Reichard Kicks GW FG, Wommack Wears Hoodie, Damien Harris Joins CTSN, Scrimmage Notes

Published: Aug 11, 2024 Duration: 00:19:39 Category: People & Blogs

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we're going to move over to football there's a few things I want to discuss with football and one of them uh we'll just we'll just get started so with football want to first start with the shout out to will rard uh will rard kicked a game-winning field goal for the Vikings here in the first preseason game you know will rer doing will rer things you know this surprises nobody that saw him kicked Alabama for the last few years he was Nails you know pretty famously when real rard heard his groin I believe it was in his freshman year there was a comment I think it was Jean Stallings Rec out to Sav and said you got to get a kicker and Sabin you know kind of famously told him I have a kicker he's just hurt right now I promise you he's the guy and I ended up being Will Riker and he knew the the kind of kicker that he had in the you know in the bag and that he had on the team and you know will ruard went on to set every record at Alabama he's the all-time points leader in the NCAA now and you know so kicking the gamewinner for him you know was absolutely nothing but it was you know cool to see you know real record you know starting his success in the NFL pretty early the next thing I wanted to talk about is one of the craziest things I've ever experienced and I really want to discuss it in the comments so I've lived in Alabama almost my entire life the only time that I didn't live in Alabama I lived in Texas um with my job I lived in Dallas which is honestly just as hot as Alabama and honestly a little hotter in the summer uh humidity in Alabama is a little worse but in Texas you know it's 108 you know not uncommon at all for the summer and in Alabama here this summer it's been you know High 90s you know 60 70% humidity that's pretty common in the summer um you know lower humidity days maybe 4050 at the lowest and our defensive coordinator Kane wck is wearing a hoodie to practice and it's the craziest thing I've ever seen right you know I'm wearing a hoodie right now but I'm wearing a hoodie in my house in the AC you know I feel comfortable in it Kane wck is wearing it at 95 degrees and just sweating and losing 10 pounds of practice it feels like and he was asked about it and he said that you know he did it when he was at mobile and he kind of uses it you know to to sweat and you know lose weight and you know just all sorts to different reasons but it's just honestly one of the craziest things I've ever seen um and I know defensive coordinators have a kind of notion for being you know couple of screws loose or you know potentially just odd ducks and I think that this kind of goes to show that yeah that's probably true but still a hoodie at practice is one of the most insane things I've ever seen in the Alabama heat and so I want to discuss like would you ever do this right and obviously I don't mean like hey I'm having to run to the store I wore a hoodie outside I mean like you know he's coaching these guys and he's wearing a full-on hoodie you know like I said at a full practice and to me it's just one of the craziest things I've ever seen and want to know what everybody's thoughts are the next thing I want to discuss is actually something that's kind of pretty close to me so for those of you that don't know I graduated from the University in 2019 uh I was in Communications and PR and as a part of that I did have classes with quite a few football players the way it was kind of known to me is if I had classes in the morning there was a very good chance I was going to have football players in that class and if I had classes in the afternoon I wouldn't because under Sab they had football in the afternoon and one of the guys who I had classes with on a couple of occasions um was Damen Harris and I bring him up because Damen Harris you know recently uh retired from the NFL and was announced this weekend that Damen Harris would be taking over for Christian Miller um on the sideline duties for Crimson Tide Sports Network with um with the CRI with the radio guys with Chris Stewart and everybody and I think that's a really cool job right you know I think that Damian will be absolutely incredible at it you know like I said I had quite a few Communications classes with him he's as good a kid as that good a guy as they come you know I really respect him really like him U any interaction I've ever had with Daman whether it be class or you know just joking around or whatever has always been super positive um the way I always describe Damen he's the guy you want to be around um the best example I have for that is we were in a criminal justice class for anybody that's you know take been on the Capstone before criminal justice 100 with clutz um in the big Russell Auditorium um so for those of you that don't know Russell Auditorium is about a I don't know 400 seats it's kind of the biggest Auditorium on campus and there's a criminal justice class um that's pretty famous um that a ton of people like to take and me and Damian had that class together on top of some others but um that year we had that class together and me and him were sitting in the back of class together I was sitting with him and somebody in the front row again so this thing's probably 40 rows right this is a huge Auditorium and somebody in the very front you know first or second row sneezed and Damien stood up from the back of class and screamed bless you you know everybody laughs for a second and it's just like that's the kind of guy who Daman is like I said he's the he's the a little bit of a jokester obviously he can be serious if he needs to be but he's the guy you kind of want to be around he's super fun to be around um and I think that he will bring obviously the knowledge of the game right you know played in the NFL played for Alabama um and the respect that it deserves but also I think that he will be somebody that you know will bring something to Crimson Tide Sports Network um you know they maybe you know not that Christian Miller did a bad job by any stretch of the imagination I just think that he's going to be a little different personality wise um than what Damen brings and I think that's going to be really good and I'm really proud of Damian you know for kind of getting that opportunity and I'm curious to see how that works out so uh like I said really looking forward to seeing that like I said it was cool seeing um seeing that and obviously having followed his career um while he was at Alabama and Beyond is has been really cool to see and then the last thing that I want to discuss is some notes uh from the scrimmage uh so one of the guys who I'm hope to eventually have on um as a guest is uh Pat um Pat is one of the Intel guys when it uh on the Crimson crossover um on the Crimson crossover Discord if you're not a member um or don't follow along I really recommend it there's channels for football and basketball and Intel and all sorts of different stuff and you know Pat you know put kind of some notes out um on the scrimmage and I've also you know kind of compiled some notes from some other media guys and I just want to go through what I look at is some of the highlights um of what happened at the scrimmage and what we're really still looking to see kind of moving excuse me moving forward so first things first you know pretty across the board the quarterback room was seen to be you know everything went well uh milroe seemed you know the throwing motion you know there were some videos that coming out where he did tweak his throwing motion and everything seems to um everybody likes what they've seen out of milro he did not have you know any interceptions um to the knowledge of what we've seen and um he was taking with the defense gave him right so he was you know progressing through his through his reads and you know the throw motion looks good and you know nothing really negative to say about milroe on that side uh there was a very big um touchdown pass like a 50- yard touchdown pass uh to Ryan Williams um you know freshman kind of known as the guy who uh you know said he was going to go he said he was going to visit alurn you know then comes to Alabama then you know I was saw him at a few basketball games this past year he was a college game day like he definitely is you know reveled in the experienced he early enrolled he's supposed to be a senior this year in high school and just an absolute dog he's um was in the starting group starting group with the receivers and he um he showed out like I said like I said he had a 50- yard touchdown and uh some other some other good catches from what I've heard also odm uh the 65 guy who I think believe came in as a tight end but you know shifted over to wide receiver he from all intents and purposes is just an absolute elite elite weapon especially at his size there was a video floating around that the football team posted on Twitter uh showing a one-handed catch from the scrimmage as well that was really really cool um Bernard uh is starting to get a lot of mchy comparisons uh you know just sure-handed and having somebody like that on the team is never a bad thing and you know I think that his knowledge of the system as well you know having been with dor at Washington and having worked under adum and all the guys at Washington I think that Bernard's going to be a really good um you know obviously addition to this wide receiver room I think that everything that we've seen out of him has been positive and then the running back room is something that in my opinion I look at Justice Haynes to be you know one a and Jen Miller to be one B I know some people look at Miller potentially to be the starter like I said personally I look at hannes to be the one um and everything we've heard coming out of practice it sounds like hannes is typically taking the reps with the ones but they're very interchangeable um you know kind of depends on the day as to who's taking the most reps uh sounds like was a little bit more explosive um specifically in this one scrimmage but that's not to say that hannes isn't isn't explosive obviously anybody that's seen him knows knows that he is and knows the ability that he has and what he brings to the table um and then looking at the um moving over to the offensive line the offensive line uh you know started out a little slow from from all from everything I've read and seen uh the offensive line you know worked into their worked into the day the big thing dbor mentioned um they didn't have any penalties you know no false starts no uh no penalties by the offensive line and that's that's big right when you're looking at you know trying to make sure you're doing everything the way you're supposed to be not being penalized on you know say you you get beat on the offensive line the kind gut reaction is to try to get off the Jump quicker and what inevitably happens when you're worried about the pass rush is you'll end up getting a false start because you're worried about the pass rush right and so not having any false start penalties you know just tells you that there was some level of they kind of worked into their own got into where they were understanding yes this is you know we're good and uh from everything I've like I said everything I've seen everything I've read the offensive line definitely got better as the day went along and then on the defensive side of the um end the uh defensive line did really really good at the beginning um and then the offive line kind of you know took over a little bit more later on but that's obviously the give and the take right you know in a scrimmage one of the sides has to win right so it's not always a bad thing if your defensive line isn't super dominant because if it was super dominant then maybe it means your offensive line is doing terrible right it doesn't always mean your defensive line is doing bad or good it just means the offensive line is maybe doing a little bit better so it honestly was really good to see both of them have success you know the defensive line a little early the offensive line a little bit later um both lines have the ability to be successful um you know when you're looking at some guys you know just plenty of guys that are able to do all sorts of things heon Keeley um from what I've seen I believe he they said he put on 37 pounds uh you know moved inside you know super GNA be really big really dominant um on the inside five star guy I think that key is kind of set to have a breakout year um he was somebody that I wanted to see a little bit more of last year I kind of understood um because of the position that he was playing he was sitting behind Turner and brazwell and some of these other guys and so it made sense but where they're where they've moved him to and the position that he's playing I think that key is going to have a huge impact on the SE game games this season um in terms of the linebackers I mean Deontay Lawson J Campbell they're both back Justin Jefferson's playing with them um this is going to be one of the best linebacker groups in the country and definitely in the C you know you've got some returners that you know played huge minutes the past couple of years especially last season and so I would fully expect this to be an incredibly good linebacker Corp safeties same way um you know Malachi Moore Keon Sab like your safeties are as good as they come you got King Mack um came in from Penn State Keon Saab obviously from Michigan you know those two guys from everything that I've seen everything I've read heard from wck seems like they're taking um the coaching well they're you know learning The Playbook and they're at a point that they're you know able to contribute and be leaders out on the field which is what you expect out of guys that you're bringing in um you know after I believe Mack is a junior believe and I think Sav has one year left um and then on the defensive back sides uh it's they look pretty raw from everything I've seen uh it's it kind of ceases to be seen obviously demoni Jackson is the guy that is pro you know hopefully going to be your one you know the transfer from USC uh but this is a group that lost a couple of uh first round draft picks and they have plenty of rawal talent coming in you know you got inak you got zavan Smith you got all these or zavan brown sorry all these guys coming in and uh so I think that they have definitely have the ability and the talent it's just something that they're going to be raw here early and that's not shocking at all so it you know wouldn't be super crazy um you know to see them progress obviously better as the season went along and then finally you got your kicker and from everything uh Nicholson went uh two for four uh from everything I saw he missed the two that he made were um were long and the two he missed were very very close uh you know but definitely has a huge leg uh also you know talty got some kicks in seems like he did pretty well as well but um sounds like Nicholson definitely has definitely has the leg and uh you know maybe not the you know we'll just have to see what ends up happening when it comes to you know live game practice you know Nicholson did beat out rord for the um the Groo award so this you know we brought in one of the best kickers in the country so you know I expect that he's going to be as good as adverti you know that position is one that if you're good under pressure and if you're good in certain environments the unless it's weather or something there's not a whole lot that generally impacts the kicker from Team to team right it's somebody that if if you're good you're good it's you know the scheme and stuff doesn't really impact the specialist quite as much as it does the the other guys so doesn't really shock me um that he's doing well that he has the leg that he does um you know two misses in a scrimmage not going to worry too much about it especially you know they're close you know 50% still not bad um obviously you'd like to see it a little better but you know you're definitely not going to worry too much about you know some misses in practice so that's what happened when it comes to the scrimmage like I said that's just some thoughts like I said most of those thoughts you know came from Pat and like I said there were some others dor like I said mentioned some um comments around being very happy about um the penal no FAL starts and you know doing a really good job avoing penalties and uh it looks like dor said that Alabama ran 102 plays in the scrimmage with 81 of those being with the ones right so you know just getting a lot of a lot of plays in a lot of you know work in obviously in the heat in the you know live on live uh he was happy about the quarterbacks he said the plays that are there they need to make that throw and they're doing that at a higher level um and you know so dbor was was happy with what he saw you know obviously you're not going to get a ton out of the coaches when it comes to these scrimmages you know nobody's going to go out and say oh my God it was terrible um but it is good to see that they're taking positives out of what has taken place um in the scrimmage and that you know kind of they've seen what they need to work on and you know some of the things that need to be work on are looking well and you know obviously potentially there's going to be some things that they need to keep working on but such as life so that's all I wanted to really discussed this week like I said it's a little bit shorter one but just wanted to discuss uh the basketball news and the football news um sorry about missing the episode last week but like I said I will I do plan to have some guests on here soon and then we'll start doing the previews and stuff when it comes to football because we have games this month so um I will absolutely be recording the the preview and Post Cap of the of all football games so if you are interested in that please subscribe to the YouTube channel I do appreciate everybody's support and I will see you in the next one peace [Music]

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