Category: Science & Technology
पिछले पार्ट में मैंने आपको बताया था कैसे एनरूम के मेन ऑपरेटर चोज बेन और पॉपुलर नोन एज बाक्सा को अरेस्ट कर लिया गया था बाक्सा के अरेस्ट के बाद सबको यह लग रहा था कि शायद यह एंथ रूम का एंड है बिकॉज बाक्सा के अलावा कोई और एंथ रूम को कंट्रोल करने वाला नहीं था बट हाउ वुड यू फील इफ आई टेल यू बाक्सा डिन रियली कंट्रोल द एंथ रूम आपने नोटिस करा होगा कि कई बार कुछ ब्रांड्स अपनी कैटेगरी में इतने पॉपल हो जाते हैं कि वो उस कैटेगरी के खुद सिनोनिम बन... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Bonjour et bienvenue dans une nouvelle vidéo dédiée à l'actualité coréenne oui je sais encore une vidéo sur d'actualité ça va encore pousser la vidéo sur les présidents le premier président de corée du sud je sais qu'en plus certains on trouve l'attend parce que mam a eu des messages comme c'est super... Read more
Category: Comedy
Hundreds of girls and women in south korea are having their photos being edited into deep fake porn videos and shared in secret telegram chat rooms with thousands of male users on august 21st korean news outlet hunor red reported it had uncovered numerous telegram groups where men were creating and... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Intro in south korea, k-pop stars have fame, fortune and millions of female fans. but some led a double life. a hidden world where videos of women being drugged, raped and humiliated were shared. there was a room deep in the club. whatever were to happen in there you wouldn't hear anything. their crimes... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hey hamsters durf released the sec soon everyone left and right and the crypto company ceo stab during a court hearing today's edition of hamster news cams fully loaded with legal issues and courts crack open the sunflower seat this one's about to be juicy telegram found a dur has been released from... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Oh amazon why do you hate us so i mean i know people often make jokes about movie reviewers like myself having to suffer through bad content so that they don't have to but rings of power season 2 is one of the rare cases where i actually began to feel it to put this into some kind of perspective i once... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What does it mean to be a woman in a society obsessed with controlling female sexuality this isn't a new question it's a question that has haunted artists writers and thinkers for centuries and it's a question that lies at the heart of filmmaker katherine brea's controversial and often misunderstood... Read more
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Intro hi we're sisters amy and nancy harrington the founders of the passionistas project we've created an inclusive sisterhood where passion-driven women come to get support find their purpose and feel empowered to transform their lives and change the world on every episode we discuss the unique ways... Read more
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Hi, we're sisters, amy and nancy harrington, the founders of the passionistas project. we've created an inclusive sisterhood where passion driven women come to get support, find their purpose, and feel empowered to transform their lives and change the world. on every episode, we discuss the unique ways... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[müzik] ya [müzik] Read more
Category: Entertainment
이 이따가 기 갈 거 아 어떡해 근데 애들은 이럴 때 도망 다닌다니까 이것도 하나의 놀이라고 생각하는 거 빨리 제가 난감이 하는 걸 좀 아는 거 같아요 장난으로 어 어 아빠 따라한다 아빠 따라하죠 아빠 흉내내는 거죠 미치겠어 저는 피에서 빨리 치고 싶은데 어로 와 이리 와 아빠 따라해 지금 아빠 잡히면 똥 치우는 거야 어 똥 치우는 거야 어 따라하는 거 봐 Read more
Category: News & Politics
नमस्कार प्रसिद्ध फ्रेंच लेखक निर्देशक मिया है सेनल ने अपने अगले फिल्म प्रोजेक्ट का ऐलान किया है यह फिल्म एक ड्रामा होगी जो ब्रिटिश लेखक और महिलाओं के अधिकारों की आवाज मेरी वोल स्टोन क्राफ्ट के जीवन पर आधारित होगी शीर्षक है इफ लव शुड डाई यह फिल्म अगले साल फ्रांस यूनाइटेड किंगडम पुर्तगाल और स्कैंडिनेविया में शूट की जाएगी मिया ने अपने बयान में कहा है मेरा उद्देश्य इस महत्व युग और एक ऐसी महिला के जीवन को सटीकता और सच्चाई के साथ प्रस्तुत करना है जिसे सिनेमा ने पहले... Read more