Big Brother 26 Updates and Spoilers - 09/13/2024 - LIVE!

hey house guest welcome to today's Big Brother 26 updates and spoilers hope you're having a great Friday today our house guest of the day is Latoya L Latoya thank you so much for the support we could not do this without you and we appreciate you so much so thank you again and if you guys want to be house guest of the day like Latoya check out our patreon Link in the description below it's only a dollar for a holla and uh also if you want to try out the live feeds for the rest of the season uh we have a link for Paramount Plus also in the description and if you use our link it helps us out so that's cool too oh my goodness what a weird end of the week it's been on last night's episode we had Quinn versus Kemo up on the Block Quinn was evicted by a vote of four to2 uh Angela and Leah were on the wrong side of the vote once again they were blindsided as was Quinn which is a choice to Blind people like that now that we're in the jury phase but that's what happened um poor Quinn didn't even get to talk to Julie because she had to miss the episode she has covid right now so I hope she feels better ASAP uh but Quinn did get to talk to Jerry oconnell and apparently he's a big fan of Kangaroo Jack so good for him he also said that he he was named after one of Jerry's coming back but Jerry did a great job uh and Quinn he will get to meet Julie eventually because he is the first member of the jury he will be back finale night to cast his vote so good stuff all right uh also last night anley announced at the end of the episode that she's gonna be going away for a bit she said she's like gonna go see the world or whatever anley for The Amazing Race no but she said a different AI will be filling in for her and his name is Junior artificial neurokinetic intelligence entity AKA janky at first I thought neurokinetic was supposed to be one word and its name was Janie but no it's two words apparently and it's janky like when something is like broken like it's janky like this table oh one of the legs is a little janky so it like wobbles or whatever in that way um but Angley said he's not as advanced as her which goes along with the name so we're going to hear a lot more about janky in a second but first um the feeds were off all night went down before the episode I want to say it was like what was it like four o'clock or so eastern time so like 1 o'clock big uh Big Brother time and then they stayed down until this morning the feeds were down for 19 hours and 47 minutes everybody was freaking out last night I'm glad I went to bed around 1:30 last night so luckily I made the right call but the feeds came back at 9:04 a.m. Big Brother time I don't know why they didn't give us the heads up that the feeds were going to be down forever because they did that a few weeks ago for one of the veto competitions and they were only down for like four hours so why would you not do the same thing here when they were actually down for a very long time I don't know but the feeds came back did I say 9:04 am all right well we found out when the feeds came back that Leah won HOH oh my God this season is everything it's chef's kiss Mah amazing uh this is definitely one of the most chaotic options we could have gotten right either Leah or Angela winning that's that's a good week it's going to be crazy we needed that PO shift right so I'm not 100% sure what the competition was but piecing things together the guests were saying it took like 10 hours hamster watch was saying last night that they were doing an endurance competition it sounds like it started around 9:45 Big Brother time and then you know 10 hours later it was done so oh my God 10 hours so this endurance comp it sounds like it was very similar to one of the ones that we saw during big brother over the top it was called um the over- the top one was called Live By The Sword and the only reason I remember that is because I remember Justin pronouncing the name as Live By The Sword and that has stuck with me since then but basically if it is this competition they had to hold a poll a really long pole hold up some sort of a probably disc or something with that pole and then if you drop it you're out so that's that's a lot to stand there and like try and hold a disc against a wall or whatever with a really long pole that's some crazy stuff so um yeah Leah was saying it was really athletic she was surprised that she was able to win that competition and that thing going 10 hours that's way longer than it went during Ott I think they also did something like this like season 19 and it did not go nearly as long that time either so these house guests were not messing around um and it seemed like everybody was up the whole entire night so when the feeds came back everyone was in the backyard like this is not the end everyone was in the backyard there were CS set up for them to sleep on there was carnivalesque Decor that says Janes World on it as if this was some sort of like amusement park there's a stage for jankies dance party there's carnival games with like plushies and toys um there's like a lounge area for them to hang out there's a dining area with tables and chairs um there's a pizza party station and an ice cream Party Station what's going on here also everybody had their BB duffel bags and apparently they only had like five minutes to pack up whatever they would need for the week the week oh my God it would appear that we have dire Fest 2.0 happening this week remember dire Fest from season 24 that was some craziness but that time only half of the house was living outside for the week the other half got to stay inside but this time everyone will be living outside and I mentioned the pizza party station and the ice cream Party Station apparently that's the only food that they're allowed to eat this week that can't be right they can't really expect them to only eat pizza and ice cream that's insane at least when people are on slop it's like nutritious right like they have the nutrients they need but like pizza and ice cream and it sounded like big brother told them they weren't allowed to bring any other food outside with them um yeah so they're going to be living outside for the week there are tons of rubber ducks and floaties in the pool that's fun right pizza and ice cream is amazing at first but not for an entire week and that's the only thing you can eat that would be like barf city after a while but Leah got her HOH basket she got pictures of her mom and her cat and her letter was from her mom very sweet um I don't believe she got music like she's not going to be able to listen to music this week which is kind of a bummer that you don't get to experience that part I mean you already have to sleep outside for a whole week can't they at least give her an iPod or something um she got the HOH robe I don't know if there were any snacks in her basket I'm not really sure on that but she got lots of kids toys a plastic crab Bubbles and it's not just because Leah is a little bit um quirky I believe this is all because it's Jen's week right janky anley said he's not as developed as her so he's like a a baby like a kid AI so there's all this kids stuff going on it's like the Jimmy Neutron movie when the parents disappear and the kids are like oh my God like we're going to do all this stuff blah blah blah like the pizza and the ice cream that's the only thing they're eating yeah so anyway when Leah gets her basket she's really emotional she's saying she's happy to have a family away from her family um she wasn't saying that last week when she was feeling like everybody was leaving her out and she like self isolated for like two days straight but now she's really happy I mean she won this competition she's got some power so Leah tells everyone she wants to sleep for a few hours and then they can have some chats right they can figure things out but I just want to remind everyone that when Leah was talking to Angela last week she said if she won HOH she would not want to have one-on ones she would just tell everyone she already knew what she was doing and then she would just put two people up without talking about it and she had told Angela that she would put Chelsea and Tor up on the Block I mean that would have been a really big move right it doesn't seem like that's her plan I think things have changed here for her I think she realized like that's going to be um a lot of blood on my hands if I do that so she has changed up her plan a bit but anyway everybody goes to sleep for a bit because they were up like almost the whole night I think they had a little bit of a break between the competition actually ending and when the feeds came back on and Leah got her basket I think they did get to sleep a little bit uh while the feeds were down but it was a long night also I just have to mention it looks like big brother gave them some janky World merch like hats sweatshirts I want that that's so cute but anyway eventually Leah wakes back up cam is also awake so Leah begins her one-on ones on the balcony and cam is up burst so Leah starts off by talking about how she really F felt left out of stuff last week and she didn't feel like she was a part of anything nobody was PRI prioritizing her game we know we've heard it so many times but now she's got this captive audience this week all these people are like I guess I got to talk to Leah I'm just waiting to see if anyone is going to throw other people under the bus right because we saw so many people talking crap about Leah last week and it's going to be interesting to see if anybody outs that uh in order to save themselves but yeah Leah's explaining why she was isolating herself she didn't want to be a burden on anyone so that's why she kind of stayed uh on her own um but then eventually we get into the game chat right so Leah says she wants to protect cam she wants to work with him she has now lost Joseph and Quinn so it seems like she's trying to pull in a new guy right she's she's had her flirtation with Cam in the past and they were pretty close the first two weeks or so but then um they kind of went their separate ways right so now it seems like she's trying to pull him back in So cam says if he won HOH he would not have touched her or Angela um I don't know I don't think he would have targeted either of them but he might have put one of them on the Block we don't know but he says he wants to split up the trio which is true he was planning to Target chemo this week um so Leah also says she wants to split up that Trio of Tor rabina and Kimo this week the time has come right I mean we're in the final eight now a voting block of three is craziness but um there's also another voting block of three Chelsea cam and McKenzie so it seems like instead of putting up Chelsea and Tor she wants to just pick one Trio to split up in the hopes that the other Trio will keep her safe moving forward which maybe it buys her like a week or two I don't know but she's in a tough spot right now for sure so uh yeah cam does kind of throw that Trio under the bus he's like telling Leah it's a really good thing that you won this week because that Trio would have been targeting you oh he's not wrong so um they're talking about who should go up on the block out of that Trio and they agree if Tor is up there she's gonna stay she's going to have the votes to stay so cam says if she is going up make sure that your target is next to her um and Leah says she loves Tor she really trusts her and she wants Tor to be there so we'll see I think Chelsea not Chelsea I think Leah has another Target in mind and it might be Chelsea but um yeah it sounds like Leah is wanting to put up Rubina and Kemo potentially as the initial nominees but she's saying if the veto is used she would probably have to put Tor up as the replacement so it's unclear at that point no Chelsea or is this a fake out maybe she doesn't want to say it to cam especially this early in the game not knowing what's going to happen with the veto this week we don't know maybe maybe she's good with Chelsea now maybe their multi-hour bathroom floor conversation the other day really did work I don't know we're gonna find out but Leah is pushing she wants to work with Cam and she feels like he Chelsea and McKenzie have her back moving forward I mean not really maybe for the moment since she's HOH right now but I don't see I'm working with her long term um so yeah they wrap up their ation and it was a little while before the next oneon-one it wasn't just like boom boom boom boom boom these house kisss were roasting in the heat today they still are but hopefully they're through the worst of it I don't know but at least it's not as hot as last week when it was like 100 plus out there but I mean still even if it's like 80s even 70s when you're right in the sun it is hot so I feel bad for them that really sucks I know parts of the yard seem to be in the shade I think they put up some sort of covering so that the Cs are at least not in the sun I think I mean that'd be cruel if they didn't but yeah Tor at one point was lying on the floor with a big bag of ice on her chest like she's really struggling with this heat and I identify with that so hard um C was standing in front of the open freezer for a few minutes some of the house guests are just trying to soak in the pool and stay cool so they're really going through it and this is only day one but Leah and rabina have their one-on-one chat next and this is an interesting one right because we heard Rina talk so much crap about Leah last week she's probably one of the biggest Leah haters um but now she's all like I'm so happy HOH but Leah lets rabina know she's part of her plan oh uh she says I have a little bit of a plan but I'm trying to make it all make sense and she says certain things need to happen before other things can happen now we don't know what that means exactly but to me that kind of signals oh so she is planning a backd door move if I had to guess I would say she's planning on trying to backdoor Chelsea but I don't know for sure yet we'll see um so yeah she doesn't tell Rubina that she's going up but she also never said during this conversation that wasn't so not looking great for rabina here um but rabina says she still wants to do the girls Alliance she says that is a priority for her how convenient to bring that up when Leah's HOH but like you've been talking about this for weeks and it hasn't been solidified yet it just seems like Rina brings it up whenever she's in trouble and it's just convenient for her but anyway she tells Leah that she would not be a target for her if she were to win HOH next week week and I also want to mention during this conversation Leah says that she promised two people safety during the competition so it sounds like our final four in this endurance comp were Leah cam Angela and rabina so then rabina was out fourth place and then it came down to Leah Cam and Angela oh my God isn't that impressive so it sounds like she may have promised safety to both Cam and and Angela that's fun um yeah so that's what we know nominations should be happening at some point today and it looks like it's going to be some combination of the trio Kemo rabina and Tor um two of the three it seems like they'll be going up on the Block she is choosing to side with Chelsea's Trio right now we'll see if that sticks though because I do think there is a chance that she's trying to plan a back door move here but that's all we got I'm sorry this is a short one today but there's not um the feeds have barely been on I mean you know it's it was there wasn't a lot to work off of um but things are moving now it's going to be interesting this week because they're all in the backyard together and it's going to be hard for people to break away and have little game chats with such Close Quarters right that backyard is not that big so we'll see how it all goes down we'll see what other surprises um I was gonna say zanki what other surprises janky has in store but I want to thank you all so much for being here and I also want to thank our super Chatters because we could not do this without you guys so Jody Cortez thank you so much jod says up till 400 am then passed out oh no I hope you were just up for other things and not waiting for this why they cut the feeds I think if it was just a regular endurance competition they wouldn't have cut the feeds and they would have let us seen it I mean it would have been nice to see this competition but I think because there were so many moving pieces with getting everybody out side and starting that off and you know giving them the five minutes or whatever to pack whatever I don't know all of that to make this twist happen I guess that's why they block the feeds and uh it is what it is at this point right but thank you again Shawn Davis thank you so much Sean says Angela wishes she was sent to jury she looks miserable the last time there was a large group of girls in the end was bb6 Leah should have an easy week and just put up Cam and chemo I mean honestly sorry um I don't know that Angela wishes she was sent to jury I'm sure she's uncomfortable right now but you know she is loving playing this game and this is just kind of like another bucketless thing I feel bad for Quinn because apparently Quinn really wanted to do this basically like some sort of dire Fest situation and to miss it by like one day that sucks so I feel bad for him but I think Angela is probably like oh another thing I can check off my bucket list my big brother bucket list um yeah last time there was a large group of girls like this was bb6 that's very interesting uh that was a great season and you think that Leah should put up Cam and chemo I don't know because I think some of her bigger threat like I think the biggest threats to win this whole thing are Chelsea and Tor so if she can take out one of them this week I think that's going to be more beneficial for her than to go after one of the guys because you got to break up those girlies I got to say but that's my opinion so that's where we are um but I want to thank you all again for being here and I will be back tomorrow for more and until next time much love bye everybody bye bye

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