Texas Border Battle | NH Primary Results | Kim K & Balenciaga | Is Super Bowl LVIII Rigged? - Ep. 21

[Music] good afternoon everybody thanks for tuning in to the r you listening Stand Up Now podcast guys we got amazing show for you a lot of stuff in the news today man a lot of stuff breaking topics I'm over here in Florida you know how we do it my co-host Bo is over there in California handling the switches piping in on all the exciting news and topics we got for you guys today if you don't already know about the brand guys it's standup now apparel.com you can check us out we have the best merchandise available high quality shirts put in godf front and center standing up for American patriotic values you can check out the Hat the Bo has on that's the crest that's the logo super bold we got a lot of other great stuff check us out you can use the promo code listening and it's standup now apparel.com another thing you guys can do to support the show in the podcast help us grow we can't do this with without you guys is to give us a follow if you're not already subscribed share this for somebody else to see leave us a comment if you like what we're doing give us a thumbs up if you don't tell us about it and we want to engage guys we do these shows live twice a week with Thursdays we do testimonies we got some powerful people lined up you don't want to miss this stuff so make sure your notifications are turn tuned turned on and we're going to dive into this show I'm excited about it but we got some good topics starting off the head guys just so you know what we're going to be talking about in the show Trump was just uh uh uh told he has to be P pay $83 million in the defamation suit in New York we're going to dive more into that um after that guys we're going straight to the Border we're going to go into the Border we're going to break that down on what the Supreme Court ruling was earlier in the week what that means and the continual standoff at Eagle Pass we're going to talk about that what's going on with all of that and then we're going to go into and show you guys the states there's 25 Governors that have lined in to support Trump we're going to break that down show you guys the states we're going to also break that down with the electorial what that would mean those 25 states where they are now and what that would mean if it came down to that in the presidential election so amazing stuff lined up now we also guys haven't done a live show since the New Hampshire primary results we're going to dive into that we're gonna break into more about what Trump has to say on Truth social and a big controversy going on is the NFL rigged guys I don't know if you've seen anything about this I'm a sports fan we're going to dive into this and then last but not least because we bring you Culture Kim Kardashian and Balenciaga you guys remember that Scandal just a year ago people often forget so we're gonna remind you about that exciting exciting show Bo I'm excited what about you brother hey man I'm psyched I can't wait to talk about the Border I know you're hyped up about that there's a lot going on over there man it's a bit it's it's a mess it's been a mess for a while and this has been accumulation of kind of what's what's been happening since Biden's been in office this has been growing this whole time I really feel like you know um and it's coming to a head it's coming to a boiling point yeah yeah I mean I would even say the EEG Carol stuff is all a part of it it's really weird I think it kind of lines up personally I would agree with you so that came out guys just a few minutes ago if you haven't seen that uh Trump was just named where he has to pay $83 million in this defamation suit now he was already there was no rape he was not found guilty of rape at all he was there was the second time in a in a this a civil Cil course civil case where she filed this back if I'm reading this correctly correct me if I'm wrong Bo it was over social media comments that she got from people after a post that he made and she filed a second lawsuit and they just awarded him to pay 83 million dollar to this woman it's crazy yeah apparently it's regarding defamation on the campaign Trail and social media so she's suing him for defamation and the court just ruled in her favor which I think I don't know what to think to be honest I mean I know it's in New York I can say that right they're trying to bankrupt him with all the other cases they've got going on in New York saying he can never have a property there again so this is just another another uh how you say like a pebble on the pile you know yeah that's that's right and in this article it talks about that because he's still this other case that he has going on in New York over his businesses it's still possible that he could be hit with over $300 million if that gets ruled against him so you're talking about $400 million from his net worth gone and you can't tell me that they're not trying to attack this man in any which way because they see how much power he has how much he's not stopping and how much he's going to continue to be a voice of uniting people and we're going to dive into this more in this episode and I'm not the only one just saying this there's a Democratic presidential candidate who's actually saying this himself and you're not going to hear that anywhere else guys we had a dig for this video but that's what's going on is they're trying to stop him and you know slander in any way I really believe that yeah well I think his lawyer um Alina Haba just like walked out of the court today at some point because the judge was trying to file basically claim she's committed contempt of court trying to send her to jail in this case do you know do you know anything about like um the actual case like uh that it was in a um was a Nordstrom Rack or something but it was in the dressing room right next to Hotel it was in a department store the way I understand it is that supposedly she worked in the department store he walked in there looking for a something and then it was in a dressing room that's really all I I know in in the 90s yeah and then you brought up that he was never actually charged with rape it was brought down to a sexual assault charge and he was he did have to pay some money for it but that's but it was that was civil that wasn't Criminal correct not criminal that was that was civil yeah yeah correct correct um you said you wanted to go over to this video right was it this one yeah so yes yeah so if you guys don't know who this woman is this is a video of her this is the woman that has now been wed $83 million take a quick look at this letters I never thought much went on in the morning anyway women have facials in the morning they have their hair done and not me I like getting up at noon yeah yeah so I'm I'm not gonna jump to conclusions here right but that she she goes on to show her shed that she Paints the names of all her dogs and the trees and the woods and the Rocks I mean she's a little bit off The Rocker if you ask me she reminds me of like a less put together Chelsea Handler right now she's like I woke up around noon has a dog Chelsea's probably got cats you know does a bunch of drugs does dirty things then goes back to sleep till 12 so yeah that's what she she reminds me of somebody that would do all those actions that you just talked about you're right you're right you're right well she did so Trump did share some tweets that she had made they were either tweets or truths or something where she has some weird fantasies about about men it's it's very strange she said that rape was sexy at one point on a yeah she said rape was sexy yeah and that women fantasize over it and I mean let's be serious what's that book called uh 50 Shades of Gray that kind of like talks about all that stuff so yeah yeah yeah but then comes out yeah accuses Trump of of horrible things and has made millions of dollars but for the courts to be yeah $83 million that's crazy and that's just for defamation exactly that number is just so that so that amount to me shows that they're trying to attack him and diminish his money and and abilities you know yeah and keep him off the campaign Trail because he got he's tied up in court there's a lot going down with this um and uh you know we can tie it into everything else that's going on you ready to do that yeah yeah yeah I'm glad you brought that up because how much do you think this is going to play an impact because South Carolina is February 3rd you know that's a week away I I think you know um South line is not a big deal I think Trump's going to win that I think we're just going to move on I think it's when Haley going to drop out and I think the only reason she's staying in is because she has all this donor money coming in but I don't think this is going to have a big play in how Trump's elected I think people have already bought in they're either for Trump or against him and it it's kind of where we're at I Trump's gonna pick up new voters depending on the VP he picks uh but I don't think that it's going to play a big part in getting him elected now if if things happen at the border and two military go at it uh they could suspend it's called habus Corpus they could suspend the Constitution not have an election so that all ties in in a different way um I'm glad you brought that up let's jump to the Border I'm glad you brought that up that's a great Point all right here we go love it so yeah so earlier in the week guys uh if you don't already know the Supreme Court ruled from um a case that they started seeing it was a five months ago it was called The Lone Star bill that Abbott had signed at that time in the summer uh him and 15 other uh Governors had kind of came together to put razor wire to limit how many migrants were coming in because the federal government was doing nothing about it and we all know these migrants have just been coming in coming in they've been doing their best to ship them all over the United States but at some point this thing has to stop you know so the states kind of stepped in and the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government can go in and cut the razor wire so that was a ruling that happened this week they could go and remove it now they haven't started to do it it yet well they've tried border patrol agents trying to gain access to Eagle Pass and this is what the whole standoff is about the national Texas National Guard is saying no you can't enter yes but the guards themselves are not going against each other they are respecting the state at this point the state guards are telling the federal no and they haven't tried to push past that um in that in the Supreme Court just said that the border is responsibility by the federal government that's what the ruling basically showed yeah but see the thing is is when you have people actively breaking the law which we can say the administration and the border patrol are actively breaking the law they are trafficking human beings at the base of it that's what that's what's happening when you have a group of people that are actively breaking the law and allowing an invasion there's another part of the Constitution that I I can't remember the the article of the section basically States if the government doesn't protect you you have the right to protect yourselves and that's what Greg Abbott is doing by putting down all the razor wire yes so we actually have that clip from Greg Abbott why don't you hop to that YouTube clip this is what Greg Abbott has to say and he brings up that point in the Constitution so we don't want to mislead you guys this is the actual Governor speaking about that after Supreme Court ruling listen to this the supremacy the supremacy claw means that the constitution itself is the supreme law of the land the Constitution itself provides Texas with a right of self-defense in this case because the United States has abandoned its responsibility to defend Texas meanwhile Federal officials demanded the state of Texas so that's their stance that's the stance that they believe that that ties to the Constitution that it's written this way from our founding fathers because in the case this ever did happen that the states do have the right to protect against an invasion now you have some people on the left saying that oh if that's the case then a state of a govern Governor can say that there's an invasion from climate control or from pollution so this is wrong I don't know how you like yeah I'm like how can you take millions of illegal immigrants coming through this country you know to climate control how do you go there well it's because these people are insane I mean they we've we created we've created Perpetual crisis in order to stay in in a state of emergency that's what's happened with big Pharma the disease industry I mean as soon as Co basically these guys are restating what Co said you know if you create an industry that runs on Perpetual sickness you're going to have Perpetual crises to correct that and you know because they're all gaining money from it so he's just he's basically pointing out something we already know he's just doing it in the wrong way to back up his argument I don't know is that what they call a false uh uh equivalency I don't know but it's definitely nothing that's going to ever come from it I mean it seems like a farce you know it's just some type of way of false logic to to to back behind why the federal government should overstep the Constitution and yet when Trump was in office they said that he was trying to overp the Constitution but he never forced anything on the states here you have the federal government forcing the power on the states yes what was wild is Joe Biden gave him a 24-h hour notice yesterday and nothing's happened that 24 hours just ran over it's like every other time when you draw a line in the sand and you do absolutely nothing so when there he's making false threats to try to stir up the pot and in the meantime 25 so it was 15 states had came with Texas back in in the summer now it's up to 25 states have joined and they said that they are going to stand with Texas they are going to bring in their own guards and we have a document here actually shared and signed by all Governor you can scroll down to the bottom there of all governors of the 25 States that's what this is um oh it's right there I don't know if you can read that um I can't uh well jump to the map jump to the map make it a little easier for everybody that's watching and seeing there there it is so what we did guys is we went ahead and highlighted this um these the states in red are the ones the 25 that said that they are supporting Texas in this and they will send um State guards there um that was something that actually Trump tweeted out uh yesterday every time every time I move from this screen a new ad pops up I'm sorry about that I can't do anything about it but uh yeah yeah yeah so then truth uh Trump said this do you want me to read it yeah go ahead page two we encourage all willing states to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of illegals and to remove them back across the border all Americans support should support the common sense measures by Texas authorities to protect the safety security and sovereignty of Texas and of the American people when I am president on day one instead of fighting Texas I will work hand inand with Governor Abbott and other border states to stop The Invasion seal the border and rapidly begin in the largest domestic deportation operation in history th uh those Biden has let in should not get comfortable because they will be going home I don't know about you guys but leave in the comments what do you think of Bose's Donald Trump impersonation I think he might need a little bit of work he tries he has a good attempt but I only did a couple of words I could do you want me to do the whole thing let's reread this thing real no I don't think we need to do the whole thing I don't think we need to go there I don't think we need to go there uh but leave it in the comments guys let us know what you're thinking about I thought it was pretty good he definitely put in his effort A for effort I'll give you gotta have confidence my man no no doubt no doubt I love it so anyway what do you take from this I think that this is Trump stating the obvious of what's going on and I think that he's correct in this I think that the states do need to be involved and actively support Texas in this Mission because it's clear the federal government is overreaching in in this action now we were talking about something before the show about like how words can be misconstrued can you misconstrue this in any way or can let's say the the left misconstrue this in any way that may be harmful to Trump yes they would say that he would be inciting I that that's what I get from this this this is almost like he's taking leadership of all of the Republican Governors and basically taking a stance to push back this I think could be used as inciting against him I would almost argue that this is the real Insurrection right so so I just this this is actually what scares me the most out of that entire thing that happened these last couple days is when I saw this and then I worry there's there's people apparently trucker convoys heading to the border with 700 people and I go hold up guys slow down this to me smells a little bit like a trap and the reason I say that I'm just going to cap it off with this Governor Greg Abbott had three years to stop The Invasion at the border by putting down razor wire it took him three years to get it we're in the middle of an election season and all of this is going down what does that smell like to you yeah I don't disagree and I'll tell you what this is only this razor wire isn't on the whole border this is just a few miles of a couple hundred mile border you know so I agree with you and I'm glad that you brought that out you know you have all this people with this Convoy I think you let the military officials and the government handle this right now there's no reason for people to go down there and get involved because all that's going to happen is uh there's going to be a problem come from that you know I don't think that that's uh you know let the government work it out we're still at a stage and here's another thing too this is all going around a deal in the Senate that is around border security and Ukraine funding what does our border and Ukraine funding have anything to do with each other well they've been claiming that oh the reason we haven't had the Border solved is because you guys don't it's the Republicans fault they won't agree to it but they leave out the fact that the terms that they're agreeing to is support for Ukraine Millions more of our tax dollars heading to Ukraine in order to get support for the border and the Republicans have said no and they're making them out to be the bad guys and then I think didn't a bill go through the last week or two no no no no so it stopped so yesterday after Trump put out this this me this tweet and another one too the the the deal that they were working on in the Senate it's it's done and all and there's a couple there's a couple Senate uh sen Republican Senators that are saying oh you know Mitt Romney he's not really a Republican senator but there's one one from Oklahoma he's not he's not but he technically on that voting they count him as one and uh you know he said that they um that after Trump's tweet it it killed it and um there's it's whatever the Senate would bring would be dead at the house anyway they Johnson and all the House Republicans said nothing we are not going to sign a border security bill so of course this is a blaming game again that the Democrats will say the Republicans aren't supp aren't aren't uh voting to secure our border but what they're not telling the majority of people is that they need the only way that they're saying they'll secure our our border is if we send money to Ukraine which they have nothing to do with each other nothing at all so they're willing to put American lives American homes of the communities at Jeopardy and they're going to say that these illegals coming over it's humanitarian it's it's it's inhumane this razor wire is getting put up but they want to send money to Ukraine and not us you know what and the crazy thing is this Ukraine this money all of this ties back to what we have going going on right now we've got Donald Trump being sued over and over again for millions of dollars as he's trying to what it almost seems like uh tell the governors of the states to jump on and support Texas all while Carrie Lake and I'm surprised we didn't bring this up I'm just gonna bring it up Carrie Lake got a threat from her Republican chair basically bribing her blackmailing her to drop out of the Arizona race and I just go what is going on in the world in our country when we have a president a doj arresting the rivals because we also had a what was his name that got arrested uh well Navaro got sentenced Peter Navaro got sentenced he got sentenc to prison something that Steve Bannon same thing Steve Bannon got sentenced to a while back he ended up not serving in jail time but it was it was under the same thing and I just see tensions Rising on both sides and I just go guys go punch a pillow go uh smoke a cigarette I don't know like calm down I'm glad you brought that up because if you think about what was going on right before for election year in 2020 right you had the riots in the streets you had all these things popping up people were you know that was when the Kyle ritten house happened George Floyd all that was going on now and they blame Trump for all that now we have the Border all these illegals coming in but they're not blaming Biden they're blaming Trump again oh yeah in all of this yeah no they're blaming the Republicans because they're not coming to the table for a deal you know it's but it's they're also blaming Trump they're blaming Trump now they're saying that he has control of them there he has them in his in his and they're going to follow suit so it's almost like he's taking hold of these Republican states and they're following his lead that's what oh all the headlines that's oh yeah that that seems like the setup right there you know then all of a sudden you know I'll be honest like yesterday I was giddy not in a good way like things that are happening right now I was worried that for somehow some way you know he would have had his doors banged in this morning and taken off the DC I don't know but that's that's where we're at right so they start saying that that's the framing now they're framing everybody that he's the general you know and then he tweets something like that on truth and I go oh yeah well definitely not definitely not a smart move and I'll tell you what they try to make the United States as divided as possible I really think that that's their mission is they're trying to make us the divided States not the United States of America and that's a problem I did a poll because we all polls are coming out right I did a small poll you know on my Instagram have about 56,000 followers on there posted a story with a poll with the 25 States I said 25 states are standing with Texas is yours one of them so of the 56,000 people that are following on right now on that page is 64% say yes and 36% of the people that are following me actively engaging in my content there was about 1,00 people that looked at this that and about 500 answered um 64% said yes they live in those States and they support it 36% said they live in those States and it's not there but I had a hundred messages from people that said even though my state is a no because of government I am a yes yeah so just because these states that are blue if we is how we did it in electoral map doesn't mean that that's how the voters in these states feel that's just what the governors in those states are actively choosing to do well well look at like there are several States here like Arizona and Wisconsin that are really I mean come on like if there was if ktie Hobbs wasn't there if Carri Lake was there she said she'd be she'd be sending troops so absolutely absolutely I also just wanted to where did Alaska come from on this map and why is it pink well oh you can click it you can click it and it'll turn red so what this is is this is an active map I was kind of playing around with it to see the vote so scroll up just a little bit see yeah go back and turn that blue I want to show you guys something real quick yeah Nevada yeah but it was it was red it was it okay yeah I clicked on it all right go go up Scroll up this is if based on the states right now the 25 there's no down right to the number there you go so this is the electorial if based on the 25 states of the governor sending it now if it just came down to that Republicans would lose I'm showing this because the people that are watching this or the people that live in these states that are blue need to make sure they're getting involved and doing they can in this year in the voting election because this is why your state matters you know it really really does I would see think Arizona would turn red we don't know because what happened last year Pennsylvania I think it's a lost cause you know they just really you think Pennsylvania's lost cause they had to they had to count for two weeks to overturn that they vot they voted for Lurch they voted for Lurch in the Senate o over Dr Oz I I think I hear it from a lot of people Pennsylvania have you have you been paying attention to to Lurch the last few weeks no he's had a lot of amaz he thinks we need help with the Border he's had a lot of very let's just call it based comments about what's going on in this country it's been wild to see and Michael malice even called it Michael mice said don't under underestimate this guy he's also had an amazing recovery from a pretty hefty stroke so um you know he's he represents the blue collar man and he's actually he backs a lot of a lot of Republican ideals I think but he backs Biden but he backs bid that's true that's true so if he's aligning with these values and things that Republicans are does he does that mean people are going to vote for no they're going to vote they're going to go along with him okay so I I just point point this out just to show you guys how this breaks down right now I see a and Kentucky maybe maybe going right but who knows who knows maybe Kentucky I was surprised I was surprised yeah for sure for sure yeah um all right so moving on guys so uh earlier in in the in the week New Hampshire had had its primary and Trump won that you know he got all of those all all those all those all those delegates and I want to show you guys the vote count here do do you see right there so this is Haley she won a whole little kind of area there where the favored and if you look at the votes well what is the vote count different between Haley and Trump uh looks in this area in this area up top oh the vote difference is uh 36,000 36,000 that's not a lot no no that's not a lot she almost split that with him if you think about it now that there's only two people in the race think Iowa there was four people in the race now we are down to two and I gotta get tell you Nikki Haley said this was a two-person race she did but then she also said she won this state I hear you I hear you I'm not saying that was correct but it seems to me with 30,000 points off that it's going to get interesting I'm not I don't think she'll take South Carolina I think Nevada is g to be a state to watch to see what happens there uh or Nevada however you say that and um I I just think that it might be closer than what some people because there are some never trumpers out there and there's a lot of people that are Democrat that are getting in and voting in those states that they're allowed to vote and switch the party affiliation in this race but a lot of States aren't like that I think New Hampshire is they there were a lot of unlisted people like moderates and then crossover voters right that had Democrats voting for her in fact there was some videos going around of a guy saying he voted for Nikki Haley out of strategy that he wouldn't vote for her in the main election but voted for her here so Trump doesn't get the nominee and yeah exactly he did it for your democracy Gerard yeah thank you I appreciate it I I need you to protect it because it's so at risk I mean we got a crisis at the border it is at risk this is I don't think it's at risk from who's running in the Republican primary right right right from Nikki yeah yeah yeah I agree with you there it's not a it's not a RIS from the Republican primary like they want I love how the left does that I love that because all they're doing is they're telling you what they're doing but they're pointing the finger the other way it's the pot calling the kettle black that's literally what they do that's what they do that's what they do um so speaking of of after that you know just a few weeks ago on the show and this is going around everybody on the left likes to call Trump a dictator right Trump a dictator he's a dictator would my question to you is I don't know if you saw did you see what the RNC want to came out and support Trump and call him the candidate already they wanted to go ahead and and name him the candidate did you hear about that no I didn't hear about that yeah the RNC says they want to go ahead and name him and Trump puts out this tweet that says no don't do that don't do that don't name me as go ahead and read it I don't want to paraphrase okay no problem I got you I got you not in the Trump voice and you guys want the Trump voice let us know leave it in the comment he'll do the Trump voice wow wow he hates it go ahead and do the Trump voice St coar made a career out of that I think his might be better than yours mine mine is just like his it might be better go ahead while I greatly appreciate the Republican National Committee wanting to make me their presumptive nominee and while they have far more votes than necessary uh to do it I feel for the sake of party Unity that they should not go forward with this plan but that I should do it in the oldfashioned way and finish the process off at The Ballot Box thank you to the RNC for the respect and devotion you have shown me Trump 2024 now I do remember Ron McDaniel basically telling if you guys don't who Ron McDaniel she runs the RNC she's the chair um saying Nikki Haley drop out but I didn't that's all I heard yeah they were gonna name him so would a dictator make a statement like this is that a statement a dictator would make yeah exact exactly I like to show that because a lot of people won't ever see that because if they're not on Truth social or it's not shared by somebody else then they're never going to see the actual words of what he has to say he says he wants to win at The Ballot Box the right way and finish off what he started you know so there's no misconception yeah the problem is with Trump he gives people too much to choose from because he has this which which I think is great you know but then he's got the other one telling Republican Governors to run to to Texas to to Aid them in some sort of standoff so he's born he's born his birthday's in June he's a Gemini like myself so he has a little bit of that kind of double mind kind of going on I think so you should do the Trump voice I don't do it I don't I don't like in person I'm a bad imp person I personally don't like to impersonate people because I feel like it's some it could be looked at like a mockery or taken the wrong way so I personally I don't do it but I think it's funny I see I see you're one of those Godly gu no just kidding I don't like to mock people I don't I I think people could take it that way imitation is the finest form of flattery you know that's that's where I kind look at it I heard I I have heard that I have heard that yeah I have heard that to each their own no I hear you go ahead if you guys let us know guys in the comments what do you I want to know this I want to know I want to know I'm curious what do you guys think about people doing uh impersonations or making the Trump voice is that a mockery or is that totally fine or do you like Bose's Trump voice let us know guys we could get more um people on the left leaning side if I'm doing Trump's voice because there's this is the next Stephen coar he's brilliant yeah well look I'm trying to get everybody man we're casting a wide net here we're casting a wide net here with this guys because this year is going to be a year of distractions Heavy Hitters you already see what's going on with the the Border I mean it's coming at us and we're here to try to bring you guys information show you what we found all over and let you guys decide what truth is we're just sharing it for you guys that's the purpose of the show 100% um oh so I want to show you this so I actually made a little video clip on my Instagram and on YouTube and this thing went it went went pretty good people hadn't seen this so this was in um New Hampshire this is if you don't know who this is a lot of people didn't even know who he was I had so many people who is this his name is Dean Phillips he is a represented from Minnesota self-made millionaire funding his own presidential race against Joe Biden and this is what he had to say you got to take a look look at the governor is not a bad guy he knows Trump's going to win he's trying his best to prevent that I respect that but the writing's on the wall if Nikki Haley's in this race uh a few weeks from now I would be really surprised and that's the truth and the fact is we have a duopoly a two- party system that is literally working against voters and voters who don't want to show up and vote in primaries and then get frustrated by the choices we have in November that's part of the problem we have a crisis of participation and I got to tell you guys I went to a Donald Trump rally a couple nights ago never been to one uh I had an event across the street I saw the line of people waiting in the cold for hours and I thought what the heck you know I'm going to be a leader who actually invites people doesn't condemn them met probably 50 Trump people waiting in line every single one of them thoughtful hospitable friendly all of them so frustrated that they feel nobody's listening to them but Donald Trump a diverse crowd people who had never been to a trump event before my party is completely delusional right now and somebody yeah so what do you take from that I mean what what I take from it Dean hon what took you so long to walk outside and talk to somebody on the other side and find out that they're a normal reasonable person two congrats Dean you finally made it you get it we're all normal people over here do us a favor and forward the message to everybody else just like you did so we can get back to nor normal and run this country right I don't know that's what I think yeah no look I think he did a good job I agree with you for going because right now you got to think of what Joe Biden's saying anybody that supports Trump magga Republicans are those extremist people they're these radicals so here he is saying hey these guys aren't as radical as you think and you guys are delusional for thinking that but but I also think too he's trying to get some votes I think he's trying to get some votes yeah you know I I do like the fact that he called out his own party very rare in today's political sphere but uh you know he might be trying to get some votes too which is gonna have him keep the power and the CLE moves on but you know you know what I think um I I do think that you're right that he um you gotta think in their Democratic party they stick together they always stick together now here's somebody one of the younger ones and he says you know what Biden's been doing is is not good he's old for anybody not to see this is wrong he goes on in that interview he shares a little bit CNN comes back and baners they said do you think what you're saying is helping Biden do you think it's helping the party he's like I think it's helping people to see the truth they're like well would you support if it came down to Biden or Trump who would you vote for he's like Biden of course well of course he's gonna say that but that doesn't mean that the people are these extremists that the media and Biden and the whole Administration likes to paint and think so I give him credit for doing that yeah you it takes a strong person especially in that party that is so Concrete where if you step out of the bounds whatsoever you're osterized for the rest of your life to sit here and go hey guys maybe you're a little bit delusional and he didn't say it a little bit he said you're delusional so Gotta Give him props where props is earned right I'm just like yeah no no doubt three years on the same timeline at least he's willing to do it at least he's willing to do it you know in a time right now where so many people are spewing hate he said you know what people aren't as crazy as you might think because what's going on is wrong what's going on is wrong yeah I still don't those flat earthers no that's that's a conversation for another show we're gonna have somebody we're gonna have somebody on the show we're gonna dive into that you got we're gonna dive into that one day this way oh yeah oh great yeah we're gonna have some we're gonna have some fun guys if you guys have enjoyed we're not over yet but if you guys have enjoyed up to this portion of the show go ahead and leave us a comment share this with somebody else guys if you're not already subscribed subscribe to the show make sure your notifications are turned on we we are going to grow guys and we want to grow with you and through you so we appreciate all the support as we continue to do exactly that and bring you guys more news and in addition to news and politics we want to dive in and give you a little bit of culture right because that's an aspect of our world too is culture and what's going on so I wanted to bring this I don't know if you've seen this I'm a sports fan and uh bo I know you're over there in California in uh San Francisco well well no I'm just saying you one of your teams in California Frisco there I know you're I know you're a soy boy in California you probably don't watch I no Nome was GNA ban it Nome said he's not Banning it you know and stuff like that and giving all those giving all the girls the steroids over there not the guys but you seem like a reality TV guy to me no only work could be could be yeah exactly exactly so anyways a bunch of conspiracy going on on social media and out there is is the NFL rigged if you guys haven't seen this scroll on down here Bo and all this comes from the color of the logo oh no first first first okay go go back up a little bit excuse me so there was a guy I'm sorry down my apologize guys I thought I saw something a little more okay here we go so this guy saw on his local news and you could see it better than Meo my eyes aren't as good as yours you're Clos to the screen there this was on his local news it popped up yeah go ahead Rea McIntyre Usher and post Malone are slated to perform at San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore Raven Super Bowl matchup on February 11th so in case you guys aren't sports fans and you don't know there's still four teams in the race so it had those still two more games to be played before they would be announced so this was on the news yeah this was on the news and then if you scroll down this gets interesting this gets interesting here look at the color of the logo so the last ones the last two years are up top and each year it's been the color of the teams playing in the Super Bowl so they've already announced the bottom lv3 and the colors are red and purple the only teams that could possibly match up with that are Baltimore and San Fran and now you think football is a is a stage is totally I I I personally do not I'm just saying that this is going on and it's getting a lot of attention it was on the pat mcfey show it's been all over social media Tik Tok everywhere in stagram there talking about it well that's what people are saying that's what people are saying you were talking about flat earther second ago what do you think about this yeah these people remind me of the my flat earther friends no uh yeah you know I I say this listen uh it sounds like a great marketing plan over the last couple years people have been saying that football's planned out I'll be honest you're down to the last four five six teams maybe eight teams you've got about a thousand different uh possible Super Bowl Graphics drawn out and then you just put the teams and now you can AI generate them so somebody didn't even have to work hard they just go AI generate me an lv3 Super Bowl logo with San Fran and Baltimore now do Eagles and Redskins or whatever it be right no this is the real no this was the real this was released from the NFL these are real these are real these are real the actual logo that's the real logo for the Super Bowl this year no I understand but so so think about this you you you're you own the Super Bowl right um you're this guy that he's throwing a pride night for for the middle of of uh your Super Bowl yeah it's a third third time they've done that by the way I want to point that out and and I don't watch the NFL let me just say this I stopped watching the NFL years ago because of everything that's been going on this just ran across my radar I'm a college football fan but I do agree with you for clarifying no I have to because all this stuff with it's the third time that they got this middle of the week glad Pride night what is pride have to do with the Super Bowl so so listen this guy's woke right he's and then he starts to hear this this like theory that football's planned out it's all a stage it's like wrestling they they predict everything he goes you know what hey I'm going to get some one of my designers to create a couple different logos with a couple of the teams we're g to make sure we can propagate this and keep this going so then he basically has a a website and a news now the news organization is interesting but I could news organization that's what I was gonna ask you so but I could print up four of these Graphics here for LV Super Bowls and put different teams and then just flash those out there and get people stirring about how it's all planned you know now agree agree because it gets you a lot of interest because you know they make a lot of money on those commercials lot now this is weird then it was this let me ask you this was this guys in The Newsroom be like you want to serve some controversy did you see the thing about the logo watch this you know went fire you know that's exactly what it is yeah that's what I think it is that's what I think it is like you want to see something go viral check this out yeah yeah that's Hil I agree with you I think it's more Happ St than agree we agree look at that guys and we can laugh about it isn't that great that's what we all need to do a little bit more a little bit more that's so funny let's chop over to go ahead you got something to say add no no no go for it go for it who would you want to chop I gonna say yeah the next culture bit now I think we'll agree on this too but uh I want to point this out guys because people have short-term memory very short-term memory so earlier in the week Kim Kardashian she uh announces that she is is now the face with Balenciaga right she's partnered back with that brand she takes his photo shoot 129 purses in her closet each are valued at over $3,000 Whatever Whatever She's Got Money she can have as many purses that she wants but I want to remind people that it was just a year ago just a year ago when Balenciaga came out with this ad so Kim Kardashian is endorsing now as a face of the face of the brand again but Balenciaga you remember this backlash guys this was a year ago this was was a year ago when they had these children in these I I miss uh bondage yeah bondage thank you thank you for correct bondage Bears yeah these bondage bears and you can scroll down and all the little hidden things in there and they said it was a coincidence now I I know somebody that's in advertising and commercial no go up that's the one so that book you guys might not see that there but there's a certain book placed on that desk everything when people are doing and you're you're in Hollywood you've been in you've been in some shows and commercials you know that when people go on to get something to film how many people are working on that set at that time to set things up just perfectly when they take those pictures you have a full Department dedicated to this full Department people know about it people are lining this up this isn't just a oh the book was there and I didn't know about it type of thing you know and there's other go down to the other kids pictures and I want to point this out because Kim Kardashian who's now the face of this she got backlash last year and she kind of stepped back and you know oh I'm not going to deal with it there's the other one that was afterwards people put that on the blaga stores they were putting you know pedophile and all that on all the brands this was the other one that they wanted to play she's now the face of this brand that did this to children because people she thinks oh I'll take the money now people have forgot about this can can I just say those shoes are ugly like come on like would you really get your kid that pair those pair of shoes and they probably cost $2,000 I wouldn't put my kid in any of that clothes the the values that these big designer Brands and all the stuff you know and this goes down you can go down the rabbit hole on this stuff guys you know on the things where there's kids on you know um what's that shopping site you seen some of that stuff no what are you talking about oh you haven't seen that oh man antenna's up antenna's up antenna's up for sure there's things where kids are being possibly sold on um uh Overstock kids being sold there's pictures there's pictures that are generated out there where it's certain pictures or faces or certain things and the prices are astronomical you know and the this this was all this was all around the Baga year two years ago this was all out and they all have kind of been taken off because it started being found out you know all that went undercover they were getting very Brash with this stuff and that's after the blaga and all that came out just a year ago they everything kind of got pulled back they were getting very bold I don't know sick world we live in a sick world we live in a sick world there's no doubt about it so I just thought for Kim Kardashian to come out and say I'm gonna be the face of this brand you know and disregard all this because she thinks people thought forgot about it now let me ask you do you think she cares about anything other than money and fame no no and uh so that's why it's it's unsurprising to me you know I what what really bothers me is that there are people that still support people like this that's what like like Kim Kardashian's a person in herself and whatever she can choose to do whatever she wants but it's people that will support her it's almost like like they like to say Trump supporters are like culty or followers he could do no wrong it's like well look at yourself in a mirror you know I mean Kim Kardashian does all this evil stuff and you're G to sit here you're GNA watch a reality TV show you're gonna support her and I think what the worst thing that we've done in this country is make dumb people and unmotivated people famous and it's it's people idolize them I agree I think a big part of what's wrong with society today is the Kardashian show I think that if you look back at the drama about how men would come in and different things would happen and then there this there's no real men in the household you got to think the father turned into a transgender you know and then the other men that each of them were with um they're all gone they left them now or they or they have surrogates they have no reason to have a man in the house I think that women are looking at this that have grew up watching the Kardashians since they were teenagers are now idolizing this culture and mindset and that's what's led us to today I think that they're part of the destruction and the removal of a man and a woman coming together having children the the right way and God's image and mind you know and the destruction of masculinity I really do I think get all ties together I think they're part of lot people like to think that Chris Jenner the basically the reason the whole show got made is a very smart person because you know she's basically set her family up for success for the rest of her life I go yeah maybe or she's just pure evil because she sat there and planned out the sex tape that made Kim Kardashian famous that is evil and you expect me to think these people aren't having afflictions for minors like it's nuts for sure so I want to go back to what I say I don't personally know Kim herself but you got to think if her mother were doing this to her right her father and mother divorced at early age no father in the household even though he got you know got killed he was you know early on and then the her mother's this way if her mother had her doing this what type of impact did that make on her that led her down that path of all these things yeah not a Christian one I can tell you that much you know well I I I think a lost one I think people get lost in that you know that's just just that's just where I'm at on that that yeah I mean the fact that she thinks she can step back into Balenciaga and pretend like she's the face of it again without any repercussions without Balenciaga suffering dramatically I don't even think like like listen like we had a bunch of boycotts last year one of which was the Bud Light boycott that was amazingly successful UFC even picked him up picked him up and they're still losing jobs uh so nothing's been more successful than that but to sit here and just prove to you Balenciaga I don't think suffered at all think it was like a it was like a blink and it was over it's because of that higher clientele right because the average American isn't buying that stuff right I would never spend that much money on something like that so those that that higher Echelon type of financial statue you know don't doesn't care about that is it safe to say that those people align themselves with people that are doing horrible things to children like no I wouldn't say that I wouldn't say all of them I think that they just don't feed into it I think that they're just not even caught up in it they don't even care they don't even know they they either don't know or they just don't even it's not like oh it's whatever it's not true well because you don't because you don't care does that give you an excuse to Contin to to basically in my eyes like I go oh you don't care then I'll be honest you're no better than them right well then they didn't look into it so that's ignorance you know I right I would probably air on the side of they don't know because if they don't care then that's an even bigger problem yeah yeah so maybe you're right maybe the word choice of they don't know fully you know but they but if they heard it did they care enough to look into it right so you know ignorance be yeah I would say there's a lot of things out there right there's a lot of things speaking to us in our everyday life different things going on um you know and that's why we Nam the show are you listening right because there's so much stuff going on and what are you choosing to listen to so one of the things on the show guys I know we talk about news politics culture but we always want to end with God because at the end of the day God is the Alpha and the Omega he's the beginning and the end without him none of this would be here and we wouldn't be here and be able to do what we're doing and headed on the path where we know we're going to go through his lead I had this verse and I want to just read it to you it's from 1st Samuel 3:10 you got it up there because I had I actually had somebody uh yeah 1st Samuel 3:10 so 1 Samuel 3:10 y so the verse is 1st Samuel 3:10 and this is what it reads and the Lord came and called as before Samuel Samuel and Samuel replied speak your servant is listening so I just point that out because I want to say that God speaks today just like he did in the Old Testament in the New Testament God is speaking today it's up to you if if you are choosing to listen and to obey and to follow his word and you can't find that connection without first opening the word seeking it out yourself and building that relationship and it truly is a relationship it's not going to come like that it's something that has to be nurtured and you have to dedicate time to it indiv idual time and you have to go in it yourself don't take my word for it I invite you to open it up and seek it out because I truly believe there's extremely power in there that's beautiful yeah and it it actually you know goes back to your story because you are exemplify that you're like it was a relationship that's when you told me so yeah yeah no for sure and and it's something that takes time and it's it's it's individual for each person and it grows on different levels as you open yourself up to that I would say that you know so all this stuff that's going on go ahead I was just going to say like you know especially like in my journey like I've become more and more religious these last like five or six years because of the fact that it's become kind of punk rock in a sense and uh well I haven't been putting in what I think is the appropriate time and I'm certainly going to do more um I think it's it's cool that you know as we get older we look for more reasons to why we're here right and well go ahead I think for me you start to see like I had experiences in my life and I shared that you guys can go and check out my testimony but there's things that you start to see that get revealed to you and you just really things your eyes just get opened more and more and I think through that we when you go in the word it more and more is revealed to you so um it's not just all this society and everything that's going on today but I think when you dive in the word it's revealed to you why the madness is happening yeah love it that's for me and and you and you said religious I would say spiritual for me I'm I'm very spiritual I'm not very religious I follow certain things but I don't like that relig I'm spiritual spiritual religion has got got in on that real quick because I had somebody else who recently told me he's not religious it was actually very big actor um but he preaches the word of God and He does you know he says you know God is a relationship very similar to what you're saying so can you just go into a little bit more that what is the difference between uh the spirit and religion in your eyes uh the spirit is the spirit is a relationship where you dive in and you listen to I always look love to look at what Jesus had to say those letters are in red for a purpose right so I look at that and then I go into the Old Testament I read those stories and I see how God spoke to and through men they were of sin every single one of them he used them and was able to work through them for a greater purpose and good and Jesus in all his teaching teachings everything that he says is about a relationship it's about seeking out fully believing religion is a set of rules that you must follow or you must do this or that and Jesus says that none of that matters none of that matters it's the relationship that you seek out that's cool that's I I actually I really do like that and I can I can identify with that I think one of the things that I hated the most about you know Christianity is the religion idea you know you have to go to this place be there such not the schedule's a problem with me but like there were rules there were formulas to it versus like the relationship that you're claiming it to be like I just always thought and you know especially when you're young too I always thought you know if there's a God then why do bad things happen you know and my family was falling apart so I feel like I I fell away from that this church is like no we want you guys to be get and I'm just like it's not how life works so it was very interesting um to see you break that down thank you for that well I'm glad you said what you just said because everybody thinks that because there's a God bad things doesn't happen God never said that right that's no that's nowhere in the Bible God's never said that so that's a misconception of how the world is and how God because he uses tough things all the time throughout all the stories of the Bible and I think now today to bring men to seek him out closer and build that relationship never said bad things happen yeah well you know it's the story of I think that I think that's right the story of Job where it's bad thing after bad thing after bad thing happens to him but uh one of the reasons I didn't get baptized was because you know I was in that mindset where I'm like this many bad things you know it's like like wait how many like okay I get one or two you know but this many bad things and uh and so it's like one of the reasons I didn't get baptized is because there were so many bad things happening and I also was at a really weird place in my life you know my dad was leaving my mom was in a wheelchair and uh I didn't really have any opportunity to to to seek seek help and um you know it's that going back to the story of job you know you learn about it later and you're like oh yeah bad things are supposed to happen it's getting through it to make you stronger yeah no that's that's tough that that you had to go through those things and it's real for saying that because a lot of people are in those situations and then they don't turn to God they don't know how to seek him out and I would say that a big part of what Jesus talks about is forgiveness not just forgiveness of others but forgiveness of yourself how many things do we hold on to that we're not able to forgive fully of things that happened the situations we were in and but when we're able to do that on both sides that's when the true relationship builds and that's what Jesus talked about that's what I realized for me you know and I think a lot of people struggle with that and I think that's a problem with you know today in society nobody wants to work through those issues they'd rather give you a pill for anxiety or depression you know and this is no dig on anybody that has been given that because doctors pass it out like candy it's the first thing they want to give you but are by taking that are are you able to actually truly work through those things that you have those issues over and forgive are you holding on to that and how is it affecting you certainly a Band-Aid is what it seems like to me yeah so for sure for sure guys uh thanks for listening most and most definitely thanks for tuning to the show if you like what we were talking about throughout the whole show if you miss it we're going to break this up into video clips make sure you subscribe to the channel leave the notifications on and uh leave us a comment let us know what you think I want to know the com what you guys think about Bose Trump voice earlier in the show so if you didn't just tune in now go back and listen to it I really want to get some Fe I can give it one more like there's like a little punch line I like to do maybe you guys real quick go ahead and give it ready go ahead so uh I'm rubber you are glue whatever you say to me bounce off me and sticks to Nancy bowy come on guys you you tell me you tell me I'm telling you Nancy Pelosi you made me laugh made me laugh and with that with that we're going to end with a prayer and don't forget it I I I oh yeah you leor called me out I know you're watching right now you're speak thank you thank you on that for sure for sure all right anything specific you uh you you want me to pray for and guys we uh we always go back and review the comments so if you have something you want us to pray for you for leave it in the comments and we'll pray for you on the next one you know what given the the president of unity I want to pray for peace unity and uh Community can you think you get those three definitely for sure peace unity and Community got it got it all right dear heavenly father we just thank you for this moment for this opportunity and time to be able to connect together to not only share the information that is coming across our feeds but to break it down and to allow open conversation to come father we just thank you for the ability to connect even though I'm in one coast and Bo is on the other that we can unite together and share truth so everybody that's listening can hear the truth of the message we have to give to hear hear your word your dialogue and your truth father we just pray for unification for community and for peace across this nation as this border tension is rising up father that you'll just place the hands that only you have the strength that you have to protect this nation as we know that we were built under your principles under your your laws that we just pray for will be lifted up we pray that your name will be spread all across and that people would learn to know and seek you out in all things we pray all these things in the name of Jesus amen amen well said thanks for watching guys thanks for watching guys have a great day have a wonderful weekend we'll catch you on Tuesday

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