Big Brother 26 Updates and Spoilers - 09/12/2024 - LIVE!

oh hey house guests welcome to today's Big Brother 26 updates and spoilers I hope you're all having a fantastic day today it's eviction day night wherever you are wow okay so our house guest of the day is Joshua Martin Joshua thank you so much for the support we could not do this without you and we appreciate you so much so thank you again and if you guys want to be house guest of the day like Joshua check out our patreon Link in the description below it's only a dollar for holla and down in the description you will also find a link for Paramount plus if you're interested in trying out the live feeds uh and if you use our link it really helps us out so that would be awesome as well all right let's get into it what we left off yesterday we were waiting for Quinn and Kemo to do some campaigning because aside from Quinn uh you know putting on his little Act of like spare boats does anyone have spare votes other than that we had not really seen any campaigning and the clock is ticking eviction is today so um yeah we were not seeing a whole lot of hustle on that front um as far as the vote goes it was not looking great for Quinn but we'll see if he can change any Minds we're going to look at his campaigning today we were also waiting for Leah and Chelsea to finally have a one-on-one chat which they had not done since before the POV ceremony I believe at one point Chelsea was trying to talk to to Leah and Leah was like you better get out of here because I might say something that you're not going to like cuz she needed her time alone she was not happy with Chelsea and there was a lot of weirdness between the two of them so we're gonna get into all that as well uh but both nominees did start campaigning around 3:45 p.m. yesterday and I believe Kemo basically had to be told by Tor and rabina like you should probably campaign and he was like oh really yeah that's where we're at but Quinn let's let's take let's take a look at this let's get a little taste of what the campaigning was like so Quinn was chatting with Cam and Quinn says he feels pretty confident going into this pitch with Cam because you shouldn't but because he brings up that when the nominees were Angela and Kemo cam was part of that group that decided we're going to vote out Kemo and keep Angela so Quinn is like we're still doing that right I mean he's saying that chemo would Target cam they got to get him out of here but like you're not Angela things have changed they want to take you out but cam says they're good he say I don't have a problem with you Quinn cim is planning on voting Quinn out but uh Quinn tells cam all I have in this game is the five and again the five is the group of people that voted out Tucker a few weeks ago so it's Quinn uh Chelsea cam McKenzie and Leah and again this group was never solidified they never nailed down an official Alliance but Quinn is operating under the assumption that they are all working together they're not but he says he is going to be loyal to that group and he says I would not Target any of you guys even in a double eviction I don't believe that but he says I'm not making those promises is to the other side so you don't have to worry about that he also says you can use me as a pawn then you don't have to get as much blood on your hands and he has a specific scenario that he keeps pushing with this group of five he's saying all right if all goes according to plan our five is going to get to the final six and there's going to be one person left that's not in our group so he's saying in that scenario I will volunteer to go up next to that person outside of our group so that you don't have to worry about putting somebody else up I will take that bullet I will go up next to them on the Block okay I don't think that five would be going to the final five anyway but sure um yeah so Quinn says he's not ready to see his picture go black and white I mean a lot of people online brought up a good point he wouldn't be seeing that anyway it always happens after the evicted person has left the house he also was saying earlier I think it was to Leah that um he's not ready to chat with Julie Chen yet I mean he's not going to have to do that anyway but we'll get into that uh that's a whole other thing all right meanwhile Kemo is chatting with Angela and Kemo says I know this is going to be a really tough decision for you Quinn is close to Leah Leo Leo Leah is close to you I can't even count how many times I've done that this season but Angela's like that's not a factor in my decision I don't care about that um Angela says my dilemma is that you chemo are part of a very tight-knit Trio yeah she says you three are GNA bend over backwards and take a bullet for each other and that's three people voting as one when three become one uh and she says that's really dangerous in this game yeah I mean especially this late in the game that's a huge voting block so Angela was talking about how earlier in the week she thought she overheard Quinn trying to solidify an alliance of five with Leah and the trio so she's just walking chemo through that whole thing what a crazy night and morning that all was right so Angela is telling Kemo look I want you to stay but I want to know how are you going to benefit my game and that's a valid question right it's an important question to ask so Kimo's response is I'm not a threat in physical comps clearly he's also not great at campaigning his reason for why he is an asset to her in this game is because he's not good at physical comps that's the best you can come up with he's also like I guess I could like try to protect you and get ruina and Secor to do it as well I mean like whatever like it was just not good so Angela is saying I want to vote to keep you and I think she does even promise her vote to keep him which is a choice uh we've seen her promise her vote to Kemo before and not follow through but um she's like I need to help you come up with some campaign points because yours right now are not great so she was like when you talk to people you need to remind everyone what a snake Quinn has been in this game tell people he's been in a ton of alliances he put his BFF Joseph up on the Block he has a ton of knowledge about this game so she's given him all these things to uh push about Quinn and she's telling Kemo you really need to come up with some concrete convincing things to get people on your side but again she is saying that she's going to keep him this week we'll see okay uh yeah she's also under the impression at this point that heo is going to get voted out that's what it seems like CU she thinks that Leah McKenzie and cam they're all voting for uh Quinn to stay and they're not they're not all doing that but both nominees continue on the campaign Trail uh Kemo chats with Cam and Kemo tells him I'm not putting you up I'm not targeting you I want to see you at the end though I don't think so but um Cam's like we're good for now we know that cam wants Quinn to go this week but he wants to see chemo go next week so he's definitely coming up as a target for cam uh I also have to mention that cam was wearing a bucket hat with long extensions underneath for these one-on-one chats and uh it was very fun it was a good time I like the look all right so then Angela and Quinn have a chat oo Rivals okay so Quinn says look I know it would be asking a lot for me to ask you for your vote especially after I targeted you so openly so he says I want to use our oneon-one to say a proper goodbye does he actually think he's going though I don't know he says I genuinely like you as a person and uh it's been really nice sharing this experience with you it was actually really sweet and heartfelt and Angela's like okay cool now let's get down to it she is not messing around she has the opportunity this week to do these one-on ones and it's like she is one of the voters she is not one of the nominees going around for one-on-one so she is trying to get the most out of this that she can so she tells Quinn I feel the same way about you I can't help but like you um and Angela says I really like chemo too however he is clearly in a trio she knows she can never be Cho's number one or even his number two right there's always going to be at least two people ahead of her in Kimo's uh like list of allies so then she's like but when I look at you um you have wanted me out for a long time you wanted me out yesterday right so I know you've been coming after me so Angela's wondering how do I navigate this and how would it value my game for you to stay so she's been asking important questions in these one-on ons I got to say her one-on ons were pretty dang good uh but Quinn is like well if I stay chances are I'm probably going to keep getting nominated I'm going to keep going up on that block so he is going with that whole uh Shield argument right and he says I have not performed well in uh any of the mental competitions he says chemo is more likely to win a mental competition than him so Quinn also says he's not targeting Angela which I don't really um believe 100% he says he is targeting ruina which I think he is but also like he's not gonna not Target Angela also that's who you're going for you're not GNA go for any of the big dogs but anyway Angela says um so if I vote to keep you you're telling me you would not put me up on the Block and Quinn confirms he would not put Angela up if he were to win a so Angela's like cool that's all I needed to hear um I want you to tell Leah that in my presence like because she wants to hear that as well so now she's like committing her vote basically to Quinn so who knows where Angela really stands at that point also she does not have a clear picture on the voting breakdown because people especially McKenzie are lying to her about their votes so she thinks that Quinn has the votes to stay and I think basically she just wants to be on the right side of the vote this week right she's been on the wrong side before and it did not go well for her so she's hoping this time she will be on the right side but it's not looking good for that so yeah later uh Quinn checks in with Chelsea and Chelsea was telling a lot of lies during this combo um Chelsea's telling Quinn I don't know where the votes are going to go I believe that you have the votes to stay if people are being being logical about numbers in this game oh she knows that the votes are there for Quinn to go and that's the way it's leaning right now but Quinn tells Chelsea I can't even be mad at you for putting me up on the Block because you never promised me that you weren't gon to do that I mean he's got to kiss her ass right now right because he needs to know in the event of a tie she will break it in his favor she and he doesn't want Chelsea thinking he'd go after to her so he's promising again he will be loyal to the five he would not put Chelsea up on the Block and he also goes a step further and offers Chelsea a deal he says if it comes down to a tie and you keep me and I win HOH and someone uses the veto there's a lot of ifs I will let you pick the renom and I think he was even saying if she gets to the final two he'll make it known that she picked his renom so that she will get credit for that with the jury so there were a lot of conditional things in here whatever but um I got to say compared to Kimo's campaigning Quinn was at least like offering things up trying to make deals something instead of just being like um so what are you thinking I think at one point Kemo was even asking other people how would I benefit your game like I think he asked Leah that what shouldn't you be telling her how you would benefit her game but again Chelsea is saying she has no idea how people are going to vote girl and in reality she has already promised chemo by this point that she would break a tie in his favor okay so then uh When Quinn chats with McKenzie she's like I don't want you to go I really believe you when you say that you'll be loyal to the five she says she sees him as a man of his word but like does she really want to keep him it's hard to say because she did mentioned the other day that she was wanting to set up a blind side so that Angela and Leah would be on the wrong side of the vote and then like Kemo and the trio would be pissed at those two um but also we have seen that she is really interested in breaking up that Trio even this week and continuing to work with Quinn which is insane after a move like this right after using the veto and getting him up on the Block like come on you're really trying to act like you didn't know he was going to go up that's a lot but um yeah she seems to kind of regret at times using the veto so who knows uh at that point what she's really thinking okay I feel like I've said that multiple times in the Stream okay so then Chelsea and cam check in with each other they are comparing notes on Quinn's pitch and all of the promises that he's been making and they agree they do not feel good about Quinn saying that he still trusts Leah because uh Chelsea has been pushing for days now that Leah is the reason why Queen is on the Block she was saying that Leah was throwing him under the bus till like 5: in the morning and it just doesn't make sense to them that he would still want to work with Leah and be loyal to her um it's called Sing look it up but Chelsea says for both of us it really benefits us for Kemo to be here right now I mean for her maybe right she benefits the most from the trio being there outside of anybody else in the trio so of course she wants Kemo to be around for cam though probably not as great okay later uh Kemo chats with Chelsea and Chelsea lets him know hey uh just a heads up Leah and Angela are trying to get the votes for Quinn to stay and for you to go she says they're trying to pull in Cam and McKenzie they think they have the majority but they don't so she's trying to make sure Kemo knows that Leah and Angela shouldn't work with them because they are against you right she's trying to make sure if anybody from the trio wins HOH they're going to put up Lea and Angela instead of people from Chelsea's Trio with Cam and McKenzie I mean she's being pretty smart about it it might be working um so Chelsea says if Angela finds out that the votes are not there to keep Quinn she may flip her boat and keep chemo because she again wants to be on the right side of the boat but she says Leah may still give Quinn a sympathy vote because those two are super close right so um Chelsea's like Quinn is just throwing his game away for Leah I mean kind of I feel like he's made a lot of mistakes in this game and some of them can definitely be traced back to him wanting to work with Leah and trying to make that all work but um he's made a lot of mistakes that also didn't include Leah but Chelsea again is telling Kemo you're going to be safe this week but she lets him know moving forward if Leah or Angela win HOH they might be in some trouble right because who knows what Leah and Angela would actually do I mean we do we know that if Leah or Angela win HOH they said they want to pull a Sam from bb20 and not have one-on-ones with anyone just be like I already know what I want I'm not doing this and then they both were talking about uh putting up some combination of Chelsea Tor and rabina and then I think Chelsea would be the target dang that would really shake things up I'm not going to lie I would be kind of pumped for a leyah or Angela HOH we need to shake things up here those two trios are way too comfortable right now so yeah uh Quin and Kemo later had a very heartfelt conversation it got very emotional and Quinn was like I know what probably happening tomorrow and it sucks does he know I mean either way one of them will be leaving but I don't know if he uh he knows what's happening here but in any case uh he says he's so thankful that Kemo has been here to share this experience with him he's talking about what a kind person Kemo is he's like I'm happy to know you I'm happy to be your friend and Kemo tells Quinn you're one of my favorite people not just in this house but in my life he says he loves they agree they want to be in each other's lives after this whole thing and uh Quinn says if I'm going home I hope that you and Tor can find a way to get to the end he says he is rooting for them um he did say the same thing to Tor earlier as well so I mean it looks like if either Tor or Kemo make it to the end Quinn would probably be a vote for either one of them all right it was very nice to see this conversation between the two of them so later everyone came together in the kitchen to wish a happy birthday to Young Cedric he's not so young Cedric anymore but they all sing Happy Birthday it was very sweet I'm sure Cedric is living his best life right now outside the Big Brother house um yeah he has the same birthday as my sister okay so then uh later on Leah and Chelsea finally had a one-on-one conversation and they were like sitting on the floor L of the HOH bathroom for this whole thing I'm sorry it's just so gross also this conversation went on forever so basically Chelsea is now saying that Leah is not the reason that Quinn went up on the Block which is convenient for her to say to Leah's face when she's been pushing for days to everybody else that Leah is the reason he went up come on now um but Chelsea says Leah just hasn't seen Quinn's snake like Tendencies as much because he likes Leah and he actually wants to bring Leah to the end but he has snaked a lot of other people I mean a lot of that comes down to Quinn's big ass mouth like right he was spilling everything to everyone but Chelsea specifically is really upset still about how Quinn blew up the Pentagon Alliance she says he's a wild card and she feels like um if he does get power again he would want to make a big move which absolutely I would agree with for sure but um Chelsea also brings up she was upset that Leah was isolating herself when Chelsea didn't even put her up on the Block so she wants to know what's up with that so Leah admits she was spiraling right we heard her talking about this to Quinn so much over the last few days she felt like she wasn't a priority for anyone she was being left out of things so there was a lot of this like this crap went on forever but they did both apologize for things that they've done they hugged at the end but I'm pretty sure they still don't trust each other they are still targeting each other for sure all right um but it's nice that they finally chatted okay so then Quinn later on in the evening finally had a meeting with the five that he never solidified cam Chelsea uh McKenzie Leah and himself so this was a very very quick campaign chat within like a bigger hangout session like there was it was blink and you miss it he was basically like all right I know you guys have a very difficult decision to make tomorrow and I hope that I can uplift your games he volunteers again to be a pawn for them we've heard him say that in all of his chats with people from the five and everyone was basically just like thanks Quinn they didn't tell him you're safe you're not going don't worry o okay and then uh later on in the evening Quinn was telling Leah he feels good about the votes he thinks he's got it really is he just like being optimistic is he trying to manifest or does he actually think he's got the votes um but Leah says she's feeling good about it too oh so these two and Angela could be in for a rude awakening tonight we could be looking at another Blind Side on both the evi and two of the voters so we'll see what happens with that I don't know if Quinn will be warned ahead of time that he's going I feel like it's not super smart to Blindside the first member of the jury like that I just I don't think so and even Leah and Angela if you're trying to pull them in as numbers I don't think you should be lying to them about how you're voting especially McKenzie McKenzie has been lying big time to Angela but let's talk about today it's been a wild day so far there was an earthquake in California I hope everybody's okay um I think it was pretty mad like 4.7 or something like that but some of the house guests did feel it and um in other news tonight will also be the first time in the history of this show that someone other than Julie will be hosting turns out Julie has Co I really hope that she feels better soon because freaking sucks I get that I also have to say it's impressive that this is the first time that she's missed an episode it's been uh 26 Seasons so good for her that's a great attendance record um yeah so she's not GNA be able to host and we found out that Jerry oconnell reality TV fan huge reality TV fan and also I didn't realize he was a co-host of the talk now since when uh he will be filling in for Julie tonight that's interesting I mean good for him I'm happy for him that he gets to experience this being such a big reality TV fan but no offense to him given the theme of the Season how fun would it be to see AI Julie host tonight's episode or Ansley right I mean also like the queen of BB can Arisa Cox i w I recognize that it's probably not possible like it's probably too short notice to get her out to California whatever we don't know what she's up to orisa we love you but it would be so fun to see her host um yeah but oh my God AI Julie or Ansley would also be very fun um but no we're getting we're getting Jerry I think he's gonna do a fine job I think it'll be fun it's going to be weird though to see somebody other than Julie and then we have the eviction tonight and it looks like Quinn is probably going to be going uh could possibly be a Blindside and then he's going to be blindsided again when his eviction interview is with Jerry instead of Julie isn't that wild all the things that Quinn has experienced in this game but I have to say too I have to give Quinn credit because all of the mishaps that he's had throughout this game he has kept a very positive attitude you can see how much he truly loves this game even if he's not great at it but he loves being there and he's had a positive attitude dude and uh I think that's very respectable because how many people have we seen be complete babies when things don't go their way so good for him for keeping it together um and I hope he has a lot of fun tonight talking to Jerry I mean you never know things could flip but it's looking like he's going also we're gonna find out what is ansley's announcement my guess would just be that there's going to be a double eviction probably next week but who knows right we don't know what it's going to be do you think there's any chance it's going to be like a battle back I'm kind of hoping not because honestly as exciting as battle backs can be in the moment they kind of just make things drag after because that person usually doesn't stick around for very long and it just kind of like prolongs the inevitable so I'm not really for that but I could definitely get down with a double eviction so I want to thank you all so much for being here we have a special birthday shout out to Ivonne she's 7 before today and fabulous I love that happy birthday Ivon I hope uh you really enjoy tonight's episode and you have a good time celebrating your birthday um and I also want to thank today's super Chatters because you guys are all awesome Ashley Barnett thank you so much we really appreciate it Shane Wright thank you so much for the Super Chat Shane says Julie's missing tonight's live eviction the season has a bunch of strain for strange firsts happening I know it really is like the wildest season um it's been very entertaining and again I hope Julie feels better but it's gonna be kind of cool in a way to see what the show would be like without her I wonder if Julie's like you guys are going to miss me and you're going to realize how much you need me on the show uh yeah so we we'll see how it goes um Sean Davis thank you so much Sean says happy eviction day same to you this season is a roller coaster it's time for another twist because people are too comfortable I would agree there are quite a few people that are way too comfortable right now and I want to see things get shaken up even if we just have a power shift with like Leah or Angela winning HOH I think that that would really be uh a welcome change to the Dynamics of the house right now those two trios way too comfortable so fingers crossed right um David kushmore thank you so much and David wants to know who is going to be jury two through seven I don't know oh my God you want me to call the eviction order right now I don't know um it's hard to say I mean a lot is really going to depend on who wins HOH tonight and I think that is going to set a trajectory moving forward because it would appear that if somebody from Chelsea's Trio wins HOH they are going to want to take a shot at the other Trio they are going to want to Target chemo and start breaking that group up but if somebody from tor's Trio wins I feel like they're going to put up Angela and Leah which I feel like is really lame but that's what it seems like they're planning on doing and then if Angela or Leah win they have talked about wanting to take a shot at Chelsea or tore so I think a lot is going to depend on who wins tonight and then that will kind of set things in motion for the rest of this season so it's going to be interesting um but thank you again all so much for being here we will be back for tonight's episode recap so we hope you join us for that and until later much love bye everybody bye see you later

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