Live Poll: Who won the debate between Kamala Harris, Donald Trump? Vote on

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 01:20:02 Category: News & Politics

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spirited debate on immigration Reproductive Rights foreign policy and much much more highlights from the first presidential debate between kamla Harris and Donald Trump our poll on who you think won the debate is live now on welcome into the stream Center folks let's give you a fresh refesh here on the results uh we're going to get to of course uh all of the highlights of today's or rather tonight's debate between kamla Harris and Donald Trump their first presidential debate taking place tonight on ABC News in Philadelphia Pennsylvania with moderators uh David mure and Lindsey Davis uh you can see right now these are live results coming in to Poole you go to that URL or you can click on the link in the description on this video or in the pinned comment here on social media it is a no signup One Tap poll where you can vote along and we're going to keep the results here live on screen when you do tap on your vote they populate here on screen and that's why we see the numbers bouncing here live it'll probably take several minutes before we have uh you know a vote that we can really feel more confident in these numbers are going to continue to bounce back and forth what I'd like to do is bring in my stream partner here tonight that of course being Tara Nome uh from St Petersburg College political analyst here for WFLA and Tara you were watching like millions of other Americans on ABC News other major networks let's just start right off the top your biggest number one takeaway uh did it meet your expectations what were the surprises a lot to break down tonight absolutely you know I think what we really saw was kamla Harris reminding America about Donald Trump's presidency it's been a number of years since he's been president and she really drove home uh what it was like to have Donald Trump as president I that was my My overall takeaway we have what we call Amnesia in America we forget uh the news cycle within a day and she really tried to remind people um about his policies and his his tenor and I really think though that Donald Trump gave us uh a snapshot of what the next four years will really look like but my takeway was this she really presented what the future was going to look like and he really represented what his past presidency was like and so I think voters are really are really going to be faced with do they want what they had four years with him or do they want this new vision that she's presenting but I gotta tell you um it was a really interesting from a political psychology kind of way to watch the political theater on display for all of America there was um you know the initial handshake that kamla Harris instigated which of course showed statesmanship and really what we were all taught on the schoolyard um at recess that you shake the hand of someone even if you don't agree before you begin in good gamesmanship kind of thing and and certainly she didn't get rattled she held herself with a dignified manner despite the many attacks but he also did a good job not going into his insult kind of uh personal attacks he was extremely dis disciplined in that way and so I think they both brought their aame tonight and I think voters that are uh really watching and trying to still decide have to sort through all those uh posturing and really get to the policies and do their own factchecking that was one of the things that was curious tonight is that there's a lot of discussion uh before the debate that there needed to be more factchecking and of course the moderators have called themselves now facilitators that wasn't their job tonight and so I really encourage viewers to go back and really look into the policies on both candidates not to their normal and usual places but really challenge themselves to look for the facts behind uh what their what their stances were yeah I've already seen a gajillion post on social media to follow factchecking I've seen fact checks come out in real time obviously from each campaign so there's just tons of information being thrown at Americans tonight and and then it's comes down to almost factchecking the fact checks right Absolut we go down quite the rabbit hole again if you're just joining us here on stream we've activated our poll on it is a no signup oneclick poll and then also there as well you have the opportunity to leave us a comment and we will be spotlighting some of those comments uh observations questions uh just overall feedback and what you thought of the performances tonight from kamla Harris and Donald Trump yeah interesting start there to to say the least with uh W with the the the hand you saw Kamala kind of walk across the stage you didn't know if Donald Trump was going to extend a hand he did and then really after that uh it was it was off and running uh what was we we heard about Reproductive Rights we heard about immigration we heard about foreign policy we heard a lot about Israel and and and the Middle East tonight what was um what was the biggest eyebrow Razer for you if you will I I thought some of the uh some of the back and forth uh pertaining to our you know January 6th was was very interesting as well what really stood out to you because a lot of these have been talking points on the campaign Trail uh going back uh you know weeks for kamla Harris or months for Donald Trump now so was there something that kind of struck you a little bit differently tonight on those talking points you know the talking points really was replicating what we've heard in lots of different press conferences prior to I actually think what was somewhat um interesting is that it almost appeared as kamla Harris was was sort of baiting Donald Trump with the crowds siiz comments and it seemed to work and get under his skin and that kind of conversation about taking a presidential debate maybe the only one we're going to see and taking a number of minutes to debate over a crowd size seemed to be a very curious thing but it also seemed to Rattle the usually UNR uh you know Donald Trump but I did and was somewhat shocked by the fact that Donald Trump brought up the Haitian uh dog eating conspiracy theory was a moment that got a lot of of social media attention because it it's just I'm sure his campaign is saying oh good lord let's hope everybody forgets that part but it's hard to forget that um and I I think also his continued discussion about immigration he's sort of creating a completely opposite narrative um that really is opposite of the American story most of us can tie Our Roots to immigration and so his his sort of focus that is uh this immigration problem that's not connected to facts he of course and said the FBI and uh reporting is all uh fake news again and it's just disorientating and I think it took away from some of his uh policy stances that the Republican National Convention really tried to get out there and so you were distracted by that I think that kind of happened throughout the entire debate where once KLA Harris got under his skin um he was really hard pressed to stay on topic and he but to his credit he did get a number of zingers in kamla Harris and the facilitators certainly allowed for him to have extra time in certain ways to sort of make sure that he shared his uh Viewpoint and it sort of looked like they gave him deference because he was a former president she's just vice president I'm not sure entirely um she certainly ended strong and when I say that she really appealed to the American people of her vision going forward there's been a lot of polling out there JB about how America's tired of divisive politics we tune in because we're curious but in terms of our everyday life we want a strong economy we want strong families we want a strong environment and she spoke to that Vision um you know and so I think she really was compelling in that way but if you're a trump supporter he certainly gave you a reason to defend him in the sense that he came forward with the same talking points that he ever has another curious point that was really problematic for those of us who are um lawyers or who follow the Constitution closely was his defense of the j6 that he really doubled down on that that that's not good for him in his campaign because America wants the rule of law to apply to apply to everyone and certainly January 6 had a number of people already prosecuted especially from Florida and they should be held to account for defacing our capital and for the crimes that were done there you can't defend individuals who've broken the rule of law because they are politically aligned with you and he did that on a national presidential debate and so that was curious as well interesting as well was sort of the dynamic between Donald Trump and David mure tonight and talking about the previous presidential election being called uh in into question and David mure saying you know that that there has been acceptance you know by a whisker I believe was the quote uh pertaining to of course the election from four years ago um and then Donald Trump saying no my my comments were sarcastic you know a lot of this is getting lost in translation for for the American people I think one thing that we can say for for certain I think even uh those who you know lean blue and and are are pro kamla Harris would agree with this and I think Tara you would agree with this as well this was a different Donald Trump tonight than we saw in the first debate W with Biden certainly more assertive uh and and definitely uh more aggressive on the debate stage the the the dynamic with Biden and Trump was completely almost bizarre and feels like a different like like Universe at this point I I totally agree and I I I think what's interesting he came prepared tonight I thought Donald Trump came prepared for what he believed leaves and what he you know wants to Champion whether that needs to be fact checked or not that's up to the viewers and those that can go along with that he came prepared to share his points he also if you notice never made eye contact with kamla Harris he he almost biting his cheek like what I see my kids do when they don't want to talk back to me you know he he was trying so hard to be disciplined um and measured and to some degree he he he probably maintained that for longer than I've ever seen him do it but there was a moment especially earlier in the in the debate where he started to unravel and I think we saw that he got louder he got more assertive he he certainly was prepared with his points not to say that those are all factually checked and so it was a different kind of debate but you know there was another point that I that I want to share that I really was unsettled by and that was the narrative about abortion and his discussion and I think it's fair to say Mis representation of abortion laws in America it really KLA Harris did a good job trying to uh and so did the moderators or facilitators trying to explain that what uh Donald Trump was sharing wasn't actually factually true but that was unsettling because you got to remember there's 46% of America that's listening and supporting him and they have every right to do that but you don't have a right to misrepresent the law and you don't have a right to encourage people to vote for you with things that are mistru about the other side that's just not that some people might call that politics but when we're talking about Liberties and people's personal um uh rights that's just that that there's no place for that on the debate stage and I think that kind of thing may turn some of those undecided voters off undecided voters obviously a crucial uh Target for uh this particular debate tonight uh we we'll talk more about undecided voters we'll talk more about the middle Tara here in just a moment these numbers are really starting to level uh I want to remind our audience this is an unscientific social media based poll on pole you can uh not only just tap on one candidate or the other it looks almost exactly like this on your device whether you're voting on a phone or on a tablet or on your computer maybe your laptop if you're at home on the couch uh just go to Poole just cast your vote there's no gimmicks or or gotcha moments we're not tracking you or anything like that it's just a means for us to get an idea as to how you thought uh to tonight's debate went and then also too underneath there completely optional you can leave a comment for us and we are going to start to go through um those comments here uh tonight um let's go to Teresa says KLA Harris maintained her composure and Trump did not Harris stated her policies and positions and plans Trump did not Harris defended prior positions Trump did not Harris was honest Trump was not so uh a lot of lot of back and forth there chucko says Donald uh in a in a landslide uh let's see Diane says Trump won he spoke truths she spoke empty promises and falsehoods Records prove truth and that's and um I don't know it's just it's interesting because now it's Americans have to find now what to believe because they're they're hearing conflicting things you're hearing almost every single solid time Tower and that's not this isn't exclusive to this debate it's almost every debate now every single solitary time a claim is thrown out by on one side of the screen the other side is shaking their head that's not true I never said that or that's you know was taken out of context or whatever it may be how how do Americans now determine what to believe is true and what to believe is not true are they taking you know the candidate that is their preference for their word or they do you think Americans right now are going to their news platform of choice and checking the factchecking Articles and trying to decipher as to whether or not that claim that was you know stuck in their mind was true versus not true you know I think voters are very much committed to democracy okay and those that are tuning in and paying attention they want the best for our country the problem is is that we all steer ourselves to Media Outlets that affirm our already held beliefs that we know that um science has showed us that and that's the worry that many of us have to having um limited sources of media that can give us our information diet and the Hope though is that people not only like they do what you said when we opened up tonight that they fact check the fact Checkers it's there is everything in our constitution encourages us to question authority that's what our entire country is built on so I would hope that our our our neighbors and those that are watching would say Hey listen even though I really support my team my party my candidate that I'm going to double check I'm going to triple check and I'm going to make sure that those policies aligned with what they said or aligned with facts and until we can turn that page borrowing that term from Kam Harris to really do that we're really stuck in this Purgatory this Democratic process of purgatory because democracy is informed by the voter and the voter has to make sure they have a robust information diet so I think we got to challenge ourselves to do the right thing to go beyond just our our traditional U media diet and make sure that we're not just parting what we've heard from our leaders or from our favorite newspapers or websites um I I listen in this day and age our democracy depends on us to tell the truth to one another and to also listen to the truth and so that's what we need to be doing I'm not sure there's going to be another presidential debate you know the when we were talking before when we were opening and waiting for the debate to go on we we really there was some talk of having another debate in a couple weeks they haven't decided on anything certainly have the vice presidential debate that's coming up on October 1st traditionally there's only one vice presidential debate so that's not unusual but usually there's more than one when it comes to the presidential debate I don't think we're going to have another one and there there there would be really no purpose in it and I'll tell you why tonight what kamla Harris did that your viewers that are giving us comments um are affirming is she did a very strong job focusing on what her policies would look like and I think that America is starting to get a real picture of who she is as a person what her policies are how they differentiate from Joe Biden the successes that she built with Joe Biden and and sort of seeing the vision of her going forward I think they also have a really good idea about who Donald Trump is and what he brings to the table and they were reminded by K Harris tonight what another presidency with Donald Trump would look like and I don't see a real purpose for either one of the campaigns unless tomorrow morning we see the fundraising out the roof I don't see why they would agree to do it again because it really doesn't it doesn't seem to really differentiate either candidate from the camps that they came in with I I I happen to think I'm just gonna you know it's interesting for it yeah I don't I I happen to believe that policy got watered down and and almost lost as the debate went on I I I really do and I'm I'm not here I'm here down the middle folks I'm just here calling balls and Strikes look it was there was a lot of claims being thrown left and right tar you you you were on the money there was a lot about the past uh you know Donald Trump you know saying you know pointing to the last four years kamla Harris pointing to the four years under Donald Trump there's a lot of pth to dissect here and that of course sets the stage for what we can expect in the future or or voters have to determine you know whether or not they believe that voting on a candidate's past is going to of course impact the future directly but I just felt like policy almost got lost as the debate went on there were some casual you know promises and Notions thrown out there but actual policy and promises and going through the issue and bullet points and saying this is how I plan to attack this issue I I just I don't I don't know if it if it was really there I mean look you can always go to the campaigns website you can find out where each candidate stands but was it really there for people to sink their teeth into people can comment and let me know if they felt like they heard policy tonight policy and claims are are are different things policy versus promises are are different things policy to me is are specifics and I don't know how specific specific we really got tonight on on the issues that that David and Lindsay brought up I think that's a fair assessment that as the night went on it got it got murky yeah but the part where um and and I of course am down the middle as well I'm a constitutionalist I'm looking at this um from a political science and constitutional perspective but what was interesting is when you got to details kamla Harris did discuss how she wanted to invest in small businesses and opportunity economy how she wanted to have a $25,000 credit for down payments on houses which in America's history um home ownership has been a huge part about wealth creation and generational wealth transferring which is really big in in disrupting um systemic economic issues and that is especially important to people who the economy hasn't always been accessible right was wasn't the economy in the first like five minutes right I mean I mean she did that but then later she circled back and tried to give the details they talked about you know if it got distracting because some of the tenor of it got distracting but Donald Trump did talk about health care and he did talk about wanting to dismantle Obamacare he talked about how he saved it but he didn't but he didn't have a plan yeah he a Harris did and so I'm not saying that she's right or she's he's wrong I'm just saying I'm not sure that another debate is going to off offer an opportunity for him to share a plan if that plan hasn't already been shared and you're the vice and you're the presidential candidate for um the Republican party when is it gonna be shared if not now when it's interesting you have a perfect example you have you have Donald Trump who who says and and look um you know there are examples in in in um during his uh time in offense time in office when it comes to foreign policy you know examples that you could point to uh in when I reference this next point he says that he's just going to be able to come in and end everything between Russia and Ukraine he wasn't he wasn't ever able to get specific and say exactly how he he would he did JB he did he's gonna pick up that phone before he's even inaugurated and he's gonna say solve the all problem but he didn't explain anything more than saying I'll get him on the phone the phone getting getting the the getting them on the phone it's there's there's more to it than just I it would have been very fascinating I think for the American public to hear more about exactly Donald Trump I think made the promise on that point to do it even as president-elect that that he wouldn't even have to take office for that conflict to come to an end that conflict folks is is years now between uh Russia and Ukraine so um yeah it was it was interesting Trump certainly certainly aggressive tonight and um I I think that's the type of debate performance that people that have come to be in Trump's Corner have come to expect from from him I think that if if you're a trump supporter tonight you are looking at this and you're like that's my guy I that's I've talked to enough people um that are that are vehemently 100% loyal to to Donald Trump who would unequivocally say tonight is the type of of presidency that I want this is what I am voting for based on on the tenor that we had tonight and then what what's really interesting and exactly what you noted Tara is that this was this was in a way a bit of a coming out for kamla Harris uh she we haven't really seen her on this stage and now it's really what's really interesting we know that you know uh the Trump base without question is going to be you know galvanized by Trump's performance tonight we're we're seeing the numbers here on your screen folks these are live numbers coming in from it'll be very interesting to see some of the you know some of the sound bites the man on the street type stuff like what did you think of KLA Harris tonight if you're a democratic voter or or you're an independent voter or an undecided voter what did you think of Kamala tonight because this was her opportunity to let the world know how she would attack four years in office you know we said we started this morning um on the station talking about who was bringing the pressure who felt pressure and it wasn't Donald Trump he's already been on the presidential debate stage this is his seventh time all the pressure was on comma Harris and she performed she performed she didn't crack she didn't give in she she spoke eloquently she didn't get flustered the Optics were strong um but you know is that enough to move the undecided voter we know that the the Trump supporters are loyal and will be celebrating his performance as a win and but will kamla Harris be able to win over enough of that razor thin margin that she needs um to win the race you got to remember the polling right now is statistically a dead heat they're in almost all the states are a in a margin of error so you know some days you'll see Donald Trump kind of eding some days you'll see kamla Harris but that's all within that window and so what tonight we were really watching is can kamla Harris can she deal with the pressure and can she seem like a Statesman can she can she articulate herself enough to understand what how what her vision is and she did um and Donald Trump gave us who he is it did not surprise me in his behavior at all um he you know presented in the same Playbook that he has given us in the past and I think that appeals to a lot of American voters they like that show of strength in that aggressive and assertive manner but I think when it comes to issues that's when he might start losing um some of the undecided and the appeal away to kamla Harris especially when it comes to the uh women's issues there's one thing that I wanted to to say that when you talk about sound bites that I think is going to come up uh tomorrow morning and in the news when he tried to use the same tactic that she used with pence in the last vice presidential election and she he turned to her and say I'm talking right now sh or he he did it twice at least where he shushed her listen as a woman as a professional woman who's been teaching for 25 years and has been a lawyer for 25 years I really don't like it when men shush me and so I'm not sure that that is going to play well with Women Voters especially those that we're looking at on the fence that Suburban mom that might say you know his stance on women issues is really un unmeasured and Untold I mean he's got this kind of narrative about is it states rights will he deny will he do an abortion ban will he not he hedged on that and said I won't have to do that because it's in the state's hands well what happens if it actually we actually flip the house and the Senate and we have a national Bill what will he do he refused to answer answer that and then the shushing of kamla Harris and sort of the tenor that goes along with him because of his uh his convictions on sexual assault I think that's enough to make some of those um women on the edge sort of rethink whether or not he's their candidate or not I can't say that the performance tonight was enough to push you other way but I can certainly tell you that no woman likes to be shushed all right so a developing story that we were just informed about uh in the WFLA Newsroom and this news is is massively significant in the United States uh from a pop culture standpoint uh we've just been told and as confirmed here uh within minutes of the conclusion of the debate uh uh Superstar singer Taylor Swift has endorsed kamla Harris uh for president uh I'm going to read um the the final uh paragraph here you can read it on her Instagram this is a caption from her Instagram that's the picture it's Taylor Swift and and her cat and a cat and her cat uh I'll read as follows I will be casting my vote for KLA Harris and Tim Walls in the 2024 presidential election I'm voting for KLA Harris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to Champion them I think she is a steady headed or excuse me steady-handed gifted leader I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by a calm and not or led by calm and not chaos excuse me I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mtim walls who's been standing up for lgbtq plus rights ibf and a woman's right to her own body for decades folks it th it this is massively significant especially with a younger generation of Americans a generation of americ amans that um where they fall in the political spectrum of course you can look at research but this is going to get a whole lot of attention and it already has with one million likes 1 million likes on Instagram in 12 minutes JB just to give it you that's that's that's that's mind blowing we're talking we're talking like Ellen degenerous at the Oscars type stuff right now I mean like the like talk about the internet exploding over One Singular post it's happening right now on Taylor Swift's Instagram and again do not underscore how massive of a deal this is because of how woried uh Taylor Swift is uh amongst her as they call them swifties of course absolutely Millennials and gen X's account for 44% of the electorate and Taylor Swift appeals to many of them and so I think that this endorsement is a GameChanger for Harris and I think that Donald Trump maybe needs to be a little concerned about the cat ladies I love the irony of that post she's certainly nodding to JD Vance's comments about cat ladies and his continued uh narrative about how they don't contribute to Civic life or the economy and don't care about America which is clearly Bonk uh with with whatever party that you subscribe to and so I think we can't underestimate that the younger voters who are a huge part of the electorate who are somewhat turned off and and by the way I didn't share this earlier but let me share it now I was doing a focus group with younger voters anywhere from 19 to 22 and even a small sect that it's all the way to 35 and you know what they just were like n no no no n this debate is more the same you know she looks okay he's the same they're not saying anything new I'm tired of all the fighting they may not have leaned into the debate but they're definitely going to lean in to this endorsement yeah this is um let me there's people in our comment section who are downplaying this and that's that's that's totally the prerogative of our commenters I I totally understand people who do not see tremendous political value in this but I would respond in this way I if you believe the polls if you look at the previous election and how close it was decided and how close the polls are now anything that can move the needle a little bit is going to potentially have enormous impacts on the future of our country because of who might actually win the election and and this doesn't have just the potential to be a slight needle mover this could be a moderate to Major needle mover depending of course on how this resonates with uh with younger Americans that um maybe were on the fence about voting or maybe were down the middle maybe were undecided there there's going to be a massive referendum a a a look an an examination of how this is going to impact the election you're G to you're going to see news stories about before tonight and after tonight and the the pivot point isn't just going to be the debate it's going to be this post uh again it's B it's BS before Swift endorsement and after as after Swift you know what you're 100% right because JP remember back when she encouraged people to do um voter registration in time and she had hundreds of thousands of voter registration uh applicants going through her website so she could track she wields enormous societal power enormous cultural power and why this is really interesting to me as a political scientist is because remember there is a lot of political socialization that happens at home and I don't disparage that at all we all have family uh values that we like in our own intimate uh nuclear family this sort of puts a kink in that because you know young women who may be in a that has always supported Republican candidates are now going to be faced with whether or not they are going to be socialized politically by one of uh America's greatest artists right now and who the greatest influence and we see that through her economic impact on our communities look at what her concerts did in the Tampa Bay Area she sells she sells out everywhere I to the point where they're adding shows and into a venue it's we've talked about it on stream in the past um it's it's something we've really never seen before in our country so she can really change the outcome this endorsement can really change the outcome of the election you know I want to remind everybody too that it's it's these very close swing States whether you call the blue wall States Wisconsin Michigan or Pennsylvania other southern strategy states which is Arizona Nevada um North Carolina and Georgia those States those seven states you know we're looking at how will Taylor Swift affect those political strategies and if they can just deliver a little bit for the Harris campaign it could be a complete GameChanger on the Electoral College map and so you know I guarantee overnight we're going to be seeing how this part of the electorate that that the percentages of of women that actually um tune in to Taylor Swift how much of the electorate they are in those swing States and how that could affect the outcome of the election it's it's going to be well look I it's interesting the timing of this no doubt so just kind of reading between the lines here this was a very lengthy post looks like it was very much prepared ahead of time and um it came out so 20 minutes so it came out within 20 or so minutes of the debate ending how prepared was this was this um you know how much planning and strategy went into this because to do this on debate night is a very deliberate move this could have been done could have been done tomorrow this could have been done at any point in the election cycle it was done within 20 minutes of the conclusion of the debate so I'm just reading between the lines here and trying to understand uh how orchestrated uh this was and uh taking nothing away from Taylor Swift's endorsement she as an American has has of course she can State her it's it's our you know our constitutional right to that's right to be able to voice our political affiliation and be able to verbalize it and share it and and bring others onto your onto your sort of playing field if you'd like it's just interesting to me with somebody who carries such tremendous influence it's happening within 20 minutes of the conclusion of the debate um it'll be interesting to see how this gets received and processed in the hours and days ahead JB absolutely she had this prepared but you have to you have to recognize Taylor Swift isn't just um uh you know an international Superstar she's also a very Savvy businesswoman and she's also very Savvy about how she influences and socializes culture and we know that from her voter registration efforts that we just talked about but you have to admit it's quite um a distraction from those that want to be picking apart kamla Harris's performance on nitpicking where she may have been able to do better or not when you're facing uh Taylor Swift's endorsement you have less to talk about with kamla Harris's possible uh CR criticisms and more to talk about the fact that one of the greatest superstars that we've ever had is endorsing her and she's bringing with her all the swifties across the country so it was very Savvy very smart very strategic um her iconic picture of her and her cat certainly tells Donald Trump and JD Vance what she thinks about those comments and um and sort of pokes fun at the whole thing as well uh so she has good humor and I think good timing strategically and I think it's really going to do the job that she intended which is now we're going to be talking about the the swell of support of swifties behind kamla Harris rather than um you know whether or not she wore the right outfit and I just I want to offer the the flip side though Tara because I know I know there are going to be people out there who are going to look at this and say their response is going to be why couldn't we let with such a massive night for our country why couldn't we let the the the policies and the claims and the debate performances be the headliner tonight I you know why there are going to be people who are gonna say why couldn't this have happened you know down the line I I I know I'm already seeing the comments come in now now so I'm I'm just trying to you know be as Fair here as I can be it's politics it's all fair and politics you know and the minute Donald Trump came down on a golden escalator he knew that Optics were important he um you know has these really uh colorful rallies he understands marketing I bet if ask privately if he thought this was a good move he would say it was brilliant so you know this is politics and this is how the game is played and this is how the game is won and so I give whether or not we're talking about the debate or not I give the Harris campaign a check in the win box for timing this endorsement and I think it's going to energize many of us watching to see what was really going to come out of this debate because you know the two camps came in with their minds already set up their arms Crossing this is how it's going to be and I think this uh Taylor Swift endorsement is really tipping the tipping the scale for Harris and really is going to change uh the direction don't you remember back when Obama was running and Beyonce got behind him and all these yeah it got everybody excited and made his candidacy seem more hip more fresh more young and that was the criticism of both candidates when Biden and Trump were running and kamla Harris listened and her campaign is listening and now Taylor Swift is a surrogate holy smokes you got Taylor Swift as almost a surrogate for KLA Harris you know that's pretty that's pretty good let's talk campaign strategy for a second and and then I want to move back to the poll I want to again I don't want to let this hijack the night I'd like to it's Absolut it's massive developing news and it it it would be irresponsible for us to not bring it up and talk about the impact so we are touching on Taylor Swift's endorsement of kamla Harris tonight but I I'm gonna I'd like participation from our audience YouTube live Facebook live we have a lot of people watching tonight is there anyone on the other side is there anyone relatively realistic that carries that much weight that much Moxy if you will that much influence that could be lined up on the Trump side that would be a swift level endorsement for Donald Trump if you're Donald Trump okay your response is I need someone to come out who carries tremendous cultural and societal influence to back me now to you know grab headlines later this week and grab momentum back in my favor is there anyone that comes to mind I'm asking the I'm asking the chat Facebook YouTube is there anybody out there that that comes to mind that would be that person Tara do you want to you want to hop in there does anybody come to mind on your your end well you know I it's the person that I was thinking of has held themselves out as an independent for many years but this election has already endorsed KLA Harris and that's Oprah because Oprah has been traditionally an independent and she although she liked Obama she pulled away and said listen I'm I'm not gonna vote by party yeah but Oprah Oprah's not going Trump no she's not but she's the only level of person in our country that I think could actually combat that and she's already endorsed Harris I mean it it's very difficult to underestimate the impact that the youth vote which which I study could impact the election when I say um there's enough new voters and young voters and you know we're not talking the alpha generation they're too young to vote but we're talking gen Z we're talking Millennials these are individuals that are fairly young and they're they they have like I said 44% of the electorate they if they could come out and change the entire election if she peels away even a portion of them for Harris she's done her job I can't imagine another individual in our society um that would align with Donald Trump but help me I would love from the viewers help me tonight there's one interesting name that's coming up repeatedly in our our comment section and it is it's fascinating this is why I Love interactive work is because we can throw this question to the chat and see exactly how they're feeling and one name that is coming up well has already pretty much Stak their claim on which side of the political conversation they are on between kamla Harris and Donald Trump somebody who carries tremendous influence because they own one of the most widely used social media Platforms in the country and that's Elon Musk you know Elon Musk but Elon Musk has already obviously um has stated that he is uh you know you know obviously voting Republican in this election so um and he's extremely vocal on X talking about uh uh you know his support for conservative values his support of Donald Trump and and the the policies that he supports it's just it's it's kind of that's already done you know I'm trying to think of somebody done and then he's JB's also got the problem of the quick pro quo and not to say that Elon mus doesn't hold an enormous amount of um persuasive power but that quid pro quoe that Donald Trump introduced last week where he said if you know if I become president I'm going to elevate Elon Musk to this new um regulatory agency that that sort of makes people uncomfortable a little bit because it's a payto playay kind of thing um but he's also controversial in himself so I'm not sure that's the right candidacy that or that's the right surrogate that would bring the same star power as Harris but let me just let's go back to um and I don't want to to hijack it but I want to go back to Taylor Swift's post her last line is your research is all yours to do and the choic is yours to make regardless of Taylor Swift endorsing I love that sentiment that tonight and regardless of her her her comments we saw two candidates on the debate presenting two different types of America and I think that all of us need to really dig in and decide and do our research and and really take this seriously because some of the claims from the Harris campaign regarding Donald Trump are scary if they're true if implementing project 2025 is true then we have a lot of work to do if you know militarizing our um communities is true there's a lot of work to do if taking away women's bodily sovereignty that's a we have a lot of work to do if squashing political opponents uh overturn democracy not following um the Constitution having a second January 6 those are things that we got to really research does is that really true um is it not true Will kamla Harris really be strong enough to uh fight Putin and other autocrats in Europe will she make us pay the bill every time those are things that we need to do the research so regardless of what else she wrote I think that reminder to all of that young voter and to all of us is really a good one last thing on Taylor Swift and then we'll move back on as whoa the numbers here are now jumping in favor of H we've seen a steady climb coincidence that we're talking about Taylor Swift's endorsement and then all of a sudden we see C Harris's numbers start to to overtake Donald Trump look this is an unscientific social media based poll you can go to to cast your own vote no sign up required but last thing I'll say about Taylor Swift again there are people in the chat who are downplaying or or or disregarding the Taylor Swift endorsement that's your that's your right of course to you know Taylor Swift is is endorsing KLA Harris it's your right as an American your First Amendment right to be able to say I don't think that that carries much weight I don't think that's a big deal but I will tell you this have you to the people in our comment section and this is just an honest question to the people in our comment section who are downplaying the Taylor Swift endorsement have you ever been to a Taylor Swift concert or to the parking lot of a Taylor Swift uh concert the Overflow around the arena I mean we're talking about venues that normally fill you know uh college football game day to capacity filling it up and then overflow Capac capacity usually being filled up and then multiple nights back to back to back for Taylor Swift her her influence is massively significant how it translates to the political Arena how it galvanizes the youth vote whether it galvanizes the youth vote also too you have to of course be a certain age in this country to cast a vote a lot of Taylor Swift um fans are of course going to Trend even you know younger into in way into the early teenage years so there's a lot to dissect here there's going to be endless articles and research done as to the cause and effect of Taylor Swift's endorsement but to the people that are saying it's not a big deal with our comment section I talk to someone who has gone to a Taylor Swift concert and listened for multiple hours of people screaming until their vocal cords are shot I mean that's we're talking about a level of enthusiasm here um a level of loyalty I mean look Donald Trump commands tremendous political loyalty among his base Taylor Swift and swifties command tremendous loyalty as well I mean people love who they love Donald Trump is loved by by Maga uh supporters Taylor Swift is loved by swifties there's just people that love what they love and the you have to just you can't disregard one and believe in the other influence is influence so that's the last thing I I'll say on it um our our numbers are bouncing here Tara this is uh we've had now let's let's talk about the debate let's talk about the candidates let's talk about our poll tonight let's stay on track here as best we can even though we did go off there on the uh very appropo for for a debate night for us to go out on a tangent a little bit and talk about Taylor Swift we are up to nearly 30,000 votes in this poll which is significant for a digital poll again unscientific because we're not using scientific methods to sample our audience and and retrieve votes that way it is a simple uh oneclick no signup poll on Poole um your your thoughts on these numbers how they've shifted over the last uh 15 to 20 minutes and then we'll get into some comments before you know look we can't stream forever the night is you know is yeah let me just comment quickly about what could also be moving this there was a few times during the debate that Kam Harris really leaned in and really I think extended her hand to moderates and one of those times was when she made sure that viewers knew that she owned a gun and that uh coach walls owned a gun right and so that was really her signaling that she's much more moderate on some of these Poss uh these possible issues that people care about that might have them on the fence I think that could also be driving some of these numbers that she was she's not quite the the crazy liberal that uh that the Republican party has painted her so I think that had some influence I also think she was the candidate that brought up the environment and climate change that was extremely powerful because even though inflation uh Palestine and Israel conflict are at the top of mind for most Americans according to the polls after that is of course abortion rights which we've already talked about and then climate change and we live in Florida we many of us receive that uh horrific letter in the mail every year saying you're being reconsidered for your home insurance and we're just waiting to be dropped and so she really spoke to to many Americans when she spoke to that about how climate change is affecting not only our future our existential ability to persist as a as a people but our pocketbooks whether we can afford to stay in our homes some people's home insurance is just as much as their mortgage and so that really showed that she cared about issues Beyond those that that really burdened the first part of the debate and so some of these numbers that we're seeing might be from people digesting the entirety of the debate you know right right when we hopped on it's a little shocking sometimes to see the combativeness that our political landscape has turned into we don't all live in that conflict Laden environment and so I think it takes time for people to process what both of the candidates bring to the table what they really said and what even though there wasn't heavy on the policy what little bit of breadcrumbs were left what do they agree with and so although this isn't scientific it certainly does lead to lead us to that maybe kamla Harris made her case tonight as that prosecutor as that attorney general as that US senator and made the case that she's not as liberal as being uh uh told that she is and that she really is that middle class American that can take us into the future I'm curious I'm trying to think about the aftermath of the debate comma goes back to her campaign leadership Donald Trump goes back to his campaign leadership and and the conversations that are had I think it's entirely Fair tonight to evaluate these performances and and try to do so as down the middle as humanly possible and and try to be as objective as possible and say this it's up to the American people as to who won the debate tonight but I'm not sure if we have a clear loser the previous debate was so different in that we had it was jawdropping that we had that level of a loss a solid L from Joe Biden I to the point where the entire Democratic party is reeling and re-evaluating the the future of the party and it was that much of a eye-opening jaw-dropping performance to where we had a I most of America would agree that there was a loser that night I don't I think it's fair to say say we didn't have a loser tonight you could KLA Harris might have gone back to campaign leadership on her end and was High fiving people and Donald Trump might have been high-fiving people too it was probably celebratory on both because they probably felt like they both had moments where they got out their message that they felt like they both had zingers that they both had those moments that could you know take off on social media tomorrow morning so I'm curious if the chat agrees t I'm curious if you agree that it's up to America to decide as to who won tonight but there wasn't a you know clearcut obvious loser I I think you absolutely summed it up JB and I think that's what makes this so hard because when you watched the debate you really saw what you expected you know Donald Trump supporters expected him to come out tough CER of aggressive um tell his story tell and narrate it the way that he saw it the way that he's been doing at his rallies and that's what he delivered but K Harris delivered what we saw from an extension from the Democratic National Convention which was this more States states Le kind of uh you know um Olive Branch extender she was sort of extending voters in Olive Branch of saying come to the party come to my side of the fence if you want to end divisiveness there was no clear loser I think you can't really um say it any better than that but there wasn't either a clear winner necessarily and so the problem though is that we're still left with having to do our own research and what sometimes we call me search what are the issues that I care about and find out how the candidates really stand on that tomorrow morning I'm sure one of the things we're going to be looking at for to really determine this a little bit greater than what we're talking about is fundraising we're absolutely gonna have all eyes on whether Donald Trump's fundraising has gone up or whether kamla Harris's has and what we've known in the past month KLA Harris has out fundraised Donald Trump like three to one and we're talking $500 million in the last month so you know if that is Amplified from this debate process although perhaps performatively um they they both won or they both you know neither one of them lost the money always talks and so we're going to wait for that uh press release that comes out and tells us hey how much did each one of the campaigns rais and that's going to be telling us how much of that needle did each one of the candidates move I I always appreciate a grounded approach because we also know how influential campaign finances are when it comes to the outcome of an election uh Tara um what we're gonna do we're going to play A Dangerous Game dangerous game if we if we can to to end out our live stream tonight to people that are going to /po starting now if you type in your your comment in that form we're going to start to animate them on screen and we're not going to put up any nasty comments or comments that are completely you know baseless or ones that have you know expletives in it no we we're going to try to bring please give us your honest assessment of how these candidates or your candidate perform tonight and I'd like to give as many people on the live stream tonight an opportunity to have their voice heard so go to if you already voted it's okay you'll see right underneath there there's the optional form to put in your name and your comment it doesn't even have to be your real name you can put in a username we're just going to try to get as many comments on screen because I would like to give as many people a voice here as as possible um so let's let's go to Sherry let's start with Sherry Sherry says our economy sucks and Harris was already VP uh Tara I'll kind of go to you rapid fire here a lot a lot of finger pointing tonight to Harris and and what and what she's accomplished as as vice president first off constitutionally the vice president doesn't have a lot of power so it's difficult to align your perception of the economy to the vice president if constitutionally they don't have the power to impact it but the evidence shows we have the lowest unemployment in history largest infrastructure bill was passed under Biden Harris with huge Investments around the country spurring economic growth so I don't know what the evidence is other than the same thing that I'm facing I'm sure the viewer is facing which is price of gas is up price of bread is up price of eggs are up and that stinks um but as vice president she doesn't necessarily have the ability to impact that directly and you also have to remember that inflation just like Donald Trump tried to claim that that kamla Harris CA and Joe Biden came into the office and wrote on his coattails there is some economic principles that would say that inflation was a natural outcome of the pandemic and so just be thoughtful when we're making these comments and uh and really think it through um and ask those tough questions Bryson says kamla undoubtedly won her professionalism and ability to speak directly to the American people spoke volumes against uh her competitor uh Betty says at least Trump is consistent Kamala talks about pretty ideas and not policy we were talking earlier about how some people believe um you know that there wasn't enough policy uh discussed tonight um let's go I think that just leads us to believe is the policy because we we said you know when especially when we're talking about Healthcare and he offered well I don't really have a firm plan I'm not president that's okay but when we're going to vote for the president we want to know um whether or not uh he's going to be able to carry forward some kind of health care or not and that's okay either way but he wasn't able to present that so you know when we're looking for policy we can't cherry pick we got to look is Project 2025 from the Heritage Foundation his policy or not he didn't necessarily clarify that for us so I just would wonder you know we have to have evidence and facts behind what we all say and I wasn't sure that we got like you said earlier enough from either of the candidates to really say one way or the other we have this one from D saying he won she didn't answer most questions do you think that commala deflected at all tonight I think they both did um I think that he she was asked regarding signing a National Abortion ban she said she would then there were some follow-up questions about some other things that she she didn't quite answer but he also didn't answer if he was going to uh sign a um National Abortion ban so I mean that's that's part of the debate strategy uh again I think we need to do our our our due diligence and and try to find those answers for ourselves but honestly and D I totally respect your opinion I didn't think either one of them completely answered any of the questions asked I think that they came fully prepared to tell their story and their narrative and they did that not always answering what the facilitators or um uh the folks on the stage were asking them the the comments are coming in so quickly folks that it's difficult for me to read them the longer ones I I I really appreciate the enthusiasm we have tonight but I can't read them all uh because they're so long so some are going to make it through but I I am doing my very best to give as many uh you know comments from both sides whenever I stream I'm always talking about both sides and and doing the best that I can to make sure that as many voices on each side are heard Cole says Trump actually answered the questions kamla uh tried dancing around most questions because she has no idea how to fix things especially since since she can't fix them already uh in office and tar you had talked about you know uh the The Limited power um that the uh vice president has Williams says Trump is the best person for Our Country economy border getting us out of wars or getting us out of Wars Trump uh 20 uh 24 this is interesting oh wait did I lose it see they're coming in so fast there was a comment about about the performance of the moderators tonight real quick Tara because I'm trying to get through as many comments here as possible your thoughts on David Mir and Lindsey Davis you know there's been a lot of praise for them on social media um and I thought they did a a solid job I would like to have Fair time for both candidates and at times it looked like it gave more deference to the president I think that they didn't necessarily um have the rules to enforce fact checking on the debate stage and I I think that's problematic for many uh voters that are not only listening to the debate but like you said getting their news tomorrow in a fast sound bite and if they're getting it from that debate and it wasn't fact checked and stopped by the moderators that might be a problem in our misinformation diet uh webert says I believe that K Harris did an outst outstanding job tonight or an excuse me astounding job tonight Trump was being arrogant as usual I hated the idea that he referees to the VP as or not referees refer ref to the VP as as she uh and that goes that JB that goes to our comments earlier about whether or not he appealed to women the woman vote um that Suburban woman uh that is on the fence that many elections are won or lost by and that that is a hiccup tonight um not only on abortion but on his tenor and how he held himself and how he wouldn't look at her and how he sort of dismissed her and shushed her and Sheed her that's not a great look when you know our communities are run by women our families are run by women and women are 51% of the bread winners in America so I don't think that's going to play well with the woman vote Leo says kamla won the debate by far Trump was defensive all the time blaming her for the uh current uh economy um again trying to get to as many before we have to wrap up here in about five minutes time folks um uh let's let's see uh Buddha Mojo Harris commanded the night and came off as sane and open Trump was just attacking uh with with lies Cameo says my trump or ex my my vote is for Kamala she has plans in place for our economy she has Integrity she's straightforward honest she brings dignity and Humanity uh to the Forefront uh you know I'll tell you what there's there's a lot of comments here that I would click on that are praising Trump and attacking Harris but they contain bad words so um it I I can't click on comments you guys that have bad words in them and and so also too that that's against what we believe in here with interactivity so just try to keep it clean so I can actually Spotlight your comment because there are good points here but then they throw in like a like an insult at the end and I just I I can't show the comment then um you know JB as you're trying to Rifle through trying to find the comments that you can read let me just offer that there was some good points that Donald Trump brought on to the debate stage regarding Harris's involvement with the Ukraine and I think that left a lot of people trying to figure out what was her role prior to Russia um invading the Ukraine and I'm certainly going to do my research on trying to figure out where she was in that negotiation I think that's a good point from people that support Trump that they really we need to dig into that um but I but I do think that when like right now I'm seeing Samuel say Trump pointed out kamla's downfalls and answered the questions I'm not entirely sure that he did and I say that only because we still don't know really where he stands on abortion we still don't know really where he stands on health care and we we have a good idea on where he stands on the environment but we're not entirely sure that any of his former advisers support his economic plan um and certainly the letters that came out um 18 I think 18 military leaders said they don't support Trump so former military um his former Military Allies are no longer supporting him he didn't really get to all that um other comments coming in there's a lot of there's a lot of of comments uh suggesting that you know what people watched tonight was a debate where kamla uh dodged questions failed to answer questions like Terry Robinson here um C Paulie is almost defending kamla Harris here this is some of the back and forth going on in our our chat right now she was very vague on her stance but her record shows I would imagine what Cali is saying here her record shows you know that what what I I would imagine what she's what she's it's it's difficult to you know filling the lines you're filling the Gap but but obviously pointing to her previous record I just you know I think that that's fair but let me just make sure in our last waning moments that you know we're here of course to dissect and understand what we just shared but we're also here because we believe in civil discourse right JB I mean that's what you're all about bringing everybody to the table and talking about ideas that's the that's the whole purpose of pluralism and one of the things that I think is important that we all do is that when we have an opinion that we back it up with evidence I would love to to talk more with your viewers about if you believe she was vague give me help me and everyone else see your point by saying she said this this and this or this this and this that kind of evidence-based Civic discussion is what our our country is all about I think both sides of the aisle need it and we need um your viewers to help us get there when they post their questions uh Jerry says I think president Trump did very well or done very well against three people Jerry clearly insinuating here believes that that things were stacked against Trump with the two moderators David mure and and Lindsey Davis again I'm really curious if anybody has anything to say JB about the harshness on immigration that he um brought to the table you know there's been so many reports that actually say that his data and statistics about uh immigrants being a larger portion of crime in our country and it's debunked that as not true um I and then really went after immigrants most of us are the product of families of immigra immigration I mean only one nation Native Americans are really those that are um lay claim to the land underneath our feet so if our the United States Chamber of Commerce supports um immigration because they know it's good for our economy and we just need to figure out how to fix some of the issues what are we gonna do if we Deport 11 million people I haven't heard any comments on that I'd be really interested to hear if anyone says anything about that there there is a lot of comments in our comment section about uh IM immigration also um eating dogs our comment section is uh interesting right now to say as you would expect after a presidential debate um that in certain moments went off the rails a bit uh um and and we'll we'll Spotlight just a couple more here but really quick I I just have to point this out it's worth stating that that Taylor Swift post is up to three million likes in one hour three million people um reacting to to that post um again can you only imagine at 6: am when we wake up oh my and you triangulate between her posts her endorsement and those fundraising dollars I'm I'm just saying I hate to I hate to distill it down to money but that's where it's at and so you know the morning is going to tell a different story about who won the debate and it's really GNA be uh the Money Talks I I'm really curious you know that right now at you know with the Trump campaign they're formulating a response you know because inevitably Trump is going to be asked about the Taylor Swift endorsement and how he responds to that is going to be I I don't know it's it's it's going to be very very interesting because of the influence that that she carries if I were advising the Trump campaign I would ignore it if you go after Taylor Swift you go after every one of our favorite daughters across this country and mothers too because both mothers and daughters go to those Taylor Swift and husbands and brothers and boyfriends and you know this is one of those times that this could be really I'm talking textbooks written about uh Taylor Swift's endorsements and I think that it's fair to say that Donald Trump came into this debate with 46% of America supporting him and he's going to walk out of it with 46% that's not who's deciding the election it's those undecided and those moderates that are going to peel away and how he responds to not only criticism of his debate but also Taylor Swift is really going to change the direction of the campaign clicking here on just more comments you know just sometimes what's our chats sometimes humorous uh sometimes people will say I love them both I wish I could vote for them both and clearly I think it's a troll based comment and then other people who are who uh when we asked you know when we said hey neither candidate lost tonight that the comment section just blew up people said us as viewers were losers which it was something actually we saw more with the first presidential debate um when they yeah but that's fair JB that's fair considering the fact that most people watching got a little bit of the policy but not the full picture like we talked about earlier and that's really what this is about right this isn't a popularity contest or shouldn't be and so I think that's a fair comment from your viewer I really appreciate a bit of overtime here from from Tara Nome our live stream just um really just uh received quite an audience to everybody who's been watching here um we really appreciate you tuning in tonight and us trying to go interactive with you and and Spotlight as many comments as possible we tried to be as as Fair as as you know possible when it came to the interactivity and spotlighting as many comments from both sides um I want to point out while this appears Frozen the the numbers are actually live so I can tell you right now exactly uh how many people have it's within 200 votes these numbers are still being tabulated we're up to nearly 40,000 votes in this poll tonight but it's 5149 by a hair I it's as close to 5050 as you're gonna get it is and that's what we're looking at the general election is going to be and that's why everyone needs to get out and vote and they really need to do whether you like Taylor Swift or not to take heed to her last comment in her her post which is do your research make sure you know who you're voting for and why because this is going to be a razor thin election and we need everyone's contribution to democracy I got to tell you what I really appreciate your viewers giving us comments I learn from them I think about them I think that that's what this process is all about I appreciate their different perspectives and I think we're better for it as a democracy so we're in the tens of thousands of of comments by the way we've we we've we have Facebook YouTube and comments coming in and they are just uh exploding on my screen I'll bring up the stream Center here for just a for just a second um to show everybody this screen here has just been end I mean I don't know how well everybody can see it but it's just been endless scrolling of comments coming in sometimes just too fast for me to even read comments before they disappear so uh Tara clearly voter in enthusiasm and and uh political enthusiasm which is of course um great to see I love it I love it I love that people are paying attention and you know whoever you vote for just get out there and vote and do your homework and I think that the fact that we have this many people tuning in means they know how serious this election is they know what's at stake not just democracy not just women's rights not just the environment not just Israel and Palestine but their own families their own homes their own pocketbooks their communities and you know it's really exciting that people are paying attention and leaning in we have crossed into Wednesday I'd like to point out uh really quickly as we wrap up the live stream uh the the poll is still live so um we'll be continuing to tabulate uh you know poll votes over the course of the overnight hours and into the morning we want to give people an opportunity when they wake up to be able to uh perhaps if you know for whatever reason they were unable to watch the the uh debate tonight if they watch you know highlights if they get a transcript if they watch the entirety of the debate if they do it in their in their spare time they'll be given the opportunity to to vote on we're leaving the poll open I want to make that clear that we're still having votes come in even at this very moment I'd like to give a a very warm Applause to Tara Nome it was not anticipated right back at you J right back at you going this late into the night literally into Wednesday uh the the the floor is yours any final thoughts final comments and anything else you'd like to share you know I think really tonight what we saw was a g great demonstration of two different Americas one presented by Donald Trump and one presented by kamla Harris and really kamla Harris I think did a good job presenting what her vision of America is going to be and Donald Trump reaffirmed what we knew his vision was and I think it's up to each one of us to take our citizenship seriously dig into the facts and then make sure that we come out on November 5th and vote thank you so much for spending the evening with me I will see you all at 6:30 in the morning what's it 6:30 in the morning oh it's you gotta come out and watch The Morning Show on WFAA oh my God they booked you you didn't tell me that oh you know I love you guys oh man uh WFLA political analyst T Dr tar news hey I would love JB to see these um to see if they could share these uh results in the morning to see what what happened I we're sharing it with our with our morning team and uh and of course what will the results look like tomorrow morning I I want to point out one more time these results are so close in fact I'm surprised that it's that the way the decimals have worked out that we're not at 50/50 we're probably right on the precipice of this looking 50 uh it's the separation at this moment is yeah ex almost exactly 200 votes among now 41,000 so it's 51 by a hair you guys I I think that this just is very much on par with some of the polling numbers that we have seen um but we'll monitor this over the course of the night one more time a big thank you to Dr tar Nome of St Petersburg College who will be with us tomorrow morning on WFLA News Channel 8 you can continue to read more from your local election headquarters that's up for T new I'm JB buo thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time folks bye [Music] [Music]

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Donald Trump warning kamala harris, country destroyer #donaldtrump #trump #usa #usanews #joebiden

Category: People & Blogs

About the laws very simply camala harris is an economy wrecker and a country destroyer our country will be destroyed if she gets in her radical liberal agenda ruined san francisco it ruined california when she was the attorney general it crushed our middle class demolished our border set the world on... Read more

Tragic Attack in Poltava:51 Dead, 200+ Injured 🚨#latestnews #breakingnews #shorts #ukraine #russia thumbnail
Tragic Attack in Poltava:51 Dead, 200+ Injured 🚨#latestnews #breakingnews #shorts #ukraine #russia

Category: News & Politics

You need to hear this if you're a news enthusiast a tragic event has just unfolded in ukraine and the world is watching yesterday a russian missile attack hit pava ukraine targeting a military educational facility in a nearby hospital the attack resulted in 51 confirmed fatalities and over 200 injured... Read more

Mit "Katretter" Leben retten | RON TV thumbnail
Mit "Katretter" Leben retten | RON TV

Category: News & Politics

Wir gehen nach warms nach dem großbrand beim chemieunternehmen rö haben heute brandermittler das gelände begangen noch immer ist die ursache für den brand unklar zumindest die gute nachricht verletzt wurde niemand nach firmenam gaben haben kunststoffapparate und leitungen in einem produktionsbetrieb... Read more

Saddick Adams Tactical Analysis On Niger 1 Vs Ghana 1, AFCON Qualifiers thumbnail
Saddick Adams Tactical Analysis On Niger 1 Vs Ghana 1, AFCON Qualifiers

Category: Sports

Black of ghana it was quite unfortunate black of ghana ofh last analis on gh of it has come to an end people have begin to realize you could see say he's talking out of emotions point of our national team and the lowest point asking we've been descending on the graph so if you draw a graph of the black... Read more

Gigi and Bella Hadid's Mom Yolanda Hadid Engaged to CEO Joseph Jingoli/ news update thumbnail
Gigi and Bella Hadid's Mom Yolanda Hadid Engaged to CEO Joseph Jingoli/ news update

Category: Entertainment

Welcome to spark news club today's news about gigi and bella hadid's mom yulanda hadid engaged to ceo joseph jingoli after six years of dating yolanda hadid who shares three kids including gigi hadid and bella hadid with ex-husband muhammad hadid is engaged to businessman joseph jingoli after six years... Read more