was getting a little hungry see it's cooking W Nico how are you breaking grass so fast oh my shovels efficiency five oh okay oh there's a monkey in here ow it's bubbles wait that's not bubbles are you sure I'm pretty sure wait let me check H yeah that's bubbles definitely looks like bubbles the only way we can check is to see if he actually morphs into a regular monkey bubbles I guess we'll never know nah maybe he's not in the mood right now hey bubbles don't worry we won't judge you hopefully towards the end he can help us he usually helps me get out of situations like this bubbles is building he is look oh thank you bubbles Woah that is super helpful although we're trying to fill in the walls so we could do this as well while you build the same Sandstone at the bottom I'll build in a wall over here and it'll go up this way okay I'm going to go up to the surface real quick and get some water buckets so we can create an infinite water source down here okay got it so I'll be right back I guess I can get some wood while I'm up here as well it might help to decorate the interior of our base down there I'll grab a few of these and get rid of all this dirt in my inventory cuz why would I need that much and also here's the water I can grab from but I don't have any buckets yet I need to get some iron if I want to get some of those buckets or maybe some glass bottles then I could fill that up with water if I just get a stack of this wood it should be enough to go back down and give to what in the world is that yo is that a beached whale there's something red follow ew ew looks gross and it's making weird sound hey back away I got earth powers you don't want to see back away I'll just kill you with my axxe then I don't even care take this boom Oh I exploded the floor oh hold on I accidentally made a ginormous hole in the ground Let Me patch this up let me just fix all this up y Sandstone ew this stuff dropped raw mutton I don't know if I want to eat that I'd rather eat the grill that Zoe's making and it dropped this a water element wait wait wait I got to show this to my friends what in the world does a water element too hold on I might know what it does does it allow me to walk on water no apparently it doesn't wait a second let me try this again I knew it the water elements always allow me to walk on water and they do other cool stuff oh and it has a freeze ability that is sick I can what is that n n that's another water monster I should probably get one of my friends to kill it so they can get a water element for themselves hey somebody down to the base I need your help G yeah where am I hearing this guy where did he even go wo you guys cleared this place out nicely Hey listen there's a water monster at the shore that if killed drops a water element like this wait what so if someone wants to go kill it you can get it yes I do oh Shady's going way faster you guys better hurry up before he gets it I don't know if I trust these elements Shady it's over there next to the volcano okay I'll get it it's just chilling oh and it went under ground oh it's coming wao kill that thing he's actually getting it are you guys not going to help him is he doing this all by himself oh he's going to get it right oh it just bit Nico I'm just going to let them fight it it has been slain wo did it drop the water element yeah it dropped multiple wo so you can hand some to Nik Mia and Zoe yeah so are you going to nah I don't feel like it what come on hey you have multiples of it Shady hey get over here you're not going to share Nico come get me anyways you guys want to see what this water element does we should be careful with elements what but they're cool yeah they're fun to play with and look boom water walking wo wo wo W wait let me see that's not normal that didn't work for me you need the water elements Zoe oh okay and look at this m already what I'm doing figure skating oh yeah wait I can't move trash what that wasn't me that was shady oh okay it's an ability you can use it's called water freezing I don't know if I trust this stuff hey I can't move sorry I kind of froze y'all hey Shady froze me though hey whatever I'm going back to work on this base it kind of looked cool by the way you guys flattened it all out yeah that took forever Cass yeah what are we thinking of doing with this thing well I say we cover it up and we make it a secret entrance instead of a big hole in the ground I'm down with that so I'm going to use some dirt to fill all this in and of course the grass will grow over the dirt so it won't look unnatural that's a b of idea I'm thinking about being a nice guy today here Cass you can have this really oh yeah I'm part of the gang now here Zoe you can have thiso what is he just giving all his armor out how's he going to protect himself now here Mia you can have this thank you it's Shady yes here you can have this no yo what was that for boo gang Nico just lost all of his elements he's going to have to get those back from y'all hey yo Shady I'm sorry Nico here you can have your stuff back oh thank you Shady wait really you just gave all your armor to him yeah just a couple pieces okay a brother's got a share I was not expecting that from shady I thought he would keep it all to himself okay we filled in most of this spot but I'm not going to what is That Yo there was a potion here y'all saw that thing right bubbles hey get him wait that's the bubbles oh that is a different monkey y he took the potion I don't know I saw some floating potion for a second I thought I was tpping cover your ears what do you mean by that all right we're good okay what I got no idea anyways I'm making the rest of this look natural can you guys make sure the top doesn't look too flat okay I did not get hired for terraform I am an expert at making things not look flat guys We're All in This Together okay if we want to survive we got to make sure our base looks good what is with all the complaining I don't want a ter of form fine do you want to be the team leader and guide us on what to do yes okay all right everyone listen to Mia from now on Zoe put it some work I've been doing it that's why Zoe start feeling it all the dir okay good work Mia hey Deco how did you get grass blocks what do you mean I got them for my package oh can I order a package off your phone or something yeah sure what is this that's what the monkey gave me this is not the potion that I saw floating the one I saw floating was like yellow and green oh here just take this oh cool I'm going to talk to this package delivery guy hello hello what up Nico no this isn't Nico this is his friend cash uh okay need another delivery yeah can we get a set of netherite tools six of them preferably and can you make sure to enchant them with efficiency and also can we get some cool armor sets okay do you have 2,000 diamonds on Deck no but I got a couple stacks of dirt tell them we do um okay uh yeah we do have 2,000 diamonds okay that's just for the tools the armor sets are another 6,000 okay we do not have that tell them we do tell them we do Shady I'm not going to lie to him tell him we do okay fine yes we do we have it all all right I'm coming with the delivery and I expect payment up front well Shady now he's going to expect payment up front so how are we going to do that oh I got some payment for him I don't know if I trust what Shady's thinking Mia you got to guide us what do we do next now terrible work cash what what did I do wrong I'm just placing dirt your terraforming is horrendous I'm making it look natural I'm not the one that plays the water Zoe you're doing a wonderful job I am yes you're killing it really bgie Zoe's doing nothing yes okay I'm going sit down okay I'm not going to lie we made this place looks so good I don't even know where the base is anymore oh it's right here perfect and now we just got a ladder that goes straight down to the bottom okay the first thing I'm going to do is actually straighten this ladder because whoever placed it did not make it symmetrical so I'm fixing this I don't know who did that Zoe you placed it on the wrong side what no it was Nico I'm telling you yeah the ladder's got to go right in the middle which is right here I'm pretty sure yeah that definitely looks symmetrical Now 1 2 3 4 and we're missing one more ladder did anybody grab it no I did not I dropped it down there to y'all oh well the monkey might have picked it up I think it's fine like this though then we can just build a staircase up to the top and Patch this in I like that is the mailman here yet no I don't think he's here n would you just expect 1our delivery yeah it's Prime shipping they don't offer that nah they don't have Prime are you serious yeah okay well I guess we can wait why did you break the tree because it's in the way of our entrance and I'm going to build a little staircase down to it but it was kind of a disguise m H I see what you mean but I can make a better disguise okay B you just watch you broke all the terraforming okay the shovel is too fast let me cook I just got to fill in the walls okay get this side out of the way okay who is raining fire on us s sorry I'm testing new stuff that hurts really bgie all right we're going to fill in the walls with oak wood like this and then we're going to turn some of this stuff into planks boom then we're going to fill in the bottom with planks you know what I'm saying I think I know what you're saying like this um who's going to tell them who's going to tell me what this B atrocious no it doesn't horrendous I might add it's not horrendous and I'm not even done yet indespicable she might add okay really what no that's not even a word Nico how about you guys work on other parts of the base while I'm working on this entrance unb felicious she might D really there you go boy if you don't that's enough with the commentary I think my entrance looks beautiful and I don't need anyone else's opinions on it here let me add something to it no don't add anything stop I'm not even done yet let me finish fin it first here we go we're going to make an archway that goes above it like this see and then I'll get some more wood and make a crafting table and then I'm going to make some slabs to help you go up and down it C I think we should have a lesson really quick what what is an arch well I know it's not an arch technically it's more of like a square frame but that's okay all right I mean if you say so shady I need you to move I need to build some wood right here okay like this we're going to have a nice frame that goes out a my shovel broke ooh are you serious where's the mailman mailman okay look at this did I cook or what that is a bful entrance um I'm going to say yes to save your feelings what I don't care I think it's good enough all right you guys can work on the inside I'm going to go grab some more materials for us to use a Mia look there's a little animal oh it's a frog stop it K it I got it I got it no zo get away from the Frog no we know you leave him alone I'm going to do it got it really Mia he you have been terraforming man we were working so hard she used her explosion on the top of our base are you serious what the heck okay we're going to need some harder materials so that that doesn't happen again my sincerest apologies we got some rock solid materials over by this volcano I might as well get it from here I got some Earthly and water abilities to save me from this although if I fall in the lava I'm pretty sure I'm going to die still cuz I have no fire resistance so I'm going to have to make sure to be careful as I'm going up here there's got to be something towards the top that I could grab like some obsidian that will protect us from explosions I think or at least from Mia's explosions I'm going to build a little staircase that leads up to the top just in case my friends ever want to go up here as well good thing I'm good at bridging I could speed Bridge oh who are you is that a mosquito you are definitely not bubbles all right as long as you're friendly package for cash hey yo hold on mailman there's something attacking me right now you cut it out up there anyways you said package for me yeah you're the one that called right yeah I was the one that called all right here you go now I'm going to need those 6,000 diamonds um well my friend Shady has them he's down over there okay cool I'll go grab him also this is not what I order refined equilibrium I guess that's cool three tiered cake maybe that's for Zoe a comic book a casano comic book an earth board Gauntlet and a transformable skidy toilet hold on look at this cash Niko comic book mosquito it's mini Mayhem I don't know why it placs like that but you know where you can buy this thing it's at Cash and you can even get a bundle the first and second comic together for a discounted price anyways what were we doing oh yeah I was going to the top of this it was kind of rude when you hit me off so I'd really appreciate if you didn't do that Mr mosquito you know I got a friend named Bubbles and he does not like when people attack me hey what is going on in this volcano I think it's erupting is that TNT oh no watch out guys the volcano's erupting oh no give me in this thing well I'm not going to lie I thought it was going to be a lot less underwhelming I thought there was going to be some sort of Fire Element I could have grabbed from here or something wait you must be the answer I'm sorry Mr mosquito I think I have to kill you no no don't fly away get back here you're red are you angry or something at me okay the volcano's erupting again we're just going to have to get out of here all right listen Mr mosquito I won't hey what are you going to my Sher box for there's nothing in there fire element wait wait wait wait can I have four more of these for my friends also what does a fire element do I feel like all I oh it shoots Fireballs boom sorry mosquito I'm going to go prank my hey hey get off of me what is this is this your friend huh well that sword killed it really quickly might as well go show my friends what I got fire elements that's probably the coolest one yet I guess I'm just going to have to make the oh no wait oh I'm not burning anymore you see that I'm fire resistant now oh and here's the rest of the fire elements I can't really pick them up I have no space I'll just go give these to all my friends I guess even though they're ungrateful anytime I bring them something hey guys I know you're working on the base but I got to show you something real quick we got to take an intermission ah it's so relaxing what are you guys doing up here here oh guys catch is back oh gosh turn off the music he aren't you guys supposed to be working yo this is awkward I went out there and busted my butt to go get these fire elements and you guys were just chilling did y'all even work on the base down here yeah yeah yeah yeah bro what is that H you get down there and go work I am more disappointed that you guys use stone bricks ni used them okay that's my fault ah whatever to think I was going to give you all these fire elements jeez o give me nose give me nose ow here here here you guys got to share Shady's got to get one too anyways with this thing you get fire resistance and you can boom Fireball wow that's kind of overpowered and also Zoe I got this three tiered cake for you oo I ordered that last week what why was it in my package okay cash brace for impact what do you mean oh okay okay let's not use it on each other anymore at least on fire resistant though well anyways how we got to three elements water Earth and fire yeah I guess we're just missing one more I'm pretty sure it's air but I have no idea where we' get that for now we can just keep working on the base until some magical being probably flies in and gives it to us okay yeah you're right that usually always happens every time I'm in trouble what are you doing I'm changing the floor no why not look this looks way better but I liked the Sandstone well I didn't it's way too bright oo Cas I'm thinking Spruce planks Spruce planks would not fit with these stone bricks I'm trying to match the blocks y'all use oh my gosh Cobble deep slate would definitely fit the all right who is that oh gosh the monkey what's going on with him is that bubbles bubbles is he okay does he see the flying magical being that I was talking about I think he ran away what Zoe was watching him Nico can I have more Cobble deep slate yeah sure just take it okay cool boom oh yeah thank you okay that's enough just help me fill the rest of this in we got to make it all look good yo the volcano is going crazy bro yeah it was erupting while I was up there trying to get the fire elements for y'all it's kind of scary don't worry about it it'll just Daryl the capuchin monkey has perish what Daryl Zoe who is Daryl oh at least it wasn't bubbles yeah Lu it wasn't bubbles just make sure to keep track of all the other bubbles that kuch and monkey has perished I looked away for a second Zoe get in the Box go in the Box all right someone else is going to need to take care of the monkeys also that volcano was completely destroyed yeah I just watched that erupt it used to be a full mountain and now it's just all broken I feel like shady had something to do with this and wait speaking of mountains do you remember when we first got to this island there was that giant one with clouds all over it it's exploding cash again what in the world is going on and yes I do remember that well if we're looking for the air element why don't we try and go there first ooh like on the little Cloud thingies yeah maybe that's where the flying magical being will be can Zoe come on the field trip or does she have to stay in the Box she can come with yay although I don't know where shady is so I'm not really sure how to ask him to come with us you trip time we could just go down the path all right friends follow me no follow me I know where it is no follow me no follow me do not follow cash I'm going the correct way and anyways I'm going to be the one to lead us to that magical flying being hey Shady you can't be the first one to go up this thing I'm parkouring guys no I needed some dopamine Shady's the leader wait a second I hear something what do you hear I know it the magical flying being is here Shady look up magical flying what get up to it get up to it it's going on top of the mountain go go go just jump up these clouds look these white poofs around the mountain did you just say white poof yeah it's like marshmallow Zoe although watch out for the head hitters on this you don't want to accidentally fall especially up here cuz you die yeah good idea also I'm heing that helicopter oh hey guys what you been up to we were waiting for you this entire time I told my friends there was going to be a magical flying being and they didn't believe me well uh buddy I'm not magical or flying I used a helicopter a man anyways I know what you guys are looking for that uh air element right yeah and also Shady might be stealing your helicopter hey hey no you give that back woohoo he'll come back don't worry about it I love flying helicopters listen we've just been stuck here for the entire day and there's no fish that eat your feet and we want to be back home well I would take you all back home but my helicopter only fits two and right now your friend is taking it for a joy ride here cash get in well then how else will we get at home I don't want to ditch the rest of everyone Shady I'll just make uh what four trips I don't have enough gas for that listen if you guys go to the top of this mountain it'll give you an air element that'll allow you to fly then you could all just follow me back home oh convenience that's a good idea let's do that then you said it's at the top of this thing yep just go all the way up okay cool I hope there's enough for all of us one of us might have to sit in that helicopter I'm bummed that there was no magical flying being though I thought that man in the helicopter would save us me too but I'm kind of glad why because what if they're scary no they're usually always nice they're like angels I doubt it are you just going to watch us from that helicopter up there yeah all right fine do you not think he had enough gas to at least drop us off at the top that's what I'm saying I only have two seats come on guys stop being lazy I should have just flown up here shady I think I see the top up there hopefully we can just get this Air element and get out of here yeah that's what I'm saying yo I knew it what there's a magical flying beig up here no way wo hello do you have the Air elements for us that allow us to fly I do welcome on top of my class wo look at this this is cool holy Sigma how did you guess that I have no idea but I told you guys she would be here and I was right yo I think the pilot wants one oh ouch wo guys guys look what just happened to me I'm flying and I'm on fire he's flying I'm like a fireball holy smokes try it out it's with the air core okay it is so lovely to meet you all it's lovely to meet you too but we're going to try and make it back home with these flying abilities now well make sure to fly safe then okay pilot you going to lead the way yeah just follow my helicopter back to square City I am not flying let me in oh my goodness yeah all right just follow him let's go let's go finally back in square city thank you Mr pilot man yeah you're welcome just dropping your friend off down here and all the construction is done finally I all right my house is finally back I've never missed my home so much I'm going to go home and sleep for 12 hours Home Sweet what is that nibble fish from Mark I got the fish that eat at your feet oh yeah if you want to watch watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye [Music]

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Bae please can you get the new deadpool car i'm such a deadpool fan megan i'm about to make the coolest deadpool car and i'm going to be the coolest one in the group everyone's going to love me yes babe and you're going to drive me around and we're going to be the coolest couple ever all right come... Read more

Zoey has a CRUSH in Minecraft?! thumbnail
Zoey has a CRUSH in Minecraft?!

Category: Gaming

Oh shady what do you want we have to go to school well i just wanted to call you up here to tell you that you look like a gar funkle bean what what even is that you want me to show you uh sure oh yeah oh no oh gosh i knew i should have went to shady's house before school we got to go hey bro where you... Read more

Johnny Ignored His CRAZY FAN GIRLS For 24 Hours In SNAPCHAT! thumbnail
Johnny Ignored His CRAZY FAN GIRLS For 24 Hours In SNAPCHAT!

Category: Gaming

Oh yeah i'm having so much fun i'm skateboarding in the house my daddy's not home and i could do whatever i want oh yeah let me go in the living room oh let me take this bad boy downstairs oh this is so much fun what the heck i just received a snapchat from sky oh my god let me see what she said johnny... Read more

The sinner allegations are false!!! (Nightshade SMP) thumbnail
The sinner allegations are false!!! (Nightshade SMP)

Category: Gaming

N [music] a [music] [applause] [music] hello okay um i don't know how loud i i i didn't it's hard to do a volume check because i have to actually log on to do a volume check so i'll guess i'll wait till somebody else shows up um okay welcome this is a server called the nightshade smpp and it's a modded... Read more


Category: Gaming

Today we're going to be playing hide and seek in roblox but get this guys we're going to be doing it by being camouflaged oo that sounds really interesting right okay so uh first you're going to seek tails oh okay i mean i'm pretty good at this sonic check this out am i camouflaged no shadow that's... Read more

TRAPPED On A GIRLS ONLY Cruise In Roblox... thumbnail
TRAPPED On A GIRLS ONLY Cruise In Roblox...

Category: Gaming

I can't wait to finally have a relaxing day today is going to be so fun hey sonic um wait what the heck why are there a bunch of girls at my window well come on sonic we have a surprise for you h you come outside get out of your house we're going to take you somewhere yep somewhere really nice yeah... Read more

ЁЯШН This Cute Police Officer Has a Crush on Me in Minecraft... thumbnail
ЁЯШН This Cute Police Officer Has a Crush on Me in Minecraft...

Category: Gaming

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1 NACHT auf dem HORROR ONE BLOCK thumbnail

Category: Gaming

Oh mein gott der herobrine wither einfach oh mein gott h ich wurde einfach gebannt leute heute spielen wieder eine fresche neue folge minecraft one block aber heute mit einem ganz besonderen block die sieht auch ganz ganz komisch aus leute ich gehe mal hier in first person leute bum das hier ist der... Read more

BEFORE YOU BUY - TROVE ECLIPSE PACK REVIEW! | is it worth it? thumbnail

Category: Gaming

Intro what's obtuse and rudeness in the urine at my name said that we have a geumsan mantra no pac review video i know it's about time that we actually talked about the eclipse fact because one of the big things that i see lots of people asking on top of all the gems and everything else that's really... Read more

A Minecraft MOVIE!? | Sonic & Tails REACT thumbnail
A Minecraft MOVIE!? | Sonic & Tails REACT

Category: People & Blogs

Minecraft minecraft what about minecraft there's a minecraft movie tales there is yeah and the trailer's out now what yeah you want to watch it yeah all right before we get started make sure you like and subscribe and the link will be in the description below so without further ado let's get crafting... Read more

Lamine Yamal vs Switzerland (#Lamine Yamal vs Suisse #Suisse - Espagne) thumbnail
Lamine Yamal vs Switzerland (#Lamine Yamal vs Suisse #Suisse - Espagne)

Category: Sports

[music] [music] pap [music] so [music] [music] i [music] Read more